Page 1: Key Concepts ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS in Species such as lions and hyenas, cannot see them as easily. The spotted coat of giraffes is an adaptation. An adaptation is an inherited trait

Lesson 2

Adaptations in Species

This snake, called an eyelash viper, blends in well with its environment. How does this adaptation help the snake survive? What are some other adaptations that help organisms survive?

Why Blend In?

Reading GuideKey Concepts ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS

• How do mutations cause variations?

• How does natural selection lead to adaptations in species?

• What are some ways adaptations help species survive in their environments?

Vocabulary variation


natural selection

selective breeding



Multilingual eGlossarygg

• Science Video• What’s Science Got to do With It?


Chapter 20/Inheritance and Adaptations 695

Page 2: Key Concepts ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS in Species such as lions and hyenas, cannot see them as easily. The spotted coat of giraffes is an adaptation. An adaptation is an inherited trait

What is adaptation?In all species that reproduce sexually, offspring are different

from their parents. The giraffes in Figure 8 are members of the same species, yet each one has a slightly different pattern of spots on its coat. Slight differences in inherited traits among indi-vidual members of a species are variations.

Variations occur through mutations. A mutation might harm an organism’s chances of survival. However, many muta-tions, such as those that cause the unique pattern of spots on a giraffe, cause no harm. Still other mutations can benefit an organism. They produce traits that help an organism survive.

The giraffes in Figure 8 have different spot patterns, but each has spots. The spots help the giraffes blend in with their environment—the grasslands of Africa. As a result, predators of giraffes, such as lions and hyenas, cannot see them as easily. The spotted coat of giraffes is an adaptation. An adaptation is an inherited trait that helps a species survive in its environment.

Key Concept Check How are mutations related to variations?

Figure 8 Giraffes have variations in the patterns of their spots depending on the genes they inherit.

How alike are members of a population? It is easy to see the differences among people, but what about plants or animals? Are all robins alike? What about sunflower seeds?

1 Read and complete a lab safety form.2 Place 10 sunflower seeds on a paper towel. Number the

seeds 1–10 by writing on the paper towel below each seed.3 Use a magnifying lens to examine the seeds, focusing on

how their coloration is alike and/or different. Record your observations in your Science Journal.

4 Copy the table on the right in your Science Journal. Perform the following steps and record your observations.

• Use a metric ruler to measure the length of each seed.

• Measure the thickness of each seed at its thickest point.5 Compare the length and thickness of your 10 seeds with

those of other teams.

Think About This1. Do all sunflower seeds have the same length and thickness? Why do you think the seeds

differed in so many ways?

2. Key Concept If you were a bird, do you think you would be more or less attracted to any of the seeds? How might this affect the reproduction of the sunflowers?

Launch Lab 15 minutes

Seed VariationsSeed Length




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Page 3: Key Concepts ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS in Species such as lions and hyenas, cannot see them as easily. The spotted coat of giraffes is an adaptation. An adaptation is an inherited trait

Variation in Traits In this population of beetles, someare yellow and some are brown. The color does not affectthe ability of the beetles to survive in their environment.

Traits are Inherited The yellow beetles do not liveas long as the brown beetles, and—since color isinherited—fewer yellow beetles hatch.

Adaptation over Time Nearly all individuals in a popu-lation are brown. The color brown has become an adaptationthat helps the beetles avoid predators in that environment.

Organisms Compete A new predator eats yellow beetles more often because it sees the yellow beetles moreeasily than the brown beetles.


3 4


How Adaptations Occur Giraffe spots were probably the result of a mutation that

occurred in an individual giraffe many generations ago. The mutation produced a variation that helped the giraffe survive. Eventually, the mutated gene became part of the giraffe popu-lation genotype. How did this happen? How can a variation in a single individual become common to an entire population?

Natural SelectionNatural selection is the process by which organisms with varia-

tions that help them survive in their environment live longer, compete better, and reproduce more than those that do not have the variation. If a variation helps an organism survive or compete better in its environment, the organism with that variation lives longer. Because it lives longer, it has more offspring that also can have the variation. Over many generations, more and more offspring inherit the variation. Eventually, most of the population has the variation, and it becomes an adaptation, as shown in Figure 9.

Because mutations are random and occur continually, so do new variations. The variations that become adaptations depend on the environment. Over time, all environments change. Huge volcanic eruptions can change a climate rapidly. The movement of continents causes slow, gradual changes. When an environment changes, a population either adapts through natural selection or dies off. The repeated elimination of popu-lations can lead to the extinction of a species.

Key Concept Check How does a variation become an adaptation?

Figure 9 Through natural selection, a color variation in one or a few beetles can be inherited by many other beetles to become an adaptation.

REVIEW VOCABULARYspeciesa group of organisms that share similar characteristics and can reproduce among themselves, producing fertile offspring

WORD ORIGINadaptationfrom Latin adaptare, means “to adjust”

Personal TutorReview

Chapter 20/Inheritance and Adaptations 697

Page 4: Key Concepts ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS in Species such as lions and hyenas, cannot see them as easily. The spotted coat of giraffes is an adaptation. An adaptation is an inherited trait

Selective BreedingWatching natural selection in action is like watching moun-

tains grow taller. It occurs over so many generations that it usually cannot be seen. It is easier to observe a type of selection practiced by humans. When humans breed organisms for food or for use as pets, they are selecting variations that occur natu-rally in populations. The selection and breeding of organisms with desired traits is selective breeding. Selective breeding is similar to natural selection except that humans, instead of nature, do the selecting. By breeding organisms with desired traits, humans change traits just as natural selection does. Cows with increased levels of milk production, dogs of different sizes, and roses of unique colors are products of selective breeding. So is the chicken shown in Figure 10.

Reading Check How is selective breeding different from natural selection?

Types of Adaptations Through natural selection or selective breeding, all species

on Earth are uniquely adapted to their environments. Chickens are adapted to life in a henhouse just as giraffes are adapted to life in the grasslands. Adaptations enable species to maintain homeostasis, avoid predators, find and eat food, and move. There are three main categories of adaptations: structural, behavioral, and functional. Examples of each are shown in Table 1.

Figure 10 The frizzle chicken is the result of breeding birds with a mutation—outward-curling feathers.

Table 1 Types of Adaptations Type of Adaptation Description Example

Structurala physical trait, such as color, shape, or internal structure, that increases survival

The color and shape of this insect’s eyes are structural adaptations.


a behavior or action, such as migration, hibernation, hunting at night, or playing dead, that increases survival

This snake is playing dead, a behavioral adaptation to fool predators.


a biochemical change, such as hibernating, shedding, or spitting, that enables a species to increase survival or maintain homeostasis

Spraying venom, as this cobra is doing, is a functional adaptation.

Table 1 Types of adaptations include structural, behavioral, and functional.

Visual Check What are some examples of behavioral adaptations?

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Page 5: Key Concepts ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS in Species such as lions and hyenas, cannot see them as easily. The spotted coat of giraffes is an adaptation. An adaptation is an inherited trait

Maintaining Homeostasis The ability of an organism to keep its internal conditions

within certain limits is homeostasis. Sweating on a hot day is an adaptation that helps you maintain your internal body tempera-ture when external temperatures increase. All species have adaptations that help them survive temporary changes in their environments. Species also have adaptations specific to their environments. Plants living in deserts store water in their leaves. Fish in the ocean have gills that remove oxygen from water.

Protection from Predators Species also have adaptations that protect them from preda-

tors. For example, sharp quills protect porcupines. Sometimes, through natural selection, variations are selected that make an organism resemble something else. Camouflage (KAM uh flahj) is an adaptation that enables a species to blend in with its environment. The stonefish in Figure 11 resembles a rock. This makes it less visible to predators. Mimicry (MIH mih kree) is an adaptation in which one species looks like another species. The scarlet kingsnake is a nonpoisonous snake that looks like, or mimics, the poisonous coral snake. Predators often avoid the kingsnake because they cannot tell the two snakes apart.

Key Concept Check Give an example of how adaptations help species survive.

Figure 11 Can you see the fish? The stonefish is well-camouflaged in its environment.

MiniLab 20 minutes

How do species’ adaptations affect one another’s survival? In a predator-prey relationship, adaptations can greatly affect the survival of a population.

1 Read and complete a lab safety form.2 Obtain a bag with cards according to your assigned group. Each card in

your bag represents the speed of one individual in your population. Find and record the average speed of the ten individuals in your population.

3 Shuffle your cards and place them face down between your team and the opposing team (predator v. prey).

4 At the same time, each team turns over the top card. The team with the faster speed on its card places its card face-up in a separate pile, representing surviving individuals. The slower team places their card face-down in a separate pile. In case of a tie, flip a coin. Continue playing through ten rounds.

5 Count your surviving individuals, and calculate the new average speed of the survivors.

Analyze and Conclude1. Draw Conclusions Based on your results, how did natural selection affect your population?

2. Key Concept How would the survival of either population be affected if one population developed a large adaptive advantage over the other? Explain your answer.

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Page 6: Key Concepts ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS in Species such as lions and hyenas, cannot see them as easily. The spotted coat of giraffes is an adaptation. An adaptation is an inherited trait

Food GatheringAs you have just read, camouflage and mimicry protect

species from predators. These same adaptations also can help species find food. The camouflaged stonefish in Figure 11 is hid-den not only from predators, but also from its prey. Many other kinds of adaptations help species gather and eat food. An ant-eater has a long nose and a long tongue for gathering ants. Each of the birds shown in Figure 12 has a beak that helps it gather a different type of food. Some plants also have adaptations that enable them to store food. Potatoes, onions, and tulips all have modified underground stems that store food for the plants.

As predators develop adaptations for hunting their prey, the species they hunt develop adaptations for avoiding them. A cheetah is a fast runner. But so are the gazelles it chases as prey. Over time, cheetahs might become even faster due to chance variations and natural selection. But faster gazelles also might arise from the same process. In this way, species adapt to each other.

Movement Cheetahs and gazelles have long, powerful legs adapted to

running fast. Legs, wings, flippers, fins, and even tails are adap-tations that help species move. Movement helps species search for food, avoid predators, and escape unpleasant stimuli. Even plants have adaptations for movement. Their leaves turn to face the Sun as it moves across the sky.

Woodpeckers use their long, thin beaks to search for insects in tree bark.

Parrots have strong beaks that help them crack nuts and seeds.

The condor uses its long, powerful beak to tear the flesh from dead organisms.

Figure 12 Though all birds have wings, beaks, and feathers, each species is adapted to a different environment. Each uses its beak in a different way to gather food.

Visual Check How is a condor’s beak adapted for the food it eats?





Make a vertical four-tab book, and label it as shown. Use it to orga-nize your notes on ben-efits of adaptations.

iScience Grade 7, Davis County Edition700

Page 7: Key Concepts ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS in Species such as lions and hyenas, cannot see them as easily. The spotted coat of giraffes is an adaptation. An adaptation is an inherited trait

Visual Summary

Online QuizAssessment

Virtual LabInquiry??Lesson 2 Review

Variations in popula-tions occur because of mutations. Variations can lead to adaptations.

Through natural selection, a variation that helps organisms survive and repro-duce eventually is inherited by most members of the population.

Adaptations may be structural, behavioral, or functional. Structural adapta-tions help organisms blend in with their environments.

Use your lesson Foldable to review the lesson. Save your Foldable for the project at the end of the chapter.

You first read the statements below at the beginning of the chapter.

4. Mutations are a source of variation.

5. All species on Earth are uniquely adapted to their environments.

6. Plants have adaptations for movement.

Did you change your mind about whether you agree or disagree with the statements? Rewrite any false statements to make them true.

What do you think

Use Vocabulary 1 Slight differences in inherited traits

are .

2 Describe natural selection in your own words.

3 Distinguish between mimicry and camouflage.

Understand Key Concepts 4 A nonpoisonous butterfly has coloration

and markings similar to a poisonous butterfly. This an example ofA. camouflage. C. behavioral adaptation.B. mimicry. D. functional adaptation.

5 Compare and contrast natural selection and selective breeding.

6 Explain how two species might trigger adaptive changes in each other.

Interpret Graphics7 Identify the type

of adaptation the insect at right exhibits, and explain how the insect might benefit from the adaptation.

8 Organize Information Copy the graphic organizer below. Use it to list three ways that an organism you choose is adapted to its environment. Classify each adaptation as structural, behavioral, or functional.


Critical Thinking9 Evaluate the role of the environment in

natural selection.

10 Assess the role of mutations in adaptations.

Chapter 20/Inheritance and Adaptations 701

Page 8: Key Concepts ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS in Species such as lions and hyenas, cannot see them as easily. The spotted coat of giraffes is an adaptation. An adaptation is an inherited trait

Lab 40 minutes

Model Natural Selection


paper bag


red beans, white beans,

and black beans


Do not taste or eat any material used

in the lab.

Rabbit Population—Generation 1Rabbit # 1st Bean Color 2nd Bean Color Phenotype


The interaction between predators and their prey is a driving force for natural selection. There are many other forces in nature, such as changes in environment, that act on natural selection. However, predation provides a good model to explore how natural selection works.

Ask a QuestionWhat happens to a population when a mutation occurs in an individual that helps it survive in its environment?

Make Observations1 Read and complete a lab safety form.2 Obtain a paper bag and write Rabbit Gene Pool on the front of the bag.3 Place 10 red beans and 10 white beans in the bag.4 Make a table like the one below in your Science Journal. Use the table to

record the genotype and the phenotype of individuals in each generation of the population. Assume that a pair of beans is the genotype of an individual rabbit. The phenotype of a pair of red beans is brown fur. The phenotype of a red bean and a white bean is gray fur, and the phenotype of a pair of white beans is white fur.

5 Without looking in the bag, take out two beans to represent an offspring. Record the colors in your table. Continue taking beans out of the bag two at a time and recording the results for the first generation of rabbits. Determine and record the phenotype of each rabbit.

6 To model selection, predators eat 100 percent of the white rabbits, which do not blend in well with the environment, 50 percent of the gray rabbits, and 25 percent of the brown rabbits. In the case of an odd number of individuals, flip a coin to determine whether an individual will survive.

7 After you have eliminated the correct number of individuals, place two offspring per surviving individual in the bag, along with the surviving parent. In this activity, each offspring should have the same genotype as its parent.

8 Repeat steps 4–7. Then repeat steps 4–6 again.

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Page 9: Key Concepts ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS in Species such as lions and hyenas, cannot see them as easily. The spotted coat of giraffes is an adaptation. An adaptation is an inherited trait

Form a Hypothesis9 Review the data you have collected so far.

Suppose one of the gray rabbits from the third generation had a mutation on one of its genes, and its fur is multicolored. A multicolored rabbit blends in well with its environment, and predators eat 0 percent of the multicolored rabbits in successive generations. Formulate a hypothesis that explains how the population will change over the next three generations of rabbits.

Test Your Hypothesis10 Determine which rabbits in the third

generation will survive predation. Choose a gray rabbit. Replace the red bean in its genotype with a black bean. This represents the multicolored rabbit.

11 Continue step 7 with the third generation by placing two offspring per surviving individual in the bag, along with the surviving parent. Each offspring should have the same genotype as its parent.

12 Repeat steps 4–7 three more times, using these new rules for eliminating rabbits: predators eat 100 percent of the white rabbits, 60 percent of the gray rabbits,35 percent of the brown rabbits, and0 percent of the multicolored rabbits. Assume that the multicolored gene is dominant over the other colors. End the model with six generations of rabbits.

Analyze and Conclude13 Analyze How did the rabbit population

change during the first three generations of rabbits?

14 Analyze How did the rabbit population change after the mutation occurred and multicolored fur became a phenotype? Was your hypothesis correct? Why or why not?

15 Draw Conclusions What explains the changes to the rabbit population over the six generations you tested?


16 Describe how this model is similar to and different from the way that natural selection occurs in nature.

17 The Big Idea Predict what the population of rabbits would be like after ten generations, assuming conditions remain the same as they are in step 12.

Communicate Your Results Compare your results with those of other groups. Did any groups have results that were signifi-cantly different than yours? Why or why not?


Design your own model to mimic natural selection.


Remember to use scientific methods.

Chapter 20/Inheritance and Adaptations 703

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