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Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums

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Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (In English Criminal History of Christianity) is the main wo

of the author and church critic Karlheinz Deschner. It describes the misconduct attributed to variou

Christian churches, denominations, sects, and leagues, as well as its representatives and Christia

sovereigns during Christian history. The work covers the entire history of Christianity from its biblic

beginnings until the present. It was published in ten volumes beginning in 1986, with the final volu

appearing in March 2013.[1]

Partial or complete translations of this work have been published in Italian,[2] Spanish, Greek, Pol

and Russian.

Contents  [hide]

1 Summary

2 List of volumes with abstracts2.1 Vol. 1: Die Frühzeit (The Early Period)

2.2 Vol. 2: Die Spätantike (Late Antiquity)

2.3 Vol. 3: Die Alte Kirche (The Ancient Church)

2.4 Vol. 4: Frühmittelalter (Early Middle Ages)

2.5 Vol. 5: 9. und 10. J ahrhundert (9th and 10th Centuries)

2.6 Vol. 6: Das 11. und 12. J ahrhundert (11th and 12th Centuries)

2.7 Vol. 7: Das 13. und 14. J ahrhundert (13th and 14th Centuries)

2.8 Vol. 8: Das 15. und 16. J ahrhundert (The 15th and 16th century)

2.9 Vol. 9: Mitte des 16. bis Anfang des 18. J ahrhunderts (Middle of 16th century till beginning of 18t


2.10 Vol. 10: 18. J ahrhundert und Ausblick auf die Folgezeit (18th century and outlook onto theaftermath)

3 Reception

4 References

5 External links

In the introduction to the complete works, which is the beginning of the first volume, Deschner

explains his intention by starting with what is not to be found in his work: An answer to the questio

Summary [edit]

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"What is Christianity good for?". According to the sentence Audiatur et altera pars ("one should lis

to the other side, too") he wants to counterbalance the gigantic ascendence of the existing

glorification of Christianity. Also, he does not want to write about the alleged or - exceptionally - re

positive effects of Christianity. Instead, he wants to demonstrate that the advocates of a primary

moral instance not only partially, but permanently failed their own ideals. Deschner anticipates her

already the main criticism at his work, namely the one-sidedness of selection of facts, and respond

with a clear contour. The aim was not a history of churches, but an illustration of all (including non

churchy) phenomena of Christianity. These would be measured up to not only generic terms like

crime or humanity, but also to the central ethical ideas of the synoptics as well as to the Christian

self-conception as religion of the glad tidings, love, peace, […] and also the ignored demands of th

later church, like prohibition of military service (first for all Christians, then for the clergy, only), ba

on simony, interest-taking, usury and many more.

In the following, all volumes are listed with an abstract for each of them. The English titles were

taken from the author's English web-site[3] where available. Where not available, they are marked


Deschner, Karlheinz (1986). Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums, Bd.1, Die Frühzeit. Von den

Ursprüngen im Alten Testament bis zum Tod des heiligen Augustinus (430) . Reinbek bei

Hamburg: Rowohlt. ISBN 3-498-01263-0.

English title: Christianity's Criminal History. Volume 1. The Early Period. From Old Testament

origins to the death of Saint Augustine (430).

 This first volume was published after 16 years of preparatory work. It illustrates the genesis of 

Christianity and its ascension to the Roman state religion.

It starts with a look into the Old Testament. Deschner describes the land seizure of the Israelites

after the crumbling Egyption power in Palestine in the 14th and 13th century B.C.E. and the

destruction of the Canaan city-state system. This beginning, which does not directly concern

Christianity, but the ancient J udaism, demonstrates the relation between religious rhetoric and vio

political reality: This is where Deschner sees the origin of a tradition of holy wars, following which

Christians later commit numerous mass murders in the name of Israel's God, too. He describes the

many death penalties the Tora stipulates for religious offences, king David's policy of conquest, th

ruling and corruption of the priests, and finally the decline of the state Israel in Roman time.

Only this decline made the ascension of Christianity in the Roman empire possible, because the

Christians could see themselves as true Israel of God. The Christian Anti-J udaism begins with the

New Testament (see Antisemitism and the New Testament) and continues with the Church being

interpreted as new Israel. Based on selected quotations, Deschner demonstrates the antisemitism

the Doctors of the Church Ephrem,  J ohn Chrysostom, J erome and Hilary of Poitiers.

Likewise, the Church Fathers - according to Deschner - agitated against heretics and misbelievers

Deschner solely comes to Origen's defence, whom he numbers among the most noble Christians

all. One whole chapter is dedicated to the attacks against paganism. He then analyses the

persecution of Christians in the mirror of partially exaggerating martyr legends from Christian

historiography as well as the retrospective Christian view of pagan emperors. Furthermore, Desch

looks at the first significant adversaries of Christianity, Celsus and Porphyrios.

According to Deschner, emperor Constantine I turned "the church of pacifists into a church of 

battlefield-shavelings" . In Deschner's eyes, giving up the central pacifist values of the pre-

Constantine Christianity means "a bankruptcy of Jesus' teachings". Furthermore, Deschner describ

Constantine's actions in the battle against Jews, "heretics" and Pagans. He also does not spare th

List of volumes with abstracts [edit]

Vol. 1: Die Frühzeit (The Early Period) [edit]

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kingdom Armenia, the first state in the world making Christianity a state religion (in 301), by asser

that "this immediately began with a massive persecution of Pagans" .

About emperor J ulian Deschner writes that he "towers over his Christian antecessors in all aspects

in character, ethical and intellectual.". J ulian's try to re-legitimate the Pagan religions is commente

as follows:

Vielleicht, wer weiß, wäre eine nichtchristliche Welt in genauso viele Kriege gestürzt –

obwohl die nichtchristliche Welt seit siebzehn Jahrhunderten weniger Kriege führt als

die christliche! Schwer vorstellbar aber in einer heidnischen Welt: die ganze Heuchelei

der christlichen. Und noch schwerer denkbar deren religiöse Intoleranz.

—Kriminalgeschichte Bd. 1, S. 317 und passim

English translation: Maybe, who knows, a non-Christian world would have tumbled into as man

wars – though, during the last 17 centuries, the non-Christian world fought less wars than the

Christian! But very hard to imagine in a Pagan world: all the hypocrisy of the Christians. Und

even less thinkable their religious intolerance.

 The volume closes with an evaluation of the Church Fathers Athanasius, Ambrose and Augustine

Deschner accuses Athanasius of "unscrupulousness" as well as "striving for prestige and power" .

Ambrose is in Deschner's words a "fanatic antisemite". Thanks to his church policies, "admant and

intolerant, but not so direct; versed, smoother", he set an "example for the Church until today" (pa

400 and passim). Augustine finally, who positioned "patriotism above the love of a father for his so

(page 520) sanctioned the "just war" as well as the "holy war".

Deschner, Karlheinz (1989). Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums, Bd.2, Die Spätantike. Rowo

Reinbek. ISBN 3-498-01277-0.

English title: Christianity's Criminal History. Volume 2. Late Antiquity. From the Catholic "childre

emperors" to the extermination of the Arian Vandals and Ostrogoths under Justinian I (527-565

Deschner writes, the "conditions as in ancient Rome" (German "Zustände wie im alten Rom" is a

proverb meaning decadent, chaotic, irresponsible, violent etc. - a civilisation in decline) were

characteristic for the conditions of the Roman Church. The atrocities committed by Christianshepherds in late antiquity are mostly euphemised and concealed by Church-historians until today

Deschner, Karlheinz (1990). Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums, Bd.3, Die Alte Kirche. Rowo

Reinbek. ISBN 3-498-01285-1.

English title: Christianity's Criminal History. Volume 3. The Ancient Church. Forgery,

Brainwashing, Exploitation, Annihilation.

Unlike the other volumes, which used a chronological approach, Deschner organised this volume

according to so-called crime key aspects, which he identifies in the following areas:

 The Christian forgery The miracle and relic cheating

 The pilgrimage economy

 The brainwashing, dumbing-down and ruin of the ancient education

 The Christian book burning and the annihilation of Paganism

 The preservation, stabilisation and expansion of slavery

 The double-tongued social doctrine and the actual social policy of the main Church

Deschner, Karlheinz (1994). Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums, Bd.4, Frühmittelalter . Rowo

Vol. 2: Die Spätantike (Late Antiquity) [edit]

Vol. 3: Die Alte Kirche (The Ancient Church) [edit]

Vol. 4: Frühmittelalter (Early Middle Ages) [edit]

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Reinbek. ISBN 3-498-01300-9.

English title: Christianity's Criminal History. Volume 4. Early Middle Ages. From King Clovis (ca

500) to the death of Charles "the Great" (814).

In the early Middle Ages, the split-off from Byzantium happened, the war against the Islam began

and the popes in Rome became powerful rulers. Deschner considers pope Gregor I as a man of 

double morale, who consistently called to repentance and preached the close apocalypse, but

himself pursued the extension of his power at any cost, recommending dungeon, torture, hostage-

taking and pillaging, and also knew using bribery well. Deschner calls the Donation of Constantine

"the biggest forgery of documents in world history". In the end of the volume, Charlemagne isaccused of opportunistic relations to the popes, as well as blamed for his excessively bloody "swo

mission" with the Saxons and his annihilation of the kingdoms of the Lombards and of the Avars.

Deschner, Karlheinz (1997). Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums, Bd.5, 9. und 10. Jahrhunde

Rowohlt, Reinbek. ISBN 3-498-01304-1.

English title: Christianity's Criminal History. Volume 5. 9th and 10th Centuries. From Louis the

Pious (814) to the death of Otto III (1002).

Before the volume's actual beginning, a reply to the anthology Criminalisation of Christianity? and

editorial written by Hermann Gieselbusch (lector with Rowohlt publishing house) has been put.

In the then following description of the 9th and 10th century, Deschner illustrates the deep

entanglement of secular and churchy power. Clerical principalities came into existence and the

military service of the high clergy prospered. Under Ottonian dynasty, the Church in the Holy Rom

Empire was completely militarised; dioceses and abbeys controlled a major military potential. Even

popes entered wars: Leo IV in the naval Battle of Ostia (849) and J ohn X in the Battle of Gariglia

(915). Popes excommunicated each other, some were thrown in prison, strangled, mutilated,

poisoned. Sergius III had even two other popes murdered. Chapter 3 discusses the Pseudo-Isidor

Decretals, which are the most important forgery in Carolingian times (Dawson).

Deschner, Karlheinz (1999). Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums, Bd.6, Das 11. und 12.

Jahrhundert. Rowohlt, Reinbek. ISBN 3-498-01309-2.

English title: Christianity's Criminal History. Volume 6. 11th and 12th Centuries. From Emperor

Henry II "the Holy" (1002) to the end of the Third Crusade (1192).

 This volume covers emperor Henry II the Holy, who, in alliance with Pagans, fought three wars

against Catholic Poland, the momentous pontificate of Gregory VII, an "aggressive Satan", who lea

the Holy See to victory over the emperor's throne in the Investiture Controversy (Canossa), the E

West Schism, the First Crusade with the massacre of J erusalem's inhabitants as well as the Seco

and Third Crusade.

Deschner, Karlheinz (2002). Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums, Bd.7, Das 13. und 14.

Jahrhundert. Rowohlt, Reinbek. ISBN 3-498-01320-3.

English title: Christianity's Criminal History. Volume 7. 13th and 14th Centuries. From Emperor

Henry VI (1190) to the death of Louis IV of Bavaria (1347).

Deschner writes about the Staufer-emperor Henry VI, who aimed for global dominance even witho

papal blessing, and about the most powerful pope of history, Innocent III. During the time covered

this volume, crusades to all directions happened, including the Fourth Crusade, the crusade of 

Frederick II, the crusades of Louis IX to Egypt and Tunis, the grotesque Children's Crusade, the

crusades of Christians against Christians, the Sicilian Vespers, the extermination of the Templars,

Vol. 5: 9. und 10. Jahrhundert (9th and 10th Centuries) [edit]

Vol. 6: Das 11. und 12. Jahrhundert (11th and 12th Centur ies) [edit]

Vol. 7: Das 13. und 14. Jahrhundert (13th and 14th Centur ies)[edit]

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the annihilation of the Pagans in the northeast, the Christian murders of J ews and last but not lea

the totalitarian Inquisition, which aimed for the repression of any liberal mind.

Deschner, Karlheinz (2004). Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums, Bd.8, Das 15. und 16.

Jahrhundert. Vom Exil der Päpste in Avignon bis zum Augsburger Religionsfrieden . Rowohlt

Verlag GmbH. ISBN 3-498-01323-8.

English title (translation): Christianity's Criminal History. Volume 8. The 15th and 16th century.

From the exile of the popes in Avignon till the Peace Of Augsburg.Deschner describes the beginning witch-hunt, the Western Schism, the Renaissance popes, the f

against intra-Christian opposition (Wycliffe, Hus and the Council of Constance, Luther and the

German Peasants' War).

Deschner, Karlheinz (2008). Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums, Bd.9, Mitte des 16. bis Anfa

des 18. Jahrhunderts. Vom Völkermord in der Neuen Welt bis zum Beginn der Aufklärung.

Rowohlt Verlag GmbH. ISBN 3-498-01327-0.

English title (translation): Christianity's Criminal History. Volume 9. Middle of 16th century till

beginning of 18th century. From genocide in the New World till the beginning of the


Volume 9 covers the following topics:

 The "American Holocaust"; the genocide in connection with the conquest and the Christianizat

of the American continent.

 The reformation in Switzerland; Zwingli and Calvin

 The Counter-Reformation

Ignatius of Loyola

 The Confessionalization

Society of Jesus; here, Deschner focuses on the religious order's influence on the political rule

of their time.

Events, political players and their interests as well as their combination in the forefront of the

 Thiry Years' War.

 The Thirty Years' War. The ostensibly religiously motivated events are analysed in the context

the European nobility's worldly oriented ambition for power and conquest.

 The war continued; the misery of the Pax Christiana; the time after the Thirty Years' War.

Deschner, Karlheinz (2013). Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums, Bd.10, 18. Jahrhundert und

 Ausblick auf die Folgezeit. Könige von Gottes Gnaden und Niedergang des Papsttums. RowohVerlag GmbH. ISBN 978-3498013318.

English title (translation): Christianity's Criminal History. Volume 10. 18th century and outlook o

the aftermath. Kings by grace of God and decline of papacy.

More than a quarter century after the first volume's publication, Deschner completed this work: The

10th and last volume of the Criminal History is going to be published in March 2013. This volume


 The decline of papacy.

 The gradual separation of church and state.

Vol. 8: Das 15. und 16. Jahrhundert (The 15th and 16th century) [edit]

Vol. 9: Mitte des 16. bis Anfang des 18. Jahrhunderts (Middle of 16thcentury till beginning of 18th century) [edit]

Vol. 10: 18. Jahrhundert und Ausblick auf die Folgezeit (18th centuryand outlook onto the aftermath) [edit]

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 The reactions to this book series have been mixed. While some praised Deschner's writings as a

contribution to the Enlightenment as important as the works of Pierre Bayle, Claude Helvetius,

Voltaire and Heinrich Heine, others condemned his Christianity's Criminal History as "criminalisatio

of Christianity".

Horst Herrmann, from 1970 til 1975 professor of church law at the Catholic theological faculty of 

Münster University, who left the Catholic church in 1981, praised Deschner in 1989 in an article in

Der Spiegel[4]

as a moralist asking the question:

Wie viele Ermordete müssen denn noch her, bis Reue einsetzt und Abkehr? Wieviel

muß aufgedeckt sein, bis Komplizenschaft sich nicht mehr lohnt? Bis es als Schande

gilt, sich als Christ zu bekennen? Bis die Täter nicht mehr die Beleidigten spielen


English translation: How many more need to be murdered until remorse and renunciation will

finally begin? How much more needs to be exposed, until complicity won't be worth it anymore

Until confessing to Christianity is considered to be a shame? Until the wrongdoers are not

allowed to act offended anymore?

A three-day-symposium organized by Hans Reinhard Seeliger in the Catholic Academy in Schwer

was dedicated to the first three volumes in the beginning of October 1992. Besides Seeliger, 22

other specialists in Christian history, patrology, old history, archaeology, jurisprudence, and other

fields participated. The symposium's papers were published in 1993 as an anthology.[5] Deschner

refused the invitation arguing that he already answered all basic questions sufficiently in the prefa

of his first volume. He decided to exemplarily confront the paper Emperor Konstantin, one of the

Greats in history? in a reply which was put in front of the fifth volume. The other papers were

skipped. Hermann Gieselbusch, lector with the Rowohlt publishing house, noted at the same place

(preface of vol. 5), that only few symposium participants "abstained at least from personal

revilement", mentioning four speakers by name - Ulrich Faust, Theofried Baumeister, Erich Feldma

und Gert Haendler - and thanking them for their fairness in Deschner's name.

When Deschner's Criminal History (volumes 1 to 8) was published digitally as CD ROM in 2005,Giesbert Damaschke wrote in his recension:[6]

Wenn hierzulande das Stichwort "Kirchenkritik" fällt, dann kann man sicher sein, dass

es [...] fast ausschließlich um das Werk eines einzelnen Mannes geht: Um Karlheinz

Deschner [...]. So umfassend und omnipräsent ist sein Schaffen, [...] dass anderes

daneben nur wie eine fade Wiederholung wirkt.

English translation: Whenever the key word "criticism of the Church" is mentioned in this count

[Germany], you can be sure that the discussion is [...] nearly exclusively about the work of one

single man: Karlheinz Deschner [...]. His works are so comprehensive and omnipresent [...] that

everything else looks like a bland repetition when compared to Deschner's works.

In 2008, after the publication of volume 9, Arno Widmann wrote in the Frankfurter Rundschau, "Ke

der Grausamkeiten" ("Chain of atrocities"):[7]

Es gibt Sätze in diesem Buch, die möchte man auswendig lernen, um niemals zu

vergessen, welches die Grundlagen der Welt sind, in der wir leben. Zum Beispiel

dieser: "Lebten um 1650 in ganz Spanisch-Amerika noch etwa 4 Millionen Indianer,

waren es um 1492, so die Schätzungen, 7 bis 100 Millionen, wobei 35 Millionen als

plausibel gelten."

English translation: There are sentences in this book which you want to learn by heart to make

sure you never forget what are the fundamentals of the world we live in. For example this: "Wh

Reception [edit]

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[hideV ·  T · E ·

around 1650 there were about 4 million Native Americans left alive in whole Spanish-America,

there were - according to estimations - between 7 and 100 million living there in 1492, at which

the number 35 million is generally accepted."

1. ^  "Karlheinz Deschner: Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums, Bd. 9" . Rowohlt Magazin (in Germa

Rowohlt Verlag. Retrieved 2013-01-25.

2. ^  "Storia criminale del Cristianesimo" (in Italian). Edizioni Ariele. Retrieved 2013-01-25.

3. ^ Karlheinz Deschner (2002-01-18). "Christianity's Criminal History" . Retrieved 20101-21.

4. ^ Herrmann, Horst (1989). "Einer singt falsch beim Halleluja" . Der Spiegel (1): 54–56.

5. ^  Hans Reinhard Seeliger, ed. (1993). Kriminalisierung des Christentums?: Karlheinz Deschners

Kirchengeschichte auf dem Prüfstand. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder. ISBN 3-451-23222-7.

6. ^  Damaschke, Giesbert. "Religionskritik? Allerdings!" ,, 2005 December 12. Retriev


7. ^  Widmann, Arno. "Kette der Grausamkeiten" , Frankfurter Rundschau, Frankfurt, 2008 August 12.

Retrieved 2013-01-30.

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