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Kingdom : Plantae

Division Magnoliophyta

Class: Magnoliopsida

Order : Rosales

Family : Rosaceae

Subfamily : Rosoidenae

Genus : Rosa l

Description : There are several varieties of the Indian Roses which includes white rose, pink rose, maroon rose, red rose, yellow rose and orange rose. It has thorn on its stems. The cane has leaves and budeyes. A leaf consists of stipule, petiole, and leaflets. The leaves are -15 cm long. The leaflets usually have the segrrated margins and few small prickles on the underside of the stem. Most of the roses are deciduous. The flower has five petals

Kingdom : Plantae

Division Magnoliophyta

Class: Magnoliopsida

Order : Asrerales

Family : Calenduleae

Genus : Calendula

Scientific Name : Calendula officinalis

Description : It flowers from July to September. The scented flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs). It is hardy to zone 6 and is frost tender. The lower leaves are broad and spatula shaped. Upper leaves may be oblong, are smooth at the edges, and are arranged alternately along the stem. Seeds are crescent to horseshoe shaped with the rough exterior. Its branching stem grows to the height of 30- 60 cm.

Kingdom : Plantae

Division Magnoliophyta

Class: Magnoliopsida

Order : Lamiales

Family : Lamiaceae

Genus : Ocimum

Species : O. tenuiflorum

Scientific Name :Ocimum Sanctum

Other names : It is known as Holy Basil in English and Tulasi in Sanskrit. Other names used for the Tulsi are Manjari, Krishna Tulsi, Trittavu, Tulshi and Thulsi.

Description : Tulsi is a heavy branched having hair all over. It attains the height of about 75 – 90 cm. It has round oval shaped leaves which are up to 5 cm long. The leaves are 2- 4 cm in length. Its seeds are flat. Its flowers are purple – creamish in colour. The Tulsi with the green leaves is called the Shri Tulsi and one with the reddish leaves is called the Krishna Tulsi. Its seeds are yellow to reddish in colour. Leaves of Tulsi contains very essential oil.

Kingdom : Plantae

Division Magnoliophyta

Class: Liliopsida

Order : Asparagales

Family : Asphodelaceae

Genus : Aloe

Species: A .vera

Zoological name :Aloe Vera

Other names : Cape aloe, Aloe curacao, Barbadoes aloe, Venezuela aloe, Indian alces, Ghirita, Lu hui, Star Cactus are the other names used for the Aloe Vera. It is also called miracle plant, Burn plant, medicine plant and first-aid-plant.

Description : Aloe Vera grows to a height of 12 to 16 inches. It has a fibrous root system. It does not have stems. It has thick freshly leaves with sharp points, which are up to 18 inches long and 2 inches wide at the base. Its leaves are even long and triangular in shape. The tissue in the center of the Aloe leaf contains a gel which yields the aloe gel. Its leaves are rich in water that is why it can survive for years. These leaves have spiky margins and are blotched creams. It is the member of the Lilly family. The roots of the pant are thick and fibrous. The fruit is the triangular capsule containing numerous seeds.

Kingdom : Plantae

Division Flowering plant

Class: Magnoliopsida

Order : Malpighiales

Family : Phyllanthaceae

Tribe : Phyllantheae

Subtribe : Fluegginae

Genus : Phyllanthus

Species: P. emblica

Zoological name : Phyllanthus emblica

Other names : Indian gooseberry, Bhumi amla, Bhumyamalki, Amlaki, adiphala, dhatri, amalaka, amali, amalakamu, usirikai, Anola, Amlika, nellikai, malacca tree, nillika, nellikya, emblic are the other names used for the Amla.

Description : Amla is the medium size deciduous plant. It grows to the height of 8 -18 meter. It has a crooked trunk and spreading branches. Its flower is yellow greenish in colour. The fruit is spherical pale yellow with six vertical furrows. The mature fruits are hard and do not fall for the gentle touch. The average weight of the fruit is 60 -70 g. It has a gray bark and reddish wood. Its leaves are feathery, linear oblong in shape and smell like lemon. Its wood is hard in texture. It wraps and splits when exposed in the Sun or in the excessive heat

Kingdom : Plantae

Division Magnoliophyta

Class: Magnoliopsida

Order : Urticales

Family : Moraceae

Genus : Ficus

Zoological name : Ficus Benghalensis

Other names : Bargad, Bor, Ber, Ala and Pedda mari, Nayagrodha, Ala mara, Bar, Vad, Vatnam, Bahupada, Peddamarri, Al are the other names used for the Banyan tree. Indians call it a wish fulfilling tree.

Description : Banyan tree is a huge tree with very extensive branches. It is said that at one time more than 10, 000 people can sit under its shade at one time. It is a evergreen tree. It branches spread out and send trunk like roots to the ground in order to support itself. It grows to a height of more than 21 meters and lives for many years. The leaves are 10 -20 cm long and has many aerial roots. The leaves are broad, oval and glossy. White milky fluid oozes out of leaves, if broken. It can grow in to the gaint tree covering several hectares.

Kingdom : Plantae

Division Magnoliophyta

Class: Magnoliopsida

Order : Rosales

Family : Moraceae

Genus : Ficus

Species : F. religiosa

Scientific Name :Ficus religiosa

Other names : Bo tree, Bodhi tree, Sacred tree, Beepul tree, Pipers, Pimpal, Jari, Arani,Ashvattha, Ragi, Bodhidruma, Shuchidruma, Pipalla, Ashvattha and the Buddha tree are the other names used for the Banyan tree.

Description : Peepal is a large, fast growing deciduous tree. It has a heart shaped leaves. It is a medium size tree and has a large crown with the wonderful wide spreading branches. It shed its leaves in the month of March and April. The fruits of the Peepal are hidden with the figs. The figs are ripen in the month of May. The figs which contain the flowers grow in pairs just below the leaves and look like the berries. Its bark is light gray and peels in patches. Its fruit is purple in colour. It is one of the longest living trees.

Kingdom : Plantae

Division Magnoliophyta

Class: Magnoliopsida

Order : Sapindales

Family : Meliaceae

Genus : Azadirachta

Species : A. indica

Scientific Name : Azadirachta indica

Other names : It is popularly known as the miracle tree. It is known as Nimba in India. The Sanskrit name of Neem is Arishtha meaning the reliever of the sickness. Margosa tree

Description : It is a tall evergreen tree with the small bright green leaves. It is up to 100 feet tall. It blossoms in spring with the small white flowers. It has a straight trunk. Its bark is hard rough and scaly, fissured even in small trees. The colour of the bark is brown grayish. The leaves are alternate and consists of several leaflets with serrated edges. Its flowers are small and white in colour. The loive like edible fruit is oval, round and thin skinned.

Kingdom : Plantae

Division Magnoliophyta

Class: Magnoliopsida

Order : Myrtales

Family : Myrtaceae

Genus : Eucalyptus

Zoological name :Eucalyptus globulus, Eucalyptus polybrachtea

Other names : Tailapatra, Sugandhapatra, Tailaprana, and Nilgiri Taila are the other names used for the Eucalyptus.

Description : Eucalyptus is a tall evergreen tree. It attains the height of more than 300 feet. Leaves of the tree on juvenile shoots are opposite, sessile, cordate-ovate and covered with a bluish white bloom. The adult leaves are alternate, lanceolate and are 6-12 inches long and 1-2 inches broad. It flowers are cream in colour. The appearance of its bark varies with the age of the tree. Its bark consists of long fibers and can be can be pulled off in long pieces. Stems of the seedlings and coppice shoots are quadrangular. Flowers are in cymose panicles. The fruit is a capsule

Kingdom : Plantae

Division Magnoliophyta

Class: Magnoliopsida

Order : Sapindales

Family : Meliaceae

Genus : Swietenia

Species : S. mahagoni

Scientific Name :Swietenia mahagoni

Other names : Mahogany, West Indian Mahogany, Spanish mahogany, Madeira redwood, acajou, caoba, caoba de Santo, cheria mahogany, Cuban mahogany, American mahogany, True mahogany, small leaf mahogany, Dominican mahogany are some of the other names of Indian Mahogany.

Description : Indian Mahogany grow up to the height of 30 -40 feet. It is fast upright growing tree with abroad rounded symmetrical crown. It is 20 -30 feet in spread. The fruit is a large greenish brown capsule, splitting into 5 parts relwasing flat, long winged, light brown seeds. Its wood is red brown in colour. Both the male and the female flowers are produced on the same plant. The bark is smooth dark brown in colour. The leaves are pinnate which are 12 -25 cm long, with four to eight leaflets.

Common name: Bengal Clock Vine, Bengal Trumpet Vine, Blue Sky Flower, Blue Sky Vine, Blue Trumpet Vine • Hindi: नी�ल लता� Neel lata • Gujarati: Tumakhlung • Bengali: নী�ল লতা� Neel lota • Assamese: Kukua loti • Mizo: Vakohrui, Zawngafian, Vako • Khasi: Jermi khnong, Syntiew jyrni chankhlaw

Botanical name: Thunbergia grandiflora Family: Acanthaceae (Ruellia family)

The Bengal Clock Vine has been called by some "the most beautiful vine in the world". From a distance, this twining, flowering vine looks like a morning glory and even up close the flowers are quite similar. The curious name clock vine comes from the fact that it twines around a support in a clockwise direction. It is a vigorous evergreen vine and native to northern India. From the rope-like stems, that can reach to the top of large structure or even cover a good sized tree, emerge the dark green leaves that are leathery and have a distinctive elongated heart shape, 4-5 inches long and often have a slightly toothed margin. The beautiful 3 inch wide pale blue or white flowers are cup-like with pale yellow to cream blue striped centers. This plant can be in bloom at nearly any time of year but will sulk during cold months. The rampant growth of this vine can be somewhat controlled by giving or withholding irrigation - once established it needs only be watered occasionally. Flowering: March-November

Common name: Flame vine, Flaming trumpet, Golden shower trumpet, Orange Bignonia • Tamil: தந்கா� பூ Tanga pu Botanical name: Pyrostegia venusta Family: Bignoniaceae (Jacaranda family)Synonyms: Bignonia ignea, Bignonia venusta, Pyrostegia igneaFlaming trumpet is a vigorous, fast-growing, evergreen woody vine that blooms in winter and spring with spectacular reddish-orange flowers. The compound leaves have two or three 2-3 in oval leaflets and are arranged in pairs opposite each other on the stem. Often, the center leaflet is modified into a coiled, three-parted tendril. Flame vine branches profusely and climbs by clinging with its tendrils. The tubular flowers are about 3 in long and borne in clusters of 15-20 at the tips of branches. The corolla has five lobes which are bent backwards, and the long orange stamens and style extend beyond the tube. The flower clusters may hang down under the weight of their own beauty. Fruits are slender dry capsules about 1 ft long. Flaming trumpet is native to southern Brazil, northern Argentina and Paraguay.

Common name: Silky Morning Glory, Silky wood rose, गा�वेल Gavel (Marathi), Samudra balli (Kannada) Botanical name: Argyreia sericea Family: Convolvulaceae (morning glory family) A clambering silky twiner. Leaves ovate-heart-shaped, 3-5 in, hairy above densely white-silky beneath; petiole 1-3 in. Flowers in bracteate heads. Clusters of trumpet shaped flowers, pink/purple inside with a deep coloured throat, white. Berry 1/2 in. diam. orange-coloured, pulpy. Occasionally found on high altitudes in Western Ghats.

Common name: Cardinal Creeper, Lady Doorly's Morning Glory Botanical name: Ipomoea horsfalliae Family: Convolvulaceae (morning-glory family) Native to Jamaica, this evergreen woody vine is commonly cultivated all around the world. The ornamental features are its foliage and the flowers. The leaves are palmately divided into five to seven segments, and are very atractive smooth green color. The noticable long red flowers are in groups. Even before the flowers emerge the buds are a positive feature, because they look like small berries.

Common name: Ceylon Green Champa • Marathi: रा�नी चा�फा� Ran Chapha Botanical name: Artabotrys zeylanicus Family: Annonaceae (Sugar-apple family)Ceylon Green Champa is a woody climber, with velvet-hairy branchlets. Leaves are oblong-elliptic or lanceshaped, 10-15 cm long, 3.5-7 cm wide, carried on 4 mm long stalk. Leaves are pointed or with tapering blunt tips, hairless. Flowers are covered with brownish velvet-hairs. They are carried on 1.2 cm long velvet-hairy stalks. Sepals are 6 mm long, velvety, as broad as long. Petals are 3-3.7 cm long, inner ones shorter and narrower. Flower limb is flat lanceshaped. Ceylon Green Champa is found in forests of Karnataka, Kerala and Sri Lanka. Flowering: December-January.

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