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  • 8/13/2019 King Final Report


  • 8/13/2019 King Final Report


  • 8/13/2019 King Final Report




    LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................... v

    LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................... vii

    NOMENCLATURE ....................................................................................................... viii

    GLOSSARY ..................................................................................................................... ix

    ACKNOWLEDGMENT ................................................................................................... x

    ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................... xi

    1. Theory .......................................................................................................................... 1

    1.1 Coordinate System ............................................................................................. 1

    1.2 Twist Parameters ................................................................................................ 4

    1.3 Stress, Strain, and Displacement for a Cantilever Beam ................................... 5

    1.3.1 Stress Equilibrium .................................................................................. 6

    1.3.2 Strain-Displacement Relationships ........................................................ 8

    1.3.3 Stress-Strain Relationships .................................................................. 10

    1.4 Generic Cantilever Beam Stress, Strain, and Displacement Solutions ............ 11

    1.4.1 Functionally Varying Moment of Inertia ............................................. 13

    1.4.2 Discontinuous Shear Stress Solution for a Rectangular Beam ............ 18

    1.4.3 General Stress Distribution for a Twisted Cantilever Beam ................ 21

    1.4.4 General Strain Distribution for a Twisted Cantilever Beam ................ 22

    1.4.5 General Vertical Displacement of a Twisted Cantilever Beam ........... 23

    1.5 Specific Theoretical Solution ........................................................................... 32

    2. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Model ...................................................................... 38

    2.1 Methodology .................................................................................................... 38

    2.2 Analytical Results ............................................................................................ 41

    2.2.1 Tensile Stress and Strain Values (x-Direction) .................................... 43

    2.2.2 Shear Stress and Strain Values (xy-Direction) ..................................... 47

    2.2.3 Vertical Displacement (y-Direction) .................................................... 51

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    3. Comparison of Beam Theory Formulation Results to FEA Results.......................... 54

    3.1 Displacement Values ........................................................................................ 54

    3.2 Maximum Tensile Stress Values ...................................................................... 57

    3.3 Maximum Shear Stress Values ........................................................................ 58

    4. Summary and Conclusion .......................................................................................... 60

    5. Appendix ATheoretical Results at SelectedxValues ........................................... 62

    6. Appendix BFEA Results at SelectedxValues ...................................................... 67

    7. Appendix CABAQUS Input File (.inp) ................................................................. 72

    8. References ................................................................................................................ 100

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    Figure 1 - Example of a Twisted Cantilever Beam ........................................................... 1

    Figure 290 Twisted Cantilever Beam in thexy-Plane .................................................. 2

    Figure 390 Twisted Cantilever Beam in theyz-Plane .................................................. 3

    Figure 4 -xyzAxes vs. ABC Axes .................................................................................... 4

    Figure 5Arbitrary Beam Cross-Section Subjected to Bending Moment Mz(x)............. 6

    Figure 6 - Rotation of Axes and Moment of Inertia ........................................................ 13

    Figure 7 - Moment of Inertia Variation within the Twisted Region of a Rectangular

    Beam ................................................................................................................................ 17

    Figure 8 - Point of Discontinuity in Shear Stress ............................................................ 19

    Figure 9 - Width and Thickness Parameters of the Solution ........................................... 32

    Figure 10 - Load and Length Parameters of the Solution ................................................ 32

    Figure 11 - Midplane Shell of the ABAQUS FEA Model .............................................. 38

    Figure 12 - Meshed View of the ABAQUS FEA Model ................................................. 39

    Figure 13 - Load and Boundary Conditions of the ABAQUS FEA Model ..................... 40

    Figure 14 - FEA Shell Model, Variation of Principal Axes ............................................ 42

    Figure 15 - FEA Tensile Stress at the Shells Midplane................................................. 44

    Figure 16 - FEA Tensile Stress at the Shell's Positive Face ............................................ 45

    Figure 17 - FEA Indicates an Additional Compressive Stress Peak in Twisted Region,

    Shells Positive Face........................................................................................................ 45

    Figure 18 - FEA Tensile Stress at the Shell's Negative Face .......................................... 46

    Figure 19 - FEA Indicates an Additional Tensile Stress Peak in Twisted Region, Shells

    Negative Face .................................................................................................................. 46

    Figure 20 - FEA Shear Stress Distribution at the Shell's Midplane ................................ 47

    Figure 21 - FEA Shear Stress Concentration at Shell's Midplane ................................... 48

    Figure 22 - FEA Shear Stress Distribution on Shells Positive Face.............................. 49Figure 23 - FEA Shear Stress Distribution on Shells Negative Face............................. 50

    Figure 24 - FEA Displacement Results, Isometric View ................................................ 51

    Figure 25 - FEA Displacement Results,xy-Plane ........................................................... 51

    Figure 26 - FEA Displacement Results,yz-Plane ............................................................ 52

    Figure 27 - FEA Indicates Residual Stiffness and Non-planar Cross-Section atx=x4.. 53

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    Figure 28 - Theory vs. FEA, Vertical Displacement ....................................................... 54

    Figure 29 - Theoretical Displacement Results vs. Beams of Constant Cross-Sectional

    Orientation ....................................................................................................................... 56

    Figure 30 - Theory vs. FEA, Maximum Tensile Stress ................................................... 57

    Figure 31 - Theory vs. FEA, Maximum Shear Stress ...................................................... 58

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    Table 1 - Summary of FEA Input Parameters ................................................................. 40

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    For the following symbols, ij. Units are in parenthesis.

    E - Modulus of Elasticity (psi)

    - Strain Tensor (in/in)

    ii - Extensional Strain (in/in)

    ij - Tensor Shear Strain (in/in)

    F - Force Applied to the Free End of the Cantilever Beam (lbs)

    G - Shear Modulus (psi)

    - Engineering Shear Strain (in/in)

    Iii - Moment of Inertia (in )

    Iij - Product of Inertia (in )

    - Curvature (in-


    L - Length (in)

    M - Moment (in-lb)

    - Poissons Ratio (dimensionless)

    - Stress Tensor (psi)

    ii - Tensile Stress (psi)

    t - Thickness of the Rectangular Cross-Section, Less than its Width, w (in)

    ij - Shear Stress (psi)

    - Angular Measurement Between theBand Y-Axes or the CandZ-Axes (radians or degrees)

    u - Longitudinal Displacement (in)

    v - Vertical Displacement (in)

    w - Transverse Displacement, Only Applicable to Section1.3.2 (in)

    w - Width of the Rectangular Cross-Section, Greater than its Thickness, t (in)

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    ABAQUS -A software application used for both the modeling and analysis of

    mechanical components and assemblies (pre-processing) and

    visualizing the finite element analysis results (post-processing).

    Cantilever Beam-

    A projecting beam that is supported at one end and carries a load at

    the other end or along its length.

    Cartesian Coordinate System -A coordinate system comprised of three mutually orthogonal axes to

    represent three-dimensional space.

    Deflection - A movement of a structural member resultant of an applied force.

    Displacement - See deflection.

    Equilibrium - A state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced.

    FEA - An acronym for Finite Element Analysis.

    Final Orientation - The cross-sectional orientation of the beam in the region beyondL2.

    Global Axes -The coordinate system that remains constant throughout the length

    of the beam and whose origin is at the fixed end of the beam.

    Hooke's Law - A law stating that the strain in a solid is proportional and linearly-related to the applied stress within the elastic limit of the solid.

    Initial Orientation - The cross-sectional orientation of the beam from its origin to L1.

    Isotropic - Having uniform physical properties in each direction.

    Local Axes -The coordinate system that remains perpendicular to the perimeter

    of the beams cross-section and whose origin varies to satisfy this


    Midpoint Rule -Computes an approximation to a definite integral, made by finding

    the area of a collection of rectangles whose heights are determined

    by the values of the function.

    Modulus of Elasticity -The proportionality constant relating a solids extensional strain

    value(s) to its longitudinal stress value(s) within the elastic region.

    Moment of Inertia - A measurement that quantifies a beams ability to resist bendingabout a particular axis.

    Origin -The point in three-dimensional space where all three Cartesian axes

    are coincidient, e.g.x =y =z = 0.

    Poisson's Ratio - The negative ratio of transverse strain to axial strain.

    Product of Inertia -A measurement that quantifies a beams ability to resist shear

    deformation about a particular axis.

    Shear Modulus -The proportionality constant relating a solids shear strain value(s)

    to its shear stress value(s) within the elastic region.

    Strain -The ratio of total deformation to the initial dimension of the

    material body in which the forces are being applied.

    Stress - A measure of the internal forces acting within a deformable body.

    Twisted Cantilever Beam - A cantilever beam whose cross-section remains constant, but isrotating about its centroid along the beams length.

    Varying Orientation - The cross-sectional orientation of the beam in the region of L1toL2.

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    I would like to thank my fianc, Jessica Rowe, for her unwavering support,

    encouragement, and affection during my graduate studies.

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    Twisted cantilever beams are defined here as beams whose rectangular cross-sectional

    orientation changes along the beams length with respect to global axes. These beams

    have a twisted or spiral-type geometric feature somewhere along their length. This

    project will formulate solutions for twisted cantilever beams in static bending using

    classical beam theory, compare the results to numerical solutions, and discuss


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    1.Theory1.1 Coordinate SystemThe analytical case of interest is a rectangular cantilever beam in static bending with an

    abrupt, 90 twist, like that shown inFigure 1. The beam is rigidly affixed at one end,

    preventing any displacements or rotations at that end. The geometric center of the beam

    at the affixed end will be defined as the originor the point at which all coordinates

    (x,y,z) are equal to zero. Cartesian coordinates will be used in these solutions because

    traditional cantilever beams in bending have documented analytical solutions in

    Cartesian coordinates as well. Note that the placement of the axes shown in Figure 1

    does not place the vertex at the analytical origin.

    Figure 1 - Example of a Twisted Cantilever Beam

    Moving away from the rigid attachment at (0,0,0), parallel to the length of the beam will

    be defined as: moving in the x-direction, defining the x-axis. The direction of the

    y-axis is orthogonal to the x-axis and is chosen to be parallel to one side of the beams

    cross-section at the origin. The z-axis is orthogonal to both the x and y-axes. These

    three axes whose origin occurs at the beams geometric center, at the fixed end, are

    defined as the global axes.

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    Moving down the beams length, away from the rigid attachment, in thex-direction, the

    beam initially has a homogeneous moment of inertia and its initial orientation. At

    some distance, denoted by L1, the beams cross-section begins to rotate about its x-axis,

    but its moment of inertia remains continuous, where it can be described as having a

    varying orientation. The beams cross-section continues to rotate until it reaches

    another distance, denoted by L2, where the rotation stops but again, the moment of

    inertia remains continuous. BeyondL2, the beams final orientation continues until it

    reaches its free end, whose distance from the origin is denoted by the length L3. For the

    case of a 90 twist, the final orientation is rotated 90 from the initial orientation. See

    Figure 2 andFigure 3.

    Figure 290 Twisted Cantilever Beam in the xy-Plane







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    Because the cross-sectional orientation of the beam is varying along its length between

    L1andL2, another set of axes are defined in order more easily express twist parameters

    and cross-sectional orientations. These local axes are also Cartesian, but are denoted

    (A,B,C) instead of (x,y,z). The origin of the local axes is not necessarily at the same

    location as that of the global axes, but can be anywhere along the beams length,

    provided that the A-axis remains collinear with thex-axis. At the beams fixed end, at

    its geometric center, the A-axis is collinear with the x-axis, the B-axis is collinear with

    the y-axis, and the C-axis is collinear with the z-axis. Once the beams cross-section

    begins to rotate (at L1) the B and C-axes develop an angular measurement greater than

    zero between their global counterparts (y and z, respectively). The A-axis and x-axis

    will alwaysremain collinear, and either can be used interchangeably. SeeFigure 4.

    Figure 390 Twisted Cantilever Beam in the yz-Plane



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    It is important to describe and define the parameters within the beams varying

    orientation (L1 x L2), because these parameters will contribute to the analytical

    solutions that are eventually formulated. The difference between the cross-sections at

    x =L1andL1xL2can be quantified by the angular difference, , between theyand

    B-axes or thezand C-axes. The rate of twist can then be defined as the change in angle,

    , over the change in length betweenL1andL2, or .1.2 Twist ParametersFor the problem to be solved, the cross-sectional orientation can be described as: [1] [2]


    Let (x)be a linear function of x, so that the rate of twist from L1 to L2 is a constant

    value. Then, by the equalities given by equations[1] through[3]:

    Figure 4 - xyzAxes vs. ABC Axes









    [xand A-axes both coming out of the page. ]

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    Substituting the boundary conditions in the expression for yields: Solving for the constants M and N, and subtracting these equalities gives:

    The function (x)can then be written as:

    [4]So, the rate of twist is: [5]Rewriting equation[1] through[3] with equation[4]: [6]

    [7] [8]Together, equations [6] through [8] fully describe the beams twist parameters and can

    be derived using the valuesL1andL2.

    1.3 Stress, Strain, and Displacement for a Cantilever BeamBecause the cantilever beam of interest has a functionally varying cross-sectional

    orientation along its length, the stress distribution throughout the beam must be solved

    for a generic case first so that the twist parameters developed in section 1.2 can be

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    applied. Let a beam of arbitrary cross-section be subjected to a bending moment,Mz(x),

    about thez-axis, which is a function of longitudinal (x) position only. The origin of the

    cross section is at the beams centroid, and the yandz-axes are the principal axes. See

    Figure 5.

    1.3.1 Stress EquilibriumAs a result of the applied load, F, and subsequent moment,Mz(x), the beam experiences

    displacements, strains, and a state of stress. Each can be represented by a tensor at each

    point throughout its volume. The generic stress tensor, [], is given by:


    In order to satisfy equilibrium, the stress tensor must be symmetric such that:

    Figure 5Arbitrary Beam Cross-Section Subjected to Bending Moment Mz(x)



    [Xand A-axes both coming out of the page. ]




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    Because stresses can be related to displacements (as will be shown in following

    discussion), and because the displaced shape of an end-loaded cantilever beam is similar

    to that of a beam in pure bending, it is reasonable to assume that the cantilever beam has

    a stress tensor similar to that of a beam in pure bending. Beginning with the bending


    [10] [11]


    That is, the normal stresses, ii, and thex-zandy-zshear stresses,xzand yz, are identical

    to those for a beam in pure bending, but no specific assumptions are made about the

    other shear stress, xy, only that it is some function ofx,y, andz.

    The equations of 3-D stress equilibrium with no body forces are now noted to augment

    the discussion and simplify the equations above:


    [14] [15]

    Based on equations[10] through [12], equations [13] and [14] reduce to:

    [16] [17]

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    Equations [16] and [17] make up the 3-D stress equilibrium equations for a cantilever

    beam experiencing plane stress. Upon inspection, one can see that equation [17] is only

    satisfied if xyis constant in thex-domain. Rewriting equations[10] and[11] for clarity,

    equation [12] can be simplified to:

    [18] [19]


    1.3.2 Strain-Displacement RelationshipsAs mentioned, the beam also experiences a state of strain. The generic stress tensor, [],

    is given by:

    [21]where iiare normal strains and ijare shear strains.

    The strain tensor is symmetric, such that:

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    For small deflections (where sin ), the following expressions relate strain to



    [23] [24]



    [27]Engineering shear strain is related to tensor shear strain by:

    Rewriting equations [22] through [27], the components of the strain tensor, [], are:

    [28] [29] [30]

    [31] [32] [33]

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    1.3.3 Stress-Strain RelationshipsFor an isotropic, linear-elastic material (obeying Hookes Law), the stress-strain

    relationships are as follows:

    [34] [35]whereEis the modulus of elasticity and G is the shear modulus. The two modulii are

    related through Poissons Ratio, , by the following:


    For each component of the strain tensor, the relationships are:



    [39] [40] [41]


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    1.4 Generic Cantilever Beam Stress, Strain, and DisplacementSolutions

    Equation [18] indicates that the normal stress in the x-direction is dependent on the

    bending moment, Mz(x), which is a function of x. This bending moment is simply the

    force,F, multiplied by the distance from the origin, and can be written as:

    [43]So, the normal stress in thex-direction is:

    [44]Substituting equation [44] in thex-direction stress equilibrium equation ([16]) gives: [45]Integrating equation [45]:

    Pis a constant of integration and can be determined on the basis that in order to satisfy

    boundary equilibrium around the perimeter of the beam, the shear force must be equal to

    zero at these points.

    The total stress distribution is now repeated for clarity:

    [46] [47] [48]

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    The strains at each point can be found directly from the resultant stresses, by inserting

    equations [46] through [48] into equations [37] through [42]. Inserting equation [46]

    and [47] into the stress-strain relationships (equation [37]), and that into the strain-

    displacement relationship (equation [22]) leads to a noteworthy:

    [49]Equation [49] can be integrated in x to solve for the longitudinal displacement of the

    beam, once the function ofIzzis known.

    For small strains and displacements in the elastic range, and assuming that plane sections

    remain plane, the curvature of the beams neutral surface can be expressed in the

    following form: where is the curvature. Inserting equation [43] gives: [50]Equation [50] is a second-order linear differential equation, and is the governing

    equation for the elastic curve. The product EI is the flexural rigidity of the beam.

    Because the moment of inertia,Izz, varies with respect tox, it must be first formulated in

    order to integrate equation [50] and solve for the vertical displacement.

    Up to this point, each parameter of the stress, strain, and displacement components is

    known except the moment of inertia about the neutral axis, Izz, and the constant of

    integration, P, for the shear term. This moment of inertia and P are derived in the

    following discussion.

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    1.4.1 Functionally Varying Moment of InertiaConsider the plane area shown inFigure 6below. The moments and product of inertia

    with respect to the local BC-axes are:

    [51] [52] [53]

    The same forms of expressions exist for the global coordinate system, in xyz-


    The moments and product of inertia in the BC-plane are constant values, equal to those

    of the yz-plane at the origin. However, as the angular measurement increases, the

    moments and product of inertia in the yz-plane change. To obtain these quantities, the

    coordinates of the differential element dA are expressed in terms of theyz-coordinates as


    Figure 6 - Rotation of Axes and Moment of Inertia











    Y[xand A-axes both coming out of the page. ]

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    Substituting these values in equations [51] through [53] gives:

    Using the following trigonometric identities, the form of IYY, IZZ, and IYZ can be


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    These are complicated expressions in their most reduced form, unlike the simple and

    familiar (for example). However, if the general expressions for momentsand product of inertia in the localcoordinate system (equations [51], [52], and [53]) are

    substituted in the above integrals, they take on a more practical form.



    [58]IYY,IZZ, andIYZare the moments and product of inertia in the global coordinate system at

    any point along thex-axis, andIBB,ICC, andIBCare the moments and product of inertia in

    the local coordinate system.

    With the moments and products of inertia defined as such, the reader is referred back to

    Figure 2 to be reminded of the cross-sectional orientation at the origin. Specifically, for

    this problem, the local moments and product of inertia are the same as those of a

    rectangular cross-section in bending, whereICCis the strong axis of bending andIBBis

    the weak axis of bending at the origin. The limits of integration are defined by the

    beams perimeter. Thus:

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    [61]where wis the width of the beam, and tis the thickness.

    For any symmetric cross-section whose centroid is at the origin,IBCwill be zero, so anyterms containing the beams localproduct of inertia will drop out of equations [56], [57],

    and [58]. Substituting equations [59] through [61] into these equations gives:

    By substituting in the relationship between andx(see equations[6], [7],and[8]),

    these equations yield the full form of the functionally varying moments of inertia.


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    Taking (for example) values of t =0.25 and w = 1.00, the moments and product of

    inertia change in the twisted region of the beam as shown inFigure 7below:

    Figure 7 - Moment of Inertia Variation within the Twisted Region of a Rectangular Beam

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    1.4.2 Discontinuous Shear Stress Solution for a Rectangular BeamThe stress distributions will be solved to eventually formulate the strain and

    displacement solutions. However, the shear stress, xy, still has an undefined constant,P,

    which must be found to fully formulate the stress in the beam. As stated in section1.4.1,

    Pis a constant of integration that can be determined on the basis that in order to satisfy

    boundary equilibrium around the perimeter of the beam, the shear force must be equal to

    zero at these points. But because the beams cross-section is rotating, this constant is

    also related to the twist parameters forL1xL2.

    For the beams initial orientation:

    Substituting this value into equation [48] gives:


    For the beams final orientation:

    Substituting this value into equation [48] gives:


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    For the beams varying orientation, the y-coordinate of the beams outermost fiber is

    constantly changing. This coordinate is needed to solve the shear stress distribution in

    this region. The perimeter of the beam can be represented by four straight lines whose

    orientation varies with the x-position, or . Because the perimeter edges intersect one

    another at right angles, however, the function of the outermost y-coordinate will not be a

    continuous function. The function changes when they-axis coincides with the corner of

    the beams cross-section. For any rectangular beam, this occurs at an angle of . SeeFigure 8.

    For the varying orientation, where 0arctan(t/w), they-coordinate of the outermost

    fiber of the beams cross-section is:





    = arctan (t/w)

    Figure 8 - Point of Discontinuity in Shear Stress

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    Substituting this value into equation [48] and using the relationship between and x

    (equation [7]) gives:


    Similarly, for the varying orientation, where arctan(t/w)/2, they-coordinate of

    the outermost fiber of the beams cross-section is:

    Substituting this value into equation [48] and using the relationship between andx

    (equation [7]) gives:


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    1.4.4 General Strain Distribution for a Twisted Cantilever BeamInserting equations [69] through [74] into the stress-strain relationships given by

    equations [37] through [42]:

    AnyOrientation: [75]


    Orientation: [76]


    Orientation: [77]













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    1.4.5 General Vertical Displacement of a Twisted Cantilever BeamNow that the moment of inertia,Izz, has been derived, equation [50] can be integrated to

    obtain the y-displacement function. However, because Izz is dependent upon the

    longitudinal position, x, the vertical displacement function must be dissected into three

    conditional equations, depending on the magnitude of x. The first solution presented

    will be for the case of . Because this x-location is within the initialorientation and the moment of inertia is constant in this region, equation [50] is

    integrated twice inx, as would be done for a normal cantilever beam with constant cross-


    where C1is a constant of integration. Integrating again inxgives:

    The constants of integration, C1 and C2 can be determined by applying the boundary

    conditions of the beam. At the fixed end,

    , the displacement and the slope of the

    beam are equal to 0. Therefore, . So, for the region of : [82]The displacement function for x values in the varying orientation becomes more

    complicated, however. For values ofxwhere , the moment of inertia cannotbe considered constant and excluded from the integrals, as was done above. Inserting

    the equality forIzzinto equation [50], for values ofxwhere , and integratingonce with respect toxgives:

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    The second term of they-displacement slope solution (above) indicates an inherent flaw

    in the application of classical beam theory to this problem. Even a simplified version of

    the function does not stay within the real domain; the varying moment ofinertia functions presence in the denominator complicates the solution beyond any

    reasonable point.

    Because the solution is beyond the scope of this document, a piecewise approximation is

    instead presented using the midpoint rule. If the second term above is broken into many

    separate intervals, the integral can be carried out by approximating the value of x for

    each separate interval. That is, the distance from L1to L2will be divided byNnumber

    of divisions, and the average longitudinal value between each point will be used in place

    ofx. The midpoint rule is defined as:

    The midpoint of each interval is equal to the variable xn, where N is the number of

    predefined intervals chosen:

    Because the midpoint rule is only needed for values of xwhere , the valueof a is already known and equal to L1. Likewise, the value of b will be set to x.

    Therefore, the second term of the exact y-displacement slope solution can be

    approximated as:

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    In this form, the first term of the exact solution can be solved directly, and the second

    term can be approximated. Of course, as , the function will converge to the exactsolution, but in this form it is much easier to deal with. Thus, the slope of the beam,, for can be written as:

    The constant of integration, C3, can be determined by applying the boundary condition

    provided by equation [82]: at ,

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    Rewriting the expression for the slope of the beam in the region of :

    To solve for the displacements, the equality above must again be integrated in x.

    However, the second term again creates problems and yields solutions of non-real

    numbers. Thus, the midpoint rule must be applied a second time. Let the second term

    above be defined as an arbitrary function ofx,(x), so that:

    Integrating the second term using the midpoint rule gives:

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    There have certainly been more elegant expressions derived in engineering. Writing the

    total solution fory-displacement when


    The constant of integration, C4, can be found by using equation [82] at :

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    The constant of integration, C5, can be determined by recalling the function derived for

    the beams slope between , and inserting :

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    The slope of the beam for can then be written as:

    Notice that in this region only one term of the beams slope is dependent on x. This

    simplifies things much more than before when deriving the beams deflection in the

    varying orientation. That is, all integrals henceforth can be computed directly, and no

    more approximations are needed. To solve for they-displacement, the equality above is

    integrated inxto give:

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    The final constant of integration can be determined by the boundary condition:


    . Therefore,

    (from equation [83]).


    Equations [83] and [84] are very complicated and tedious to carry out in real

    applications. A less cumbersome method is to use the equation of the beams slope,, and integrate the numerical value(s) over x, rather than carrying through to aclosed-form solution. This method will be used to obtain values in section 1.5 and in

    Appendix A.

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    1.5 Specific Theoretical SolutionAdvancing from the generic case, the specifics of the problem are now defined and solved.

    Figure 9 shows the beams cross-section at two distinct points and assigns its width (w)

    and thickness (t). Let these values be 1.0 and 0.25, respectively. Figure 10 is arepetition ofFigure 2,but assigns values to the applied force,F, and lengthsL1,L2, andL3.

    Let the material properties of the beam be those of mild steel (ms):Figure 10 - Load and Length Parameters of the Solution






    10 lbsFigure 9 - Width and Thickness Parameters of the Solution









    [Initial Orientation]

    [Final Orientation]

    w= 1.0

    t= 0.25

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    For comparison to numerical results, the stress, strain, and displacement values at five

    distinct values ofxwill be found. These fivex-locations are as follows:

    corresponds to the start of the twist,

    corresponds to the midpoint of the beam and

    its twist feature, corresponds to the end of the twist, and corresponds to the end ofthe beam. In addition, at eachxvalue the stress, strain, and vertical displacement valueswill be formulated for three values ofy, corresponding to the positive/negative outermost

    beam fiber y value, and at , the neutral axis. The following solution is that of . The analytical results for all other points can be found in Appendix A.In thebeams local coordinates, the moments and products of inertia are:

    For and the moment of inertia,IZZ, is:

    (See equation [55]).

    Therefore, the stress distribution for and is:

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    In tensor form:

    The strains at and can be found by inserting these values into thestress-strain relationships, given by equations [37] through [42]:

    The vertical displacement at this point is found using the slope equation that, when

    integrated inx, gives equation [83]. Because the value ofx= 3.75 lies in the region of . For the following solution, letN= 5.

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    To extract a vertical displacement from the beams slope at this point, is simplyintegrated again inxwith the appropriate limits:

    The constant of integration, C7, is determined by the boundary condition provided by the

    beams vertical displacement in its initial orientation.

    At (from equation [82]),

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    The very outer-most beam fiber that lies on the y-axis is derived in section1.4.2,and is

    given by the equality:

    Since at , the outer-most beam fiber on they-axis is: For and the stress distribution is:

    In tensor form:

    The strains at


    can be found by inserting these values into

    the stress-strain relationships, given by equations [37] through [42]:

    The vertical displacement at this point does not depend on y, so it is the same as

    previously calculated.

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    For and the stress distribution is:

    In tensor form:

    The strains at and can be found by inserting these values intothe stress-strain relationships, given by equations [37] through [42]:

    The vertical displacement at this point does not depend on y, so it is the same as

    previously calculated.

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    2.Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Model2.1 MethodologyTo compare and validate the theoretical results, the finite element analysis (FEA)

    software ABAQUS was used. ABAQUS is a powerful software application used for

    both the modeling and analysis of mechanical components and assemblies (pre-

    processing) and visualizing the finite element analysis results (post-processing).

    ABAQUS offers a variety of different modeling approaches for the formulation of a

    cantilever beam problem. The user has the option of using 3D-continuum parts, shell

    assemblies, axisymmetric models, planar parts, and many other choices. For this

    particular problem, a shell assembly was created and meshed to generate S4R elements

    (4-sided shell elements using reduced integration methods). This option was chosenbecause it most closely matches the theoretical results of a traditional cantilever beam,

    without a twist feature.

    First, the midplane shell geometry was created by extruding line-connectors to specific

    datum planes. These datum planes represent thex-values chosen for examination of the

    theoretical solutions. SeeTable 1 for the values ofxthat represent these datum planes.

    The figure below shows the shell geometry created in ABAQUS to create an FEA model

    of the twisted cantilever beam.

    Figure 11 - Midplane Shell of the ABAQUS FEA Model

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    After the geometry was defined, the element was assigned a shell thickness ( t= 0.25)

    and material properties (E = 30x106 psi, = 0.3) identical to those of the theoretical

    solution in Section 1.5. The shell geometry was then meshed to form S4R elements,

    with an approximate global seed size of 0.1. The seed size of the model determines the

    coarseness of the mesh. ABAQUS generally selects an appropriate seed size based on

    the number of elements it is able to process; with the student version of ABAQUS (used

    herein), the number of elements is limited to 1,000.

    It is possible to extrude the twisted region of the cantilever beam as one element,

    however,Figure 11 above shows that it was created with two separate elements. This

    was done to force the meshing to generate element points at the x = 3.75 point. This is

    useful in that point results at the middle of the twist feature can later be extracted,

    instead of using points nearby and approximating. Figure 12,below, shows the meshed

    model of the twisted cantilever beam.

    Figure 12 - Meshed View of the ABAQUS FEA Model

    Finally, the root of the beam was fixed by creating an initial job step and setting all

    displacement and rotations atx= 0 equal to zero (shown as orange cones inFigure 13).

    A second job step was created to define the end-load on the beam. To avoid point

    effects, a transverse shear, line-load on the far edge was used (shown as red arrows in

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    the negative y direction in Figure 13). This model was submitted for analysis and

    completed successfully.

    Figure 13 - Load and Boundary Conditions of the ABAQUS FEA Model

    Table 1 - Summary of FEA Input Parameters

    Variable Value

    L1 3

    L2 4.5

    L3 7.5

    w 1.00

    t 0.25

    E 30 x 10 psi


    F -10 lbs

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    2.2 Analytical ResultsExplicit numerical results for x values corresponding to those analyzed in Section 1.5

    and Appendix A can be found in Appendix B. The model used for analysis is a shell

    model whose thickness or normal direction defines the z-axis, therefore shear stressescannot be directly extracted from ABAQUS in the traditional manner. As shown in

    Figure 14below, the models 2 and 3 axes (corresponding to the Band C-axes) evolve

    over the length of the beam. Thus, the numerical results provided by ABAQUS

    correspond to the stress states in the ABC-coordinate system (see Figure 4). A direct

    comparison can be made to any x-direction values, but to compare shearing components

    or any direction other than x, the values must be properly transformed into the global

    coordinate system (xyz). To apply this transformation of results, the user must specify a

    field output transformation option corresponding to the global axes (under


  • 8/13/2019 King Final Report



    Figure 14 - FEA Shell Model, Variation of Principal Axes

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    The following graphical representations extracted from ABAQUS give stress, strain,

    and displacement values in index notation. Therefore,

    2.2.1 Tensile Stress and Strain Values (x-Direction)The midplane of the FEA model shows tensile stress values (xx) peaking at the fixed

    end of the beam, as is the case for a traditional cantilever beam. It does not indicate any

    specific stress-increasing effect induced by the twist feature. SeeFigure 15 for a view of

    the tensile stress results at the midplane.

    At the shell models positive face, however, ABAQUS shows a severe increase in

    compressive stress as the beam approaches its final orientation. At the models negative

    face, the same region indicates a severe increase in tensile stress. See Figure 16 and

    Figure 17 for the tensile stresses at the positive face of the shell model andFigure 18 and

    Figure 19 for the tensile stresses at the negative face of the shell model.

    Because the relationship between stress and strain is linear (see equations [34] and [35])the graphical results of only stress are given. The strain distributions predicted by

    ABAQUS are similar to their corresponding stress distributions, shown below.

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    Figure 15 - FEA Tensile Stress at the Shells Midplane

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    Area of compressive stress peak

    Figure 16 - FEA Tensile Stress at the Shell's Positive Face

    Figure 17 - FEA Indicates an Additional Compressive Stress Peak in Twisted Region, Shells Positive Face

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    Area of tensile stress peak

    Figure 18 - FEA Tensile Stress at the Shell's Negative Face

    Figure 19 - FEA Indicates an Additional Tensile Stress Peak in Twisted Region, Shells Negative Face

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    2.2.2 Shear Stress and Strain Values (xy-Direction)Figure 20 shows the shear stress distribution of the shells midplane. Notice that the

    initial orientation shows a parabolic distribution, as is the case of classical beam theory.

    However, Figure 20 also shows that the shear stress has a negative shear stress

    concentration at the origin, near the top and bottom fibers (the blue corners). This may

    be attributed to point effects and discontinuity extrapolations generated by the numerical

    integration routine of ABAQUS. Notice that just adjacent to these points, the shear

    stress is positive, and more close to a zero value.

    Figure 20 andFigure 21 also show that at the beams midpoint, in the middle of its twistfeature, there is a negative shear stress concentration. Again, note that there is a linear

    relationship between stress and strain. Thus, only the distributions for stress are shown.

    Figure 20 - FEA Shear Stress Distribution at the Shell's Midplane

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    The results of the positive and negative faces of the shell model indicate severe shear

    stress concentrations after the twist midpoint and before the beams final orientation

    begins. Most notably, there is a large increase in positive shear in the xy-plane. This

    rebounds the color spectrum of the post-processor, and results in the rest of the beam

    appearing as a constant shear value. This is not the case, however. The shear stress still

    follows a parabolic distribution over the height of the beam, up to the twisted region.

    See Figure 22 and Figure 23 for the shear stress distributions on the positive and

    negative faces of the shell model.

    Negative Shear Stress Concentration

    Figure 21 - FEA Shear Stress Concentration at Shell's Midplane

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    Shear Stress Concentrations

    Figure 22 - FEA Shear Stress Distribution on Shells Positive Face

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    Shear Stress Concentrations

    Figure 23 - FEA Shear Stress Distribution on Shells Negative Face

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    2.2.3 Vertical Displacement (y-Direction)Figure 24 through Figure 26 below show the twisted cantilever beams displacement

    distribution. Note that inFigure 26,there is a positive zdisplacement at the end of the

    beam. This feature indicates shear coupling within the layers of the shell, which is not

    addressed by classical beam theory.

    Figure 24 - FEA Displacement Results, Isometric View

    Figure 25 - FEA Displacement Results, xy-Plane

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    When viewing the rotational displacements about the x-axis, an interesting point arises:

    the twist feature seems to have imposed a structural anomaly in the beam at the end of its

    twist, at x = x4. The displacements across the beams width at the end of the twist

    (z-direction) follow a parabolic distribution. Classical beam theory suggests that vertical

    displacements are independent of this direction. Looking at regions far from this point

    (x4), the rotations about the x-axis disappear, corresponding to traditional theory. At


    Figure 26 - FEA Displacement Results, yz-Plane

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    x=x4, however, the outer edges of the beam have a higher residual stiffness than the

    centerline, and experience smaller displacements. SeeFigure 27.

    x4= 4.5

    Figure 27 - FEA Indicates Residual Stiffness and Non-planar Cross-Section at x= x4

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    3.Comparison of Beam Theory Formulation Results to FEAResults

    3.1 Displacement ValuesThe vertical displacement functions derived in section1.4.5 show the closest correlation

    to FEA results. Equation [82] matches the displacements calculated by ABAQUS

    almost exactly. Equation [83] does a reasonable job up to the end of the twist but

    beyond this (Equation [84]), predicts a slightly stiffer beam. Figure 28 shows the

    displacements of the beam as calculated in this document and by FEA. Notice that each

    method plots a smooth, cubic displacement function along the beams length.

    Figure 28 - Theory vs. FEA, Vertical Displacement

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    Overall, it is shown that for vertical displacements, classical beam theory can be applied

    to cantilever beams with functionally varying moments of inertia to obtain reasonable

    results. The percent difference of the beams vertical deflection at the end of the beam

    (x= 7.5) using beam theory is only 4.5% different than the value predicted by FEA.

    Classical beam theory (as applied in the derivation of theoretical values within),

    however, does not account for out-of-plane displacements that may occur, as these are

    resultant of shear-coupling and non-planar cross-sectional deformations. Figure 26

    shows that FEA results predict out-of-plane displacements. Abiding by the key

    assumptions of traditional beam mechanics (see section 1.3.1) forces one to discount

    out-of-plane effects. In the case of a twisted cantilever beam, this may disregard key

    aspects of the beams internal mechanics. Beam theory does not leaveroom for out-of-

    plane displacements but does predict fairly accurate in-plane displacements when

    compared to the results of FEA.

    When compared to the analytical solutions for similar rectangular beams with constant

    cross-sections (seeFigure 29), the vertical displacement curve of this particular twisted

    cantilever beam seems to relate more closely to the beam experiencing strong-axis

    bending, though this correlation will be a function of the length and twist parameters. If

    the twist was closer to the fixed end of the beam (near x= 0), the displacement curve of

    the twisted cantilever beam would be expected to more closely follow that of the

    constant cross-section beam in weak-axis bending. Conversely, the closer the twist is to

    the applied load (nearx=L3), the more closely the displacement curve would follow that

    of the constant cross-section beam in strong-axis bending.

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    Figure 29 - Theoretical Displacement Results vs. Beams of Constant Cross-Sectional Orientation

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    3.2 Maximum Tensile Stress ValuesThe theoretical values of tensile stress (xx) match the numerical results very well outside

    of the beams twisted region. Within the twisted region,however, the ABAQUS model

    generally predicts much higher values, and does not indicate maximum or minimums atexactly the same value of x. The FEA model also does not follow the smooth curve

    based on trigonometric modifications of the moment of inertia in this region. At each

    tensile stress maximum point, the theoretical value is 9% less than that of the numerical

    solution. See Figure 30 for the maximum tensile stresses predicted by theoretical

    methods and by numerical methods. The theoretical method, as presented herein, should

    not be used to calculate maximum tensile stress within the varying-orientation region of

    a twisted cantilever beam.

    Figure 30 - Theory vs. FEA, Maximum Tensile Stress

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    3.3 Maximum Shear Stress ValuesAgain, beyond the twisted region, the theoretical stress values closely match the

    numerical values. However, for the shear stress (xy), the FEA results vary greatly from

    the theoretical results in the twisted region. Both methods allude to a maximum orminimum at the twists midpoint (x = 3.75), but the theoretical results appear to have an

    inverted shape compared to those of the FEA shell model. SeeFigure 31.

    The FEA model shows the shear stress peaking at the midpoint of the twist, but this

    effect is not predicted by the application of classical beam theory. A possible

    explanation is that, contrary to classical beam theory, plane sections are not remaining

    plane under deformation (as shown by Figure 27). This effect would cause the shear

    deformations to have a much greater impact on the distribution of flexural stresses

    Figure 31 - Theory vs. FEA, Maximum Shear Stress

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    within the beam than calculated with traditional methods. Figure 31 shows the severity

    of error in using traditional beam theory to calculate shear stresses with in the beams

    twisted region.

    For the application of failure criterion (such as von Mises, Tresca, maximum stress, etc),

    the shear stress equations developed by this document would not accurately demonstrate

    maximum shear stress values, and could lead to errors. However, both theoretical and

    FEA models indicate a peak of sorts at the twists midpoint. To mitigate gross errors

    and propagate conservatism, a scalar factor could be applied to the constant shear stress

    values of the initial or final orientations formulated by traditional methods to estimate

    the maximum shear stress at the midpoint of the twist. In this particular problem, the

    scalar factor is approximately 8/3. Additional case studies of beam geometries should be

    performed to confirm the validity of this value and method. Refining the tensile and

    shear stress equations could be possible by using the methodology of Timoshenko,

    where plane sections do not necessarily remain plane, as demonstrated in Chapter 12 of

    Reference [d].

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    4.Summary and ConclusionBased on comparison of theoretical results to FEA results, application of classical beam

    theory to twisted cantilever beams of rectangular cross-section is only useful in

    calculating vertical displacement values, derived from the curvature of the beam at its

    neutral surface. This approach is the beginning of the direct method. The vertical

    displacement function developed correlates very well with FEA results. The theoretical

    curve follows a smooth, negative-cubic shape along its length as would be expected with

    a cantilever beam. However, classical beam theory does not leave room for deformation

    coupling, non-planar cross-sections, and gives no method of solving for the out-of-plane

    displacements that FEA predicts.

    When the indirect method is used to calculate stresses and strains in the twisted region of

    the cantilever beam, the results of this document demonstrate that classical beam theory

    is not applicable. If the exact stress distribution was needed within the twisted region,

    using the indirect method and classical beam theory would not predict reliable values.

    The margin of error within the twisted region is too great to be safely applied to real

    applications of twisted cantilever beams.

    A possible explanation for the stress calculation error is that cross-sections of the beam

    that begin plane are not remaining plane under load and subsequent displacement, which

    is a critical assumption of classical beam theory. A non-planar section becomes evident

    by studying the FEA rotational and displacement results at the end of the twist, presented

    in Figure 27. Because the beams cross-section is being distorted as a result of the

    applied load, a key stipulation of beam theory is obviously not being satisfied.

    The theoretical stress and strain functions derived by this document are notrecommended for detailed analyses. However, based on the applied load and beam

    geometry, the results presented herein suggest that the method of calculating vertical

    displacement gives reasonable results. These displacement results could be applied to

    the strain-displacement equations (section1.3.2), and then to the stress-strain equations

    (section1.3.3)to approximatestress and strain values within the beams twisted region.

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    Note that although the vertical displacement functions derived are very close to FEA

    results, full application of the direct method to find stresses and strains will still be an

    approximation. Under an applied load, FEA shows that the beam experiences out-of-

    plane displacement. This z-displacement will contribute to the stress and strain

    distribution throughout the beam, though its magnitude is much less than the vertical

    displacements. Therefore, applying the direct method to calculate stresses will notyield

    exact results, but could be used to estimate stress and strain values within the beams

    twisted region.

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    5.Appendix ATheoretical Results at Selected xValuesx1

    x= 0, y = 0

    Tensile Stress, xx(Equation [69]) 0 psi

    Shear Stress, xy(Equation [71]) -60 psi

    Longitudinal Strain, xx(Equation [75]) 0 in/in

    Shear Strain, xy(Equation [78]) -2.600 x 10-6


    Vertical Displacement, v(Equation [82]) 0.000 in

    x= 0, y = 0.5

    Tensile Stress, xx(Equation [69]) 1,800 psi

    Shear Stress, xy(Equation [71]) 0 psi

    Longitudinal Strain, xx(Equation [75]) 6.000 x 10-5


    Shear Strain, xy(Equation [78]) 0 in/in

    Vertical Displacement, v(Equation [82]) 0.000 in

    x= 0, y = -0.5

    Tensile Stress, xx(Equation [69]) -1,800 psi

    Shear Stress, xy(Equation [71]) 0 psi

    Longitudinal Strain, xx(Equation [75]) -6.000 x 10-5in/in

    Shear Strain, xy(Equation [78]) 0 in/in

    Vertical Displacement, v(Equation [82]) 0.000 in

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    x2x = 3.00, y = 0

    Tensile Stress, xx(Equation [69]) 0 psi

    Shear Stress, xy(Equation [71]) -60 psi

    Longitudinal Strain, xx(Equation [75]) 0 in/in

    Shear Strain, xy(Equation [78]) -2.600 x 10-6


    Vertical Displacement, v (Equation [82]) -4.680 x 10-4


    x = 3.00, y = 0.5

    Tensile Stress, xx(Equation [69]) 1,080 psi

    Shear Stress, xy(Equation [71]) 0 psi

    Longitudinal Strain, xx(Equation [75]) 3.600 x 10-5in/in

    Shear Strain, xy(Equation [78]) 0 in/in

    Vertical Displacement, v (Equation [82]) -4.680 x 10-4 in

    x = 3.00, y = -0.5

    Tensile Stress, xx(Equation [69]) -1,080 psi

    Shear Stress, xy(Equation [71]) 0 psi

    Longitudinal Strain, xx(Equation [75]) -3.600 x 10-5


    Shear Strain, xy(Equation [78]) 0 in/in

    Vertical Displacement, v (Equation [82]) -4.680 x 10-4


  • 8/13/2019 King Final Report



    x3x = 3.75, y = 0

    Tensile Stress, xx(Equation [69]) 0 psi

    Shear Stress, xy(Equation [73]) -14.12 psi

    Longitudinal Strain, xx(Equation [75]) 0 in/in

    Shear Strain, xy(Equation [80]) -6.118 x 10-7


    Vertical Displacement, v (Equation [83]) -7.297x 10-4


    x = 3.75, y =

    = 0.1768

    Tensile Stress, xx(Equation [69]) 599.0 psi

    Shear Stress, xy(Equation [73]) 0 psi

    Longitudinal Strain, xx(Equation [75]) 1.997 x 10-5in/in

    Shear Strain, xy(Equation [80]) 0 in/in

    Vertical Displacement, v (Equation [83]) -7.297x 10-4 in

    x = 3.75, y = - = -0.1768Tensile Stress, xx(Equation [69]) -599.0 psi

    Shear Stress, xy(Equation [73]) 0 psi

    Longitudinal Strain, xx(Equation [75]) -1.997 x 10-5


    Shear Strain, xy(Equation [80]) 0 in/in

    Vertical Displacement, v (Equation [83]) -7.297x 10-4


  • 8/13/2019 King Final Report



    x4x = 4.50, y = 0

    Tensile Stress, xx(Equation [69]) 0 psi

    Shear Stress, xy(Equation [74]) -60 psi

    Longitudinal Strain, xx(Equation [75]) 0 in/in

    Shear Strain, xy(Equation [81]) -2.600 x 10-6


    Vertical Displacement, v (Equation [84]) -1.382 x 10-3


    x = 4.50, y = 0.125

    Tensile Stress, xx(Equation [69]) 2,880 psi

    Shear Stress, xy(Equation [74]) 0 psi

    Longitudinal Strain, xx(Equation [75]) 9.600 x 10-5in/in

    Shear Strain, xy(Equation [81]) 0 in/in

    Vertical Displacement, v (Equation [84]) -1.382 x 10-3 in

    x = 4.50, y = -0.125

    Tensile Stress, xx(Equation [69]) -2,880 psi

    Shear Stress, xy(Equation [74]) 0 psi

    Longitudinal Strain, xx(Equation [75]) -9.600 x 10-5


    Shear Strain, xy(Equation [81]) 0 in/in

    Vertical Displacement, v (Equation [84]) -1.382 x 10-3


  • 8/13/2019 King Final Report



    x5x = 7.50, y = 0

    Tensile Stress, xx(Equation [69]) 0 psi

    Shear Stress, xy(Equation [74]) -60 psi

    Longitudinal Strain, xx(Equation [75]) 0 in/in

    Shear Strain, xy(Equation [81]) -2.600 x 10-6


    Vertical Displacement, v (Equation [84]) -6.665 x 10-3


    x = 7.50, y = 0.125

    Tensile Stress, xx(Equation [69]) 0 psi

    Shear Stress, xy(Equation [74]) 0 psi

    Longitudinal Strain, xx(Equation [75]) 0 in/in

    Shear Strain, xy(Equation [81]) 0 in/in

    Vertical Displacement, v (Equation [84]) -6.665 x 10-3 in

    x = 7.50, y = -0.125

    Tensile Stress, xx(Equation [69]) 0 psi

    Shear Stress, xy(Equation [74]) 0 psi

    Longitudinal Strain, xx(Equation [75]) 0 in/in

    Shear Strain, xy(Equation [81]) 0 in/in

    Vertical Displacement, v (Equation [84]) -6.665 x 10-3


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    6.Appendix BFEA Results at Selected xValuesx1

    x= 0, y = 0

    Tensile Stress, xx -3.691 psi

    Shear Stress, xy -62.26 psi

    Longitudinal Strain, xx -1.096 x 10-11


    Shear Strain, xy -3.676 x 10-6


    Vertical Displacement, v 0.000 in

    x= 0, y = 0.5

    Tensile Stress, xx 1,717 psi

    Shear Stress, xy -150.7 psi

    Longitudinal Strain, xx 5.527 x 10-5


    Shear Strain, xy -1.306 x 10-5


    Vertical Displacement, v 0.000 in

    x= 0, y = -0.5

    Tensile Stress, xx -1,719 psi

    Shear Stress, xy -150.0 psi

    Longitudinal Strain, xx -5.533 x 10-5in/in

    Shear Strain, xy -1.300 x 10-5 in/in

    Vertical Displacement, v 0.000 in

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    x2x = 3.00, y = 0

    Tensile Stress, xx -204.8 psi

    Shear Stress, xy -51.12 psi

    Longitudinal Strain, xx -7.470 x 10-8


    Shear Strain, xy -4.460 x 10-6


    Vertical Displacement, v -4.812 x 10-6


    x = 3.00, y = 0.5

    Tensile Stress, xx 818.1 psi

    Shear Stress, xy 35.16 psi

    Longitudinal Strain, xx 3.225 x 10-5in/in

    Shear Strain, xy -1.502 x 10-6in/in

    Vertical Displacement, v -4.840 x 10-6 in

    x = 3.00, y = -0.5

    Tensile Stress, xx

    -850.3 psi

    Shear Stress, xy -68.46 psi

    Longitudinal Strain, xx -3.230 x 10-5


    Shear Strain, xy -1.453 x 10-6


    Vertical Displacement, v -4.840 x 10-6


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    x3x = 3.75, y = 0

    Tensile Stress, xx -9.876 psi

    Shear Stress, xy -162.9 psi

    Longitudinal Strain, xx -5.360 x 10-7


    Shear Strain, xy -1.411 x 10-5


    Vertical Displacement, v -7.589 x 10-4


    x = 3.75, y =

    = 0.1768

    Tensile Stress, xx 2,719 psi

    Shear Stress, xy -852.9 psi

    Longitudinal Strain, xx 8.139 x 10-5in/in

    Shear Strain, xy -7.471 x 10-5 in/in

    Vertical Displacement, v -7.561 x 10-4 in

    x = 3.75, y = - = -0.1768Tensile Stress,


    -2,576 psi

    Shear Stress, xy -844.8 psi

    Longitudinal Strain, xx -8.267 x 10-5


    Shear Strain, xy -8.848 x 10-5


    Vertical Displacement, v -7.560 x 10-4


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    x4x = 4.50, y = 0

    Tensile Stress, xx -0.7396 psi

    Shear Stress, xy -66.70 psi

    Longitudinal Strain, xx -2.047 x 10-8


    Shear Strain, xy -5.780 x 10-6


    Vertical Displacement, v -1.352 x 10-3


    x = 4.50, y = 0.125

    Tensile Stress, xx 2,929 psi

    Shear Stress, xy -70.85 psi

    Longitudinal Strain, xx 9.758 x 10-5 in/in

    Shear Strain, xy -6.052 x 10-6in/in

    Vertical Displacement, v -1.352 x 10-3 in

    x = 4.50, y = -0.125

    Tensile Stress, xx

    -2,930 psi

    Shear Stress, xy -62.54 psi

    Longitudinal Strain, xx -9.762 x 10-5


    Shear Strain, xy -5.509 x 10-6


    Vertical Displacement, v -1.352 x 10-3


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    x5x = 7.50, y = 0

    Tensile Stress, xx 8.282 x 10-6


    Shear Stress, xy -58.87 psi

    Longitudinal Strain, xx -5.136 x 10-6


    Shear Strain, xy x 10-6


    Vertical Displacement, v -6.986 x 10-3


    x = 7.50, y = 0.125

    Tensile Stress, xx 47.86 psi

    Shear Stress, xy 0.3965 psi

    Longitudinal Strain, xx 2.559 x 10-6 in/in

    Shear Strain, xy 3.436 x 10-8in/in

    Vertical Displacement, v -6.986 x 10-3 in

    x = 7.50, y = -0.125

    Tensile Stress, xx

    -47.86 psi

    Shear Stress, xy -0.3965 psi

    Longitudinal Strain, xx -2.559 x 10-6


    Shear Strain, xy -3.436 x 10-8


    Vertical Displacement, v -6.986 x 10-3


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    7.Appendix CABAQUS Input File (.inp)*Heading


    ** Job name: TFBshell Model name: TFBshell*Preprint, echo=YES, model=YES, history=NO, contact=NO


    ** PARTS**

    *Part, name=TFBshell

    *Node1, 0.5, 0., 7.5

    2, -0.5, 0., 7.5

    3, -0.5, 0., 4.54, 0., 0., 4.5

    5, 0.5, 0., 4.5

    6, -0.353553385, 0.353553385, 3.757, 0.353553385, -0.353553385, 3.75

    8, 0., 0.5, 3.

    9, 0., 0., 3.10, 0., -0.5, 3.

    11, 0., 0.5, 0.

    12, 0., -0.5, 0.13, 0.400000006, 0., 7.5

    14, 0.300000012, 0., 7.5

    15, 0.200000003, 0., 7.516, 0.100000001, 0., 7.5

    17, 0., 0., 7.5

    18, -0.100000001, 0., 7.5

    19, -0.200000003, 0., 7.5

    20, -0.300000012, 0., 7.521, -0.400000006, 0., 7.5

    22, -0.5, 0., 7.4000001

    23, -0.5, 0., 7.3000001924, -0.5, 0., 7.19999981

    25, -0.5, 0., 7.0999999

    26, -0.5, 0., 7.

    27, -0.5, 0., 6.9000001

    28, -0.5, 0., 6.80000019

    29, -0.5, 0., 6.69999981

    30, -0.5, 0., 6.599999931, -0.5, 0., 6.5

    32, -0.5, 0., 6.4000001

    33, -0.5, 0., 6.30000019

    34, -0.5, 0., 6.19999981

    35, -0.5, 0., 6.099999936, -0.5, 0., 6.

    37, -0.5, 0., 5.9000001

    38, -0.5, 0., 5.8000001939, -0.5, 0., 5.69999981

    40, -0.5, 0., 5.5999999

    41, -0.5, 0., 5.542, -0.5, 0., 5.4000001

    43, -0.5, 0., 5.30000019

    44, -0.5, 0., 5.1999998145, -0.5, 0., 5.0999999

    46, -0.5, 0., 5.

    47, -0.5, 0., 4.900000148, -0.5, 0., 4.80000019

    49, -0.5, 0., 4.69999981

    50, -0.5, 0., 4.599999951, -0.400000006, 0., 4.5

    52, -0.300000012, 0., 4.5

    53, -0.200000003, 0., 4.5

    54, -0.100000001, 0., 4.5

    55, 0.100000001, 0., 4.5

    56, 0.200000003, 0., 4.557, 0.300000012, 0., 4.5

    58, 0.400000006, 0., 4.5

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    59, 0.5, 0., 4.5999999

    60, 0.5, 0., 4.6999998161, 0.5, 0., 4.80000019

    62, 0.5, 0., 4.9000001

    63, 0.5, 0., 5.64, 0.5, 0., 5.0999999

    65, 0.5, 0., 5.19999981

    66, 0.5, 0., 5.30000019

    67, 0.5, 0., 5.400000168, 0.5, 0., 5.5

    69, 0.5, 0., 5.5999999

    70, 0.5, 0., 5.69999981

    71, 0.5, 0., 5.80000019

    72, 0.5, 0., 5.900000173, 0.5, 0., 6.

    74, 0.5, 0., 6.0999999

    75, 0.5, 0., 6.1999998176, 0.5, 0., 6.30000019

    77, 0.5, 0., 6.4000001

    78, 0.5, 0., 6.579, 0.5, 0., 6.5999999

    80, 0.5, 0., 6.69999981

    81, 0.5, 0., 6.8000001982, 0.5, 0., 6.9000001

    83, 0.5, 0., 7.

    84, 0.5, 0., 7.099999985, 0.5, 0., 7.19999981

    86, 0.5, 0., 7.3000001987, 0.5, 0., 7.4000001

    88, -0.49759236, 0.0490085706, 4.40625

    89, -0.490392804, 0.0975444019, 4.3125014390, -0.478470445, 0.145141393, 4.21875191

    91, -0.461939752, 0.191341713, 4.125

    92, -0.44096002, 0.235699534, 4.0312476293, -0.415734202, 0.277786046, 3.93749785

    94, -0.386505216, 0.317196637, 3.84375

    95, -0.282842726, 0.282842726, 3.7596, -0.212132037, 0.212132037, 3.75

    97, -0.141421363, 0.141421363, 3.75

    98, -0.0707106814, 0.0707106814, 3.7599, 0., 0., 3.75

    100, 0.0707106814, -0.0707106814, 3.75

    101, 0.141421363, -0.141421363, 3.75102, 0.212132037, -0.212132037, 3.75

    103, 0.282842726, -0.282842726, 3.75

    104, 0.386505216, -0.317196637, 3.84375

    105, 0.41573438, -0.277785748, 3.93749857

    106, 0.440960169, -0.235699236, 4.03124809

    107, 0.461939752, -0.191341713, 4.125108, 0.478470564, -0.14514108, 4.21875238

    109, 0.490392864, -0.0975440741, 4.31250191

    110, 0.49759236, -0.0490085706, 4.40625111, -0.317196637, 0.386505216, 3.65625

    112, -0.277785748, 0.41573438, 3.56250143

    113, -0.235699236, 0.440960169, 3.46875191114, -0.191341713, 0.461939752, 3.375

    115, -0.14514108, 0.478470564, 3.28124738

    116, -0.0975440741, 0.490392864, 3.18749785

    117, -0.0490085706, 0.49759236, 3.09375118, 0., 0.400000006, 3.

    119, 0., 0.300000012, 3.120, 0., 0.200000003, 3.

    121, 0., 0.100000001, 3.

    122, 0., -0.100000001, 3.123, 0., -0.200000003, 3.

    124, 0., -0.300000012, 3.

    125, 0., -0.400000006, 3.

    126, 0.0490085706, -0.49759236, 3.09375

    127, 0.0975444019, -0.490392804, 3.18749857

    128, 0.145141393, -0.478470445, 3.28124809

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    129, 0.191341713, -0.461939752, 3.375

    130, 0.235699534, -0.44096002, 3.46875262131, 0.277786046, -0.415734202, 3.56250215

    132, 0.317196637, -0.386505216, 3.65625

    133, 0., 0.5, 2.9000001134, 0., 0.5, 2.79999995

    135, 0., 0.5, 2.70000005

    136, 0., 0.5, 2.5999999

    137, 0., 0.5, 2.5138, 0., 0.5, 2.4000001

    139, 0., 0.5, 2.29999995

    140, 0., 0.5, 2.20000005

    141, 0., 0.5, 2.0999999

    142, 0., 0.5, 2.143, 0., 0.5, 1.89999998

    144, 0., 0.5, 1.79999995

    145, 0., 0.5, 1.70000005146, 0., 0.5, 1.60000002

    147, 0., 0.5, 1.5

    148, 0., 0.5, 1.39999998149, 0., 0.5, 1.29999995

    150, 0., 0.5, 1.20000005

    151, 0., 0.5, 1.10000002152, 0., 0.5, 1.

    153, 0., 0.5, 0.899999976

    154, 0., 0.5, 0.800000012155, 0., 0.5, 0.699999988

    156, 0., 0.5, 0.600000024157, 0., 0.5, 0.5

    158, 0., 0.5, 0.400000006

    159, 0., 0.5, 0.300000012160, 0., 0.5, 0.200000003

    161, 0., 0.5, 0.100000001

    162, 0., 0.400000006, 0.163, 0., 0.300000012, 0.

    164, 0., 0.200000003, 0.

    165, 0., 0.100000001, 0.166, 0., 0., 0.

    167, 0., -0.100000001, 0.

    168, 0., -0.200000003, 0.169, 0., -0.300000012, 0.

    170, 0., -0.400000006, 0.

    171, 0., -0.5, 0.100000001172, 0., -0.5, 0.200000003

    173, 0., -0.5, 0.300000012

    174, 0., -0.5, 0.400000006

    175, 0., -0.5, 0.5

    176, 0., -0.5, 0.600000024

    177, 0., -0.5, 0.699999988178, 0., -0.5, 0.800000012

    179, 0., -0.5, 0.899999976

    180, 0., -0.5, 1.181, 0., -0.5, 1.10000002

    182, 0., -0.5, 1.20000005

    183, 0., -0.5, 1.29999995184, 0., -0.5, 1.39999998

    185, 0., -0.5, 1.5

    186, 0., -0.5, 1.60000002

    187, 0., -0.5, 1.70000005188, 0., -0.5, 1.79999995

    189, 0., -0.5, 1.89999998190, 0., -0.5, 2.

    191, 0., -0.5, 2.0999999

    192, 0., -0.5, 2.20000005193, 0., -0.5, 2.29999995

    194, 0., -0.5, 2.4000001

    195, 0., -0.5, 2.5

    196, 0., -0.5, 2.5999999

    197, 0., -0.5, 2.70000005

    198, 0., -0.5, 2.79999995

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    199, 0., -0.5, 2.9000001

    200, 0.40867731, 0., 6.19405651201, -0.402668566, 0., 6.39775133

    202, 0.405933738, 0., 5.29558468

    203, 0.408387423, 0., 6.49111652204, 0.401252568, 0., 6.69411993

    205, 0.396833479, 0., 6.90104437

    206, 0.00177802215, 0., 7.40288019

    207, -0.197118372, 0., 7.39842939208, -0.298042893, 0., 7.3983407

    209, -0.400736928, 0., 4.99964094

    210, 0.000279046595, 0., 4.59903193

    211, 0.201234028, 0., 4.59916306

    212, 0.403696954, 0., 4.99643135213, -0.402956039, 0., 5.09924746

    214, 0.404304177, 0., 5.09595919

    215, -0.405808479, 0., 5.19816256216, 0.40518558, 0., 5.19583607

    217, -0.407385081, 0., 5.29740095

    218, 0.406625658, 0., 5.39631796219, -0.406762481, 0., 5.59426737

    220, 0.406653494, 0., 5.69659758

    221, -0.40634349, 0., 5.89342594222, 0.407420099, 0., 5.99554634

    223, -0.40429756, 0., 6.19505644

    224, 0.409388989, 0., 6.29291248225, -0.403280675, 0., 6.49861288

    226, -0.406411737, 0., 6.69895744227, -0.405461013, 0., 6.89886618

    228, -0.400929481, 0., 7.0986414

    229, -0.399379015, 0., 7.19837999230, -0.398801684, 0., 7.29853868

    231, -0.100126587, 0., 4.59898329

    232, -0.200560495, 0., 4.59896088233, -0.300716281, 0., 4.59911108

    234, -0.400495023, 0., 4.59947872

    235, 0.301283509, 0., 4.59913683236, 0.402510345, 0., 4.79805994

    237, -0.407594681, 0., 5.3964119

    238, -0.407321811, 0., 5.49507999239, 0.406856358, 0., 5.49654388

    240, 0.406758994, 0., 5.59697676

    241, -0.406829447, 0., 5.69340563242, -0.406897724, 0., 5.79300213

    243, 0.406882733, 0., 5.79643965

    244, 0.407251507, 0., 5.89637852

    245, -0.405940652, 0., 5.99382353

    246, -0.405343413, 0., 6.09392929

    247, 0.408475012, 0., 6.09557915248, -0.403198481, 0., 6.29597473

    249, 0.410051048, 0., 6.39194059

    250, -0.404992044, 0., 6.59876156251, 0.406056046, 0., 6.59184217

    252, -0.406782091, 0., 6.79884672

    253, 0.397338152, 0., 6.7973218254, -0.403321207, 0., 6.99862671

    255, 0.398649305, 0., 7.00376129

    256, 0.102255292, 0., 7.40408039

    257, 0.400675923, 0., 7.10461521258, 0.202405795, 0., 7.40403891

    259, 0.302304924, 0., 7.40319681260, 0.40184623, 0., 7.20414352

    261, 0.401590854, 0., 7.40185547

    262, -0.0971012264, 0., 7.39980888263, 0.295431882, 0., 6.7917347

    264, 0.100899935, 0., 4.59913445

    265, -0.200336963, 0., 4.69831038

    266, -0.400373787, 0., 4.79929972

    267, -0.400186002, 0., 4.89960384

    268, 0.302564979, 0., 4.69811058

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    269, -0.301119387, 0., 5.00126266

    270, 0.314894289, 0., 5.4961009271, 0.314381897, 0., 5.79639339

    272, 0.30728507, 0., 6.6842556

    273, -0.301167935, 0., 7.09433603274, -0.296987951, 0., 7.1945982

    275, -0.31428501, 0., 5.48812866

    276, -0.313560694, 0., 5.98459959

    277, 0.321501642, 0., 6.28869247278, 0.322397113, 0., 6.48214102

    279, 0.298777401, 0., 7.00802946

    280, 0.00669529289, 0., 7.30547333

    281, 0.204572856, 0., 7.30841064

    282, 0.303512573, 0., 7.3060894283, -0.399060756, 0., 7.39900494

    284, 0.000929877104, 0., 4.69793987

    285, 0.403036028, 0., 4.89737177286, 0.305870652, 0., 4.99487877

    287, -0.306456804, 0., 5.10053301

    288, 0.307883441, 0., 5.09456158289, -0.313620389, 0., 5.19682837

    290, 0.310606509, 0., 5.19448519

    291, 0.313224137, 0., 5.2947917292, -0.315620482, 0., 5.39094973

    293, -0.312159777, 0., 6.08479261

    294, 0.319978833, 0., 6.1921401295, -0.310105145, 0., 6.18633223

    296, -0.307616264, 0., 6.2891984297, -0.30550006, 0., 6.39351463

    298, -0.315976441, 0., 6.79735613

    299, -0.307581723, 0., 6.99457979300, -0.296388656, 0., 7.29612589

    301, -0.0996720865, 0., 4.69822311

    302, -0.300613523, 0., 4.69879389303, -0.400424659, 0., 4.69941044

    304, 0.401785314, 0., 4.6987381

    305, -0.316448867, 0., 5.29398108306, 0.314912826, 0., 5.39621305

    307, 0.314139575, 0., 5.59668589

    308, -0.314390153, 0., 5.58593273309, -0.315074533, 0., 5.68460941

    310, 0.314020574, 0., 5.69721174

    311, -0.315427691, 0., 5.78401661312, 0.31517747, 0., 5.89609241

    313, -0.315054536, 0., 5.88357019

    314, 0.316314787, 0., 5.99555731

    315, 0.318404227, 0., 6.09523869

    316, 0.324144006, 0., 6.38569736

    317, -0.306122333, 0., 6.49719858318, -0.310529053, 0., 6.59844065

    319, 0.317961097, 0., 6.58154917

    320, -0.314852864, 0., 6.69842958321, -0.31351608, 0., 6.89608908

    322, 0.295243055, 0., 6.90154171

    323, 0.105890259, 0., 7.30880499324, 0.301904917, 0., 7.10959387

    325, 0.303527385, 0., 7.20823908

    326, 0.402051926, 0., 7.30309677

    327, -0.299800634, 0., 4.90010214328, -0.0902894214, 0., 7.29561043

    329, -0.0986664221, 0., 4.79851437330, 0.0018088948, 0., 4.79800415

    331, 0.222399965, 0., 5.29814672

    332, 0.216678962, 0., 5.19791412333, -0.223152682, 0., 5.97148514

    334, -0.220869288, 0., 6.0717802

    335, -0.192721233, 0., 7.29373407

    336, -0.299998164, 0., 4.79916191

    337, 0.210820511, 0., 5.0974164

    338, -0.220917225, 0., 5.47843266

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    339, 0.243320033, 0., 6.47432995

    340, -0.218023121, 0., 6.1738553341, 0.186521545, 0., 6.78018904

    342, 0.1101702, 0., 7.21433544

    343, 0.204664022, 0., 7.1148324344, -0.200195268, 0., 7.08509207

    345, -0.225005433, 0., 6.89159298

    346, 0.202432424, 0., 4.69789648

    347, 0.303624541, 0., 4.7969141348, 0.22168529, 0., 5.59982252

    349, -0.190822065, 0., 7.18799162

    350, 0.236797214, 0., 6.56837702

    351, 0.2008463, 0., 7.01311731

    352, -0.21349068, 0., 6.98613358353, 0.101697974, 0., 4.69795609

    354, 0.304460764, 0., 4.89592218

    355, -0.208076537, 0., 5.10710716356, -0.199524254, 0., 5.00600624

    357, -0.223547459, 0., 5.38253593

    358, 0.225628793, 0., 5.39937782359, 0.236854687, 0., 6.29055977

    360, 0.242798716, 0., 6.38344049

    361, -0.213846207, 0., 6.27833939362, -0.206707627, 0., 6.49696875

    363, -0.199223369, 0., 4.79917574

    364, -0.226176366, 0., 5.19723749365, -0.227950245, 0., 5.28914165

    366, 0.224521562, 0., 5.49932766367, 0.221601427, 0., 5.70128012

    368, -0.22309956, 0., 5.57635784

    369, 0.22423631, 0., 5.90105867370, -0.22571373, 0., 5.67425919

    371, 0.22282511, 0., 5.80190802

    372, -0.22619018, 0., 5.77294731373, -0.225415528, 0., 5.87130213

    374, 0.226192445, 0., 6.00080109

    375, 0.232350484, 0., 6.19606352376, 0.229102418, 0., 6.10029364

    377, -0.208279058, 0., 6.38662672

    378, -0.226509944, 0., 6.70077181379, -0.217268422, 0., 6.60135412

    380, 0.220396414, 0., 6.66632652

    381, -0.229614273, 0., 6.79647446382, 0.196128488, 0., 6.90512657

    383, 0.0182983484, 0., 7.2118907

    384, 0.206072107, 0., 7.21169806

    385, -0.198362261, 0., 4.90161896

    386, 0.102622084, 0., 4.79722118

    387, 0.203470454, 0., 4.79676676388, -0.0974442586, 0., 5.13574553

    389, -0.098619014, 0., 7.06667614

    390, -0.119545288, 0., 6.96879148391, -0.128163159, 0., 6.1582818

    392, 0.109173544, 0., 7.12110043

    393, 0.133301482, 0., 5.30742502394, 0.131907314, 0., 5.81121492

    395, -0.139652088, 0., 5.66371918

    396, -0.122907341, 0., 6.26307774

    397, 0.138223693, 0., 6.63145018398, 0.122799806, 0., 5.20717192

    399, -0.0742361471, 0., 7.17870903400, 0.204644904, 0., 4.89598274

    401, -0.125714183, 0., 5.46752167

    402, -0.131364495, 0., 6.05617237403, -0.143076956, 0., 6.88430548

    404, 0.206699133, 0., 4.99664974

    405, -0.0973391682, 0., 4.90246487

    406, 0.136469558, 0., 5.5020051

    407, 0.163831994, 0., 6.38763094

    408, 0.171233878, 0., 6.46854591

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    409, 0.159717858, 0., 6.54961777

    410, -0.143010616, 0., 6.70844793411, -0.156049699, 0., 5.20429611

    412, 0.139882848, 0., 5.40635729

    413, -0.130619228, 0., 5.369452414, 0.127579197, 0., 5.60603809

    415, 0.1291866, 0., 5.71005011

    416, -0.134329766, 0., 5.56901455

    417, 0.136376977, 0., 6.0110755418, -0.138612881, 0., 5.76024199

    419, 0.134122372, 0., 5.91191626

    420, -0.13651605, 0., 5.85700512

    421, 0.144195423, 0., 6.20690966

    422, -0.134087384, 0., 5.95578814423, 0.152796224, 0., 6.30109358

    424, 0.139660269, 0., 6.1107173

    425, -0.113268718, 0., 6.37452126426, -0.0975690931, 0., 6.5010314

    427, -0.148312464, 0., 6.79710388

    428, -0.12851657, 0., 6.61295128429, 0.0305773336, 0., 6.66694832

    430, 0.0714686736, 0., 6.75505114

    431, 0.0954950154, 0., 6.91913986432, 0.0903138742, 0., 6.82106161

    433, 0.103952818, 0., 4.897964

    434, -0.0581134595, 0., 5.24749279435, 0.0296035167, 0., 5.2230773

    436, -0.0235007312, 0., 5.45896435437, -0.0394197069, 0., 6.14110708

    438, 0.0842929482, 0., 6.40796709

    439, -0.0695208237, 0., 6.80322504440, 0.0592189096, 0., 5.41695166

    441, 0.0543499924, 0., 5.49868059

    442, 0.0251491554, 0., 5.61175299443, -0.0447129048, 0., 5.93976307

    444, -0.0469984338, 0., 5.8409977

    445, -0.033807084, 0., 6.24395227446, 0.0498633273, 0., 6.12507343

    447, 0.112137116, 0., 6.465343

    448, 0.0102930805, 0., 6.74083328449, -0.000287796778, 0., 7.03742981

    450, 0.0422273129, 0., 5.82510805

    451, -0.0423180871, 0., 6.04010296452, 0.106647633, 0., 5.00105667

    453, 0.00298698479, 0., 4.90101719

    454, -0.0636882186, 0., 6.72270203

    455, 0.0052099661, 0., 6.46184301

    456, 0.0445605069, 0., 5.32480288

    457, -0.0420513712, 0., 5.35015059458, -0.0589031056, 0., 5.65282202

    459, 0.038012702, 0., 5.72390032

    460, -0.0526096337, 0., 5.57187128461, -0.0504724607, 0., 5.74457073

    462, 0.0445855856, 0., 5.92536259

    463, 0.0469786003, 0., 6.0254817464, 0.0651964545, 0., 6.32155228

    465, 0.0554221906, 0., 6.22453547

    466, -0.021974273, 0., 6.35031176

    467, -0.0482959114, 0., 6.63777971468, -0.0203869492, 0., 6.55431509

    469, -0.0783420578, 0., 6.87100172470, -0.0177761577, 0., 6.92647791

    471, 0.00460041501, 0., 6.82224131

    472, 0.00513232173, 0., 5.00768137473, 0.0167262461, 0., 7.13218832

    474, -0.0966288298, 0., 5.01241636

    475, 0.0115827657, 0., 5.11680508

    476, 0.101649359, 0., 7.02168989

    477, 0.400879443, 0., 4.59934616

    478, 0.108288564, 0., 6.70781231

  • 8/13/2019 King Final Report



    479, 0.112396933, 0., 5.10517406

    480, 0.0559308752, 0., 6.59166718481, -0.140449628, 0., 5.27679873

    482, 0.0822723955, 0., 6.51833534

    483, -0.39453128, 0.0404181406, 4.4025116484, -0.294307023, 0.0310180821, 4.39972687

    485, -0.195317686, 0.0211791564, 4.39685583

    486, -0.0981834605, 0.0110054938, 4.39340591

    487, 0.0974388197, -0.0110404696, 4.3922596488, 0.196074381, -0.0214761999, 4.39582109

    489, 0.29577893, -0.0310798828, 4.40002489

    490, -0.389100462, 0.0795408636, 4.3074441

    491, -0.291077256, 0.0610979162, 4.30242586

    492, -0.194597781, 0.0423649475, 4.29530096493, -0.100957528, 0.0233076978, 4.28333521

    494, -0.00332703814, 0.000786339573, 4.27837133

    495, 0.095376201, -0.0224310998, 4.27942276496, 0.292506605, -0.0619109347, 4.30082226

    497, -0.38214317, 0.11793372, 4.21415281

    498, -0.289467514, 0.090895541, 4.20945358499, -0.202075586, 0.0650578141, 4.20256901

    500, -0.11561846, 0.0423492603, 4.16471672

    501, 0.0976936817, -0.0368712172, 4.15537786502, 0.198754832, -0.067814976, 4.18600655

    503, 0.291765392, -0.0932855457, 4.20449114

    504, 0.385729671, -0.118881494, 4.21451283505, -0.370616794, 0.154640973, 4.12252522

    506, -0.281834334, 0.117777593, 4.12200212507, -0.0968274847, 0.0492477678, 4.0506916

    508, -0.0110924458, 0.00555647956, 4.05654287

    509, 0.139335796, -0.0686392635, 4.06290531510, 0.215747297, -0.0993557125, 4.08788395

    511, 0.294349134, -0.125744611, 4.11446762

    512, -0.353612244, 0.189381301, 4.03046989513, -0.16724059, 0.110600732, 3.94203758

    514, -0.0869640633, 0.0568458512, 3.94714236

    515, -0.00753175607, 0.00488119386, 3.95089102516, 0.0717929453, -0.046249371, 3.95350266

    517, 0.152061835, -0.0962316468, 3.96120858

    518, 0.243869111, -0.148629859, 3.97731876519, -0.332861006, 0.222312957, 3.9376936

    520, -0.231885433, 0.189902529, 3.84473753

    521, -0.154716372, 0.12640582, 3.84584355522, -0.0786142051, 0.0640072823, 3.8474617

    523, 0.0728859231, -0.0588177741, 3.8516171

    524, 0.149941236, -0.120037109, 3.85534334

    525, 0.227919579, -0.181463853, 3.85790133

    526, 0.39161098, -0.0797342956, 4.30819273

    527, 0.333999455, -0.21827659, 3.94724059528, 0.378465265, -0.157423183, 4.12358427

    529, 0.396312237, -0.0401718915, 4.40353394

    530, 0.364216506, -0.1934174, 4.03382397531, 0.307291895, -0.248437062, 3.85075688

    532, -0.309068471, 0.253469706, 3.84407544

    533, -0.000869911979, 9.93500

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