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    The world education improve the quality of life true education through half million children in countries. But today, education remains an inaccessible right for millions of children around the world. More than 72 million children of primary education age are not in school and 759 million adults are illiterate and do not have the awareness necessary to improve both their living conditions and those of their children.

    Equally, a lack of financial resources has an effect on the quality of teaching. Teachers do not benefit from basic teacher training and schools, of which there are not enough, have oversized classes like in Philippines education is going bad because of corrupt official in our country so many school like in far places is not have supported by our government some of people in the Philippines is educated because of far places.

    I can say Nueva Vizcaya is gifted because education in this province is good but some other school is not have computer to use in the school and they using manual like Quezon National High school using Manual enrolment system so I decide to proposed a computerized enrollment system to help improve the education in this school.

  • Theoretical Framework


    1. Get theInformation ofthe Difficultiesbeing met inusing themanualprocedure.

    2. The Supply Officer of the office must accept whether they need to have a computerizeEnrolment system.


    1. Analyze thedifficultiesbeingencountered bythe customersand manager.

    2. Start to developed the propose system..

    1. Approval of the Enrollment system of Quezon National high School

    2.Implementingthe EnrollmentSystem ofQuezonNational HighSchool


    Conceptual Framework

    A concept is an abstract image that differs from one

    individual to another, just like perception. It describes the aspects

    selected from the theoretical framework to become the basis of

    the study. If a concept is being considered in the study, it has to

    be defined clearly by identifying indicators or a set of criteria that

    takes on values that can be measured quantitatively or

    qualitatively .These are referred to as variables.

    Before implementing the system you need to plan through

    illustrations and other specifications, through this diagram this

    shows the IPO (Input, Output and Process).

    Input, this is the first step to prepare in proposing a system. Youneed to gather information through interview, questionnaires and

    suggestions. This is to know the different informations regarding

    the proposed system.

  • Process, is on how to analyze the problems being encountered by

    the employees under process you need to start up making the

    proposed system.

    Output, the researcher takes the opportunity to implement the

    proposed system entitled Enrollment system of QNHS. This is

    with the approval of the employees and the Administrator of


    Lastly is the Feedback shows if there are some errors and

    bugs with the proposed system, then the researcher or developer

    needs to change and to modify the system for a better result of

    the project.

    Alternative Hypothesis

    QNHS is in need of an Enrollment system which is more flexible, efficient and easier for the employees and student to use. Especially in adding information in database getting grades and scheduling the subjects enrolled.

    Manual work is very difficult for employees to save all the data of student and difficult for student to get their grade manually.

    Statement of the problem This study, the proposed of Enrollment System of Quezon National High School, wish to make a feasibility study unimplemented Enrollment System and determine

  • the possibility of putting it into computerized one. The general problem of this study of manual enrollment system is long time process of enrolling students because it needs lot work and more employees to make the work fast due in manual operation.

    Here the following problems that researcher attempt to find solution: The proponent aim to developed Enrollment system to promote improvement and enhancement to their manual way of implementing library System.Specific Problem-The slow process in enrolling due to manual way of record keeping-loss of records -need more people to work with manual system-Student will not satisfied because of slow transaction of time constraints-long time will be needed to finish the work-hard to find a records -the current system cant generate reliable information-issuance of wrong records-Student not be satisfied in the transaction getting their

  • information-loss of record when there is unexpected calamities

    Scope and Delimitation The study entitled "The computerized Enrollment System for Quezon National High School the scoop of this system is to make enrollment system QNHS computerize. The Employees and the student supposed the proposed system can do such things as stated.The generated system would include the record of student that enrolled this school year, the number student enrolled by year level, the full information of the student. The system runs in all windows 2000 to the latest version as there are installed visual basic the database for the system will be developed using MySQL.System requirements

    It requires xampp to communicate the MYSQL and visual basic. .

    Significance of the system The proposed system will have a more organized and comprehensible basis through the conduction of the study. The study aids in finding more reliable source in

  • finding sources in developing an equality reliable system.To the registrar of the School. The Quezon National High School registrar will be depending to this system to enhance their record system keeping in every transaction. This system will help the registrar in saving time to work, quick and more reliable way.To the students. The student will benefit to this system proposed is the one advancement that responds today's modern technology governing all means new improvement proving the modern technology.To the researcher. The proposed system can be basis to create the broader study and help them prove on feasibility or a research study.Definition of terms The following are the technical terms that researcher used in this study that may ad readers in understanding the whole concept of the proposed system especially if the reader is not in the same field of the study.Registrar. The one who manage the system.System. Is the set of interacting or interdependent entities, real or abstract, forming an integrated whole,Data. A synonym for information.[1]in the exact sciences there is a clear distinction between data and information, where data is measurement that cant be disorganized and when the data become organized its become information.

  • application use to manipulate data.Hardware. The physical part of computer, including the digital circuitry, as distinguished from the computer software that executes within hardware.Software. Use to describe a collection of computer programs, procedures and documentation that perform some task of computer system.


    In this chapter the researcher will identify the related literatures and studies that correlate with the system. To produce different system, the concept and theories behind the development of the proposed system are confirmed through the resources used that identity importance of the study.Similarities of the study In this section ,unpublished materials and documentations with researches that correlate to the proposed system and difference are listed to expound and compare previously designed and currently proposed one.Local literature

    The nursing process is considered in the current paper in relation to processes

  • ofenrolmentandtranslationAs a model or framework thenursing process is both a technology and a set of arte facts through which nurses extend themselves in ways which help manage their interests and (re)constitute theiridentity Rather than researching practice as if there is a model of nursing to which nurses should conform, a different view of the nursing process emerges as one in which nurses enroll, and are enrolled by, managerialist and performative devices in their organizing and identity work

    Foriegn literatureMagnet Schools, Voluntary Desegregation, and Public

    Choice Theory: Limits and Possibilities in a Big City SchoolSystem.Archbald, Douglas A.School choice is advocated on the theory that deregulation and greater market control can restructure and improve education. While certain market strategies of improvement are worth exploring, complex production functions, unclear goals, and the political role of education in society limit the extent to which education can be understood and improved as a market. This document clarifies the public choice critique of education,describes the conditions of choice in a large urban magnet-based voluntary desegregation program, and analyzes central assumptions and propositions of public

  • choice theory about family preferences and the organizational effects of choice. Data from the Milwaukee (Wisconsin) Public Schools (MPS) magnet/voluntary desegregation program were collected and analyzed. Similarities of the study

    The enrollment system can use to help the school in Enrolling processes, the students and employees can done a good work or process because of the technology of using database in saving, adding, and updating recordsof students in the computer.

    A significant amount of literature is available on Enrollment system. A majority of the findings are derived from experiences in the Milwaukee. Some Enrollment systems however, can be affected by variations in local conditions such as infrastructure, customs, duties, and regulations. Hence, it is essential to view such systems in an international context.Program Features

    *can update all data in the database*User Friendly


    The chapter describe the Methods of the Research Used, Research Design, Problem Identification,

  • Conceptualization of Solution, Program Implementation, Respondents of Study, Research Instruments Used and Analytical Tools.Research Methods Used Throughout of the course of this activity, the researcher used different techniques and methods in gathering data for the development of the system. Research includes all specialized and through investigation where significant facts and data were gathered from the various sources such as books and documents on any field of education that helped in the foundation of developing such software. The descriptive Method used in this study which is theinterview is to analyze the data gathered to present a system, a Enrollment system of school in the field of saving records. The researcher has conducted observation as well, search and read on different thesis books and other related paraphernalia that might be useful for this study and even surfed the net to earn broader and deeper ideas in making this study possible.Research Design

    The eloquent method of research will apply in thisstudy. The eloquent research design will allow the

  • researchers to define or present the picture of a wonder

    in investigation.

    Collecting information is urgent in the study since it

    helps as a source and configuration in creating the

    system. The researchers will conduct a research in the

    QNHS. Discussions will furthermore conduct from the

    important files of the School including certain employees

    who are elaborate in building this study. Certain research

    from the internet is furthermore delivered as a source in

    the recommended system. The researchers are to

    improve an information system design that fulfills the

    whole documents requirement from the recommended

    system. Throughout system designing the researchers

    create a coherent purpose of anything the system want.

    Research Locale

  • This research revision was furthermore established

    with the advantage of internet, research papers and

    certain thesis books and certain opinions was

    concentrated on the internet and vocabularies and finally

    the design of codes was likewise concentrated on the

    internet with definite lavish developers and programmers

    in the world.

    Research Subjects

    This Research Study merely insides on the

    Employees of QNHS.

    Source of Data

    To find the complications in the research study, the

    researchers directed to have a formal interview to the

    employees and at the same time the employees and

    student of the QNHS who experiencing the complications

    in the School concluded delicate experience like missing

  • important files and incorrect computation of enrolled and


    Research Tools


    The Researchers interviewed the concerned

    employees and the QNHS to identify the procedure



    In defining the phases the researchers fulfilled

    reflection as training arranged how the obtainable system


    Library and Internet Research

  • Furthermore used in information collecting that

    transmits in the amendment and it aided in

    authenticating the yearnings in the suggested system.


    The standards distributed that serves as the number

    of respondents and evaluation of the capabilities of the

    existing manual system and the proposed system.

    Data Flow Diagram

    This has the abundant utility with the graphical

    designs that indicate the sense of the method; it

    appearances the Inputs, Process and Outputs of a method


    System Flowchart

    It shows the procedures input and outputs of a

    system it is furthermore used for the physical modeling of

  • a system where symbols are used to represent

    documents to identify the input and output operations.

    IPO (Input Process Output)

    This is an illustration of the existing system and the

    proposed system describes its data flow thorough

    structure. It describes the point where data/information

    enters a system and places where it will be processed as

    well as the actions taken, and the points where data will

    be output.

    Research Procedure

    The System Development Life Cycle

    The upgraded progressive method coherent strategy can be applied into many kinds of problem. In the system development life cycle we follow eight phase approach that forms the grounds and building for the greatest system work.

  • System Planning Grows a schememanagement plan and delivers the origin for obtainingthe assets needed to accomplish a result.

    System Analysis it elaborate a complete

    appearance of the method. The researchers will be doing

    Conference to collect files and written documents that will

    be given by the client. The Analyst and the client will be

    working with each other to find out what the delinquent


    System Implementation - The platform implementation is the

    actual coding/writing of computer programs. The programmer has

    seen a need for standards and procedures as supports not to

    itself but also to others that may have test to vary the code made.

    Implementation charts design in the software development

    process and the implemented should resemble to the modules

    previously defined in the system and program design stage.

  • System Design the new system will be conceived and

    put down on paper. The interface that would ensemble the needs

    of the user in unity with the researchers will moderately design

    while doing this, researchers sense of group will established.

    Documents Phase, structure the system, factual and wanted

    evidence collects by the researchers through interviews and

    research placed into practice. In this phase, the needed system

    will define. When the employees recognized the proposal the

    researchers containing the design and its guts, the researchers

    found out what system will be accessible and practice in order to

    define the system that is applied in the foundation of the revision.

    System Testing The Testing shown on a whole, integrated

    system to estimate the system's agreement with its


    Maintenance it elaborate the upgrading of the system and care

    built-in not only charge the machinery running but also

    modernizing and improvement of the system. It was completed to

  • stand that the design qualifications will see and that the wish

    outputs the system.

    Ultimate charges and variations are merged in the system

    established on the proposal and response of the customer.

    Statistical Treatment of Data

    Later emerging the system the evidence that are collected,

    examined and organized will define the level of view of the

    general presentation of the system, eloquent statistical

    implements that employed such as biased despicable and typical

    deviance to define the view of defendants on QNHS".


    In the present system used in the school, the most common problem encountered is unavailability of data, wrongly processed data, lost or corrupted data, inaccurate data, and incomplete data. These are among the many problems encountered in the present enrolmentsystem of the institution.Presentation and interpretation of data

  • This chapter presents the findings of the study and the corresponding analysis and interpretations. Data are presented according to the fallowing problems identified in previous chapter which consisted of the following:The Problems Encountered on the present Enrolment System.Table 1.The perception of the respondents on the possiblecauses of the failure of operations of existing Enrolment System.



    Unavailability of data 18 90Lost or corrupted of data 18 90Inaccurate data 16 80Wrongly processed data 16 80Late distribution of forms for data collection

    15 75

    Inaccurate supplies 12 82

    On the factors that would cause the failure of the operation of existing System, table 1 demonstrate that nearly all of the respondents 18 or 90 percent out of 20 respondents of different year level reveal that unavailability of data would cause the failure of operationof a manual System. A significant number of respondent also suggest that loss of corrupted data 18 or 90 percent,

  • Inaccurate data 16 or 80 percent, wrong data processing shows 16 or 80 percent, would cause problems of the operation of system, while late distribution of data collection and inadequate supplier run for 15 or 75 percent and 12 or 72 percent respectively.Recommendation

    The developed software is recommended for use in the Registrar of Quezon National High School located at Barangay Baresbes Quezon Nueva Vizcaya to its daily activities .(on updating student info when they enrolled.)

    For future researchers, this system may not be 100% that will run perfectly: there are still flows and errors needed to be solved. If there are revisions needed to add or anything that would improve this system will be focused. This system recommends further enhancement and allows any development to boost its performance.



    The following conclusion was drawn from foregoing summary of findings. 1. The respondents of the study consist of 20 people whocame from different year level and with the head of Registrar and other employee's. 2. The major problems encountered by the student in existing system are the: unavailable data loss and long process in saving records in manual operated Enrolment system the services is not good. 3. The research is proposed to use computerized Enrollment System. 4. There is a significant difference between the proposed computerized enrollment system and the existing system. 5. The proposed system is indeed feasible for implementationRecommendation

    The developed software is recommended for use in the Registrar of Quezon National High School located at Barangay Baresbes Quezon Nueva Vizcaya to its daily activities .(on updating student info when they enrolled.)

    For future researchers, this system may not be 100% that will run perfectly: there are still flows and errors

  • needed to be solved. If there are revisions needed to add or anything that would improve this system will be focused. This system recommends further enhancement and allows any development to boost its performance.

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