Page 1: KI - REVELATION: Part I - DQs...7. Chuck says that "the book of Revelation is in code, but every code is explained somewhere else in the Bible." Pick one of your favorites and use

Session 1: Discussion Questions"The Book of Revelation"

Choose two (2) DQs to answer and reply to at least one (1) of your classmates.

*8th DQ Option - You may create one DQ to answer as long as it is based on this week’s commentary.

1. How many times have you read this book? What is the high point for you? Besides Chuck Missler, share with the class which other sources you have listened to or read?Which of these would you recommend to others?

2. What lessons in this session caused you to take the Bible more seriously?

3. How did this session impact you personally?

4. What are the major interpretive views of the Book of Revelation and how do they differ? Where do you stand?

5. Chuck mentions that the key to unraveling much of Revelation is found in the Old Testament. How well do you know the OT? What are your likes and dislikes of the OT?

6. What in this session impacted you the most regarding the integrity of the Bible as a whole?

7. What special privilege is associated with being a “friend of God?” Elaborate on what it means to you to be a friend of God.

KI - REVELATION: Part I - DQsSession 1: Introduction To e Book of Revelation

Page 2: KI - REVELATION: Part I - DQs...7. Chuck says that "the book of Revelation is in code, but every code is explained somewhere else in the Bible." Pick one of your favorites and use

Session 2: Discussion Questions"The Book of Revelation"

Choose two (2) DQs to answer and reply to at least one (1) of your classmates.

*8th DQ Option - You may create one DQ to answer as long as it is based on this week’s commentary.

1. Respond to Chuck's assertion that the "crucifixion of Christ was an achievement!" What was your opinion of Mel Gibson's - The Passion of the Christ? What were its positive aspects and how did it impact your life? Or was it a downside for you?

2. WHAT is prophecy and WHY is prophecy important?

3. The Bible is filled with "types." Which one is your favorite? Why?

4. How is the symbol of garments used in the Scripture? What can we learn from this to apply to our lives?

5. Why were these seven churches the subjects for the seven letters? Which one of the churches speaks more directly to you?

6. What does "the day of the Lord" mean? In what sense has it already begun? In what sense is it yet future?

7. Chuck says that "the book of Revelation is in code, but every code is explained somewhere else in the Bible." Pick one of your favorites and use it to demonstrate this statement.

KI - REVELATION: Part I - DQsSession 2: Revelation 1

Page 3: KI - REVELATION: Part I - DQs...7. Chuck says that "the book of Revelation is in code, but every code is explained somewhere else in the Bible." Pick one of your favorites and use

Session 3: Discussion Questions"The Book of Revelation"

Choose two (2) DQs to answer and reply to at least one (1) of your classmates.

*8th DQ Option - You may create one DQ to answer as long as it is based on this week’s commentary.

1. Are YOU living in Ephesus? If so, how did the message to this church apply to your life?

2. Are you in a Small Group? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

3. Who are the "Nicolaitans" today? Why does Jesus HATE their works?

4. What is the "Third Commandment" about? In what ways have you been a positive representative of Christ?

5. What title does Christ choose for Himself and what does it mean? What can we draw from this?

6. What does "first love" mean? How does this verse apply to you?

7. Share with us one major lesson from this week's session that impacted you.

KI - REVELATION: Part I - DQsSession 3: Ephesus

Page 4: KI - REVELATION: Part I - DQs...7. Chuck says that "the book of Revelation is in code, but every code is explained somewhere else in the Bible." Pick one of your favorites and use

Session 4: Discussion Questions"The Book of Revelation"

Choose two (2) DQs to answer and reply to at least one (1) of your classmates.

*8th DQ Option - You may create one DQ to answer as long as it is based on this week’s commentary.

1. Does God always provide ways out of persecution? If not, why?

2. What gifts did the Magi bring and what were their prophetic relevance? Have you ever given these gifts to Christ? How would you go about doing that?

3. What is the danger of Replacement Theology? How does this heresy impact world events in today's world?

4. Discuss reasons why Christians have trials. Compare Biblical examples with contemporary or personal ones.

5. Can we expect to have persecutions in our churches today? Why?

6. Name three "tares" sown among the early churches. Are these still operative today?

7. What is the most important thing you learned from the study this week to apply to your own life?

KI - REVELATION: Part I - DQsSession 4: Smyrna

Page 5: KI - REVELATION: Part I - DQs...7. Chuck says that "the book of Revelation is in code, but every code is explained somewhere else in the Bible." Pick one of your favorites and use

Session 5: Discussion Questions"The Book of Revelation"

Choose two (2) DQs to answer and reply to at least one (1) of your classmates.

*8th DQ Option - You may create one DQ to answer as long as it is based on this week’s commentary.

1. How does the Third Commandment impact our understanding of the lessons to Pergamos?

2. How should a Christian avoid "marriage to the world?" How does this impact "seeker-friendly" issues?

3. List five things that Jesus HATES. List five things that Jesus LOVES. How are you loving and hating the things that Jesus loves and hates?

4. Does Satan have "locality?" Describe spiritual warfare and what weapons are the most effective and how have you implemented them in your life.

5. What is implied in each of the elements in the Promise to the Overcomer in this letter?

6. How does Balaam's advice to Balak relate to the theme of this letter? What can we learn from this to apply to our lives?

7. List some compromises the church has made by marrying the world. How do these impact you today?

KI - REVELATION: Part I - DQsSession 5: Pergamos

Page 6: KI - REVELATION: Part I - DQs...7. Chuck says that "the book of Revelation is in code, but every code is explained somewhere else in the Bible." Pick one of your favorites and use

Session 6: Discussion Questions"The Book of Revelation"

Choose two (2) DQs to answer and reply to at least one (1) of your classmates.

*8th DQ Option - You may create one DQ to answer as long as it is based on this week’s commentary.

1. What are your views of Constantine? What were some of the positive aspects that came about through his reign? What were the negative aspects?

2. What was Elijah's challenge to the people of Israel? What are some of the things in that challenge that you wrestle with?

3. Habakkuk 2:4 was instrumental to Martin Luther. What is the meaning of this passage and how does it impact your life?

4. How should the Letter to Thyatira impact our churches today? Or us personally?

5. Compare Jezebel with the "woman and the leaven" in Matthew 13:33.

6. What are the implications of "Evangelicals and Catholics Together?"

7. If you have read it, what are your thoughts of Dave Hunt's book A Woman Rides The Beast?

KI - REVELATION: Part I - DQsSession 6: yatira

Page 7: KI - REVELATION: Part I - DQs...7. Chuck says that "the book of Revelation is in code, but every code is explained somewhere else in the Bible." Pick one of your favorites and use

Session 7: Discussion Questions"The Book of Revelation"

Choose two (2) DQs to answer and reply to at least one (1) of your classmates.

*8th DQ Option - You may create one DQ to answer as long as it is based on this week’s commentary.

1. Why would CM state that of all the letters, this one might have the most significance? Was there any personal application for you? If so, what was it?

2. What fruit does an allegorical view bring to one's hermeneutic? Why does Israel suffer when one espouses this view, which, by the way, is the most prevalent in many denominational churches? How have you ("incarnated" word made flesh... in other words - put into action) the promise of Genesis 12?

3. Why was Habakkuk 2:4 Luther's life verse? What is your life verse and why?

4. What was the cause of Sardis being destroyed as a city? What lessons can we learn from this? What are you watching out for?

5. CM speaks how discipleship is best developed in a Small Group. What are your thoughts about this? Do you have any experiences you can share?

6. Jesus tells the church at Sardis that their works were not complete. To what was He referring? What is the Holy Spirit challenging you about?

7. What major lesson did you learn from this week's study? How are you going to put it into practice?

KI - REVELATION: Part I - DQsSession 7: Sardis

Page 8: KI - REVELATION: Part I - DQs...7. Chuck says that "the book of Revelation is in code, but every code is explained somewhere else in the Bible." Pick one of your favorites and use

Session 8: Discussion Questions"The Book of Revelation"

Choose two (2) DQs to answer and reply to at least one (1) of your classmates.

*8th DQ Option - You may create one DQ to answer as long as it is based on this week’s commentary.

1. This course speaks about the value of understanding our Jewish roots. What lessons have you learned about our Jewish heritage?

2. In what practical ways do you apply the teaching of Genesis 12? How are you blessing Israel?

3. Jesus claims to be holy and true. What do those terms mean? In what ways are you holy and true?

4. Two words that describe the church at Philadelphia were loyal and faithful. This session refers to the third commandment as pertaining to ambassadorship. Describe what it means to you to be a loyal and faithful ambassador in the day in which we live?

5. Read over the letters to the seven churches. Which church speaks most directly to your life? What have you learned so far from this study?

6. When God "opens doors" what should you expect? What doors has God opened for you?

7. What does the church of Philadelphia refer to prophetically? How are you involved?

KI - REVELATION: Part I - DQsSession 8: Philadelphia

Page 9: KI - REVELATION: Part I - DQs...7. Chuck says that "the book of Revelation is in code, but every code is explained somewhere else in the Bible." Pick one of your favorites and use

Session 9: Discussion Questions"The Book of Revelation"

Choose two (2) DQs to answer and reply to at least one (1) of your classmates.

*8th DQ Option - You may create one DQ to answer as long as it is based on this week’s commentary.

1. Which two churches are best seen in our world today? Explain your answer.

2. What was the connection between what Laodicea was known for and the message that Jesus had for them?

3. What concerns did Jesus express to the church at Laodicea? How do these apply to us?

4. Why did Jesus speak in parables? How do you hear God? How can you be sure you are not deceived?

5. Why is the Pearl a perfect idiom of the Church?

6. Match the Matthew 13 parables with the seven churches.

7. List each of the seven churches with a summary sentence of the personal application we can learn from each one. Which one speaks to you the most?

KI - REVELATION: Part I - DQsSession 9: Laodicea

Page 10: KI - REVELATION: Part I - DQs...7. Chuck says that "the book of Revelation is in code, but every code is explained somewhere else in the Bible." Pick one of your favorites and use

Session 10: Discussion Questions"The Book of Revelation"

Choose two (2) DQs to answer and reply to at least one (1) of your classmates.

*8th DQ Option - You may create one DQ to answer as long as it is based on this week’s commentary.

1. Why is the book of Ruth so important in terms of understanding Revelation 4 and 5?

2. Who do the 24 Elders represent? How do you know?

3. What is the job of a priest? How does this apply to you?

4. Give a brief explanation of the doctrine of imminency. How does this impact how you live your daily life?

5. Elaborate on Revelation 5:6: What is the image that comes to mind here and what other illustrations can you think of that parallels this depiction of Christ?

6. CM mentioned that you cannot earn your salvation but you can earn crowns. What did he mean and what are some of the crowns that are available?

7. List some of the titles of Christ used in Revelation 4-5. Which one means the most to you, and why?

KI - REVELATION: Part I - DQsSession 10: Revelation: Chapters 4 & 5

Page 11: KI - REVELATION: Part I - DQs...7. Chuck says that "the book of Revelation is in code, but every code is explained somewhere else in the Bible." Pick one of your favorites and use

Session 11: Discussion Questions"The Book of Revelation"

Choose two (2) DQs to answer and reply to at least one (1) of your classmates.

*8th DQ Option - You may create one DQ to answer as long as it is based on this week’s commentary.

1. Why could one argue that the 69 weeks of Daniel is the greatest prophecy in the Bible?

2. Jesus opens and closes the Olivet discourse with what phrase? How can we put this into practice?

3. What OT "arrows" do you have in your quiver when it comes to proving that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah -- the Christ?

4. List those who are referred to as Friends or as the Beloved of God and make note of what they were given as "prophetic insight."

5. Comment and share with us at least three things you can see in Daniel's devotional life. How have you applied these to your life?

6. Why did Jesus pronounce spiritual blindness upon Israel in Luke 19? What can we learn from this?

7. Explain one important lesson you learned from this week's study and how you can apply it to your life.

KI - REVELATION: Part I - DQsSession 11: Daniel’s 70 Weeks (Daniel 9) -- e 69 Weeks of Daniel

Page 12: KI - REVELATION: Part I - DQs...7. Chuck says that "the book of Revelation is in code, but every code is explained somewhere else in the Bible." Pick one of your favorites and use

Session 12: Discussion Questions"The Book of Revelation"

Choose two (2) DQs to answer and reply to at least one (1) of your classmates.

*8th DQ Option - You may create one DQ to answer as long as it is based on this week’s commentary.

1. Explain one important lesson you learned from this week’s study and how you can apply it to your life.

2. What new concept have you learned through this study on the book of Revelation? Please explain.

3. What is the “abomination of desolation?” When did it occur historically? Has it occurred since Christ’s prediction? Explain.

4. Discuss the dangers of “Replacement Theology”.

5. Discuss the problems associated with a post-tribulation view.

6. What titles are applied to the Antichrist? Give Scriptural references.

7. What effect has this course had on you?

KI - REVELATION: Part I - DQsSession 12: Daniel’s 70 Weeks (Daniel 9) -- e 70th Week of Daniel

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