Page 1: LANGWARRIN PARK PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTERCaptains, Katelyn and Nick, led the ANZAC Ode and Rouse exceptionally well. ... the Front Office for further information and a nomination form


NEWSLETTER Northgateway, Langwarrin VIC 3910 Ph: (03) 9775 7533 Fax: (03) 9775 9264

Website: Email: [email protected]



4 May 2018


ANZAC DAY ASSEMBLY ANZAC Day is always regarded as one of the most important events on our nation’s calendar. As a way to recognise the importance of this day, last week we held a very special ANZAC Day assembly. It was a great opportunity for our school’s Year 6 student leaders to be actively involved in leading this special ceremony. Our SRC leaders Keely and Connor confidently recited the well known poem Flanders Fields and our School Captains, Katelyn and Nick, led the ANZAC Ode and Rouse exceptionally well. Our Grade 5 students did a beautiful job at singing Waltzing Matilda. It was quite amazing seeing our students showcase their instrumental talents during this song! The stage and hall was also showcasing some wonderful student art work. The poppy murals and banners added great impact to this assembly. It was very pleasing to observe the level of respect given by all our students during this special assembly. A massive thanks must go to all the organisers of our ANZAC Day Assembly. We are lucky as a school to have a team of dedicated teachers who give considerable time to provide these opportunities for our students and the wider school community.

Richard Barren

SCHOOL COUNCIL School Council met for our first meeting of the year on Monday 19 April and welcomed new council members. Our 2018 councillors


Parent Representatives: Vicky Adams (President), Claire Bray, Nicole Jurasov-Torpy, Lynda Norrish, Leisa McGuinness, Kintara Phillips, Matilda Pretorius, Melanie Schmidt, Desiree Slattery

DET Representatives: Denise Webster, Pauline Agius, Richard Barren, Laura Freeman, Fay Hanifah

School Council represents the interests of all students and families of the Langwarrin Park Primary School community. We currently have 1 casual vacancy position available on School Council for a parent representative. If you are interested in joining us please see the Front Office for further information and a nomination form. We meet once a month and have a number of sub-committees that supports the work of School Council.

Vicky Adams

School Council President

Page 2: LANGWARRIN PARK PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTERCaptains, Katelyn and Nick, led the ANZAC Ode and Rouse exceptionally well. ... the Front Office for further information and a nomination form



TRY your best Be HEALTHY RELATE well Get INVOLVED Live your VALUES ENJOY positive emotions BREAKFAST CLUB

We are pleased to announce that our Breakfast Club is now being

offered to students on Mondays, Wednesdays and now Fridays

8.15-8.45am. If students would like to come along for some toast

and cereal we are located in the kitchenette area beside the Music

Room just before the hallway to the Dance Studio.


This term we are beginning a new program at Langwarrin Park Primary School - a program designed to help girls grow their friendship

skills. Specifically designed for girls in Years 4-6, In Real Life addresses topics such as making and being a good friend, gossip,

conflict resolution, managing emotions, safe social media use, plus assists girls to identify their support networks. The program runs

over seven 45 minute sessions, and encourages girls to grow their communication with each other, build each other up and handle

feelings in helpful ways. In Real Life will begin in Week 3 with two small groups of Year 4 and 5 girls. For more information please

contact either Miss Tobi Hailey (5/16) or Mrs Luana Lane (Welfare Office).

Luana Lane Sarah Roney Welfare Officer Positive Education Co-ordinator

Page 3: LANGWARRIN PARK PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTERCaptains, Katelyn and Nick, led the ANZAC Ode and Rouse exceptionally well. ... the Front Office for further information and a nomination form



REMINDERS Due dates for Payments: Amount: Due Date: Year 5—Aqua Package $43.75 16 May Year 5—Camp 2nd Instal $110 9 May Final $110 23 May Year 4—Camp Deposit $100 23 May 2nd Instal $130 27 June Final $130 1 August Foundation—Casey Safety Village $16 15 June

Please check the planning guide further on in this newsletter for details of upcoming activities and due dates for payment. CSEF—FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE INFORMATION FOR PARENTS CSEF will be provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities. If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families. The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities (including swimming)for the benefit of your child. The annual CSEF amount per student is $125 for primary school students. Note: If you qualified for CSEF last year then you do not need to complete a new form for this year. This will be automatically updated as per Centrelink/CSEF. If you have any queries please pop into the Finance Office. For the CSEF application closing dates and more information about the fund visit or contact us here at the Finance Office. EXCURSION / INCURSION FORMS Excursion forms need to be returned to the teacher by the due date and payment made to the Finance Office via QKR/BPay/eftpos or classroom teacher. It is imperative that we have forms returned so that student numbers can be confirmed. For example, where extra teachers are needed for swimming etc. WORKING WITH CHILDREN CHECK On 1 August 2017 legislation changed which requires everyone in direct contact with students to obtain a Working with Children Check. For full details please visit the website by following the link from our school website finance page. If you are assisting with swimming, excursions or within the school you must have a valid WWCC. If you have organised your WWCC please check the expiry dates to ensure it is current and notify the Finance Office of new dates. We value the support of our families and appreciate your compliance with these requirements to protect our students. Sue Guest Bridgit Dooley Business Manager Accounts Receivable


THANK YOU! On behalf of the School Banking community we would like to warmly thank Mrs Melanie Schmidt (Connor 2/34) for volunteering to be our Banking Officer. Please remember to send student banking in with your child on a Tuesday.

Page 4: LANGWARRIN PARK PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTERCaptains, Katelyn and Nick, led the ANZAC Ode and Rouse exceptionally well. ... the Front Office for further information and a nomination form


LIBRARY PREMIERS’ READING CHALLENGE 2018 We are off to the most amazing start!!! You will not believe how many books we have already read as a school! We will be revealing this tally at the Assembly on 25 May! Keep up the great work and remember, if you have any questions please call in and see me; I am always happy to assist. Have you had a chance to visit our Library online? Head to the above link and you can search all the books in our school library from anywhere. Your child will be provided a login so that you may also view their current loans, borrowing history and assist them to create a reading list of books they might like to borrow in the future. In this area students are encouraged to browse, write book reviews and reserve books that they wish to borrow when they are already out on loan. With the Premiers’ Reading Challenge underway a very handy feature is the QUICK LIST. Select your child’s PRC Level and you can then view all the Challenge books we have in our Library. We tried really hard to label every PRC book with a special spine sticker however if you are reading a book that shows as being a PRC book and it does not have a sticker, please encourage your child to bring it into me! The Challenge books show a blue P next to them on the library system. I will be using this page for special Library News so keep a regular look out! There are easy links to the PRC to log books, Mathletics, Reading Eggs and Scholastic LOOP Book Club ordering. We are so proud to open our Library to our school community and we value your contribution and feedback.

Kate Mowat Library Manager



Satu One Dua Two Tiga Three Empat Four Lima Five Enam Six Tujuh Seven Delapan Eight Sembilan Nine Sepuluh Ten Bu S and Bu Wilson LOTE Teachers

Page 5: LANGWARRIN PARK PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTERCaptains, Katelyn and Nick, led the ANZAC Ode and Rouse exceptionally well. ... the Front Office for further information and a nomination form


PHYSICAL EDUCATION HOUSE CROSS COUNTRY It was fantastic to see so many enthusiastic and eager students with House Coloured shirts/tops, ready to tackle the Cross Country Course. Parents, teachers and students cheered on all competitors as they ran the course. Some students finished the race with smiles on their faces, whilst others showed exhaustion or relief. The most rewarding thing was to see so many students participating and giving it their best to complete the course. Not everyone can be in the top 10, but everyone is a winner when they give 100%.

Thank you to all the parents who provided valuable support and encouragement for all competitors as well as greatly assisting me with handing out of wrist bands, timing, place-judging and data entry. Special mention to Darren Paxton (Jaime 6/5) and Matt Sossi (Jacob 6/9) who “willingly” stayed for the entire time to assist with recording and timing. It is also important to mention the role of the House Captains and Vice Captains. They assisted with the set up and pack up of the course. In the younger age group races they scattered themselves around the course to cheer on the competitors, providing them with encouragement and assistance for some students who were at times a little distressed. Students who qualify for the school team will be competing on Baxter on Tuesday 29 th May. Money and consent forms are to be returned by Tuesday 22nd May. Training is Tuesday and Thursday, 8:00 am – 8:45 am. Students who make the team are expected to train at least 1 early morning session a week. Training is open to all students in Years 3 – 6. Please collect a consent form from the PE office.

PLACE 9 YEARS GIRLS GRADE 9 YEARS BOYS GRADE 1 Mikayla Coutts 3/22 Hayden Coutts 3/25

2 Maggie O’Reilly 3/25 Riley Joksimovic 3/24

3 Alyssa Aedy 3/25 Jack Ellis 3/23

4 Holly Verbiesen 3/23 Ryan Burke 3/22

5 Ruby Bramhall 3/23 Caleb Allan 3/24

6 Ikumi West 3/25 Caleb White 3/25

7 Rubi Brooks 3/22 Mitchell Dobeli 3/25

8 Olivia Dawson 3/24 Marley Hutagalung 3/22

9 Olivia Dawson 3/24 Charlie Scutt 3/22

10 Emili Narramore 3/22 Bailey Gonsal 3/25

11 Ashlee Middleton 3/25 Aidan Hewitt 3/23

12 Alice Evans 3/22 Austin Macaw 3/25


1 Holly Mayers 4/26 Ryder Dower 4/27

2 Kiara Mavondo 4/19 Kobe Harrison 4/26

3 Mia Mayne 4/26 Ky Cosgriff 3/24

4 Leah Forrest 4/19 Will Klauer 3/24

5 Dakota Clancy 4/26 Will Keays 4/20

6 Leela Bannan 4/27 Brogen Rudkin 4/20

7 Cherilee Van Eyssen

4/19 Aidan Denton 4/20

8 Sophie Vowels 4/26 Liam Kinlan 4/26

9 Jazzi O’Connor 4/27 Alex Mifsud 4/26

10 Kate Hateley 4/20 Waldo Pretorious 4/26

11 Poppy Lovisa 4/20 Max Tassone 4/20

12 Bridgette Nye 4/26 Liam Weinz 3/22

PLACE 11 YEARS GIRLS GRADE 11 YEARS BOYS GRADE 1 Ella Hazelman 5/14 Brodie Smith 5/12

2 Mia Brooks 5/12 Andrew Turver 5/16

3 Jessica Moloney 5/11 Will Mayers 5/14

4 Maddy Norrish 5/14 Harvey Klauer 5/16

5 Belle Hingert 5/10 Luke Napier 5/14

6 Krystal Powell 5/12 Jack Curtis 6/9

7 Charlotte Dawson

5/16 Harley Edmonds 5/10

8 Hunter Johnston 5/14 Jordan Middleon 5/11

9 Lily Bramhall

5/16 Tyler Hunter 5/12

10 Zoe Bobrowski

5/16 Thomas Weinz 5/12

11 Ellie Chubb

5/12 Aidan Scutt 5/14

12 Bridie Royans

5/14 Noah Bailey 6/8


1 Jemma Reynolds 6/8 Kai Zealley 6/5

2 Bella Wyatt 6/6 Kayden Gonsal 6/9

3 Brianna Blair 6/9 Ollie Blommestein 6/7

4 Rhianna Aedy 6/5 Jack Moloney 6/9

5 Georgina Rudkin 6/9 Ben Barnett 5/10

6 Alice Phillips 6/6 Lochlan Hull 6/7

7 Katelyn Fellows 6/8 Jacob Sossi 6/9

8 Charlotte Neilson 6/7 Charlie Cater 6/5

9 Laila Sheppard 6/8 Lachie Moore 6/7

10 Tahlia Wyatt 6/9 Cooper Thomas 6/6

11 Jaime Paxton

6/5 Jackson Burke 6/6

12 Makayla Cherrill

6/5 Callum Coutts 6/8

Page 6: LANGWARRIN PARK PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTERCaptains, Katelyn and Nick, led the ANZAC Ode and Rouse exceptionally well. ... the Front Office for further information and a nomination form



CONGRATULATIONS – JEMMA REYNOLDS (6/8) As mentioned in the previous newsletter Jemma was successful at progressing through to the second round try-outs for the State Cricket team. Jemma is also a talented basketballer. In Week 1 of this term she attended the Divisional try-outs for the State Basketball team. Once again Jemma impressed the selectors and has now progressed through to the Regional try-outs. We wish Jemma well! CONGRATULATIONS – INTERSCHOOL KANGA A TEAM Last term the Year 6 students were involved in the District Summer Sport. The Kanga A team finished on top of the ladder with 5 wins and a loss. As a result they are District Champions and will now be playing in the Divisional finals in Term 4. Thanks to Mr Rahman for coaching the team and Dan Phillips (Alice 6/6) for assisting with scoring/umpiring. Team Members: Charlie Cater (6/5), Jackson Burke (6/6), Alice Phillips (6/6), Ollie Blommestein (6/7), Cooper Brisbane (6/7), Lochlan Hull (6/7), Jaxon Mason (6/7), Noah Bailey (6/8), Jemma Reynolds (6/8), Jack Moloney (6/9) YEAR 6 WINTER SPORT – BEGINNING 4th MAY This Friday is the first round of Winter Sport for the Year 6 students against Woodlands PS. Having enjoyed the Summer Sport competition, the students are all keen to participate in the Winter Sports. For some students this will be their first opportunity to play a sport in a competitive environment; they are looking forward to the challenge. Venues: Woodlands: Football, Girls Netball, Mixed Netball LPPS: Mixed Soccer, Girls Soccer, Teeball, Newcombe WEDNESDAY MORNING SWIMMING 7:45am – 8:30 am Swimming fitness/training continues this term for students in Years 3 – 6 that have a swimming ability of K8 (or equivalent). Students participating for the first time must make sure they return a completed consent form. All students must bring their own goggles, towel and drink bottle. RUNNING CLUB: TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY MORNINGS 8:00 am – 8:45 am Running Club continues for this term. Students who are representing the school at the District Cross Country are expected to attend at least one of these sessions. Other students are also invited to continue/join in with the training. “The more the merrier” or should that be “the more, the fitter the individual”. PREP – PMP On Monday the Prep students participated in and thoroughly enjoyed their first PMP lesson. Thanks to all the parent support, the program ran very smoothly. Continued parental support is required to ensure the program runs throughout Terms 2 and Term 3. COLES – SPORT FOR SCHOOLS Thank you, thank you, thank you! We have had an amazing response from the community. With counting almost done, we have

collected close to 115,000 vouches; SENSATIONAL. It is now time to start ordering the equipment. Once completed, it will take

some time for the orders to be distributed. The school should receive the equipment at the end of August or early September. Once again, thank you to the Bennett family (Tim, Chris, Josie, Molly, Aston) who did the majority of the counting. Sue Burt / Franca Peluso PE Department

Page 7: LANGWARRIN PARK PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTERCaptains, Katelyn and Nick, led the ANZAC Ode and Rouse exceptionally well. ... the Front Office for further information and a nomination form






We would love any toy trucks/cars for our Foundation students to use at recess / lunch.

We would also LOVE any bean bags for our reading corners!

If you can assist please deliver to the

Front Office or any Foundation classroom Thank you


Wishing all the Mother’s a very special day next Sunday on Mother’s Day. We also wish our Year 6’s a fantastic time away at camp. As promised, with the weather becoming colder I have Hot Chocolates, Homemade Pumpkin Soup and Homemade Chicken Soup with garlic pizza available. The Hot Chocolates are available to order from the counter at recess and lunch time and the soup is available through lunch orders. Hot Chocolates $1 and Soup $3.

Have a great week!

Di & Staff



FOR $5!!!


School Crossings Victoria honour the dedication and hard work put into the Community by School Crossing Supervisors from all over the state. They are currently inviting all schools to nominate the supervisor they feel is worthy of being recognised, and may even be judged Victoria’s School Crossing Supervisor of the Year. What an honour that title will be for one of these dedicated supervisors. If you would like to nominate please complete the form available in the Parents tab on our school website. Nominations close on May 25, 2018.

Page 8: LANGWARRIN PARK PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTERCaptains, Katelyn and Nick, led the ANZAC Ode and Rouse exceptionally well. ... the Front Office for further information and a nomination form


Page 9: LANGWARRIN PARK PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTERCaptains, Katelyn and Nick, led the ANZAC Ode and Rouse exceptionally well. ... the Front Office for further information and a nomination form


Page 10: LANGWARRIN PARK PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTERCaptains, Katelyn and Nick, led the ANZAC Ode and Rouse exceptionally well. ... the Front Office for further information and a nomination form


This tentative outline of forthcoming events is provided to assist parents with their calendar and budget planning


MAY AMOUNT DUE DATE Tuesday 8th 4/19, 4/20, 15th, 22nd 4/26, 4/27 Swimming $43.75 23 March Thursday 10th 1/15, 1/17, 1/18, 17th, 24th 1/28, 1/29 Swimming $43.75 23 March Monday 7th ALL Mother’s Day Stall Wednesday 9th- Year 6 Phillip Island Adventure Camp $323 Friday 11th Deposit $160 18 April Final $163 2 May Tuesday 15th- Thursday 17th Year 3 & 5 NAPLAN testing Wednesday 23rd Year 6 School Production 2.30pm Wednesday 23rd Year 5 Aqua Package commences $43.75 16 May Monday 28th Foundation Grandparents Day JUNE Thursday 7th ALL Parent Teacher Interviews—Evening Friday 8th ALL Curriculum Day—Student Free Day Parent Teacher Interviews—Morning Wednesday 13th- Year 5 Ballarat Camp $330 Friday 15th Deposit $110 18 April 2nd Instal $110 9 May Final $110 23 May Saturday 23rd School Community Working Bee Monday 25th F1 & F4 Casey Safety Village $16 15 June Wednesday 27th F2, F3 & F14 Casey Safety Village $16 15 June Friday 29th ALL Term 2 Concludes Early Dismissal 2.30pm AUGUST Wednesday 29th- Year 4 Melbourne City Camp $360 Friday 31st Deposit $100 23 May 2nd Instal $130 27 June Final $130 1 August


Page 11: LANGWARRIN PARK PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTERCaptains, Katelyn and Nick, led the ANZAC Ode and Rouse exceptionally well. ... the Front Office for further information and a nomination form


See our school website for details on how to reach

our Langwarrin Park Community through


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