Page 1: Kindergarten Visuals
Page 2: Kindergarten Visuals


Kindergarten VisualsWinter Quarter, 2021-2022

Visuals, Resources, Patterns and Instructions for Bible Stories

Worship, Pray and Give to God An effective teacher leads children in doing various activities to experience learning. Begin to teach the moment a child arrives. His short attention ability demands abbreviated segments of meaningful things that help him explore new ideas and understand the Bible principle of each lesson. The Bible story, however, is the basis for the lesson. All other activities should in some way help teach the lesson aim. Use the visuals and resources in this packet to teach exciting lessons learners remem-ber.

Visuals: Flash cards 1-1 through 1-4

Resources: Items 1—3

Item 1—Room Decoration. Assemble the mobile by tying the pieces together with yarn. Hang it on the wall at eye level for your learners to examine and enjoy. Change display spots for each new unit to stimulate fresh interest in it.

Item 2—Attendance Chart. Children look forward to adding a miniature sticker in the spaces provided on the attendance chart. Make a big deal about attendance to encourage faithfulness. Letter names in the spaces with a calligraphy pen or with a marker making dot letters. Put “Visitor” for one of the names to include any child who comes one time during the quarter while visiting relatives in the church. Every child will want to add a sticker, too.

Item 3—Places of Worship Pictures. The display pictured in the teacher’s guide will help learners associate the Tabernacle, Temple and church house as places of worship. God’s people, at different times in history, used the different types of worship places. Enlarge the pictures by copying Items 3-A, 3-B and 3-C to overhead transparency sheets. Project the image on a piece of tagboard attached to the wall and trace the lines. Color and cut out the pictures. Arrange them on a background as shown in the teacher’s guide. You may prefer to color, cut out and use the pictures as printed if you have a small display area. Use them for a poster if you do not have a bulletin board.

Bible Story God’s people, the Israelites, traveled a lot. They lived in tents. After staying a while in one place, they took down their tents to move on. Moses was their leader. He helped the people know what God wanted them to do. One day, God told Moses to build a Tabernacle. God told Moses exactly how to build the beautiful tent that would be a place of worship. God would meet with His people there. The people would worship God at the Tabernacle. They would honor, love and praise God as they worshiped Him.

Lesson 1 December 5, 2021

Worshiping in a TentExodus 36—40

Page 3: Kindergarten Visuals


Moses listened to God’s instructions. He wrote down what God said. God said to let His people give items for making the Tabernacle. (Show flash card 1-1.) They brought gold, silver and brass things. They brought beautiful animal skins. And they brought pretty colored stones such as we see in jewelry today. All of the things would become part of God’s Tabernacle. (Place flash card 1-2 in front of flash card 1-1.) Some of the men carved designs in the wood. Other men melted gold jewelry and things to cover the wood. Someone else made things to go inside the Tabernacle. Some women worked to make beautiful cloth for curtains. They used purple, red, blue and white cloth. (Change to flash card 1-3. Point to each object or section as named.) There was a pure gold floor lampstand, also known as the candlestick, with seven lamp holders. They made a table to hold a special kind of bread. An altar to burn incense stood in front of the curtain dividing the two rooms of the Tabernacle. The Holy Place was what God called the first room where these things were. A smaller room behind the curtain was the Holy of Holies. That room had a box called the ark of the covenant. The ark of the cove nant was a wooden chest covered with gold. The lid for it was solid gold. The ark of the covenant and its lid, the mercy seat, were in the most special part of the Tabernacle. The mercy seat was God’s special place. Moses put the Tabernacle in the middle of all Israel’s tents. (Show flash card 1-4.) There was a fence all around the Tabernacle. The fence separated God’s tent from all the people’s tents. When it was all finished, God’s glory filled the Tabernacle. People saw a soft cloud spilling out of the Tabernacle and forming a pillar above the tent of worship. (Point to the cloud.) When the cloud lifted up from the top of the Tabernacle, Moses and the Israelites knew God wanted them to move to another place. As long as the cloud stayed in place above the Tabernacle, the people of Israel left their tents up and stayed where they were. The people were glad that God met with them. They treated the Tabernacle with special care. They knew it belonged to God just as we know our church house belongs to God. The lampstand, the table of bread and the altar were God’s. The pews, the pulpit and the lights in our church building are God’s. We need to care for God’s house just as the Israelites cared for God’s tent, the Tabernacle.

Visuals: Figures 2-1, 2-2 and 2-3

Bible Story God’s people, the Israelites, were finally home. They lived in the good land which God promised to them. They built houses. They worked. They lived happily. But they still worshiped at the Tabernacle tent of worship Moses helped them make when they moved around a lot. King David said, “It is time for us to build God a house. It is not right for us to live in nice homes and not build God a nice house.” King David collected lots of gold, silver and brass for building the Temple. God chose King David’s son, King Solomon, to build the house for worshiping God. King Solomon was ready to begin work on the Temple. (Display figure 2-1.) He had workers to cut and bring good smelling cedar wood from a faraway country. They sawed and cut it so perfectly that it fit together exactly to make the walls and floor inside the Temple. A very artistic man carved beautiful designs in the wood. Then, they covered it all with gold. Other workers cut beautiful stones for the walls. (Show figure 2-2.) They cut the stones very carefully so that they fit together exactly to make a smooth outside wall. The stones glistened in the sun. Finally, the Temple stood completed on a high hill in Jerusalem. King Solomon had the ark of the covenant brought from the Tabernacle to the Temple. He called all the people to come to the dedication of the Temple. To dedicate means to set apart for a special purpose. They would dedicate the Temple for the worship of God. (Replace figures with figure 2-3.) Men played trumpets, cymbals and other musical instruments. The people sang praises to thank the Lord. They sang, “For he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever.” Suddenly, the glory of the Lord filled the Temple. Remember the cloud that filled the Tabernacle when they dedicated it? The same thing happened in the Temple. A cloud filled the Temple. The priests could not go in for a while because of the cloud. The glory of the Lord filled the house of God. King Solomon stood on a brass platform so that all the people could see him. He raised his hands toward Heaven. Then, he knelt before his people. He began praising God.

Lesson 2 December 12, 2021

Worshiping in the Temple2 Chronicles 6—9

Page 4: Kindergarten Visuals

KINDERGARTEN VISUALS, Item 1, Room Decoration WINTER QUARTER, 2021-2022

Learn T


Honor God

WeLearn To

Honor God


KINDERGARTEN VISUALS, Item 2, Attendance Chart WINTER QUARTER, 2021-2022











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Exodus 40:17, 34, 35

Exodus 40:1-5

KINDERGARTEN VISUALS, Lesson 4, Storyboard Figures WINTER QUARTER, 2021-2022






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KINDERGARTEN VISUALS, Item 6, Model Prayer Picture Match WINTER QUARTER, 2021-2022

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Give us this day our daily bread.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:

For thine is thekingdom, and thepower, and theglory, for ever. Amen.

For thine is thekingdom, and thepower, and theglory, for ever. Amen.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

Thykingdom come.

Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Thykingdom come.

Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.




Exodus 36:1

Exodus 35:20-29

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