Page 1: Kennedy March 26 Email

8/21/2015 iCloud Mail 1/2

Ms. Toop,

RE: Vincenzo's complaintMarch 26, 2015 at 7:15 AMFrom [email protected] [email protected]

Cc [email protected]











<[email protected]>from ([]) by (Oracle Communications Messaging Server7u4-27.08 ( 64bit (built Aug 22 2013)) with ESMTP id <[email protected]> [email protected]; Thu, 26 Mar 2015 14:15:05 +0000 (GMT)

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RE: Vincenzo's complaintThu, 26 Mar 2015 10:14:57 -0400

<><[email protected]>Vincenzo's complaintAdBnZUSdevYdNlUMQF2WgxtN+8kUogAZybyA

<[email protected]>"Kennedy, John J" <[email protected]>

toopy <[email protected]>"Tracy, Richard" <[email protected]>; dkim=none reason="no signature";;;is=yes;ir=no;pp=ham;spf=?;dkim=?;dmarc=?;wl=absent;pwl=absent;clxs=ham;clxl=absent

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Page 2: Kennedy March 26 Email

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This will be the final communication on this matter. While Mr. Pellino’s 91-A request was projected to takebetween 60 and 90 days to complete due to the backlog in public records requests, I expedited hisrequest, and it will be ready for him next week. With respect to the cost, the file consists of numerousdocuments that had to be scanned into our system. I do not have control over the costs as that is anoffice-wide policy. I understand your position with respect to redactions, but this office, as a governmentagency, is bound by RSA 91-A, and is statutorily and legally compelled to redact certain information fromall public records that go out. Finally, my position with the Office of the Attorney General is as anAssistant Attorney General assigned to the Criminal Justice Bureau. The Criminal Justice Bureaureviews and investigates homicides and public integrity cases. I am not assigned to a particular “unit” butrather assigned to handle any matters within the purview of the Criminal Justice Bureau. I was properlyassigned Mr. Pellino’s complaint for review. I will not readdress the merits of his complaint. As to yourlast point, to my knowledge, I spoke with Mr. Pellino, along with Investigator Tracy, on two occasions; thefirst call was on August 22, 2014 and the second was on January 22, 2015. I was in the office on bothoccasions. I hope this clears up any misconceptions you may have had. This Office will contact Mr.Pellino shortly with regard to his 91-A request. John J. KennedyAssistant Attorney GeneralCriminal Justice BureauOffice of the Attorney General33 Capitol StreetConcord, New Hampshire 03301-6397(603) [email protected]

Statement of ConfidentialityThe information contained in this electronic message and any attachments to this message may contain confidentialor privileged information and is intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s). Please notify the AttorneyGeneral's Office immediately at (603) 271-3658 or reply to [email protected] if you are not the intended recipientand destroy all copies of this electronic message and any attachments. From: toopy [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 9:36 PMTo: Kennedy, John JSubject: Vincenzo's complaint There are too many inconsistencies. We're finding out you're in the Homicide Prosecution Unit, not thePublic Integrity Unit, which you failed to mention, you've given no clear explanation into what you didn'tfind criminal, Vin receives a response to a 91-a request for the file, and he's told, although the files areheld digitally, you will have to scan in what's already scanned in, he will be charged 20 cent's per page &$1 for the cd. If the files are held digitally, it's just a matter of burning the docs to the cd, as well as there'sa 5 business day limit, it's going to take 2-3 months to get the copy, after info is redacted, yet there isabsolutely zero information that would need to be redacted, I know, I put that file together. You never cc'dthe Public Integrity Unit on any of your letters, but were very firm no bureau is going to investigate (whichis not true). Why don't you have the supervisor of the public integrity unit email me or Vincenzo back tolet us know it'll never be investigated, in spite of the $65 extortion of ONE consumer, and evidence ofothers. Not to mention the fact you were most likely on your honeymoon during September. I wouldn't assumeyou would be working during your honeymoon. You called from the office. ?

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