Page 1: KEEP / ECO Net Meeting Notes Round table …• Have networking/professional development for projects, ie: low impact development

KEEP / ECO Net Meeting Notes January 21, 2015

Silverdale Water District Building 12:00-3:00 pm, optional webinar 3-4:00


Round table discussion: • Events, upcoming programs, updates about your organization • What is KEEP and what do we want it to be?

Member Development Block Grant update and discussion, lead by Rose DeFawe Eppers of EarthRight Insight Member Discussion:

• Which calendar platform to use • Details for sharing member information (use PSP’s on-line forum?) • Group outing ideas:

o Weekend hiking and/or kayaking o Weekday evening activity o Spring or summer potluck?

Video Preview by John Williams of Still Hope Productions and Sea Media 3:00 Adjourn, or break before webinar: 3:00-4:30 Ocean Acidification webinar by NOAA’s SOARCE program

In attendance:

John Williams of Still Hope Productions and Sea Media Rose DeFawe-Eppers of EarthRight Insight DouGlas Pulenshus of Washington State Department of Ecology, Water Quality Program Pat Kirschbaum of Kitsap County Public Works Stormwater Division and Clean Water Kitsap Renee Johnson of WSU Extension Water Stewardship Program Teresa Brooks from the Kitsap Conservation District Alex Sherman from the Kitsap Conservation District Spring Courtright from the Olympic Outdoor Center and Spring Cleaning

Page 2: KEEP / ECO Net Meeting Notes Round table …• Have networking/professional development for projects, ie: low impact development

Round table discussion: • Events, upcoming programs, updates about your organization • What is KEEP and what do we want it to be? We all shared what we have coming up and what we’ve been doing. Some shared what they’d like for KEEP / ECO Net as well as what hasn’t worked. Upcoming events:

Kitsap Water Festival – April 14 at the Kitsap County Fairgrounds. If you’d like to do a presentation, contact Melissa Dennis from Kitsap Public Utilities District at [email protected] Salmon in the Classroom is looking for volunteers – contact the Clear Creek Task Force at [email protected]. Volunteer training is February 10, 5:45 - 7 pm at the Clear Creek Interpretive Center (the Red Barn) in Silverdale.

Suggestions for things we’d like from KEEP:

• GO SEE THINGS as part of meetings, ie: visit a wastewater treatment plant or the Bucklin Hill stream bypass projects

• Have combined HCWEN/KEEP meetings (Hood Canal Watershed Enhancement Network in Mason County)

• Take a guided walk with EarthRight Insight • Have networking/professional development for projects, ie: low impact

development • Make e-mails more concise and for longer messages have bullets at the top

of each with what’s in the message • Reach out to the faith community as no ECO Nets seem to have a base of

members from this community • Networking and info sharing are most important aspects, so allow time for this

at each meeting – open up to more project brainstorming and invite members to ask all for support, ideas, etc.

• Possible outings: campout, movie night, photography tip talk, Green Drinks Member Development Block Grant update and discussion, lead by Rose DeFawe Eppers of EarthRight Insight

We discussed the membership development plan report details that are due February 1, 2015. Determined 5 target groups to reach out to for potential new members in order to fill membership gaps:

1. Arts/media/culture (including printing and graphic design 2. Sports and recreation 3. Agriculture (including farmers, co-ops, local food-related organizations) 4. Civic/Community service (including libraries) 5. Built environment (including Home Building Association, solar panel


Page 3: KEEP / ECO Net Meeting Notes Round table …• Have networking/professional development for projects, ie: low impact development

We also feel we should reach out to local tribes. Spring will be reaching out to S’Klallam tribe, John to gardening clubs and Rose to the Chamber of Commerce. An e-mail will go out by March 1 to all members with guidelines for inviting new members.

Member Discussion:

• Which calendar platform to use • Details for sharing member information (use PSP’s on-line forum?) • Group outing ideas:

o Weekend hiking and/or kayaking o Weekday evening activity o Spring or summer potluck?

No calendar platform was decided upon, but Spring is looking into the Puget Sound Partnership’s planned forum website for ECO Net members as an option. No details for sharing member information was discussed as time ran short. Group outings: Greendrinks was the main event members present at this meeting were interested in utilizing as a social event. Spring is researching when/where Greendrinks will be happening and will share details with members.

Video Preview by John Williams of Still Hope Productions and Sea Media This agenda item was moved to the March meeting agenda in order to provide more time for discussion.

Ocean Acidification webinar by NOAA’s SOARCE program Four members stayed to participate in the webinar.

The slides for the webinar will be available soon on NOAA’s SOARCE website. There are great tools for educators here!

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