Page 1: Kir - Harvard · In the author's analysis, equation (20) is the last step of di-mensional analysis. To

f ° l ° t ° = ( 3 5 )

Equating the exponents of like dimensions in equation (35) re-sults in ft = 0, a 3 = 0, 73 = —1. Hence



Equation (27) can now be written as

7Ti = f(ir2, ir3)

T a b l e 5

Symbol Units da T

dN L

&o F/L1

a L W L Dimensionally independent c F/L2 Dimensionally independent

cU dT dN dT


1 IT





Dimensionless independent

da 1 dN' a

= /

dt &G dT_ c' dN



With Specimen of Finite Width. It is assumed that

da dN

|\ dt dNl - - J (38)

( 4 5 )

Equating like dimensions in equation (45) results in ft = —1, ai = 0, 71 = 0. Hence

1 1T2 = &0" (46)

Equation (38) is the same as equation (27) except that finite width W is involved. To perform the dimensional analysis, one has the values given in Table 5.

In this case there will be four 7r-equations which are expressed as follows:

The dimensional equation of is

F°L0T0 = (L)l-La' arm (47)

TT l - m ^ H w

K i r - m - ^ - m

7T2 = { & 0 Y - W m -

7T3 = (o)1-T7OT-c^'- —

T 4





Equating like dimensions in equation (47) gives ft = 0, a> — 1 , 7 . = 0. Hence

7T3 = W


The dimensional equation for T t is

It has been chosen that in equations(39)to(42) four linear inde-pendent sets of exponents are

w = ( i ) i < L > < w - ( i 7 ) * ( i r ( 4 9 )

Equating like dimensions in equation (49) yields ft = 0, o^ = 0, 7< = —1. Hence


(da\ „ ( dt \°

/ r f a V , , A

V* ~ d r / d r (50)


or one has

7T1 = / ( X i , 7T|, 7T4)

da dN W

dt/dT 1 (F L c ' IF' d i v / d r j 1 0 '

One now has four sets of algebraic equations for four sets of un-known exponents:

oti, ft, 7i, <*>, ft, 72, «3, ft, 7«. and a,, ft, yt.

The dimensional equation for wi is

F0L"T" = LlLm- — ) • — (43)

Equating like dimensions in equation (43) yields ft = 0, ai = — 1, 7i = 0. Hence

7Ti _ / da \ J^ ~ \dNj W

D I S C U S S I O N James R. Rice2

The author's paper constitutes a useful addition to the available experimental data on crack propagation and provides further sup-port of Paris' [16, 17]3 suggestion that fatigue crack growth rates may be correlated in terms of the variation of the elastic stress-in-tensity factor for the crack tip. There are, however, some ques-tions as to the validity of the author's theoretical work on the dimensional analysis of crack growth.

In the first dimensional analysis given in the Appendix for a


The dimensional equation for TI is

Journal of Basic Engineering

* Research Associate, Division of Engineering, Brown University, Providence, R. I.

• Numbers in brackets designate Additional References at end of this discussion.

S E P T E M B E R 1 9 6 7 / 4 9 3

Copyright © 1967 by ASME

Text Box
Discussion: “A Study of the Law of Crack Propagation” (Yang, C. T., 1967, ASME J. Basic Eng., 89, pp. 487–493) J. Basic Engineering 89, 493-494 (1967)
Page 2: Kir - Harvard · In the author's analysis, equation (20) is the last step of di-mensional analysis. To

crack in an infinite sheet, Yang introduces as the relevant



Variable Dimension da

L dN a L To F/L«

C F / L !

de 1 dT T dN 1 dT T

da dN


da dN K

the crack growth rate law is

da K' M = ( C O n s t ) ^

elastic modulus or the yield stress). Suppose we add to the fore-going lists of relevant variables a variable S:

Crack growth per load cycle

Current crack length Maximum applied stress (in this

case identical to stress range) Material constant

Strain rate at crack tip

Frequency of loading

de An immediate objection is that the strain rate — is not a primary

variable, but rather a variable that is derived from a proper solu-tion of the problem. If one wishes to deal with time-dependent material effects, a material constant such as some characteristic relaxation time should be introduced; or if one wishes to treat dynamic effects, the mass density of the material is appropriate. Yang's treatment amounts essentially to ignoring rate effects anyway, so let us drop the last two variables and procede to a proper dimensional analysis. The only dimensionless combina-tions are — -7^. and implying a propagation law

a dN C

Variable S

Dimension F/L

Meaning Material constant

There are good physical reasons to expect the appearance of a material constant with such dimensions. .Since fatigue crack growth involves the separation of surfaces, one might expect the surface energy (which has dimensions F/L) to be important. Also, a material constant entering into the Griffith-Irwin theory of fracture is the critical stress-intensity factor, and this reasona-bly may be expected relevant to fatigue crack growth. When squared and divided by a material constant with dimensions of stress, the resulting combination has dimensions F/L.

Let us now add S to the foregoing lists of relevant variables. Equation (52) is modified since now the only independent dimen-. , , . ,. C da a-g <rGa .

sionless combinations are — ——, —, ——, resulting in S dN C S

da dN ~ C}\C' s )


Similarly, in the case where it is appropriate to assume the in-fluence of loads and geometry are sensed solely through the stress-intensity factor, the independent dimensionless combinations are C da K* l5dN'CS' leadmg t0


as Yang obtains. This is quite in disagreement with both Yang's and Paris' experimental results.

Yang's reasoning in the introduction of the elastic stress-in-tensity factor is not particularly clear; however, the factor may be introduced into the dimensional analysis in a rational way. In accord with Paris' data and with one's intuition, it is reasonable to assume that so long as significant plastic deformation occurs only in a small region near the crack tip, the influence of external loadings and specimen geometry is sensed solely through the elastic stress-intensity factor K. In this case, the variables which Yang introduces as significant are modified, for rate insensitive materials, to

— = — dN C 3 (I) (55)

Dimension Meaning

L Crack growth per load cycle

F/L'** Maximum stress-intensity factor of applied loads (in this case iden-tical to stress-intensity factor range)

F/L2 Material constant

™ , • , • • • C2 da There ls now only one dimensionless combination, — — , and


This is the law introduced by Liu [18] from a similar dimensional analysis and again is in disagreement with available experi-mental data.

The reason for the discrepancy between these theoretical laws and available data is rather simple. As is well known, a dimen-sional analysis leads to proper results only if all the relevant variables are taken into account. On the other hand, the dimen-sional analyses of Yang and of Liu [18] assume that the only ma-terial constants entering into the problem have dimensions of stress (for example, C in Yang's paper, which may stand for the

Equation (55) is sufficiently general to account for Paris' observa-tion that fatigue crack growth rate is a function of the variation in stress intensity factor, or to account for particular power laws such as the fourth power law which Paris found to be most suitable over the entire range of available data or higher power laws which Yang finds suitable for the limited range of data he obtains near the critical stress-intensity factor level of K.

A d d i t i o n a l References 16 P. C. Paris and F. Erdogan, "A Critical Analysis of Crack

Propagation Laws," J O U R N A L OF B A S I C E N G I N E E R I N G , T R A N S . ASME, Series D, vol. 85, 1963, p. 528.

17 P. C. Paris, "The Fracture Mechanics Approach to Fatigue," in Fatigue-An Interdisciplinary Approach, eds. Burke, Reed, and Weiss, Syracuse University Press, 1964, pp. 107-127.

18 H. W. Liu, "Fatigue Crack Propagation and Applied Stress Range—An Energy Approach," J O U R N A L OF B A S I C E N G I N E E R I N G , TRANS. A S M E , Series D , vol. 85, 1963, p. 116.

Author's Closure As a general rule, in dimensional analysis [2] it is very important

to list all variables that may influence the quantity of interest. If there is doubt about including a particular quantity, it is better to list it than to omit it. It is far less serious to include one too many variables than to omit one. An entirely erroneous result will be obtained from a dimensional analysis that does not include all important variables, whereas an extra variable would probably be dropped out in the analysis process. The worst thing that could happen due to the inclusion of one too many variables would be that an expression or equation would result which would be correct, though more complicated than necessary. Therefore, the author preferred to include de/dt in the varia-bles of interest at the beginning, even though it might not be con-sidered a prime variable.

Equation (53) by Mr. Rice already has been included by the author in equation (11), which is the same as equation (52). This was mentioned in the text on p. 488. In equation (52), if one lets /(<rG/c) = (constant) (cr6./c)2, equation (52) becomes equa-tion (53) directly.

4 9 4 I S E P T E M B E R 1 9 6 7 Transactions of the AS ME

Page 3: Kir - Harvard · In the author's analysis, equation (20) is the last step of di-mensional analysis. To

In the author's analysis, equation (20) is the last step of di-mensional analysis. To get a definitive function of fi in equation (20), the author intended to plot da/dN versus aa (when a/w is kept constant) and to plot da/dN versus a/w (when aG is kept constant). The former would yield the power index of ((Tc/c) and the latter, the index of (a/w). This would seemingly lead to a power law equation. However, specific test data were not available. Therefore, Professor Paris' stress-intensity factor approach was finally followed.

It is a nice thought of Mr. Rice that he derived a power law equation, equation (52), directly from dimensional analysis by introducing a stress-intensity factor, K. But then, if one pre-sumes that K is the key factor in the problem, there really won't be much of a problem. This is not the author's original inten-

tion in working on this subject. Besides, the author has certain reservations about Mr. Rice's introduction of the surface energy and the ratio of critical stress-intensity factor, Kc, to a certain stress, as material constants. Whereas the former is not com-monly used quantitatively in mechanics, the latter, Ka is not a material constant at all, according to the test results from the author's laboratory and recent private communications with knowledgable people in the field.

Therefore, although the f(IO/cs) term in equation (55) could account for Professor Paris and the author's experimental power laws generally, the validity of the equation is questionable in practice.

The author would like to thank Mr. Rice for his interest in the problem.

Journal of Basic Engineering S E P T E M B E R 1 9 6 7 / 4 9 5

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