  • 1. 1930s Librarian
  • 2. I am currently a library science student and this is how I feel about the technology that I am being introduced to during this journey.
  • 3. Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!
  • 4. Now, lets discuss some helpful tools that will get you started on your quest to improve learning through technology.
  • 5. Hmmwhat is an infograph????
  • 6.
  • 7. 3.5 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional text and poetry. e) Identify the authors purpose 3.6 The student will continue to read and demonstrate comprehension of nonfiction texts. a) Identify the authors purpose.
  • 8. 3.11 The student will write a short report. c) Collect and organize information about the topic into a short report. The teacher can assist students in creating an infograph to present information from the research project.
  • 9. 3.6 The student will represent multiplication and division, using area, set, and number line models, and create and solve problems that involve multiplication of two whole numbers, one factor 99 or less and the second factor 5 or less. Teachers can have the students present the steps to solving multiplicand and division problems within an infograph.
  • 10. Second Tool
  • 11. Quick Response Codes
  • 12. Here is a voice QR code that I created with a message for you. 3OmUcb
  • 13. Here are some QR code ideas for third grade: 3.3 The student will study the exploration of the Americas. Use the QR codes during social studies. The student will have flash cards of the different explorers pictures. On the back of each picture will be 2-3 facts about that explorer that the child will have to know for the SOLs.
  • 14. 3.5 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional text and poetry. I) Identify the main idea. 3.6 The student will continue to read and demonstrate comprehension of nonfiction texts. g) Identify the main idea. The teacher can have pre-selected and laminated paragraphs in which the child reads and underlines the main idea. He or she will scan the bar code to get the answer for each paragraph.
  • 15. 3.8 The student will determine, by counting, the value of a collection of bills and coins whose total value is $5.00 or less, compare the value of the bills and coins, and make change. The teacher can have objects labeled for a classroom store with the QR codes as the price tags. Once the student scans for the price of the item, he/she must figure the change.
  • 16. Third Tool
  • 17.
  • 18. yer_embedded&v=5qRcIek4NY0
  • 19. Here are some Augmented Reality ideas for third grade: 3.1 The student will a) read and write six-digit numerals and identify the place value and value of each digit; b) round whole numbers, 9,999 or less, to the nearest ten, hundred, and thousand; Teacher will use Aurasmic to bring life to place value and rounding problems. The teacher can have a target problem to focus on and have the students re-inacting a kinesthetic movement for either place value and rounding.
  • 20. 3.10 The student will edit writing for correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. d) Use past and present verb tense. The teacher can use the vocabulary words (verbs) as the target words. Once the student focuses on the word they are directed to a video clip that acts out the past and present tense of that word.
  • 21. 3.5 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional text and poetry. f) Ask and answer questions about what is read. 3.6 The student will continue to read and demonstrate comprehension of nonfiction texts. d) Ask and answer questions about what is read. The teacher can find a target on each page with which she wants the student to work. Once the child is able to focus, there is another student asking a question like, In which paragraph did the character find the magic coin?
  • 22. FourthTool
  • 23. Digital Storytel ling
  • 24. v=DWdUh9b35iU Why Blog?
  • 25. 3.5 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional text and poetry. d) Compare and contrast settings, characters, and events. The teacher can assign teams, each team with an iPad and a similar story. Once the students have reviewed both stories, they need to compare and contrast the settings, characters, and events.
  • 26. 3.3 The student will study the exploration of the Americas by a) describing the accomplishments of Christopher Columbus, Juan Ponce de Len, Jacques Cartier, and Christopher Newport; b) b) identifying the reasons for exploring, the information gained, the results of the travels, and the impact of the travels on American Indians. The teachers can have the students use digital storytelling by having them act out the story of the explorers they are responsible for knowing.
  • 27. Here are some digital storytelling ideas for third grade: 3.9 The student will write for a variety of purposes. The teacher will create a digital story from Storybird, Animoto or Domo Animoto with only pictures. The student will create the words for the story by using the pictures.
  • 28. Works Cited Dorsner, Nancy. "Multiplication and Division (Jiminy Cricket)." Flickr. Yahoo!, 5 May 2009. Web. 04 Aug. 2013. Efekt, Net _. "The Venn Venn Diagram." Flickr. Yahoo!, 10 Sept. 2010. Web. 04 Aug. 2013. "English, Social Studies, Math, Writing." VDOE. Virginia Department of Education, n.d. Web. 04 Aug. 2013. "First Grade Wow." First Grade Wow. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Aug. 2013. Ricks, T. "Storybird." - Artful Storytelling. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Aug. 2013. Ricks/Guido, T. "Why Blog?" Video blog post. YouTube. YouTube, 24 June 2013. Web. 04 Aug. 2013. Thompson, Claire. "Research Notes." Flickr. Yahoo!, 17 May 2011. Web. 04 Aug. 2013.
  • 29. Thank You for Your Time!!! I hope the information that I have shared today is of great help to you and any colleagues with whom you share this information.

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