Page 1: Kenya - Encyclopedia Britannica · (IEBC) was biased and corrupt and demanded that its members be replaced prior to the elections. Beginning in April, the opposition held protests

In 2016 tensions were high over the elections sched-uled for the next year. The opposition, led by formerprime minister Raila Odinga, alleged that the coun-

try’s Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission(IEBC) was biased and corrupt and demanded that itsmembers be replaced prior to the elections. Beginning inApril, the opposition held protests every Monday, someof which turned deadly as security forces clashed withdemonstrators. The protests ended in June, after the gov-ernment and the opposition came to an agreement regard-ing how to resolve the situation. A deal outlining the termsfor the departure of the IEBC commissioners was reachedin August, which led to their resignation in October.

DemographyPopulation (2016): 44,893,000.Density (2016): persons per sq mi199.6, persons per sq km 77.1.

Sex distribution (2015): male 49.88%;female 50.12%.

Population projection: (2020)49,583,000; (2030) 62,148,000.

Major cities (2010): Nairobi3,250,000; Mombasa 917,800;Nakuru 275,300; Eldoret 251,900;Kisumu 230,600.

Urban-rural (2014):

Vital statisticsBirth rate per 1,000 population (2015): 26.4 (world avg. 19.5).Death rate per 1,000 population (2015): 6.9 (world avg. 8.1).Life expectancy at birth (2015): male 62.3 years; female 65.3 years.Adult population (ages 15–49) living with HIV (2015): 5.9%

(world avg. 0.8%).

Age breakdown (2015):

Ethnic composition (2004):

Religious affiliation (2009):


Official name: Jamhuri ya Kenya (Swahili);Republic of Kenya (English).

Form of government: unitary multiparty republicwith two legislative houses1 (Senate [682];National Assembly [3503]).

Head of state and government4: President UhuruKenyatta.

Capital: Nairobi.Official languages: Swahili; English.Official religion: none.Monetary unit: Kenyan shilling (K Sh); valuation(Sept. 1, 2016) 1 U.S.$ = K Sh 101.25; 1 £ = K Sh 134.66.

Area and populationarea population area population

2009 2009Counties5 sq km census Counties5 sq km census

Baringo 10,912 555,561Bomet 2,355 730,129Bungoma 3,033 1,375,063Busia 1,830 743,946Elgeyo/Marakwet 3,018 369,998Embu 2,828 516,212Garissa 43,591 623,060Homa Bay 4,760 963,794Isiolo 25,382 143,294Kajaido 21,899 687,312Kakamega 3,023 1,660,651Kericho 2,617 752,396Kiambu 2,569 1,623,282Kilifi 12,505 1,109,735Kirinyaga 1,475 528,054Kisii 1,321 1,152,282Kisumu 2,677 968,909Kitui 30,437 1,012,709Kwale 8,230 649,931Laikipia 9,544 399,227Lamu 6,140 101,539Machakos 6,016 1,098,584Makueni 8,172 884,527Mandera 25,986 1,025,756

Marsabit 76,031 291,166Meru 7,057 1,356,301Migori 3,165 917,170Mombasa 216 939,370Murang’a 2,527 942,581Nairobi 707 3,138,369Nakuru 7,489 1,603,325Nandi 2,847 752,965Narok 17,943 850,920Nyamira 901 598,252Nyandarua 3,270 596,268Nyeri 3,336 693,558Samburu 21,024 223,947Siaya 3,542 842,304Taita/Taveta 17,120 284,657Tana River 39,153 240,075Tharaka Nithi 2,514 365,330Trans-Nzoia 2,496 818,757Turkana 70,586 855,399Uasin Gishu 3,407 894,179Vihiga 563 554,622Wajir 56,649 661,941West Pokot 9,108 512,690TOTAL 591,971 38,610,097

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Page 2: Kenya - Encyclopedia Britannica · (IEBC) was biased and corrupt and demanded that its members be replaced prior to the elections. Beginning in April, the opposition held protests

National economyBudget (2014–15). Revenue: K Sh 1,204,800,000,000 (tax revenue 83.5%,of which income tax 45.0%, VAT 22.2%; nontax revenue14.0%; grants 2.5%). Expenditures: K Sh 1,556,500,000,000(current expenditure 67.8%, of which wages and salaries19.5%, interest payments 9.1%; development expenditure25.7%).

Public debt (external, outstanding; 2014): U.S.$12,604,642,000.Production (metric tons except as noted). Agriculture,

forestry, fishing (2014): sugarcane 6,477,651, corn (maize)3,513,171, potatoes 1,626,027, bananas 1,398,1547, cassava858,461, cabbages 800,7917, sweet potatoes 763,643, drybeans 615,992, mangoes, mangosteens, and guavas 582,9077,tomatoes 503,1727, tea 432,4007, wheat 328,637, avocados191,5057, cowpeas 138,673, pineapples 128,9447, pyrethrum4.9, supplier of cut flowers for EU; livestock (number of live animals)25,430,058 goats, 17,811,845 cattle, 2,937,262 camels, 1,800,0007 bee-hives; roundwood 27,432,000 cu m, of which fuelwood 96%; fisheriesproduction 192,289 (from aquaculture 13%). Mining and quarrying(2013): soda ash 468,215; fluorspar 48,500; tourmaline 34,300 kg; ruby5,500 kg. Manufacturing (value added in U.S.$’000,000; 2012): foodproducts and beverages 1,164; cement, bricks, and ceramics 648; chem-icals and chemical products 214; coke oven products (nearly all sodaash) 178; textiles and wearing apparel 164; iron and steel 142. Energyproduction (consumption): electricity (kW-hr; 2014) 9,139,000,000(7,769,000,000), by source (2012): fossil fuels 23.8%; renewable energy76.2%, of which hydroelectric 52.4%, geothermal 19.7%; coal (metrictons; 2012) none ([2011] 380,000); crude petroleum (barrels; 2012)none ([2011] 13,000,000); petroleum products (metric tons; 2012)968,000 ([2014] 3,937,900); natural gas, none (none).

Population economically active (2015): total 21,820,000; participationrates (2008): ages 15–64, male, n.a.; female 46.5%; unemployed (2013)40.0%, of which youth (ages 15–24) n.a.

Average household size (2009): 4.4.Gross national income (GNI; 2015): U.S.$61,824,000,000 (U.S.$1,340 percapita); purchasing power parity GNI (U.S.$3,060 per capita).

Land use as % of total land area (2011): in temporary crops or left fal-low 9.7%, in permanent crops 1.1%, in pasture 37.4%, forest area 6.1%.

Foreign trade11

Imports (2014): K Sh 1,618,321,000,000 (petroleumproducts 18.1%, industrial machinery 15.9%, roadvehicles 6.3%, iron and steel 4.7%, plastics 3.7%,pharmaceuticals 3.2%). Major import sources (2013):

Exports (2014): K Sh 460,572,000,000 (horticulturalproducts 21.1%, tea 20.4%, wearing apparel andaccessories 6.3%, coffee 4.3%, tobacco and tobac-co products 3.7%, plastic articles 2.4%). Major export destinations (2013):

Transport and communicationsTransport. Railroads (2013): routelength (2014) 2,072 mi, 3,334 km; pas-senger-km 183,000,000; metric ton-kmcargo 848,000,000. Roads (2013): totallength 99,965 mi, 160,878 km (paved7%). Vehicles (2013): passenger cars709,812; trucks and buses 465,402.

Education and healthLiteracy (2015): total population age 15 and over literate78.0%; males literate 81.1%; females literate 74.9%.

Health (2014): physicians 9,149 (1 per 4,920 persons); hospi-tal beds (2010) 57,180 (1 per 714 persons); infant mortalityrate 40.7; undernourished population (2006–08) 12,400,000(33% of total population based on the consumption of aminimum daily requirement of 1,760 calories).

MilitaryTotal active duty personnel (November 2015):24,100 (army 83.0%, navy 6.6%, air force10.4%). Military expenditure as percentageof GDP (2015): 1.5%; per capita expendi-ture U.S.$21.

1A new constitution promulgated Aug. 27, 2010, provided for the establishment of a 68-seat Senatein 2013. 2Includes 16 nonelective seats reserved for women, 2 reserved for youth, 2 reserved for peo-ple with disabilities, and 1 ex officio member. 3Includes 12 nonelective seats and 1 ex officio mem-ber. 4The 2010 constitution abolished the post of Prime Minister effective from the 2013 presiden-tial election. 5Implementation of a new administrative structure, consisting of 47 counties, began in2013. 6Formally employed only. 72013. 8Taxes less subsidies and less imputed bank service charges.9Includes informally employed, small-scale farmers and pastoralists, unemployed, self-employed,and unpaid family workers. 10Detail does not add to total given because of rounding. 11Imports c.i.f.;exports f.o.b. 12Subscribers.

Internet resources for further information:• Kenya National Bureau of Statistics• Central Bank of Kenya

Structure of gross domestic product and labour force2014 2011

in value % of total labour % of labourK Sh ’000,000 value force force

Agriculture, forestry, fishing 1,464,310 27.3 345,9006 3.06

Mining and quarrying 42,351 0.8 8,8006 0.16

Manufacturing 537,323 10.0 275,7006 2.46

Construction 259,624 4.9 109,0006 1.06

Public utilities 97,081 1.8 20,7006 0.26

Transp. and commun. 510,388 9.5 157,4006 1.46

Trade, hotels 487,026 9.1 238,6006 2.16

Finance, real estate 779,643 14.6 107,3006 0.96

Pub. admin., defense 239,862 4.5 835,7006 7.46Services 552,525 10.3Other 387,5378 7.28 9,272,1009 81.59

TOTAL 5,357,67210 100.0 11,371,200 100.0


Communications units unitsnumber per 1,000 number per 1,000

Medium date in ’000s persons Medium date in ’000s persons

TelephonesCellular 2015 37,71612 80712

Landline 2015 85 1.8

Internet users 2009 3,996 100Broadband 2015 13112 2.812

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