Page 1: Kodacraft Advanced Photolab Manual


PRf lflf lf G /trz a,r-/r?6rq.

Page 2: Kodacraft Advanced Photolab Manual
Page 3: Kodacraft Advanced Photolab Manual



Kod..hfi r .i.l Prinr.r li.d.l A

3 Teni. ro.k.rlyp. kotr3-oncesroduotKoddt Dcrkt6r th.rhor.l.rKodol Glos stirinq rod2 |(oiolluni.r Filn CIip.

Brownie D.rt66r tonp ^.d.1B25+h..t po.rose ol Kod.l V.lir. ?.Per

! Kod..6ll 3 Kodo.toh Roll|iln AP.on4

2 (odal rri.Cfi.n Po.l.Koddc.dri Priiring l olknl

linclud.r 3 noslr t t 9 n gotir. ttzer' .ne ffi.k lot 2%'x /y." nd'.ti.e', the seo tutI tor 2t/.t , stL", t%"x |%", |-3h4" x |9/|6", ond23 r ronh nego,iYer, did$e $nd ffi'I t.t nesotives 2t/." | 21L", f in x 2t/'",lrhr x 2'/.t', dna / x 36nnt

. P.rhaps the most lascinating part of the photo-

eraphic h6bby is developing and pdntins yo'r ownpictues. You not only have lots of fun but you get

the rhril of watchi4 familiar scenes reappear beforeyour eys. Added to that is the enjoyment your friendswill g€t from thos€ extra prints you make ior them.

Read this book carefuly. Here are the basic meih'ods of developing and printing which ale tbe founda-rion of aU dekroom techriques, regardl€s! of howmuch equipment you may acquire latei on. Mos. ofthe steps can be done in room light. Some you nusl doin complete d&tn€$.

Follow the piclure story on the fo owing Pages

and get the molt from your hobby.

Page 4: Kodacraft Advanced Photolab Manual


The room in which you are goi.g to developrhefilm will have to be a temporary .larkroom.Tempordr). be.du\e rt $rll hdre ro be dart onlunr;l dre film detelopmenl br\ beeua. Ir doe5nlhave to be a fancy darkroom, just a daft roon-one that shurs out all ti8ht.

Ii')ou are Boing ro develop KodJt Ver.-chrome Frlm. )ou can use the B,osnre DarL-,oom Ldmp eren qhen rou a.e rol|n8 rhe fitn.inlo rhe hlm ap.on. lf )ou aje worting qrrnKodal Plu*X or \upcr X\ |anchromalic fitr,you must work in total darkness. The Iight of a,ed darlroom lamp will fuin Pluv\ or \upelXX Film.

In addrrion ro rhe irem. tu!rareJ )ou $itlneed 2 pint bottles.

4fler proce*ing )our negdri\(.. \.,\e rhe \ropbath aDd fixer formaking prinrs. Keep srop bathrnd rt\e' no lohc"t than 2 or J dd). l-re\h dc-veloper must be used for your prinrs.

Dissorve rh. .oireds or rhe ye owpo.ker or Kodok uniyeGot M.o Devel.ope. in 3 .ur.8 of worer or 63 f; rhe

Pour rhe soJurioi inro rhe devetopinsbnk. Dnsotve rhe .onrei! of rhe bt!epo.kerof devetop€f ii onorher s ovn.e3o, wdrer cnd .dd ro rhe rcnk. No*


Page 5: Kodacraft Advanced Photolab Manual


Whcn yo! u3e Xodok Tri-Chenvon.ed Phoro lob, tollor the mi:ins intru.rionr giv.n ii thi!bool rcrh€r rhcn lho!. ,uhi5hed wirh rhe Po.k. p.oc.sing 5ollrioni .on ..rroin ryp.r ofsurto.€.. For rhi3 reolon, plo.cpod ol ne%poper ro cbrorb ont rpilled .orlrioi.

Di*olve rh. contcit ol rhe red po.rctol Kodol Univ€aol SroP B.rh virh l.di-.aror in 3 ounces of wor€r in th. grcdu-ore. Pour rhe conrenk or th. groduoreinro. pinr blrtle thor.or b3 nopper€d.Ih€n dir.olve onorh.r Fo.kct ol sroP3.rh |lom rhe recond Tri-Chem Pork in3 ov.(* ol wot.r ond ddd ir ro rhe

botrle. Asoin wo5h our lhe sEduct..


Oi*olve rhe rontenk ot the green to.rer.l xodok univ.Eol Fixer in 3 oun<.!or wcter ond p.ur it into c tnt boitl..Dksolv€ o s.(ond po.ker ol rix.r in 3

.un.€! ol vdrer ond odd n ro th. bonl€.Rins. th€ 9rddoore €o.h rin. orl€r hit'

Ih. d€yeloper should b€ or 63 F ll th. d.Y€Loper n i.o *orn, ir will b. oyercdiv., ll roo

.old, it o.lion will be roo do* dnd !nd.rd€_velopne.r will r€3utr. rh. Xodok Dork160rThernon.t.r i! morked wilh o * o he ProP..rempercruE. Th. stoP b.rh cnd fircr sholld b3

l, th€ develop€r l€mPeldrore ; nore thon 2! ofi,.ool or wo.n ir bY Plo.iig rh€ rank

contoinins rhe dev.loper i. o lcrg. pai or.old or worm worer unlil rhe d€verop€r L or

rhe prcpd temper.rure, Ncver odd ic€or w6rer

dire.rly lo rhe 5ol!rion ii rhe rdik.

Scrore odaing dny s.lurion to the d€Y.iopingronk,.he.k rh€ temperotore ro sure it h.:

Page 6: Kodacraft Advanced Photolab Manual

tn t.,ot ddrknerr (B.o*iie Dorkroomrdnp wirh Kodok V€Ii.hrone tirn.nly).!nr. th€ prorecriv€ poper bockins asrcr o3 rhe end.t rhe 6tm. wirh rie ctn

ptd.e rhe end or rhefirn nentoihe toop€d end ofrhe opron.nd .orefurly b€sin ro rc rhe 6th inroth6oprcn. Keeping o nighr ren5ion,.ndholdiig borh rh€ .pfon ond rhe 6tn byrhe edg€r, roll rhe ren d rhe ntn inrorh€ dp'on rnrit you reo.h rhe sunmedtoPe. Tsor ofi rie sirhm.d roPe onddn.ord rhe So.kiig pcper dnd rhe 6tE

rower rhe frn .'d frtn cpron inro rh€d€veloper in the devetopins ronk ond

ihen s.verot tihe3.Plo(€ the weishr o. rhe rprcn ond pur

hir. The tishr5 .on


Jhk oufir .onroiis rh..e oprons; rhe widenopron for Xod.k 616 ond lt6 f Jh5, rhe noiiow-65r opro. ror Kodol 127 ntd, did rhe niddtewidth.prcn l.r Kodck 620 oid 120 6tmi.

Page 7: Kodacraft Advanced Photolab Manual

To be sure the develop€r work evenlyon oll rhe flrm, noY€ rh. tcnk virh ..n(ulor morion for abour t0 se.ondr.very midure ror T niiui*_

Pou. rh. d.v.loperoie of ihe taF-

Donl olov rhe ]iquid ro fil up rheon venr in rhe r.p or rhe ronk, Do

'orremove rhe .over rron rtr. rank d .h,3

afi.r rh. deveroPer h$ bs€i pour.dlron rh€ deveropins ronk, pour rhenop borh in rhrolsh th€.p.nins inrhe .ov.i Ro.k lhs rank lor l5 *Gordr ond tho. porr lh. itop both

Pour rh. lixer in rhrorsh ihs .p€ning in rh. .over ond [x rh€ nri fo.l0 hinubs, noving the rdnk obourteq!€ntlyr lh.n pour lhe fr:er ba(k

Tfie lcnk.on now bc opci6d, rh.*8ight

'.noved,.nd rhe dev€rop€d

flh voih.a in rhe bnr.Ihc d8Y.lop.rlhould be dis..rd.d

unJer3 nb b. ur.d.soin imncdi-or€ly lor o :..oid bll ot frlm. Ih€developer .on b3 u!€d tor develop-ing no more thon 2 6113 ol filn. Don.r ure devel.per whi.h h.s Seenu!€d for frrn, ro deYetop poP.r. rhenop borh c.d irer 6n b. k€Pr i.|h. bo le.lot oboul 2 or3 doy! cnd u3ed ro nr up to 502r, x 3rr-ir.h prinr. orth6ir €quiv.,lenl ii olh.r siz€! or 2 nor. 6lt ol

Page 8: Kodacraft Advanced Photolab Manual

Wo5h the 6lh lor ot ledn 30 ninures in run'ii.g edr€r ot obour 65 ro 70 F. The vorerrhould run rdn enorsh to refill lhe (oiroiier l0 b 12 rim* per houi Or, 3ookrhe frim lor 5 ninurei in €och ol6 chonges

of cledr wdrer, asirotins i o<6ionolly.Fix oid rhe nlns rhorcugnv rc thor

tour negaitves vill nor lod€ or d.y.lop

after wdhing, h.rg rh. filn up *irh ofiln dip on 8o.h 8nt. Wip€ lorg. vdt€rdrop5 frofr borh 5id€r with d KoddkPhoro Chonot5 or *irh . wod of verdb:orb€nr <odon did olloY rh€ filn rod.y, The v€ishr ol rhe.lip on rh€ iowcf3.d will reep rhe frlm rron curlins .5

Page 9: Kodacraft Advanced Photolab Manual

rei rhe fith dry oy€rnishr jn o dur,rre€PJo.e. Th.n curhoidrins rhen .or€fuly by rhe edsesro ovoid 6ngerprinL. The edse morkins

by rhe titn oproiwill nor hdrn !he nesoriver in ony wor,

rhe oproi ond rank 5houtd be worh€dond dfied before deyetopins o 5e.ond

A Xodok Nesorive Fite n ideot toiIr k€ep3 rheh decn

ond .o.h nesorive .on b€ 3een *ithourrhe iidivid,.r rons.

PRtI ltG

Your negatives ar€ now ready to be pdnted. printing

's lust as easy as developing the film and much more

. Wilh Kodak Velite Paper you can do yorr pdntingtn any room withsubdued lighr_jusr avoid direcr day_light or very bdght lights.

For prinling. a piece or phoroSmphic paper is er.posed ro $h're liebL rhroueb a begdli\e. The paper isdeveloped, fixed. washed, and rhen dried. Wherever itis exposed to light, the pape. develops dark. Since menegarive is dark wherever tle subject was light andvice ve^a, the print reproduces the tones of ihe suD-ject as they appeared io th€ eye.

Whenever you come upon a partictil&ly good pic-lure, remember to make a few exra prints for yourliiends. You will fnd ir mu€h ealier ro print .tupli-cates now than later,

Page 10: Kodacraft Advanced Photolab Manual

U you have already mixed the stop baih and fiier so-lunons for deveioping fiin, the devetopcr is the onrysolution thar will have to be hixed.

^ ror prnr, onl\ r oLnce. ofdeveloper are necescry.

DF\o,!e the conrerr. of rhe rc ow pdcl,er or Koda\unrverJl M-O Deretoper In 4 ounce. ol $Jrer in rheg,,Jd,Lte..r.68 f and pour ir inlo rhe devetoping ir").r nen add rhc.onten\ ot rhe blue pacter ot dc!etopel

Io__anothe.4 ounes of water and add ir to th€ ray.When de\elopirt pnn^. ptace rbe dLretoper rjJ) rorne re|l. barh ne\r. rnJ,he fi\e, rra\ ru rnershr. Thr5 s rh( sequence 11 qhicb rher q, ;e Lr\edbe \ure ro keep thc rern|erdrdre ot thc deleto4r dr68 F and the srop bath and fixer at 65 to ?o F

Kodak Velite paper is supplied formaKng contact prints. lt can be tDn_dled under any type of elecric liahtordinarily used in the home. The o;i_nary bulb is recommended because youcan use a surprising amount of tiEhrwithout fogging the paper; for example,a 60-wa!t lamp 5 fcer from the EaDerwill sive safe iltunination for 2 min_utes. With ffuorescenr light, high€rwattage lamps, or subdued davlisht in,doors, a test shouid be made t; fi;d outif the lighr is safe ornot. When makinga pnnt, keep the unused paper in theenvelope with the ffap closed.


Page 11: Kodacraft Advanced Photolab Manual

Remove the cover from the pdnter; screw fie tampsocket into the printcr; then screw the 60-watr lrosreql"-F EEffii"t" tt.

'ocket. Repiace the cover.

Relcase rhe Lwo relaininS cover arms .nd sringback the hinged cover. (Be sure rhe printer glass isclem free from dust and finger marks_before youstart-) Place a negative. dutl sidc up, on rhe prinrerglass in oDe of the comers near the cover hinge. Forwhite margins, selecr rhe mask with the conect r€sa_live opening. The mask should just cover .he clearedges of the rregative. Lay a sheet of photog.aphicpaper over the mask, shiny side down. Lower thehinged cover onto rhe gtass and lock the arm nea.e$tlrc hinge. Check the posirion of the negative, mask.and paper; then lock the other arm. Corner toading

prevents the paper slipping wh€n the cover isrepiaced and latched, md gives two margins of th€






Page 12: Kodacraft Advanced Photolab Manual

Aetore rurnine on rhe prinling tighl. be \urc rucover up tbe unuied pdper. lr can be \tipped baclInto its black envetop€.l. PEss the butron on the socket to tight rhe Drint_Dg ramp.2. A.fter tbe proper exposur€. about 5 seconds, rumon the tdmp,3. Be sure rbe lighr rs off belore you open the cu\erIo remove the erposed DaDe._4. Stide rhe paper into rLe deretoper so rhar rsrocarng tre rray gendy. this $ilt keep rhe diver_oper movrne across tie surface of rhe oaDer.

Atler 60 scond\ rhe print sboutd took flshlnor roo trghl. nor roo dark. erior..omerimeiap_

pear r€hr_ atrer 45 seconds: orhers may tate t2Usecond\. I rhe prinL ir r,oo dart in ie$ r;an aj 5<c.ono1..rne ne8alNe r! probably on rhe rhin .ide andaoeso t reed as much prinring rime ds atr averaSenegarr\e. It llle print is loo liShr e!en aller rlUseconds devetopmenr. ,r," *edtt". i, J,.r",,*"aEage and needs more prinrins rime.

_ -"lrer deletopmeDr. remove lbe print from ,neoerero?er. Ler ir drain for I or 2 5econdst lhetr pulue pflnl-h lhe srop batt. moving it for about r)secotrds. Now ptace it in rbe 6xing bath.

,-uo aot eerah) yop bath ot rt,er h h? dpvetoD4,( rs a Bood idea ro rinse and wipe vour rryotr ser your heds in any of th" *r;;;. - "'Leave rhe prinrr in rhe fi\in8 bdrb tor 5 ro r(,

minutes. Be sure to keepthe prints sepuated s;lhat they will be rhor_ousbly fixed.

One Kodit Tii-ChemPack wi process abourfrtty 2th x 3y'-nchprints or their equiva-lent b olher sizes.

Page 13: Kodacraft Advanced Photolab Manual

Wash you. pints for about an hour at 65 to 75 F.longer at lower temperarures, in a wa5hbasin, sink,or bathiub. Do not ler the siream of warer srrikethe prints directlyor ir may crack rhe pape.. lfyouoo nor have runmng wate.. soak the prints for 5ninutesin each of 12 changes of fresh, cteanwaE,.this will make the rorat washing tiDe an hour_

Remove the p.ints from the wash warer andhold rbem by a comer tor a fes seconds ro drainofi the water. Dry the prints face down on a sheelot clean. white blotting pape. or on a cteanj tinr

less towel of she€1. The Kodak photo Blo{er Rollis ideal for drying prints. See rhe descriprion of tbNaccessory on the inside back cover.

When the prints ar€ dry, lrim rh€ir marsins rouniform widrh wirh large scissols. Flatten rh;prin6by pai.ins them face ro face for 24 hours or inserund€r a weight. Your pictures wilt mean muchmore to you if you mount them in albums, withnames and dates for each. Kodak Rapid MoDntils(emenr males dn ercetleor adhe\ive for rhir pu.

Page 14: Kodacraft Advanced Photolab Manual

J .,,or,,*,*

ln few other proc€sses is cleanlinessmore important than in photogra-phy. The slightest trace of fixingbath in the developer or on the pa-per before it is dev€toped will spoila priDl.

wash your hands and dry themon a clean towel each time after han-dling prints in the frdng bath it:sn't enoush to just swish themthrough the riDse water.

Be systematic. in yoill work - de-velop a technique. You will get alot more fun out of your hobby andyou'll get better pictures too.

Before prnddng, be sure that theglass on the pdnt€r is clean. Everypiece of lint, 3pe.k of dust, andfing€rprint on the vill be rc-produced as light spots h the prints.

Good PicluresA hondboot for lhe ev€rydoyphotogropher. lt contoint pic'rur€-rdking fonddhentdlr forblo.k ond'while ond .alor, inoddition to info.motion on developins, printins, €nlorginq,

Page 15: Kodacraft Advanced Photolab Manual

Kodok iefurenceHandbookNeorly 400 pos€r of outhorito-tive techri@l inlornotion onphologrophic moleriok. prcc-e$e!, qnd rechniques, uniqlelyplonned for .onvenience ot orcle.enc. 3oure. ThL book .onbe tept up to dotc by replocingie.lionr wirh new editionr ofKoddk Dotd B@kr. lllustroted in

Kodok Photo Blotter RollFor drying print3. A roll .onri3t-inE ofo lensrh of lin.n+u oed,while bloiling pop.r on o 3uil-oble ruppod. Pi.k will hovele.r terdency lo .url.

Kodok Dorlroom AplonMode of rough vinyl plo.tic, lthos o woi3l.o.d lo lie thedp,onond hold o towel, a drip cufi otlhe botton io prore.t .lothingfrcm chenicol rroin3, ond ohondy nonrpill pocket.

avtilallo ton y0u1 lftftt d00l!r!

Page 16: Kodacraft Advanced Photolab Manual

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