  • 8/19/2019 Kuwait Position Paper



    Model UN Position Paper Kuwait

    By: Bassil Obeidi

    Committee: Social, Humanitarian & Cultural (SOCHUM)

    Country : Kuwait

    Topic One: Severe injustice and violence towards women

    Since the beginning of the twentieth century, the legal status of women has been

    undergoing change within the Middle East. With this change of status comes an uncertainty

    towards how women should act and be treated. There are several sets of laws that further spread

    this uncertainty such as customary laws, traditional Islamic laws, reformed Islamic laws and

    imported laws. Many of these laws deem varied injustice and violence towards women as right

    despite being human rights violation. These laws become deeply embedded into tradition and

    culture through hundreds of years of acceptance. However, these laws and customs are a threat

    towards women’s rights and safety, and are in some cases unquestionably wrong. As a nationcommitted to furthering the objectives of the Kuwaiti constitution of 1962 that affirm all human

    rights principles found in both Islamic and international laws, Kuwait is determined to work with

    the United Nations to find familiar and trusted solutions, as well as exploring any alternatives.

    As stated in article eight of the Kuwaiti constitution of 1962, “[Kuwait] shall preserve the

     pillars of society and shall guarantee security, tranquillity and equal opportunity to all citizens.”

    However, article two of the Kuwaiti constitution makes clear that “The religion of the State is

    Islam, and the Islamic Sharia shall be a main source of legislation.” As such a balance must be

    found between both articles and their describe treatment towards women in not only Kuwait, but

    in all countries whose source of legislation is Sharia.

    Though quite a few scholars view the Surah An-Nisa, 34 passage on interaction between

    husband and wife as encouraging domestic abuse, Kuwait believes that more modern

     perspectives of this passage of Qur'an are not in agreement of this view. Kuwait believes that

    Surah 4:34 must be should be taken in sequence of admonishment, separation, and if both fail

    then the husband may hit or give a light tap to their wife. Kuwait believes that all islamic

    countries should adopt this view towards the treatment of women in Sharia; Physical measures

    should only be employed on women when all non-physical methods have failed.

    Injustice and violence towards women does not only consist of abuse. Another issue is

    that civil and political laws can be unfair towards women. The right to vote, to work and of free

    speech are all crucial rights that women must have not only in Kuwait but globally. Kuwait hasmade great strides towards women’s rights and justice and these strides are seen in the Global

    Gender Gap Report ranking Kuwait first among Arab countries.

    Addressing the right for women to work, Kuwait has an impressive 53 percent labor force

     participation rate for Kuwaiti women. This rate is not only higher than the 51 percent world

    average, but also much higher than the MENA (Middle East and North Africa region) average of

    21 percent. Thus, as a clear leader of rate of women in the workplace, Kuwait advocates

  • 8/19/2019 Kuwait Position Paper



    regionally adoption of policies to encourage more women to enter the workplace. Programs such

    as job training, job search support services and encouragement of diversity in the workplace are

    all possible solutions to the low percent of women in the workplace.

    Kuwaiti women voting and obtaining positions in the government was possible due to the

    heavy campaigning of women for the right to vote which included large protests and multiple

    court cases against the Minister of Interior. The efforts of women in Kuwaiti women paid of andin May 2005 they gained the right to vote and soon after four were elected into parliament.

    Kuwait encourages countries that do not allow the votes of women to review their laws in the

    light of more modern beliefs and consider both the positives and negatives before making a

    decision on these laws.

    As a member of the United Nations, Kuwait is very willing to work with other countries

    to resolve global injustice and violence towards women. As seen in the large social reform,

    Kuwait is progressive towards resolutions to such issues and is willing to be a leader within the

    Middle East for further resolution and resolve.

    Topic Two: Corruption and Development: Creating standards to eliminate misuse of

    foreign aid in developing countries

    Kuwait is an ingrained donor with a foreign aid aid contribution rate of 2.1% of its GDP.

    With such a high donation rate, double the UN Official Development Assistance commitment

    target of 0.7%, Kuwait is determined to ensure that aid worldwide is not misused. This

    determination comes from Kuwait’s heavy reliance on diplomacy as well as foreign aid to

    resolve political issues.

    The Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development was created to aid Arab and other

    new economies with monetary needs. Since 1961 the fund has lent total of $18.5 billion to 104

    countries. As such, it is within Kuwait’s greatest interests to protect and ensure the proper usage

    of the not only aid given by Kuwait, but all international aid.

    To eliminate misuse of foreign aid in developing Countries Kuwait suggests

    implementation of three steps that should be taken before aid is given. First, a rigorous vetting

     process to ensure a country has not misused aid in the past. Second, maintain of clear idea of

    who will be handling the aid, ensure no private companies gain access to the aid. Third, develop

    a way for the aid money to be directly tracked such as through electronic GPS chips or marked

     bills. With all three implemented the likelihood of aid being misused will lower greatly.

  • 8/19/2019 Kuwait Position Paper




    Alojayan, Hessah. "Kuwait's Economic 'Toolkit': Foreign Aid & the Kuwait Investment

    Authority." Middle East Centre. 2015. Accessed February 01, 2016.


    Jean, Arché. "Is Foreign Aid Working? The Impact of Foreign Aid on Savings, Investment, and

    Economic Growth in Haiti." AFA Applied Finance and Accounting 1, no. 1 (2015).

    Fund, International Monetary. "Kuwait: Selected Issues." IMF Staff Country Reports 13, no. 337

    (2013): 1.

    Kuwait. Const. amend. XIV, sec. 2.

    "UN and US Congratulate Kuwait over Womens Right to Vote." UN and US Congratulate

    Kuwait over Womens Right to Vote. Accessed February 01, 2016.


    "Human-rights-watch-questions-and-answers-brochure-nd-ca-1988-12-pp." Human RightsDocuments Online.

    "The Facts: Gender Inequality and Violence Against Women and Girls Around the World." The

    Facts: Gender Inequality and Violence Against Women and Girls Around the World.

    Accessed February 01, 2016.


    "Law and Women in the Middle East." Cultural Survival. 2010. Accessed February 01, 2016.

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