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Bringing Kiva Zip loans to low-income and financially excluded small businesses

in Brooklyn

Briefing to Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce

April 20131Monday, April 8, 2013

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972,016 entrepreneurs funded since 2005

1.3mil registered lenders

In 2012 alone, US$150 mil crowd-funded loans

US$1mil every 2.5 days!

First, a little bit about

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#10% interest loan product funded

entirely via online crowdfunding

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#2Small starter loans up to $5,000 designed for low

income and/or financially excluded entrepreneurs

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Or ... #3“Getting ordinary folks to fund

loans to those small businesses traditional lending

cannot reach.”

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Completely new model of microlending specifically addressing needs of US micro-entrepreneurs

Kiva Zip loans offer small biz 0% interest substitute to funding your working capital using credit cards

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Kiva Zip: reinventing small biz borrowing

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Kiva Zip: reinventing small biz borrowing

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Kiva Zip: reinventing small biz borrowing

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Kiva Zip: reinventing small biz borrowing

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Trust =

Character + Competence

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Kiva Zip “Trustees” and why they matter

In the Kiva Zip model of character-based lending, “Trustees” - organizations or individuals that work closely with small entrepreneurs - are absolutely crucial.

Trustees are those entrusted to recommend the most trustworthy small businesses for crowds to lend to:-

Identify eligible and deserving borrowers for 0% interest loan

Publicly endorse them on the Kiva Zip website

Support the borrower in their business (advice, mentorship, incubator space, networking)

Trustees have no financial risk if a borrower they endorse does not repay, but their reputation is tied to borrowers’ performance.

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How Kiva Zip works in practice:

Victor’s Cafeto CoffeeshopKiva Zip Story

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Victor, Cafeto and a 0%, $5,000 loan

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Victor’s ‘trustee’, MEDA

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MEDA ‘endorsed’ Victor

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Victor’s ‘crowd’ of lenders

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Lenders expressing support, and even becoming customers

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Victor updating his lenders

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Victor is now 100% repaid…

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…And he’s applying for a second, larger loanfor his 2nd coffee shop 1 year later!

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…And he’s applying for a second, larger loanfor his 2nd coffee shop 1 year later!

The best metric of all:Victor’s 2 new coffeeshops

created 7 new jobs that didn’t exist 13 months ago exist

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Victor then endorsed his friend Rocio for a loan

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What’s in it for trustees?

Empower Clients

If you already work with financially excluded clients (unproven startups, or low credit score entrepreneurs)...

Kiva Zip will give the clients you endorse access to 0% business loans they would otherwise not qualify for

Promote what you


If you already do great work in your community that largely goes unrecognized or unpromoted...

being a Kiva Zip trustee automatically allows you to promote your work (in your own words) to >1 mil socially-conscious Kiva lenders everywhere. Also participate in Kiva PR initiatives.

Increase Impact,

Help Fundraise

If your organization’s potential funders care about tangible impact (businesses helped, $$ generated, jobs created)...

Kiva Zip helps you help more small businesses take off, faster. Endorsing a deserving borrower online takes 15min. Reducing time and cost for raising capital means you can impact more.

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Examples of Organizations partnering Kiva Zip as trustees


GREENHORNSnonprofit, small farm-innovation

SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY Institute for Veterans & Military Families

TEAM ETSY LITTLE ROCKCommunity Center for African American Business

St Louis, MO

Oakland City Church (Pastor Josh McPaul)

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Trustees we’re partnering now in Brooklyn

CAMBA,Community Grassroots

& CDFI Flatbush

BOC Netnonprofit & CDFI - social and economic justice

RHONDA Schaller (individual)Artist, Writer, Educator at Pratt

Design Institute

TEAM ETSY New YorkCommunity of Etsy Sellers

Kiva needs BCOC’s help to connect/refer more grassroot organizations working with

excluded communities in BK - churches, communuty

outreach centers, education, immigrant communities, female empowerment

Recent BK-based Start-Uprecently funded via Kiva Zip in March 2013, wants to pay

it forward.

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Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce+ Local grass root orgs as trustees/recommenders

+ Kiva’s 1mil socially conscious lenders

Together: we can get work together to

finance good businesses commercial lending cannot reach

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Other resources: Press, About Kiva, Kiva Zip borrower video


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Kiva Zip: Some recent press stories

✴Bill Clinton Launches Kiva Zip in Little Rock, AK

✴Bill Clinton calls Kiva Zip a “very big deal” for small business

✴Kiva funds one million entrepreneurs

✴Huffington Post articles on Kiva Zip

✴Creating Jobs for Native Americans with Kiva Zip

✴Kiva Zip and Character based lending


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And finally....If I haven’t run out of time -

Video: “Crowdfunding Small Business in Brooklyn, NY - 1 small loan at a time


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Watch all loans as they happen live online!

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