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Page 1: Laolu's Diary

Production Title _The Silhouette Man _____________________________

Group Name _TRUST NO 1 _________________________________



Date: 09/12/14

What did I do today?

I and my group discussed the idea for our film and who was going to be in the film.

What did my team do today?

They all contributed ideas to the film. We combined all our ideas together because all of our ideas were creative and we thought that if we combined all the ideas together we would have a creative and innovative idea.

What am I going to do next?

I will start off writing the script because my idea was the main idea and I had a clearer idea of what was happening in the film and what was being said.

Date: 10/12/14

What did I do today?

I started gathering the actors for the film and I began writing the script because I knew which actors I was going to gather.

What did my team do today?

Clifford started off the storyboard because he knew what he was doing because he had a clear idea on the outline of the film. Liam started planning the shot list and the outline of the story, e.g. who the characters are and what their role is.

What am I going to do next?

I will start off writing the script.

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Page 2: Laolu's Diary

Production Title _The Silhouette Man _____________________________

Group Name _TRUST NO 1 _________________________________

Date: 14/04/15

What did I do today?

I was completing the script because I hadn’t finished it and I needed to touch up on a few areas about the setting.

What did my team do today?

Tanim joined our group because we needed an extra person to do some work on the actors and the job roles.

Liam started the shot list with Tanim because we needed recorded list of angles and shots and how long we will do that shot for.

Clifford finished the treatment and proposal and started the storyboard.

What am I going to do next?

I am going to finish the script.

Date: 16/04/15

What did I do today?

I completed the script but my teacher told me to alter the format again because the format that I did didn’t match the criteria so I needed to alter it.

What did my team do today?

Clifford went to our filming location and took pictures for the recce and started the risk assessment for the filming location. He went to do this because we needed evidence that the location wasn’t a bad place to film and he came back to us with a recording on his phone and the wind was a bit too strong and but the cars didn’t create too much noise so we moved nearer to the bushes which should hopefully block out most of the sound.

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Page 3: Laolu's Diary

Production Title _The Silhouette Man _____________________________

Group Name _TRUST NO 1 _________________________________

Liam started to type up the storyboard.

Tanim started the document which shows who the actors are, the actor release forms. He did this so that we had contact with the actors and we could reach them if worse comes to worse.

What am I going to do next?

I am going finish off the appropriate script format so it matches the script criteria.

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Page 4: Laolu's Diary

Production Title _The Silhouette Man _____________________________

Group Name _TRUST NO 1 _________________________________

Date: 21/04/15

What did I do today?

I fully completed the script and uploaded it to the blog. I checked with my teacher and he said that this was the right format for the script so I uploaded it to my blog.

What did my team do today?

Tanim completed the actor release forms so we can contact the actors.

Clifford finished the risk assessment so we can see what risks there are ibn the location we are filming at. Created location permission form so that we have permission to film and in the location.

Liam photo shopped the photos and placed them into the storyboard because they needed to fit in the spaces on the paper.

What am I going to do next?

I am going to help the rest of my group finish off their tasks because I have completed my task.

Date: 22/04/15

What did I do today?

I, Liam and Tanim went to take more pictures that we missed for the storyboard because we need all the shots that we are planning to use in our film to give us a rough idea on how we are going to shoot the film and how the outcome will look like.

What did my team do today?

Liam and Tanim came with me to go and take pictures for the storyboard.

Clifford went back to take pictures for the recce because he missed some images out on the analysis of the location.

What am I going to do next?

I’ll see if anybody needs help in my group.

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Page 5: Laolu's Diary

Production Title _The Silhouette Man _____________________________

Group Name _TRUST NO 1 _________________________________

Date: 23/04/15

What did I do today?

I did part of the shooting script with Liam because a few shots were missing.

What did my team do today?

Tanim finished the production roles so we know who the characters and their role in the film, also he did the job roles for people in our group, e.g. I am the director, Tanim is the producer, Liam is the cameraman and Clifford is the sound director. Liam came with me to take more pictures for the shot list.

Clifford went back to the production schedule and made changes to sequences of filming and props and costume.

What am I going to do next?

I am going to shoot the film with my crew.

Date: 24/04/15

What did I do today?

I made final changes to the shooting script because it was still incomplete, we just needed to add the actions and the sound.

What did my team do today?

Tanim finished the call sheets and put them on the blog.

Clifford made final changes to the recce and production schedule and uploaded work onto the blog.

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Page 6: Laolu's Diary

Production Title _The Silhouette Man _____________________________

Group Name _TRUST NO 1 _________________________________

What am I going to do next?

Date: 28/04/15

What did I do today?

My crew and I shot the first scene of the film because in order to shoot the whole film we would’ve needed a change of clothes and also the time it would’ve taken to film would’ve been really long and it might’ve gone darker.

What did my team do today?

They all came to shoot the film.

What am I going to do next?

On Friday we are all going to shoot the rest of the film because we that day is the best day to do the rest of our film because everyone is free and we can all meet on the day.

Date: 05/05/15

What did I do today?

My group and I filmed at this date because we couldn’t film on Friday because our Silhouette Man actor wasn’t free, he was in a lesson. So we decided to film on the Tuesday of the following week.

What did my team do today?

They started editing their own versions of the film because that’s what we were assigned to do.

What am I going to do next?

I will finish off my version of the film because I have only edited the first scene of the film.

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Page 7: Laolu's Diary

Production Title _The Silhouette Man _____________________________

Group Name _TRUST NO 1 _________________________________

Date: 11/05/15

What did I do today?

I distributed the second part film between my group and we all continued editing and creating all our individual versions of the film.

What did my team do today?

They continued filming their own versions of the film

What am I going to do next?

I will finish off my version of the film.

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