
Wealthy GoddessWealthyTM

Kendra E Thornbury’s

COACHING PROGRAMUplevel your business, your money, your wealth.


I am the source of all wealth.I am rich with creative ideas.My mind abounds with new, original, inspired thoughts.What I have to offer is unique, and the world desires it.

My value is beyond reckoning.What the world needs and desires, I am ready to produce and give.What the world needs and desires, I recognize and fulfill.The bounty of my mind is without hindrance or limit.Nothing can stand in the way of my inspired creativeness.

The overflowing power of God life energy overcomes every obstacle, and pours out into the world, blessingand prospering everyone, and everything through me.

I radiate blessings, I radiate creativity, I radiate prosperity, I radiate loving service.I radiate Joy, Beauty, Peace, Wisdom and Power.Humanity seeks me and rewards me.I am beloved of the world.I am wanted wherever I go.

I am appreciated. What I have to offer is greatly desired.What I have to offer brings a rich reward.Through my vision the world is blessed.Through my clear thinking and steadfast purpose, wonderful new values come into expression.

My vision is as the vision of the mighty ones.My faith is as the faith of the undefeatable.My power to accomplish is unlimited.I, in my uttermost God Source, am all wealth, all power, all productivity.I hereby declare my financial freedom, NOW and henceforth forever!

– Will Bowen


You’re about to embark on a unique mentorship experience.This path is specifically designed to help you powerfully move forward inspiritual and practical ways that include attracting ideal clients, building abusiness from your Feminine, handling sales and money conversations withconfidence and ease, creating a lifestyle of your dreams and embodying anunstoppable conviction to unapologetically live your soul’s purpose!

My mission is to equip you change-makers so you have the spiritual andfinancial freedom necessary to create the impact you are here to have.

You have a message and a mission, and you want nothing more to bring that intomanifestation in a way that feels good to who you are, contributes greatly to ourevolving world and compensates you well. You want to transcend your moneyfears once and for all and achieve true and lasting wealth... from the inside out.

Now, I have to warn you.I don't want to waste your time or mine. I'm not the right mentor for everyone.

I’ve been called…

A spiritual growth ball busterTransformational guide of epic proportions

Shamanic business coachRefreshingly honest

Uniquely soulful and directYEAH BABY!

I don’t hold back.

If you want to coach with me, you need to know…I take a no excuse approachand I WILL call you out. I’m not going to mess around with your stories and IAM going to help you get results. I’ll help you blast through your upper limitsand align who you really are with a business lifestyle you love.

I will teach you the leadership and personal mastery skills you need to createincome growth and lead a fully expressed life.

Wealthy GoddessTM is a cutting edge program open to alimited number of women ready and willing to do what ittakes to achieve success. It's a premier coachingprogram for heart & soul centered women entrepreneursready to create lasting spiritual & financial success byaligning who you truly are with service & profit.

What makes the Wealthy GoddessTM program stand outis that it blends the best of the spiritual & the businessso you can make a whole lot more money in a lessamount of time & help hundreds (if not thousands) ofmore people... without sacrificing your soul or workingharder.

It's a one-of-a-kind support system providing you thebest (& very essential) combo of the Feminine andMasculine, the Spiritual and Business, Soul and Money,Divine and Practical!

Clearly you’re the type of person who won’t put up withmediocrity and will except nothing less than living yourbest life.

Let's Make It Your BREAKTHROUGH Year For FreedomOn YOUR Terms!

It would be my joy to welcome you to this unique path,and more importantly, your next and truest expression ofyour freedom.

You can count on my committed self, giving my best inservice to you. If I am the mentor for you, and you makea full commitment, I guarantee you will see results.

With all that I am,

Kendra E Thornbury, MA


If you’re ready to finally be unapologetically FREEwhile helping the world, then now is your time to work with me.


Create success on your terms...Goddess Style! We offer three pathsto help you launch your passion and manifest personal, financial, spiritual and lifestyle fulfillment.

IMMERSION✦ Biz & Money

Acceleration Seminars

✦ 2 LIVE Retreats

✦ 1 Monthly Group CoachingLed by Kendra

MASTERY✦ Everything in Immersion

✦ 24 Private CoachingSessions with Kendra

EMBODIED WEALTH✦ Everything in Immersion

✦ 2 LIVE Retreats

✦ 16 Private CoachingSessions with Kendra

✦ 4 Private MentoringSessions with Connor

✦ 4 Group Mentoring Sessions with Kendra + Connor

Only 3Spaces Left


Have CoachedWith KendraTo Qualify

“ I needed a powerful mentor who could hold

space for me, teach me, stretch me to fully

step-up and into this new role for myself and

my business.

Wealthy Goddess Live was apivotal point in my journey. Even

the name Wealthy Goddess was strange and

foreign to me. I wasn't a goddess, I was a


I was drawn to Kendra! I loved her energy. I

wanted her confidence.

I wanted her lifestyle full ofspaciousness, ease, travel (YES!), Iwanted her business bad-assery!

There was definitely a lot about her and the

event that I didn't quite understand, but I

followed my intuition, my knowing. I knew

I needed to attend. Best decision I made!

In 3 short amazing, powerful, transfor-

mational days, I knew she was my mentor

for ME! She was the one who God had sent

my way.

She is the one who saw my brilliance, yet

knew there was so much more to me, so

much more for me to step into.

I spent the next 2 years fully immersed in

Kendra's coaching, retreats and energy.

My biggest take away was that I had spent

48 years learning, accumulating & acquiring

more education, stuff, career and living up

to this world's view of success. The past 2

years, has been a beautiful (and messy),

powerful journey of shedding and releasing

all that does not serve me as I grew into a

new leadership for my family and company.

Kendra has given me a wealth oftools that support my ability to expand into

and grow a 7-figure business in the same 2

short years. With out her, I don't believe I

would have been able to support and hold

all the energy that was necessary.

She has been my rock. She lifts me,holds me accountable and hastaught me how to truly LIVE forme, believe in myself and stand inmy power.

I look in the mirror and don't even see the

same woman I was. I feel so damncomfortable and confident in myown skin!! Pure joy and ease! I freakin

love my life...all of it!"

Cyndi Padilla


What facilitates growth? In person transformation! Not only does being in beautiful, inspiring, high-vibe experiential environmentswith like- minded women who are invested in everyone's success accelerateyour progress... You are able to deepen and create true breakthroughs, whichis a secret to getting results. I create retreat experiences that have quickly ledme to stand apart in the industry.

Immersion & MasteryRetreat #1Ojo Caliente, NMFEB OR MAR


Retreat #1Ojo Caliente, NMFEB OR MAR


Retreat #2Boise, ID



Immersion & MasteryRetreat #2


EMBODIED WEALTHThis unique offercombines thewisdom and skill ofKendra + Connor.

It's a sacred pathof devotion.

EMBODIED WEALTH is only for women who have had experience with Kendra and are ready to commit to advancement.

DivineFeminine P O W E R F U L L E A D E R S H I P


Awakening SOUL RICH

walking the talk

Original MedicineD E E P E N I N G

A masterful teacher. We call her Kick-Ass Kendra.

Faith Rivera Emmy Award Winner

“ The healing & growth I've done with Kendra has helped me

to recognize my wisdom so that I’m now more clearlyseen & valued by others for my gifts… leading to an

almost triple of my income from a year ago.

Before working with Kendra, I had some traction in my

business. However, I was working hard and not enjoying

what I was doing. I wanted to bring more of my spiritual

healing work into the brilliant business savvy work I was

already doing.

What I saw in Kendra was her combination of straight-upbiz smarts mixed with deep inner healing. When we

first talked, my only expectation of her was to “kick my ass”

and she has completely fully delivered on my request. She

has a magical way of lovingly not allowing her clients to get

away with their own B.S., which is exactly what I needed.

It’s been over a year of working with her and my

entire life is completely unrecognizable now — in

the most exciting, fulfilling and inspiring of ways!

She’s helped me listen to my inner guidance clearly

which has led me to a new INCREDIBLY BEAUTIFUL place

I live with a wonderful home, the attraction of my beloved

and the ability to fully receive the abundance of that love, the

launch of a new business that is more aligned with me

allowing both my wisdom AND mastery to shine.

I so clearly now can see my desires, welcome them into my

life, make clear choices and ENJOY all the flow of abundance

in all ways that is here right now.

I have so much more trust in myself which leads to

profound clarity in all my decision making— business or

otherwise. I know what I want (which I was always resistant

to stating before) and I attract it in. Things that once felt hard

or resistant now feel like they flow easily. I’m in acompletely new relationship with myself. My

business colleagues have noticed, my beloved has noticed,

and my friends notice. They all say: 'Something is different.

You seem so alive and present.' Yes, more of this, please!"

Missy Singer


Kendra is more than just a mentor, she is someone whostands for you and holds you in those uncomfortableplaces. She sees who you can be and holds the space foryou as you grow into it.

I have learned how to stand in my power, own what I doand that has ended up in having more clients coming tome on their own, more money, more opportunity...and mybusiness is continuing to grow.”

Paula Houlihan The Money Alchemist

After attending Kendra’s amazing Mastery retreat inKauai, I'm blown away at the level of growth and clarity Ireceived. My biggest breakthrough came in discoveringhow I had been pushing away more clients and money because I was terrified of my greatest gift. The fear, doubtand shame that once held me back have dissolved and I'mnow prospering from my purpose. I recently launched myfirst group program with Mother Mary that brought in over $16,000!”

Alison Elsberry

If you have the inspiration, desire & intention to be a badass conscious business owner, Kendra will coach you in away that will make you an empowered star. Sincementoring with her my life has changed 100%. I found mytribe. Kendra called me out quick on my scarcity thinking,how I do one thing is how I do everything and theimportance of energy, momentum and worthiness. In ashort time I have moved crossed country, started my firstlaunch and created a life that I could only dream of.”

Tracy Carter Goddess Glow

“ Working with Kendra revolutionizedmy life as well as my business.

I was a brand new coach, recently graduated

from an incredible coach training program that

taught me how to be a great coach but taught

me nothing about building a business,

marketing, sales, etc. I was making very little

money and had a whole lot of stress, anxiety

and overwhelm.

Through Kendra's feminine leadership...

I was able to have breakthrough afterbreakthrough in sales, my relation-ship with money, my well-being andbeing a strong powerful womanleader.

Kendra stood rock solid by me during my

hardest times and kept reminding me of my

commitment and power even when I had

forgotten. By the end of the year long program

I was on track to break through the six figure

ceiling for the first time ever!

The impact of working with Kendra ripples on

even after I completed her program. For

instance, before WG, it would take me months

to create a sales page, which cost me time and

money. Most recently, I sat down in a single

sitting and created my best sales page yet!

Now, I'm easily & joyfully makingmore money than ever, feelingbetter, weigh less (I shed 30+ lbs that

year alone, and still counting for a total of

over 70 lbs) and am operating at a whole

new level with confidence.

It has by far been one of the best investments

I've ever made in myself."

Aubrey Armes


Kendra is a powerhouse and the processes and practices she teaches

WORK. I broke through 6-figures…

I have been to Wealthy Goddess LIVE twice, done a year of 1:1 Coaching and also done the Medicine of Money program and I KNOW that all of it has contributed to the success, ease and freedom I’m experiencing right now.

I wanted to break through the 6-figure ceiling that had been so elusive to memy whole life. By the end of 2016, my gross income was close to $200K!”

Deborah Fryer

Kendra has been one of my most powerful mentors. She is masterfully skilledand opened me up to wealth consciousness I didn't know I was possible. Shetaught me to receive abundance on a whole new level. Since working withher I’ve facilitated retreats and workshops all over the world, been flown outand paid thousands to work with VIP clients and created many levels atwhich to be of service. Through Wealthy Goddess I connected to an abundantnetwork of empowered sisters of which I have collaborated with and gainedunending strength from. I have traveled and experienced the full spectrum ofluxury and in those experiences she has challenged me to embody theboldness and ease of the feminine way.”

Rachel Alcyone

Since Wealthy Goddess Live I have experienced breakthrough after break-through around my wealth consciousness and how I run my business.With Kendra's support and that of the community she has created, I havechanged my business model, am attracting higher end clients, confidentlyexpanded my niche and am having heaps of fun in the process! It's hard toput into words the powerful environment that Kendra creates with hergatherings! They are off the hook DIVINE FEMININE POWER EXPLOSIONSof transformation & exultant joy at what's possible when we bring forth oursacred work and clear our field of that would limit us. That's my coach. Sweetsweet resonance and joy to have finally found her!"

Stephanie Dawn

What You Get!PDF Handouts & Templates w/Biz & Money Acceleration Seminars

7 Key Factors That Determine Your Success In The Next 12 Months (and Beyond)!

Setting You Up For Success: Getting To Know You

A Wealthy Woman’s Foundation To A Thriving Business and Success On Her TermsCreating Magnetism: Spiritual Insight and Practical Tips for Magnetic Marketing & Money

How to Create Client Attractive Reports and Gifts To Build Your Tribe

Packaging Your Brilliance: Designing Irresistible Programs That Sell

The Art Of Sacred Selling

Brand You

Magnetic Marketing

15 (Hot) Tips For Easy Client Attraction

Two of Kendra’s Top Wealth Building Spiritual Practices and Setting Money Goals That Bring In AbundanceThe Impression Of Increase and The Surprisingly Simple Process That Turns Free Sessions Into Paying Clients

Copy That Creates Cash

HOT List Building Strategies

Profit Calendar & Launches – Part 1 & 2

How To Hire and Support Your Super Star Team

Immersion & Mastery Retreat 1 and 2

1 Monthly Group Coaching Led by Kendra

24 Private Coaching Sessions with Kendra

Private Emails with Kendra

16 Private Coaching Sessions with Kendra

4 Private Mentoring Sessions with Connor

4 Group Mentoring Sessions with Kendra + Connor

Embodied Wealth Retreat 1 and 2

Immersion Mastery Embodied Wealth

• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •

•• • •


Kendra is a leader for these times. She’s refreshingly

authentic, soulful and masterful. I’ve attended many

events and workshops in my career and have been

exposed to the best in the industry. Kendra’s skill as a

coach and facilitator struck me, and the power of her

work is impactful and creates true and lasting

transformation in people’s lives.”

Cynthia Kersey Best-Selling Author & Philanthropist

My Business Went Over The 6-Figure Mark!

...So let me say that Kendra was the ‘quiet storm’ in my

upleveling and stepping into who I came here to be. She

challenged me to go deeper in a way that was absolutely

necessary for my transformation and to understanding

wealth consciousness … and receiving it to live an awake,

fulfilled and on purpose life.”

Dorris Burch Rich Daddy’s Girl

$6,000 in sales within 4 weeks of our VIP day!

Kendra taught me what it looks, feels and sounds like to

come from a place of ease instead of stress… positivity

instead of anxiety. Throughout the day, we changed my

inner dialogue in profound and life changing ways. This

has been a huge relief, and is incredibly empowering!”

Wendy Collier SoulFUEL Business Coach


1 Phenomenal Photos with Lindsay A Miller Heal your visibility, create brand presence & elevate yourplatform. (Immersion and Mastery only.)

2 Magnetic Power with Rachel Alcyone The magnetic power of sensuality & your moon cycle.

3 Mastery of Influence with Cyndi Padilla Gain the edge with sales tips from one of the best.

4 Tapping To Clear Money Blocks with Deborah Fryer Scientifically proven & masterfully led.

5 Wealthy GoddessTM Summit Prosperity Pack Discover how successful, soulful women create 6 & 7

figure businesses doing what we love while making a difference. Complete unlimited digital access and transcripts.

6 Free Access to Wealthy GoddessTM LIVE 2018 Dates to be released after second quarter.

7 Accountability Partner Staying accountable rocks. And gets results. You will be partnered with anotherambitious woman in the Wealthy GoddessTM tribe to bolster your progress.

8 Access to Membership Site Easy access to seminars & worksheets to stay organized and on top of it.

9 Facebook Group Connection and interaction with like-minded goddesses.


For ALL WomenGet aligned with your true self withONE Human Design & Gene Keys Chart Reading from Connor Sauer.


in Each PathSuper charge your abundance withyour personalized musical mantra

created by Sarah Christine.

VIP DAYFor Women Who Full Pay

Immersion = 1/2 day VIP one-on-one with Kendra.

Mastery & Embodied Wealth = full day VIP one-on-one with Kendra.

“ WOW. All I can say is wow!Coaching with Kendra has been thebest and most powerful work I haveever done. (And I’ve worked with lotsof coaches!)

I first joined the Wealthy Goddess Platinum

coaching program after witnessing Kendra

work miracles during the 3-day retreat. I knew

that my next step was to say yes to signing up

to have Kendra as my mentor. But truthfully,

it was a lot of money to pay each month! In our

‘enrolling conversation’ Kendra found some of

my mindset blocks and gave me a strategy for

how to bring in the clients to pay for coaching

with her.

Here’s the crazy part….with just one email, I

brought in $23,000 of business from the idea

and encouragement that Kendra gave me.

Three days after I said yes to working with

Kendra, I got the biggest speaking ‘gig’ of my

career. It seemed that the Universe knew that I

was now REALLY SERIOUS about playinga bigger game and so was responding to

my taking action. That was just the beginning.

Kendra supported me through more launches,

more marketing strategies and all the strategic

and tactical pieces necessary to run a 6-figure

business (without struggling in the ways I

used to).

But the best part in my opinion is whoI have become while working withthis amazingly powerful woman.

I have shifted my business from one that is

making good money…but running me, to one

that is designed to allow me to have the

lifestyle freedom and time to enjoy the things

I value.

I have tapped more deeply into the

powerful woman and healer that Iam and the work I have done with clients

has ramped up as well. As Kendra has

worked with me to more fully own my value

I, in turn, can take a bigger stand for my

clients and I see their results improving too.

The first time around to sign up for the

program was a challenge to say yes to because

of the money. I had never paid a coach that

much. I’m signing up for another six months

and this time around it’s a no-brainer! I’d pay

whatever Kendra charges because the value I

have received has been business and lifealtering and I’m forever grateful.”

Therese Skelly

Money Mindset Mentor & Business Coach


This path IS for you if... ✦ You resonate with Kendra's earthy, spiritual, sassy, playful and no-nonsense coaching style✦ You’re sick of living the mediocre, take what you can get, scarcity paradigm prominent in our society

✦ You’re ready to see what's in your way and you’re ready to “own your stuff”✦ You’re ready to step into your power as a leader and create bigger change on the planet✦ You’re ready to connect with yourself on a deeper level and embody spiritual entrepreneurship

✦ You want the enrichment a loving, authentic and ‘No BS’ environment of sisterhood

This path IS NOT for you if... ✦ You’re wanting a quick fix and not willing to do the inner work and healing necessary to get what you really want✦ You’re attached to staying in a cycle of blame or making others wrong for “how it is”

✦ You’d rather stay in resistance and use excuses and stories of why things are the way they are than doing what it takesto change it

✦ You don’t want to feel uncomfortable or care more about what people think of you than making change

✦ You need someone to sugar-coat stuff for you and tell you what you want to hear


“ I’m so grateful to have met thispowerful woman and to haveexperienced her soul-healing magicand cutting edge business guidance.

Kendra is a powerful healer who

guided me in making the necessary changes

in order to build the business I have today.

She is also kickass at creating copy, fine

tuning strategies and the details of owning a

business. She is super generous, giving more

than promised and expects a high degree of

accountability from her clients, not holding

back in calling me out when I try to hide.

I’ve developed my own style of marketing,

based on honoring my feminine energy,

which I now teach internationally.

I broke through my income barrierand beyond. My clients are seeingmore success and fulfillment in theirbusinesses. I’m becoming arecognized leader in the industry.

Julie Foucht


I look forward to our journey together...


Wealthy GoddessWealthyTM

Kendra E Thornbury’s


Click here to APPLY

NOTE: After Kendra reviews your application, she will be in touch with you to set up 1:1 time to ensure you are right match for this unique path.

Applying to the program does NOT mean you are committingyet, nor does it guarantee you will be accepted.

Only 3Spaces Left


Have CoachedWith KendraTo Qualify

Wealthy GoddessWealthyTM

Kendra E Thornbury’s


Click here to APPLY

NOTE: After Kendra reviews your application, she will be in touch with you to set up 1:1 time to ensure you are right match for this unique path.

Applying to the program does NOT mean you are committingyet, nor does it guarantee you will be accepted.

Wealthy GoddessWealthyTM

Kendra E Thornbury’s


Click here to APPLY

NOTE: After Kendra reviews your application, she will be in touch with you to set up 1:1 time to ensure you are right match for this unique path.

Applying to the program does NOT mean you are committingyet, nor does it guarantee you will be accepted.


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