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‘You are the best people raised for

the good of mankind’ (Surah Aal-e-Imran v111)



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‘Vie with each other in good deeds’ Pg.3

Constitution Pg.4

Role of Secretary Khidmat-e-Khalq Pg.5

Helping members in need Pg.6-7

October monthly target - Autumn Clean up Pg.8

November monthly target - Aisha Maternity Hospital Pg.9

December monthly target - ‘Warm a Heart’ Pg.10

January monthly target - Supporting Local Shelters Pg.11

February monthly target - ‘Lets go Green!’ Pg.12

March monthly target - Aisha Maternity Hospital Pg.13

April monthly target - Ramadhan - ‘Sadqa Appeal’ Pg.14-15

May monthly target - ‘Become a Donor’ Pg.16

June monthly target - Huqooq-ul-Ibaad Pg.17-19

July monthly target - ‘Spirit of Sacrifice’ Pg.20

September monthly target - Humanitarian Aid Project Pg.21

Jamaat Funds Pg.22

Good deed of the day Pg.23

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Elucidating as to what the nature of virtue is and explaining that even an ap-parently minor good deed can make one worthy of the pleasure of Allah the Exalted, Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah strengthen his hands has


"A righteous deed is a ladder to rise towards Islam and God. The reality of a good deed needs to be borne in mind." … Satan misleads people in every way and leads them astray from the path of Truth. The Promised Messiah (peace

be upon him) gave the example of a self-indulgent person, who chooses to do-nate left over bread to a hungry person, despite having freshly prepared meal to hand. This does not comply with the Divine commandment that Allah the Exalted says: And they feed, for love of Him, the poor, the orphan,

and the prisoner. He did not feed poor from what was Tuam (means desir-able food) for him, but from the left-overs.' This is not a true act of virtue. To attain a true act of virtue demands a lot of self-reflection and endeavour. True

virtue cannot be acquired without having absolute faith in God Almighty. True virtue is attained when one develops a faith in God Almighty as All-

Seeing, Who is totally aware of everything and possesses knowledge of the un-seen.

Friday Sermon, 27th October 2017

‘Vie with each other in good deeds’

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60. It is the duty of Secretary Khidmate Khalq that she should be attentive towards

the teaching of skills to the women of needy families.

61. It is the duty of Secretary Khidmate Khalq that she shall try to instil within

members respect for hard work and effort.

62. Secretary Khidmate Khalq should be attentive towards the free education of

needy children and classes should be organised for them.

63. It is the duty of Secretary Khidmate Khalq to remind members to be mindful of

the needs of their neighbours. In the Holy Quran there is a commandment to give

to relatives. In this regard Hazrat Khalifatul – Masih V (aba) has stated in his Fri-

day Sermon of 1st June 2007: “Treat your close relatives well, not just those with

whom you have good relations and those you like. You should treat well even those

you do not like and whose nature does not agree with you”. (Al Fazl 17th July


64. It shall be the responsibility of Secretary Khidmate Khalq to adopt such

measures that instil in the members, the desire to help the poor and needy women.

To achieve this objective, the Secretary Khidmate Khalq shall devise schemes for

the benefit of the Creation of God. Moreover, she shall try to eradicate unemploy-

ment among women so that they can become self-reliant.


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Be aware of any ‘members in need’ within the Majlis e.g. sick members, disa-

bled, elderly, lonely, refugees etc.

Secretary Khidmat-e-Khalq should try to cultivate fundamental qualities that

are needed to serve mankind in the members of the Majlis.

Aim to visit members in need regularly and encourage other Lajna members

to pay a visit or offer help in any way possible.

Guide Lajna members about volunteering opportunities within and outside


Organize help/support for external organizations i.e. homeless shelters, care

homes, hospice, women’s refuge etc.

Create awareness amongst Lajna about the rights of neighbours.

Research about various Jamaat funds and raise awareness amongst local La-


Organize collections for different schemes/appeals i.e. disaster relief etc.

Complete the monthly targets/projects and relevant work in accordance with

the KEK guidelines.

Submit monthly report to the national team.

Become a role model for fellow Lajna and lead by example when requested to

perform duties, hence instil the value of hard work amongst Lajna.


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It is the duty of Secretary Khidmat-e-Khalq to identify and assist members in need within her Majlis and to encourage other lajna to help also. Help can be giv-en to elderly, single mothers, widows, sick, lone members, refugees/asylum seekers, and possibly new converts. Some ways in which local Secretary Khidmat-e-Khalq can support these members are;

Offering emotional help/support

Arranging lifts

Helping them in shopping

Help by cooking food

Help the elderly by lending a hand in domestic cleaning

Arrange pick up of their medicine

Childminding or dropping/collecting children from school

Taking members in need out for appointments

Ensuring that at festival times such as Eid, members in need (also think about converts in your majlis or people from other ethnic background who may not have any family to celebrate Eid with) are not forgotten but are included in local festivities.

Volunteer to interpret for free

Attending council/school meetings with members in need

Teaching children to recite the Holy Quran

Encourage members to meet one another within majlis to promote social and mental well being. This can also be done by arranging a social get together for the ‘members in need’.

And however else the local Secretary can help to assist local members in need according to the local requirements.

Helping Members in Need

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‘For those who do good deeds, there shall be the

best reward and yet more blessings.’

Surah Yunus 10:27

Hadhrat Abu Huraira, may Allah be pleased with

him narrates that the Holy Prophet peace and

blessings of Allah be upon him said “Every small

bone of everyone has upon it a charitable act for

everyday upon which the sun rises. Bringing about

justice between two is an act of charity. Helping a

man get on his mount, lifting him onto it or help-

ing him put his belongings onto it, is a charitable

act. A good word is a charitable act. Every step you

take toward the prayer is a charitable act. And

removing a harmful thing from the path is a

charitable act.”


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As the weather starts to change into autumn, leaves are going to start falling and

piling up in our gardens. Damp leaves become slick and slippery, and can become

a hazard for people to slip on. There is also a chance that the leaves will pile up

and hide defects that can lead to someone tripping and falling. Elderly and frail

people are more susceptible to such accidents with serious consequences.

With the help of local Lajna, please arrange front garden and path clear ups for

the elderly and vulnerable members of the Majlis and neighbourhood.


*Members must ensure that whilst performing this task they adhere to

the requirements of purdah at all times.

**Due to the current situation of Covid-19, social distancing and other

precautionary measures should be taken by all Lajna volunteers.


Arrange front garden clear ups for the elderly and vulnerable in the

Majlis and in the local neighbourhood.



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Khidmat-e-Khalq Secretaries to continue their focus on promoting

the Lajna Centenary project of ‘Aisha Maternity Hospital’ within

their majlis. Secretaries to encourage all Lajna to come forward and

donate in this blessed cause as means of gratitude to Allah Almighty

for His immense blessings upon us all.

Please use guidance and updated information on the project sent by the Nation-

al team to fulfil this target.

The Holy Quran

And whatever of wealth you spend, surely, Allah has perfect knowledge

thereof. Those who spend their wealth by night and day, secretly and

openly, have their reward with their Lord; on them shall come no fear,

nor shall they grieve.

(Surah Al-Baqarah v 274-275)

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To help the destitute and homeless people of our society, Secretaries

to make arrangements (with the help of local Lajna) to donate win-

ter clothes and shoes for the local homeless.

**For precautionary measures donations should not be given by any

family which is self-isolating or has any Coronavirus related symp-

toms. **

The Holy Quran

If you give alms openly, it is well and good; but if you conceal them and give

them to the poor, it is better for you; and He will remove from you many of

your sins. And Allah is aware of what you do.

(Surah Al-Baqarah v 272)

Donations can be made to homeless shel-

ters and charities which distribute warm

clothing to the local homeless. When

donating please be mindful that all items

are washed and are in very good condi-

tion, if not new. All items of clothing

must be weather appropriate.

Lajna can donate the following items:




Some charities may also request donations of sleeping bags/duvets/blankets.

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Secretary Khidmat-e-Khalq to arrange support to the local women/

teen shelter.

Hadhrat Khalifat Masih V, may Allah strengthen his hands said:

“….the Holy Quran states that the hallmark of a true Muslim is that he should

care for all of God’s creation and should comfort and support those in need,

whether they seek their help or not. Hence, it is not enough for a Muslim to wait

until someone asks for help; rather, it is his duty to recognise the suffering of

others and to make whatever sacrifices are required in order to help them

overcome their challenges or troubles.

Extracts from keynote address at Inauguration of Nasir Hospital, Guatemala- 23rd October


Secretaries to contact local women/teen shelters and enquire how Lajna can sup-

port them.

Support can be provided by:

Monetary donations

Providing cooked food

Donating clothes/accessories & shoes

Donating baby/children’s clothing and shoes

Donating toiletries

Donating toys and books for children at the shelter

Taking sweets/chocolates or fruit for the children

**For precautionary measures donations should not be given by any

family which is self-isolating or has any Coronavirus related symp-

toms. **

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Secretary Khidmat-e-Khalq to promote and encourage Lajna to

adopt eco-friendly habits in their daily lives.

Allah has made provisions for humans on this earth, it provides shelter, water,

fruit, vegetables and so much more for us. It is our responsibility to ensure that

we do not take any of these blessings for granted and safeguard it for the future


Small steps can make big changes

Some simple habits Lajna can adopt are:

Conserve energy - Hit that switch button ‘off’ and see improvements,

especially in your energy bills !

Do not waste food

Recycle everything ! Food, clothes, batteries, paper, furniture and so much


Cut out plastic—use reusable bags

Plant trees - another way of giving back to our planet

Put up a birdfeeder in the garden

Grow our own fruit/veg

Keeping our environment/areas clean, after all ‘cleanliness is half of one’s


Reduce water wastage - shorter showers will save water and energy !

Replace old bulbs with energy efficient ones

Ditch the car ! Opt to walk to local shops

Have meat free days

Shop consciously

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MARCH 2021


Khidmat-e-Khalq Secretaries to continue their focus on promoting

the Lajna Centenary project of ‘Aisha Maternity Hospital’ within

their majlis. Secretaries to encourage all Lajna to come forward and

donate in this blessed cause as means of gratitude to Allah Almighty

for His immense blessings upon us all.

Please use guidance and updated information on the project sent by the Nation-

al team to fulfil this target.

The Holy Quran

‘They ask thee what they shall spend. Say, “Whatever of good and abun-

dant wealth you spend should be for parents and near relatives and or-

phans and the needy and the wayfarer. And whatever good you do,

surely Allah knows it perfectly well.”

(Surah Al-Baqarah v 216)

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APRIL 2021


Lajna Ima’illah UK to participate in a ‘Sadqa donation drive’ during

the blessed month of Ramadhan. Secretary Khidmat-e-Khalq

should promote this noble appeal throughout the month and remind

Lajna to donate.

Details and method of payments will be sent by the National Khid-

mat-e-Khalq Department to all local Sadrs and Secretaries.

The Holy Quran

‘The similitude of those who spend their wealth for the cause of Allah is like the

similitude of a grain of corn which grows seven ears, in each ear a hundred

grains. And Allah multiplies it further for whomsoever He pleases; Allah is

Bountiful, All-Knowing.’

Surah al-Baqarah v 262

The holy month of Ramadan is a blessed month, where the rewards for all of

our good deeds are multiplied. Giving ‘sadqa’ (alms/charity) in this month sees

its blessings increase manifold. We have the beautiful example of our beloved

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, who the was

most generous of all people in giving charity but his generosity would reach its

peak during the blessed month of Ramadhan.

Hadhrat Ibn Abbas may Allah be pleased with him narrates that:

The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was the most

generous of all people, and he used to become more generous in Ramadan

when Gabriel would meet him. Gabriel used to meet him every night during

Ramadan to revise the Quran with him. Allah’s Messenger, peace and bless-

ings of Allah be upon him, then used to be more generous than a fast, fierce


(Sahih Bukhari)

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Hadhrat Adiyi bin Hatim, may Allah be pleased

with him narrates that The Holy Prophet, peace

and blessings of Allah be upon him, said.

"Give charity to save yourself from the fire even

if it be by giving a portion of a date."


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Save a life, donate blood

One donation can save

up to 3 lives !


MAY 2021


Secretaries to research and inform Lajna on the benefits and bless-

ings of donating blood. Secretaries should guide the Lajna through

the registration process.

IX Condition of Bai’at (Initiation)

That he/she shall keep himself/herself occupied in the service of God’s creatures

for His sake only; and shall endeavour to benefit mankind to the best of his/her

God-given abilities and powers.

Further information can be found on

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Allah the Almighty says in the Holy Quran:

“And worship Allah and associate naught with Him, and show kindness to par-

ents, and to kindred, and orphans, and the needy, and to the neighbour that is a

kinsman and the neighbour that is a stranger, and the companion by your side,

and the wayfarer, and those whom your right hands possess. Surely, Allah loves

not the proud and the boastful.”

(Surah Al Nisa v37)

In this verse, Allah the Almighty commands not only to treat your brothers, your

near ones, your relatives, your acquaintances, and your neighbors kindly, but also

be compassionate to them, help them if they are in need, and be beneficent to the

best of your ability to even those people whom you do not know and have no

relationship or association with. And be beneficent to those whom you have only

met temporarily. If they are in need of your sympathy or your help and can benefit

from you, then you must help them. By doing so, a beautiful culture of Islam will

be established. Develop compassion for God’s creatures, with the understanding

that it is something more than a good deed, it falls into the category of benevo-

lence. Benevolence means not expecting the return of your favours; benevolence

is exercised by man purely for the sake of Allah the Almighty. In this way, such a

beautiful society will be established where there will be no dispute between hus-

band and wife, mother-in-law and daughter-inlaw, brothers, and neighbors. Every-

one will try to be benevolent to the other. Each person will try to give others their

rights with love and care, and will do so purely to win the love of Allah.



JUNE 2021


Secretaries can prepare presentations, interactive workshops or dis-

cussions to fulfil this target by using quotes from the Holy Quran,

hadith, extracts from sayings of the Promised Messiah (Peace be up-

on him) and addresses or Friday sermons of Hadhrat Khalifatul

Masih, may Allah strengthen his hands.

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…. continued

In today’s society, this is even more urgent than ever before. Allah says that if you

do not follow this path, then you will be counted as arrogant. And Allah does not

like arrogance.

(Conditions of Bai’at-Responsibilities of an Ahmadi, Pg 150)

Hadhrat Ali, may Allah be pleased with him narrates that the Holy Prophet,

peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said:

‘Every Muslim has six obligations with regard to other Muslims:

1. When he meets him, he should say ‘Assalamo ‘Alaikum.’

2. When one sneezes, he should say, ‘Yarhamukumullah’

(may Allah have mercy on you).

1. When he is sick, he should visit him.

2. When one calls him for help, he responds to him.

3. When one dies, he comes to his funeral.

4. And he desires for them what he desires for himself, and even in his absence

he wishes him well.’

(Sunanud-Darimiyyi, Kitab-ul-Istidhan, Babun fi HaqqilMuslimi ‘alal-Muslim)

The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, stated that he and

the one who cares for the upbringing of orphans will be together in paradise like

the index finger is close to the next finger. Saying this, he demonstrated by tightly

pressing the two fingers so there was no space left between them.


Hadhrat Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, relates that the Holy

Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said:

He who believes in Allah and the Last Day should honour his guest; he who believes in Allah and the Last Day should join the ties of kinship and he who believes in Allah and the Last Day should speak beneficently or keep quite.


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How to fulfil the responsibility of Haqooq-ul-Ibaad

Secretary Khidmat-e-Khalq should strive become a role model of these beautiful

teachings of Islam herself first, and then encourage the local Lajna to follow these

teachings too.

Everyone should make great efforts to inculcate the habit of fulfilling the ’duties to-

wards mankind’ within our homes and outside, so wherever Ahmadi Muslim live,

they become a source of comfort for all those around them and the society.

After fulfilling the rights of parents and kinship (blood relations), Lajna members

should focus on fulfilling the right of -


Needy (Elderly, disabled, vulnerable members of the society, weak, widows


Neighbours (near and far)

Colleagues at college/work etc

Someone who is a traveller ‘Musaffir’, guests

Employee/ subordinate

Wherever possible, local Lajna should implement these within their local majlis

first and then extend service outside.

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JULY 2021


Discuss the Lajna pledge and how we can be fulfil it in our daily


What is the true spirit of ‘sacrifice’ ?

Instil the spirit of hard work and the passion to sacrifice time for

the sake of Allah amongst Lajna, especially at jamaat events and

Jalsa Salana.

Our Pledge :


except Allah. He is one and has no partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is His servant

and His Messenger. I affirm that I shall always be ready to sacrifice

my life, property, time and children for the

cause of faith and nation. I shall always adhere to

truth and shall always be prepared to make every

sacrifice for the perpetuation of the Ahmadiyya

Khilafat, Insha’Allah

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**Details of this project will be sent out to all local Sadrs in August.**

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The Holy Quran

Never shall you attain to righteousness unless you spend out of that which

you love; and whatever you spend, Allah surely knows it well.

(Surah Aal-e-’Imran 93)

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah strengthen his hands said :

..that there has never been a movement, whether worldly or spiritual, which

has survived without financial contribution. A spiritual movement requires

funds to carry out its missions and fulfill the obligations to humanity at large


(Friday Sermon 8th January 2010 )

Secretaries should focus on giving Lajna detailed information on

different jamaat funds, their purpose and benefits.

Information on funds can be found many ways including by using website. For further reference, secretaries can be use the book

‘An Introduction to Financial Sacrifice’ which illustrates few of the

funds .

The book is available on alislam website.

Which funds can accept Sadqa -

Syedna Bilal Fund X

Maryam Shadi Fund X

KEK Fund X

Aisha Maternity Hospital √

Orphan (Yatama) Fund √

Buyutul Hamd Fund √

Adopt a Village √

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Smile ! It’s a form of charity

Visit an elderly and make their day

Forgive someone who caused you hurt

Offer Salat at the mosque… Congregational prayer has 27 times

more blessings than praying alone!

Give Sadqa (charity)

Have a clear out and donate unwanted clothes

Help keep your environment clean

Feed birds/animals


Do recycling to reduce waste

Clean a mosque

Visit the sick

And so much more…….

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