Page 1: Last Week @ Blake CK - Blake Street Hebrew … BLURB Interim Rabbi: Noam Sendor: 0400 009 453 E-mail: Web: President: Naomi Dessauer 0409 544 104 E-mail:


Interim Rabbi: Noam Sendor: 0400 009 453 E-mail: [email protected]


President: Naomi Dessauer 0409 544 104 E-mail: [email protected]

Shule Address: 868 Glenhuntly Road, South Caulfield 3162

E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 9530 0685 Fax: 9530 0895

Postal Address: PO Box 2162, Caulfield Junction 3161

18-19 May 2018 Bamidbar 5 Sivan 5778

Editor: Craig Kessler - the views expressed in the Blurb are not necessarily those of the Shule.

Please treat jokes as such, nothing more should be read into them! * Please e-mail your article(s), adverts & jokes to: [email protected]

Acknowledgments to,,, “Good Shabbas Sydenham”, l’chaim weekly,, Yeshiva College HC, various other orthodox internet sites

So it’s been a few weeks now since the last Blurb. While I was away, I seem to have missed so much here….

The normal Shabbatot, weekday services, the Lag B’Omer, planning for Shavuot, Yom Yerushalayim, celebrating the Eurovision win, celebrating Bar/Bat mitzvot - and the things I don’t know about.

On a more personal note, I was not here for the passing of a friend’s father nor for the Torah dedication in honour of the late Harry Teichtahl. I was not here for the stone-setting for our late friend Eugene – I still miss him and constantly feel his absence.

But we go on, as we must. So much coming up at Blake with Shavuot after counting for the past seven weeks.

Even where I was – in Rome – doing what they do there – with the up-coming celebrations for the move of the US embassy to Jerusalem – while on top of the Spanish steps – we noticed a lot of police presence – then heard chanting – then saw the Free Palestine protest…could not understand the Italian being shouted – can only imagine

May we see peace in our time……

Shabbat Shalom.


Nine of the holiest Rabbis cannot make a Minyan. Enter one little Bar Mitzvah boy, and suddenly the Minyan is complete. When we count Jews, there are no distinctions. We don’t look at religious piety or academic achievement. The Rabbi and the rebel,

the philanthropist and the pauper – all count for one; no more, no less.

This week in Bamidbar, we read of the census of the Jewish people. This portion is always read on the Shabbat before Shavuoth, the Season of the Giving of the Torah. One important and obvious connection is that in the Torah, too, every letter counts. One missing letter invalidates the entire scroll. Likewise, one missing Jew leaves Jewish Peoplehood lacking, incomplete.

If we count Jews because every Jew counts, then that implies a responsibility on Jewish communal leadership to ensure that no Jew is missing from the Kehilla, from the greater community. We must leave no stone unturned to keep those Jews on the periphery inside. Make sure they feel that they belong and are welcome – even if they haven’t paid any membership fees.

But it also means that the individual Jew has commitments and obligations. If you’re important, make sure you don’t get lost. You are needed.

Once there was a small town consisting of only a few Jewish families. Between them, they had exactly ten men over the age of Bar Mitzvah. They were all dedicated people and they made sure that they never missed a Minyan. One day, a new Jewish family moved in to town. Great joy and excitement; now they would have 11 men. But a strange thing happened. As soon as they had 11, they could never manage a Minyan!

When we know we are indispensable, we make a point of being there. Otherwise, ‘count me out.’

Today, we are losing a lot of Jews to ignorance. But sometimes we also lose them because we didn’t embrace them as we could have. At a time when they were receptive, we didn’t make them feel welcome.

Other faiths, ideologies and cults are using “love bombs” to entice Jews to their way of life. Yes, very often they prey on the weak and vulnerable among us. Anyone desperately seeking warmth, love and a

Last Weeks @ Blake CK


Page 2: Last Week @ Blake CK - Blake Street Hebrew … BLURB Interim Rabbi: Noam Sendor: 0400 009 453 E-mail: Web: President: Naomi Dessauer 0409 544 104 E-mail:

“Blake Blurb” is edited by Craig Kessler - the views expressed in the Blurb are not necessarily those of the Shule, Please treat jokes as such only, nothing more should be read into them! Please e-mail your article(s), adverts & jokes to: [email protected]

Acknowledgments to, “Good Shabbas Sydenham”, l’chaim weekly,,, Yeshiva College HC, various other orthodox internet sites

The Blake Street Blurb

sense of belonging will be an easy target for such groups. But there are lots of ordinary, stable people who crave these things too. Don’t we all? If the Jewish community doesn’t provide that warm welcome, we may very well find them going elsewhere.

Some years ago, we had a visiting Rabbi from Canada speaking in my Shul. His talk was about the very real threat of Jews for J. and Hebrew–Christians who preyed on unsuspecting Jews by using Jewish symbols and even so-called “Shuls,” or Messianic Synagogues, which are really nothing more than churches in disguise. He described how these individuals make every deceitful effort to confuse ignorant Jews into believing they are going to a “Jewish” house of worship.

A woman in the audience then asked, “Rabbi, if I am travelling out of town and want to go to Shul, how will I know if I am going to a real Shul or one of these impostor synagogues?”

The Rabbi laughed and said, “When you go into these places, they bombard you. As soon as they see a new face, a dozen people will come over to welcome you and give you a seat and a book and make you feel at home. But what happens when you go into a real Shul? Nobody greets you. Nobody looks at you. And the first person to say a word to you growls at you because you’re sitting in his seat!”

Ah bittere gelechter!

Of course, we need to do more than just wait for people to come to Shul in order to make them feel they belong. We need to go out and find our people wherever they may be. Certainly, though, when someone does show a spark of interest - a soul seeking its source - we need to be there; as an organized community, and as individuals.

Indeed, every Jew counts. So, let’s count them in.

In the second year of travel in the desert, Moshe and Aharon were commanded by the Almighty to count all male Israelites between 20 and 60. There were 603,550 available for military service. The tribe of Levi was exempt because of their special duties as religious leaders. (It is probably from here that countries give divinity deferments to clergy and divinity students.)

The twelve tribes were directed regarding the formation (three tribes were on each side of the Portable Sanctuary) in which they were to camp and travel.

The 22,300 Levites were commanded in the Sanctuary service. The family of Gershon was to

transport the coverings of the Sanctuary. The family of Kehos carried the Ark, Table, Menorah and Altars. The family of Merari transported the boards, pillars, bolts and sockets.

When it rains, look for rainbows.

When it is dark, look for stars.

Everyone should at least know these for Shavuot!

“I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of slavery.” (Exodus 20:2)

“You shall not recognize other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.” (Exodus 20:3–4)

“You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not leave him unpunished who takes His name in vain.” (Exodus 20:7)

“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God; you shall not do any work, you or your son or your daughter, your male or your female servant, your animal or your stranger within your gates.” (Exodus 20:8–10)

“Honour your father and your mother, so that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you.” (Exodus 20:12)

“You shall not murder.” (Exodus 20:13)

“You shall not commit adultery.” (Exodus 20:13)

“You shall not steal.” (Exodus 20:13)

“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.” (Exodus 20:13)

“You shall not covet your neighbour’s house; you shall not covet your neighbour’s wife or his male servant or his female servant or his ox or his donkey or anything that belongs to your neighbour.” (Exodus 20:14)



The 10 Commandments

Page 3: Last Week @ Blake CK - Blake Street Hebrew … BLURB Interim Rabbi: Noam Sendor: 0400 009 453 E-mail: Web: President: Naomi Dessauer 0409 544 104 E-mail:

“Blake Blurb” is edited by Craig Kessler - the views expressed in the Blurb are not necessarily those of the Shule, Please treat jokes as such only, nothing more should be read into them! Please e-mail your article(s), adverts & jokes to: [email protected]

Acknowledgments to Ohr Sameach, “Good Shabbas Sydenham”, l’chaim weekly,,, Yeshiva College HC, various other orthodox internet sites

The Blake Street Blurb

Victor Searle brother Sunday, 20 May, 2018

Victor Searle brother Sunday, 20 May, 2018

Victor Searle brother Sunday, 20 May, 2018

Loren Sher Rael Symons brother Monday, 21 May, 2018

Betty Konopnicki Isak Leibovici father Friday, 25 May, 2018

Laurie Leibovici Isak Leibovici father Friday, 25 May, 2018

Caron Israelsohn Benny Kazilsky father Friday, 25 May, 2018

Victor Searle sister Sunday, 20 May, 2018

Victor Searle sister Sunday, 20 May, 2018

Victor Searle Honey mother Sunday, 20 May, 2018

Aaron Blicblau Laja Blicblau mother Monday, 21 May, 2018

Joan Marlene Gabriel Margot Weitz mother Monday, 21 May, 2018

Barry Gunn Raizel Horowitz grandmother Tuesday, 22 May, 2018

Shirley Cohen Maisie Gecelter sister Wednesday, 23 May, 2018

Jacob Marks 13-May Gila Gochin 19-May Clive Mazin 21-May

Jonathan Kadish 14-May

Amy Lipshutz 19-May

Sarah Hyman 22-May

Beverley Karp 14-May

Charlene Sara Orwin 19-May

Samantha Mann-

Segal 22-May

Jonathan Lipshutz 15-May

Sophia Benn 19-May

Heather Abramson 23-May

Gili Katz 15-May

Jonah Feiglin 19-May

Michael Beaconsfield 23-May

Cindy Moritz 15-May Gila Gochin 19-May Irene Lazar 23-May

Brian Dyskin 16-May

Amy Lipshutz 19-May

Joel Machet 24-May

Donna Sheiman 16-May

Charlene Sara Orwin 19-May

Mila Berman 24-May

Ranya Sendor 17-May

Sophia Benn 19-May

Elana Hain 25-May

Ari Maidenberg 18-May

Jonah Feiglin 19-May

Friday 18 May 2018 Sunday 20 May 2018

Mincha and Candle lighting 4.59 Shacharit 9.15 am

Shabbat 19 May 2018 Bikkurim Parade Approx 10:45am

Shacharit 9.15 am Mincha followed by Ma’ariv 4:55pm

Mincha - after Kiddush 12.46 pm Candle Lighting after 5:58pm

Shavuot Candle Lighting After after 5:58pm

Ma’ariv 6:00pm Monday 21 May 2018

Rabbi Kennard 6:15pm Shacharit 9.15 am

Bikkurim Parade Approx 11:15

Tikkun Leil Shavuot Mincha after Kiddush

Dinner 7:15pm Ma’ariv and end of Yom Tov 5:57pmRabbi Ephraim Lever

“Sinai Time Continuum” Understanding the physics of the

ever ongoing Sinai Experience 8.45 pm - 9.30 pm

“What was given to Moshe at Sinai? A look at Halachic

Philosophy” 9.45 pm -10.30 pm

titled 'Seventy Faces of the Torah - a Collaborative Learning

Experience' 10:45pm - 11:30pm



Page 4: Last Week @ Blake CK - Blake Street Hebrew … BLURB Interim Rabbi: Noam Sendor: 0400 009 453 E-mail: Web: President: Naomi Dessauer 0409 544 104 E-mail:

“Blake Blurb” is edited by Craig Kessler - the views expressed in the Blurb are not necessarily those of the Shule, Please treat jokes as such only, nothing more should be read into them! Please e-mail your article(s), adverts & jokes to: [email protected]

Acknowledgments to Ohr Sameach, “Good Shabbas Sydenham”, l’chaim weekly,,, Yeshiva College HC, various other orthodox internet sites

The Blake Street Blurb

Mazeltov to:

Sarah Hyman, Yossi Goldfarb, Jonah and Reuben

on the Bar Mitzvah of their son and brother Jude

Rodney and Carolyn Hyman on the Bar Mitzvah

of their grandson Jude

Every Wednesday Night at 9.15 pm: Talmud for Beginners by Rabbi Allon Ledder

Thursday @ 7:30pm

“Bridge at Blake” holds bridge games and a

delicious supper every Thursday night at 7.30pm –

all bridge players are welcome.

Shabbat Programs Just for Kids:

Shabbat from 10.30am - 11.00am for years 7 – 10 All services begin after laining at approximately 11 am:

Kids Space Club (KSC) - for 0 - Prep - with Mina, Gaby, Carlia, Tari, Keira, Tari and Ariella in the Kids Space room Ohr Chadash (OC) - for Grade 1 to Grade 6 – Coming soon with Natan Fell

Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the

poor and campaign funds from the rich,

by promising to protect each from the other.

~Oscar Amringer, "the Mark Twain of American


I offered my opponents a deal:

"if they stop telling lies about me, I will stop

telling the truth about them".

~Adlai Stevenson, campaign speech, 1952..

A politician is a fellow who will lay down your

life for his country.

This week the Kiddush is sponsored by Sarah Hyman and Yossi Goldfarb in honour of their son’s Bar Mitzvah

Kiddushim at Blake Street are a wonderful way to share your simcha with the community – whether it be a new baby, milestone birthday, graduation or anniversary. If you would like us to help you celebrate your simcha please call the office to arrange a Kiddush in your honour.

When we move into the Hall :

Please help yourselves to food or drinks BUT only after kiddush has been said.

NO FOOD is to be taken into the corridor or

other rooms within the shule

And remember, less mess is better

Thank you very much &

Shabbat Shalom & Chag Sameach

Howard & Sarah Singer and family

wish all at Blake Street a Shabbat Shalom



Last Laughs…..(Selwyn)

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