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Lamb, Marketing 5CE, Chapter 3, Student Handout

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Lecture PowerPoint® slides to accompany

Canadian Adaptation prepared by Don Hill, Langara College

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Chapter 3: Ethics and the Marketing Environment

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Discuss corporate social responsibility

Describe the role of ethics and ethicaldecisions in business

Learning Outcomes

LO3 Discuss the external environment of marketingand explain how it affects a firm

Describe the social factors that affect marketingLO4

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Explain the importance to marketing managers of current demographic trends

Explain the importance to marketing LO6


Learning Outcomes

p p gmanagers of multiculturalism and growing ethnic markets

Identify consumer and marketer reactions to the state of the economy



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Learning Outcomes

Identify the impact of technology on a firm

Discuss the political and legal environment of marketing



Explain the basics of foreign and domestic competition


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Corporate Social Responsibility

Discuss corporate social


Discuss corporate social responsibility.

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The idea that sociallyresponsible companies will outperform their peers by

focusing gon the world’s social

problems, viewingthem as opportunities to build

profits and help the world at the same time.

LO1 7Copyright © 2012 Nelson Education Limited

Review Learning OutcomeLO1

Discuss Corporate Social Responsibility

EthicalEthicalDo what is right.Do what is right.

PhilanthropicPhilanthropicBe a good citizen.Be a good citizen.

LegalLegalObey the Law.Obey the Law.

EconomicEconomicBe profitable.Be profitable.

8Copyright © 2012 Nelson Education Limited

Green Marketing

The developmentand marketing of products

designed to minimize negativedesigned to minimize negativeeffects on the physical

environment or to improvethe environment.

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Ethical Behavior


Describe the role of ethics and ethical decisions in business.

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Ethical Behavior


The moral principles or values

that generally govern the

d t f i di id lconduct of an individual.

LO2 11Copyright © 2012 Nelson Education Limited

Ethical Behavior in Business

Morals – The rules people develop as a p

result of cultural values and norms.

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Ethical Development Levels



• Based on what will be punished or rewarded

• Self-centered, calculating, selfish




• Moves toward the expectations of society

• Concerned over legality and the opinion of others

• Concern about how they judge themselves

• Concern if it is right inthe long run

LO2 13Copyright © 2012 Nelson Education Limited

Ethical Decision MakingInfluential Factors

Extent of Problems

Top Management Actions on ethics

Probability of Harm

Time UntilConsequences

Potential Magnitude of the Consequences

Social Consensus


Number Affected

LO2 14Copyright © 2012 Nelson Education Limited

Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics- A guideline to helpmarketing managers and other

l k b d i iemployees make better decisions.

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Creating Ethical Guidelines

• Helps identify acceptable business practices

• Helps control behaviour internally

• Avoids confusion in decision making

• Facilitates discussion about right and wrong

LO2 16Copyright © 2012 Nelson Education Limited

Ethics Checklist

Exhibit 3.3

LO2 17Copyright © 2012 Nelson Education Limited

Review Learning OutcomeDescribe the Role of Ethics and Ethical Decisions in



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The External Marketing Environment

Discuss the external environment of marketing


environment of marketing, and explain

how it affects a firm

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Target Market

Target market- A defined groupTarget market A defined groupmost likely to buy a firm’s


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Understanding the External Environment


Goalto Identify Future


A d

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And Threats

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Review Learning OutcomeLO3





External Environment (uncontrollable)




Internal (within the

organization)Marketing mix

External Environment of Marketing

Political & Legal Factors

Political & Legal Factors




Target Market





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Social Factors


Describe the social factors that affect marketing.

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Social Factors




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Upward MobilityUpward Mobility

Social Factors

Work EthicWork Ethic


Basic Canadian Values

LO4 25Copyright © 2012 Nelson Education Limited

Social Factors

Social Factors


Values ComponentLifestyles

Changing Role of Women

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Component Lifestyles

The practice of choosing goods and services that meet one’sand services that meet one sdiverse needs and interests

rather than conformingto a single, traditional lifestyle.

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Role of Families and Working Women

• The phenomena of working women has had the greatest effect on marketing than any other social change

• Nearly two-thirds of all women (ages 18-65) are in the kfworkforce

• Purchasing power from dual-career families is rising– Less time for family activities

• Cost is more important to women. Quality is more important to men.

LO4 28Copyright © 2012 Nelson Education Limited

Review Learning OutcomeLO2

Social Factors that Affect Marketing

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Demographic Factors

Explain the importance


to marketing managers of current demographic trends.

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Demographic Factors

Demography- The study of people’svital statistics, such as their age, race and ethnicity, and location.

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Demographic Facts

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Pre- and early adolescents, age 9 to 14

Population of 2.3 million

Purchasing power of $2 billion annually


View TV ads as “just advertising”

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Population of 3 million in Canada

Purchasing power of $10 billion annually

Approximately 70 hours per week tuned in



Participate in social networks

Shopping has become social sport– Connected

34Copyright © 2012 Nelson Education Limited

Generation Y Born between 1979 and 1994

Population of 7 million

Purchasing power of $20 billion annually

Researchers have found Gen Yers to be:– Impatient

il i d– Family-oriented– Inquisitive– Opinionated– Diverse– Time managers– “Street Smart”– Connected

LO5 35Copyright © 2012 Nelson Education Limited

Generation X

Born between 1965 and 1978

Population of 6.7 million

Savvy and cynical consumers

More protective and involved with their kids

Value the importance of education

Avid buyers of the latest clothes, technology, and recreational products

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Baby Boomers Born between 1946 and 1964

Population of 9 million—the largest demographic segment

Many Boomers expect to continue working past 65.

• Account for a significant part of shopping dollars spent on packaged goods

Four segments of baby boomers:“Looking for balance” “Confident and living well” “At ease” “Overwhelmed”

LO5 37Copyright © 2012 Nelson Education Limited

Older Consumers Over 65

Population of 4.7 million

Wealthier, healthier, and better educated than earlier generations

Keep up with the times definite about wants Keep up with the times, definite about wants and needs, and have unique behaviour patterns

Feel that marketers ignore them

Fastest growing segment

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Review Learning OutcomeLO5

Current Demographic Trends

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Growing Ethnic Markets

Explain the importance of marketing


managers of multiculturalism and growing

ethnic markets.

40Copyright © 2012 Nelson Education Limited

Visible Minority

Persons, other than Aboriginalpeoples, who are non-Caucasian

in race or non-white in colour.

LO6 41Copyright © 2012 Nelson Education Limited

Growing Ethnic Markets

Immigrant’s are the main source of population growth

Nearly 250,000 arriving each year

Three-quarters of the immigrants arriving are visible minorities

Currently 16 percent of Canadians are visible minorities

Expected to grow to 31 percent by 2031

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Visible Minorities in Canada

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Ethnic and Cultural Diversity

Multiculturalism: occurs when all major ethnic groups in an area (city, county, or census metropolitan area) are roughly equally represented

Canadian trend is toward greater multiculturalism

Greatest multiculturalism is in the largest metropolitan areas

LO6 44Copyright © 2012 Nelson Education Limited

Implications of Multiculturalism

• Diversity can result in bottom-line benefits to companies

• Ethnic markets are not homogeneous

• Many niches requiring micromarketing y g gstrategies

• Growth in Internet usage within ethnic markets outpaces the general public

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Review Learning OutcomeLO6

Multiculturalism and Growing Ethnic Markets

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Economic Factors

Identify consumer and marketer reactions to the


marketer reactions to the state of the economy.

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Economic Factors

Consumer’s Income



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Consumers’ Incomes

• Median Canadian household income in 2010 was approximately $66,550.

• Incomes have risen at a slow pace• Incomes have risen at a slow pace.

• New level of affluence cuts across all household types.– Not limited to professionals, age or

educationLO7 49Copyright © 2012 Nelson Education Limited

Purchasing Power

Purchasing Power- A comparisonof income versus the relative cost

of a set standard of goods andof a set standard of goods and services in different geographic


LO7 50Copyright © 2012 Nelson Education Limited


Inflation- A measure of the decreasein the value of the money, expressedy, pas the percentage reduction in value

since the previous year.

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Recession- A period of economic activity characterized by negativey y g

growth which reduces demandfor goods and services.

LO7 52Copyright © 2012 Nelson Education Limited

Recession Marketing Strategies

• Redouble efforts to cut costs

• Lower prices to attract new customers and hold existing onesexisting ones

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Review Learning OutcomeLO7

Economic Factors

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Technological Factors

Identify the impact of a technology firm


technology firm.

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Basic research – pure research thataims to confirm an

existing theoryor to learn more about a concept

or phenomenon

Applied research – an attempt to developnew or improved products

LO8 56Copyright © 2012 Nelson Education Limited

Technological Factors

• New technology is a weapon against inflation and recession

• Canada excels at basic research and is improving at applied researchresearch.

• Information technology and the Internet have been driving increased productivity

• Many firms use the marketing concept to guide research.

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• New technology creates a long-term competitive advantage.

• The most innovative firms have an average profit

Technological Factors

g pmargin growth of 3 percent higher than the typical firm.

LO8 58Copyright © 2012 Nelson Education Limited

Review Learning OutcomeLO8

Impact of Technology on a Firm








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Political and Legal Factors

Discuss the political and


legal environment of marketing.

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Political and Legal Factors

New technology

Laws and Regulations Protect:Laws and Regulations Protect:





LO9 61Copyright © 2012 Nelson Education Limited

Competition Bureau

Competition Act

Packaging and Labelling Act


Textile Labelling Act

Precious Metals Act

Competition Bureau

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Review Learning OutcomeLO9

Political and Legal Environment of Marketing



Federal Legislation

Provincial Legislation


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Competitive Factors


Explain the basics of foreign and domestic competition.

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Competitive Factors

How many competitors?

How big are competitors?


Specific strategies?

How strong and aggressive?

How interdependent isthe industry?

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Competition for Market Share and Profits

• Firms must work harder to

Global Competition

• More foreign firms are entering Canadian

k t

Competitive Factors

maintain profits and market share.


• Foreign firms in Canada now compete on product quality.

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Review Learning OutcomeLO10

Mature Industries

Highly Competitive Marketplace

Foreign and Domestic Competition

Slow Growth / No Growth

Can only increasemarket share bytaking it from a competitor.

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