Page 1: Knowledge Extraction and Linked Data: Playing with Frames

Knowledge Extraction and Linked Data: Playing with Frames

Valentina Presutti


Linked Data For Information Extraction @ ISWC 2016

Tuesday, October 18th 2016

Page 2: Knowledge Extraction and Linked Data: Playing with Frames

STLab team

Valentina Presutti Aldo Gangemi

Andrea NuzzoleseDiego Reforgiato

Martina Sangiovanni Mario CarusoGiorgia Lodi

Alessandro RussoLuigi Asprino

Piero Conca2

Page 3: Knowledge Extraction and Linked Data: Playing with Frames


• Frames as units of meaning (claim and intuition)

• Background on frames

• From entity-centric to frame-centric knowledge extraction

• Some STLab research projects and results

• Next and open issues


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Claim and intuition

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Frames naturally support knowledge reconciliation, regardless the logical, conceptual or syntactic

representation of knowledge sources

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To understand who speaks to us or a text we read

We identify the main entities and how they relate to each other within a schema (frame)

Frame occurrences + context-dependent reasoning

The intuition


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I went to the disco and I met a friend, who had lost her keys.

We spent the night looking for them.

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I went to the disco and I met a friend, who had lost her keys.

We spent the night looking for them.

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I went to the disco and I met a friend, who had lost her keys.

We spent the night looking for them.

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I went to the disco and I met a friend, who had lost her keys.

We spent the night looking for them.

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I went to the disco and I met a friend, who had lost her keys.

We spent the night looking for them.


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We want machines to perform this process

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Minsky [1]

“When one encounters a new situation […] one selects from memory a structure called a Frame. This is a remembered framework to be adaptedto fit reality by changing details as necessary.”

“A frame is a data-structure for representing a stereotyped situation, like being in a certain kind of living room, or going to a child's birthday party”

“We can think of a frame as a network of nodes and relations.”

“Collections of related frames are linked together into frame-systems”

Fillmore [2]

“[…] in characterising a language system we must add to the description of grammar and lexicon a description of the cognitive and interactional “frames” […]”

“The evolution toward language must have consisted in part in the gradual acquisition of a reportory of frames and of mental processes for operating with them, and eventually the capacity to create new frames and to transmit them.”

“[…] in order to perceive something or to attain a concept, what is […] necessary isto have in memory a repertoire of prototypes. The act of perception or conception being that of recognizing in what ways an object can be seens as an instance of one or another of theseprototypes.”

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Frame definition and representation

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N-ary relation f(e, e1,…en)

f is a first order logic relation

e is a variable for any event or situation described by f

ei is a variable for any of the entity arguments of f

An OWL n-ary relation pattern

the n-ary relation is the reification of f, i.e. e

the n objects represent the arguments of f

the n argument relations are binary projections of f including e

co-participation relations are binary projections of f not including e

Representing frames

“Hagrid rolled up a note for Harry in Hogwarts”

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From entity-centric to frame-centric design and extraction


Key terms àclasses/properties


Key situations àframes/patterns

Frames as units of meaning [3]

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From entity-centric to frame-centric knowledge extraction

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We want machines to perform this process

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This requires at least three ingredients:

Knowledge representation

Knowledge extractionAutomated reasoning and learning


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The Semantic Web and Linked Data

Knowledge representation

Knowledge extractionAutomated reasoning


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John Mary


October 12th, 2016 John


October 12th, 2016



Kobe John


Kobe Mary



The Semantic Web and Linked Data

Knowledge representation

Knowledge extractionAutomated reasoning

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OL & KE tools main focus:Named Entity extractionTaxonomy induction,

Relation extractionAxiom extraction, …

The Semantic Web and Linked Data

Knowledge representation

Knowledge extractionAutomated reasoning

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This is useful, but it’s not enough

Semantic heterogeneity

Lack of knowledge boundaries (context) [3]





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The role of frames in knowledge representation, extraction and interaction

Performing empirical observations on the web (in line with van Harmelen’s [4])

Using frames for driving the design of solutions to research problems and test their performance

Frames as units of meaning

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Some projects and results

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Frame-based knowledge extraction [5]

From text to linked data

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Frame-based Linked Data

“RicoLebruntaught visualartsattheChouinard ArtInstituteandattheDisneyStudios.HewasinfluencedbyMichelangeloandmaintained alifelongaffinity for


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FRED“The Black Hand might not have decided to barbarously assassinate Franz Ferdinand

after he arrived in Sarajevo on June 28th, 1914”

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Automatic selection of relevant binary projections of frames

Usable label generation

Formal alignment between frames and binary properties

Binary relations [6]

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Binary relation assessment

“Rico Lebrun taught visual arts at the Chouinard Art Institute and at the Disney Studios. He was influenced by Michelangelo and maintained a lifelong affinity for Goya and Picasso.”


ObjectSubject Object

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Binary property generation

vn.role:Actor1 ->“with”vn.role:Actor2 ->“with”vn.role:Beneficiary->“for”vn.role:Instrument ->“with”vn.role:Destination ->“to”vn.role:Topic ->“about”vn.role:Source ->“from”



teach art at

“Rico Lebrun taught visual arts at the Chouinard Art Institute and at the Disney Studios. He was influenced by Michelangelo and maintained a lifelong affinity for Goya and Picasso.”

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vn.role:Actor1 ->“with”vn.role:Actor2 ->“with”vn.role:Beneficiary->“for”vn.role:Instrument ->“with”vn.role:Destination ->“to”vn.role:Topic ->“about”vn.role:Source ->“from”




teach about

Binary property generation

“Rico Lebrun taught visual arts at the Chouinard Art Institute and at the Disney Studios. He was influenced by Michelangelo and maintained a lifelong affinity for Goya and Picasso.”

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Semantic Web triples and properties generation

“RicoLebrun taughtvisualarts attheChouinardArtInstitute andattheDisneyStudios.HewasinfluencedbyMichelangeloandmaintainedalifelongaffinity forGoya


dbpedia:Rico_Lebrun s:teachAbout dbpedia:Visual_arts .s:teachAbout a owl:ObjectProperty ;

rdfs:subPropertyOf fred:Teach;rdfs:domain wibi:Artist ;rdfs:range wibi:Art ;

grounding:definedFromFormalRepresentationfred-graph:a6705cedbf9b53d10bbcdedaa3be9791da0a9e94 ;

grounding:derivedFromLinguisticEvidence s:linguisticEvidence ;owl:propertyChainAxiom([ owl:inverseOf s:AgentTeach ] s:TopicTeach) .

_:b2 a alignment:Cell ;alignment:entity1 s:teachAbout ;alignment:entity2 <> ;alignment:measure "0.846"^xsd:float ;alignment:relation "equivalence" .

domain, range, subsumption


alignment toexistingLODvocabularies

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Evaluation tasks [7]


Tool/Task Topics NER NE-RS TE TE-RS Senses Taxo Rel Roles Events Frames+SRL

AIDA – + + – – + – – – – –Alchemy + + – + – + – + – – –

Apache Stanbol – + + – – + – – – – –CiceroLite – + + + + + – + + + +

DB Spotlight – + + – – + – – – – –FOX + + + + + + – – – – –FRED – + + + + + + + + + +NERD – + + – – + – – – – –Ollie – – – – – – – + – – –

Open Calais + + – – – + – – – + –PoolParty KD + – – – – – – – – – –

ReVerb – – – – – – – + – – –Semiosearch – – + – + – – – – – –

Tagme – + + + + – – – – – –Wikimeta – + – + + + – – – – –Zemanta – + – – – + – – – – –

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Topic detection and Opinion holder detection [8]

Sentiment propagation through frames and roles [9]

Sentiment analysis

“People hope that the President will be condemned by the judges”

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50 sentences from MPQA opinion corpus1 and Europarl corpus2

100 Sentence sentiment polarity of open rated hotel reviews (positive and negative)


Task Measure Value

Holder detection F1 0.95

Topic detection F1 0.68

Sub-topic detection

F1 0.77

Review sentiment vs. user scores

Avg. correlation 0.81



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Frame-based linked data shows an effective representation of discourse

Our ultimate goal is machine understanding, hence

an important issue is the limited coverage of existing resources and their integration with factual world knowledge

FrameBase [10] partially addresses this problem, starting from similar principles and intuitions

STLab has develop Framester [11,12]: a general web-scale integrated resource which integrates linguistic and world factual knowledge

(see Aldo’s presentation later)

Coverage and integration of linguistic and world knowledge

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Abstract, formalised frame model

generalised model of roles

Represents all resources’ entities in terms of its frame semantics

Links linguistic data with ontologies and facts (~43M triples)

Includes FrameBase’s ReDer rules


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Word-Frame-Disambiguation (frame detection)

any word, e.g. Shakespeare, write, alone, nicely, etc.

frames evoked by word senses

Outperforms Semafor and FrameBase

details to come in few minutes J

!!!Spoiler Warning!!!

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Helping people with Dementia and their carers

Natural language understanding

questionnaire for cognitive ability assessment

speech to tag (pictures, music, events, etc.)

reminiscence games and suggestions

suggesting missing words

understanding with partial information

Current project and challenge

Blah blah blah blahBlah blah blah blahBlah blah blah blahBlah blah blah blahBlah blah blah blahBlah blah blah blahBlahblahblahblahBlahblahblahblahBlahblahblahblah\

User-Robot KB

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Current work:

To integrate FRED and Framester for normalising results

Framester-driven Ontology Alignment (part of a PhD thesis under dev)

MARIO understanding component and evaluation (with datasets and PwD)

Open challenge:

How to combine statistical learning with our approaches?

we want FRED to learn from interaction experiences

we want to learn new rules and procedures, not only data (algorithm learning), and get their formalisation, explicitly

Next and open issues

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Stupid questions are only those that are not asked (Prof. Paolo Ciancarini)

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[1] Marvin Minsky: A Framework for Representing Knowledge. MIT-AI Laboratory Memo 306, June, 1974.

[2] Charles J Fillmore. Frame Semantics and the Nature of Language. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 280(1):20-32, 1976.

[3] Aldo Gangemi, Valentina Presutti: Towards a pattern science for the Semantic Web. Semantic Web 1(1-2): 61-68 (2010)

[4] Frank van Harmelen: The Web of Data: do we understand what we build?

[5] Aldo Gangemi, Valentina Presutti, Diego Reforgiato Recupero, Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese, Francesco Draicchio, Misael Mongiovì: Semantic Web Machine Reading with FRED. Semantic Web (To appear)

[6] Valentina Presutti, Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese, Sergio Consoli, Aldo Gangemi, Diego Regorgiato Recupero: From hyperlinks to Semantic Web properties using Open Knowledge Extraction pp. 351-378, Semantic Web, Volume 7, Number 4 / 2016.

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[7] Aldo Gangemi: A Comparison of Knowledge Extraction Tools for the Semantic Web. ESWC 2013: 351-366

[8] Aldo Gangemi, Valentina Presutti, Diego Reforgiato Recupero:Frame-Based Detection of Opinion Holders and Topics: A Model and a Tool. IEEE Comp. Int. Mag. 9(1): 20-30 (2014)

[9] Diego Reforgiato Recupero, Valentina Presutti, Sergio Consoli, Aldo Gangemi, Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese: Sentilo: Frame-Based Sentiment Analysis. Cognitive Computation 7(2): 211-225 (2015)

[10] Jacobo Rouces, Gerard de Melo, and Katja Hose. Framebase: Representing n-ary relations using semantic frames. ESWC 2015: 505-521

[11] Aldo Gangemi, Mehwish Alam, Valentina Presutti, Luigi Asprino and Diego Reforgiato Recupero: Framester: A Wide Coverage Linguistic Linked Data Hub. In Proceedings of EKAW 2016

[12] Aldo Gangemi, Mehwish Alam, Valentina Presutti: Word Frame Disambiguation: Evaluating Linguistic Linked Data on Frame Detection. LD4IE@ISWC 2016: 23-31

References cont.

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