  • TUBIDU International Network Meeting

    October 17th, 2012

    Latest development within NDPHS focusing on TB and prison health

    Dr. Zaza Tsereteli,

    ITA for PPHS and ASA

    EGs, NDPHSZaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • Geographical Area

    The ND area ranges from the European Arctic and Sub-Arctic to the southern shores of the Baltic Sea encompassing the countries in its vicinity, as well as the North West Russia in the East to Iceland and Greenland in the West

    Northern Dimension

    Zaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • Iceland










    Structure Partner Countries

    Zaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • BEAC









    Structure Partner Organisations

    Zaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • The Declaration of Prime Ministers, which was approved on January 11, 2003 in Kirkenes to commemorate a ten-year anniversary of the Barents Euro-Arctic Council, included a number of obligations to be taken by member countries in support of mutual cooperation in different spheres.

    During 10 years society should establish control over TB distribution in the Barents region

    Zaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • TB in Norway 2002-2011

    Zaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • MDR TB in Norway 2002-2011

    1 from Estland

    Zaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • TB in prisons 30 % av all inmates are immigrants

    In some prisons > 50%

    Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Nigeria

    Some prisons screenes all new inmates

    Mobile Cx visits monthly

    Very few TB cases in Norwegian prisons

    Only healthy criminals travelling?

    Zaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • TB cases among patients with foreign origin 2003 – 2011

    Pulmonary TB Extrapulmonary TB All

    N (% of all P) N (% of all EP) N (% of all TB)

    2003 36 12,4 13 10,7 49 11.9

    2004 22 9,4 20 19,4 42 12,5

    2005 28 10,4 24 24 52 14,1

    2006 30 14,2 22 26,5 52 17,6

    2007 45 19,1 28 25,2 73 21,1

    2008 31 14 22 17,7 53 15,3

    2009 81 27,4 43 37,1 124 30,1

    2010 72 30 32 39 104 32

    2011 50 21,0 32 35,2 82 24,9

    Petri Ruutu, 26.3.2012, National TB Conference,

    HelsinkiZaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • MDR Tuberculosis in Finland



    Total 42 patientsZaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • TB in Finland TB incidence decreases (6,1 / 100 000 in 2011)

    Knowledge on TB decreases

    More work per patients due more extensive

    contact tracings –in schools, hospitals, military

    service etc.

    0-2 cases in penitentiary care yearly

    Zaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • Occupancy of sentenced prisoners by principal crime on a certain day (in %)

    Denmark 2006 2007 2008

    Violence 23 23 25

    Drug Crimes 25 25 24

    Thefts 13 12 10


    Violence 20 20 20

    Drug Crimes 15 15 16

    Thefts 5 14 13


    Violence 16 17 17

    Drug Crimes 30 30 30

    Thefts 7 7 7

    Correctional statistics. Ragnar Kristoffersen(ed). May,2010Zaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • Occupancy of sentenced prisoners by principal crime on a certain day (in %)

    Iceland 2006 2007 2008

    Violence 14 11 16

    Drug Crimes 18 18 26

    Thefts 23 15 13


    Violence 17 16 16

    Drug Crimes 29 29 30

    Thefts 12 11 9

    Correctional statistics. Ragnar Kristoffersen(ed). May,2010Zaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • New cases of TB in the Russian Federation and Barents region (per 100000 population)

    Zaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • New cases of TB

    (absolute data, per100 000 population)

    2007 2008 2009 2010 2011























    Republic of











    Republic of











    Zaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • New cases of TB in the civil sector, exclude penitentiary


    (abs. data, per 100 000 population)

    2007 2008 2009 2010 2011























    Republic of











    Republic of











    Zaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • Заболеваемость ВИЧ-инфекцией в РФ, С.-Петербурге, х 100 тыс. населения

    Аналитический обзор «Туберкулез в России в 2010 году»,

    ВИЧ-инфекция в Санкт-Петербурге, 2012Zaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • Новые случаи туберкулеза в сочетании с ВИЧ-инфекцией

    Аналитический обзор «Туберкулез в России в 2010 году»

    Zaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • Заболеваемость туберкулезом среди лиц, живущих с ВИЧ-инфекцией и населения в

    Санкт-Петербурге (на 100 тысяч).

    «ВИЧ-инфекция в Санкт-Петербурге», 2012 год

    Zaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • Выживаемость больных с туберкулезом и ВИЧ-инфекцией


  • Goal and Aim of Barents TB Programme To take more active measures to prevent the spread

    of tuberculosis and HIV/TB co-infection in the Barents region through intensive international collaboration

    To lower the burden of tuberculosis and HIV infection; to stop the spread of MDR and XDR tuberculosis, to promote tolerant attitude towards patients with tuberculosis and HIV/TB co-infection, and to lower the economic burden of the disease for the society.

    Zaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • More Effective Prevention against TB and TB/HIV Development of low-threshold services (medical,

    social, etc.) for vulnerable population groups, including immigrants.

    Mobilise or invite civil society organisation (CSOs) groups to the Program to provide help for vulnerable population groups.

    Establishment of outreach services for patients with tuberculosis

    Zaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • Improved Capacities of Facilities and Institutions Conduct of training seminars on infection control for

    healthcare workers and TB patients.

    Conduct of training seminars in Penitentiary Institutions on treatment of patients with co-infection.

    Conclusion of inter-agency agreements (the Federal Service for Execution of Punishment, public healthcare, non-governmental organizations).

    Development of the mechanism for interaction with migration services in relation to treatment of migrants.

    Zaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • Higher Efficiency of Infection Control Measures Development of common standards for organization

    of hospital departments for treatment of MDR TB patients.

    Development of guidelines on examination and treatment of patients with TB/HIV co-infection in treatment units .

    Enhancement of interaction mechanisms between HIV and TB facilities in their joint treatment of patients.

    Zaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • Introduction of Earlier and More Accurate Diagnostics of TB and MDR TB Implementing quality management system in

    laboratorial diagnose

    Centralization of laboratory service.

    Analysis of cost effectiveness of the novel express-diagnostic methods

    Creation of mobile centres for examination of risk groups (in collaboration with social services).

    Attraction of risk groups to diagnostics on the basis of “peer to peer” approach

    Establishment of the MT DNA bank network in the Barents regionZaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • Greater partnership and cooperation between the Russian Federation and Northern European countries in prevention and treatment of tuberculosis

    Greater promotion of collaboration and coordination across the health, penitentiary and social services sectors

    Improved Capacities of TB Control Facilities and Institutions

    Greater acknowledgement of civil society and affected communities as essential partners in and integrated into TB control

    Suggestions from PM meeing

    Zaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • Update of guidelines, standards and development of more effective TB infectious control programs for the Barents region

    TB and HIV programmes should work in close collaboration and services should be integrated as the two diseases together represent a deadly combination which is more destructing than each disease alone

    Suggestions from PM meeing

    Zaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • Stewardship of prison health

    All issues concerning governance and

    responsibility affecting the provision of

    prison health services of an agreed


    Zaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • The underpinning principles of prison health provision The principle of equivalence: health services provided

    in prisons must be at least equal with regard to access, use and quality as the health services available in the community

    The principle of a duty of care: this applies regardless of economic and other difficulties faced by the State; the act of depriving a person of his liberty always entails a duty of care

    Zaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • The underpinning principles of prison health provision The principle of fairness in meeting needs: it has long

    been a principle in public health that proportionally more attention should be directed towards those in greatest need

    The principles built into ethical professional behaviour: these include confidentiality and the aim of providing health care according to the needs of the patient under the imperatives of professional ethics

    Zaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • The underpinning principles of prison health provision The principle of integration - It requires prison

    health to be part of national health, recognizing that isolation of health services in prisons is detrimental to establishing a service equivalent in scope and quality to that available in the community and is also known to be a threat to public health due to a lack of involvement in national health strategies planning

    Zaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • Stewardship of Prison Health At a minimum, the Ministry of Health should

    consider prisoners as an integral part of their national populations.

    There are compelling reasons to commend stewardship of prison health services resting with the Ministry of Health. This is particularly important in relation to the protection of

    human rights and the opportunity to achieve equivalence of health services.

    Zaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • Stewardship of Prison Health Health and prison systems are dynamic and countries

    should maintain vigilance relating to the effectiveness of prison health services. Decisions on stewardship should be set in the context of resources available to the country and its public health system

    Zaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • The following steps should be considered There should be clear and widely accepted reasons

    why a change in a particular country is necessary

    There should be early joint discussions between the departments involved, with the initial aims of agreeing the nature of the problem, and agreement on the objectives of any reform. This should be authorized by Ministers and any report back should be to the Ministers at a joint meeting;

    The financial position has to be clarified. The costs of the current service, the known deficiencies which would have to be met and the financial implications of the change should be clearly outlined;Zaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • Change at government level has to be implemented by staff, many of whom will be anxious about their own position during and after the change. Therefore early involvement of staff and their professional organizations is important, and will include the need for adequate training of staff when their roles are to undergo a change;

    joint implementation working group should be established with top-level staff from the departments involved. This group should work to an agenda agreed by Ministers and to a timetable which allows sufficient time for any recommendations to be properly considered by those concerned;

    Zaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • The staff to be involved in the reform should be experienced in change management or be offered relevant training;

    Zaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

  • Thank you for the attention

    Zaza Tsereteli MD, MPH

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