Page 1: L iving B eyond Y ourself This Means War. Spiritual Warfare

Living Beyond Yourself

Living Beyond Yourself

This Means War

Page 2: L iving B eyond Y ourself This Means War. Spiritual Warfare
Page 3: L iving B eyond Y ourself This Means War. Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual WarfareSpiritual Warfare

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"Sooner or later every believer discovers that the Christian life is a battleground, not a play-ground, and that he faces an enemy who is much stronger than he is—apart from the Lord."

Warren Wiersbe

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Background on book of Ephesians

Background on book of Ephesians

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Ephesians 2:1-3

As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, 2 in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.

Ephesians 2:1-3

As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, 2 in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.

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3 All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our sinful nature and following its desires and thoughts.

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Acts 19:17 – 20Acts 19:17 – 20

When this became known to the Jews and Greeks living in Ephesus, they were all seized with fear, and the name of the Lord Jesus was held in high honor. 18 Many of those who believed now came and openly confessed their evil deeds.

When this became known to the Jews and Greeks living in Ephesus, they were all seized with fear, and the name of the Lord Jesus was held in high honor. 18 Many of those who believed now came and openly confessed their evil deeds.

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19 A number who had practiced

sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly. When they calculated the value of the scrolls, the total came to fifty thousand drachmas.

19 A number who had practiced

sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly. When they calculated the value of the scrolls, the total came to fifty thousand drachmas.

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20 In this way the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power.

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Ephesians 5:8-11

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light 9 (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) 10 and find out what pleases the Lord. 11 Have nothing to do with the fruit-less deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.

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Three Things NeededFor Battle

• know your own strengths or resources needed to fight the battle

• know your enemy as best you can

• get into battle position.

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Ephesians 6:10-13 – Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.

Ephesians 6:10-13 – Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.

Spiritual WarfareSpiritual Warfare

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12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

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13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.

13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.

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1. Know Your Own Strengths1. Know Your Own Strengths

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God.

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God.

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There is an enemy without

(evil forces)

who tempts

There is an enemy without

(evil forces)

who tempts

the enemy within (the sinful nature) the enemy within (the sinful nature)

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Awareness of our Great FutureAwareness of our Great Future

Ephesians 1:18-22 – I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints,

Ephesians 1:18-22 – I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints,

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Apprehension of God’s Great Power!

Apprehension of God’s Great Power!

19 and his incomparably great power for us who believe. 19 and his incomparably great power for us who believe.

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Philippians 4:11-13Philippians 4:11-13

I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.

I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.

I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.

I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.

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13 I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength.

13 I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength.

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2 Timothy 4:16-172 Timothy 4:16-17

At my first defense, no one came to my support, but everyone deserted me... 17 But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength

At my first defense, no one came to my support, but everyone deserted me... 17 But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength

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Assurance of God’s LoveAssurance of God’s Love

Ephesians 3:17-19 – And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18 may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge — that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

Ephesians 3:17-19 – And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18 may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge — that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

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2 Timothy 2:1 2 Timothy 2:1

You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.

You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.

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A Supernatural Battle must be fought . . .A Supernatural Battle must be fought . . .

with Supernatural Weapons

with Supernatural Weapons

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Put on the full armor of


Put on the full armor of


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Did we in our own strength confide, our striving would be losing;Were not the right Man on our side, the Man of God’s own choosing:Dost ask who that may be? Christ Jesus, it is He

And he must win the battle!

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2. Know your enemy2. Know your enemy11 …so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

11 …so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

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John 10:10 John 10:10

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

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Satan’s Names Reveal His Tactics

Satan’s Names Reveal His Tactics

* Satan (adversary) * Devil (slanderer) * Beelzebub (prince of demons) * Evil one * Tempter * Accuser of the Brethren

* Satan (adversary) * Devil (slanderer) * Beelzebub (prince of demons) * Evil one * Tempter * Accuser of the Brethren

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His PowerHis Power

* A fallen angel

* Power over kingdoms of the world

* Power to afflict people with sickness

* Able to sift the saints

* Limited power – not equal with God, a created being

* A fallen angel

* Power over kingdoms of the world

* Power to afflict people with sickness

* Able to sift the saints

* Limited power – not equal with God, a created being

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His WorkHis Work

* Tempts* Perverts the truth* Opposes God’s purposes* Assumes many disguises * Hinders the Gospel* Creates doubt, denial and confusion

* Blinds multitudes to the truth

* Tempts* Perverts the truth* Opposes God’s purposes* Assumes many disguises * Hinders the Gospel* Creates doubt, denial and confusion

* Blinds multitudes to the truth

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His WorkHis Work

* Seeks to destroy faith* Seeks to discredit Christ* Seeks to discredit the Church * Makes sin attractive

* Seeks to destroy faith* Seeks to discredit Christ* Seeks to discredit the Church * Makes sin attractive

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For still our ancient foe Doth seek to work us woe--His craft and power are great, And, armed with cruel hate, On earth is not his equal.

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His DoomHis Doom

At some future date, God will cast him into the lake of fire, never to return again.

At some future date, God will cast him into the lake of fire, never to return again.

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3. Get into battle position!3. Get into battle position!

13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.

13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.

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How to be Battle Ready

• Take a stand

• Take sin seriously

• Be bold in prayer

• Renew your mind

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