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Anita Alkire



[email protected]

Ray and Sandi Garris

Director of GWRRA


Ken & Patti Kintner

MI District Directors

(517) 902-9893

[email protected]


Michigan Team Contact

Information is

listed on last page

Wingless Weekend has come and gone. If you have not been to Wingless Weekend in a while you sure missed out on all the fun. We had FUN skits, games, crafts, Leadership Training, Rider Ed Training, and more FUN. We spent time with our friends who share a love for riding. We selected our new District Couple of the Year: Julian and MaryJo Meade from Chapter D2, and our new District Individual Dandy Don Smith from Chapter F2. Some of our friends don't ride any more but come to spend time with their GWRRA family. It was a great weekend. The 2020 Wingless Weekend theme is 70's flower power. Ken and I spent the weekend after our Wingless Weekend at the Indiana Winter Rendezvous, where we had 17 Michiganders attending. We are stealing some of their ideas for our next event. We went to an Amish home and had dinner on Saturday evening. And

Ken and I won their grand prize of two tickets to a concert at the Blue Gate Theater, Two dinner vouchers and a room at the Blue Gate Inn. It is good until the end of the year. Now we just have to pick a weekend and concert we want to go see. Please make time next year to attend Wingless Weekend 2020, our team works hard to give you a FUN time. We want to thank the District TEAM for all the work and FUN ideas that they bring to us.

Ken & Patti Kintner

Michigan District Directors

Ken & Patti Kintner

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Marcy Collins is the 1st place winner of the $10,000 Grand Prize in the Michigan District Raf-


Pictured left to right is Ken Kintner, Michigan District Director. Eddie & Charlene McDougle,

Michigan District Treasurers. Marcy Collins, The Winner. Larry Kephart & Wanda Booth, Chap-

ter F2 Chapter Directors. Larry Kephart sold the winning ticket to Marcy Collins!

Michigan District $10,000 Raffle Winner

Margaret Holley is the 3rd

place winner of the $1,000 in

the Michigan District Raffle.

Michigan District $1,000 Raffle Winner

Douglas Soule from Zephyr Hills, Florida is

the 2nd place winner of the $2,500 Prize in

the Michigan District Raffle.

Congratulations to Douglas Soule!

Michigan District $2,000 Raffle Winner

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District Educators

Dennis & Felicia Schulte

Spring, spring, spring, Thank you all so much for supporting the Rider Education program in Michigan. Your time spent visiting with us at the Rider Ed table at Wingless Weekend 2019 in Houghton Lake was a joy. Yes, we “make” you play games for the chance to win fabulous prizes, but that also means we get to talk to you. We do want to be there to share safety tips but we also want to be your friends while doing it! There is no taking your money and running. We had some fabulous handmade items from Mona McCaulley, Gayle Jisa, and Sandy Bargeron. We are so grateful for chapters that still participate in helping us fund the Rider Education program by donating items such as Chapter F2, Chapter J, and Chapter N. Individuals that continue to support us are Brent and Sandy Blackburn, Ken and Patti Kintner, and Randy and Cheryl Wiggins. They help share the load with our personal donations. Without Jan and Ron Smith, it wouldn’t be half the fun nor would we have half the money to be able to replace supplies that are used and equipment that ages out. Rider courses continue to be planned and set up. Amazingly enough, there have been a lot of schools and businesses closed this winter, thus no one returning emails or answering the phones.

Our location in Stockbridge has re-paved their parking lots and do not want us on there even though we use spray chalk that washes off in the rain, so we will not be able to hold a class there. Ionia has been scheduled for April 27, Pontiac for June 1, and Grayling for June 22. We are still waiting for Sault Ste Marie to allows us July 13 or July 27th. We can’t wait to see you out there on the range practicing your skills. Safe travels, Dennis and Felicia MI-DE Below is an article we found online about distracted driving.

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District Educators

Dennis & Felicia Schulte

Attention Limits

Your radio may be one distraction too many

By: James R. Davis When everything is going right, riding a motorcycle is effortless and completely enjoyable. By 'right' I mean that the weather is perfect, traffic is light, the bike is familiar and well maintained, and you are rested and healthy. Given these conditions you have the potential to focus entirely on those things that demand your attention - or to be lulled into believing that you can afford to be distracted for a few minutes, and die in a heartbeat. On the other hand, there is never a better time to see the fields you are driving past, or smell the aroma of freshly cut grass, or to enjoy the sight of a couple of hot air balloons in the distance than when everything is going right. Is this not a safety conflict however? Permit me to suggest that 'paying attention' is not only not the same as 'being alert', it is almost the opposite - these are mutually exclusive concepts except as regards to whatever you happen to be focused on. Indeed, letting your attention 'wander' is very much the same as being 'alert.' There is a lesson to be learned with the distinction. Assume that you have a limit to how much your mind can pay attention to at any single moment. You can be aware, for example, of traffic conditions all around you, of how fast you are going, of the sounds your engine is making, of the approximate time of day it is, of the words to the music you hear in your headset from your radio or tape or CD, of the surrounding countryside unfolding around you as you drive by, of the temperature, of how long it's been since you last ate or made a potty stop, and of the general location and status of the motorcycles both in front and behind you. It would seem to most people that there is no limit to how many different things you can be aware of at any one time. This, because you scan these things quickly and PAY very little attention to them, so long as each appears to you to conform to what you expect of them. The ability to notice that something is wrong is called being 'alert.' When, during your attention scanning effort (i.e., while your attention is wandering) something happens out of the ordinary, is unexpected, then a wondrous thing happens within your mind - you FOCUS on the discrepancy. You PAY substantially more of your attention to it. And now you find that your ability to be attentive to many things at once has reached a limit!

For example, if you are driving down a freeway at 70 MPH and happen to notice that a truck some distance ahead of you has just blown a tire, then you will be so completely focused on that truck and what is around it as well as your reactions to that event that you will almost certainly no longer be able to notice the scenery to the side of the road, nor are those hot air balloons able to get your attention any longer, even if one of them were to fall out of the sky. What we have discovered is that not only is there a limit to our ability to pay attention, but when our attention is focused our ability to be alert to other things is diminished. THAT is dangerous! When we have to focus on some aspect of our riding we are forced to diminish the wandering of our attention. For example, if it is raining and after dark we tend to narrow our visual focus and concentrate on what we see ahead of us. At this time we do not have the ability to let our attention wander very far for we have very little attention left. Indeed, if we then discover that we are lost the very first thing we will all do is to slow down so that speed is no longer consuming any of our attention - we have already exceeded our limits. This is no time for us to have a radio on or be listening to a tape! That is the message here:

In any situation in which you must focus your attention you must at the same time reduce as many distractions as possible.

If you are riding an unfamiliar bike, make sure the radio/tape is off and that you do not test any other limits (such as high speed or steep lean angles.)

If traffic suddenly increases or becomes 'weird', hit your mute button and reduce speed if possible. If the weather suddenly turns bad, hit your mute button and reduce speed if possible. Clearly your radio can become one distraction too many.

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District University Coordinators

Rick & Joy Hebner

Shoulda, woulda, coulda… We had a great time at Wingless Weekend! It was great seeing those of you that were there. If you were not there, “shoulda, woulda, coulda”. You”shoulda” been there, because you missed some great training opportunities. You “woulda” had a blast learning new things, and seeing all your friends. You “coulda” walked away knowing something new, or reinforcing something you’ve learned in the past. We would like to thank all the trainers for presenting some great seminars; they all did a great job. If you were not there, this is what you missed: From the University: History of GWRRA presented by Carol Williams and Public Speaking presented by Rick and Joy Hebner. From Rider Ed: Co-Rider presented by Brent and Sandi Blackburn, High Side Scenario presented by Tom Rushman, and How to Ride in the Rain presented by Felicia Schulte. From Motorist Awareness: Help us Survive the Ride presented by Gary Williams. We’d also like to thank the 157 of you that came to the seminars for your

participation. I’m sure you walked away with some new information; we sure learned valuable information by attending them. There is still another great training opportunity the 9th of March in Jackson MI. It is “Lead Like You Ride”, a training event that will be presented by Clara Boldt, the University Director for GWRRA. This is an all-day class that starts at 8am and ends at approximately 4pm. It will be held at Rivertree Community Church, 3113 Lansing Ave.,Jackson MI. Please let us know by March 5th if you plan on attending, or have questions. Our numbers are: (989) 274-8202 or (989) 245-7926. Learning is fun! Rick and Joy Hebner, District University Coordinators

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Gary & Carol Williams

Couple of the Year and Individual of the Year Wingless Weekend 2019 was a fantastic success all around. We had an amazing Individual and Couple go through the Selection Process. I thank, once again, our Judges who walked through the process with them. They were Rudy and Linda Copeland, Rick and Deb Warmels and Larry and Linda Shaule. We appreciate all of you! I am very pleased to introduce you to our 2019 Individual of the Year, "Dandy" Don Smith from Chapter F2. If you were at Wingless, you knew he was excited and proud. If you weren't at Wingless, when you see him next, you will know how he feels! It is great to see his enthusiasm for his honor. Congratulations "Dandy" Don! 2019 is Your Year. I am also very pleased to introduce you to our 2019 Couple of the Year, Julian and Mary Jo Meade from Chapter D2. I must say that their faces purely glowed with joy when given this honor. I know they have made D2 proud, and I'm sure they will make our Michigan District proud. Congratulations Julian and Mary Jo! 2019 is Your Year. As you see Don, Julian and Mary Jo throughout the year, make sure and congratulate them on their honor and give them a GWRRA hug. If they are at one of your Gatherings, be sure and introduce them to everyone when you are introducing and honoring your Chapter Couple and Individual. After missing Wingless Weekend last year, it was so good to be back this year. Summer Camp was a blast. We had fun being your 'Camp Counselors.' The games were varied and fun, the crafts were 'crafty' and fun, the give-a-ways were plentiful, the ice cream and pie were delicious, the seminars and modules were

informative and interesting (and fun!), the skits were hilarious, the meal was fantastic, the vendors were great, the door decorations unique and fun, the couple of guys making snow angels were a hit (even though they were a bit crazy for doing them!), seeing friends from near and far was a fun blessing, and the highlight for me was honoring Don, Julian and Mary Jo. What a weekend! Since I think I'm running low on adjectives to describe the weekend, and fun did get in there one or two or six times, I'll just say I am so looking forward to next year's Wingless Weekend! Blessings, Carol Williams MI District Couple/Individual of the Year Coordinator 517.262.6314 [email protected] 1146 Scarlet Oak East Jackson, MI 49201

District Motorist Awareness Program Coordinators

Medic First Aid Coordinators

Couple of the Year Coordinator

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Gary & Carol Williams

MFA/CPR/AED Sometimes we hear that members don't see the need to repeat the Medic First Aid class. "I've taken it once. I'll remember it." Well, the truth is, unless you have a photographic memory, you do need to repeat the class. Pretty much everything in life is learned by repetition. Since you hear it and practice it only once every few years, that's not really being repetitious. Being reminded of life saving techniques should be a no-brainer, as they say. Several Chapters have already had their classes, and I thank them. Others are coming up soon. If your Chapter has not yet made plans for theirs, you only need to have a minimum of 6 members and may have up to 24 with prior approval. The cost is still only $25 per member. You need to choose 3 possible dates and submit them, with the remainder of the information, on your request form and send it to me. The request form is found on the website. Please help me, help you, by following this simple procedure. At this time we only have 3 instructors in the state and need to make sure we have one or two for you. Coordinating dates can be fun??? If you are someone who enjoys sharing with others and feels that you could learn the Medic First Aid/CPR/AED information, understanding

that we may only teach what information is given to us through the program, contact me. At this point in time I have one individual who wishes to try and become an instructor, but I need several more for an instructor's class. If you think that this is too time consuming for you to consider, let me explain that you are only required to teach one class a year. Contacting me doesn't mean you are committed, it simply means you are interested, and we can go from there. So think about it, and then let's talk. "Staying Alive," Gary Williams MI District MFA/CPR/AED Coordinator 517.262.0896 [email protected] or [email protected] 1146 Scarlet Oak East Jackson, MI 49201

District Motorist Awareness Program Coordinators

Medic First Aid Coordinators

Couple of the Year Coordinator

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Gary & Carol Williams

Motorist Awareness Most all of us are motorists. We could drive just a 4-wheel vehicle such as a car or truck, or we could drive those and our 2-wheel or 3-wheel "friends." It doesn't matter what we drive, or even if we are only passengers, being aware while on the road is vital, potentially life-saving. As a Motorist Awareness coordinator for your Chapter, you are simply helping others realize ways that they can more easily see our motorcycles on the road. We reach out to the general public through schools, churches, youth groups, clubs, bike shows and more. Programs are short and informative. Reaching students in schools, youth groups and the like, help them learn early on to watch for motorcycles. It makes them better passengers now and better drivers later. Your Chapter may or may not have a coordinator. That is really up to your Director and Chapter Team. If you choose to have a coordinator, they may be a part of your Chapter Team. They are considered an extension of your Team, such as your Goodies or Sunshine persons, or your Ride Coordinators, therefore an MOU is not required. I do have patches and wings for them to wear on their vest to show their position. One quick reminder to all Chapters, As of January 1st, the Motorist Awareness reports are due on the 30th (or last day) of each month. Please understand that these reports are completely voluntary, but very much appreciated. If you have a MA Coordinator in your Chapter, they may send us the report. Otherwise the Chapter Director may send it. It is simple to complete. No numbers are involved, so no keeping track of how many--just if it was done. If the report page is not yet on the website, and this is

NOT the quarterly report that has been on it, then I would appreciate if you would send me an email with your report. Just let me know if you did any of the following, or perhaps something else concerning Motorist Awareness. □ PRESENTATION □ PUBLIC SPEECH □ PERSONAL CONTACTS □ BIKE NIGHT □ LITERATURE DISTRIBUTION □ SIGNAGE/BUMPER STICKERS □ PARADE □ MAP TABLE AT ANY EVENT □ REST STOP □ YARD SALE □ SWAP MEET/FLEA MARKET At this time I would like to extend my thanks and congratulations to the Coordinators that we have at this time. Tim and Jeanne Reimers from Chapter J, Dennis "BamBam" McAlister from Chapter E, and Earl and Bobbi Gerard from Chapter J2. Thank you all for stepping up to help inform others. Always be Aware, Gary and Carol Williams MI District Motorist Awareness Coordinators 517.262.0896 or 517.262.6314 [email protected] 1146 Scarlet Oak East

District Motorist Awareness Program Coordinators

Medic First Aid Coordinators

Couple of the Year Coordinator

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District Member Enhancement

Dennis & Gayle Jisa

What are we doing here? We have been GWRRA members since February of 1986 and members of Chapter E. We have held many positions within the chapter as well as the positions of ADD, Vendor Coordinators and Treasurer in the District. Ken & Patti asked if we would accept the position of Membership Enhancement, when Tim & Pam Hansen asked to step down and we agreed right away! We have always loved being involved and hope we can help you to keep your members coming back, add to your FUN, and help you in any way we can. Please feel free to ask us any questions or share concerns and we will do our best to find the answer for you.

Remember as MEC for your chapter you are the Social Coordinator. You help plan some FUN events and work with your Ride Coordinator to share FUN programs GWRRA has to offer. Reach out to those prospective members and welcome the new members, so that they come back time after time. Talk to them and invite them to join you on a ride (easiest way), join in a dinner event or gathering. Contact expiring members, as we can all use a reminder once in a while, and it shows YOU CARE!! Share your enthusiasm and it will grow!!

We wanted to give a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Jon Badour of Chapter V, Arthur Perry of Chapter E and Larry Treynor of Chapter R2 for becoming NEW LIFE MEMBERS this year! We are so glad you have stayed with us to have tons of FUN and look forward to seeing you at the

events this year!!

We would love to have you share some ideas of things

you do in your chapter for FUN with us. We in turn can share those ideas here with the other chapters. We will soon be into the riding season but there are things we can still do to have FUN in the weeks ahead. Movie nights, dinner nights, socials with snacks and board or card games, go bowling or challenge another chapter to join you! It’s time to get your summer riding schedule lined up. Ask members for input of some place they would like to go. Plan day rides, evening rides, longer 2-3 day weekends or perhaps a weeklong trip. Are you hosting an Anniversary Party or Fun Run this year? Get your flyer approved by your ADD and share it on the MI Events page. The rallies are on the calendar and then there is WING DING! Are you registered yet or have your room reserved or the campground where your chapter can all be together?

We are looking forward to working with you as we move into the riding season of 2019!! Go out there and have FUN!!! Till next time….

Dennis & Gayle [email protected]

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Assistant District Directors

Phil & Char Smock

North Section

News From the North Isn't it FUNny how life balances itself out? Snow, snow, rain, snow, wind, snow, ice, wind, snow, so on and so forth. Now, don't go feeling sorry for us Northerners; we chose to live here! Just Sayin!!! Many of our section members escaped the crazy weather we've experienced this winter, and it looks like they are having a great time in warmer climates. However, those of us who chose to stay have been plagued by broken bones, surgeries, sinus infections, pneumonia, and heart issues. But, those were balanced out with great group meals, Chapter events, not having to go out in this weather, members helping each other and Wingless Weekend. Thank goodness for Wingless Weekend! It was a great deal of FUN with members from all over the state braving the roads to have FUN with each other. The Summer Camp theme couldn't have been a better way to lift our spirits and give us reason to wear shorts, swim, play cards, eat, win prizes, do skits, give out awards, attend classes, laugh, laugh and laugh some more. Plus, watch a couple of crazies make snow angels. It was just a GREAT time, and the best schedule we could have asked for. Nothing overlapped and no one was rushed to get to the next big thing. It was also nice to not have an Officers meeting before we headed home.

The North Section members who attended met for breakfast on Sunday before heading home and saying goodbye. We already had two of our Section's Safari Rides planned to coordinate with Chapter Z's Campout in June and as the Rally's Wednesday pre-ride. We'll have those out to the District Ride Coordinator to put on the overall calendar by the time you read this. Our main topic of discussion was when to hold the North Section Campout. It's believed the individual, chapter-hosted campouts were getting a little stale and not very well attended, so we are kicking it up this year. We are planning a group campout in Germfask. Between the two campgrounds and a lodge there, we hope to draw a nice sized group and spend Saturday riding over to Kitchitikipi Springs. Everyone will be on their own with a potluck dinner planned for Saturday evening after we return from our day ride. This gives everyone in the section, and beyond, the ability to make the kind of arrangements that make them comfortable. Again, balance; balancing needs with wants. So, watch for our flyer, we hope to have it ready by Blarney Bash. We also hope the weather gives us a great day to travel on March 9th so we can see all of our wonderful GW friends and have s'more FUN! Until next time, Phil and Char

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2019 District Couple of the Year

Wingless Weekend


Julian & Mary Jo


Wingless Weekend 2019

was the biggest weekend that

Mary Jo and I have ever experienced. We were chosen as the

2019 Michigan Couple of the Year. We were shocked but proud

to represent our home chapter D-2, Howell, Rick and Sherry

Birchmeier, Chapter Directors; and Rob and Pam Robinson,

Assistant District Directors were a great help in preparing us for

the COY Review, and offered encouragement to us through the

entire weekend.

If you did not attend this event you missed having a great time.

You also lost a good chance to blow off some winter “Cabin

Fever” which everyone has by February in a Michigan winter.

Wingless Weekend was held at the Lakeside Resort &

Conference Center, right on Houghton Lake and was only about

2-hours from our home in Brighton. Besides being a nice hotel to

stay at, it also offers great snowmobiling and ice fishing by

walking out the back door to the lake’s edge that is only 50 feet


Friday night was special because we had a great steak dinner in

the Hotel’s restaurant with a chapter friend. As it turned out we

had a special guest at our table. Sitting with us was “Dandy” Don

Smith who was made Individual of the Year for 2019. “Dandy

Don” will be a real credit to the position. He has a lot of energy

and enough personality for 2-people.

On Saturday morning, we attended a safety seminar put on by

Brent & Sandy Blackburn. The seminar hits some good points on

riding in the rain or any type of foul weather for the upcoming

riding season. Plus Sandy settled a big question for me on the

issue of “Frog Togs V. Tour Master” rain suits. After the

seminar I drifted over to the registration desk to look at the

winning numbers that we had on our bracelets. I was one number

off from winning an Atomic Clock. I had #125 and the winning

number was #124. First thing I thought was what luck off by one

number. I looked in the office and Mary Jo was carrying the

Atomic Clock under her arm; she won it. Mary Jo was #124! We

now have an Atomic Clock in our family room.

Carol Williams, the Michigan COY Director walked us through

the entire process and guided us from one event to the other. That

was a big help. Friday afternoon, we started the Couple of the

Year process by talking to 3-sets of Chapter Leaders who were

very experienced and former COYs themselves. In fact one

couple was Rick & Debbie, the 2018 International Couple of the

Year who came from Indiana to attend Wingless Weekend.

Some of the questions were hard because they made really think

about what the GWRRA means to you. All the questions were

fair with no trick answers, most questions required you express

your personal feelings and experiences in the GWRRA. We

learned a lot talking to these experienced couples.

Saturday night, we gave a 5-minute speech in front of entire

group telling them about ourselves. This was the easiest part

because after 11 years of membership in the GWRRA, Mary Jo

and I had a box car load of fun and experiences visiting other

chapters and so many wonderful memories touring around the

state and the country. If we started with the beginning when we

bought our Goldwing we could have stood on the stage for 5-


Mary Jo and I are the 2019 Michigan Couple of the Year, and we

have a mission to encourage all the chapters to choose and honor

their COYs and encourage them to go through the process to

become the 2020 Couple of the Year for Michigan.

The Couple of the Year Review is painless and is very

confidence building for those that participate. You might be the

Chapter COY and asking yourself what would I say? The answer

to the question is easy; simply speak from your heart and mind

and tell your story. You would be surprised how many people

want to hear it.

Fun and friendship is the glue that keeps the GWRRA together. If

you did not attend the 2019 Wingless Weekend, you missed a lot.

Don’t let “cabin fever” set in next winter. Make your plans early

to attend the 2020 Wingless Weekend and talk it up with your

Chapter. It’s a lot more fun to attend with your good friends.

We were so happy that we attended the 2019 Wingless Weekend

and that we had decided to try the Couple of the Year. It was

good to see our friends again and we hope to see even more

friends in 2020 at the next Wingless Weekend. We hope to see

YOU there.

Julian & Mary Jo Meade

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2019 District Individual of the Year

Last September, I was selected as the 2018-2019 Individual of the year for our chapter F-2 Davison.

I was so honored of this new position that I couldn't think of what to say. For Real !!

As Wingless Weekend drew near, I informed our chapter that I was going to go to Wingless Weekend

and go through the process for the Individual of the Year for the Michigan Team as well.

I had sent my resume to Carol Williams, who is in charge of this wonderful program in December,

after Christmas, so she could have it prior to Wingless Weekend.

Upon arrival at Lake Resort in Houghton Lake, Mi, I was greeted with open arms from everyone

I ran into. NO, I didn't hurt anyone when I ran into them. I was over joyed with the whole program.

I had an interview with all the judges around 4:00pm on Friday afternoon. There were three (3)

sets of Judges. Rudy & Linda Copeman from Ohio, The new International Couple of the Year

from Indiana and the new 2019 District Directors of the Year from Ontario Chapter H in Canada

Each of them were excited to be a judge for us. The interviews went quite well and later that

evening we had to get up on stage and tell our little


It came my turn and I was kinda nervous to get up in front of everyone, but I did it and am

was glad I did. I started talking about my life since I joined the Gold Wing Road Riders

Association and I got kicked off the stage before I could finish, I was just getting started

when I had to get off the stage. So, to make a long story short,

I was selected as the 2019 Individual of the Year for the State Team of Michigan

and I am proud of that. I will make every effort possible to meet with as many

chapters as I can to promote this great program.

Thank You so much for the Judges and to Carol Williams for having such a

wonderful program. Keep up the good work - see you next year at Wingless


Dandy Don Movin On

Mi Individual of the Year

for 2019

Don Smith

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Who will be the next Leprechaun King and Queen?



Chapter J2

Presents the

Blarney Bash

March 9, 2019

Please: RSVP by March 1

When and Where 1:00 pm- 6:00 pm 145 Wilcox Parkway Clare, MI 48617

FOOD - Dinner at 4:30 pm

Afternoon Snacks Dinner – Homemade Stew & Creamed Chicken Biscuits or with Irish Bread Salads Desserts from the Dessert Contest

Clark and Sandy Wentz, ACDs [email protected] 989-948-7320

Phil and Char Smock, CDs [email protected] 989-737-6533

DRAWINGS & CONTESTS Rider Education dolls and clock Irish Auction Irish Dessert Contest (open to all) Coloring Contest Costume Contest Games Euchere Tourn’t (minimum of 12 ppl)

COST: $10.00 per person

Clare VFW &

Recruiting to GWRRA Through parade participation

Presentation of Chapter Couple of the Year Individual of the Year

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Come one, come all

Chapter V Chili Cook-off

At Our Monthly Gathering

Wednesday, March 20th

6pm for Chili Tasting, Gathering at 7pm

Freeland Memorial Park Building, 150 Park St Freeland MI

Bring your favorite chili and enter

Or just come and be a judge

People’s choice

Grand prize $25 gift card – No cost to enter

For more information contact: Glenn Wegner, Chapter Director, Phone 989.835.5385 Or Dave Frazer, Assistant Chapter Director, Phone 989.662.3397

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Gold Wing Road Riders AssociationMichigan District Rally

August 8-10, 2019Osceola County Fairgrounds

101 Recreation Ave. Evart, Michigan 49631

Theme: M*A*S*HPlease Type or Print CLEARLY

Advance Registration FormRiders Name GWRRA # Exp Date

Co-Riders Name GWRRA # Exp Date


City: State or Prov. Zip Code

Telephone #: E-mail: Chapter:


Number Registering X $23.00 Children Under 12 Free Total: $


Number Registering X $15.00 Children Under 12 Free Total: $


Number Registering X $25.00 Children Under 12 Free Total: $

Master’s Breakfast (Breakfast Limited to 300 people) All you can eat! $10.00 PER MASTER X $10.00 Total: $

On-Site Registration ONLY! After July 24th, 2019: Member: $30.00 Non Member: $35.00. Children 12 years and Under Get In Free.

NO DISCOUNTS DURING ONSITE REGISTRATIONCamping Fees: Thursday - Saturday ONLY is Payable with Registration - Early Arrivals or Stay past Sunday AM must pay Fair Office!

All RV CAMPERS - ANY SIZE: $20.00 Per Night Thursday - Saturday # of Nights X $ Total: $

BIKE CAMPERS or TENT CAMPING: $17.00 Per Night Thursday - Saturday Campsites are First Come First Serve. NO ADVANCE SITE SELECTIONSSite Occupancy Will Be Available Beginning MONDAY 8/5/19 at Fair Office Building - Due to their Fair closing on Sunday! Osceola Grand Hotel, Evart, MI 231-734-0470 Mention GWRRA Michigan Rally for discount rates.

Lone Pine Motel, Clare, MI 989-386-7787 24 miles east of Evart

Rally Shirt Orders MUST Be Postmarked On Or BEFORE July 24, 2019. No On-Site Shirt Sales!Short Sleeve TEE Shirt with Logo: $19.00 Each for Small to X Large $23.00 Each for 2X Large or 3X Large

Small: Medium: Large: X Large: 2X Large: 3X Large Shirt Total:$

Payment Method: Check or Money Order Type An X In The Box:





Rider Signature: Date:

Co-Rider Signature: Date:Refunds By District Director’s Authorization Only. Please Do Not Reduce Or Alter This Form

Make Check or Money Order Payable to: GWRRA DISTRICT-MI Mail Registration and Payment To: Eddie McDougle, MI District Treasurer, 17515 Louise, Southfield, Michigan 48075 Any Questions, Please Call Ken Kintner At (517) 902-9893

Page 17: Ken & Patti Kintner - GWRRA - Mi



34 Years & Going!!34 Years & Going!!34 Years & Going!!34 Years & Going!!

Gary’s Restaurant 906 E Colby Street , Whitehall, Mi

(Less than a mile o' the Whitehall exit

Heading towards town on the right side)

Date: March 23, 2019

Time: 4pm– 7pm

Cost: $10.00/person

Taco and Pizza Bar w/Dessert

50/50’s & Games & Fun

RSVP By March 18th!

To Sandy @ 231-301-2171 0r

Farmer @ 231-557-7500

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Chapter J’s

First Annual Picnic





Chapter will Furnish Main Dish/ Table Service/Water

Lunch will be at 1:00 pm Bring a Passing Dish

RSVP by Saturday May 25, 2019

Chapter J CD’s Gary and Carol Williams (H) 517-788-4538

or Gary 517-262-0896 or Carol 517-262-6314

[email protected] or [email protected]

Lots of



All Chapters Invited

Louie’s Lake Ride

11:00 am—1:00 pm

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Wing Ding 41

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District Event Photos

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District Event Photos

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District Event Photos

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District Event Photos

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District Event Photos

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District Classified





extra used parts, trim pieces for saddlebags, original

low trim, original rear rim, original saddlebags, 3 wind-

shields, rear fender. GREAT PRICE AT $9500.

Located in Coldwater MI, call Ron or Terese at 231-


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District Classified Heated ladies jacket and pants, size large, electric, plugs into the bike. White. $350 or best offer. Only used once.

Padded ladies jacket with safety padding in elbows and shoulders and reflective color. Large, white. $200 or best offer.

Send inquiries to the following email: [email protected]

If anyone is looking to step down in size from a Goldwing or looking for a second bike I have a great ride for sale since buying my Goldwing.

I have a great motorcycle looking for a great home. 1998 Honda Magna VF750, with less than 24,000 miles. Lots of accessories: Tour Master Luggage Bike lift / Cover

Battery tender New tires Cover

Great Brakes Mustang seat Kuryakyn Highway pegs Stored in garage always This runs like a champ and I’ve taken great care of it and I love the bike, however selling due to pur-chase of a Goldwing and don't need a second bike right now. Never been laid down, maintained very well.

$3k. Let me know if you or anyone you know may be interested.

Pictures can be seen on my FaceBook page.

PH: 248-770-2319

Thank you and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Best Regards,

Chris Peurach

Madison Heights, MI

2008 Honda Goldwing audio comfort maroon in color 46000 miles c b , pinstripe lots of chrome plus tires next to being new also have escapade elite trailer 2008 same color to go along with this deal asking 12,5000 obo email me or call [email protected] or call 519 948-8973 ask for Ron. Ride safe guys and gals


$50. CALL RON 810-397-7318

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$200.00 CALL RON 810-397-7318

Ron Tidball



2317 Rifle River Trail

West Branch, MI 48661

Chapter Y

For Sale

2002 Honda trike (California side car -cobra) - 91,000 miles

Has independent suspension, garage kept, cb, highway pegs, trailer hitch, cover. Excellent condi-tion. $18,000 or best offer.

Email [email protected] or

Call 1-989-430-0084

For Sale



MILEAGE 59,394



Bill Bower @ 1-734-461-3364

2008 Pearl White Honda Goldwing 1800 w/CSC trike kit. 16845k miles, one owner, garage kept. Ultimate passenger backrest, passenger transformer boards, luggage rack, spoiler with break lights, phone charger receptacle behind passenger seat, passenger armrests with pouches, chrome throughout bike, CB, Tulsa vented windshield. 6 degree rake, independent suspension. Pin striping by Mountain Man. White Dart utili-ty trailer w/spare tire, also pinstriped to match bike included. $26900k.

Don 734-558-0658 NO solicitors please.

Posted 05/18/2018

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District Classified Page 3

From Richard Phariss, 30625 Constance Ct., Chesterfield, MI 48051 (586) 596-2837

Member of the former Michigan Chapter A

2004 GL1800 Gold Wing for sale, White. Many “functional” accessories installed, including tall F4 wind-shield, mirror-mounted turn signal indicators, Gerbing dual control for heated clothing, heated grips, backrest, highway pegs, 32 oz Butler, passenger 22 oz Butler, passenger armrests, passenger transform-er footrests, luggage rack, rear spoiler with run/turn/stop light, Bushtec trailer hitch, Bushtec 16 qt cooler. 146,000 miles and in good condition for the mileage on it. Asking $6500. Selling due to health reasons. Contact Richard Phariss at 586-596-2837 or [email protected] GWRRA # 074780

Also available for sale (prices negotiable):

Tour master Flex Series II Jacket Men’s XL (serviceable condition)

Tour master Flex Series II Jacket Women’s Cut L (like-new condition)

6th Gear Hi-Vis Ventilated Jacket XL (like-new condition)

6th Gear Hi-Vis Ventilated Jacket L (like-new condition)

Tour master Rain suit XL (like-new condition)

Tour master Rain suit L (like-new condition)

Frog Toggs Orange XL (serviceable condition)

Frog Toggs Orange L (serviceable condition)

Gerbing Jacket Liner XL (like-new condition)

Gerbing Jacket Liner L (serviceable condition)

Gerbing Heated Gloves Old Style Large (serviceable condition)

Gerbing Heated Gloves T5 Microwire Large (like-new condition)

Gerbing Heated Gloves Ladies Medium (serviceable condition)

Gerbing Union Ridge Heated Pants Large (serviceable condition)

Gerbing Union Ridge Heated Pants Medium (serviceable condition)

Gerbing Heated Sock Liners Medium (like-new condition)

Gerbing Heated Sock Liners Small (like-new condition)

Gerbing Heated Insoles Medium (serviceable condition)

Gerbing Single Temp Controller (serviceable condition)

Laren Motorcycle Jack (like-new condition)

Many men’s and ladies gloves in various condition in addition to above Gerbing gloves

“serviceable condition” means good condition and ready for use – no repairs needed

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District Classified Page 4

I have for sale a beautiful 2005 GL1800 Goldwing trike in "Hot Rod" yellow.

This trike has 112,300 pampered miles.

Lehman "Monarch II" conversion with all of the option including aqua boards and light bars'

E-Z Steer and recently rebuilt front end with a new tire. The rear wheels have been upgraded to chrome with new tires.

Tasteful pinstripes etc,,, done by the famous "Scarecrow"

It has all of the standard Goldwing features plus all of the audio options such as CB radio, digital mu-sic player (replaces the CD player), plus an aux. patch cord, plus a trunk spoiler with brake light. It come with two covers.

There are custom touches everywhere you look on this bike, way too many to list here, and many of which are color matched.

It has Kuryakyn passenger armrests and floorboards and driver backrest, along with many many added chrome goodies... Too many to list here.

This rig has been extremely well taken care of and it shows. The paint is flawless and everything works as it should. Words alone don't do this bike justice. Pictures available upon request. Thanks for looking!

Priced at $21,500. The bike is located in Saginaw, MI. 48609. For more details, call Tim @ 989-737-4709 or email @ [email protected]

2002 Honda Goldwing GL 1800 Illusion red, 2004 CSC Trike, ground effects w/fog lamps; Kuryakyn floor

boards, heel toe shifter, front rake, Baker wind wings; 1 full cover & 1 half cover; 129k miles. Color-

matched CSC trailer w/carpet-lined interior, garment bag, interior light; chrome wheels, tongue & hitch; ice

chest; front bra; full cover. Three Nolan helmets, rain gear, jackets. $16,500 for all.

David Smith, (517) 331-3994, or

email [email protected].

Posted 04/11/2018

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District Classified Page 5

2000 Midnight Blue Escapade trailer, never driven on a dirt road.

Just about every extra that could be order on it WAS! : )


Luggage rack

Chrome tongue



Cooler tray, cooler and cover (new zipper)

Dome light

Garment bag

Mud flaps with Escapade chrome inserts

Spare tire, never used

2 hitches, one black, one chrome

1 small grease gun


Always covered and stored in garage. New zipper on cooler cover. Very good condition. $2,500

Please contact Jan Wheeler 616.392.5414 or [email protected]

Located in Holland, MI

Posted 05/18/2018

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Event Fliers

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Event Fliers

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Upcoming Events



March 9 Blarney Bash Chapter J2 Clare

March 9 Lead Like You Ride Chapter J Rivertree Community Church

March 20 Chili Cook-off Chapter V Freeland

March 23 Anniversary Party Chapter N White Hall


April 6 Spring Officers Meeting Michigan District

April 11-14 Mall Show Chapter J

April 27 Anniversary Party Chapter G


May 4 Mystery Dinner Chapter R & R2


June 1 Picnic Chapter J

June 7-8 Campout Chapter Z

June 8 Fun Run Chapter E

June 13-15 Buckeye Rally Ohio District


July 21 District tickets due to ADD Michigan District

July 27 Feast S2


August 8-10 Michigan District Rally , Evert Michigan District

August 27-31 Wing Ding 41 National Event


September 28 Anniversary Party Chapter Y


October 5 Anniversary Party Chapter F2

October 12 Anniversary Party Chapter V

December 7 Christmas Party Chapter C

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District Directors

[email protected]

[email protected]

Phone 517-902-9893


Assistant District Directors

Southeast Section

Goodies Sales

[email protected]

Phone 517-458-4438


Assistant District Directors

East Central Section

Vendor Coordinators

Phone 248-627-5714

[email protected]

PHIL & CHAR SMOCK Assistant District Directors North Section Phone 989-737-6533 [email protected]


Assistant District Directors

West Section

[email protected]

Phone 231-557-4792

Dennis & Gail Jisa

Membership Enhancement Coordinators

[email protected]

Phone 734-289-3289


District Educators

[email protected]

[email protected]

Phone 989-269-3998


District University Coordinators

Rick, [email protected]

Home (989) 667-5752 Cell (989) 274-8202

Joy, [email protected]

Cell (989) 245-7926


District Ride Coordinators

[email protected]

[email protected]

Phone 248-627-5714


District Treasurers

[email protected]

Phone 248-559-6239


District Motorist Awareness Program Coordinators

C.O.Y. & I.O.Y Coordinators

Medic First Aid Coordinator

[email protected]

Phone 517-262-0896


Assistant District Ride Coordinators

[email protected]


KEN KUIPER - District Webmaster

District Newsletter Editor

[email protected]

Phone 586-201-7901

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