Page 1: Lady gaga   telephone analysis


By Aneesah and Nisha

Page 2: Lady gaga   telephone analysis

Voyeurism is a perversion in which a person receives sexual gratification from seeing the opposite sex or witnessing others' sexual behavior. However it also Attracts the same sex such as girls by looking at their bodies and wishing they Had the same – this is a form of stereotyping.

Although voyeurism plays a key part in the music video, the characters are still Stand out to show a superior status. An example of this is when Lady Gaga Dances in her bra and knickers to attract the opposite sex. There are also back-Up dancers showing cleavage, however Lady Gaga is still showing more skin (in her thong), so most attention is still on her.

Page 3: Lady gaga   telephone analysis

Voyeurism helps tell the narrative as well as attracting the audience. For the hip-hop genre it is conventional to have a sense of voyeurism as it satisfies The audiences expectations. An example of this would be when Beyoncé isTrying to poison the man, and uses her cleavage to distract him to her advantage. This illustrates to the audience that women are seen as sex Symbols. This shows that the video agrees and helps portray the stereotype.

Page 4: Lady gaga   telephone analysis

When voyerism is combined with camera shots and mise en scene it helps Convey the narrative. In the image shown below, the director uses a point of view shot to introduce a new charater. Voyuerism helps plays a part of this as It puts more emphasis on new main artist who is beyonce, plus the mise en scene also plays an important part as Beyoncé is wearing a revealing dress.

Page 5: Lady gaga   telephone analysis

Voyeurism shows representation of America, as the two main characters Are dressed in American flags to show where their from and who theyAre representing. An example of this would be when beyonce and Gaga Are wearing revealing cloves to attract the male attention as well as Promoting their country.

Page 6: Lady gaga   telephone analysis

Voyeurism is used to play a performance and the audience are expectingThis from the singers. An example of this is when Lady Gaga is dancing In front of her car to make the video more entertaining. Also the costumeThat she is wearing is figure hugging and heels are seen as ‘sexy’. This is aReference to Shania Twanye’s video doesn’t impres me much, as in hervideo she is wearing as similar outfit to Lady Gaga.

Page 7: Lady gaga   telephone analysis

A them of lesbian relationships is potrayed as the officer is seen as A masculine character and shares a relationship with her prisoners.Also to add to this the jail is female dominated which also expressesThe relationship…

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