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LASSWADE HIGH SCHOOL GROUPS/CLUBS INFORMATION Wednesday 30 September 2015 Slide 2 Wednesday 30 SeptemberSA S4 S6 Thursday 1 OctoberSL S4 S6 Assemblies this week Senior House Assemblies Slide 3 Thought for the Day HE WHO PREPARES FOR TOMORROW PREPARES FOR LIFE Ovid c10bc Slide 4 S6 Group Photo The S6 group photograph will be taken on Friday 2 October. All S6 should be in the Assembly Hall for 9.00 am Slide 5 Barcelona Trip June 2016 All those going on this trip, remember your next Payment is due to be Paid by Wednesday 30 th September All payments to: Miss Anstruther in Room 205 R EMEMBER TO BRING YOUR PAYMENT CARDS ALONG WITH YOUR MONEY Slide 6 Slide 7 S5 Pupils The following pupils need to see Mr Boyle, Room 105 before Thursday this week: Erin Bowden Georgia Clark Rachel Fergusson Amber Foster Abigail Heatley Erin Hunter Ailey Walkingshaw (Note if you are having eDofE issues, you may prefer to see Miss McDonald instead) Slide 8 LEAPS INTERVIEWS LEAPS INTERVIEWS TAKE PLACE ON TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY THIS WEEK. PLEASE CHECK THE NOTICEBOARD OUTSIDE THE GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT TIME. Slide 9 This week @ Science Club... Slide 10 PhotographyCompetition Please hand in your photographs to Mr Dolan for Thursday 1st October and the completed entry sheet You can upload your photograph or send by post. Slide 11 Lasswade Vs Loretto this Thursday 1/10/15 S1-S3 (AWAY) bus leaves school @4.10 U16s and U18s (HOME) 4.30 meet @LRFC Slide 12 New York 2016 There will be a meeting on Wednesday 30th Sept. at 1.30pm in Room 306. If you can not attend please see Miss Edmond. Slide 13 All Career Ready S5 pupils must come to see Mrs Douglas at Guidance at 1.30pm today. Next date Career Ready Launch Friday 2 Oct 1pm 4.30pm Slide 14 Calling S6!( Sorry no buddies ) If you are interested in taking part in the S1 paired reading scheme, please give your name to your Guidance Teacher this Thursday at PSE or see Mrs Watt in the SfL base asap. Training will be given for this very rewarding experience. You will only be required during registration twice a week till Christmas. Thank you! Slide 15 Ruts Build a Bike We're offering six young people aged 14-19 years old who are residents of Midlothian the chance to build their own bicycle from scratch. The best part is they'll get to keep the bicycle after the course! We are asking young people to write 50 words to explain why they are the best choice for a place on the course. We will be looking for young people to explain why they are interested in the course and how they plan to use the bike after they complete the course. Once they've written their entry they should send it to [email protected] Closing date for entries is Wednesday 7th October We're looking for young people who would really benefit from the experience and use the bike they build after the programme. It will be a five day course run from Monday 12th October - Friday 16th October. The course will run each day from 10am - 3pm.http://[email protected]>[email protected] Slide 16 Berlin 2016 Pupils who have handed in their passports to Mrs Watt/Mr Murray - Please collect them today from the SfL base on the first floor. Thank you. Slide 17 If you are in S4-6 and are interested in going please see Miss McLay or Miss Gee as soon as possible for information. Space has become available on the Washington DC trip! Slide 18 There will be an Amnesty International meeting today at 1.15p.m. In Room 113. All members please attend. Slide 19 Physics Nat 5 revision class Wednesday 3.30 pm - 4.30 pm in Rm 123 Focus this week: The electromagnetic Spectrum Slide 20 Basketball Club Basketball club is cancelled this Wednesday and will resume next Wednesday as normal. Mr Falconer Slide 21 MIDLOTHIAN SCHOOLS GOLF COMPETITION 2015/16 The next Midlothian Golf fixture is Friday 2 nd October. Please meet in the PE Department on Thursday to receive details. Mr Attinasi Slide 22 S4 Football There will be a short meeting on Thursday at interval in the PE department. All players must attend Lasswade V Currie 2/10/15 Mr Attinasi Slide 23 Edinburgh Swimming Championships If anyone has not submitted qualification times for the Edinburgh Swimming Championships please see Mr Attinasi in the PE department by Thursday lunchtime. Mr Attinasi Slide 24 Volleyball Volleyball club is on this Thursday in the sports hall from 3:30 4:30. All age groups welcome. Come and give it a try! Mr Attinasi Slide 25 S2 BOYS FOOTBALL MATCH TODAY AGAINST NEWBATTLE AT HOME KICK OFF APPROX 4.15PM MEET AT P.E AT 3.45PM WE ARE PLAYING ON ASTRO

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