  • 1. Innovator and imagineer WALTER ELIAS DISNEY

2. WALT: THE FAMILY PET Born December 5, 1901 One of five children born to Elias and Flora Disney Hermosa, Illinois 3. A TRUE MISSOURIAN Growing up in Marceline Moved back to Chicago for fathers business 4. THE GREAT WAR 5. KANSAS CITY MAN 6. THE BROTHERS DISNEY Tuberculosis caused Walts brother Roy to move to a drier climate in California When hearing about his financial problems as well as his aspirations, Roy invited Walt to come out to California with him. Iwwerks and Walt Roy and Walt 7. ITS A TOUGH BUSINESS Charles Mintz Charlie Muntz 8. IT ALL STARTED WITH A MOUSE Whistling Song Skeleton Dance 9. GREAT DEPRESSION 10. WALT AND THE WORLD WAR Good Neighbors Disney's Education for Death Out of the Frying Pan and into the Firing Line 11. SECOND RED SCARE AND NUCLEAR POWER Walt's Testimony before the HUAC 12. FABULOUS FIFTIES Live action features, nature films, television shows and plans for a themepark disneyland 13. WELL DO IT HOW WALT WOULD HAVE DONE IT Upon Walts death on December 15, 1966, Roy Disney opted to return to the helm. His purpose was to complete the final dream of his little brother. 14. WALTS LEGACY Walt never stopped redefining the boundaries of family entertainment Helped to shape economic and demographic changes Applied principles of scientific management to animation and revolutionized the industry Pushed for the adoption of latest advancements in animation and film technologies Almost everything associated with the Disney name became an instant success Frances Clarke SayersEvery story is sacrified to the gimmickof animation Sugar-coated American Adventure history lesson Commercialism, pop-culture romanticism and unfair labor practices 15. WALT THE PHILOSOPHER Reason and Emotion 1943 On Mass Culture: "The span of years has not much altered my fundamental views of mass amusement. Experience has merely perfected the style and method and the techniques of presentation. My entertainment credo has not changed a whit. Strong combat and soft satire are in our story cores. Virtue triumphs over wickedness in our fables. Tyrannical bullies are routed or conquered by our good little people, human or animal. Basic morality is always deeply implicit in our screen legends. But they are never sappy or namby-pamby. And they never prate or preach. All are pitched toward the happy and satisfactory ending. There is no cynicism in me and there is none allowed in our work." Walt Disney A hundred years ago, Wagner conceived of a perfect and all-embracing art, combining music, drama, painting, and the dance, but in his wildest imagination he had no hint what infinite possibilities were to become commonplace through the invention of recording, radio, cinema, and television. There already have been geniuses combining the arts in the mass- communications media, and they have already given us powerful new art forms. The future holds bright promise for those who imaginations are trained to play on the vast orchestra of the art-in-combination. Such SUPERMEN will appear most certainly in those environments which provide contact with all the arts, but even those who devote themselves to a single phase of art will benefit from broadened horizons 16. IT HAS THAT THING THE IMAGINATION, AND THE FEELING OF HAPPY EXCITEMENT I KNEW WHEN I WAS A KID.

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