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  • 7/28/2019 KendraMeiChailyn Jae-LynnMcKnight Posiedon



    Poseidons SacrificeBy

    Kendra Mei Chailyn&

    Jae-Lynn McKnight

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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of theauthors imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Anyresemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, isentirely coincidental.

    Poseidons Sacrifice by Kendra Mei Chailyn & Jae-Lynn McKnight

    Red Rose PublishingCopyright 2007 Kendra Mei Chailyn & Jae-Lynn McKnightISBN: 978-1-60435-086-9ISBN: 1-60435-086-5Cover Artist: Kato RainEditor: Nancy Gail

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in

    print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied inreviews. Due to copyright laws you cannot trade, sell or give any ebooks away.

    Red Rose

    Forestport, NY 13338
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    To: Daddy Tracey, you may thinkI dont listen at times, but I listenand whats more, I learn. Thank

    you and I love you.To Ms. Gillian, Mrs. Purchase

    and Mrs. Nunn the best teachers aperson could ever have.

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    Poseidons SacrificeBy

    Kendra Mei Chailyn&Jae-Lynn McKnight

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    Land-walkers can never roam amongstsea-things, except for one.

    The chosen.But to find the Chosen, the King of the sea

    must make the ultimate sacrifice.

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    Chapter One

    Naida Water Nymph

    I dont like it, Trinity said as she pinched a piece of her muffin off. Its in

    the middle of no where. What if something happens? You cant call for help. You

    cant even run to your nearest neighbour!

    Naida smiled and sipped from her coffee. Nothings going to happen, she

    assured her friend, Ive been going there by myself ever since I was in college just

    to take a load off. Its perfectly safe.

    Thats how murder movies always started, you know, Zeta Channing

    added. The women always say what could go wrong? Then next thing you know,

    whammo! Youre swimming with the fishes, and you dont even know what hit

    you! Zeta lifted her hand up and brought it down quickly in a chopping motion

    that caused the other two to jump slightly.

    Youre over reacting, Naida said with a laugh. Were not in a movie

    anyways. Besides, you are the ones that kept on saying that I need a vacation.

    Yeah, but not in the middle of the damn Caribbean ocean! Who even

    remembers where Kumantie is? Did you even think of this when you planned this

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    little trip? Trinity wanted to know as she leant forward in her chair.

    Yeah. Theyre things that go bump in the night, and in the middle of

    nowhere, they bump harder and louder. Zeta nodded.

    Naida only shook her head and emptied her cup. They had a point, but she

    couldnt let her fear stop her from using the cabin her grandmother had willed her.

    She loved the old place, and it had all the amenities. It wasnt quite deserted. If she

    drove for half an hour south, she would find her first set of neighbours. She felt

    completely safe there, but how could she convince her best friends of that?

    She said nothing, choosing to remain silent as her two friends babbled back

    and forth about her being kidnapped or worse, as though she wasnt even there.

    She chuckled, and they turned to face her.

    Youre still going? Trinity asked.

    Of course. Naida stood up and kissed them both on the cheeks, Ill be fine.

    Dont worry. I have a satellite phone if anything goes wrong. And I have my laptop.

    I can get a connection anywhere, so all I have to do is plug it in. I wont be entirely

    secluded. I can talk to you on Falcon Chat.

    All right. Zeta stood up to hug her. But if I message you, and you dont

    answer Im gonna assume youre being killed, and Im coming up there.

    What if Im in the bathroom? Naida wanted to know.

    Take the computer with you. Trinity stood up to give her hug, too.

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    After leaving her friends at their local hang out, Naida Lamont walked into

    her small two-bedroom house and dropped her things on her bed. Her suitcase

    was already packed. Now all she had to do was make sure her laptop was packed,

    and she had her Internet connection as well as an extra battery. She didnt need her

    friends flying six hours just to see where she was.

    Naida was genuinely tired. She had been working as a photographer for two

    years, trying to set up her business and online lingerie store before she took any

    time off. Working around the clock none stop was starting to take a toll on her,

    and every one saw it. She was fragile, snapping at every little thing, and her last

    relationship had ended on a really bad note. That had confirmed to her that she

    desperately needed a vacation.

    A loud honking outside caught her attention and she hurried over to the

    window. She swore as she saw that the airport limo was already there. Letting the

    driver into the house to grab the bags, she hurried into the kitchen to double check

    the stove before rushing out to join him. He smiled at her politely and opened her

    door. As she scooted into her seat, she took one final look at her place before the

    door was closed.

    The ride to the airport was uneventful except for the fact of the battle that

    was being waged inside her head. She was trying to think of all the good things to

    do on vacation but work kept pushing into her thoughts. Even as she was being

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    checked in she almost handed them her business card instead of her credit card.

    She was more than happy when she was seated in a plush seat in first class on the


    Hello, would you like some peanuts? Something to drink? the stewardess

    asked her once the plane was settled in the air.

    Naida smiled and glanced at the cart. May I have a glass of champagne?

    Certainly, the stewardess beamed and poured her a glass.

    Thank you.

    Youre welcome.

    After the stewardess moved on, Naida had the feeling that she was being

    watched. Glancing out the window, she gasped. Blinking, she looked down into

    her glass then rubbed her eyes. She couldnt be drunk. She had only taken one sip

    of the bubbly liquid. Looking out the window again she almost screamed when

    this time he waved at her.

    What in the hell?

    The glass slipped from her hands to the floor and smashed into pieces.

    Are you all right? The stewardess darted back to her side.

    I just saw She stopped and glanced out the window again. She couldnt

    tell the woman shed just seen a man outside her window. They were miles and

    miles up into the sky. It was impossible. The captain probably would just label

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    her crazy, cuff her to her seat, and then have a straight jacket waiting for her when

    they got to Kumantie Island.

    Sorry, I just feel a little clumsy today, she lied while glancing out the

    window again. I didnt mean to make a mess.

    Thats quite all right, the woman said. As long as youre okay, I suppose.

    Naida smiled at her and began helping her clean up the mess. What was

    going on with her? Had she really seen someone out there? She was really losing it.

    When the mess was cleaned up, Naida tried to take a nap but each time she

    got comfortable her eyes would shoot open and glance out the window. She was

    paranoid, and it was all because of Trinity and Zetas advice. She moaned and

    rubbed a hand over her face. Maybe she should have gone to the doctor for

    something to calm her nerves while she was on the plane because getting overly

    nervous was a frequent occurrence no matter how many times she flew.

    Naida continued to try and sleep even though she knew none would come.

    That was another reason she hated flying. No matter how you wish you could

    stand up and pace, you couldnt. Snuggling into her seat she tried to go over funny

    lines from televisions Whose Lines It Is Anyway inside her head until the captains

    voice came over the intercom that they were getting ready to make their final


    Getting through customs on the small island included a small bottle of

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    Baileys and a brochure about where to go on the island for all your partying. It

    was as though they believed that all tourists did was party.

    Thanking the greeters for their gifts, she made her way to the car waiting

    outside and hopped in. The driver knew exactly where to take her because Gus

    had been driving her there since her college years.

    How are you, Gus? she asked, leaning forward from the back seat of the

    Lincoln Town Car.

    Cant complain. He beamed at her as usual. Youve grown up, Naida.

    She giggled. Thanks. Finished college and started two businesses that are

    doing quite well. Id say Ive grown up quite a bit.

    Wow, Gus exclaimed, you werent joking when you said you were doing


    I should hope so. Naida sat back into her seat and produced a large

    envelope from her bag and reached over to place it on the seat beside her driver.

    Give this to Megan for me, please. Its her pictures that I took for her.

    Shes been askingwhen you were coming back. Gus smiled. That

    kidboy, is she ever old!

    What is she? Fifteen?

    Yeah and thinks she knows everything.

    Well, Gus, we all knew everything at fifteen.

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    He chuckled. That we did and then we grow into adults and find out that

    we knew nothing.

    I hear you.

    Naida leant forward again and rested her face against the seat in front of her,

    I just remembered, there is no food in the cabin.

    Would you like to stop at Joseys and pick up some groceries?

    Yes please.

    Naida relaxed against the leather seating again.

    Naida coughed as she walked around the room, pulling the windows open,

    and yanking the large white sheets from over the furniture. She didnt have the

    patience to dust after her flight, so the last time before she left, she covered

    everything except the paintings.

    Dust swirled around her like clouds, and she covered her nose and mouth

    with her free hand and coughed. She pulled out the vacuum cleaner and cleaned up

    the grime lying on the wooden floor before walking into the kitchen to make

    herself something to eat.

    I am on vacation, she spoke to herself, what does a hard working woman

    eat on vacation?

    She opened the fridge and stared in at the mountain of food she had gotten.

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    That should serve her for a while. Popping the cork off a bottle of wine, she poured

    some in a glass and stood with her back against the sink as she thought. She could

    make some spaghetti she loved spaghetti.

    She placed her glass down, turned on the stereo and began listening to The

    Evolution of Robin Thicke. That CD was a present to her from Zeta who thought that

    Naida needed some romance and naughtiness in her life.

    Naidas mind drifted to the day that Zeta had given her the CD. It was after a

    horrible break up and Naida was at the point of giving up on men. She had called

    Zeta as usual and Zeta arrived at Naidas house bearing gifts.

    A smile graced Naidas lips and she allowed a small prayer of thankfulness

    for her friends, especially Zeta.

    Naida sat up in bed and looked around as she tried to calm her throbbing

    heart. Something had woken her, up but she couldnt tell what it was. She looked

    at the clock. It was three in the morning, so why was she suddenly wide-awake?

    Maybe it was the thought of things that go bump in the night that her friends had

    teased her about.

    Who in their right mind would go to a cabin on the beach in the middle of


    Her mind flashed back to the man outside the plane, and she chuckled.

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    Naida Lamont, youre losing it.

    She swallowed and pushed back the covers. Walking her scantily clad body

    across the cabins bedroom floor, she peered out the window and saw nothing. She

    began to turn away when something caught her eyes. Craning her neck, she

    pressed her nose against the cool window to get a better look and to make sure she

    wasnt seeing things.

    A large man with a trident floating beside him seem to appear out of

    nowhere over the water. In his arms was something that resembled a person, but

    Naida couldnt be sure. The large man rose higher and higher over the water,

    exposing his finned tail, and Naidas mouth hung open as a beautiful sound filled

    the air. The only other place that she had ever heard that sound was in the movie

    Lord of the Flies.

    Conches, she whispered, pressing her face painfully against the glass.

    The water became still. No waves moving. The large man with, what Naida,

    thought to be a person, in his arms stopped moving just as the water turned into

    sand, and six colourful, females behind him. She saw their finned tails and gasped


    Mermaids? She had to be dreaming. Mermaids werent real.

    Their heads tossed back, and their long hair hung down their backs as they

    raised their arms and bowed as though worshipping.

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    The large man moved above the sand and placed his load slowly down before

    floating backwards to his followers.

    Suddenly, the sound of the conches stopped. The man and his creatures

    disappeared and the waves returned.

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    Chapter Two

    Poseidon Greek God of the Sea

    Still panting, Naida rushed back to the bed and grabbed her robe. Wrapping

    it around her body, she dashed out the front door without thinking that it might be

    some kind of trick by a bunch of teenagers with too much time on their hands. She

    ran barefooted down the beach toward the area where the thing had left

    something, not caring that she could get hurt from broken beer bottles from

    underage drinking. All kinds of things were rushing through her mind then and

    none of them made any sense. She couldnt even end one thought before another

    came then another and another.

    A million and one thoughts were flying through her mind as she moved. The

    possibility that she was going crazy was the one that stuck out more than any of

    the others. As her mind continued to work on over-drive she felt her breathing

    gaining speed as her heart threatened to pop from her chest. As Naida got closer to

    the spot she began recognizing the features of a person in the dim early morning


    She fell to her knees beside the body, and it was as though she was going

    through a memory. The strange feeling of deja vu washed over her but she shook it

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    off. She couldnt have met this stranger before, if so, she would have definitely

    remembered. Poking him with a finger she waited to see if he would movebut he

    didnt. His long silver hair was wet and pressing against his face. She felt drawn to

    the unconscious, half-naked, and rather sexy man lying motionless before her.

    Naida reached forward and hovered a hand above his face, wondering if she

    should touch him. She didnt want to do something wrong. She looked around her

    but the beach was silent once more. No one was there but her and the stranger.

    She began lowering her hand toward his hair covered face slowly while

    unconsciously holding her breath. Her hand was merely inches away from him

    when something grabbed her.

    She screamed and began struggling to get away.

    Be still, Naida, he whispered to her, and from somewhere in her terrified

    frenzy, she heard him. She still tried to get her hand away from him, but he

    wouldnt let go. She finally stopped struggling.

    How dodo you know my name? she stuttered but every so often she

    would pull at her hand hoping to get away. None of this makes any sense.

    Is that because humans believe everything should be tied up in one neat

    little package, my sweet? Or is it because you think you are going insane? he

    wanted to know of her.

    I amnot talking to you because youre not real.

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    How can you say that? I am right here. I am holding you. Your free hand is

    against my chest. You can feel the beat of my heart. Do you still think me not real?

    This is not happening, Naida closed her eyes and sang loud and off key. I

    cant hear you! Im not listening.

    How could he be this strong after being in the water?

    Stop this, Naida, he scowled.

    But youbut you she tried, but when her voice wouldnt let her speak she

    swallowed the lump in her throat and tried again, but you were

    Dead? He looked up at her with eyes that reminded her of the bluest ocean.

    No, my beautiful, water nymph. I am of the ocean. The water could never harm


    What were you sniffing? Have you been drinking?

    Sniffing? Drinking? He tugged at her hand, causing her to fall against him.

    For the first time, Naida realized how hard he truly was. His chest was like a brick

    wall with defined contours. I know not of what you speak.

    You know? Heat rose through her body, causing her to shiver. Alcohol.

    Confusion lit up his eyes. They quickly turned into puddles of blue as he

    placed a hand gently against the back of her head. Slowly, he began pushing

    downward. I shall drink, he whispered against her lips before taking them.

    Thunder cracked around them, and the sky seemed to clear instantaneously.

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    As his lips took hers, Naida swore she was swimming beneath the clear blue of the

    ocean. She was free as the dolphins, yet entrapped by his embrace. She wanted to

    be lost in him forever as a small voice in the back of her head tried to tell her that he

    was a stranger. The voice also pointed out that she should not be on top of him, on

    a beach, dressed in nothing but lingerie and a robe, kissing him.

    But that voice was quickly silenced by the time his tongue made another

    round over hers. She whimpered and felt herself melting against him beyond her

    better judgement. A little part of her was trying to tell her to pull away but the

    bigger part was screaming to hold him.

    His mouth moved away from hers and down her shoulder. Skin as dark as

    midnight, he whispered hotly against her shoulder blade, soft as the beautiful

    pink of a jelly fish.

    In her haze, it was like he was speaking to her from the inside of her head

    made her hotter. She let her forehead fall against his chest as he pressed his mouth

    against her neck.

    A slight nip brought her back to reality, and she fought against him. Please.

    She panted. Let me go.

    His large arms unwrapped themselves from around her, and he released her.

    Naida tried to get up, but her weak legs wouldnt hold her. He stood up with her

    in his arms as though she weighed nothing and began walking back to her cabin.

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    Who are you? Naida asked him.

    I am Calix. He walked without looking down at her, cradling her gently

    against the soft beating of his heart. My Father Ocean has given birth to me

    because you wished it so.

    Naidas eyes rolled back into her head, and she slumped heavily against him.

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    Chapter Three

    Calix Very Handsome

    Calix smiled down at her as he placed her gently against the bed and

    crawled in beside her. With his body pressing against hers, he felt what his father

    had told him he would feel; an overwhelming emotion that caused him to want to

    touch her and taste her every chance he got.

    Her curves wrapped around his body perfectly and he couldnt fight the

    swelling of his heart.

    Naidas eyes fluttered open and that made him feel as though he was sitting

    on Poseidons throne. He lifted a hand and brushed his knuckles over her soft

    mocha cheeks and smiled down at her. His hand moved up to smooth back dark

    hair that covered her big, brown eyes. Why did you do that? he inquired softly.

    Oh, good grief, Naida groaned. This is all a dream.

    Calix laughed. What can I do to prove to you that I am indeed real? Wasnt

    that kiss enough?

    I dont know what youre talking about, Naida lied.

    Oh, but of course you do. He smiled. You know full well what I mean. Or

    should I refresh your memory?

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    Stay away from me! Naida snapped and leapt off the bed and out of his

    arms. She pressed her back against the wall. My friends warned me perverts like

    you prey on women in these cabins.

    Calix listened to her words and tilted his head to the side as he watched her.

    She was jittery, and for the life of him, he couldnt figure out why. His father had

    told him she would be the love of his life, but why was this so hard?

    He moved off the bed towards her, and she held up both her hands. I know

    Karate., she uttered while swiping her hands from side to side in a chopping

    motion. Stay away from me. In fact, get out.

    I cannot, Calix told her as he continued moving toward her. I was sent

    here for you, and I must have you. If I were to return, there will be nothing for me

    and I shall die.

    Oh thats rich. Naida chuckled. At least I can say youre original.

    Calix was inches away from her now. Her palms pressed against his bare

    chest, and her scent sent his senses into a tizzy. He moaned, and his body sank

    against her, pressing her into the wall. He lowered his mouth against the side of

    her head and felt her arms snaking around his body. He heard her breathing begin

    leaving lungs in short bursts. He smiled and inhaled deeply.

    Oh, Naida, he whispered, tell me how you like it.

    When she didnt reply, he found her mouth again. His tongue tangled with

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    hers as she used one had to gently caress his back and buried the other hand in his

    long, silver hair.

    When her fingers found his hair Calix let out a groan as he pushed her

    slightly away from him and the two fell into another smouldering kiss. His body

    shivered causing him to hold onto her tighter. The beating of his heart began

    picking up speed and he groaned.

    His touch felt strangely familiar to her; like she had known him for a long

    time and he had touched her before. She felt empowered as she raked her fingers

    through his beautiful hair before closing her first trapping strands of hair. Using

    his hair, Naida yanked his neck back and lowered her mouth. He groaned as her

    hot, wet tongue ran upward from his pulse to his chin.

    A sigh left his lips as he shivered, and she smiled as she brought her mouth

    down to chest. He shook with pure pleasure and bit back a growl that threatened

    to escape his lips.

    Calix loved the way she was rough, yet tender. He felt as though his knees

    were made of cool, violent water. He would let her have her way because this was

    all about her. Pressing his hips forward, he showed her what she was doing to him,

    and when his arousal pressed between her legs and her thighs closed around it, he

    couldnt hide it this time; this time he growled.

    Naida moved down his body slightly. She kissed his bare stomach all the

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    way down and yanked at the loincloth that barely covered his erection. The pieces

    fell away from him, leaving him bare and to her mercy. His fingers entangled with

    her braids and pushed her roughly down his body.

    Naida hadnt had anyone as large as he was and in the back of her mind she

    thought it would never fit. She shook off the thought because she knew what she

    wanted. She wanted to be pleased.

    As she pleased him a long sound left his throat. It sounded like the conches

    hadtantalizing and beautiful. She caressed him, allowing her hands to move

    freely over his body. When she released him his hands released her hair to grip the

    sides of her face.

    Calix head was tossed back causing his silver mane to fall down his back.

    She was bringing him to the edge of the deepest abyss time after time only to pull

    him back and keep him from drowning.

    Their lovemaking was wild and tame at the same time. With every touch,

    every kiss Naida could swear she was being caressed by smooth, fluid water that

    was cool over her heated skin. Each time Calix whispered in her ear she knew he

    was speaking to her heart even though the language he spoke wasnt English; it

    was unlike anything she had ever heard before.

    Her back arched against him as he moved over her as though he was meant

    to be for her. She whispered his name trying to find some way to encourage him

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    onward but each time she tried to think, his words flowed over her soul and her

    she lost control of her own thoughts to his sweet whispers.

    Naida was in heaven and she would have done anything to keep that going.

    When her legs clamped tighter, her head began thrashing from side to side and her

    back arched in a perfect C, so that she was almost up-sided down. Her whole body

    exploded and began to tremble.

    She tasted like sweet ambrosia to him, hot, and saccharine and he wanted

    more. He lowered her slowly to the ground, and she smiled up at him as she tried

    to crawl away. He grabbed her around the waist.

    Not so fast, he whispered while he licked his lips.

    Naida was getting hotter as she fought with him. She had never in a million

    years thought that being this aggressive during sex would appeal to her but already

    she was ready for more. She pulled against the hand around her waist, but all he

    did was use his strength to overpower her and flip her around.

    Still feel like getting away? he asked against her ear before biting the lobe

    between his teeth.

    She cried out and whimpered as he licked the hurt away. What do you

    think? she asked in a husky voice.

    How do you want your answer? his breath hot against her skin.

    Before she could answer, his thigh began spreading her legs. Come on, my

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    sweet, water nymph. Answer me.

    Oh Calix

    That wasnt an answer. He reached down and caressed her. How do you

    want your answer?

    I dont care! Naida told him in frustration as she tried to turn around so she

    could find away to get him to enter her. His strong arms held her in place, and she

    began pushing back against him, but he only chuckled. She turned her head to

    look at him crying out in annoyance.

    Calix was ready to explode, and he needed a way to hold off on that. He bit

    down on her shoulder as he sank into her and heard her cry out in nothing but pure

    desire. He reared his head back when she began pushing back at him, just to pray

    for sanity, but Poseidon wasnt listening. Calix gritted his teeth as he went stark

    raving mad, and loved ever second of it as he pushed her to the brink of bedlam her

    over and over.

    It was as though each time he moved against her, he was ending and she was

    beginning. Naida let her head fall forward as she made a sound in her throat and

    her muscles clamped down around him. She whispered his name over and over as

    she began falling. Her orgasm slammed through her like a tidal wave. In the

    distance, she heard the waves getting rougher outside. She heard them slamming

    into the far way rocks each time Calix slammed into her.

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    She heard the thunder and the sensations of being carried away by the

    stormy sea, engulfed her. The strange thing was, she wasnt afraid.

    Calix picked her up and carried her to the far wall. He got a mischievous

    idea and smiled at her. He turned her around so she would face him. When he

    joined with her again he was pressing her back against the wall. He began his

    rhythm again. This time, it didnt take too long. With sweat pouring off his body,

    and the waves outside rising with each peak of his body, he pressed his face into

    her neck and growled his release.

    When they slumped to the ground, Naida was already out cold.

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    Chapter Four

    Naida woke up beside Calixs sleeping form and flipped the television on.

    Im Janice Liberman and this is the eight oclock news, the voice emerged

    from the set, a strange thing happened last night. Giant tsunami waves hit the

    coast of Kumantie but destroyed nothing! Reports are that the waves came out of

    nowhere, raged for about half an hour, and then disappeared. Lets go over to John

    Lazarus for last nights weather over Kumantie.

    Naida gasped and touched her shoulder where Calix had bitten down. There

    was nothing there. She looked over at his sleeping form and reached a hand to

    touch him. His skin was cool. She brushed some hair from his face and slid down

    underneath the sheets again.

    Had his passions stirred the ocean?

    A part of her was beginning to believe him.

    She was beyond being scared of him.

    From deep within her, something told her that she had done a wrong thing

    by sleeping with Calix; but she had promised herself a long time ago that she

    would never regret anything. Her mother had told her once that things happened

    for a reason, but she still needed Calix to explain what she had seen when he was

    carried onto the beach. She shifted slightly in bed, and his beautiful blue eyes

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    opened and looked up at her.

    Good morning. He smiled at her. Her heart soared as she realized that he

    had just given her the first smile of a new day.

    Good morning she started to speak when suddenly he lifted his head and

    sniffed the air.

    Something is wrong, he whispered and scrambled out of bed.

    Calix? Calix, wait! Naida called after him as she got tangled into her bed

    sheets. He was out the door and tearing down the beach naked.

    By the time she was out the door and running after him screaming his name,

    he was already in the water and disappearing underneath a giant wave.

    Calix! she screamed and headed for the water, Calix, no! she tried to dive

    underneath to find him, but a large wave washed her back coughing and sputtering

    to land.

    When the stinging in her nose was gone, she ran back to the water with a

    determination that she never knew existed within her. All she could think was

    how much she couldnt lose him. She was just getting to know him.

    Calixs legs disappeared and in their place came a long tail. He swam deeper

    and deeper into the depth of the ocean with a sense of urgency. What was it that

    called to him so intently? What was it that pulled him away from the love of his

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    Getting to the kingdom, he floated and looked around him. His friends and

    people were all swimming towards what looked to be a giant half dome. It was a

    giant clam that was created to house Poseidon when he gave a speech to his people.

    Colours sprang to life everywhere and he was happy to be home but there was

    something different.

    His ears perked up to hear as his body told him danger was near.

    Calix, the voice came into his head, and he looked around, Calix, I am here

    for you.

    Where was she?

    Then he saw her. The most beautiful mermaid he had ever seen and he swam

    to meet her. Naida, how? What happened?

    I dont know. I just remembered wanting to help you so I dove in,she told him, I can

    talk to you without moving my mouth!

    We can marvel at that at another time, but for now, my home is in danger,

    and I must protect it.

    I will stand by your side. I swear it,

    Feeling as though he could conquer anything, he took her hand, and they

    began to swim side by side. The underwater crowd of mermaids, mermen and

    other sea creatures drew Calixs attention, and he dove forward with Naida and

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    moved through the throng.

    My son, Poseidon called, and Calix moved forward, bowing low to his king

    and father.

    What has happened? Calix questioned. Why was I summoned?

    Humans have come close to the kingdom. All eyes turned to Naida as

    Poseidon spoke.

    Naida simply moved closer to Calixs side in fear rather than shock as she

    watched the moving tails of a group of mermaids beside her. She was beyond being

    surprised after she wished she could help Calix and turned into a mermaid. I can

    do something, she spoke out loud.

    Is this her? Poseidon wanted to know.

    Yes, Father. Calix nodded and pulled Naida close to his side, Naida, meet

    my father, Poseidon.

    It was a little awkward to bow with a fin instead of feet, but she managed a

    shaky bow. It is nice to meet you, your highness? Whats going on? How did I

    grow this...? she turned her tail at him and wiggled it not really thinking that

    shaking her butt at a god could be against the rules. And how can I breathe? I am

    under water.

    Poseidon laughed, and it sounded like thunder tearing across the sky. Naida

    shivered in fright and pressed even closer to Calix. You have chosen well, my son.

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    The god turned his attention to his people. Calix has chosen a mate! She is the one

    that has been told to us. We know she is true because she is a human that is by his

    side. Her heart is pure.

    The audience cheered even though some mermaids moaned and began

    muttering under their breaths until Poseidon turned stormy eyes upon them. Now

    to rectify our human situation.

    I know what I must do, Calix spoke up and everyone gasped because they

    knew what he had to do and they feared for him. No one who had tried the spell

    had managed to complete it.

    Naida still had no idea what was going on because no one had bothered

    answering her previous questions. She tugged at his arm, What?

    I must seal Aria from the outside world

    But if you do that, I cant leave, nor can you come and visit.

    Do not worry, my heart. We shall find a way.

    Naida cringed as the sense that someone had just torn out her heart and

    stomped on it a few times before kicking it across a room. She winced and swam

    closer to Poseidon.

    Is there any other way? she asked. Please. I just met him. You cannot take

    him away!

    Do not worry, Poseidon told her.

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    I wish people would stop telling me not to worry, she snapped, I am going

    to lose him, arent I?

    Poseidon looked at her with an intent stare. Naida knew she had said

    something wrong. She was scared as her new tail moved nervously underneath

    her. She began backing away. Im sorry I didnt mean to

    It is all right. Poseidon moved toward her, Calix, please give us a


    Naida looked up into Calixs face and he smiled down at her before

    swimming backwards. When Poseidon took the place where Calix was she bit

    down on her lower lip. I know he must protect this place, but I dont want to

    loose him. You keep saying I wont but Im sorry, I dont buy it.

    He simply smiled down at her and nodded. It was like he had heard what he

    wanted or had seen something in her that he was looking for. The look in the gods

    eyes was one of satisfied confirmation and that made her shiver.

    He looked around. Where is Calix?

    Naida looked back to see a lovely mermaid stroking Calixs arm, and her

    anger flared. The water above them got rougher, and a few could be heard

    whimpering. She began swimming toward them, and two royal guards came before

    her to stop her.

    Leave her, Poseidon ordered, and Naida swam up to Calix.

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    You take your stinking paws off my man! she snapped and a loud rumble

    could be heard. The sea creatures that had now gathered around them to see what

    all the ruckus was about scattered as though to hide.

    The woman turned and moved to slap Naida but Naida was quicker because

    she expected the hit. Using her elbow, she hit the woman against the side of the

    face and the woman shrieked and swam off swearing revenge.

    Bring it on! Naida screamed after the fleeing woman.

    What just happened? she asked Calix who was looking at her with heat in

    his cool eyes.

    You called to the ocean, he told her simply and leant in to kiss her.

    Naida moved back. Would you have slept with her? she wanted to know.

    Do I have to answer that? Calix asked.


    Alright. I would not have.

    You lie.

    Something flashed across Calixs eyes, I never lie.

    Children, Poseidon called and all eyes turned to face him again,about our

    little problem?

    Yes father, Calix replied.

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    Chapter Five

    With his trident held high, Poseidon moved it from side to side above Calix

    and Naidas head. He was speaking in ancient Greek that Naida heard before. She

    was confused as to what was happening but not wanting to be rude, she held onto

    Calixs hand until Poseidon finished speaking.

    Calix squeezed her hand, Now you go and give him a kiss on the left cheek.

    Naida was scared. How could she walk up to a god and plant one on him?

    But she was obedient. She swam forward with her lovely green, sparkly tail

    dancing behind her.

    Oh, nice tail! Calix thought happily with a moan.

    I heard that!Naida placed a kiss on Poseidons cheek and then received a

    necklace made of shells around her neck. He returned the kiss, and she swam back

    to Calixs side.

    She then stood back and waited until Calix spoke to his father. The two

    swam away from her and not knowing what to do, she remained where she was.

    What will happen now, Father? Calix moved along side his powerful


    He had a feeling he did not want to know what was coming, but he had a

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    responsibility to his people. He was heir to the throne and had to make sure his

    people came first.

    Now you cast the spell right, Poseidon told him, But you are an exception

    to the rule Calix. Naida is your Land Walker which means she belongs here as

    well as on the land. You have to cast that the spell only allowing Naida and your

    offspring to reach Aria. My son, many have tried this spell and I will not be

    dishonest with you. They have all perished.

    Calix nodded. I understand father. I know what I must do now.

    Good, then return with your Land Walker. pride resonated in his voice,

    You have work to do.

    Calix went back to where he had left Naida but she wasnt there. Finally he

    found Naida having the time of her life with some children. She was teaching them

    what Land Walkers called Tag. He laughed and swam over only to have two jump

    on him and screamed, TAG YOURE IT! He laughed and swam after them. He

    quickly caught up to them tagged them and swam away. He grabbed Naidas hand

    as he made off through the water.

    Were leaving? She tried her best to keep up with him. I havent said


    Father will understand. We have to hurry. The blue moon is almost upon


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    Moon? Blue? But we just dove in like twenty minutes ago.

    Our days are not like your days, he explained. Ours are longer.

    Before they got to the surface, Calix pulled her into his arms and clamped his

    lips over hers. The kiss was unlike any she had ever had before that caused her

    mind to shut down allowing her body to take over. His kiss surpassed his earlier

    kisses. She moaned just as their heads surfaced above the water.

    Naida wanted to ask him where she was going to hide a tail and scales, but

    looking down she saw she didnt have to. Her tail was slowly disappearing, and by

    the time they got to the sand, their feet were back, and she stumbled to the sand in

    the darkness. She needed to get used to her legs again.

    Back in the cabin, she got the shock of her life though she didnt know why

    she was surprised. Her friend Trinity had sent her twenty-five instant messages!

    Hey, Trin, she wrote to her friend through one window and shut down the


    Where have you been? Trinity sent her Via Falcon instant messaging.

    I went for a swim, she sent her reply as Calix sat cross-legged facing the

    fire in the fireplace. He was muttering something she figured was the spell for the

    shield andshe didnt want to interrupted him

    All day? Trinity sent back. I was just about to call the travel agency and

    get a flight down there.

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    The two talked for a bit longer before Naida set her online status to away,

    and she moved to the floor to sit beside Calix. Beads of sweat were pouring down

    his forehead and he was pressing an index finger against his left temple with his

    eyes closed. She could tell he was having a hard time so she moved closer to his

    side and took his free hand in his and closed her eyes. If there was going to be any

    protecting Aria, Calix had to remain alive and she only hoped she could help.

    She felt his hand tensed, then a flash of light came to her. It moved closer

    and closer and she could feel the intense heat from it. Calixs chant seemed to

    surround her and began getting louder and louder. The heat got hotter and hotter

    and fear grilled Naida but she simply held tighter to Calixs hand until the light

    seemed to explode causing her to scream.

    He turned to look at her in the dimly lit room. It is done.

    So, humans wont be able to find Aria now?

    Only you.

    Arent you afraid I might hurt your people?

    No. My father trusts you and so do I

    Calix had the overwhelming urge to make love to her, so he grabbed her by

    the back of the neck and brought his mouth against her flesh. He licked and

    sucked at the skin there as he lowered her backwards against the ground. Her arms

    went around his shoulders. Removing her arms from around him, he pressed them

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    against the floor as to restrain her as he moved in and kissed her lips before moving

    downwards. He kissed the shell on the necklace covering her pulse before licking

    his way down to one barely covered breast.

    Using his teeth, he pulled the material away and pulled her breast into his

    mouth to feed on it.

    A low rumble left Naidas body as she struggled for release but he was

    stronger. He wasnt ready to let her up yet. She moaned deliciously and lifted her

    legs to wrap them around his thighs and shove her sensitive wetness up against his

    bare legs.

    Moving down her body, Calix released one of her arms but only long enough

    to wrap his arm beneath her back and lifted her. He stood up, and she wrapped

    her legs around his waist. He carried her back towards the bed and let her fall

    against it. Standing over her, he smiled as he rubbed his hands together, I have a

    special treat for you, he whispered as he fell to his knees. But first.

    His words died his throat when she leapt up from the bed and caught his

    hardness in her hand and squeezed gently. Calixs knees threatened to buckle. His

    head pressed back as his hands braced against her shoulders to stop himself from

    falling. When her hot mouth engulfed him, all he could do was hang his mouth

    open and look down into the large pool of brown that was her eyes.

    Naida knew that she was driving crazy with the way she let her tongue

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    bathed his shaft before moving upwards to tickle him. She loved it.

    Laughter built up from her throat just before pulling him down, but Calix

    pulled away and took her hand. Come with me.

    The water surrounded them, and Naida wrapped her arms around Calixs

    neck, hanging on for dear life. What are we doing in the middle of the ocean?

    Just relax. And feel.

    Swallowing the lump in her throat, she let her arms relax around his strong

    shoulders. When she did, she began floating as his arms wrapped themselves

    around her waist. She wasnt sure what was happening.

    Calix watched her slowly as her eyes drifted shut. He brushed his lips over

    her eyelids and whispered, I shall be your protector. He pressed one kiss against

    one eyelid then the other. I shall be your lover, he continued before reaching one

    hand beneath the water to gently stroke her. Let go, Naida. Let the arms of the

    ocean take you. Let it dance with your soulLet it give you pleasure.

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    Chapter Six

    Whos the nice drink of water? Brotha is fine! Trinity fixed her skirt and

    smoothed her hands over her hair as she eyed Calix.

    Trinity, meet Calix. Naida introduced them.

    Calix bowed over Trinitys hand. It is nice to meet you.

    Trinity giggled before he let her hand go. Likewise.

    Naida shook her head and laughed. Ill see you later, girl. And dont forget I

    need you to do my hair.

    Trinity laughed while tilting her head slightly to the side to check out

    Calixs butt. Uh! she grunted before winking at Naida, doing a pelvic thrust and

    walking out the door.

    Calix lifted an eyebrow in confusion as to what had just happened but he

    said nothing. Naidas laughter caught his ear, and he walked into the living room,

    taking her into his arms. He turned his head to kiss her against the forehead. She

    seemed to melt into his arms, and he smiled. I love the way you seem to melt when

    I touch you.

    Sistahs dont melt, she told him with a pout.

    Calix smiled and kissed her pout. Yes, you do. He began pushing her small

    jacket off her shoulders, When I touch you here. He used the ball of his index

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    finger to gently touch her pulse, and she sighed, And here, he tweakedone nipple

    then the other, and she groaned. And, oh, he lifted her skirt and stroke her gently,

    and like this

    Naida moaned and grabbed his hands. She looked up into his face and smiled

    before reaching up on tiptoes.

    Calix seemed to get the hint and let his head fall down to accept her kiss

    before scooping her into his arms.

    That prayer you said to me on the waves, Naida asked as he carried her

    toward her bedroom, does that mean

    Yes. It means you are my betrothed.

    Naida shivered. Dont you mean fiance?

    Is that what you use? He laid her gently onto the bed and brought his body

    over hers.

    Does it really matter? Naida was getting impatient. She needed his touch.

    No. All that matters is that you say yes.

    And if I dont?

    Then I will spend the rest of my days asking. And do not forget, I am the son

    of a God. I shall live forever.

    And what of me? I will die after a few years

    Calix leant down and captured her lips with his. No, you shall not. As long

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    as you love me and I love you, well have each other. He feathered kisses over her

    face. True love never dies.

    The End

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    I was born on the beautiful island of Jamaica, Kingston to be exact but soon

    began moving all over the place. From Marverly, to Brown's Town, back to

    Marverly then eventually ended up in Golden Springs. At thirteen years old I was

    adopted and moved to Toronto Canada. It was a crazy move I know and snow??

    Cold! Anywho, I began writing poems at an early age and soon graduated to song

    lyrics (when I was going through my "when I grow up I wanna be a singer" phaze.

    Eventually I stopped writing for I found a new love, acting. But I couldn't stay

    away from writing for very long. Soon I was trying my hand at scripts.

    My love of romance novels started at eight years old. I got bored between

    the bookmobile visits in Jamaica and dove under my mom's bed to find something

    to read. I crashed into her Mills and Boons books and it was all downhill from

    there. I don't think I ever paid attention to the content then, all I cared about wasthat I was reading.

    At seventeen I decided writing a romance isn't that easy so I decided to

    write my own. It wasn't as easy as I thought and by the time I turned eighteen, I

    had a three story series done and ready to go. But my computer didn't seem to like

    them for it crashed with them. But still I write.

    In my spare time (though at times it seem that I don't have any) I love acting,

    trying to sing like the girls in the Hindi movies, dancing, swimming, torturing my

    friends, cooking, reading, writing (of course), cultures and so much more. I am also

    a graduate of Radio Broadcasting with honours and a student attending University

    for my Honour's BA in Communications Studies with a Minor in Dramatic Arts.
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    Please leave me a message to let me know that you were here. I love hearing

    from people! I love what I do, it may not please everyone (but lets face it, you can't

    please everyone), but it makes me happy and my family and friends happy. And

    the truth is, that's a beautiful thing!Oh and before I go, thank you to everyone for their support so far. I am a new

    author and I am learning and growing. Thank you for sticking with me and sending

    me your love I really, really do appreciate it. You guys are amazing. Join me to see

    where my imagination takes us next.

    Rainy Days and Moonlit Kisses

    Kendra Mei Chailyn

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