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Kerberos and LDAP

Jason Heiss

February 2002

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Why is everybody still using NIS?

• NIS is easy to setup

• Easy to administer

• Scales fairly well

• Widely supported (clients and servers)

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• Replace NIS with something secure– Weakly crypted passwords (and everything

else) sent over the network in the clear– Difficult to firewall– No system authentication

• Provide additional directory services– Replace/supplement paper staff directory

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Other Options

• Copy local passwd file– Error-prone– Requires root-level trust between clients and


• NIS+– Complicated– Limited client support– Dead

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• LDAP is a directory access protocol

• Up to the implementation to use whatever backend it wants

• LDAP can be used to store any form of information, but designed for directories– Small bits of data– Mostly read access

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Goals Revisited

• Security– Clients authenticate server– Encrypt data in transit– Simplify firewalling

• Administration– Easy to configure– Easy to maintain

• Scalability• Widespread client support

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LDAP Security

• Authentication– LDAP clients authenticate server by ensuring server

has an SSL certificate signed by a CA they trust

• Encryption– SSL

• Access control– ACLs based on Kerberos principal user authenticates


– Useful for non-NIS data like home phone number

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Scalability and Client Support

• Scalability– Similar model to NIS for simple situations

• Master and replicas

– Hierarchical relationships possible in larger environments

• Client support– nss_ldap module for any OS which supports

Name Service Switch (Solaris or GNU)– BIND IRS (NSS work-alike from BIND 8)

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Why not LDAP?

• Administration– Initial configuration complicated

• SSL certificate management

• Schemas

• Kerberos

– Ongoing management complicated• NIS+ itis

– No vi; add/change/delete via command line utilities

– Command line utilities take bewildering array of options

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Why Kerberos

• LDAP is designed for public information– ACLs can protect userPassword, but…

• Kerberos supports password security– Dictionary checks of new passwords– Password expiration

• Kerberos useful for other services– Windows authentication– NFS authentication and encryption– AFS

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Kerberos Client Support

• System logins– pam_krb5 for any OS/application which supports PAM

(Pluggable Authentication Modules)• Many common applications require a recompile to enable

PAM (OpenSSH, sudo, xlockmore)

– Replacement binaries for /bin/login, etc.

• Many applications with native Kerberos support– Quite a few only support Kerberos IV, which requires

enabling Kerberos IV support on server

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Summary of Pros and Cons

• Vastly improved security

• Complicated configuration and management

• Do you have time to invest in initial setup?– Can you afford not to?

• Friendly tools can ease ongoing administration

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Kerberos Basics

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• Stores username/password pairs– Usernames are called principals– Kerberos database equivalent to /etc/shadow

• Passwords, encrypted or not, are almost never sent across the network

• Server encrypts keys with user’s password, other folks can’t decrypt/use them without the password

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• When user authenticates, they are given a “ticket”– Tickets are generally good for 8 hours

– Useful for things like authenticated NFS, IMAP, etc.

• Kerberos performs authentication, not authorization– Kerberos tells you if user claiming to be X really is or


– It is up to the client to decide if user X is allowed to do something

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• Principal– name/instance@realm– Examples

[email protected]• jheiss/admin• host/• ldap/

• Realm– Typically domain name in all caps

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Example Kerberos Transaction





TGT, encrypted with

user’s passwordTGT


Service ticket, encrypted

with service password

Encryptedservice ticket





Service request andservice ticket

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LDAP Basics

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• LDAP uses schemas to define what attributes an object can and must have– posixAccount object class corresponds to an entry in a

passwd file

– posixGroup corresponds to a group

• The same object can implement multiple object classes– uid=jheiss,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com might be a

posixAccount, inetOrgPerson and pilotPerson

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Schema Examples

attributetype ( 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1 NAME ( 'uid' 'userid' ) DESC 'RFC1274: user identifier' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX{256} )

objectclass ( NAME 'posixAccount' SUP top AUXILIARY

DESC 'Abstraction of an account with POSIX attributes' MUST ( cn $ uid $ uidNumber $ gidNumber $ homeDirectory ) MAY ( userPassword $ loginShell $ gecos $ description ) )

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Distinguished Names

• Each object in the LDAP directory has a DN– uid=jheiss,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com

– cn=users,ou=group,dc=example,dc=com

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LDIF Example: User

dn: uid=jheiss,ou=people,dc=example,dc=comobjectClass: personobjectClass: inetOrgPersonobjectClass: posixAccountcommonName: Jason Heissmail: [email protected]: 111-222-3333givenName: Jasonsurname: Heissuid: jheissuserPassword: {KERBEROS}[email protected]: /bin/bashuidNumber: 500gidNumber: 100homeDirectory: /home/jheiss

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LDIF Example: Group

dn: cn=users,ou=group,dc=example,dc=com

cn: users

objectClass: posixGroup

userPassword: {crypt}*

gidNumber: 100

memberUid: jheiss

memberUid: bob

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Alphabet Soup

• LDAP– Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

• SASL– Simple Authentication and Security Layer

• GSSAPI– Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface

• PAM– Pluggable Authentication Module

• NSS– Name Service Switch

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Kerberos Implementation

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• Servers– Kerberos

• MIT (Recommended)• Heimdal• SEAM

• Clients– pam_krb5

• Included with Red Hat, FreeBSD, Solaris, possibly others• Open Source versions available from Red Hat (recommended),

Linux PAM project– See references

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Kerberos Servers

• Edit /etc/krb5.conf – Realm, servers– Generally identical on all Kerberized systems in realm

• Edit /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.conf– Realm– Needed on KDCs only

• /usr/kerberos/sbin/kdb5_util create –s• Edit /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kadm5.acl

*/admin@REALM *

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Kerberos Servers, cont.

• Configure init to start daemons– kadmin (master KDC only)– krb5kdc (all KDCs)

• /usr/kerberos/sbin/kadmin.local –q “addprinc jheiss/admin”

• Add additional principals as needed with kadmin• Logs

– /var/log/krb5kdc.log– /var/log/kadmind.log

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Kerberos Replication

• Create host principals for slave KDCs– addprinc –randkey host/hostname

• Edit /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kpropd.conf on slave KDCs– Add entry for every KDC host principal

• Configure init to start kpropd -S on slave KDCs• Add cronjob on master KDC to dump database

and run kprop regularly– See references for link to example script

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Kerberos Packet Filtering

• 88/udp– Clients <-> KDCs– Regular authentication traffic

• 749/tcp– Clients -> master KDC– Password changes, add/change/delete principals

• 754/tcp– Master KDC -> Slave KDCs– Database replication

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Kerberos Client

• Copy /etc/krb5.conf from server– /etc/krb5/krb5.conf on Solaris using SEAM

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PAM on Kerberos Clients

• Red Hat– Copy files as needed from

/usr/share/doc/pam_krb5*/pam.d to /etc/pam.d– gdm, login, passwd, sshd, su, sudo, xdm, xlock

• Solaris– SEAM– See references for example pam.conf

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Host Principal for PAM

• Some references that without it, PAM can’t verify Kerberos server

• Support– Red Hat’s pam_krb5 supports it

• keytab and required_tgs config options

• No evidence that RH does anything different when configured to use it

– No evidence that SEAM support it

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• As user:– kinit– klist

• Test admin functionality– kadmin

• addprinc

• delprinc

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Kerberos Management

• kadmin– addprinc

– delprinc

– listprincs

– ktadd

– ktremove

• ktutil– rkt

– list

– quit

• Easy to integrate into existing user management tool– See references for details

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User Password Management

• Custom centralized password program– Least confusing if you have more than one password

database (NIS, Windows, Samba, etc.)

– See references for more information on integrating Kerberos into one of these

• PAM– PAM configured to change password in Kerberos

• Non-PAM– Users need to use kpasswd

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LDAP Implementation

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• Servers– Kerberos– OpenSSL– SASL (1.x until OpenLDAP 2.1.x is available)– OpenLDAP

• Clients– All of the above plus nss_ldap and pam_krb5

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LDAP Servers, Prep Work

• Create user and group (ldap/ldap)• Make/buy signed SSL certificate

– CN in SSL certificate should be canonical name of server as reported by reverse DNS

• I.e.

– If possible, list user-friendly name in x509v3 Subject Alternative Name field

• Within usr_cert section of openssl.cnf:–

• OpenSSL doesn’t have support for prompting for this field, so you’ll have to edit openssl.cnf for each cert you generate

– chmod 640 slapd-key.pem; chgrp ldap slapd-key.pem

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LDAP Servers, Prep Work

• Create service principal– kadmin –q “addprinc ldap/hostname”– kadmin –q “ktadd –k /etc/openldap/ldap.keytab

ldap/hostname”– chmod 640 ldap.keytab; chgrp ldap ldap.keytab

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LDAP Server Configuration

• Edit /etc/openldap/slapd.conf– ACLs

– SSL cert

– suffix

– rootdn and rootpw

• Configure init to start slapd– KRB5_KTNAME="FILE:/etc/openldap/

ldap.keytab“ /usr/sbin/slapd -u ldap -g ldap -h "ldap:/// ldaps:///"

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• SSL/TLS is a generic method of encrypting application-layer network traffic using x.509 certs for authentication

• “Netscape” way of connecting– Application connects to alternate port for SSL

communication• I.e. HTTPS

• IETF-approved way of connecting– Application connects to standard port, requests SSL– Commonly called “StartTLS”

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Additional LDAP Server Config

• Packet Filtering– LDAP, LDAP w/ TLS

• 389/tcp

– LDAPS• 636/tcp

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LDAP Replication

• slurpd watches for changes, pushes to replicas

• Acts as LDAP client, and thus needs Kerberos ticket, not keytab– Need cronjob to keep ticket current

• Replicas must have ACLs which allow modification by whatever principal slurpd is configured to use

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LDIF Example

dn: dc=example,dc=comobjectclass: organizationo: Example, Inc.

dn: ou=people,dc=example,dc=comobjectclass: organizationalUnitou: People

dn: uid=jheiss,ou=people,dc=example,dc=comobjectClass: posixAccountcommonName: Jason Heisssurname: Heissuid: jheissuserPassword: {KERBEROS}[email protected]: /bin/bashuidNumber: 500gidNumber: 100homeDirectory: /home/jheiss

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Initial Database Population

• ldapadd -x -D “cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com” -W -f initial.ldif

• Remove rootdn and rootpw from slapd.conf and restart

• All future edits should be authorized via ACLs in slapd.conf

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Testing Server

• Test in stages– kinit– ldapsearch -H ldap://hostname/ -x– ldapsearch -H ldaps://hostname/ -x– ldapsearch -H ldap://hostname/ -ZZ -x– ldapsearch -H ldap://hostname/– ldapsearch -H ldaps://hostname/– ldapsearch -H ldap://hostname/ -ZZ

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LDAP Clients

• Install nss_ldap• Edit /etc/ldap.conf

host ldap2.example.combase dc=example,dc=comssl start_tlstls_checkpeer yestls_cacertfile /etc/ssl/ca-cert.pem

• Edit /etc/openldap/ldap.confURI ldaps://

ldaps:// dc=example,dc=com

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Testing Client

• ldapsearch– Makes sure /etc/openldap/ldap.conf is setup properly

and that connection to server is good

• id username• getent passwd username• If things don’t work

– Try turning of checkpeer in /etc/ldap.conf– Try setting ssl to no in /etc/ldap.conf– Try turning off nscd

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• Sample error messages– ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s: Local error

• ldap/hostname service principal not setup

• User doesn’t have ticket or ticket has expired

– ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s: Can't contact LDAP server

• Checking hostname from CN field of SSL cert failed

• See my web page in references for more

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Controlling Access

• Linux– Add to /etc/pam.d/whatever

account required /lib/security/– Edit /etc/security/access.conf

• See /usr/share/doc/pam-*/txts/README.pam_access for syntax

• Solaris– Add entries to /etc/project after removing default

entries (except user.root)user.username:uid::::

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LDAP Management

• OpenLDAP tools– ldapadd, ldapmodify, ldapdelete

– Not very user friendly

• Jason’s tools– ldapcat, ldapedit, ldapposixadd

– Useful for folks used to NIS

• Integration into centralized tools– Perl and Net::LDAP

• Sample code on web page

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• Kerberos– comp.protocols.kerberos

• OpenLDAP– echo subscribe | mail openldap-software-

[email protected]

• nss_ldap– echo subscribe | mail nssldap-

[email protected]

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•– Kerberos replication script– Sample SEAM pam.conf– Examples of integrating Kerberos management into

existing tools– Sample slapd.conf– Sample nss_ldap and OpenLDAP ldap.conf’s– Sample LDIF– List of OpenLDAP error messages– LDAP tools and sample Net::LDAP code

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• Friendly Kerberos introduction:

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• Kerberos– MIT:

– Heimdal:


• Encryption modules necessary for Kerberized NFS:

• Full SEAM package:

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• pam_krb5– Red Hat

• /usr/share/doc/pam_krb5-*/README on a Red Hat box

– Linux PAM Project:



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