Page 1: King James Version - Amazon S3€¦ · Putting the Plumbing in Place y 3 He which raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us also by Jesus, and shall present us with you. For all

Serve one another humbly in love. Galatians 5:13

25 Devotions for Men

King James Version

Page 2: King James Version - Amazon S3€¦ · Putting the Plumbing in Place y 3 He which raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us also by Jesus, and shall present us with you. For all

By love serve one another. Galatians 5:13

Barry KeurulainenDavid Schmitt

A. Trevor SuttonTim Wesemann

25 Devotions for Men

King James Version

Page 3: King James Version - Amazon S3€¦ · Putting the Plumbing in Place y 3 He which raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us also by Jesus, and shall present us with you. For all

The mission of CTA is to glorify God by providing purposeful products that lift up

and encourage the body of Christ— because we love him!

Built to Serve

Barry Keurulainen David Schmitt

A. Trevor SuttonTim Wesemann

Copyright © 2014 CTA, Inc. 1625 Larkin Williams Rd. Fenton, MO 63026

Week 1A. Trevor Sutton wrote the five devotions designated for Week 1 in this book. Trevor is a pastor in Michigan. Here’s how he describes a few of the ways the Lord has called him to serve by love in his family:

“As a new father, my schedule is filled with new father activities: changing diapers, heating up bottles, and soothing a fussy daughter. I love to see how God is actively building up his kingdom through these everyday tasks.”

King James Version

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of CTA, Inc.

Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

PRINTED IN THAILANDISBN: 978-1-935404-99-6

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Restored, Renovated, and ResurrectedDay


In him we live, and move, and have our being. Acts 17:28

“That’s such a shame!”

“How could they let that place fall into such disrepair?”

“Someone should buy that building and fix it up.”

Rotting wood and crumbling bricks are pockmarks on any neighborhood. More than just eyesores, tattered structures are lingering reminders of dashed hopes and fallen dreams. A crumbling building causes every passerby to wonder what went wrong and what could have been.

Piece by piece and bit by bit, God built his creation. The Builder was divinely competent, and what he built was very good. In him, all of creation lived, and moved, and had its being.

Though the Builder was more than capable, still his creation crumbled. Sin subdued the once sturdy structure of the initial creation. Evil corroded goodness. Death damaged the foundations. God’s human creatures, though built to be the crown of his creation, dashed his dreams and destroyed our own hopes.

Still, the Master Builder did not abandon us. He did not reduce us to rubble and begin his creative work anew.

Though the price was unimaginable, God purchased you.

He sent his own Son to die and rise again for you! Though the work was long, God began reclaiming you.

He did not merely slap a new coat of paint on you and

call it good. Instead, he worked faith in you, giving you a

new and firm foundation. He removed the decay and fixed

what was broken. Plank by plank and board by board, God

has reclaimed you. Room by room and floor by floor, God

has swept you clean in Christ, and he continues to do so

moment by moment. Like a newly renovated building, you are now open and

ready for business. He has prepared you to serve the

community around you. His Word has rebuilt your words.

His actions have renovated your actions. His triumph over

death has resurrected you forever. In him you live, and

move, and have your being. Restored, renovated, and

resurrected, you are built anew in Christ.Prayer starter: Father God, it’s almost impossible to believe all you’ve done . . .

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All Day, Every DayDay


We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Finish this sentence: “The most important part of building a new barn is _________________.”

Did you say, “Setting the footings”? You may be right: a sturdy foundation results in a sturdy finished building.

Did you say, “Installing the trusses”? You may be right: the entire building is tied together once the rafters are nailed in place.

Did you say, “Shingling the roof”? You may be right: with-out a watertight roof, the barn’s interior will quickly rot and be destroyed.

Actually, we could make a case that every step in build-ing a barn is the most important step. The big jobs—like setting the footings, adding the rafters, and installing the siding—are vitally important. But so are the tiny tasks, the tasks focused on things like caulk and hinges. Big and small, seen and unseen, everything matters when you build.

Finish this sentence: “The most important part of building God’s kingdom is ______________.”

Did you say, “Every part”? You’d be right! God is at work

through you whether you are engaged in enormous endeavors or tiny tasks. Mission trips, service projects,

and strategic planning meetings are vitally important. And

so is coaching your child’s little league team, befriending

your next-door neighbor, or offering up countless prayers

throughout the day. Big and small, seen and unseen, everything matters when

you partner with Jesus to build his kingdom. God is using you for his purposes all day, every day. By

faith in Jesus Christ, you are God’s new creation. In him

you and I live, and move, and have our being. Whether you are leading a meeting at work, changing dirty

diapers at home, or serving somehow in worship, God is

working through you. Consequently, no task can ever be

mundane or meaningless. Instead, each is holy and helpful

to others in the family of God. Highlight this truth in your heart: God is not sometimes

building his kingdom through you; God is building his

kingdom through you all day, every day! Prayer starter: Lord, help me wrap my head

around these ideas . . .

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Putting the Plumbing in PlaceDay


He which raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us also by Jesus, and shall present us with you. For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the

thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of God. 2 Corinthians 4:14–15

Placing pipes, dredging drains, and fastening fittings are just a few of the many skills a plumber must master. Whether they work in new construction or in dusty renovation projects, plumbers do a little bit of everything.

Although a plumber performs a wide array of tasks, ultimately he has one job: to deliver water from point A to point B. Whether fusing joints or checking for leaks, plumbers work to move water from its source to its destination.

A plumber uses all kinds of tools and supplies. Couplers, adapters, bushings, plugs, and caps are all options. He may choose to use glue, solder, threaded fittings, cast iron, PVC, or copper. Each situation is unique, and each calls for a unique configuration of materials.

Like water flowing throughout a house, God’s grace flows throughout his creation. Bubbling forth from his divine goodness, it courses through to every corner of the world he made. Never stale or stagnant, that grace provides a

refreshing flood for parched souls. Constantly making all

things new, the good news of Jesus Christ and the new life

he won for us on his cross is always on the move. As a new creation in Christ, you are an integral part of

God’s grace delivery system. In him you live, and move,

and have your being. You are a conduit for his loving

kindness as you raise your children, encourage your wife,

share the good news of Jesus with a coworker, and pray

for your neighbors. God has placed all kinds of tools and supplies at your

disposal. The Bible. Prayer. Acts of service, compassion,

joy, wisdom, or patience. Each situation is unique. Each

calls for a unique configuration of God’s grace. God’s grace is not stagnant, and neither are his people.

Overflowing with his loving kindness, you play a part in

building the infrastructure of his kingdom. Every interaction presents an opportunity to be a conduit for the water of life!

Prayer starter: Lord Jesus, open my eyes to see each person and event in my life in the same way you see them . . .

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The Builder’s FingerprintsDay


He that hath wrought us for the selfsame thing is God, who also hath given unto us the earnest of the Spirit.

Therefore we are always confident. 2 Corinthians 5:5–6

Stroll through the historic Robie House in Chicago’s Hyde Park, and you will learn something about its creator. The building’s designer, American architect Frank Lloyd Wright, left an indelible mark on the house. Numerous structural details reveal much about the architect.

The home’s cantilevered eaves, for example, create expansive horizontal lines that can be seen from blocks away; these lines hint subtly at Wright’s longtime fascination with the American prairie.

Barely perceptible from the street, the front door is discreetly tucked away under a large balcony; this hidden entryway reveals Wright’s intention that the home he designed provide a protective haven for its residents.

The Architect of humanity has also left an indelible mark on his creation. Each detail reveals the intentions, interests, and passions of our divine Designer.

For instance, your hands reveal something about your Designer’s purposes for you: he wants you to serve others,

while making an honest living. Your eyes reveal something

about your Designer’s intentions, too: God wants you to

notice and enjoy the vivid beauty that fills his creation. Your

mouth reveals even more about your Designer’s will: the

Architect of the universe wants you to speak his words of

forgiveness and peace freely, making sure they are heard

by all.

In Christ our Creator-King you live, and move, and have your being. He has skillfully designed you for his purposes. Apart from him, you live without an eternal purpose. Hands that do not

serve, eyes that do not see God’s creation, and mouths

that do not proclaim his Word accomplish much less than

his design intended.But in Christ, you can live up to the full potential for which

God created you. Christ’s love compels your hands to do

good work. Christ’s light compels you to notice the wonder

of creation and worship him for it. And Christ’s mercy

compels you to share the good news of his forgiveness

and power with others. Prayer starter: Lord, I want to live up to the

full potential for which you designed me.

Forgive me when . . .

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Follow the TemplateDay


When he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

1 John 3:2

“Measure twice and cut once.” This pithy little saying has been passed down from grandfathers to fathers to sons for generations. The advice is timeless and true—precise measurements make for precise cuts.

When a board has been accurately measured and precisely cut, it can become a template for other boards; one board cut to the perfect length can be used to create hundreds of other perfectly-cut boards.

Whether you realize it or not, you are a template for those around you. Your spouse, friends, children, and grandchildren are being formed by your example. If you are formed by what is true and accurate, they, too, will be formed by what is true and accurate. If you are formed by what is warped and crooked, they, too, will be formed by what is warped and crooked.

That is humbling. It could even be frightening. But remember: in Christ you live, and move, and have your being. In his cross, your guilt is gone. God has cut away the things that don’t belong—the greed and grumbling, the deceit and deception, the slander and self-centeredness, the impurity and pride.

Now, in Christ, you are being formed anew. His measurements are always precise; his work is always

accurate. He is your template for godly living—for joy and

jubilee, for service and sacrifice, for goodness and giving.Because he has made you a new creation in Christ, your

Designer can now use your life to form others according

to this same pattern. Your spouse can follow your pattern

of faithful devotion to God. Your children can follow the

pattern of unwavering commitment to truth you set. Your

friends can follow the pattern of upright living and sacrificial

giving you demonstrate. So be bold! Live out your new life with courage, knowing

that even now, his Holy Spirit is at work in you, cutting

away the old, reestablishing the new, and making you an

exemplar of his love for those around you.Prayer starter: Lord, it’s humbling to think you would use me in this way . . .

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A Building Project for This Weekend . . .

Week 2

This weekend, take some time to become more

familiar with the building materials the Holy Spirit

uses. Think about his work on the building site that

is your own life. Where do you see God at work?

Where are you serving others by love?

From age to age, God has used the Holy

Scriptures as a constant source of strength for

his people. Take time to memorize one passage

from Scripture and meditate on it. Find a small

improvement you can make in your home, and

repeat this Scripture as you complete the task.

Let the passage shape your prayers, guide

your reflection on past events, and offer you

hope for the future.

By love serve one another. Galatians 5:13

David Schmitt has written the second week of devotions for Built to Serve. Here’s how he describes one of the many ways he serves God’s people in love:

“I teach the faith to adults, and one of my favorite classes involves spiritual autobiography. It amazes me to see how God works in our lives to build his kingdom and how we reflect on that work in our words.”

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