Page 1: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

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As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM

AlexEngage is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in AlexEngage isvoluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions ofany government agency or elected officials.

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As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

Page 2: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM, this forum had:Attendees: 1346All Responses: 758Hours of Public Comment: 37.9

This topic started on February 12, 2016, 12:36 PM.This topic ended on March 15, 2016, 2:43 PM.

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As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 2 of 1523

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

Page 3: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded


What is your zip code?

% Count

22301 20.4% 155

22302 33.5% 254

22304 10.4% 79

22305 7.5% 57

22311 0.9% 7

22312 1.6% 12

22314 18.2% 138

I don't reside within any of the zipcode areas listed above.

7.4% 56

Do you live within the project area?

% Count

Yes 26.3% 199

No 73.7% 559

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?

% Count

School/Daycare 18.3% 138

Place of Worship 4.1% 31

Recreation Center/Park 18.7% 141

Work 12.2% 92

Social 17.0% 128

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 3 of 1523

Page 4: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

% Count

No destinations--I use King Streetto travel elsewhere.

29.6% 223

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.

% Count

Improve pedestrian safety near TCWilliams

44.3% 336

Reduce vehicular speeding 40.0% 303

Provide safer crossings forpedestrians

58.2% 441

Provide more accessible transitstops

8.3% 63

Provide a safe and accessiblebicycle facility

40.0% 303

Provide greater separation betweenvehicles and pedestrian

25.2% 191

Maintain comparable travel timesfor drivers

29.8% 226

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?

% Count

safer & shorter street crossings 57.3% 425

planted pedestrian islands 38.0% 282

left turn only lanes 33.6% 249

slower speeds of turning vehicles 42.9% 318

none—not in favor of anyimprovements

18.3% 136

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 4 of 1523

Page 5: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?

% Count

Janney’s Lane 42.6% 263

Melrose Street 14.7% 91

Albany Avenue 2.9% 18

Tuckahoe Lane 8.3% 51

Scroggins Road 39.5% 244

Quincy Street 9.1% 56

Chinquapin Drive 40.4% 249

Kenwood Avenue 42.1% 260

Radford Street 9.1% 56

What option do you prefer?

% Count

Option 1: Complete StreetMaintenance

21.1% 160

Option 2: Pedestrian AccessibilityIntersection Enhancements

9.4% 71

Option 3: Complete StreetsCorridor Improvements

65.8% 499

none of the above (please commentbelow)

3.7% 28

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.

Answered 210

Skipped 548

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

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As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 5 of 1523

Page 6: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

2 3 alexandria all also area bike cars do drive from get kinglane lanes like make more need one only option other pedestrian

pedestrians people please road s safety speed st street t they

traffic travel turn up who

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 6 of 1523

Page 7: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 11:39 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 7 of 1523

Page 8: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 8 of 1523

Page 9: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 28, 2016, 11:15 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 9 of 1523

Page 10: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 10 of 1523

Page 11: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 11:10 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins RoadChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 11 of 1523

Page 12: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 12 of 1523

Page 13: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 28, 2016, 11:09 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 13 of 1523

Page 14: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 14 of 1523

Page 15: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 10:14 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide more accessible transit stopsMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 15 of 1523

Page 16: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I feel there could have been another option more similar to 3 so there would be real choices. This seems to beall or nothing. I don't think only one lane in each direction is adequate.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

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As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 16 of 1523

Page 17: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 28, 2016, 9:58 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 17 of 1523

Page 18: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 18 of 1523

Page 19: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 9:54 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 19 of 1523

Page 20: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 20 of 1523

Page 21: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Rebecca Bostick inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 9:48 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 21 of 1523

Page 22: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.None of these is in need of attention as much as the King/Braddock/Quaker intersection.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

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As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 22 of 1523

Page 23: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 28, 2016, 9:44 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 23 of 1523

Page 24: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 24 of 1523

Page 25: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 28, 2016, 9:36 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 25 of 1523

Page 26: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 26 of 1523

Page 27: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 9:36 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 27 of 1523

Page 28: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Option 3 is the best choice. It provides the most safety for all road users. Those people who complain abouttraffic back ups should just leave earlier to account for the traffic. Afterall, they are the traffic.

The speed limit on King St and all streets in Alexandria should be 25 mph. This is the best way to make ourstreets safe. Again, people should leave earlier for their destination; not drive faster.

Bikes are entitled to their own lane. Why should cars get four lanes and bikes get none? Under Option 3 carsstill have three lane, one of which is shared.

TC Williams, our city high school and Chinquapin Park, our soon to be enlarged pool complex are both on thissection of King Street. With all the children in the area this needs to be an ultra-safe road. Again, this is whyKing St needs a road diet, including 25 mph speed limits.

Let's make King Street a COMPLETE STREET. Why else would we have a Complete Street program if the cityisnt going to keep its word?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

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As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 28 of 1523

Page 29: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 28, 2016, 9:32 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide more accessible transit stopsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 29 of 1523

Page 30: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 30 of 1523

Page 31: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 28, 2016, 9:24 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneQuincy Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 31 of 1523

Page 32: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 32 of 1523

Page 33: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 9:10 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide more accessible transit stopsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneTuckahoe LaneKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 33 of 1523

Page 34: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 34 of 1523

Page 35: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 28, 2016, 8:59 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Place of Worship

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 35 of 1523

Page 36: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 36 of 1523

Page 37: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 8:57 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 37 of 1523

Page 38: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Please NOT Option 3. Please don't take travel lanes away from automobiles for the purposes of more bikelanes. Fact of the matter is that the BRAC building added a lot more traffic to our area and there aren't enoughbikers to warrant taking away automobile lanes.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 38 of 1523

Page 39: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Bob Hartt inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 8:53 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 39 of 1523

Page 40: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 40 of 1523

Page 41: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 28, 2016, 8:32 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 41 of 1523

Page 42: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 42 of 1523

Page 43: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Bonnie O'Day inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 8:11 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Radford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 43 of 1523

Page 44: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 44 of 1523

Page 45: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 8:01 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneMelrose StreetChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 45 of 1523

Page 46: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Speed indicator signs (and reduced speed limit to 25 mph) critically needed on Eastbound King Street beforeMelrose St. Crosswalk: too many cars continue accelerating along the "straightaway" as they approach theMormon church and Woodbine. Thanks.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 46 of 1523

Page 47: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Chris Readinger inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 7:56 PM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneTuckahoe LaneKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 47 of 1523

Page 48: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 48 of 1523

Page 49: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 28, 2016, 7:54 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetTuckahoe LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 49 of 1523

Page 50: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 50 of 1523

Page 51: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 7:50 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 51 of 1523

Page 52: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.The principal issue with the existing configuration is difficulty in crossing King street.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 52 of 1523

Page 53: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Larry Meyers inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 28, 2016, 7:47 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 53 of 1523

Page 54: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.These options and the questionnaire do not adequately take into consideration the large number of people whomust rely on King Street for commuting to work, both inside and beyond Alexandria, or families who have to getfrom one side of our city to another. Slowing traffic on a vital artery like King Street in this area increasesexhaust pollution and congestion which in turn has a negative impact on health and economic productivity.Pedestrian safety can be addressed in the area of T.C., and can be done at the intersections at the school,without restricting the number of traffic lanes. The addition of bike lanes will not add to pedestrian safety. Ourarea needs jobs and economic productivity - and those needs should not be frustrated to the benefit of a verysmall number of bicyclists. I am on King Street at least two occasions every day of the week, and rarely seeany bicyclists, indicating almost no demand for what is proposed. The results of restricting traffic further on thisarea of King Street will force both commuters and those families who have to transport children from one part ofour city to another for school and sports onto our residential streets in order to keep moving - and causingconcerns for the neighborhood pedestrians. It would be far better to move the very limited number of bicycliststo those residential streets than the automobiles.

Please reconsider your proposal to bring more congestion to King Street.

Thank you

Larry Meyers

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 54 of 1523

Page 55: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 7:41 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrianMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 55 of 1523

Page 56: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 56 of 1523

Page 57: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 7:40 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadQuincy Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 57 of 1523

Page 58: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Add painted cross walk at Quincy to cross to Chinquapin Recreation Center, Chinquapin wooded trail, and busstop.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 58 of 1523

Page 59: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Craig Lauinger inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 7:31 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadQuincy StreetRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 59 of 1523

Page 60: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Pedestrian and cyclist safety should be the top priority for this project. Option 3 may be an inconvenience toautomobile drivers, but it is a small price to pay for the safety of the children and adults who regularly crossKing Street at the various intersections. Cycling promotes health and reduces emissions and vehicular traffic,so considerations should be made for bicycles on King Street, as well as all main streets within the city.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 60 of 1523

Page 61: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 7:31 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 61 of 1523

Page 62: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 62 of 1523

Page 63: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 28, 2016, 7:28 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 63 of 1523

Page 64: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Please stop your Utopian liberal nonsense in erecting impediments to vehicular traffic. Our streets are anembarrassment, with crumbling pavement and potholes everywhere. The city doesn't take care of the ridiculoustraffic islands in existence which are essentially weed gardens. City Hall itself where you dream up thisnonsense is crumbling. You continue to approve massive development like BRAC and Potomac Yards thatincrease traffic volume; the public schools are a disgrace and you seriously consider Option 3?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 64 of 1523

Page 65: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 28, 2016, 7:19 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 65 of 1523

Page 66: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 66 of 1523

Page 67: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Margaret Zalenska inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 7:08 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 67 of 1523

Page 68: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 68 of 1523

Page 69: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 6:54 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 69 of 1523

Page 70: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 70 of 1523

Page 71: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 28, 2016, 6:45 PM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide more accessible transit stopsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneAlbany AvenueChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 71 of 1523

Page 72: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 72 of 1523

Page 73: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 6:02 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speeding

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 73 of 1523

Page 74: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 74 of 1523

Page 75: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 28, 2016, 5:59 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 75 of 1523

Page 76: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 76 of 1523

Page 77: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 5:39 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 77 of 1523

Page 78: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.King Street speeds are too fast and need to be lowered to 25 mph to keep bikers and walkers safe. My husbandbikes the length of King St 2-3 times a week.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 78 of 1523

Page 79: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Matthew Carr inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 5:22 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 79 of 1523

Page 80: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 80 of 1523

Page 81: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Andrea Hamre inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 4:53 PM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneQuincy StreetChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 81 of 1523

Page 82: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Vehicle speeding is a stressful part of traveling by bicycle or walking. I would be grateful for a reduced speedlimit to 25mph.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 82 of 1523

Page 83: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 4:53 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 83 of 1523

Page 84: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 84 of 1523

Page 85: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 28, 2016, 4:48 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC Williams

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 85 of 1523

Page 86: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 86 of 1523

Page 87: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 28, 2016, 4:45 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Place of Worship

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 87 of 1523

Page 88: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Fix your damn potholes.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 88 of 1523

Page 89: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 28, 2016, 4:40 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Place of Worship

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 89 of 1523

Page 90: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 90 of 1523

Page 91: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Mark Scheland inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 4:35 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide more accessible transit stops

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 91 of 1523

Page 92: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 92 of 1523

Page 93: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 28, 2016, 4:33 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 93 of 1523

Page 94: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 94 of 1523

Page 95: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 4:27 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 95 of 1523

Page 96: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 96 of 1523

Page 97: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 3:18 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Quincy StreetKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 97 of 1523

Page 98: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 98 of 1523

Page 99: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 28, 2016, 2:50 PM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 99 of 1523

Page 100: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 100 of 1523

Page 101: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 2:45 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide more accessible transit stops

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadQuincy StreetKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 101 of 1523

Page 102: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 102 of 1523

Page 103: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 2:30 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 103 of 1523

Page 104: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 104 of 1523

Page 105: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

David Kenealy inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 12:34 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 105 of 1523

Page 106: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 106 of 1523

Page 107: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Ann M inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 12:32 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 107 of 1523

Page 108: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 108 of 1523

Page 109: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Mollie Danforth inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 12:26 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide more accessible transit stops

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 109 of 1523

Page 110: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 110 of 1523

Page 111: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 12:23 PM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 111 of 1523

Page 112: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.City has overdone expensive facilities in recent years while existing facilities such as Chinquapin need work.Tired of having property taxes increase by $50-60/per month every year -- ridiculous. Let's do some things that are not gold plated but make some sense. Option 1 meets that test.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 112 of 1523

Page 113: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 12:16 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrianMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 113 of 1523

Page 114: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 114 of 1523

Page 115: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 12:06 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 115 of 1523

Page 116: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 116 of 1523

Page 117: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 12:01 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Tuckahoe LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 117 of 1523

Page 118: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 118 of 1523

Page 119: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 28, 2016, 11:58 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneQuincy Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 119 of 1523

Page 120: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 120 of 1523

Page 121: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 28, 2016, 11:12 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Kenwood AvenueRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 121 of 1523

Page 122: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 122 of 1523

Page 123: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 11:11 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 123 of 1523

Page 124: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Option answers all the concerns mentioned with little disruption in travel time b

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 124 of 1523

Page 125: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 28, 2016, 11:04 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 125 of 1523

Page 126: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.It addresses all concerns of citizens with little change in travel time.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 126 of 1523

Page 127: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 28, 2016, 11:02 AM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneQuincy StreetKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 127 of 1523

Page 128: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 128 of 1523

Page 129: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 10:41 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 129 of 1523

Page 130: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I think that pedestrian islands would be a nice place for Tc Williams students to catch their breath while trying toget to class in time.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 130 of 1523

Page 131: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 28, 2016, 10:41 AM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Quincy StreetChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 131 of 1523

Page 132: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.We need to keep some main roads open for travelers due to the heavy traffic situations we experience daily.Too many bike lanes are creating hazards for drivers and the bikers themselves. The corridor does need tobecome safer for walkers. Please don't change all roads to bike lane friendly roads. It does not improve traffic itslows it, hinders proper driving decision making when bikers very often don't abide by vehicle road rules.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 132 of 1523

Page 133: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 10:38 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 133 of 1523

Page 134: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 134 of 1523

Page 135: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 28, 2016, 10:37 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadKenwood AvenueRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 135 of 1523

Page 136: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 136 of 1523

Page 137: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 28, 2016, 10:27 AM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 137 of 1523

Page 138: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 138 of 1523

Page 139: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 28, 2016, 9:49 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneMelrose StreetScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 139 of 1523

Page 140: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.If Council considers off-forum responses, they are subverting the purpose of this outreach. By refraining fromregistering and logging in, it is possible to submit multiple votes. By changing internet connections (home,mobile, hotspots, etc), it is also possible to change IP addresses. Council & any city boards/commissions mayonly consider and discuss on-forum responses if this polling process is to have any legitimacy. Thanks

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 140 of 1523

Page 141: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 28, 2016, 7:57 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 141 of 1523

Page 142: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 142 of 1523

Page 143: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown outside City Boundary (registered) February 28, 2016, 12:37 AM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Albany AvenueQuincy StreetChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 143 of 1523

Page 144: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I do not currently bike due to unsafe conditions but would bike more if there was a dedicated bike lane that wasprotected. Also, yaaaaay for TREES!!!

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 144 of 1523

Page 145: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 11:50 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 145 of 1523

Page 146: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 146 of 1523

Page 147: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 11:25 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?No response

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 147 of 1523

Page 148: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 148 of 1523

Page 149: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 27, 2016, 11:23 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 149 of 1523

Page 150: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 150 of 1523

Page 151: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 10:58 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Tuckahoe LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 151 of 1523

Page 152: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Increased opportunity for bike safety should also have the benefit of reduced speed along King St.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 152 of 1523

Page 153: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 10:46 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No response

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 153 of 1523

Page 154: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 154 of 1523

Page 155: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 27, 2016, 10:36 PM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetQuincy StreetKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 155 of 1523

Page 156: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 156 of 1523

Page 157: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 10:31 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 157 of 1523

Page 158: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 158 of 1523

Page 159: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 27, 2016, 10:28 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Place of Worship

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 159 of 1523

Page 160: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 160 of 1523

Page 161: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 27, 2016, 10:23 PM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 161 of 1523

Page 162: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 162 of 1523

Page 163: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 27, 2016, 10:15 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide more accessible transit stops

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Kenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 163 of 1523

Page 164: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 164 of 1523

Page 165: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 10:06 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 165 of 1523

Page 166: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.People drive much too fast on King street particularly on Sunday when the big church on King has services,people are steaming on the road. We need better traffic regulation and safety for pedestrians and drivers andbikers alike.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 166 of 1523

Page 167: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown outside City Boundary (registered) February 27, 2016, 9:43 PM

What is your zip code?22312

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 167 of 1523

Page 168: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 168 of 1523

Page 169: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Edward McNicholas inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 9:14 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Tuckahoe LaneScroggins RoadChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 169 of 1523

Page 170: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 170 of 1523

Page 171: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 9:04 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Kenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 171 of 1523

Page 172: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Really need left turn light at Kenmore & Braddock and also at King & T.C. Mornings are very difficult to get toT.C., with 300+ employees and student drivers and no turn arrows at the lights!

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 172 of 1523

Page 173: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown outside City Boundary (registered) February 27, 2016, 8:32 PM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 173 of 1523

Page 174: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 174 of 1523

Page 175: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 27, 2016, 8:30 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood AvenueRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 175 of 1523

Page 176: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?none of the above (please comment below)

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.option 1 with longer time to cross, well-marked cross walks, crossing guards if needed during school hours

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 176 of 1523

Page 177: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 27, 2016, 8:16 PM

What is your zip code?22312

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 177 of 1523

Page 178: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 178 of 1523

Page 179: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 27, 2016, 7:54 PM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 179 of 1523

Page 180: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Option 3 provides improved mobility for everyone.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 180 of 1523

Page 181: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 27, 2016, 5:44 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Tuckahoe LaneScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 181 of 1523

Page 182: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 182 of 1523

Page 183: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 5:37 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 183 of 1523

Page 184: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 184 of 1523

Page 185: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 27, 2016, 5:18 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 185 of 1523

Page 186: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 186 of 1523

Page 187: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 5:15 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 187 of 1523

Page 188: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 188 of 1523

Page 189: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Joseph Dominick inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 5:06 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 189 of 1523

Page 190: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 190 of 1523

Page 191: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Hiliary Mildrew inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 27, 2016, 4:33 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 191 of 1523

Page 192: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Option 3 seems to make the most sense in terms of safety and accommodation for all modes of transportationwhile keeping the neighborhood/residential vibe in a way that seems to reflect Rosemont's central green spaceislands. A good improvement for Alexandria's premier street!

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 192 of 1523

Page 193: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 4:24 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Tuckahoe LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 193 of 1523

Page 194: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 194 of 1523

Page 195: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 27, 2016, 3:57 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 195 of 1523

Page 196: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 196 of 1523

Page 197: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 27, 2016, 3:48 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 197 of 1523

Page 198: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 198 of 1523

Page 199: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 27, 2016, 3:31 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrianMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 199 of 1523

Page 200: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 200 of 1523

Page 201: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 3:25 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 201 of 1523

Page 202: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 202 of 1523

Page 203: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 3:24 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Tuckahoe LaneScroggins RoadRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 203 of 1523

Page 204: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 204 of 1523

Page 205: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

David Cordell inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 3:18 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 205 of 1523

Page 206: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 206 of 1523

Page 207: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 2:50 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 207 of 1523

Page 208: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 208 of 1523

Page 209: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 2:43 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 209 of 1523

Page 210: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 210 of 1523

Page 211: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 27, 2016, 2:22 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 211 of 1523

Page 212: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 212 of 1523

Page 213: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 27, 2016, 2:12 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetQuincy StreetChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 213 of 1523

Page 214: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 214 of 1523

Page 215: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 27, 2016, 1:30 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 215 of 1523

Page 216: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 216 of 1523

Page 217: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 1:08 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 217 of 1523

Page 218: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Please, no more trendy bike lanes. They are hardly used and just waste space.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 218 of 1523

Page 219: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Phil Brinkman inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 12:47 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 219 of 1523

Page 220: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.An additional activated traffic light and pedestrian signal at Scroggins might also be helpful.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 220 of 1523

Page 221: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Julie Becker inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 12:47 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Tuckahoe Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 221 of 1523

Page 222: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 222 of 1523

Page 223: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 12:34 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Tuckahoe LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 223 of 1523

Page 224: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 224 of 1523

Page 225: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 12:12 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 225 of 1523

Page 226: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 226 of 1523

Page 227: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 11:45 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 227 of 1523

Page 228: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Top priority should be the efficient flow of traffic. Other goals are nice, but secondary. Reducing the number oflanes will make crossing the street more difficult since gaps would be less frequent. As for speed limits, giventhe lack of enforcement past the school, I don't expect that reducing the speed limit will actually slow traffic.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 228 of 1523

Page 229: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Jennifer McClory inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 11:35 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Tuckahoe LaneChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 229 of 1523

Page 230: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.25mph speed limit

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 230 of 1523

Page 231: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 11:32 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 231 of 1523

Page 232: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 232 of 1523

Page 233: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 11:30 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Tuckahoe LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 233 of 1523

Page 234: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 234 of 1523

Page 235: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 11:11 AM

What is your zip code?22311

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Kenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 235 of 1523

Page 236: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Drivers refuse to obey the speed limits & disregard traffic signal devices everyday . Traffic calming devices likespeed bumps take safety back where it belongs like on Russell Rd

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 236 of 1523

Page 237: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Filomena Reyes inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 11:08 AM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneQuincy StreetChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 237 of 1523

Page 238: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I am in full support of instituting bicycle lanes on King Street, this I believe will encourage T.C. students to biketo and from school. When I was a student at T.C. Williams high school I walked home 3 days a week and one ofthe things that could have made my walks safer and more pleasant was more lighting on the sidewalks. Somedays I stayed after school participating in after school activities and walking home late I felt somewhat unsafebecause of the lack of lighting and well marked crosswalks. I greatly appreciate the efforts of our communityand local government to making King Street safer. Thank you.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 238 of 1523

Page 239: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 11:07 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 239 of 1523

Page 240: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 240 of 1523

Page 241: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 27, 2016, 10:47 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide more accessible transit stopsMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 241 of 1523

Page 242: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 242 of 1523

Page 243: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 10:36 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 243 of 1523

Page 244: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I really look forward to improvement that calm and slow traffic, which helps pedestrians and everybody!

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 244 of 1523

Page 245: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 10:23 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneTuckahoe LaneKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 245 of 1523

Page 246: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 246 of 1523

Page 247: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Seileen Mullen inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 27, 2016, 10:01 AM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 247 of 1523

Page 248: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 248 of 1523

Page 249: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 27, 2016, 9:49 AM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 249 of 1523

Page 250: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 250 of 1523

Page 251: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown outside City Boundary (registered) February 27, 2016, 9:32 AM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 251 of 1523

Page 252: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 252 of 1523

Page 253: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown outside City Boundary (registered) February 27, 2016, 9:22 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 253 of 1523

Page 254: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Option 3 is the best option to improve the level of service to other people besides only focusing on theexperience of people in cars. This option also increases distance from people walking meaning the experienceof walking on the street will be improved. Bikes lanes are a huge improvement on actual and perceived safety,meaning it could also encourage more people to leave their cars and use other means of transportation

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 254 of 1523

Page 255: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 9:21 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 255 of 1523

Page 256: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 256 of 1523

Page 257: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 8:57 AM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 257 of 1523

Page 258: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 258 of 1523

Page 259: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 8:33 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 259 of 1523

Page 260: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 260 of 1523

Page 261: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 7:11 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 261 of 1523

Page 262: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 262 of 1523

Page 263: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 27, 2016, 7:08 AM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetQuincy Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 263 of 1523

Page 264: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 264 of 1523

Page 265: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 7:07 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 265 of 1523

Page 266: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 266 of 1523

Page 267: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 27, 2016, 6:57 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 267 of 1523

Page 268: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 268 of 1523

Page 269: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 27, 2016, 5:17 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 269 of 1523

Page 270: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 270 of 1523

Page 271: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 27, 2016, 1:09 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrianMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesnone—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 271 of 1523

Page 272: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 272 of 1523

Page 273: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 27, 2016, 12:04 AM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Kenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 273 of 1523

Page 274: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 274 of 1523

Page 275: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 10:26 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 275 of 1523

Page 276: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 276 of 1523

Page 277: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 9:39 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 277 of 1523

Page 278: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 278 of 1523

Page 279: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

sean mildrew inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 9:38 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 279 of 1523

Page 280: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Option 3 allows for the best solution to the many and various issues within the project area.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 280 of 1523

Page 281: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 26, 2016, 8:09 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 281 of 1523

Page 282: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 282 of 1523

Page 283: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Dave Cavanaugh inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 7:43 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide more accessible transit stopsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Tuckahoe LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 283 of 1523

Page 284: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.King Street does not have a heavy volume of traffic. Most of the automobile and pedestrian traffic is at T.C.Williams during AM and PM school times. Access to the recreation facilities should facilitate pedestrian, bicycleand automobile traffic . Including a buffered bike lane may encourage bike usage at both T.C. Williams and byresidents of nearby Fairlington working in Alexandria and at Carlyle--need to fix the bridge on King Street andtraffic pattern at Commonwealth. Complete streets should be the vehicle for encouraging multiple, wider use oftransportation corridors.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 284 of 1523

Page 285: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Glenn Klaus inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 7:38 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 285 of 1523

Page 286: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 286 of 1523

Page 287: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 7:18 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 287 of 1523

Page 288: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 288 of 1523

Page 289: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 26, 2016, 6:42 PM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Albany Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 289 of 1523

Page 290: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 290 of 1523

Page 291: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 6:22 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 291 of 1523

Page 292: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 292 of 1523

Page 293: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 26, 2016, 6:04 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 293 of 1523

Page 294: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 294 of 1523

Page 295: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 5:54 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 295 of 1523

Page 296: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Please return the sanity to our streets we had before BRAC!

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 296 of 1523

Page 297: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 26, 2016, 5:52 PM

What is your zip code?22312

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide more accessible transit stopsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 297 of 1523

Page 298: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 298 of 1523

Page 299: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 5:51 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No response

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 299 of 1523

Page 300: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Yes can we please stop making traffic even more difficult for the 99% of us who drive and would like to get toand from Old Town to patronize the merchants there.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 300 of 1523

Page 301: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 26, 2016, 5:49 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No response

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 301 of 1523

Page 302: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 302 of 1523

Page 303: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 26, 2016, 4:41 PM

What is your zip code?22312

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 303 of 1523

Page 304: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 304 of 1523

Page 305: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 4:22 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?No response

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 305 of 1523

Page 306: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 306 of 1523

Page 307: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 26, 2016, 4:01 PM

What is your zip code?22312

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 307 of 1523

Page 308: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 308 of 1523

Page 309: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 26, 2016, 3:54 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?No response

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 309 of 1523

Page 310: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I agree with making the crossings safer, but taking capacity away from any of our major roads is likely to reducecommuters' quality of life by increasing travel time and potential delays at rush hours. This is one of the fewroads left in the City where you can actually make way at rush hour, particularly when you live in College Park --Quaker Lane is already a disaster. As for the bicyclists, when they can prove to this community that they willactually use bike lanes in large numbers, I will be more supportive. It's incongruous to me that the City thinksthat if we just build more bike lanes, more people will ride instead of drive -- in this very hilly city with verysignificant traffic on all its major roads. I have a bike but you can never make it safe enough or flat enough forme to use it to get to other parts of the city.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 310 of 1523

Page 311: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 3:38 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 311 of 1523

Page 312: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I travel this route to visit family, and to shop, and to have my car serviced. I am surprised at all the money wasted by Alexandria on bike lanes that are rarely used. I would like tomaintain the status quo (option one) but I would be okay with the pedestrian improvements in option two butplease do not repeat the mistakes that were made in redoing Stevenson Street from Van Dorn to the FairfaxCounty line.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 312 of 1523

Page 313: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 26, 2016, 3:28 PM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneQuincy StreetKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 313 of 1523

Page 314: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 314 of 1523

Page 315: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 26, 2016, 3:12 PM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 315 of 1523

Page 316: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 316 of 1523

Page 317: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 3:10 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 317 of 1523

Page 318: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 318 of 1523

Page 319: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Richard Gear inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 3:01 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide more accessible transit stops

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Kenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 319 of 1523

Page 320: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 320 of 1523

Page 321: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

John Stowe inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 2:40 PM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 321 of 1523

Page 322: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 322 of 1523

Page 323: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 26, 2016, 2:35 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 323 of 1523

Page 324: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 324 of 1523

Page 325: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 26, 2016, 2:30 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneKenwood AvenueRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 325 of 1523

Page 326: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 326 of 1523

Page 327: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown outside City Boundary (registered) February 26, 2016, 2:30 PM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 327 of 1523

Page 328: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 328 of 1523

Page 329: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 2:25 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 329 of 1523

Page 330: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 330 of 1523

Page 331: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 2:21 PM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneMelrose StreetAlbany Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 331 of 1523

Page 332: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 332 of 1523

Page 333: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 2:15 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 333 of 1523

Page 334: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 334 of 1523

Page 335: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Jared Christian (unverified) February 26, 2016, 2:09 PM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Albany Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 335 of 1523

Page 336: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.While it may not directly benefit me on my commute, an extra 10 to 20 seconds for travel in my car is worth it tome to make both pedestrians and bicyclists both be and feel safer.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 336 of 1523

Page 337: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 26, 2016, 2:01 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide more accessible transit stopsProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneKenwood AvenueRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 337 of 1523

Page 338: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 338 of 1523

Page 339: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 26, 2016, 2:01 PM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide more accessible transit stopsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 339 of 1523

Page 340: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 340 of 1523

Page 341: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 1:57 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 341 of 1523

Page 342: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Option 3 is the safest for all modes of transport (bike, foot, car) - as an occasional biker, cars terrify me becausethey rarely obey the law and pass with the right amount of space. Shared lanes on a heavily trafficked road areasking for trouble, and dedicated bike lanes would encourage more people to bike rather than drive.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 342 of 1523

Page 343: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 26, 2016, 1:55 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide more accessible transit stopsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 343 of 1523

Page 344: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 344 of 1523

Page 345: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 26, 2016, 1:22 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 345 of 1523

Page 346: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 346 of 1523

Page 347: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 26, 2016, 1:21 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrianMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetTuckahoe LaneQuincy Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 347 of 1523

Page 348: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 348 of 1523

Page 349: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

matt lafratta inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 1:07 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood AvenueRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 349 of 1523

Page 350: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 350 of 1523

Page 351: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 26, 2016, 1:03 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 351 of 1523

Page 352: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 352 of 1523

Page 353: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 12:34 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Quincy Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 353 of 1523

Page 354: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 354 of 1523

Page 355: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 12:31 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 355 of 1523

Page 356: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 356 of 1523

Page 357: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Nikolas Marosfalvy inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 12:26 PM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Tuckahoe LaneScroggins RoadQuincy Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 357 of 1523

Page 358: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I have thought for years that this stretch of King Street is nuts as currently configured and would be an idealcandidate for a "Complete Street" treatment. A road is for everyone, bicyclists included!

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 358 of 1523

Page 359: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 26, 2016, 12:18 PM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 359 of 1523

Page 360: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 360 of 1523

Page 361: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 26, 2016, 12:14 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Place of Worship

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?No response

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 361 of 1523

Page 362: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 362 of 1523

Page 363: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 12:03 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadQuincy Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 363 of 1523

Page 364: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No more bike lanes!!!!! They aren't used on a regular basis and they take up parking and driving spaces.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 364 of 1523

Page 365: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 26, 2016, 11:34 AM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide more accessible transit stopsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Kenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 365 of 1523

Page 366: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 366 of 1523

Page 367: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 11:32 AM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneTuckahoe LaneKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 367 of 1523

Page 368: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 368 of 1523

Page 369: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Casey Kane inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 11:27 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 369 of 1523

Page 370: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.1. Having walked along this section of King Street, I find the 35 mph unsafe. I would like to see the speed limitreduced to 25 mph. As it is, less than 1 mile of this stretch of King Street is posted at 35 mph. 2. It is also clear that it is challenging for pedestrians to get across four lanes of traffic, reducing it down to twotravel lanes and a center left turn lane will make this street safer for pedestrians. 3. By providing a left turn lane, drivers needing to make a left turn will be safely out of the travel lane and willminimize rear-end collisions, making it safer for drivers and ensuring that through traffic is not impeded bydrivers needing to turn left.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 370 of 1523

Page 371: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 26, 2016, 11:19 AM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide more accessible transit stopsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneTuckahoe LaneRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 371 of 1523

Page 372: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Please take this opportunity to make King street accessible to all Northern Virginians and expand transportationoptions. This critical corridor needs to be safe for drivers, cyclists, pedestrians, and transit users. By makingalternatives to cars safer, more residents will utilize alternatives, resulting in less congestion, a cleanerenvironment and healthier citizens.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 372 of 1523

Page 373: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 11:17 AM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 373 of 1523

Page 374: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 374 of 1523

Page 375: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 11:16 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 375 of 1523

Page 376: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I run to and from the track at TC Williams about once a week. As it currently stands, King St. is not veryhospitable for pedestrians or cyclists.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 376 of 1523

Page 377: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 26, 2016, 11:10 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 377 of 1523

Page 378: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 378 of 1523

Page 379: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 11:07 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 379 of 1523

Page 380: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Please reduce speed on king street to be safer for everyone.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 380 of 1523

Page 381: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 11:07 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 381 of 1523

Page 382: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 382 of 1523

Page 383: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Gabriel Thoumi outside City Boundary (registered) February 26, 2016, 11:07 AM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 383 of 1523

Page 384: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I commute by bicycle only. My ability to visit and spend money in Alexandria's excellent restaurants is preventedbecause of lack of safe, separated bike lanes.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 384 of 1523

Page 385: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 26, 2016, 11:06 AM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide more accessible transit stopsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 385 of 1523

Page 386: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I live in Fairlington and commute to Old Town. Some days I take the AT5/6 bus, and some days I bike. I used tobike entirely along King Street, using the right-most Lane.

Until one day a driver hit me when she passed me but then decided to turn right. There was no bike lane.Thankfully, I wasn't hurt. I called the police, and they were courteous and prompt, but it was still scary. Now I never bike down King Street. I go around and use Braddock Road + Commonwealth Road which has onelane in most places and intermittent bike lanes. Traffic is slower too.

It still get honked at whenever I ride and told to "get off the road!" occasionally. Makes your heart jump a bit. Soplease, add some bike lanes. And if you drive, please, I just want to get to my job. I don't own a car andsometimes the busses don't run frequently. If you wait 20 seconds you can probably pass me at the next breakin traffic.

Thanks for hearing me out.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 386 of 1523

Page 387: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

William Maloney inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 11:05 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 387 of 1523

Page 388: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 388 of 1523

Page 389: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 26, 2016, 11:04 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 389 of 1523

Page 390: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 390 of 1523

Page 391: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 26, 2016, 10:59 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 391 of 1523

Page 392: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 392 of 1523

Page 393: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 26, 2016, 10:58 AM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneMelrose StreetScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 393 of 1523

Page 394: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 394 of 1523

Page 395: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 26, 2016, 10:57 AM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 395 of 1523

Page 396: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 396 of 1523

Page 397: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 26, 2016, 10:56 AM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 397 of 1523

Page 398: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 398 of 1523

Page 399: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown outside City Boundary (unverified) February 26, 2016, 10:51 AM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 399 of 1523

Page 400: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Add bike lanes, please! It improves connectivity between residential Alexandria and old town (and the metro),making it easier for people to get around locally without getting in their cars. Plus, making the street one lanewill calm traffic, making it a safer street for the neighborhood and the pedestrians on the sidewalk--I went tohigh school in Alexandria and used to drive this stretch of King Street often - speeding was a big problem (if Irecall correctly the limit was 25 mph, but it was so easy to go faster because it was 4 wide lanes). I now visitAlexandria mostly via transit or when driving with other people, and improving the bike lane infrastructure outtowards the Bradlee shopping center would be welcome!

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 400 of 1523

Page 401: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Jerry Cowden outside City Boundary (registered) February 26, 2016, 10:49 AM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide more accessible transit stopsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 401 of 1523

Page 402: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 402 of 1523

Page 403: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 26, 2016, 10:40 AM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 403 of 1523

Page 404: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.This is the only option that is a complete street. It is the only option that will reduce speeding cars to a safelevel. It also improves equal access for everyone and will help people move more easily.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 404 of 1523

Page 405: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 10:36 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 405 of 1523

Page 406: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 406 of 1523

Page 407: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 10:30 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood AvenueRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 407 of 1523

Page 408: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?none of the above (please comment below)

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.option 1 with well-marked cross walks, longer time to cross and shared bike lanes

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 408 of 1523

Page 409: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 10:29 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetTuckahoe LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 409 of 1523

Page 410: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 410 of 1523

Page 411: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Ken Notis inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 10:23 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 411 of 1523

Page 412: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Option 3 will do the most to calm traffic and make this a quieter residential street, it will do the most forpedestrian safety, and it will also provide a route for cyclists from northwest Alexandria to the west end of OldTown, and for cyclists from Old Town to get to Chinquapin and to TC Williams.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 412 of 1523

Page 413: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 26, 2016, 10:18 AM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 413 of 1523

Page 414: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 414 of 1523

Page 415: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 26, 2016, 9:48 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 415 of 1523

Page 416: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 416 of 1523

Page 417: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 9:40 AM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrianMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 417 of 1523

Page 418: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 418 of 1523

Page 419: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 9:40 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 419 of 1523

Page 420: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.1. Need to reduce vehicle speed limit to 25 mph. This section does not have the lower speed protection ofparallel service roads as does King St. west of the intersection with Braddock Rd. and Quaker Ln. 2. Need pedestrian activated flashing lights at Chinquapin Dr. intersection crosswalk like the ones at onBraddock Rd. at the Metro. 3. The City needs to implement the fullest set of improvements for Complete Streets for this project wherethere is the opportunity. This project does not have the constraints found in older sections of the City such asOld Town.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 420 of 1523

Page 421: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 9:24 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide more accessible transit stopsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneMelrose StreetQuincy Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 421 of 1523

Page 422: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 422 of 1523

Page 423: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 26, 2016, 9:07 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?No response

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 423 of 1523

Page 424: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 424 of 1523

Page 425: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 8:47 AM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide more accessible transit stopsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 425 of 1523

Page 426: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.need 25 mph speed limits

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 426 of 1523

Page 427: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 8:39 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 427 of 1523

Page 428: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 428 of 1523

Page 429: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 26, 2016, 8:36 AM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Place of Worship

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 429 of 1523

Page 430: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?none of the above (please comment below)

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I like Option 3 but I don't think we need the bike lanes. There is NOT many bikers on King Street and there hasbeen no accidents reported. I don't think we should spend the money on bike lanes and lose a drive lane.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 430 of 1523

Page 431: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 26, 2016, 8:09 AM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Radford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 431 of 1523

Page 432: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.25 mph speed limit.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 432 of 1523

Page 433: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 8:02 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 433 of 1523

Page 434: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Option 3 enhances the neighborhood character of the street and is best for all. Reduce the speed limit to 25mph.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 434 of 1523

Page 435: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 7:59 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 435 of 1523

Page 436: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 436 of 1523

Page 437: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Jim Durham inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 7:51 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 437 of 1523

Page 438: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Option 3 works best for residents, commuters, TC Williams HS students and their families! Change the speedlimit to 25 mph.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 438 of 1523

Page 439: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 26, 2016, 7:21 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 439 of 1523

Page 440: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 440 of 1523

Page 441: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 10:12 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 441 of 1523

Page 442: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 442 of 1523

Page 443: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 25, 2016, 10:06 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 443 of 1523

Page 444: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 444 of 1523

Page 445: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 25, 2016, 9:56 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 445 of 1523

Page 446: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box something with the kids protection in mind. And please look at intersection at King and Quaker, for thesafety of the kids.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 446 of 1523

Page 447: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 25, 2016, 9:53 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide more accessible transit stops

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneKenwood AvenueRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 447 of 1523

Page 448: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 448 of 1523

Page 449: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 25, 2016, 9:31 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide more accessible transit stops

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneQuincy Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 449 of 1523

Page 450: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 450 of 1523

Page 451: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 25, 2016, 9:20 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?No response

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 451 of 1523

Page 452: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 452 of 1523

Page 453: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 8:18 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Place of Worship

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneMelrose StreetAlbany Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 453 of 1523

Page 454: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 454 of 1523

Page 455: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 25, 2016, 7:55 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 455 of 1523

Page 456: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Will option 3 really keep traffic moving efficiently? Rush hour in the evening can be very busy.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 456 of 1523

Page 457: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 7:52 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 457 of 1523

Page 458: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 458 of 1523

Page 459: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 7:48 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood AvenueRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 459 of 1523

Page 460: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 460 of 1523

Page 461: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 25, 2016, 7:42 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Albany AvenueTuckahoe LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 461 of 1523

Page 462: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 462 of 1523

Page 463: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 7:42 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 463 of 1523

Page 464: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 464 of 1523

Page 465: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 7:28 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrianMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 465 of 1523

Page 466: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 466 of 1523

Page 467: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 25, 2016, 7:25 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 467 of 1523

Page 468: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 468 of 1523

Page 469: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 7:14 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide more accessible transit stopsMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 469 of 1523

Page 470: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 470 of 1523

Page 471: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 25, 2016, 6:41 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 471 of 1523

Page 472: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 472 of 1523

Page 473: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 6:14 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 473 of 1523

Page 474: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 474 of 1523

Page 475: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 6:10 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneMelrose Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 475 of 1523

Page 476: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 476 of 1523

Page 477: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 25, 2016, 5:36 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 477 of 1523

Page 478: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 478 of 1523

Page 479: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 25, 2016, 5:35 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC Williams

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 479 of 1523

Page 480: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 480 of 1523

Page 481: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 5:31 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 481 of 1523

Page 482: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 482 of 1523

Page 483: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown (unverified) February 25, 2016, 4:59 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Quincy Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 483 of 1523

Page 484: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Option 3 seems like the best way to make our area more community oriented, not a dangerous thoroughfare forpeople simply passing through Alexandria without taking advantage of any of the amenities.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 484 of 1523

Page 485: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 25, 2016, 4:16 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 485 of 1523

Page 486: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Given the almost negligible usage of the current King Street bike lanes, to take away 1 or 2 lanes from cars andcreate more bike lanes is a total waste of city resources and a prescription for more traffic nightmares. With thealready totally dysfunctional intersection of King, Braddock and Quaker on the very edge of this plan, this willmost certainly result in increased congestion at those choke points. The West End of Alexandria is an areawith large distances between destinations and does not lend itself to bike usage by the regular citizens ofAlexandria. Certainly, a few bikers would use these lanes, but that is far offset by the number of car drivers whowould be greatly impacted by Option 3. Complete Streets may work in some parts of the city, but in this area, itwill result in complete gridlock in the streets surrounding this plan. Stop spending money on bike lanes untilyou can truly document an overwhelming need for this. Truly, claiming that the increase in bikes from 8 to 12 onthe King Street hill bike lanes is a success does not justify what was done to that stretch of road in the name ofneeding places for people to bike and gain connectivity. Most of us have only seen 1 or 2 bikers everattempting to use the King Street lanes in the year and a half they have been in existence. Huge hills like Kingand Braddock create large obstacles to the average biker and therefore they are not used. It is time to provideaccurate data about the true use of the city bike lanes and stop adding more lanes that no one uses. In OldTown, we certainly see many bikers because the roads are relatively flat. But the hills separating the West Endfrom Old Town make biking not an option for anyone but those who are in top physical condition. So pleaseacknowledge that reality and stop redoing all our streets to create obstacles for car traffic, while pretending thatthere is some enormous demand by the citizens of Alexandria for bike lanes that lead to no where.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 486 of 1523

Page 487: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 25, 2016, 4:07 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 487 of 1523

Page 488: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 488 of 1523

Page 489: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 4:02 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneTuckahoe LaneChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 489 of 1523

Page 490: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 490 of 1523

Page 491: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

robert arnold inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 25, 2016, 3:58 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneMelrose StreetKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 491 of 1523

Page 492: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 492 of 1523

Page 493: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 25, 2016, 3:56 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneMelrose StreetScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 493 of 1523

Page 494: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Would also like to see speed limit reduced to 25 for this entire stretch of King. Also if a right turn lane forJanney's traffic is to be designated, it should not begin until midway between Melrose and Janney's in order todiscourage motorists from attempting to cut back to the left in front of motorists in the thru lane

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 494 of 1523

Page 495: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 25, 2016, 3:53 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneMelrose StreetScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 495 of 1523

Page 496: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 496 of 1523

Page 497: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown outside City Boundary (registered) February 25, 2016, 3:53 PM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 497 of 1523

Page 498: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 498 of 1523

Page 499: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 25, 2016, 3:43 PM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneQuincy Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 499 of 1523

Page 500: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 500 of 1523

Page 501: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 3:42 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide more accessible transit stopsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 501 of 1523

Page 502: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 502 of 1523

Page 503: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown (unverified) February 25, 2016, 3:42 PM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetQuincy StreetKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 503 of 1523

Page 504: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I am a daily transportation cyclist and would frequent King Street & surrounding businesses more frequently if itwere easier and safer to do so.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 504 of 1523

Page 505: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 3:40 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide more accessible transit stopsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 505 of 1523

Page 506: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 506 of 1523

Page 507: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 25, 2016, 3:34 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 507 of 1523

Page 508: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 508 of 1523

Page 509: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 3:33 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 509 of 1523

Page 510: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 510 of 1523

Page 511: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 3:14 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 511 of 1523

Page 512: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I travel this section of King Street 2 or more times each day. Taking away any lanes would cause MOREGridlock and make King street impassable at AM and PM rush hours as well as any other times a day wherethere are events at churches, schools and other locations. If anything we need to lesson speed limit but NOTtake away travel lanes unless you want to limit access to West Alexandria from an already congested Duke,King and Braddock corridors. Please help the local commuters and neighbors not the few bikers who don't usethe bike lanes.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 512 of 1523

Page 513: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 25, 2016, 3:06 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 513 of 1523

Page 514: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.King street already has a lot of traffic that gets jammed during large events and rush hour in AM and PM.Limiting lanes would only make this worse. There are not enough bikers in Alexandria to warrant bike lanes.We need more lanes for cars and local traffic who carpool to school, etc.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 514 of 1523

Page 515: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 25, 2016, 3:04 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide more accessible transit stops

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 515 of 1523

Page 516: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 516 of 1523

Page 517: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 25, 2016, 3:01 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 517 of 1523

Page 518: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 518 of 1523

Page 519: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 25, 2016, 2:56 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC Williams

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 519 of 1523

Page 520: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 520 of 1523

Page 521: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown outside City Boundary (registered) February 25, 2016, 2:46 PM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneMelrose StreetAlbany Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 521 of 1523

Page 522: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 522 of 1523

Page 523: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 2:35 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Place of Worship

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 523 of 1523

Page 524: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 524 of 1523

Page 525: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 25, 2016, 2:30 PM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneKenwood AvenueRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 525 of 1523

Page 526: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 526 of 1523

Page 527: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 1:49 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 527 of 1523

Page 528: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 528 of 1523

Page 529: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown (unverified) February 25, 2016, 1:48 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 529 of 1523

Page 530: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 530 of 1523

Page 531: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 25, 2016, 1:38 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 531 of 1523

Page 532: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 532 of 1523

Page 533: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 25, 2016, 1:37 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Tuckahoe Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 533 of 1523

Page 534: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 534 of 1523

Page 535: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Bill Pugh inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 1:28 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadKenwood AvenueRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 535 of 1523

Page 536: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Option 3 is a win for everyone who uses this corridor. Great ideas.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 536 of 1523

Page 537: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Lee Hernly inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 1:15 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadChinquapin DriveRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 537 of 1523

Page 538: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 538 of 1523

Page 539: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 25, 2016, 1:13 PM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Albany AvenueTuckahoe LaneQuincy Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 539 of 1523

Page 540: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 540 of 1523

Page 541: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 25, 2016, 1:12 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 541 of 1523

Page 542: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 542 of 1523

Page 543: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 1:12 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 543 of 1523

Page 544: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 544 of 1523

Page 545: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 25, 2016, 1:12 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 545 of 1523

Page 546: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 546 of 1523

Page 547: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 25, 2016, 1:08 PM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?No response

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 547 of 1523

Page 548: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 548 of 1523

Page 549: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 1:08 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 549 of 1523

Page 550: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 550 of 1523

Page 551: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 1:04 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 551 of 1523

Page 552: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 552 of 1523

Page 553: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 25, 2016, 12:50 PM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 553 of 1523

Page 554: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 554 of 1523

Page 555: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 12:43 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 555 of 1523

Page 556: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 556 of 1523

Page 557: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Jon Renaut outside City Boundary (registered) February 25, 2016, 12:40 PM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 557 of 1523

Page 558: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 558 of 1523

Page 559: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown outside City Boundary (registered) February 25, 2016, 12:23 PM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 559 of 1523

Page 560: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 560 of 1523

Page 561: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 12:05 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide more accessible transit stopsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood AvenueRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 561 of 1523

Page 562: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 562 of 1523

Page 563: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown outside City Boundary (registered) February 25, 2016, 11:35 AM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneQuincy StreetChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 563 of 1523

Page 564: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 564 of 1523

Page 565: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 25, 2016, 11:24 AM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 565 of 1523

Page 566: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 566 of 1523

Page 567: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 25, 2016, 11:14 AM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 567 of 1523

Page 568: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 568 of 1523

Page 569: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 10:14 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 569 of 1523

Page 570: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 570 of 1523

Page 571: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 25, 2016, 10:09 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 571 of 1523

Page 572: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 572 of 1523

Page 573: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 9:29 AM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 573 of 1523

Page 574: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I travel on King Street almost every day between Janneys Lane and Quaker Lane. I believe if you would justrepair the poor condition of this road, much will improve. If you go to only 2 lanes of car traffic (one lane eachway), all you will do is create traffic jams similar to the one that starts at Janneys Lane now on the way to OldTown - especially with bus stops along the way. I believe Option 3 is a commuting disaster. I also don't believethe cost for Option 3 - the creation of bike lanes - is justified.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 574 of 1523

Page 575: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 25, 2016, 9:27 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 575 of 1523

Page 576: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 576 of 1523

Page 577: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 25, 2016, 9:10 AM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 577 of 1523

Page 578: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.If you go to only 2 lanes of car traffic (one lane each way), all you will do is create a longer back up that startsat Janneys Lane now on the way to Old Town. I believe if you would just repair the poor condition of this road,much will improve. It's "nice" to have bike lanes and give the City special awards and ratings, but frankly, we'renot a biking community and turning King Street in to a 2-lane road for cars would be a commuting disaster.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 578 of 1523

Page 579: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Elizabeth Kramer inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 9:06 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 579 of 1523

Page 580: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Safe, motor-vehicle-slowing space is needed. Be wary of adding un-needed landscaping which risk blockingvisibility and need maintenance. Safe pavement is the most essential. Look at Valley Drive soon. I have had 3bike accidents in 10 years due to pavement issues. Medical bills $$$.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 580 of 1523

Page 581: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Leo Sylvester inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 8:27 AM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneMelrose StreetKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 581 of 1523

Page 582: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Currently, this is a fairly scary section of road to commute by bike on, or as a means to travel to and through thearea by bike to get to shops and other places of interest. As Alexandria continues to urbanize and densitygrows, the safer and more connected Alexandria's complete streets corridors are, the better off everybody wholives around here is going to be!

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 582 of 1523

Page 583: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

laurie tierney outside City Boundary (unverified) February 25, 2016, 8:23 AM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 583 of 1523

Page 584: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 584 of 1523

Page 585: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 8:20 AM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide more accessible transit stopsMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 585 of 1523

Page 586: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 586 of 1523

Page 587: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 6:31 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 587 of 1523

Page 588: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 588 of 1523

Page 589: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown (unverified) February 25, 2016, 6:29 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 589 of 1523

Page 590: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 590 of 1523

Page 591: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 6:13 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 591 of 1523

Page 592: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 592 of 1523

Page 593: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 5:47 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 593 of 1523

Page 594: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 594 of 1523

Page 595: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Steve Tappan inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 5:39 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 595 of 1523

Page 596: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.We use King St 3-5 times per week to get kids to school, preschool, swimming at Chinquapin, shopping atBradlee, etc. Our family already utilizes the bike lanes from Rosemont Ave to Janneys Lane and would love tosee those extended so that we can bike to swim practice.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 596 of 1523

Page 597: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 25, 2016, 4:47 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 597 of 1523

Page 598: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 598 of 1523

Page 599: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 4:07 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 599 of 1523

Page 600: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 600 of 1523

Page 601: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 25, 2016, 4:03 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 601 of 1523

Page 602: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 602 of 1523

Page 603: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 25, 2016, 1:14 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC Williams

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 603 of 1523

Page 604: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 604 of 1523

Page 605: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 25, 2016, 1:07 AM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetTuckahoe LaneQuincy Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 605 of 1523

Page 606: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 606 of 1523

Page 607: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 25, 2016, 12:14 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 607 of 1523

Page 608: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 608 of 1523

Page 609: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 11:33 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 609 of 1523

Page 610: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 610 of 1523

Page 611: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Dave Salovesh outside City Boundary (registered) February 24, 2016, 11:21 PM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Quincy StreetKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 611 of 1523

Page 612: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 612 of 1523

Page 613: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 11:05 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Radford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 613 of 1523

Page 614: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.How are ambulances, police, fire going to get through in Option #2 and #3? Is it ok to sacrifice safety and traveltime for a handful of non-existent bike commuters?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 614 of 1523

Page 615: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 11:05 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 615 of 1523

Page 616: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.King Street (Route 7) is a time-honored major automobile through way to/from Old Town and surround.Emergency vehicle use is very high on King Street, traveling west on Braddock Road through the intersectionsto Alexandria Hospital with lights flashing and horn. Any delay time in an ambulance may mean the difference intheir transportee living or not. Commuters use King Street for their jobs, delivery trucks to Old Town businesses,Dash for transporting bus riders, taxis, Ubers, Lyfts as well as car driving families and visitors to get to andfrom Old Town during the day and night. Cars are an essential mode of transportation in Alexandria, especiallyon the West End which is not walkable due to square footage, except locally. West End low income, affordable,median and other individuals and families needing to get downtown, across town and back via King Streetwould be very negatively impinged by the proposed reduction in lanes.

There are problems with your suggestions in Options 2 and 3 to reduce lanes: the major one being has a formalCity study been done on the effect reducing east and west lanes will have on the already dangerousintercession of King, Quaker and Braddock (aka Dysfunction Junction)? Our family lives right off Quaker and wehave hoped for a circle or other improvement at the Dysfunction Junction for decades, yet nothing there getsdone. This causes hours of loss productivity for many over the years, as well as risks our ACPS students whoweave across Dysfunction Junction lanes to get to Minnie Howard or vice versa (albeit at times jaywalking).This triad intersection warrants major correction before any change on King Street can be entertained. If KingStreet East bound were to loose a lane in the morning rush hour, car traffic will back up all around at theJunction. North Quaker in the morning is already backed up frequently all the way from the Seven Eleven toSeminary Road (both lanes backed up at that). Will those cars then further back up to Duke Street thustrapping The Field House apartment complex and all the homes on and off Quaker Lane as well as Braddockand King? How will emergency vehicles get around these back ups and how will they get around in 1 lane onKing? The same goes in the reverse p.m. commuter rush: Quaker going South from 395 exit backs up all theway back to Arlington, causing spill over all around the side streets in between, and King Street and Braddockback up too. There are small businesses in this area: gas stations, banks, eateries, Safeway, dry cleaners, notto mention Bradlee (King St) and Fairlington Shopping Centers (east off Quaker Lane). Has the City askedthese many small businesses for their input on this plan? They very much may be affected if drivers can't get tothem or loose so much time sitting that they go else where. We in the West end don't want to loose our smallbusinesses as this will mean driving even farther for same and cost the City revenue which is needed for majorSmall Area Plans as well as storm water/ sewage management and needed Capital Improvements.

I'm sorry, I like bikes and ride one and indeed the City put in new bikes lanes on Janney (shared) and lowerKing but this new idea to cut a major artery through West Alexandria in half by taking lanes is just not wellthought out. We have major problems as it is at King/Quaker/Braddock Road intersection: just come on overand sit through a week of mornings and afternoon commutes to see for yourself.

Students need to be encouraged to stay on the ample side walks and to obey cross signs or be ticketed. Ridingbikes on the side walks is something we've all done in our past and it never cost us nor our towns extra money.Improvement to the already present ample side walks and a right/left lane brief turn signal at Kenwood andChinquapin Drive and Scroggins would be improvement enough.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 616 of 1523

Page 617: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Thirty years of living very close to TCWHS and driving King Streets allows me to say with certainty thatreducing King Street to two lanes is not sufficient for the volume of cars needing that arterial in and out of OldTown road from the West End. In fact, it is probable reducing King Street to one lane east and west will reducepublic safety via emergency response and responders as well as end up costing Old Town businesses and theCity hard earned revenue. Commuters through Alexandria and families alike may get so frustrated withadditional road/side road congestion that they ditch Alexandria and head north to Shirlington/Arlington viaGlebe or west to Fairfax/Falls Church instead for food and shopping. Let's not do this ill-conceived idea ofreduction in King Street lanes.

Thank you for your serious consideration of these important impacts for the West End of Alexandria and theCity.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 617 of 1523

Page 618: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 10:59 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 618 of 1523

Page 619: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Option 3 will cause delays for those of us travelling eastbound in the evening rush when turning right onJanneys - we will be stuck in the King Street backup with the other cars going straight.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 619 of 1523

Page 620: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 10:35 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 620 of 1523

Page 621: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Option 3 is a win, win, win all around... safer travel for pedestrians, safer travel via bicycle, and safer/slowertravel via motor vehicle.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 621 of 1523

Page 622: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 10:06 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneQuincy StreetChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 622 of 1523

Page 623: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 623 of 1523

Page 624: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 10:00 PM

What is your zip code?22311

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?No response

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 624 of 1523

Page 625: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.The 5 foot bike lane is unsafe for the average cyclist on Braddock Road. It will be unsafe on King Street too.What is needed is bike trails completely away from King Street.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 625 of 1523

Page 626: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 9:15 PM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Kenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 626 of 1523

Page 627: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 627 of 1523

Page 628: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown (unverified) February 24, 2016, 8:56 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide more accessible transit stops

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood AvenueRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 628 of 1523

Page 629: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 629 of 1523

Page 630: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 8:54 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide more accessible transit stopsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 630 of 1523

Page 631: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 631 of 1523

Page 632: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 8:41 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneMelrose Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 632 of 1523

Page 633: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 633 of 1523

Page 634: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 8:28 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC Williams

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 634 of 1523

Page 635: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 635 of 1523

Page 636: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 8:11 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 636 of 1523

Page 637: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 637 of 1523

Page 638: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Beth Conord inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 7:49 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 638 of 1523

Page 639: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 639 of 1523

Page 640: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 7:42 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 640 of 1523

Page 641: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 641 of 1523

Page 642: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 7:41 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 642 of 1523

Page 643: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 643 of 1523

Page 644: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 7:23 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 644 of 1523

Page 645: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 645 of 1523

Page 646: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Jessica Lassetter inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 7:13 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 646 of 1523

Page 647: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Could we also include delayed green signals for greater crosswalk safety.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 647 of 1523

Page 648: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 7:11 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Tuckahoe LaneQuincy Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 648 of 1523

Page 649: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Honestly, to me, the worst section of King Street is the intersection with Braddock and Quaker Lane. Pedestriancrossings are timed poorly and are not on all sides of all streets. I think adding crosswalks in various places willhelp, but I think removing any lanes of traffic is a TERRIBLE idea. With all the traffic that moves through thatcorridor, having two lanes in both directions is a life-saver.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 649 of 1523

Page 650: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 6:57 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 650 of 1523

Page 651: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 651 of 1523

Page 652: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 6:56 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 652 of 1523

Page 653: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I think it is misleading to title Option 1 "Complete Street Maintenance", since that option doesn't provide acomplete street. it could be called "incomplete street maintenance".

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 653 of 1523

Page 654: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 6:37 PM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide more accessible transit stopsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 654 of 1523

Page 655: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Option 3 is better for residents-safer to enter and exit driveways

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 655 of 1523

Page 656: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Eugenia Ballering inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 6:36 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 656 of 1523

Page 657: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 657 of 1523

Page 658: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 6:21 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide more accessible transit stopsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Tuckahoe LaneScroggins RoadChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 658 of 1523

Page 659: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 659 of 1523

Page 660: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 6:12 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 660 of 1523

Page 661: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 661 of 1523

Page 662: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 24, 2016, 6:03 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Quincy StreetKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 662 of 1523

Page 663: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 663 of 1523

Page 664: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 5:37 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Place of Worship

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 664 of 1523

Page 665: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Leave the street as is and install a crosswalk at TC and Chincapin with a red light that pedestrians can control.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 665 of 1523

Page 666: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 5:29 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speeding

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Kenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 666 of 1523

Page 667: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 667 of 1523

Page 668: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 5:12 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 668 of 1523

Page 669: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I do think the city needs to address the issues through greater enforcement of speed limits and reckless drivingas well as more traffic cops directing drivers during school arrival and departure. It appears the city is trying todramatically decrease traffic on arterial roads(eliminating lanes, decreasing speed limits) which sends them intotrue residential areas (via Waze GPS apps) that cannot handle the volume of cut through traffic and posesdramatically increase risk to pedestrian safety. The BRAC building was a disaster in terms of commuter trafficand the residents of Alexandria are stuck with an infrastructure that is broken.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 669 of 1523

Page 670: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown outside City Boundary (registered) February 24, 2016, 5:11 PM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 670 of 1523

Page 671: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Option 3 is a wonderful design for this stretch of road. This design will allow for better traffic flow, removing left-turning vehicles from thru lanes, and it will clamp down on speeding by requiring single-file traffic with narrowerlanes. Pedestrians are further from moving automobiles, which are traveling slower anyway. Best yet, thisdesign gives cyclists some space of their own, while keeping them in plain view of all drivers either goingstraight or turning off or onto King Street. It avoids the pitfalls of many other bicycle lane designs that put ridersin parts of the road where drivers either cannot see them (due to obstructions such as parked SUVs) or elsedon't even bother to look.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 671 of 1523

Page 672: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 5:04 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 672 of 1523

Page 673: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 673 of 1523

Page 674: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 5:02 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneMelrose StreetScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 674 of 1523

Page 675: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 675 of 1523

Page 676: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

David Dellafave inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 4:59 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 676 of 1523

Page 677: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 677 of 1523

Page 678: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Pete Osman inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 24, 2016, 4:59 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Kenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 678 of 1523

Page 679: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 679 of 1523

Page 680: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 4:54 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 680 of 1523

Page 681: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.While you tear up the stree lay High speed digital broadband and electric cabling.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 681 of 1523

Page 682: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 4:53 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC Williams

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 682 of 1523

Page 683: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 683 of 1523

Page 684: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 4:47 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Place of Worship

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?No response

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 684 of 1523

Page 685: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.There is a great deal of destination-specific traffic in this area of King Street, where large numbers of carsattend various events at TC Williams, Chinquapin Park, local churches, Ivy Hill Cemetery, and WoodbineNursing Home, arriving and departing at specific times. In addition to residents of Alexandria, many peoplecome from neighboring cities to these events, but frequent restaurants and other business while they are in ourcity. The plan for the King Street Project can, and needs to, accommodate all who come to and pass throughthis major artery for our city. This can be accomplished without sacrificing safety or traffic efficiency forpedestrians, cyclists, or cars. Option 2 allows both free-flowing east and west-bound lanes for through-traffic. In addition, Option 2 alsomaintains an east-bound second lane that extends from Kenwood all the way to Janneys Lane thataccommodates cars slowing down to make right-turns to enter their destinations. If this slower east-bound rightlane were also designated as a shared car-bike lane, the bikers could also be accommodated as shown in Slide14 of the presentation, connecting Kenwood with the existing bike lanes that begin at Janneys lane. If the crosswalk at Albany St, near the Cemetery, is painted (possibly with a manually activated crosswalk light)rather than a raised pedestrian island, higher-volume time-specific west-bound traffic that is turning left (south)can collect between Tuckahoe and east of the entrance to Ivy Hill Cemetery for access to the south side of KingStreet. Higher-volume time-specific east-bound funeral traffic that is turning left into Ivy Hill can collect in thedual turn lane at other times. This will allow the east and west-bound through lanes to continue at speed withoutslowing for high volumes of cars making left turns. All streets and residences would still be accessible from theeast and west. This Option could help keep traffic moving at an acceptable pace, provide safe crossings for pedestrians, makethe street more beautiful, maintain access to all streets and residences, and provide a shared bike-car lanefrom Kenwood to Janneys Lane, if that is added into the plan. It might even cost less than other Options, moneywhich could be spent to make this area a charming continuation of Old Town as well as a highly efficient one.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 685 of 1523

Page 686: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 4:42 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 686 of 1523

Page 687: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 687 of 1523

Page 688: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 4:41 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneMelrose Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 688 of 1523

Page 689: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Although I think that bikes may be able to share lanes, my main decision for choosing option 3 is because Ibelieve it will do the best to decrease traffic speeds, increase overall safety to all modes of transportation, and itwill create a "neighborhood" feel for this area. Right now it feels like King street is treated as a freeway to otherplaces by drivers.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 689 of 1523

Page 690: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 4:34 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 690 of 1523

Page 691: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 691 of 1523

Page 692: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 4:19 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 692 of 1523

Page 693: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 693 of 1523

Page 694: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 4:16 PM

What is your zip code?22311

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 694 of 1523

Page 695: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 695 of 1523

Page 696: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 4:11 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 696 of 1523

Page 697: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.It's unrealistic to think that we can reduce commuter traffic by converting double lanes to single lanes. The onlyimpact will be slower traffic, and I use King Street more each day than any commuter. King Street is an arteryroad. Everyone knew that when they moved into the neighborhood. Let's stop acting like it's residential.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 697 of 1523

Page 698: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 4:06 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 698 of 1523

Page 699: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 699 of 1523

Page 700: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 4:00 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 700 of 1523

Page 701: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 701 of 1523

Page 702: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 3:51 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide more accessible transit stops

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneTuckahoe Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 702 of 1523

Page 703: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 703 of 1523

Page 704: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 3:39 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?No response

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 704 of 1523

Page 705: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.It seems as though you could be making significant improvements to safety for the high school kids and visitors,and Park users by focusing on Kenwood and Chinquapin intersections, but are not "beefing up" crossing safetyas part of Option 1, which could address safety concerns and still meet the needs of local users and throughtraffic! Looks like your options were pre-disposed to certain solutions and options without maximizing benefit of4 traffic lanes & improving the safety concerns and problems that exist on this stretch of road.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 705 of 1523

Page 706: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 3:36 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 706 of 1523

Page 707: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 707 of 1523

Page 708: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 3:17 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 708 of 1523

Page 709: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 709 of 1523

Page 710: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 2:59 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide more accessible transit stopsMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood AvenueRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 710 of 1523

Page 711: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Of the 3, I prefer #3; however, I think there will be a severe bottleneck in the mornings when approachingChinquapin Drive from the West (heading east) at the point where it goes to a single eastbound lane due to theright turn lane into the main drive @TCW. This needs to be corrected before plan implementatino. The roadagain splits into 2 eastbound lanes for a *very* short distance before the right turn lane into Chinquapin. I drivemy daughter to TCW everyday and even with the grass buffer between the TCW sidewalk and King St, kids arestill crossing (or getting dropped off) there between the bus stop and Chinquapin. Taking away some of thatgrassy area to allow traffic flow by keeping 2 eastbound lanes from Radford to Chinquapin would be better thancausing a bottleneck that frustrates drivers leading them to poor driving decisions (speeding when there's eventhe tiniest break in traffic, or, even more dropping off of kids on King Street). The ony other solution is toconsistently post a traffic cop at the Chinquapin/King intersection - that's the only time morning traffic flowsreasonably between 8:20 & 8:35.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 711 of 1523

Page 712: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Robert Calhoun inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 2:48 PM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Albany AvenueScroggins RoadQuincy Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 712 of 1523

Page 713: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 713 of 1523

Page 714: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 2:46 PM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Albany AvenueScroggins RoadQuincy Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 714 of 1523

Page 715: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 715 of 1523

Page 716: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 2:46 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 716 of 1523

Page 717: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 717 of 1523

Page 718: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 2:44 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide more accessible transit stopsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 718 of 1523

Page 719: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 719 of 1523

Page 720: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Lexye Hearding inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 24, 2016, 2:37 PM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 720 of 1523

Page 721: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 721 of 1523

Page 722: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Mike Eckel inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 2:27 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 722 of 1523

Page 723: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.bicycling on King Street- west/north of Janney's Lane-- currently is impossible. Riding on the sidewalk is unsafe,both for cyclists and pedestrians. The bike lane east of Janney's-- on the north side of King, between Janney'sand Cloverway-- needs to be overhauled too. I cycle that route nearly every day, and having to move from thelane into traffic and back again, is wholly dangerous.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 723 of 1523

Page 724: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 2:20 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Place of Worship

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 724 of 1523

Page 725: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I've lived in this neighborhood for over 15 years and I use that stretch of King St daily. The only problems I seeworth evaluating is the amount of traffic the Babtist church causes on Sunday's. Outside of that, the city shouldonly be allocating funds to repair the streets and NOT TAKE LANES AWAY. The neighborhood streets aroundKing St require far more require immediate maintenance. The only option we will support is the one thatdoesn't take lanes away from drivers.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 725 of 1523

Page 726: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 2:10 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Kenwood AvenueRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 726 of 1523

Page 727: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 727 of 1523

Page 728: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 2:06 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 728 of 1523

Page 729: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I have lived in the area adjacent to the project area since 1991, and use King Street on a daily basis in the AMand PM. I rarely see bicycles on King St (period) and all pedestrians I see are safely on the sidewalk, behind a plantedstrip. I rarely see huge numbers of TCW students walking, except at the TCW intersections. Many of them cross theroad where-ever they like, so crossings won't make much difference. Educating TCW users on safe roadcrossing practices, and employing crossing guards can only help the situation. Reducing the number of travel lanes, and adding bike lanes, in either direction will lead to greater congestion. Suggestions: Improve pedestrian crossings, with pedestrian controlled lights. Enforce current laws regarding jaywalking. Add crossing guards at TCW. Enforce current speed laws, vigorously. Enforce current red light and box-blocking laws, especially at King/Quaker/Braddock intersection

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 729 of 1523

Page 730: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 2:03 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 730 of 1523

Page 731: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 731 of 1523

Page 732: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 1:52 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 732 of 1523

Page 733: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 733 of 1523

Page 734: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Andrew Hoffman inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 1:49 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrianMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 734 of 1523

Page 735: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 735 of 1523

Page 736: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Jacki Warren inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 1:47 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Quincy StreetChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 736 of 1523

Page 737: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 737 of 1523

Page 738: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 1:46 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 738 of 1523

Page 739: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 739 of 1523

Page 740: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 1:43 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 740 of 1523

Page 741: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 741 of 1523

Page 742: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 1:40 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 742 of 1523

Page 743: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.None of these options address lighting, which vastly increases the risks for pedestrians and bikers all along thiscorridor. Dramatically improving the lighting will go along way toward ensuring safety, especially with somemany people wearing black these days. At night they're almost impossible to see. Adding bike lanes for the fewbikers that use King St. will snarl traffic in an area that's already snarled, adding to the risk.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 743 of 1523

Page 744: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 1:36 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 744 of 1523

Page 745: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 745 of 1523

Page 746: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 1:32 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood AvenueRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 746 of 1523

Page 747: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 747 of 1523

Page 748: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 1:31 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 748 of 1523

Page 749: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 749 of 1523

Page 750: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 1:22 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 750 of 1523

Page 751: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 751 of 1523

Page 752: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 1:22 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 752 of 1523

Page 753: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 753 of 1523

Page 754: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 1:19 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 754 of 1523

Page 755: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 755 of 1523

Page 756: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 1:12 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadQuincy StreetKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 756 of 1523

Page 757: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Please post speed limits. Currently, westbound is 25mph in front of TC. Eastbound is 35mph? There is currentlyno sign saying otherwise.

Please put in a capital bikeshare station and give the students one month free access.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 757 of 1523

Page 758: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 1:05 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneMelrose StreetChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 758 of 1523

Page 759: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 759 of 1523

Page 760: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 1:04 PM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Quincy Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 760 of 1523

Page 761: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 761 of 1523

Page 762: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 1:01 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide more accessible transit stops

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood AvenueRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 762 of 1523

Page 763: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?none of the above (please comment below)

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Would be nice to have the bike lane and left turn lane but without the addition of a median. I find, from personalobservation, that if there is a median that just encourages pedestrians to cross the street outside of thedesignated area for crossing.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 763 of 1523

Page 764: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 12:59 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 764 of 1523

Page 765: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 765 of 1523

Page 766: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 12:52 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 766 of 1523

Page 767: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 767 of 1523

Page 768: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 12:42 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 768 of 1523

Page 769: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 769 of 1523

Page 770: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 12:34 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC Williams

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 770 of 1523

Page 771: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.The road off King Street that leads to Chinquapin and the Circle also needs to be widened with turn lanesleading onto King Street. This road gets very congested especially before and after school and on rainy daysand when events are held at TC or the Pool.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 771 of 1523

Page 772: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 12:27 PM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 772 of 1523

Page 773: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 773 of 1523

Page 774: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 12:24 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Tuckahoe LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 774 of 1523

Page 775: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?none of the above (please comment below)

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.None of the options listed here are good. What is needed most is enforcement of the existing law that driversstop for pedestrians at crosswalks. I walk King St almost every day. Almost no one ever stops when I am waitingat a marked crossing. We need flashing lights at crossings reminding drivers to STOP for pedestrians andpolice on the road for awhile writing big tickets for drivers who fail to stop and who speed.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 775 of 1523

Page 776: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 12:13 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 776 of 1523

Page 777: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 777 of 1523

Page 778: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Tricia Maher-Miller inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 12:11 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 778 of 1523

Page 779: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 779 of 1523

Page 780: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Justin Redpath outside City Boundary (registered) February 24, 2016, 12:08 PM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 780 of 1523

Page 781: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 781 of 1523

Page 782: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 12:07 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Kenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 782 of 1523

Page 783: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 783 of 1523

Page 784: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 12:03 PM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?No response

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Kenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 784 of 1523

Page 785: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 785 of 1523

Page 786: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 12:01 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?No response

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 786 of 1523

Page 787: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 787 of 1523

Page 788: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 12:00 PM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 788 of 1523

Page 789: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 789 of 1523

Page 790: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 11:58 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Kenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 790 of 1523

Page 791: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.While other improvements sound good in theory, removing lanes and adding bike lanes will in the end takeaway much need lane space. Cars are the choice of most. Considering that alexandria is allowing the buildingof homes and condos on every available piece of land, this is lane space that will be sorely needed and hard toget back in the future. I am not impressed with Alexandria's planning abilities so far.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 791 of 1523

Page 792: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 11:57 AM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 792 of 1523

Page 793: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.To many cars, usually w MD tags, race on King st like it's the Indy 500 everyday. I'm scared to ride my bike onKing st. I am also tailgated everyday because I drive the speed limit. I pay taxes here, why should we put upwith the dangerous high rate of speed? I also have two daughters who will attend TC soon. I want them to biketo school safely everyday!

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 793 of 1523

Page 794: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Nancy Hall-Berens inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 11:52 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 794 of 1523

Page 795: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 795 of 1523

Page 796: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 11:43 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Quincy StreetChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 796 of 1523

Page 797: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 797 of 1523

Page 798: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 11:43 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 798 of 1523

Page 799: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 799 of 1523

Page 800: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Gary Zuckerman inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 11:40 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 800 of 1523

Page 801: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 801 of 1523

Page 802: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 11:30 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 802 of 1523

Page 803: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 803 of 1523

Page 804: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 24, 2016, 11:28 AM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Kenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 804 of 1523

Page 805: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

none of the above (please comment below)

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Do nothing. It is fine as is. No need to do anything.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 805 of 1523

Page 806: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 11:27 AM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide more accessible transit stops

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Albany AvenueKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 806 of 1523

Page 807: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 807 of 1523

Page 808: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 11:24 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrianMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneMelrose Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 808 of 1523

Page 809: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 809 of 1523

Page 810: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 11:24 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 810 of 1523

Page 811: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 811 of 1523

Page 812: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Vonda Delawie inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 11:23 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 812 of 1523

Page 813: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 813 of 1523

Page 814: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Linda Patterson inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 11:19 AM

What is your zip code?22311

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 814 of 1523

Page 815: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 815 of 1523

Page 816: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 24, 2016, 11:18 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 816 of 1523

Page 817: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 817 of 1523

Page 818: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 11:16 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 818 of 1523

Page 819: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 819 of 1523

Page 820: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 11:15 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 820 of 1523

Page 821: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 821 of 1523

Page 822: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Erin Lagan inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 11:13 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 822 of 1523

Page 823: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 823 of 1523

Page 824: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 11:08 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 824 of 1523

Page 825: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 825 of 1523

Page 826: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 11:08 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 826 of 1523

Page 827: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?none of the above (please comment below)

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I have never seen anyone attempting to bike on King Street. Is this "build it and they will come" wishfulthinking? King Street is a major thoroughfare, and while I would like to see dedicated left-turn lanes (or at leastleft-turn signals), I hate to see artificial choke points that will only result in more aggravated drivers. I'm all forbetter pedestrian crossings, especially for TC & Chinquapin, but taking away traffic lanes or severely restrictingthem will push more traffic into surrounding neighborhood streets to avoid the slow-downs on King Street. Andthere aren't comprehensive sidewalks or marked crosswalks for those streets (I should know I live there). Soyou're going to create new problems in your attempt to solve the current ones. How about more stoplights onKing Street triggered by speeding? Enforcement of speed limits? And longer crosswalk times? Designatedleft-turn lights for each direction (rather than just green lights)? Seems like there are more options availablethan the three listed.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 827 of 1523

Page 828: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 11:08 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 828 of 1523

Page 829: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 829 of 1523

Page 830: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 11:07 AM

What is your zip code?22312

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 830 of 1523

Page 831: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 831 of 1523

Page 832: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 11:03 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 832 of 1523

Page 833: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 833 of 1523

Page 834: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 11:00 AM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 834 of 1523

Page 835: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 835 of 1523

Page 836: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 11:00 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Kenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 836 of 1523

Page 837: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I applaud the outreach effort... consideration of such effort should be given whenever capital improvementsabove a few million dollars are planned. Thank you.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 837 of 1523

Page 838: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 10:54 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 838 of 1523

Page 839: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 839 of 1523

Page 840: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 10:54 AM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide more accessible transit stopsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood AvenueRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 840 of 1523

Page 841: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Maintain the bike lane through the school area . If anyone is biking and has to go from the bike lane, cross theturning lane, and then join the busy traffic car lane, it's going to hurt or kill someone. These types of lanecrossings in DC are dangerous and there needs to be something alerting drivers, preferably a barrier, to the factthat a bike is joining their lane.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 841 of 1523

Page 842: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 10:53 AM

What is your zip code?22312

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Kenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 842 of 1523

Page 843: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Cutouts for buses so that they do not block traffic while picking up and dropping off passengers. Changecrosswalks at King and Kenwood entering TC to be pedestrians walk in all directions, then cars flow.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 843 of 1523

Page 844: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Patricia Plympton inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 10:52 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Tuckahoe LaneChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 844 of 1523

Page 845: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 845 of 1523

Page 846: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Kay Arndorfer inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 10:52 AM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 846 of 1523

Page 847: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 847 of 1523

Page 848: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 10:50 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide more accessible transit stopsProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 848 of 1523

Page 849: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?none of the above (please comment below)

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.My response is not legitimate, as I have already submitted multiple responses, some of them very silly, undermultiple IP addresses. I am doing this to prove a point. If someone, like me, refuses to sign in, they may betrying to subvert the process. You must only count those votes for which the respondents signed in. Otherwise, the public outreach effort willcollapse under accusations of fraud.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 849 of 1523

Page 850: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 10:50 AM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide more accessible transit stopsProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Tuckahoe LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 850 of 1523

Page 851: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 851 of 1523

Page 852: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 10:49 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 852 of 1523

Page 853: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 853 of 1523

Page 854: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Lillian York inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 10:46 AM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 854 of 1523

Page 855: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 855 of 1523

Page 856: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 24, 2016, 10:46 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 856 of 1523

Page 857: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 857 of 1523

Page 858: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 10:44 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Tuckahoe LaneScroggins RoadQuincy Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 858 of 1523

Page 859: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 859 of 1523

Page 860: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 10:40 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 860 of 1523

Page 861: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 861 of 1523

Page 862: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 10:39 AM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC Williams

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 862 of 1523

Page 863: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 863 of 1523

Page 864: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 10:37 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 864 of 1523

Page 865: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.King Street is a main thoroughfare. Congestion especially between Scroggins and Quaker Lane is a majorissue especially in the morning. Access to TC is very difficult. I believe Option 2 best addresses the issues --without risking increased congestion, making access to TC at critical hours more difficult.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 865 of 1523

Page 866: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 10:29 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 866 of 1523

Page 867: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 867 of 1523

Page 868: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Mary Sanders inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 10:29 AM

What is your zip code?22311

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneTuckahoe LaneChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 868 of 1523

Page 869: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 869 of 1523

Page 870: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 10:29 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 870 of 1523

Page 871: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 871 of 1523

Page 872: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 10:26 AM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 872 of 1523

Page 873: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 873 of 1523

Page 874: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 10:24 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 874 of 1523

Page 875: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 875 of 1523

Page 876: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 10:17 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 876 of 1523

Page 877: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 877 of 1523

Page 878: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 24, 2016, 9:59 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speeding

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneMelrose StreetScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 878 of 1523

Page 879: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 879 of 1523

Page 880: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Robert Svercl inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 9:40 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneTuckahoe LaneKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 880 of 1523

Page 881: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 881 of 1523

Page 882: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

john harley inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 9:24 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneMelrose StreetScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 882 of 1523

Page 883: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.In addition to option 3 improvements, I would like to see the speed limit reduced from 35 to 25. Additionally, ifthere is to be an establishment of a right turn lane on eastbound King prior to Janney's Lane, that should beginabout half way between Melrose and Janney's and no earlier in order to discourage reckless motorists fromspeeding down that lane in order to cut off traffic in the thru lane.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 883 of 1523

Page 884: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 9:20 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 884 of 1523

Page 885: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 885 of 1523

Page 886: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 9:14 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 886 of 1523

Page 887: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.While King Street is a major local artery, that does not mean that cars need to or should be able to travel downit at 45+ mph. Small delays in drive time are not a valid argument against improvements to pedestrian andcyclist safety.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 887 of 1523

Page 888: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 9:12 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 888 of 1523

Page 889: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.King Street is a major local artery, but that does not mean that cars should be able to travel on it at 45 or 50mph. A few seconds of delay in drive times is an easy price to pay for pedestrian and bike safety as well asgeneral improvement in the feel of the neighborhood.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 889 of 1523

Page 890: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown outside City Boundary (registered) February 24, 2016, 8:36 AM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 890 of 1523

Page 891: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 891 of 1523

Page 892: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Derick Lawson inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 8:35 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneAlbany AvenueScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 892 of 1523

Page 893: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 893 of 1523

Page 894: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 8:03 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 894 of 1523

Page 895: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 895 of 1523

Page 896: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 7:14 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No response

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 896 of 1523

Page 897: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I am a resident who lives on King St between Janney's and Melrose. Option 3 is the only option that trulyallows improved safety for residents, bus commuters, and car commuters. Right now, it is unsafe to pull in andout of my driveway. This option also improves the look of King Street and the area. It will improve the entireneighborhood and will be good for the city.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 897 of 1523

Page 898: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 6:40 AM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 898 of 1523

Page 899: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 899 of 1523

Page 900: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 6:08 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 900 of 1523

Page 901: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 901 of 1523

Page 902: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 24, 2016, 6:03 AM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrianMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 902 of 1523

Page 903: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 903 of 1523

Page 904: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 24, 2016, 1:52 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide more accessible transit stopsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 904 of 1523

Page 905: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Crosswalk to TC needs to be an All-Walk at the same time.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 905 of 1523

Page 906: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 23, 2016, 11:41 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 906 of 1523

Page 907: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 907 of 1523

Page 908: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 23, 2016, 11:35 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 908 of 1523

Page 909: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 909 of 1523

Page 910: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 23, 2016, 10:28 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?No response

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 910 of 1523

Page 911: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 911 of 1523

Page 912: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 10:23 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 912 of 1523

Page 913: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 913 of 1523

Page 914: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 10:08 PM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 914 of 1523

Page 915: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

none of the above (please comment below)

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Leave King Street alone. Barely any people use the bike lanes we have now. Stop creating more.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 915 of 1523

Page 916: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

craig Harvey inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 23, 2016, 10:02 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetQuincy StreetChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 916 of 1523

Page 917: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 917 of 1523

Page 918: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Kate Hennigan inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 9:50 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrianMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneMelrose StreetChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 918 of 1523

Page 919: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 919 of 1523

Page 920: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Michele Reday-Cook inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 9:49 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 920 of 1523

Page 921: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.option 3 is the most cohesive of the 3 plans

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 921 of 1523

Page 922: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 9:45 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 922 of 1523

Page 923: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.It seems to me that there is a need to keep school traffic separate from other traffic. Further separation ofstudent parking and parent drop off at Chinquapin is needed.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 923 of 1523

Page 924: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 9:28 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins RoadChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 924 of 1523

Page 925: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 925 of 1523

Page 926: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 9:25 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 926 of 1523

Page 927: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 927 of 1523

Page 928: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Janice Turkevich inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 9:24 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speeding

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneMelrose StreetChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 928 of 1523

Page 929: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Along with improvements, speed limit needs to be reduced along King St. Perhaps "your speed" electronicsign as on other nearby streets. Additionally, if lanes are reduced from 4 to 2 lanes, it will be harder to exitneighborhoods, and a designated left turn lane will be necessary so one can exit 1/2 way out onto King St.before entering traffic

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 929 of 1523

Page 930: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 23, 2016, 9:02 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 930 of 1523

Page 931: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 931 of 1523

Page 932: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 23, 2016, 8:59 PM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 932 of 1523

Page 933: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 933 of 1523

Page 934: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 23, 2016, 8:55 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Quincy StreetRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 934 of 1523

Page 935: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 935 of 1523

Page 936: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 8:51 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide more accessible transit stops

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadQuincy StreetChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 936 of 1523

Page 937: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 937 of 1523

Page 938: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 8:48 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 938 of 1523

Page 939: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 939 of 1523

Page 940: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 8:48 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 940 of 1523

Page 941: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 941 of 1523

Page 942: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Christine Matthews inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 8:47 PM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC Williams

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Kenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 942 of 1523

Page 943: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 943 of 1523

Page 944: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 8:32 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 944 of 1523

Page 945: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 945 of 1523

Page 946: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 8:22 PM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood AvenueRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 946 of 1523

Page 947: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 947 of 1523

Page 948: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 23, 2016, 8:01 PM

What is your zip code?22311

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 948 of 1523

Page 949: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 949 of 1523

Page 950: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Jeanette Feldman inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 8:01 PM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 950 of 1523

Page 951: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 951 of 1523

Page 952: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 23, 2016, 7:53 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 952 of 1523

Page 953: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 953 of 1523

Page 954: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 23, 2016, 7:48 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide more accessible transit stops

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 954 of 1523

Page 955: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 955 of 1523

Page 956: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 23, 2016, 7:40 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 956 of 1523

Page 957: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I'm a 10 year resident of this part of King Street. It isn't safe to cross the street, the cars speed constantly, thetraffic noise is out of control, and so many trees have been removed that it has become a very urban-lookingugly area. Please provide as many trees and green space as possible, and do whatever is necessary to reducetraffic speed. I don't think we need bike lanes, but the other suggestions are wonderful. Thank you so much forfinally focusing on our neighborhood!

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 957 of 1523

Page 958: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 7:19 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 958 of 1523

Page 959: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I'm a 10 year resident of King Street. Thank you for finally repaving and addressing the needs of thisneighborhood. Please add as much planted green space as possible. This includes replacing all the treesalong King Street that have died/been removed in recent years. I don't think we need bike lanes, but anythingto make it easier to cross the street and reduce the traffic speed and volume is appreciated. Bike lanes aren'tused and will make it impossible for residents to exit their driveways. I think people who live on King Streetshould have more weight to their responses than those who do not live on King Street. All the changes in theworld won't make a difference until the police start ticketing the Dash and school busses from TC Williams thatspeed at ~50mph all day.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 959 of 1523

Page 960: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 23, 2016, 7:05 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 960 of 1523

Page 961: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I don't live in the project area but I live on King St. And my daughter attended TC Williams and I would likestudents to be able to to walk and bike safely to school.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 961 of 1523

Page 962: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 23, 2016, 6:58 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 962 of 1523

Page 963: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 963 of 1523

Page 964: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Donna Gold inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 6:55 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 964 of 1523

Page 965: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 965 of 1523

Page 966: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 6:46 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Place of Worship

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 966 of 1523

Page 967: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

none of the above (please comment below)

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.By taking away traffic options on King Street, you will force more traffic down Quaker, Janneys, and otherstreets that are already overloaded. People have to get to where they are going, and only have so many routes.We need more car lanes, not fewer. Too much development, too many transits, but those are our biggestproblems to address. The current bike lanes on King Street are barely used at all. Why extend them?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 967 of 1523

Page 968: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 6:35 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 968 of 1523

Page 969: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 969 of 1523

Page 970: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 5:43 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneMelrose StreetChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 970 of 1523

Page 971: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.We need whatever changes will slow everyone down.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 971 of 1523

Page 972: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 23, 2016, 5:31 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 972 of 1523

Page 973: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Option 2 seems to be the best compromise. For the east bound lanes, which seem to handle more trafficduring the day and evening, more volume is retained while the turning lane and pedestrian island on the westbound lanes make for safer crossings without sacrificing too much of this important road way. Option 3 seemslike a bad choice since it would simply congest more cars coming east bound making for a nightmarish stack upfrom the Masonic memorial back to the First Baptist Church. I am on this road twice a day in the morning andevening rush and see 2-4 cyclist per week. Such a narrowing of King St., especially east bound for a bike lane,would making commuting even small distances east bound on King St. painful.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 973 of 1523

Page 974: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 5:25 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 974 of 1523

Page 975: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 975 of 1523

Page 976: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 23, 2016, 4:44 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 976 of 1523

Page 977: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 977 of 1523

Page 978: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 23, 2016, 4:40 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Place of Worship

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 978 of 1523

Page 979: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 979 of 1523

Page 980: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 23, 2016, 4:34 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrianMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 980 of 1523

Page 981: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 981 of 1523

Page 982: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 23, 2016, 4:25 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Place of Worship

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Quincy StreetKenwood AvenueRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 982 of 1523

Page 983: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 983 of 1523

Page 984: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 3:57 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide more accessible transit stopsMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Albany AvenueKenwood AvenueRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 984 of 1523

Page 985: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 985 of 1523

Page 986: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Ryan Miller inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 3:50 PM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 986 of 1523

Page 987: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 987 of 1523

Page 988: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown (unverified) February 23, 2016, 3:41 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 988 of 1523

Page 989: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 989 of 1523

Page 990: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 3:18 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 990 of 1523

Page 991: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 991 of 1523

Page 992: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 3:11 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 992 of 1523

Page 993: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 993 of 1523

Page 994: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 23, 2016, 2:43 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood AvenueRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 994 of 1523

Page 995: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 995 of 1523

Page 996: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 2:23 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 996 of 1523

Page 997: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 997 of 1523

Page 998: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 2:09 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 998 of 1523

Page 999: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 999 of 1523

Page 1000: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 23, 2016, 1:48 PM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneQuincy Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1000 of

Page 1001: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1001 of

Page 1002: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 23, 2016, 1:44 PM

What is your zip code?22312

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1002 of

Page 1003: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1003 of

Page 1004: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 12:50 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1004 of

Page 1005: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1005 of

Page 1006: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 12:20 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Kenwood AvenueRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1006 of

Page 1007: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1007 of

Page 1008: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 23, 2016, 12:02 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Place of Worship

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Quincy StreetKenwood AvenueRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1008 of

Page 1009: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1009 of

Page 1010: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 23, 2016, 11:56 AM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneTuckahoe LaneChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1010 of

Page 1011: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1011 of

Page 1012: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 11:22 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1012 of

Page 1013: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Taking away a traffic lane would only serve to back up traffic on King Street making it more difficult for residentsto get in and out of our neighborhoods.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1013 of

Page 1014: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 11:05 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1014 of

Page 1015: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1015 of

Page 1016: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 10:39 AM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1016 of

Page 1017: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I seriously question the assertion that the proposed improvements will only add seconds to the commute. Isthat seconds per foot? Per mile? Please clarify.

Also, there is no consideration for the secondary impacts these proposed improvements will have on theQuaker/King/Braddock intersection. The backups likely to result from the proposed improvements will turn analready bad intersection into a legendarily bad intersection.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1017 of

Page 1018: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 10:30 AM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1018 of

Page 1019: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1019 of

Page 1020: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 10:22 AM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1020 of

Page 1021: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1021 of

Page 1022: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 23, 2016, 10:12 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?No response

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1022 of

Page 1023: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1023 of

Page 1024: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Michael Wayne inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 10:02 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1024 of

Page 1025: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Planted pedestrian islands are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. I would like to see this approachused in many other areas of the city.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1025 of

Page 1026: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 10:01 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Albany AvenueScroggins RoadChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1026 of

Page 1027: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1027 of

Page 1028: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 23, 2016, 9:42 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Place of Worship

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1028 of

Page 1029: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1029 of

Page 1030: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 9:21 AM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Radford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1030 of

Page 1031: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1031 of

Page 1032: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 9:16 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1032 of

Page 1033: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Bike lanes would be very bad for this road. Please do not make an already congested road even worse to driveon.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1033 of

Page 1034: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 23, 2016, 9:05 AM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Place of Worship

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneTuckahoe LaneChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1034 of

Page 1035: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1035 of

Page 1036: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 23, 2016, 9:04 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1036 of

Page 1037: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1037 of

Page 1038: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 23, 2016, 8:55 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1038 of

Page 1039: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1039 of

Page 1040: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 23, 2016, 8:49 AM

What is your zip code?22311

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Kenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1040 of

Page 1041: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1041 of

Page 1042: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 8:16 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1042 of

Page 1043: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1043 of

Page 1044: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 8:15 AM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide more accessible transit stopsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1044 of

Page 1045: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1045 of

Page 1046: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 8:13 AM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Kenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1046 of

Page 1047: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1047 of

Page 1048: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Howell Medley inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 7:53 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speeding

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1048 of

Page 1049: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1049 of

Page 1050: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

William Pfister inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 7:24 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1050 of

Page 1051: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1051 of

Page 1052: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Lisa Medley inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 7:24 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1052 of

Page 1053: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1053 of

Page 1054: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 23, 2016, 7:24 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1054 of

Page 1055: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Option 3 is best for people who live here!

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1055 of

Page 1056: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 23, 2016, 7:06 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1056 of

Page 1057: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1057 of

Page 1058: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 23, 2016, 7:05 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1058 of

Page 1059: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Do NOT reduce the number of drive lanes on King Street, it will only create more traffic congestion.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1059 of

Page 1060: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 23, 2016, 5:45 AM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide more accessible transit stops

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?No response

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1060 of

Page 1061: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1061 of

Page 1062: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 23, 2016, 4:22 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1062 of

Page 1063: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Why is this being put out for public input? The city has professional transportation planners who should knowwhich solution maximizes safety. Council should also always support safety for their constituents, or else expectto be held responsible when someone gets injured or killed while walking or biking along King.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1063 of

Page 1064: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 23, 2016, 4:08 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1064 of

Page 1065: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1065 of

Page 1066: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 23, 2016, 4:07 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1066 of

Page 1067: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1067 of

Page 1068: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 10:58 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1068 of

Page 1069: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I am not certain why removing traffic lanes from King Street is considered a street improvement. Thepopulation of this community has grown significantly in the last 20 years creating VERY LONG COMMUTETIMES FOR TAX PAYING RESIDENTS. There appears to be no analysis around where the traffic on KingStreet would "go" if the King Street Lanes were reduced. My guess is that it would go through otherneighborhoods, and become even slower on Quaker Lane. I am very concerned that bike lanes are an elitesolutions that discriminate against the majority of tax payers who drive cars. I am an avid walker and my kidswalked to school for years. The sides walks on this part of king street are wide and far from traffic. These"improvements" address a non existent problem and create more traffic issues. I would like to know whothought this is what our city needs.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1069 of

Page 1070: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 10:40 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1070 of

Page 1071: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1071 of

Page 1072: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 22, 2016, 10:07 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1072 of

Page 1073: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1073 of

Page 1074: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Trevor Daniel inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 10:07 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide more accessible transit stops

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Tuckahoe LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1074 of

Page 1075: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1075 of

Page 1076: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 9:42 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1076 of

Page 1077: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I travel from Scroggins to Melrose daily to drop my son off with nanny and never see cyclists. I also drive dailyfrom Melrose to King St. metro to drop off the nanny and again - no cyclists. And when I drive back up King toHillside cyclists. I always see people waiting at the bus stops, running and walking on thesidewalks. I believe the second option makes the most sense.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1077 of

Page 1078: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 22, 2016, 9:39 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1078 of

Page 1079: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1079 of

Page 1080: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Thomas McIntire inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 9:37 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1080 of

Page 1081: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

none of the above (please comment below)

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I live right next door (for 30 years), I'm not convinced any of these improvements are a high priority.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1081 of

Page 1082: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 22, 2016, 9:27 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1082 of

Page 1083: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.There has been some commentary that a dedicated turn lane would be beneficial because traffic from sidestreets could turn into those lanes then merge into the traffic lanes. That is not a common practice. It could bedangerous because people are not used to using those lanes.

Additionally, I do not support dedicated bike lanes that would take up space for Drive Lanes. Bikes are few andfar between. When they become abundant, it would make sense to provide dedicated lanes in order to preventslow traffic building up behind bikes in Drive Lanes, but until then, there is no need to provide dedicated bikelanes.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1083 of

Page 1084: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 22, 2016, 9:20 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrianMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1084 of

Page 1085: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1085 of

Page 1086: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 9:16 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1086 of

Page 1087: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1087 of

Page 1088: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown outside City Boundary (registered) February 22, 2016, 8:57 PM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1088 of

Page 1089: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1089 of

Page 1090: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 8:53 PM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Place of Worship

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide more accessible transit stopsMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Radford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1090 of

Page 1091: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Traffic backs up on King St. when going from 4 lanes to 2, it will only get worse by taking away lanes or makingthem thinner.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1091 of

Page 1092: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 8:20 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1092 of

Page 1093: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1093 of

Page 1094: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 7:46 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1094 of

Page 1095: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.PLEASE put in bike lanes. Alexandria claims to be a "green" city - show it. We've been getting some bikelanes but we can't stop now. Car crashes kill so many people in America and speeds on King St. are ridiculous.Even the city-run DASH buses speed - I see it every day. Bike lanes control speed and give green commuterssome margin of staying alive in our car-obsessed culture.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1095 of

Page 1096: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 7:21 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1096 of

Page 1097: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.This is a main thoroughfare. The bike lanes already installed east of this section on King Street are rarely usedand have increased congestion. Result is that people will use other neighborhood roads, putting morepedestrians in danger. Repave only.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1097 of

Page 1098: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 22, 2016, 7:17 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1098 of

Page 1099: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1099 of

Page 1100: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 7:16 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1100 of

Page 1101: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1101 of

Page 1102: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 7:02 PM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide more accessible transit stops

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1102 of

Page 1103: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1103 of

Page 1104: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 22, 2016, 6:48 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood AvenueRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1104 of

Page 1105: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1105 of

Page 1106: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 22, 2016, 6:42 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneTuckahoe LaneRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1106 of

Page 1107: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1107 of

Page 1108: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 22, 2016, 6:30 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesnone—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1108 of

Page 1109: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1109 of

Page 1110: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 22, 2016, 6:19 PM

What is your zip code?22312

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1110 of

Page 1111: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1111 of

Page 1112: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 22, 2016, 6:19 PM

What is your zip code?22312

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1112 of

Page 1113: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1113 of

Page 1114: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 22, 2016, 6:18 PM

What is your zip code?22312

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1114 of

Page 1115: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1115 of

Page 1116: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Elizabeth Richardson inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 5:41 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1116 of

Page 1117: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1117 of

Page 1118: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 22, 2016, 5:24 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1118 of

Page 1119: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1119 of

Page 1120: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown outside City Boundary (registered) February 22, 2016, 5:03 PM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneTuckahoe Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1120 of

Page 1121: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1121 of

Page 1122: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 4:29 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Albany AvenueTuckahoe LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1122 of

Page 1123: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1123 of

Page 1124: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 4:15 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1124 of

Page 1125: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1125 of

Page 1126: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 4:12 PM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1126 of

Page 1127: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1127 of

Page 1128: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 22, 2016, 4:10 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehiclesnone—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1128 of

Page 1129: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1129 of

Page 1130: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 4:06 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1130 of

Page 1131: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Your options make it difficult to choose "no change." It's difficult enough to get from Point A to Point B in this cityby car -- yes, most of us cannot get rid of our cars because of all our kids' activities, doing work-related things,etc. Taking the bus is not an option, and we pay taxes (on our cars!). Why does the city go out of its way tomake our lives so difficult?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1131 of

Page 1132: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 22, 2016, 3:55 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1132 of

Page 1133: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1133 of

Page 1134: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 3:45 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1134 of

Page 1135: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I object to adding bike lanes.Only a small part of the population can make use of those lanes. I have personallynoticed that the bike lanes on Slaters Lane are very lightly used, but have created new backups for traffic onthat street. The vast majority of people cannot commute by biking. And those that do are usually only fair-weather bikers. When the days are short, wet, windy, or cold, they are driving like the rest of us, and thus trafficis even more impacted.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1135 of

Page 1136: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 22, 2016, 3:39 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Tuckahoe LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1136 of

Page 1137: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I live on Bayliss, between Scroggins and Tuckahoe. I do NOT want King St reduced to two lanes and certainlyno bike lanes. We already have problems with drivers cutting through our street to get around traffic andcommuters speeding down Scroggins as a cut through from Braddock to King and vice versa. When the Baptistchurch lets out on Sunday. traffic comes to a stop. We hit back ups already as we near Janneys lane. I am sickand tried of the bike people demanding their way all of the time. Notice the comment for option 3 is repeatedverbatim several times. That is because the bike people who do not live in this area are trying to demand thatwe who do live here cater to them.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1137 of

Page 1138: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 3:35 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Kenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1138 of

Page 1139: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

none of the above (please comment below)

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Please leave as is!

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1139 of

Page 1140: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 3:21 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1140 of

Page 1141: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1141 of

Page 1142: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 2:55 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1142 of

Page 1143: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1143 of

Page 1144: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 22, 2016, 2:48 PM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneTuckahoe LaneChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1144 of

Page 1145: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1145 of

Page 1146: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 2:47 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1146 of

Page 1147: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1147 of

Page 1148: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 2:28 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1148 of

Page 1149: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1149 of

Page 1150: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Melynda Wilcox inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 2:14 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC Williams

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1150 of

Page 1151: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1151 of

Page 1152: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Yvonne Folkerts inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 2:06 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1152 of

Page 1153: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1153 of

Page 1154: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown outside City Boundary (registered) February 22, 2016, 1:54 PM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1154 of

Page 1155: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1155 of

Page 1156: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 1:49 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1156 of

Page 1157: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1157 of

Page 1158: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 22, 2016, 1:47 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrianMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1158 of

Page 1159: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.its unclear if the pedestrian islands would have crosswalks.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1159 of

Page 1160: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 22, 2016, 1:45 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1160 of

Page 1161: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.The traffic on Quaker and King is impossible. You stay at the same light four times in the morning. We cannotafford to limit lanes on our roads. Fix potholes and make a law stopping cars from crossing crosswalks withpedestrians. Even in Delray cars don't stop to let people walk. Bike riders go to parks. Our traffic is awful all daylong

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1161 of

Page 1162: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 22, 2016, 1:25 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1162 of

Page 1163: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Keep the road design as is. Lower the speed limit to 30 MPH. Install speed cameras on both sides of theroad and at multiple locations to enforce the limits. Skip the bike lane idea. The bike lane from Janneys Laneto Russell Road is a joke. It peters out half way down the hill. What's the cyclist supposed to do? Do it rightor don't do it at all. It makes the City look bad and it costs us taxpayers money. We don't need gimmicks.Do a first-rate job repaving the street, lower the speed limit to 30 and enforce the law vigorously and I'll be verysatisfied.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1163 of

Page 1164: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 12:44 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneQuincy StreetKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1164 of

Page 1165: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1165 of

Page 1166: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 12:32 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1166 of

Page 1167: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1167 of

Page 1168: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 12:02 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1168 of

Page 1169: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1169 of

Page 1170: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 22, 2016, 11:38 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1170 of

Page 1171: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1171 of

Page 1172: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 11:30 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Kenwood AvenueRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1172 of

Page 1173: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1173 of

Page 1174: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 11:28 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1174 of

Page 1175: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1175 of

Page 1176: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 22, 2016, 11:26 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1176 of

Page 1177: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1177 of

Page 1178: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 11:17 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrianMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1178 of

Page 1179: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1179 of

Page 1180: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 11:14 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1180 of

Page 1181: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Let's get the students to use the crosswalks instead of walking inbetween cars at king st/quaker/braddockintersection area!

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1181 of

Page 1182: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 11:07 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1182 of

Page 1183: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1183 of

Page 1184: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 11:03 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1184 of

Page 1185: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1185 of

Page 1186: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Lindsey Bachman inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 11:02 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1186 of

Page 1187: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1187 of

Page 1188: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 10:50 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speeding

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1188 of

Page 1189: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1189 of

Page 1190: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 10:44 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1190 of

Page 1191: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Please please stop accommodating bikes and buses. I have seen 3 bikes on King St since the disaster that isthe bike lanes between Janneys and commonwealth went into effect. Ridiculous. And the route 1 buses neverhave a sole on them. Take care of traffic and not the loud mouthed activists who represent less than 1% of theresidents' views

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1191 of

Page 1192: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 10:43 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1192 of

Page 1193: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1193 of

Page 1194: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 22, 2016, 10:19 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC Williams

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1194 of

Page 1195: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1195 of

Page 1196: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 9:50 AM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Kenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1196 of

Page 1197: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1197 of

Page 1198: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Richard Speckart inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 9:49 AM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1198 of

Page 1199: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1199 of

Page 1200: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Kristen Gullott inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 9:34 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1200 of

Page 1201: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Please start ticketing the TC students who refuse to cross in cross walks when they don't have the light.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1201 of

Page 1202: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 22, 2016, 9:19 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1202 of

Page 1203: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Pedestrian islands, especially around a school are not a good idea. is road widening an option?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1203 of

Page 1204: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 9:19 AM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1204 of

Page 1205: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

none of the above (please comment below)

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I find it impossible to believe that travel times at peak periods will decline by such slight numbers of seconds -all it takes is one particularly slow driver or turning vehicle, with no second lane to pass them with, to costvehicles behind them more that than amount of time.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1205 of

Page 1206: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 9:03 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1206 of

Page 1207: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1207 of

Page 1208: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 22, 2016, 9:02 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1208 of

Page 1209: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1209 of

Page 1210: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 9:00 AM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1210 of

Page 1211: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1211 of

Page 1212: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 22, 2016, 8:47 AM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1212 of

Page 1213: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1213 of

Page 1214: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 8:32 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1214 of

Page 1215: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I have lived in the Beverley Hills area of Northridge for almost 50 years. I drive down King Street to go todowntown Alexandria, and the congestion is often horrible. Options 2 and 3 are certain to make that traffice farworse than it already is, for the overwhelming majority of residents who drive! If either option is implemented, Ishall likely henceforth do all my commerce, dining, and recreation in places other than the downtown Alexandriabusiness district.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1215 of

Page 1216: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 22, 2016, 8:27 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1216 of

Page 1217: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1217 of

Page 1218: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 8:23 AM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1218 of

Page 1219: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1219 of

Page 1220: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 22, 2016, 8:12 AM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1220 of

Page 1221: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.stop wasting money on so many worthless street and intersection improvements. Bike lanes on King are neverused. I've seen one cyclist since your wasteful re-do. Russell road is a unholy mess with all your speed bumpsand cars travelling at 15 mph. New speed bumps around Park Fairfax are car chassis crackers. They don't calmtraffic, they bring it to a near standstill. Fix city hall instead!

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1221 of

Page 1222: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 22, 2016, 7:43 AM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1222 of

Page 1223: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1223 of

Page 1224: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 22, 2016, 7:42 AM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1224 of

Page 1225: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1225 of

Page 1226: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 22, 2016, 7:38 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrianMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1226 of

Page 1227: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1227 of

Page 1228: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 22, 2016, 7:37 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1228 of

Page 1229: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1229 of

Page 1230: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 22, 2016, 7:36 AM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1230 of

Page 1231: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

none of the above (please comment below)

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Stop this nonsense project. Keep traffic moving. It is strange you did not list commerce/shopping on your list ofreasons of use for king street. Let's set aside space on side streets for that small number of bike riders.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1231 of

Page 1232: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 22, 2016, 7:28 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1232 of

Page 1233: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1233 of

Page 1234: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 21, 2016, 10:49 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1234 of

Page 1235: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.A cross walk or light is one thing, but reducing the travel lanes is nuts with the congestion we currently have.We do not need to spend another dime to give the few bicycles more room. They are a catered to minority thatdoes not obey the law as it is! I work, live, shop and live life along this stretch of king street daily and until youcan get my two kids, two dogs, groceries, dry cleaning etc. on a bike and around Alexandria in a decent time, Iwill be using my car! It is not fair or reasonable to make my driving time longer to please a very small minorityno matter how health and environment conscious they are. I may feel the same way, but it is not a realisticoption for my life. Stop wasting taxpayer money on these issues and start dealing with actual problems inAlexandria.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1235 of

Page 1236: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 21, 2016, 8:59 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1236 of

Page 1237: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1237 of

Page 1238: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 21, 2016, 8:58 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1238 of

Page 1239: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1239 of

Page 1240: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 21, 2016, 7:48 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1240 of

Page 1241: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1241 of

Page 1242: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 21, 2016, 7:23 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide more accessible transit stopsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1242 of

Page 1243: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1243 of

Page 1244: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Nancy Duley outside City Boundary (registered) February 21, 2016, 6:59 PM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Place of Worship

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1244 of

Page 1245: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1245 of

Page 1246: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 21, 2016, 6:53 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1246 of

Page 1247: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1247 of

Page 1248: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 21, 2016, 6:31 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide more accessible transit stopsMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1248 of

Page 1249: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Roadway design for Option 3 makes little sense. 90.4% of Alexandria commuters travel by motor vehicle; 1%by bicycle. Large buses carry multiple passengers. Yet Section 2 of Option 3 reduces travel lanes for motorvehicles by 28 feet (from 46 feet to 21 feet). Even Option 2 and Section 1 of Option 3 reduce travel lanes by 15feet. REALITY CHECK: In the 1 1/2 year since bike lanes were installed on the other end of King Street(Rosemont Ave to Janney's Lane) City counts show there has been an increase of only 3 cyclists during "peak"hour. Over 99.99% of the time there are no cyclists, bike lanes are totally empty.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1249 of

Page 1250: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 21, 2016, 6:08 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrianMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Albany AvenueScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1250 of

Page 1251: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1251 of

Page 1252: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 21, 2016, 6:00 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1252 of

Page 1253: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I would like there to be a test period where the City Cordon's off the travel lanes to see what the impact will be,as a resident I believe that I will see traffic back ups and cars diverting in near by streets… Please consider atrial period seeing the majority of votes are for the complete closure of 2 out of 4 lanes...

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1253 of

Page 1254: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 21, 2016, 4:23 PM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide more accessible transit stopsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsnone—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Kenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1254 of

Page 1255: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1255 of

Page 1256: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Pam Smith inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 21, 2016, 4:11 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1256 of

Page 1257: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I think having left turn lanes would greatly speed up traffic. I don't think having a bike lane would slow downanything because the choke points are where left turn vehicles lock it down to one lane already.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1257 of

Page 1258: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Paula DeMuth inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 21, 2016, 3:40 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadQuincy Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1258 of

Page 1259: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1259 of

Page 1260: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

John Nakahata inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 21, 2016, 3:32 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadQuincy StreetChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1260 of

Page 1261: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1261 of

Page 1262: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Brian Shellum inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 21, 2016, 3:18 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Quincy Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1262 of

Page 1263: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1263 of

Page 1264: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 21, 2016, 3:02 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1264 of

Page 1265: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1265 of

Page 1266: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 21, 2016, 2:48 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Quincy StreetChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1266 of

Page 1267: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1267 of

Page 1268: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 21, 2016, 2:16 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneQuincy Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1268 of

Page 1269: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1269 of

Page 1270: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 21, 2016, 12:00 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1270 of

Page 1271: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1271 of

Page 1272: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 21, 2016, 9:40 AM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneQuincy Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1272 of

Page 1273: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1273 of

Page 1274: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 21, 2016, 9:37 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Tuckahoe LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1274 of

Page 1275: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.NO BIKE LANES

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1275 of

Page 1276: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 21, 2016, 9:01 AM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneMelrose StreetTuckahoe Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1276 of

Page 1277: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1277 of

Page 1278: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 21, 2016, 8:20 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1278 of

Page 1279: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1279 of

Page 1280: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Jon Mapley-Brittle inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 21, 2016, 7:55 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Tuckahoe LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1280 of

Page 1281: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Bicycle improvements and slowing the speed of traffic leaving king street will make my children's and my livessafer.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1281 of

Page 1282: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 21, 2016, 6:00 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1282 of

Page 1283: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1283 of

Page 1284: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Patty Collins inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 20, 2016, 11:10 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1284 of

Page 1285: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.we also need to reduce the speed of vehicles who use Scrogins as a cut through from King to Braddock. Carsroutinely speed coming off of King Street

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1285 of

Page 1286: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 20, 2016, 8:28 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1286 of

Page 1287: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

none of the above (please comment below)

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1287 of

Page 1288: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 20, 2016, 8:24 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1288 of

Page 1289: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

none of the above (please comment below)

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.put up lights if need safety!

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1289 of

Page 1290: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 20, 2016, 8:23 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Radford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1290 of

Page 1291: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

none of the above (please comment below)

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1291 of

Page 1292: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 20, 2016, 8:22 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1292 of

Page 1293: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

none of the above (please comment below)

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box will be a disaster!

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1293 of

Page 1294: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 20, 2016, 4:15 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Kenwood AvenueRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1294 of

Page 1295: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I live at 3337 King St and planted islands may make it very difficult to turn and/or pull out of my driveway. Whilethere is no "turn" lane, most people turn quickly and it's nice to pull into a lane without stopping traffic in theother. I understand it's tough with so many opinions but I just think a bike lane to nowhere really wont be used.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1295 of

Page 1296: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 20, 2016, 11:57 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Place of Worship

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1296 of

Page 1297: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

none of the above (please comment below)

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I oppose all options, people in Alexandria will stop and not drive around buses or mail trucks causing incrediblecongestion!

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1297 of

Page 1298: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 20, 2016, 11:53 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Place of Worship

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1298 of

Page 1299: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

none of the above (please comment below)

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I am not in favor of spending more money for more bike lanes!

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1299 of

Page 1300: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 20, 2016, 11:52 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1300 of

Page 1301: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

none of the above (please comment below)

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.trees in the street? really??

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1301 of

Page 1302: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 20, 2016, 11:50 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1302 of

Page 1303: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?none of the above (please comment below)

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1303 of

Page 1304: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 20, 2016, 11:47 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Radford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1304 of

Page 1305: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

none of the above (please comment below)

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box need to change anything

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1305 of

Page 1306: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 20, 2016, 11:43 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1306 of

Page 1307: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1307 of

Page 1308: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 20, 2016, 5:56 AM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Radford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1308 of

Page 1309: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

none of the above (please comment below)

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I want the city to build a flyover on King at Quaker/Braddock, raise the speed limit to 45 MPH, and widen the 2-lane stretch by knocking down the houses along it. If those people in Taylor Run don't like those of us in OldTown speeding through their neighborhood, they should move.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1309 of

Page 1310: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 19, 2016, 11:51 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1310 of

Page 1311: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Please make bicycling safer in Alexandria, especially near schools. Please reduce the speed limit on King St to25 mph.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1311 of

Page 1312: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Richard Vanderhoeven inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 19, 2016, 9:02 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Place of Worship

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1312 of

Page 1313: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.The crosswalk at Scroggins is misplaced: westbound drivers can't see pedestrians on the Scrogginsside...even if they were inclined to stop. WHICH NO ONE IS, but pedestrians on Scroggins side can't seewestbound cars on King Street.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1313 of

Page 1314: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 19, 2016, 5:05 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1314 of

Page 1315: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1315 of

Page 1316: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 19, 2016, 5:00 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1316 of

Page 1317: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1317 of

Page 1318: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 19, 2016, 3:03 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide more accessible transit stopsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1318 of

Page 1319: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1319 of

Page 1320: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 19, 2016, 1:42 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Kenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1320 of

Page 1321: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1321 of

Page 1322: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown outside City Boundary (registered) February 19, 2016, 11:53 AM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1322 of

Page 1323: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Strongly in favor of bike lanes on King Street

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1323 of

Page 1324: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 19, 2016, 11:00 AM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1324 of

Page 1325: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1325 of

Page 1326: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 19, 2016, 8:43 AM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1326 of

Page 1327: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1327 of

Page 1328: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 19, 2016, 7:00 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1328 of

Page 1329: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1329 of

Page 1330: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 19, 2016, 5:37 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrianMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1330 of

Page 1331: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1331 of

Page 1332: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 18, 2016, 7:15 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1332 of

Page 1333: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1333 of

Page 1334: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 18, 2016, 7:12 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1334 of

Page 1335: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Option 3 looks great!

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1335 of

Page 1336: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Jennifer Hovis inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 18, 2016, 5:13 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1336 of

Page 1337: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Option 3 achieves all the goals and has barely any impact on travel speeds, so there are no down sides. But itis unclear why the buffered bike lanes depicted between Chinquapin and Janney's can't apply for the entirety ofthe street. This is safer for bikes and the continuity avoids confusion that could cause accidents. It also seemsthat if one of the stated concerns is vehicle speed, then there should be a reduction of the speed limit to 25.That is not unreasonable given that it is a residential neighborhood with driveways. Please do not install thespeed bumps that are popping up around town - the new style are way too high/harsh, and Monroe Ave in DelRay has a terrible problem with cars swerving into the bike lanes to avoid driving over the speed bumps. It isonly a matter of time before someone on a bike gets hurt.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1337 of

Page 1338: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 18, 2016, 3:52 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1338 of

Page 1339: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1339 of

Page 1340: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 18, 2016, 3:47 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1340 of

Page 1341: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1341 of

Page 1342: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 18, 2016, 3:31 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Place of Worship

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1342 of

Page 1343: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.You do realize that off-forum, unclaimed responses could all be coming from just a couple people. Sometimesyou can't even tell by checking the IP addresses. You should discard any responses for which there was nosign-in, including this one.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1343 of

Page 1344: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 18, 2016, 3:25 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1344 of

Page 1345: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.This would make King Street so much nicer.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1345 of

Page 1346: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 18, 2016, 3:20 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1346 of

Page 1347: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.King Street is full of speeders. I'm worried about the safety of kids going to TC Williams along here.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1347 of

Page 1348: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Judith Fogel inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 18, 2016, 8:15 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1348 of

Page 1349: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1349 of

Page 1350: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 17, 2016, 5:48 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1350 of

Page 1351: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1351 of

Page 1352: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 17, 2016, 4:12 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1352 of

Page 1353: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box lanes reducing the # of traffic lanes causes too much congestion

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1353 of

Page 1354: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 17, 2016, 3:29 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Radford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1354 of

Page 1355: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Option three will create so much gridlock it will back up King Street west to 395 and back up the East portionback to old town. This will hurt commuters, consumers, and parents and busses picking children up and anyevents at TC Williams. Three to fourteen bikers do not by any means warrant the costly changes to this stretchof road.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1355 of

Page 1356: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 17, 2016, 3:17 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1356 of

Page 1357: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box lanes reducing # of lanes causes too much congestion

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1357 of

Page 1358: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 17, 2016, 2:25 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide more accessible transit stopsMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1358 of

Page 1359: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.1% commute by bicycle; 90.4% by motorized vehicles, buses carry multiple commuters. Options 2 & 3 make sosense. Existing King Street bike lanes (Janney's Lane to Rosemont) are empty almost all the time. Only a 3additional cyclist increase in the peak hour since installation and negative impact on safety of residents.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1359 of

Page 1360: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 17, 2016, 2:24 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1360 of

Page 1361: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1361 of

Page 1362: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 17, 2016, 1:59 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide more accessible transit stopsMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1362 of

Page 1363: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1363 of

Page 1364: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 17, 2016, 12:43 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Place of Worship

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speeding

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Tuckahoe Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1364 of

Page 1365: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Over the years they removed the divider between lanes due to accidents when cars were on wrong side ofdivider, do not want dividers. The speed limit is too fast it needs to be reduced to 30 and then monitored. Toomany people speed through but do not want more stops because congestion will make it impossible to evercross. If traffic were slower than we can time when to cross.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1365 of

Page 1366: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 17, 2016, 10:26 AM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1366 of

Page 1367: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1367 of

Page 1368: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 17, 2016, 7:55 AM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1368 of

Page 1369: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.pedestrian safety and bike safety should be the top priority. Bike lanes are a must

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1369 of

Page 1370: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 17, 2016, 7:51 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1370 of

Page 1371: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.This thoroughfare is already crowded and backed up enough with vehicular traffic. It would be a huge mistaketo take away any other lanes of traffic. There is plenty of room for pedestrians and cyclists on the proposedsidewalks.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1371 of

Page 1372: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 17, 2016, 7:43 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1372 of

Page 1373: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Improving safety for pedestrians and bikes is the top priority, in my opinion. Bike lanes are a priority

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1373 of

Page 1374: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 16, 2016, 8:20 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanesnone—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1374 of

Page 1375: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Narrowing or eliminating lanes on an already busy thoroghfare is short sighted in fixing problems on this andother areas of King. The city should also have data driven solutions and metrics for end results, and take theactual residents perspectives who live in this area versus those that don't and want to impact it for their specialinterests.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1375 of

Page 1376: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 16, 2016, 8:10 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1376 of

Page 1377: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1377 of

Page 1378: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 16, 2016, 4:51 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Albany AvenueQuincy StreetRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1378 of

Page 1379: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1379 of

Page 1380: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 16, 2016, 4:47 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speeding

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1380 of

Page 1381: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Option #1 seems to me the best solution. Trying to be all things to all people rarely works. I've lived here formany years and King St seems to be doing a pretty good job in moving people from one end to the other. Ofcourse, there is the occasional slowdown, but that is to be expected in an urban and mobile area. Options 2 &3 will, I think, will bring more congestion. As a resident and walker, I note the biggest problem is the speed of vehicles racing along this stretch of King.The biggest improvement, in my opinion, is to lower the speed to 30/32 mph as it transitions to lower King. Inotice that when the vehicles are being monitored by radar and they slow to the posted limit, the street is muchcalmer. A slightly slower speed should also make it safer for pedestrians. In addition, my residence is on King St with my driveway's egress and ingress directly onto King, it will bealmost impossible to get a break to leave or enter if either option 2 or option 3. Option 1 is my preference.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1381 of

Page 1382: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 16, 2016, 3:01 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1382 of

Page 1383: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1383 of

Page 1384: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 16, 2016, 2:57 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1384 of

Page 1385: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1385 of

Page 1386: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 16, 2016, 12:35 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Tuckahoe LaneScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1386 of

Page 1387: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1387 of

Page 1388: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Eldon Boes inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 16, 2016, 10:53 AM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1388 of

Page 1389: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1389 of

Page 1390: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 16, 2016, 7:39 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1390 of

Page 1391: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.It would be a godsend to be able to safely bike to school and the rec center. Currently I would never allow mychildren to bike along this area of King but if there was a bike lane and buffer we would use our bikes ratherthan our cars everyday!

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1391 of

Page 1392: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 16, 2016, 7:29 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?School/Daycare

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1392 of

Page 1393: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I ride my bike to work every day, Spring - Fall and avoid King Street in its current state at all costs due to safetyconcerns. Option 3 would reduce my commute time to work and allow for recreational/errands to be done onmy bike with my family. It would greatly improve the safety and aesthetics of the area, a win-win.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1393 of

Page 1394: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 15, 2016, 9:37 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1394 of

Page 1395: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1395 of

Page 1396: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 15, 2016, 9:09 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Place of Worship

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1396 of

Page 1397: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1397 of

Page 1398: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 15, 2016, 8:50 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Quincy StreetKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1398 of

Page 1399: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1399 of

Page 1400: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 15, 2016, 8:42 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide more accessible transit stopsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1400 of

Page 1401: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1401 of

Page 1402: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 15, 2016, 5:40 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1402 of

Page 1403: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1403 of

Page 1404: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 15, 2016, 5:38 PM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide more accessible transit stopsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Kenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1404 of

Page 1405: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1405 of

Page 1406: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 15, 2016, 5:24 PM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide more accessible transit stopsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneMelrose StreetChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1406 of

Page 1407: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1407 of

Page 1408: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 15, 2016, 2:57 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadQuincy Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1408 of

Page 1409: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1409 of

Page 1410: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 15, 2016, 1:01 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No response

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide more accessible transit stopsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1410 of

Page 1411: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Option 3 makes King Street safer for all road users with minimal impact on travel time.

Current conditions do not make it safe for pedestrians to cross - particularly at places like Melrose andScroggins. Please consider reducing vehicle speeds to 25 mph on this part of King Street, which would greatlyimprove pedestrian safety and continues the speed on the section of King east of Janey's Lane.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1411 of

Page 1412: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 15, 2016, 12:15 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1412 of

Page 1413: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I believe options reducing travel lanes will increase congestion and decrease safety.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1413 of

Page 1414: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Andrew Krakowski inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 15, 2016, 11:12 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneMelrose Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1414 of

Page 1415: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1415 of

Page 1416: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 15, 2016, 9:51 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Tuckahoe LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1416 of

Page 1417: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1417 of

Page 1418: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 15, 2016, 9:49 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1418 of

Page 1419: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1419 of

Page 1420: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Scott Schwartz inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 15, 2016, 9:37 AM

What is your zip code?22312

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Tuckahoe LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1420 of

Page 1421: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Living here the last 20+ years, we'd love to see buried electric/phone/cable wires and elimination of phonepoles in the project area, even with a special taxing district. We live on Bayliss.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1421 of

Page 1422: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 15, 2016, 9:17 AM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1422 of

Page 1423: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1423 of

Page 1424: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 15, 2016, 9:15 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speeding

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1424 of

Page 1425: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

none of the above (please comment below)

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Option 1 looks like what we currently have now. WE NEED A STREET LIGHT AT SCROGGINS ANDBRADDOCK. The proposed King Street options are NOT needed and a complete waste of taxpayer money.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1425 of

Page 1426: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Gail Gordon inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 15, 2016, 9:02 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Tuckahoe LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1426 of

Page 1427: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?none of the above (please comment below)

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.None of the options listed here are good. What is needed most is enforcement of the existing law that driversstop for pedestrians at crosswalks. I walk King St almost every day. Almost no one ever stops when I am waitingat a marked crossing. We need flashing lights at crossings reminding drivers to STOP for pedestrians andpolice on the road for awhile writing big tickets for drivers who fail to stop and who speed.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1427 of

Page 1428: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 15, 2016, 8:54 AM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1428 of

Page 1429: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1429 of

Page 1430: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 15, 2016, 8:29 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1430 of

Page 1431: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1431 of

Page 1432: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 15, 2016, 7:30 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islands

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1432 of

Page 1433: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1433 of

Page 1434: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 15, 2016, 12:21 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadQuincy StreetChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1434 of

Page 1435: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1435 of

Page 1436: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 14, 2016, 11:35 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1436 of

Page 1437: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1437 of

Page 1438: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 14, 2016, 7:23 PM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1438 of

Page 1439: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1439 of

Page 1440: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 14, 2016, 5:47 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1440 of

Page 1441: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1441 of

Page 1442: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 14, 2016, 5:01 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1442 of

Page 1443: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1443 of

Page 1444: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 14, 2016, 4:14 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneMelrose Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1444 of

Page 1445: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1445 of

Page 1446: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Jerry King inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 14, 2016, 4:10 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC Williams

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1446 of

Page 1447: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Pedestrian safety should be the overwelming priority for this project.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1447 of

Page 1448: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Julie Fischer inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 14, 2016, 4:06 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1448 of

Page 1449: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1449 of

Page 1450: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 14, 2016, 3:12 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Place of Worship

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood AvenueRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1450 of

Page 1451: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I see the biggest opportunity for improvement being "calming" of traffic. Option 3 is the one that accomplishesthis.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1451 of

Page 1452: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 14, 2016, 7:39 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?planted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1452 of

Page 1453: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1453 of

Page 1454: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 13, 2016, 9:44 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?No response

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1454 of

Page 1455: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1455 of

Page 1456: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 13, 2016, 8:40 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsReduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Tuckahoe LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1456 of

Page 1457: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1457 of

Page 1458: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Chris Slatt inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 13, 2016, 8:11 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s Lane

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1458 of

Page 1459: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1459 of

Page 1460: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 13, 2016, 8:01 PM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1460 of

Page 1461: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Option 3 will offer the most benefits to all users of the roadway. People walking, cycling, and driving will have amore pleasant experience and it will return this part of King to its rightful status as a neighborhood street.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1461 of

Page 1462: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 13, 2016, 5:47 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1462 of

Page 1463: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.King Street is a major throughfare and just needs to be paved and left alone!!!!

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1463 of

Page 1464: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 13, 2016, 5:38 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Place of Worship

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1464 of

Page 1465: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.King St. should be left as is, 2 lanes in each direction. There should be a way to mix and match items from each option. It should not be all or nothing.

There is already separation of vehicles and pedestrians. There are wide sidewalks along this entire corridor.There is even a median strip of grass between the curb and the sidewalk along pretty much the entire corridor,the only exception is in front of Ivy Hill Cemetery.

There is no need for any bike lanes along this corridor. Students going to TC Williams as well as any otherpeople that ride bicycles can ride on the sidewalks if they don't feel comfortable riding in the street. The road iswide enough for sharing the road and for allowing the 3 foot passing rule.

Do not use the "if they build it they will come" theory. There should be specific data or criteria used todetermine if a bike lane is warranted. At this time it doesn't appear that the city has data to support adding bikelanes in this corridor.

Include pedestrian improvements with Option 1. clearly marking crosswalks at all streets (Radford, Kenwood,Scroggins, Tuckahoe, Albany, Kings Cloister Ct., Hermitage, and Melrose). Add a flashing pedestrian beacon at Melrose. Lower the speed limit to 25 mph in this entire stretch.

Consider dedicated left turn arrows at the current traffic lights (and lanes) at Kenwood and Chinquapin Drive toallow for turning into TC Williams. This would help traffic flow much more easily into the school especially forthe morning drop off and afternoon pick up.

Please add or build a cut out in front of TC to create a right turn lane from King St. onto Chinquapin Dr. (thereis one at Kenwood to turn into the front of TC)

Do not move the bus stop on King at Kenwood to the other side of the intersection. That is too far for studentsto walk. They won't use it and it will create more students running across the street.

Do not take away the ability to take a left turn from King St. onto Kenwood. Taking away this turn would createadditional back ups at the lights at Quaker and Braddock.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1465 of

Page 1466: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 13, 2016, 5:27 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide more accessible transit stopsProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1466 of

Page 1467: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Option 3 has the best pedestrian improvements overall, including the greatest separation of pedestrians fromtraffic, with minimal impact on vehicle speeds.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1467 of

Page 1468: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 13, 2016, 4:54 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Social

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1468 of

Page 1469: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1469 of

Page 1470: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 13, 2016, 4:41 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1470 of

Page 1471: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1471 of

Page 1472: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 13, 2016, 1:32 PM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?No response

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1472 of

Page 1473: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?none of the above (please comment below)

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Bike Lanes need to be physically separated from the Drive lanes. Option 3 should have raised concrete barrierbetween bikes and cars; a 2' painted buffer will only be driven over by cars and will allow cars to park in bikelane.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1473 of

Page 1474: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 13, 2016, 1:27 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Kenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1474 of

Page 1475: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Two vehicle travel lanes should be maintained in each direction. The recent left turn only lane at King andJanney's westbound was not needed and creates backups where none existed previously. Maybe put in to leadinto Options 2 and 3?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1475 of

Page 1476: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 13, 2016, 1:16 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Kenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1476 of

Page 1477: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.The current two vehicle traffic lanes in each direction should be maintained. The westbound left turn lane atKing and Janney's backs up traffic westbound and the intersection was not a problem until the left turn onlylane. Please remove it.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1477 of

Page 1478: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 13, 2016, 11:20 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsnone—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1478 of

Page 1479: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Bike lanes are unnecessary and would create traffic delays and safety concerns for King St. residents pullingonto and off the street. I am a King St. resident that will be directly affected by this project and I am stronglyagainst bike lanes. There is no need for dedicated bike lanes; building them will not increase bike riders onKing St., and only waste taxpayer dollars. What is the cost difference between the three options? To make afully informed decision, the tax-payers should be informed about the costs for each option.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1479 of

Page 1480: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 13, 2016, 11:01 AM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1480 of

Page 1481: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1481 of

Page 1482: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (unverified) February 13, 2016, 10:48 AM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1482 of

Page 1483: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1483 of

Page 1484: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 13, 2016, 10:19 AM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1484 of

Page 1485: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1485 of

Page 1486: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 13, 2016, 10:03 AM

What is your zip code?22304

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1486 of

Page 1487: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Speeds on this section of King Street are too fast and the city needs to take action to reduce them. We havekids who walk to/from TC Williams and many times it's dangerous for them. Also Speed limits are not enforcedby APD. We need a 25 mph speed limit on all of King St.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1487 of

Page 1488: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 13, 2016, 9:46 AM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Place of Worship

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins RoadChinquapin DriveKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1488 of

Page 1489: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.I believe that the pedestrian cross walks from Option 2 or 3 can be done in conjunction with Options 1. The city seems to give the impression that it is all or none. That should not be the case.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1489 of

Page 1490: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 12, 2016, 7:22 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1490 of

Page 1491: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.My family and I have lived at King and Janneys for 25+ years. We fully understood when we bought our homethat we purchased a home on one of the City's few through streets/thoroughfares. It was important to us in1990 and it remains important to us today to actually be able to drive through Alexandria expeditiously. Now,though, we face new residents and non-vehicular commuters who insist their rights trump those of us who havelived here and observed the rules of the road for a long time. There is no one who lives on the King StreetCorridor who can claim they didn't know they would be living on a very busy street when they bought theirhome. Likewise, we have cyclists who contend their right to ride a bike whenever and where ever they desiretrumps the right of drivers to be able efficiently to move within Alexandria. King Street was made 4 lanes for areason. Those living, working, and running businesses in the city need some efficient roads to take trafficthrough and around the city. It is astonishing that the city administration has increasing lost sight of this. If thiscontinues the economic impact on businesses and then residents who will be forced, again, to make up the lostcommercial tax will choke the city economy.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1491 of

Page 1492: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 12, 2016, 6:29 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1492 of

Page 1493: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1493 of

Page 1494: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 12, 2016, 6:17 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1494 of

Page 1495: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Reducing the speed limit is critical. Relook at Melrose, very complicated with cars peds and the 2 drivewaysacross and out of alignment with Melrose may be grounds for a signal.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1495 of

Page 1496: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Lynne Niechniedowicz inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 12, 2016, 6:15 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Kenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1496 of

Page 1497: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

none of the above (please comment below)

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1497 of

Page 1498: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 12, 2016, 5:56 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Kenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1498 of

Page 1499: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1499 of

Page 1500: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Robert Dunn inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 12, 2016, 5:48 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Place of Worship

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1500 of

Page 1501: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1501 of

Page 1502: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 12, 2016, 4:41 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Scroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1502 of

Page 1503: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1503 of

Page 1504: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 12, 2016, 4:10 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneQuincy StreetKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1504 of

Page 1505: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1505 of

Page 1506: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Sue D Gunter inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 12, 2016, 4:04 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Place of Worship

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Improve pedestrian safety near TC WilliamsProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsleft turn only lanesslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Chinquapin DriveKenwood AvenueRadford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1506 of

Page 1507: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Option 3 addresses safety issues for all users.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1507 of

Page 1508: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 12, 2016, 3:51 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Place of Worship

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide more accessible transit stopsMaintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?left turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1508 of

Page 1509: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1509 of

Page 1510: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 12, 2016, 2:47 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1510 of

Page 1511: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1511 of

Page 1512: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 12, 2016, 2:46 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Maintain comparable travel times for drivers

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?none—not in favor of any improvements

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1512 of

Page 1513: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1513 of

Page 1514: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 12, 2016, 2:40 PM

What is your zip code?22314

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Recreation Center/Park

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Janney’s LaneChinquapin Drive

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1514 of

Page 1515: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Increase capacity for bicycling traffic

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1515 of

Page 1516: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 12, 2016, 2:01 PM

What is your zip code?22301

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Reduce vehicular speedingProvide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facility

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsslower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1516 of

Page 1517: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.Only option 3 provides a significant safety improvement for all users. The other options continue to put theconvenience of cut-thru driving commuters ahead of Alexandrians' safety.

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1517 of

Page 1518: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not available (unclaimed) February 12, 2016, 1:38 PM

What is your zip code?I don't reside within any of the zip code areas listed above.

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?Work

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide more accessible transit stops

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?slower speeds of turning vehicles

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Radford Street

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1518 of

Page 1519: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1519 of

Page 1520: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 12, 2016, 1:34 PM

What is your zip code?22302

Do you live within the project area?Yes

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestrians

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossings

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins Road

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1520 of

Page 1521: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

What option do you prefer?Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1521 of

Page 1522: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Name not shown inside City of Alexandria (registered) February 12, 2016, 12:39 PM

What is your zip code?22305

Do you live within the project area?No

Project Area Map

Other than your place of residence, what is your main destination on King Street?No destinations--I use King Street to travel elsewhere.

What are your top priorities for this project? Please choose no more than three answers.Provide safer crossings for pedestriansProvide a safe and accessible bicycle facilityProvide greater separation between vehicles and pedestrian

What intersection safety improvements �are most important to you?safer & shorter street crossingsplanted pedestrian islandsleft turn only lanes

What intersections are in need of the most improvement?Melrose StreetScroggins RoadKenwood Avenue

Option 1: Complete Street Maintenance

Option 2: Pedestrian Accessibility Intersection Enhancements

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1522 of

Page 1523: King Street Complete Streets Project - AlexandriaVA.Gov...Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements 65.8% 499 none of the above (please comment below) 3.7% 28 If you responded

Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

What option do you prefer?Option 3: Complete Streets Corridor Improvements

If you responded "none of the above," or have comments on any of the options, please use this box torespond.No response

King Street Complete Streets ProjectWhat will make your experience on King Street complete?

All Responses sorted chronologically

As of January 13, 2017, 5:16 PM Page 1523 of

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