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Co-founder & Programme Consultant (BENCHMARKING VISIT AND ACADEMIC


LAKAR FEST as SOCIAL ART and KNOWLEDGE -DRIVEN BASED COMMUNITY EVENT: The impactful and visibility of Doodle in Malaysia context

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LAKAR FEST as SOCIAL ART and KNOWLEDGE -DRIVEN BASED COMMUNITY EVENT: The impactful and visibility of Doodle in Malaysia context Universiti Teknologi Mara as one of the pioneer of art centre

and creative based education in Malaysia. Recently, taken up the challenge of providing the inaugural event held in conjunction with the celebration of 50 years of Fakulti Seni Lukis dan Seni Reka FSSR (Faculty of Art and Design) in coming 2017.

The faculty had held a doodle art collaboration between students and lecturers for breaking a new records in Malaysia Books of Records (MBR) as the longest doodle art painting on 1.030 KM cloth banner ever made category.

This project’s objectives are to prove the credibility of FSSR in producing art-based talented designers since 50 years ago, hence to open the eyes of the audiences who always assume art as subjective and only beneficial to certain parties

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LAKAR FEST is part of ‘Marketing Communication’ class assignment and experiential learning. It had been taken about 3 semesters or 9 months to complete. Almost 800 students and 10 lecturers had been involved in this event and they had managed to get the support and collaboration with sponsors and agencies.

Other than doodle artworks on pieces of cloth, students were required to produce a marketing communication report that defines B2C models in company operations and highlighting the differences of communication options availabled to the end users.

They had also participated in handling event, voluntourism

projects, design process ,creative & critical thinking, problem solving,marketing solution, risk management, education and fund raising.

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“Many companies are using Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC); since they need a more effective and efficient way of communications with their customers. It is believed that IMC had helped them to build customer relationship and therefore had created profitable brands” (Duncan 2002)

Our aim is to build an enduring relationship and nurture the students to practice sustainable values in art as well as learn to appreciate good effective communication and social skills while delivering the research idea.

The event team had initiated workshops,social entrepreneurship and community based research that will help spread awareness about the idea. It has combined many events, including career talks , launch charity for humanitarian ” PEDULI UMMAH”, doodle demonstration, talk art, art market, food truck, performing arts from schools around Selangor and performances from guest artists that include an alumni from various faculties and industries. This event of doodle project has helped the group to be the voice of people who share about creativity design and culture Art Tourism. The tagline is Art for Community.

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The innovative elements :The impactful and visibility of Doodle in Malaysia context are Based from the class subject and the objective were student initiated and

student led, thus leadership and student engagement were par excellence. This meant that students must conduct needs assessments and sufficient research before embarking on the projects.

The projects were knowledge driven and based on art creativity and social entrepreneurship. Students and faculty members participated in voluntary projects involving issue,design thinking,creative & critical thinking and problem solving,marketing solution,, risk management, education and fund raising. Everyone must network and raise funds and the University provided no financial assistance.

As experience sharing for all participants to attend and collaborative meetings with Jakel, NBOS, Ministry of Tourism ,Yayasan Restu,school and NGO’s that had enlightened them on youth volunteerism, social entrepreneurship and networking with professionals.

The projects provided an opportunity to the university to embark on poverty eradication and knowledge transfer projects

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Multiple benefits of knowledge driven and social entrepreneurship based projects: It is a more effective and meaningful method of service learning when

students are in the driver's seat. Youth grant makers develop language and planning skills, mathematical

and budgeting skills. Project management improves their critical thinking, problem solving and public speaking prowess. All these aid youth development and enhance graduates' employability.

“Philanthropic work empowers youth to take charge and initiate charge, providing them the opportunity to be a giver and not a taker. By involving youth in philanthropic deeds, as adults, they continue to give and serve civil society” (Agard 2002). Such projects provide discipline methods,safe, secure environments for

youth and opportunities to develop and grow. Working with other industry, organisation,ngo and members of society helps them to forge positive relationships with adults and peers, establish connections with community and improve their capacity to lead.

Social art as a medium can be propose the concept of youth philanthropy promoting a cultural shift, away from viewing students from a deficit perspective, to a culture of viewing youth as assets to the community and society as a whole.

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