Download - Lab10 1D Arrays II

  • 8/10/2019 Lab10 1D Arrays II


    ICS 103: Computer Programming in C

    Lab 10: How to Use 1-D array with Funtions

    !b"eti#e:Practice how to use one-dimensional arrays with function.

    $a%groun&: You can pass individual array elements or their addresses to a function that has normal or pointer variablesas arguments respectively. Array elements behave like normal variables.

    We can also have a function that takes the whole array as argument. Such a function does not create a

    local array when called; instead it will ust receive the address of the actual array !the one used in the call"and work directly on its elements. #hus array addresses are passed in a function call. An e$ample of a

    prototype of a function that has an array as argument is%

    void print_array (double a[], int n);As noticed above& we use s'uare brackets without specifying the si(e. )ut in addition to the array& we needthe number of elements of the array and this is why we have the second argument n. When calling such a

    function& we use the name of the actual array without s'uare brackets for the first argument. *or the second

    argument& we use the si(e of the actual array if it is full& otherwise we use the actual number of the elementspresent in the array if it is partially filled.

    When array are used as arguments& they behave like pointers. Since the function is able to access all the

    elements of the actual array because it has received its address& it can use the values of the array elements. +nthis case& the array is used as input. +t can also assign values to the elements of the array; +n such a case& the

    array is used as output. +t can also modify the values of the array elements; leading to the array being used

    for both input and output. ,ore clarification for this issue by looking at the functions e$amples covered in

    the lecture%

    void print_array (double a[], int n); array used for input. #he function accesses the values andprint them on the screen

    void get_average (double a[], int n ); array used for input. #he functions uses the array values tofind sum and average.

    void get_max_min (double a[], int n, double *max, double *min); array used for input. #hefunction uses the array values to find ma$imum and minimum.

    void read_array (double a[], int n); array used for output. #he function reads values from theuser and assigns them to the elements of the array.

    void double_array (double a[], int n); ere the array is used for both input and output. When

    calling the function& the array has already values in its elements. #he function modifies these values

    by multiplying them by /. #hus the modified array will be output.

    void reverse_array (double a[], int n); ere also the array is used for input and output. 0aluesare already present in the array when the function is called !input". #hese values are modified by

    reversing their order !output".


  • 8/10/2019 Lab10 1D Arrays II


    The following example shows the use of a function with array as argument.#include #define SIZE 10int sumValues (int a[], int n ) !!function "otot$"eint main( ) %int &alues[SIZE]int total'sum,i

    "intf(Ente d inte*e &alues >,SIZE) fo(i+0i

  • 8/10/2019 Lab10 1D Arrays II


    '(erise ) :

    Write a program that reads a list of students2 marks and prints the following%1- #he minimum grade.

    /- #he ma$imum grade.

    9- #he corresponding letter grade for each student according to the following table%

    ,ark etter ?76 )

    > ?48 @

    > ?:8

    ?86 *

    Bse the following functions to solve the problem%

    readArrayA function that takes two parameters%1- double array.

    /- +nteger nrepresenting the si(e of the array.

    #he function should return an array containing !n" numbers read from the user.

    minMaxA function that takes an array as an input and returns two values !the minimumand the ma$imum numbers found in the array".

    calcGradeA functions that takes a double array containing the students C marks and

    returns another array of type char containing the corresponding letter grade for each


    '(erise ) 3:

    Write a @ program that declares 9 integer 1- arrays $& y& and ( of si(e S+D3 !constant to be defined e'ual to16". #he program then reads values for $ and y arrays from the user!use some common values".

    *or the reading use the function readEarray.

    *inally the program finds the common values in $ and y. #o achieve this& you need to write a function

    intersectionthat receives / integer arrays as input arguments and a third array ( to be used as outputto contain the common values. +n addition to putting the common values in array (& the function

    returns the number of common values.

    After calling the intersection function& your main function will display the contents of the three arrays on the

    screen. *or printing use the functionprint_array.


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