Page 1: L. SECRL MURAT_0011.pdf · of the Referat Slid-Oat-Sad, The CO of the Amt was Major PARTL, and his assistant was Hptm. Dr. RISERBERG. 20. PERIDs work here consisted of reading reoords

SUBJECT: Oberleutnant Dr. Murad PRRID

TO : CO X-2 Germany


IntroductionPersonal DataArmy LifeWork with Abwehr II


1 : Arrief,trII, Ref. SOS

o PAZ 201d Main Offioe at Baruthe Mil D, Ref, SO

E. CommentF. Addenda

a Represgruppe FB) Pas and PATe under AG F

Ohanges in Abwehr, 1942-4Mil D OrganisationVnternehmen in SO41m4hretelie Athens.80nderatab PelmyPersonalities






- to"412"09) \L\

11 July 45






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1, Oblt. Dr. Murad FERID was located at MIESBACH,Bavaria, on information given by Obetlt. FECHNER (of the"Tip Case"). FERID's present address is: TOlserstraese131 1/2, Bei Eisenhofer, Miesbaoh, Bavaria, some 60 EmsSE of Munioh.

2. Obit. FERID was born 1908 in Saloniki, Greece.His father, Mehmed FEUD BEY, now dead, was a Turkishoffioer; he is reported to have had a close oontaet withthe British through Sir John FRENCH. Mired's mother, Nil,helmine, is a daughter of a Allah physician, Dr. JosephSWIMS:K t who had to emigrate from Poland after the PolishInsurrection of 1863. He came first to Mimic& and thento Turkey.

3. Murad4 s grandfather, William HUMMEL, was formany years an honorary conall of the USA in Munich. AndMUrad g e cousin, Isabella HUMMEL, is married to ProfessorJohn GRAHAM, a biologist at the Alabama University inTusoalooea.

4. Since-Murad FERlD was baptized in a ChristianChurch (R.Catholio), he and his mother were never, accep-ted in the Turkish circles in Saloniki. For thRt reasonthe family left Greece and settled in Munich, uarmany.

5. By profession PERID is a lywyer (Staatsanwalt =County Proseoutor). In order to be aoceptable both tohis German friends and to his clients, he dropped partof his name ("BEY") identifying him as -a Turk, and in1933 joined the fashionable NSDA Party; but under theNazi Regime his life was quite miserable: he was neverwholly accepted as a "pure Aryan" and "true German".

6. From 1935 to 39 he spent about 2 months out of eaohyear receiving basic training in the Army; and at theend of this training he was made a 2nd Lt of the Reserve(Leutnant d.R4. In August 1939 he was drafted into theregular army as an artillery officer. He served in France,YugoslaVia, and Russia, In Russia he was wounded and sentto ahospital.

7. After he recuperated, he was interviewed byMaj. MARWEDE, Maj. ABSHAGEN, and Col. LAHOUSEN for Wservice with Abwehr. His special qualifioation for thelob with the Abwehr was his knowledge of languages (hespeaks German, French, English, Spanish, Italian, Greek,Turkish, and Serbian) and his knowledge of the Balkans(he travelled in Greece, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, and Austria).

8. At the end of the war FERID was working as a per-sonnel officer at the Hqs of Mil Amt D in Reit—Im—Winkel.

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•But on 22 April he dedkted and came home to Niesbach tolive with his wife, mother, and infant child. He reportedboth to the looal Police and Military authorities underhis true name but did not report that he was member of theGIS. He claims that the last question was not asked of him,which is borne out by the fact that he did not attemptto hide anything when he was approached by the undemigned.


9. Murad PERID-BEY was born in Saloniki (at thattime part of Turkey) in 11 April 1908. His father diedin 19o9. In 1910 he moved with his mother from Salonikito Munich. He attended Prep School in Munich from 1915to 1918. After the Prep School he studied in the Wilhelms-gimnisium - at Munich. Here he was always made to feel aforeigner and.was urged to phange his Turkish name. He corn-premised by dropping the second half of his last name (BEY).

10. In 1925 And 26 he travelled all over the Balkanswith his mother. He graduated from college in 1927. Prom1927 to 1931 he studied law at the University of Munich.During this time he became a naturalized German citizen(1929), though Turkey had refused to cancel his Turkishcitizenship. In 1929 his American uncle, Prof. John J.GRARAN, spent several months in Germany staying at his mother'shouse in Munich.

11. In 1931 FERID passed his law exams and applied- fora "referendar"-of-law. Por those born in Germany this wasjust a formality, but in PERIDIs case it required a spe-cial decision by the Ministry of State. His application'wasgranted with the note:"Exception". prom 1931 to 1934 YE-BID served as a "Referendar" at Munich courts and in variousadministrative offices. At the same time he was an AssistantProfessor at the Munich Institute for Comparative La*. Herehe specialized in Roman Law, Comparative Law, end Internatio-nal Law. In 1932 he graduated from the Munich 'acuity of,Law and earned his. doctorate. In 1934 he was made an "Ammo-sor"-at-Law.

12, Now he went to a "Docents' Training Camp" atDambritsoh, Silesia. Here it was ti be deoided whether hehad a "correct philosophical and political" Outlook onlife. And he had to have this before he was permitted toteach at the University. But the Camp Commandant, Obereturm,bannfUhrer GRUNDIG, a former common laborer, disqualifiedhill as "unsuitable for teaching in a German university". .

13. This shattered YERID's hopes for a teaching ca-reer. So he decided to follow the law career. In January1935 he was made the "Gerichteassessor" and the followingyear the . "Staatsanwalt:' at the Staatsanwaltschaft, Winchen I.

14. 26 Aug 39 he was drafted into the Army. In 1942 hemarried %selotte HALL, daughter of Wilfred HALL of the Mu-nich Braneh of the Dreedner Bank. In 1944 he became a father.

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15. PERID reoeived his basic (compulsory) training(Grundauebildung) in five installments in the periodAugust 35 to June 38.

First Training: 8 weeks with the "Artillerie Regiment /Rim.-berg"st Furth, August ad September 1935..

Second Training: 8 wekbe in Autumn 1936. He passed an examto become an "Offizieranwarter" (Officer-Aspirant).

weeks in May and dune 1937 as a'"Gefrei-Ilg af/rzig:ggter", in Munich.

Fourth training: 4 reeks in May 1938 as an "Unteroffisier/Offisiekanwdrter" with an Arty Regt at L.-raising.

Fifth Training: 6 weeks as a "Wachmeister/Offizieranwarter"in Ifty end June 1938 at Preising.

After this he was disoharged and nominated for a "Reserve-offizier". He received his commission as a second Liettenant(Ieutnant d. R.) in January 1939.


16. FERID was drafted into the regular Army 26 August,1939 and assigned to the "Ereatzabt. Art. Regt" in Eger, Ote=:ohoslovakia. He was transferred to a oombat unit (Arty Abt.752) on 20 Sep 39. Thisunit-trained for a while at Grafts..'wdhr and then sent to the Moselle front (end of Oct 39).He Was transferred for s short time to an Ereatzibt of.ArtyRegt 10 in Amberg/Oberpfay. and again back to a combat unit(Arty of 183 Inf. Div.), ere be became aide to the 00 of theFirst Abt., Major GATEIS.*This didaion wintered (39-40) inCamp MInsingen, WUrtenberg, and in the Spring of 40 fought

vicinity of Longwy. After the Armistioe on the Western'tont 183d Div was sent to the frontier of the "Protectorate",near 011etitzt then took part in the attack on Yugoslavia, andreturned to Germany (Graz) in the Spring of 41. The sameyear it was sent to the Russian Front, near Smolensk. HerePERID was wounded and sent to a hospital, and from the hospi-tal was transferred to Ersatzabt. 1731n Pilsen, Nov. 1941.


17. By now FERID had enough fighting and was tryingto get out dfon the „combat troops at any cost. He appliedfor a job as an interpreter and a translator. He went toBerlin and was interviewed by 'Ist.Col. MARWEDE, Major ARNOLD,Major PARTL, Col.v. LAHOUSEN, and Capt. ABSHAGEN. This inter-View was suooesefuijor PERID, and he was transferred toAbwehr II, January or February 1942.-4-

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18. The only Abwehr school ever attended by PERIDwas the Abwehr II School at Quens. Subjects taught were:inoendiaries, sabotage materials used by the Abw II V-Leu-te, and chemical compounds utilized in sabotage work. Histeachers: Dr. WRIDL, Dr. KONIG, and Dr. SCHULTZ. Striotbrspeaking, PER1D never had any "intelligence" training atall; knowledge about German Intelligence had to be pickedup in the oousse of his work with the Abwehr; knowledgeabout enemy intelligence was limited to members of Abw I.


19. After completing the 3-week course at the WensSchool, FEUD was assigned to Amt Ausland/Abw II as headof the Referat Slid-Oat-Sad, The CO of the Amt was MajorPARTL, and his assistant was Hptm. Dr. RISERBERG.

20. PERID's work here consisted of reading reoordsof men sent to the Amt by the Brandenburg Regt, findinga suitable post for them in Abw II, and pettling the finan-cial, claims of the employees of the Amt.

21. Referat SOS covered the following countries: Syria, IrIraq, Transsy/vania, Turkey, Palestine, Arabia, Saudi Arabia,and EgYpt. In the cousre of his work MID made contactswith some assistants of the MUM', such as Safuadel HUSSRI-RIand Dr. JANDALI. He also made astudy of the Revolt ofGRAIL/NI (Rashid al Ghailani) in Iraq in Spring 1941 inorder to draft a protest against a certain Mt. GROBBA.(Further details on this point will be dealt with in alater report as an annex to the Fend Report).

22. The outposts of the Referat at that time werethe so-called "II-Bearbeiter" attached to the variousAbwehrstellen (PAKs and PaTe did not exist as yet).Thefollowing "II-Bearbeiter" were the information-gathering-agencies under Referat SOS1

"II-Bearbeiter-Athen" under Maj. SCUMMIER and Hptm. LAU-RINAT."II-Bearbeiter-Saloniki" under Sdfti SEGELOKE (and under itthe "Auseenpost-Mythilene"headed by Pldw. BUNZ).

"II-Bearbeiter-Bei-Sonderetab-Pelmy" in Athens under Majorvon SCHETEK.

"II-Bearbeiter-Bei4KO-TUrkei" under Lt. RUFF and Pldw.IL-CARLE.

"II-Bearbeiter-Bei-KO-Bulgarien" under Major.FECHWEB.

23. At this time FEBID was considered for a postwith the German Consulate in Izmir or in Iskenderun. But

CR,A, .4.-5-

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ASALCRLthe Ausw grtiges Amt (Foreign Office) did not want any in-terference from the Abwehr; the Abwehr people were knownas "experts" without any diplomatic training, and, therefore,were apt to involve the consular employees in ambarrasnitagsituations' and, besides, the Foreign Office had its ownway of collecting information, and it was not conoernedwith either success of failure of the work of Abwehr II.In any case, FERID's Plan fell through. .


24, In 1942 the Wehrmacht had the situation in theBalkans and in the Near East well under its control, andthe "II -Bearbeiter" Offices had nothing to do. Since lifein Athens was not very pleasant (because food, clothing,and entertainment was either very poor or very expensive).So the officers of the "II -Bearbeiter's" Office at Athensfinally convinoed the Central Office in Berlin to closethis Athens outpost as such and send someone from Abw IIas a sort 'of liaison officer. FERID was chosen for this job.

25. PERM arrived in Athens Julg 42. The only personnelhe was allowed to keep were 3 enlisted men. FERID's workconsisted of recruitment and partial training of agentsfor eventual work in Syria, Cyprus, Palestine, and Egypt.For quarters he was assigned to the Abwehretolle Athen, underLt. Col. SENSBUBG.

26. V-Leute were recruited through Greek politioiansand and influential foreigners living in Greece. An enter-prises (Unternehmen) were assigned by Abwehr II Dienstanweinung.and had ti be also approved by the Sonderetab P. And if Turkeywas contemplated to be used as a transit country, consent ofthe Istambul II Reterate had to be acquired.

27. By the end of 42 some man were ready to be sent.But these men did not want to accept the fluctuating GreekDrachma as payment for their intended work. Since *o other.currency was available in Athena, FERID made a trip toBerlin to make the necessary arrangement. He reported,toEISENBERG, who told him that all the Near East projectswere to be entirely dropped. German retreat fronCauoasuewas viewed by EISENBERG as a sure sign that the war againstRussia was lost,, that the Germans would never break throughinto the Near East, and that Abwehr, even at its best, coulddo nothing to change the situation. It'wee at this pointthat EISENBERG gave FERID some personal advioes"forget yourwork, and, instead, collect around you men on whom youcan depend at the time of the inevitable final defeat",

28. When FERID returned td Athens, ctivity of AbwehrII in Athens practically ceased. SEESBURG had reserved allthe availabla gasoline and cars for use of his own depart-meirp,Abw I. But this did not matter because in a short timeFERID received order to prepare for dissolution of the wholeLeitetelle Abwehrstelle in Athens. Abwehrstellen were togive way to the enwly created FAKe and FATe. They were to be

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mobile and not hampered by the useless paperwork and themultiple chain of command, which paralized the work ofthe Abwehrstellen. Another reason for the dissolution ofthe Abwehrstellen was the evident intention of the SS tobring all of the isbwehr under its contril. The newly.orga-nized PAKs were no more under direct control of the Abwehrbut under the IC of the Army, and the SS at that time wasnot willing to fight the whole Army for control of suchsmall units as the FAKs.


29. Now PERID was transferred to PAX 201 in Belgrade.The Wa t s CO was Lt. pol. STROM: Here he remained fromSummer 43 to Oct 44. as administered the affairs of officersand men of the PATe under PAZ 201; he also drafted.reportson the PAK's activity for-transmittal to Army Group IC(HALING), to the Leitsthlle in Vienna (ITCHIER), and toBerlin. He was also in charge of materiel supply to theTrupps of the PAK.


30. In the course of his work with FAX 201 FERIDmet Lt.Ool. PECHNER of Leitstelle II SO, and,rechlingthe advice given him by EISENBIRChe applied for a trasferto the Leitstelle in Vienna, because he found out that thepeople in the Leitstelle were the kind upon whom he couldrely in any crisis. But before his request for dismissalfrom PAK 201 was granted, his intended post at the Leitstellewas filled (by ZIEGLER), so, meted, be was taken In byEISENBERG to the main office whiCh in the meantime hadmoved from Berlin to Baruth.

31. During this Wove the organization of Abwehr IIhad also changed: LAHOUSEN was given a combat command.onthe Runt:Jan fronts PREYTAGLLORINGHOVEN tOok over for awhile, but he did not pay much attention to his job (evi-dently his time was taken by the plane of the 20th Julyaffair , - sinoe he was the one'who sUppli"ftd'the dynamitetoAo STAUPPENBERG); shortly LORINGAHVEN wee/replaced (on . .his win recuc-.-t) by Major'NAUMANN, a young General StaffOfficer. Tie Cloiceof the young, inerperienoed NAUMANNwas indicat::e of the fainting importance of the Abwehr.,'What in more, NAUMANN considered himself to beliquidetor. .of Abwehr.

32. In Summer of 44 the WEHRMACHTSPDHRUNGSSTAB ICChef der Prontaufkldrung was created (It was under OberstPrh. v. SOSSKIND-SCHWENDI. The WPstIC had tactioal directionpf all I, II, and III PAKe and PATe; but the "abwehrfaohli-che" (advisory/technical) direction remained with Ablvehr II,even when it was renamed "MIL AMT D". The WPStIC itselfwas still Chef der Aufklkrung and as such under OKH. Nowthe WFStIC was re-named "MIL ANT F" and was put under itsnew chief Col BUNTROCE.

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SECRL.,• 33. Even when Abw II became Mil D, NAUMANN stillundeatocd that hi;iob was that of an alienator. One byone the prerogatives and powers o Mil D were given to MilP. This lasted until Mil D was taken over by Major LOOS,Jan 45. LOOS considered Amt D equal to Amt P, and, sincethere was no clear-cut - distinction made between the fieldof operation of the two services - .. BUNTROCK end LOOS wereconstantly at each other!fs throats.

34. PERID's job inSaruth was that of a liaison officerbetween Mil D and its field units (Leitstillen and PAKs andPATs) in the South East.4hen he came back froal his firstliaison trip to Vienna and E_greb, Mil D war already Onthe way to its new location in BIRKENWERDER.


Mb 35. Shen Mil D settled in Birkenwerder PERID becamethe head of its Referat Sout-East. His predeeseeor, Lt.NIKLASH was transferred to Pnague. PERID's work here consis-ted of collating information received from the Leitetelleand from the Kommandos and Trupps in the fields of gatheringinformation for a planned enterprissi in the SE Europe i ofarranging for shipMent . of the necessary supplies needed by.the Leitstelle in Vienna.

36. In,leb 45 Mil D was moved to Bad Eleter. This Werewas disastrous tothe Amts the LT (Leitertechnik = supply-ing sabotage materiel) was somehow lost (It was scheduledto be estabiiehed in Harquartstein, but onl y few officersmade the trip; all heavy equipment was lost); all women-sec'ies went home; many documents and office equipment ne-ver caught up wit' the office.

37. Before. the Mil D had time to settle down, it wasagain on the move, this time to Reit-Imo-Winkel. And in thistransfer alnast all the Mil D got.lost: all those whosehomes werein the North of the Danube went home; Referat Ostand 4ferat F never showed up in Reit-Im-rinkel.'

.38. Fend himself went first to see his wife. in Miembaoh,and then went to Pertisau to visit his friend, FeCHNER. He wantback to Reit-Im,Winkel only when LiSj LOOS ehowed up sudden-ly and took him along on‘his Way back to RaitIm-rinkel. On2.2 or 23 April FERID deserted Mil D, took his bicycle andwent home to Miesbach to stay for good.

COMMENT39. PERID was allowed to continue to stay at home in

Miesbach. His address was made known to the CIO at that town.It was made clear to him that he is wider house arrest. The CIC

. in Miesbach was requested to. leave hi'M alone at least fora few days until he is interviewed. Primary reason for this

. action was that FERID was under doctor's care when he was



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contacted. Be has a weak heart, and a type of some persis-tent fever contracted in Greece.

408 MID is now supplying U3 with more details onhis work with Abwehr II. It is planned that he remainsWhere he is until his information is exhaasted and his casethoroughly studied.



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41. CHIEF OP STAFF, General WINTER,Bavarian, typical Nazi-General, was rumored to have hadimmediate contact with the "PUhrer.

42. ADJUTANT, Ia, Colonel SELMAYER,General-Staff officer, about 45 yrs old, had a home inMunich and in Landshmt.

43. CHIEF AIDE, Colonel v. EISENHART-ROTHE,.committed =icicle in Autumn 44, unknown reasons.

44. SUPPLY OFFICER, lib, Lt. Ool. RATHGENS,was removed and likely arrested because he had someconneotion with the plot of 20th July.

45. INTELIIti-INCE DEPARTMENT, le,INTELLIGENCE OFFICER, Colonel Franz v. HARLING,General-Staff officer, typical Prussian militarist, haughty,brutal to his subordinates, creeping before his superiors,at home somewhere in Hamburg.

46. LIAISON OFFICER, Lt. Col. HINTERSEER,Bavarian, comes from Rosenheim, elderly quiet man, whowas abused very mach by Harlin& -

47. Hintereeer's Assistant, Major FLAD,a Dresden lawyer,.eeneitive, religious.

48. ORDERLY OFFICER;Capt. MERREM, in charge of enemy situation and daily report,let Lt. STRNAD,


a- PAZ 111

b- PAZ 201

'o- PAZ 310

d, GPP (Security Police).

FAX 111

Members of PAZ 111:

a- Lt. Col. SENSBURG,Was brought up in Munich, his family lives inWiesbaden) noiay, formal, subservient to his su-periors. . • , • •

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•/„Avyr.....p.- 7


Austrian, linguist.


Personal attendant of Seneburg.

PATe under the control of.FAK 111: FAT 177.

FAK 201

50. CO of PAZ 201- Lt. Col. Karl STROM,Austrian, drunkard, narrow-minded. It was understood thathe hether lost his life or was captured while degendingSprottau, Prussia. He was succeeded by

51.. Major MODRIIIAK,Austrian, with good knowledge of the Balkans.

52. Attaohed officers of Pak 201:

a- 1s1 Lt. Dr. Murad FERID.b- Lt. ARMING,

descendelit of an old LUdenschedid family of protes-tant ministers, clever, capable, diligent, student of

. law, strong opponent of Nazism, about 27 yre old.

PATS under control of PAK 201

53. PAT 202 under Capt. REISS, a teacher from Ordenebarg.This PAT was formerly inaction in the Kossovo-Plain,on the border between Albania and Serbia. Later it wastransferred to the South Army Group in Hungary.

54. PAT 214 under let Lt. KOPS,who oaused his superiorsa lot of headaches because he rarely obayed any.politi-oal-instrusticna, very skillful in training foregners.

Lt. Willi HUMANE, killed in Dalmatia.


This PAT was originally in eastern Ahbania, near Strugaand Ochrid Lake. Later it was transferred to Dalmatiawith lige in Sibenik.

55. VA, 215 originally under Capt Rene KRAMER, who was killedin a plane attack in Podgorioa, Montenegro. Kramer'ssuccessor was for a time a Capt KIISOREi who in his ci-vil career was a professor at the Marburg Universityas reward for his Nazi efforts. Kmiec:he was displacedby let Lt. SCHNEIDER

This PAT was active in Motenegro.

Other officer of this Fats Lt. HAMMERSRID, killed;and Lt. STRAUB, an Austrian. C '

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sECRET56. PAT 216

Originally this PAT was under Capt.MWDRINIAK, who was pro-moted to a Major and took over PAW 201. Modriniak t s sucoes-sor was Lt. ZAWADII, very loquabious, self-possessed man.

Other officers: Lt. BAOHER, a young student from Graz.Lt. RUCK.

This PAT had its Hqs in Sunja (?), Slavonia.

57. PAT 219.

This Trupp was in charge of 1st Lt. MULLER, a Dresden. pho-tographer with bad mannere and strong Nazi conviotiona. TheTrupp was sent to Athens in the Autumn of 44, without com-plete personnel and equipment. In Jan 45 the Trupp retrea-ted to Bosnia.

58. PAT 208

• This Trupp was headed by Lt. Dr. Hans-Christoph WESSON,very learned, modest, taciturn, credulous man withoutAny knowledge of prac*ical life; in civilian life he wasan arohealogist.

Other officer of this Trupp: Lt. MATTHES.

This PAT had its Hqs in Metkovio, S of Mostar on the Dalma-tian coast.

59. FAT 250

The TrUpp l e CO was It. Dr.tag, Sudetengerman, easily

Other officer of the Fat -from Slovakia, Nazi of the

KRAUTZBERGER, member of the Reiohs-influenced and misled man.

Lt. SCHWANZER, a Volksdeuteoherworst type

In Summer 43 this i Trupp was transferred from Tunisia to Salo-niki. It cooperated with.Greeke and Greco-Roumania= inGraeae, the Katzovlaohe and AromoUnes. The Trupp had threeareas of operation: Northern Sporadee, the CHAlkidike Peninp,sula, and in the vicinity of the Olympe. After the Germanretreat from Southern Balkans this PAT was transferred to theSbuthern Army Group together with PAT 202.

60. FATe 217/218

Originally these two Trupps were separate but under thejoint command of the "Deutscher-General-In-Bulgarien". Atthat time they were in civilian clothes and charged withthe supervision of Chromate transport from Turkey to Ger-many. Later on they were militarized and plaoed under onesingle coMmand.

The COO of the combined foroes of Trupp 217/218 was Capt.ZIEGLER, a olever, dispassionate man, and a capable organi-zer; eventually Ziegler was sent to the Leitstelle in Vien,


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• / officer with the Trapp: Lt, SOPS, a personal enemy of ZiZiegler, and It. SCHUMER, who was later transferred toTrupp 250.

In August or September 44 this Trupp was trapped by BulgarianPartisans and lost about half of the personnel in dead orwounded. What remained of them was taken to Belgrade andthen to Vienna, where the unit was reorganized and madeinto 2 Trupps and sent to Slovakia.

61. PAK 310

Lt. Col. KIIBORMULLER was the CO,an old polite gent, very sociable but without any spe-cial organizational talent; was much abused by BARLING.

Other officers of the Xammando:Major GLOMBIG (or Glombik), ajudge from Oppelq/Silesiaelderly, nervous, and sick man, leading a very solitarylife.let Lt. RAYNER, Austrian, a schoolteacher, rumoured tohave been in difficulties with the NSDAP.

PATE controlled by the Kommamdo: 377, 381, and others.Officers with these Trupps: let Lt. BOIGNER and Lt. PANDER.

62. GYP, Security Yield Police

Oberfeldpolizeidirektor Dr. LOOS (no relation to MajorLOOS), had the rank of a Lt. Col., Austrian, police offi-oial of the old Vienna type.

Yeldpolizeidirektor Dr. STEPAINSU, before the war he waspolice commissioner in Berlin. It was rumored that he wasnot considered to be "politically very reliable".



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zmer 1944

1942 , 1944 °beret •.,LAHOUSEN—Chef Abwehr II-------Major NAUMANN






0 gruppe -------- p .'Major ABSRAGEN-------Ia-------------------Hptm. Dr. EISENBERGOblt, NAUMANN-

Nonexietent-- Ito Z/ERIACKS..... BITTNER

----------IIo BUroofizier NAUMANN

...... —Ird Oblt • BOLDT•

Obetlt. ,HOTZEL-r-----Gruppe II Weet-------Major ASTOR-West/Iferwaltung-----WN-------------------Hptn. SCHWEICH

Hptm- LORMISHptm. LAHN-----------Nord Sdft HARMS.Hptm. ASTORHptm. KONVGSBERG.---- ' _ Hptm. NAUXANI-------- "---- ------ = -

NEITZWRT---,-,-SdfU HARMS-----------BALUM (rank unlumm)- "

Oberst STULTZE - - --Gruppe II Oat-------Absorbed by Gruppe SO

Oberst MARWEDE-------Gruppe II SftdOet------SO/Verwaltung--------Major KOCH

Major PARTL- SOSSdfilDO. WAGNER ---- SON----- ..........

NO Bptm..Dr. EISENBER0--OR-----------=--

-Gruppe II Teohnik----Obstit. MAIM=-TEGEL Laboratories—Major ERMANQUENZ Abw School--

Oberst MARGUERRE----40ther Personnel--Major POSER---------- " n •

Major STEIN---------Obit. "Dr. SCHULTZ--------Dr. KONIG-- ----- " 11

Inf.Regt.e.b.V.800"BRANDENBURG" Personnel and Supply

Pool- -------a Inf.Regt."KURFURST"Inf.Regt.z.b.V.1001

-14- bECRE'i

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SECRET64. INF. REGT. is.b.V. SOO "BRANDENBURG" was stationed at

Generalfeldseugmeisterkaserne at Brandehburg.CO of the Rest. was Oberst HABLINGT. LANZENAUER;Baling's Ase't was Rptm. PINT.This regiment was taken from under the jurisdiotion ofAbwehr . II and reorganized as a combat division.

65.11E. REGT. "EUBEORST" wasat firet 'stationed in Branden-burg, then it was moved to Kamenz/Saxony.CO of the Rest.- Maj. PARTL; his dea l t - Obit. SCRUBBER.

66. INP. z.b.V. 1001 was headed by Obstlt. MARWEDE.The Regidental Staff was in JICIN, Czechoslovakia.One Abteiiung was known to have been stationed at GRAZ.

67. MUREVEST" supplied materiel and German personnel; and"Regt. 1001" supplied foreign pereonnsl, e.g., the "Le-gionairs" - to the PATe and Edge.



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El00- Major LOOS.


Ref. West - Covered Scandinavia, England, Pranoe, Namerioa.Capt. SCONEIOH, and a woman see'y.

Ref. OSt - Covered Russia, Baltio Countries Finland.Oblt.GAMBCKE, ItgRAUPACH, Lt.MENiER, 3 Elis and2 women sec t ies (one of them Prl.XULIUS).

Ref. SW - Covered Spain, Portugal,Italy,Afrioa,S.Amerioa.Capt. LORMIS, WC HARMS, Dr. STROCKER.

Ref. SO - Covered the Balkan and Near Eastern countries.Oblt. PERlD, Lt. NADOLEY, Uffs. MULLER, JagerRAIMUND, Seo'y rrl. SOMMER. •

69. TECHNICAL REFERATS: (in charge of Dr. Werned.EISENBERG)

Ref, II A - Capt. ZIERIACK and his seo'y Prl. KUTi.In charge of all officers and civilian em-ployees. He kept roster of all officers ofFAKe and PATe, of the Leitstitllen, and of theUnternehmen.

Ref. II B - Capt. BITTNER, Pvt. ZECHNER.In charge. of supply and organizational matters.

Ref. II C - Lt. NEUMANN.In charge of issue of passes, permits, passes.

Ref. II D - Lt. BOLDT. •In charge of teohnical records: V-Leute, Unter-nebmen. .


Ref. 7, Liaison to the Luftwaffe - Lt. PAULUS, Lt. SCHRODER.In charge of PAG (PersonenAbsetzGerat = paracuting .equipment); he personally flew the V-Leute to theirassigned territory.Lt PAULUS is the inventor of the PAG of Special type,preventing agents from being separated during theprocess of parachuting. He used to spend most ofhis time at the Plugplatz AINRING, near Salsburgr,in ()Cult:notion with the airfield's chief Luftwaffeengineer, SHTAMER.

SPECIAL FUNDS REBERIT- Stabssablmeister TODTE, a woman eeoly,a Sgt. SCHMIED.He supplied special funds Sall largesumms and foreitn currency).

LEITERTECHNDIALT)- Some to offioers. In charge of them wasat one time Col. MAURITIUS, later alle-gedly displaced by Major EBBW. Otherknown offioer of this unit: Lt. TRAPHAGEN.The LT supplied sabotage material, wea-pons, and clothes to the Unternegmen.

RADIO COMMUNICATION- The Amt maintained only a small station,. a link with the station in Obing. W/T

operator: Obgefr. SIEGMUND.CO of the STABSQUARTIER- Major MERGER.

-16- SLCRE

8RGANI"-flI01 of MIL ANT D R

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UNTEBNEHMEN IN SO CRE.71. BAR In Bulgaria. One group was par . ohuted near Sofia.

Another group wan being prepared.

72. ALGOL In Albania. Leitstelle was preparing to 'bring agroup of Kossovo-Albanians and drop them at theKossovo airfield in Albania. It was still in thestage of preparation when disorder started.

73.. REGULUS In Roumania. In" cooperation with HOria KRA, theRoumanian politioian, some members of the Iron Guardwere trained as V-Leute. At least 4 or 5 were knownto have been dropped equipped with WIT sets.

14. VUK In Serbia. Some Serbians Nationists of the "Sbor".movement, Chetniks and adheraate of Drago Mikhailovidhwere organised And trained for guerilla warfare. Oneof the groups was left in Montenegro before the Germantroope'retired from the region. They were led by theSerbian Lt. PAREZANIR. They settled in the Hqa.-ofSerbian Chetniks in Villa del Nevoeo in Istria. -Another group was dropped in Jan. 45 in the KropnovikPlanina region, NW of Skolpje (Uskub).'

75. EIRO Lt. Baron von STUCK, a young Austrian, planned togo to Crete and from there to send men to Greece foreabotage purpOses. Be was known to have been pre-paring for this operation, seeking men, collectingmaterials when the final disorder began. PERID gavehim an Oberpionier KOCH. He is thought to have beendropped by Jp 290.

76. POLLUX When PAT 250 was retiring from Greeoe it bad takenwith itself some Greco-Roumanian volunteers(Kutzno-flashes and Aromunes). Some of these men were trainedwith the intention of having them dropped near theOlympe. The date of this operation was to be 14 Feb.The radio(Allied) announced that a bunch of parachutistswere caught near Vitina in the Peleponese. Those couldhave been the men of the Pollux.

77. NAMMUTB .A.ploup : of three men(Lt. MULLBR and two others) •were taken from 'Crimea in Autumit 42 and dropped nearKirkuk(Iraq). They were immediately taken prisonersof war.

78. HAI In April or May 42 a group of Brandenbu yg man werebrought by a submarine to the Afrioan coast underthe command of Lt. Kiefer.All wore full German battle-dress. They were to sabotage the-Litoral :1/ nearMarsah Matruh and to return by the U-boat. The subreturned without them. Later it was learned that theywere taken prisoners by the Beitish. Lt. KIEFER wasexohanged in 1944.

-17- s

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79 ' kiln Obetlt. SEHSBURO. In peacetime he was chief of theAbwehretelle Wieebaden. He succeeded Oberst DIMMER,formerly of Abwehrstelle Hamburg, in Athens'.

80. I-LUFT 'Maj. PROBST1Is Korvettenkapitan 7LIEDI4 at the ease time servingas assistant to the Military Attache ofthe GermanLegation in Athens. His successor was Korv. Kap.SOKOL, later reported in Portugal..

81. Other IrPersonnel.Zorv. Kap. v. .CALL, Austrian from Oral, about 60 yrs.old.Oblt. 5.8. MEERSonderel. KOLLER

Herr SCHENK A captain of the last war, later servingas an officer-instructor at the Afganistan WarAcademy in Kabul. Be retutned from Afganistan with therest of the German Colony in 1940 or42 throughTurkey.Son:Usti'. MERTENS. -Sonderft1. KRAUSHAAR, personnel friend of DISCHIERand SERSBURO.

In addition there were some 12 or 14 women eeotyeand 10 drivers.

82. II Persomel. Oblt. Dr. M. ?MIDPw. GUNNINGOefr. PULSTOgfr. BECHOLDSoo. Fri. BALLAUFF

83.. xrx Personnel. Obstit. HOFMBISTERKerv. Kap. =DIKERptm. NEUTERSonderft. LOBOS10 Sectiee.8 Drivers

84. Paymasters Office. Obersehimeister FISCHERHerr WOLF, civilian employee.

-18- SECRL

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SOYMRSTAB PEIMY of SONDERSTA° SECRET85. Arabic Legion consisting of about 3000 Men, partly Arab

Pee and partly Germans trained in deeert warfare.Stabschefs Obetlt. mrin-Rums, later fallen in Tunisia.The only other known officer was Hptm. BARTER

AM II Workers with Sonderstab Ps --Obetlt. v.-SCUM- comes from Wiesbaden, and did Wisane work as II/Act Athens nIzely to transport agentsby U-boat to Syria, Paleetine,Bgypt. In Autamn 42 theSonderstab P was transferred to the Oaucasses. It wasintended to winter in the Caacassep and in 43 to' attackthrough the Persian Plains to Iraq. Most of the Arabirefused to serve in the Cauccasses and were brought beckto Gernany. The Clonderstab retreated from the Cauoassesin th,Autusn and Winter of 42.The remainder woe set upin Tunis. The SUhrungestab with a few Arabs returned toGermany at the end of 43 and were reorganised into the68th Corp.. General pna WAS et that time the CO in thePeleponese.


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86. Lt. Ccl. PAPAGBORGIOU, an old adwirer of Germany, German wife.

87- Co]. KOUXODIAKI8 head of BEB. he had 5 volunteer, for the Cy-pruB opsration. i!h.a. p..p]e were trained at the AbwehrsteUeiut befor. they sep.24 be sent aerosO EDUKOULAZIS demanded asen-

ran.. tram the German Govermwent to the effeet that Cyprus wouldnot return *nder Italian control, but either be independent orbe 3,in,d t. Greece. Results the men were net eent, and PIDwag adzonióhed far d.al4ng with political matters.

88. Dr. TLAYLIXO8, Odo* Pirason, Athena, Greek petty politician,Gorwan wife.

89. Dr. PAP.ARL, Odes Akadenikac 25, Athens A wowan-physiotan, pro-German.

90. Dr. ISTh./, a llwyar, former student at GSttLngen. He hadto leave hi. hime at Oyprua for havin taken part in the riotsof 1951, when the Governor' 8 palsew woe burned down.

91. Dr. LOHARIAD38, Odes Iliaten, Athene a shipbuilding .ngfnearwith varieua shipbuilding establishments in Pirgeus. During thewar he wade trips to Hslland and somehow even to glanK.

92. Herr BLAS-STRAJ. whose sister woe wife of Dr. ZLCEABIADE8pSlornan'. addreiss somewher, in Pirasis; he was nenb.r of Abw.hrII; German Ists*bul representative of the DONAUSOHIPPABRTSGE-L..LL8CØ? (DDBG).

93. Osorgios LIYLOTIC8, 20 yr eld sespirant ethe office ofthe Greek last PIibrsr.

94 • Chrisestomes GEORGIOT, Arebbiahop of IaMbi. Per atiáe be was4* Xua.teb, serving as the priest Sn the Munich Greek Ohursh ((1927-1929). He was knmen to PEEID frau the Munich day• already.The Italians expelled him frca Zanthi. Be remained a greatfriend of Germany, though not of Nasisu and Hitler.

95. AGINORAB, directed some people to PZR.E for eapleyment in theAbwebr II Unternahuen.

96. KLITZ&X, au Armenian from Cilioia, ouated by Turkey. Be hadBorne organisation of patritis jrmeo which he managed tOtransport to Syria. 5e hiaaelf lied in Greeoe from 1922 on.


97. Law Student Peter v,ODELGA,. ODELGA appoaehed PERID and asked


for help in hie efJ 4Lt out of the German Army • PB-

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. /


BID recommended ODBLOA for a job with Abe III with a post inCrete; while at Orete ODBLOA desrted and went over to the -NCpartisans there; later he was transpoted back to Greece where Ahe continued his fight against the Kazis.

98. Herr HARMAN, proprietor at the Seegatterl Inn near Winkel-moos Mitten (6 km Nast of Winkel) where Ant Mil D was thenlooated. HERRMANN was in confidence of Maj LOOS; and was re-portedly an SD steel-pigeon with Mil D. He has been arrestedby same American unit about 27 May.

99. Pit. H1ENTZ8011.Responsible for-W/ of PAR 201 in Belgrade. Prom Belgrade heWas sent to Stahndorf or Belsig and from there to Sigmaringen.While at Sigmaringen he was in Charge of all toohnieal'side•

of W/toperation of all Abwehr in the West.Re had diffieulties with the Party because of his Jewish fian-cee, Miss R1288LAND, daughter of a well-known Koblenz doctor,Ranitaterat RADIUM, He tried, but in vain, to get permission -for marriage - and he was onispOken ly bitter about the wholething.A few days before 20th July (44) he made a remark to ?ARID-that the next few days would witless- some attempt on Hitler'slife.RIENTZSCH often dismissed with IPERID the possiblity of goingover to the Britie"; the only reason which stopped him fromthis the"Gerianisehe Sippenhaftung" theory, that is, thatpunishment for desrtion as taken out on the deserter's fa-mily.

100. Rittmeister v. ORUNING, last seen in Berlin in 1943; merchantby profession, home in Bremen, fanatic objector of the Nazi -Regime.

101. Obstlt. &BARREIRO. CO of Abwehrstelle Athens and later 00 ofPAK 111. Last seen at Belgrade. Comes from Munich, where hehas some relatives at-AlColastrasse 2(?).

102, Gbstlt. ANTRUM. Resistant t I. of Heeresgrappe P. Last'seen in Zagreb, Jan 45. Originally from Rosenheim, Bavaria(Bahnhofstrasse).

103. Lt. RADOM. Last seen in Reit-la-Winkel April 45. His father,a former German Ambassador, reportedly* remained at his estateat Gransee/Brandenburg. He haCa letter of protection signedby Molotov.

104. Pvt. MUNGER, last seen in Zagreb Jan, 45. In charge of allmateriel of PAT 215. In civilian life he was an engineer inVienna. Also he bad been some police functionary and a friend.of PAT. He spent a whole year in the Concentration camp at .DACHAU, because of his objection to Nazism.

105. Herr ROHM, Abwehr II civilian employee, former captain inthe last war, but denied *commission in this war because ofhis Jewish wife. He was the most important adviser on all


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SLCRENear EAST Intelligens. work.Re is of Bavarian descent, hao a hwase at PRIN/Chiensee,where his family lives. Lao seen at Vienna, autumn 44.

1.6. Lt. PAULUS,Aat D Mellon Offieer free the Luftwaffe. Re and engineerBURL'S', are ee-inventors of "PAG" (uPersonenAbsetseerAt").We German Parachute Landing Container (See: Report 144-716.made by 21 AO and based on information supplied by 105 ROIUnit, Ref. 300lu11/8m4/279, dated - 26 Feb 45 and signelloyLt. Col. &GAO").BRIM' and PAULUS worked at their invention at AlrnagsagAiaring, vie:, Salzburg. Lt PAULUS personallm parachuted agentsinto the StidOst territory.

R. Holism=

3■31-: Z/L.1

cuJf ete,4, USR5r :

gt I


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