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RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 19, ES1003, doi:10.2205/2018ES000644, 2019

Latitudinal variation of ionospheric TEC at NorthernHemispheric region

Mahesh Parwani1, Roshni Atulkar2, Shweta Mukherjee3, and P. K. Purohit2

Received 20 June 2018; accepted 29 August 2018; published 15 February 2019.

This paper includes the study of diurnal, monthly, annual and seasonal variation oftotal electron content (TEC) at low, mid and high latitude in the Northern Hemisphericregion. We have also correlated the TEC variation with the solar proxies (viz. 𝐷𝑠𝑑,𝐾𝑝 index, F10.7 cm and sunspot number). This study was carried out during lowsolar activity period of 24th solar cycle i.e. from January 2016 to December 2016,at the three latitudes namely Mangilao, US (GUUG) at 13.44∘N, 144.80∘E, Urumqi,China (URUM) at 43.82∘N, 87.60∘E, and Ny-Alesund, Norway (NYAL) at 78.92∘N,11.86∘E. We observed some unique feature like sinusoidal pattern of diurnal TEC andsemiannual oscillation of seasonal TEC. We also observed that the highest values ofdiurnal and monthly TEC were obtained at low latitude station GUUG Mangilao. Itis also seen that maximum seasonal TEC at low, mid and high latitudes was obtainedduring equinox. KEYWORDS: Ionospheric TEC; 𝐷𝑠𝑑; sunspot number; 𝐾𝑝 index.

Citation: Parwani, Mahesh, Roshni Atulkar, Shweta Mukherjee, and P. K. Purohit (2019), Latitudinal vari-

ation of ionospheric TEC at Northern Hemispheric region, Russ. J. Earth. Sci., 19, ES1003,



Latitudinal variation is one of the most signifi-cant factors that affect ionospheric total electroncontent (TEC). It is related to the location of thesubsolar point and peculiarities in dynamical pro-cesses of the upper atmosphere of the Earth [Kli-menko et al., 2016]. The largest magnitude of so-lar energy is absorbed in low latitude (±30∘) inboth hemispheres [Abdu et al., 1995]. This leadsto higher ionization in this region. Therefore thelow latitude region exhibits a number of uniquephenomena, such as equatorial electrojet (EEJ),

1Department of Physics, Barkatullah University,Bhopal, India

2National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training &Research, Bhopal, India

3VIT Bhopal University, Bhopal, India

Copyright 2019 by the Geophysical Center RAS.

equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA), plasma foun-tain, equatorial wind and temperature anomalyetc. [Jayachandran et al., 1997]. The equato-rial ionosphere being highly variable posses seriousthreats to communication and navigation systems[Akala et al., 2010, 2011, 2012]. The mid-latitudeionosphere is a relatively less variable region, there-fore, most of the ionospheric observations and mea-surements are obtained in this region [Akala et al.,2013a]. The high latitude/polar ionosphere is sen-sitive to the perturbation events, as it is intensivelyconnected to the outer space by the geomagneticfield lines. It is perceived that ionospheric variabil-ity at low, mid and high latitude is due to varia-tions in the external forces that originate from thethermosphere, the magnetosphere, and the loweratmosphere [D’ujanga et al., 2012; Fayose et al.,2012; Schunk et al., 2002]. Apart from latitudinalvariation a number of researchers have investigatedmorphological features of TEC such as the diurnal,monthly, seasonal and solar activity variation using

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various techniques around the globe e.g. in Africa,[D’ujanga et al., 2012; Fayose et al., 2012; Oron etal., 2013; Ouattara and Fleury, 2011; Zoundi et al.,2012] in South East Asia [Walker et al., 1994], inSouth America [Akala et al., 2013b; de Abreu et al.,2014; Natali and Meza, 2011; Sahai et al., 2007],over China [Liu et al., 2013; Zhao et al., 2007],over North America [Huo et al., 2009; Perevalovaet al., 2010], over Japan [Mansoori et al., 2016;Zakharenkova et al., 2012], over Brazil [Venkateshet al., 2014a, 2014b, 2015] and many more. Iono-spheric TEC variations have been investigated inthe Indian region also at Surat [Chauhan et al.,2011; Karia and Pathak, 2011], Agra [Nilesh etal., 2017] and many other. The ionospheric plasmadensity shows significant variations with time, po-sition, geomagnetic and solar activities which canresult in a change of most of the ionospheric param-eters as total electron content. TEC is expressedin units of TECU (1 TECU = 1016 electrons persquare meter), it can be defined as of the totalamount of electrons from satellite to receiver pathin a single square meter cross-section area.The total TEC is defined as the total numeral

of free electrons along the path of electromagneticwave from satellite to receiver. Slant TEC or STECis a measure of the total electron content of theionosphere along the ray path from the satellite toreceiver. It is a quantity that is dependent on theray path geometry through the ionosphere, whereasthe equivalent vertical value of TEC is independentof the elevation of the ray path [Bagiya, 2009].STEC is converted to VTEC by using the for-



∫︁ satellite

receiver𝑁 𝑑𝑠

where 𝑁 is electron density [Bagiya, 2009].


Two quantities are related by an obliquity factorO (Θ), where O (Θ) is represented as

O(Θ) =1

cos[arcsin(︀𝑅e cosΘ

𝑅e + β„Žπ‘–


[Liu et al., 2013], where 𝑅e is the mean radius ofthe Earth and β„Žπ‘– is the effective ionospheric height(400 km). The variation in TEC intensively affectsGPS-based communication and navigation system

[Appleton, 1946; Martyn, 1947]. The global posi-tioning system (GPS) signals propagating throughthe ionosphere are advanced in phase and delayedin time. This time delay being a function of elec-tron density when measured by using dual fre-quency receiver can compute the TEC. So, the GPSreceiver is one of the most useful tools for TECstudy [Hofmann-Wellenhof et al., 1992; Langley etal., 2002].The TEC in the upper atmosphere plays a cru-

cial role in the determination of the range de-lays by the electromagnetic signals while traversingthrough the ionosphere [Rao et al., 2013]. In or-der to study typical ionospheric variations throughionospheric parameters at various latitudes, it isnecessary to average these parameters from theavailable dataset over longitudes or time. This av-eraging makes it feasible to reveal the meantimeand spatial morphological features of global vari-ations in ionosphere [Klimenko et al., 2016]. Atthe rise of ionospheric studies, there was a thoughtthat diurnal variations in ionospheric parameterseverywhere substantially exceed longitudinal varia-tions. However, first satellite data showed that thisis not exactly so [Eccles et al., 1971]. It was foundthat the longitudinal variations of ionospheric pa-rameters are comparable to the diurnal variations.This was further confirmed by many researchers. Inthe absence of ionospheric TEC data, solar proxiesgive an opportunity to study ionospheric variation,in the other words, solar proxies show correlationwith the variation in ionospheric TEC. This corre-lation is a part of our study. We have consideredsolar proxies like 𝐾𝑝 index, sunspot No, F10.7 in-dex, disturbance storm time (𝐷𝑠𝑑) index. SunspotNo and F10.7 are most commonly used proxies, asthey show comparatively better correlation withthe variation of ionospheric TEC [Bilitza, 2000;Mansoori et al., 2016]. The longest available dataseries belongs to the sunspot number; it has beenregularly recorded for over 400 years. The secondlargest available data series belongs to F10.7, whichhas been almost continuously recorded since 1947[Tapping et al., 2013]. Being most consistent solarindex, it effectively describes solar activities andis a valuable mode in forecasting space. F10.7 cmindex gives information about the noise level pro-duced by the Sun at the wavelength of F10.7 cmat the Earth’s orbit. Sunspots are the area seen asa dark spot on the photosphere. Technically theyare concentration of magnetic flux. They are basi-

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cally storm on the surface of the sun; they are thecause of hot gassy ejection and solar flare. Sunspotnumber (𝑅𝑧) is the measure of intensity of solaractivity. The highest value of 𝑅𝑧 exhibits solarmaxima and the lowest value of 𝑅𝑧 exhibits solarminima of a solar cycle. They generally appearin defined pattern, they tend to appear on eitherside of the equator. They start appearing about25βˆ˜β€“30∘ north and south to the centre, with theprogress of solar cycle the new sunspots originatecloser to the equator. At the end of solar cyclethey normally appear at an average altitude of 5∘

to 10∘. The generally not appear at the latitudegreater than 70∘[Prince et al., 2013; Secan et al.,1997].The change in solar wind directly affects the bal-

ance of magnetosphere. The magnetospheric cur-rent reacts in order to spare the magnetospherefrom collapse; therefore it establishes a new equilib-rium state. The changes in different current sheetsare measured to estimate the magnetospheric ac-tivities. For these measurements magnetic activityindices are used. The ring current or storm activ-ity is usually estimated by using the 𝐷𝑠𝑑 index andthe disturbances in the Earth’s magnetic field orglobal activity measured by 𝐾𝑝 index. 𝐾𝑝 index isone of the important scale to study global level ofgeomagnetic activity. The higher value indicatesionospheric storm which degrades radio propaga-tion. It is a crude measure as it does not mea-sure any specific type of disturbance. It is also de-fined as global 𝐾𝑝 index because it characterizesthe intensity of geomagnetic activity on a plan-etary scale [Mukhtarov et al., 2017]. 𝐷𝑠𝑑 indexwas developed in 1964 and it defines hourly av-erage of the deviation of Horizontal component ofthe Earth magnetic field [Sugiura et al., 1964] andmeasured at several ground stations. It is men-tioned in nanotesla (nT). It presents a picture ofspace weather. It also provides information aboutthe strength of ring current around Earth causedby solar protons and electrons [Saba et al., 1997].It is a measure of geomagnetic activities, for thispurpose𝐻 component of geomagnet is recorded pe-riodically at low-latitude. [Bartels et al., 1939].The value of 𝐷𝑠𝑑 reflects the intensity of the Ge-omagnetic storm, the minimum value shows thestrongest storm. The negative value of 𝐷𝑠𝑑 ex-hibits the beginning of the main face of a storm[Bhattacharya et al., 2008]. The storms are cate-gorized as strong storm (peak 𝐷𝑠𝑑 < βˆ’100 nT),

moderate storms(βˆ’100 nT< peak 𝐷𝑠𝑑 < βˆ’50 nT)and weak storms (peak 𝐷𝑠𝑑 > βˆ’50 nT).This paper is an attempt to study the diurnal

variation, monthly variation, annual variation sea-sonal variation of TEC at low, mid and high lati-tude in the Northern Hemisphere. The relation be-tween solar proxies (viz. 𝐷𝑠𝑑, 𝐾𝑝 index, F10.7 cmand sunspot number) and ionospheric TEC varia-tion at all the three stations are also included inthe paper. The study was carried out during lowsolar activity period of 24th solar cycle i.e. fromJanuary 2016 to December 2016.

Data Sets and Methodology

This study was carried out with two type of datasets: Ionospheric data (GPS derived TEC) and ge-omagnetic indices (𝐾𝑝 index, sunspot No, F10.7index, 𝐷𝑠𝑑 index). In present study we consideredUniversal time (UT) for all time references.

Total Electron Content (TEC)

To investigate the latitudinal variation of theionosphere, we considered three IGS stations one ateach low, mid and high latitude. The selected loca-tions and their details, including their geographicalcoordinates, are shown in Table 1.The data at the three stations were obtained

from the network of GPS receivers that are spreadover the globe and the data was recorded period-ically. The GPS data recorded by IGS is freelyavailable to all the users and can be downloadedfrom the URL This datais available in RINEX (Receiver Independent Ex-change Format); it is an internationally accepteddata exchange format. This format is in the stan-dard ASCII format (i.e., readable text). The datais then processed by using appropriated tools to getthe required (TEC). The temporal resolution of thedata is usually 30 s. The dual frequency GPS re-ceivers provide the carrier phase and pseudo-rangemeasurements in two 𝐿-band frequencies (𝐿1 =1575.42 MHz and 𝐿2 = 1227.60 MHz). The TECis computed from the combined 𝐿1 and 𝐿2 pseudo-ranges and carrier phase [Mukhtarov et al., 2017].Further, the raw data is processed by software de-veloped and freely distributed by Dr. Gopi Krishna

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Table 1. The Selected GPS Stations and Their Codes and Coordinates

Sr. No ID Location Geo. Lat. Geo. Long.

1 GUUG Mangilao, US 13.44∘N 144.80∘E2 URUM Urumqi, China 43.82∘N 87.60∘E3 NYAL Ny-Alesund, Norway 78.92∘N 11.86∘E

Seemala, Indian Institute of Geomagnetism (IIG),Navi Mumbai, India. This software runs on a Win-dows operating system. The raw RINEX GPS datawere processed using this GPS TEC analysis soft-ware. This software reads raw data, processes cycleslips in-phase data, reads satellite biases from In-ternational GNSS Service (IGS) code file (if notavailable, it calculates them), calculates receiverbias, and calculates the inter-channel biases for dif-ferent satellites in the receiver.

Geomagnetic Indices

To study the long-term solar activity we havetaken four viz. 𝐾𝑝 index, sunspot No, F10.7 in-dex, 𝐷𝑠𝑑 index. We have downloaded the datafrom Space Physics Data Facility OMNI website( We have takenin to account the averages of the downloaded datasets for the study.

Results and Discussion

The density of ionosphere changes with the sea-son, local time magnetic activity and geographiclocation. We investigated all the variations at low,mid and high latitudes. At the same time, we alsoinvestigated the relationship between ionosphericTEC and solar and magnetic indices viz. 𝐾𝑝 in-dex, sunspot No, F10.7 cm and 𝐷𝑠𝑑 index.

Diurnal Variability of TEC

The variability of TEC for all the days of the year2016 is presented month-wise in the Figure 1 forlow latitude station Mangilao. The multicolouredlines indicate the variation of TEC for all days ofeach month and the bold yellow line indicates the

variation of the median for the month. From theFigure 1, a wider spread of TEC is observed be-tween 00:00 hrs to 14:00 hrs i.e. in the first halfof the graph than that of second-half i.e. from14:00 hrs to 24:00 hrs. We also observed thatthe maximum average TEC was obtained (highestpeak of yellow line) during the months of Febru-ary, March, April, September, and October, whilethe shallow peaks were obtained during the monthof December, June, July, August, and November.The diurnal pattern of the graphs shows almostsimilar shape for all the months. The diurnal peakis obtained between approx 08:00 hrs to 12:00 hrs,though peak value changes every month.The variability of TEC for all the days of the

year 2016 is presented month-wise in the Figure 2for mid-latitude station Urumqi. From the figure,it is observed that from 00:00 hrs to 14:00 hrs i.e.the first half of the graphs show the wider spreadin the TEC than that of the second half i.e. from14:00 hrs to 24:00 hrs. We also observed thatthe maximum average TEC was obtained (highestpeak of yellow line) during the months of Febru-ary, March, April, May and September, while theshallow peaks were obtained during the month ofDecember, June, July and August. The diurnalpattern of the graphs shows almost similar shapefor all the months, though peak value changes ev-ery month.The variability of TEC for all the days of the

year 2016 is presented month-wise in Figure 3 forhigh latitude station Ny-Alesund. We observedthat the maximum average TEC obtained (highestpeak of yellow line) during the months of Febru-ary, March, April and September while the shallowpeaks were obtained during the month of Decem-ber, May, June, July and August. The diurnal pat-tern of the graphs shows almost similar shape forall the months. The diurnal peak occurs betweenapprox 08:00 hrs to 12:00 hrs, though peak valuechanges every month.

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Figure 1. The diurnal variability of the TEC during all the months of the year 2016 atGUUG. UT is considered for time.

Figure 2. The diurnal variability of the TEC during all the months of the year 2016 atURUM. UT is considered for time.

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Figure 3. The diurnal variability of the TEC during all the months of the year 2016 atNYAL. UT is considered for time.

Diurnal variation of TEC was also studied byplotting TEC curves for all 366 days at the samegraph of the year 2016 at low, mid and high lati-tude stations. Figure 4 shows the diurnal variationof TEC during the year 2016. The graph is self-explanatory for the comparison of diurnal variationof the three stations. It is seen that the three curvesobtained crest and trough almost during the sameperiod of time, it is also noticed that the rise andfall of TEC follow the similar sinusoidal patternfor the year 2016. Though the magnitude of theTEC is different for the three stations throughoutthe year, it was also observed from the graph thatthe maximum TEC value was obtained at low lati-tude station Mangilao followed by mid-latitude sta-tion Urumqi and high latitude station Ny-Alesund.The results confirm that the low latitude region(0∘

to +30∘) shows higher magnitude TEC as well ashigher variation of TEC than that of at mid or highlatitude, as this region receives maximum sunlightthroughout the year.

Monthly Variability of TEC

The monthly TEC variation for the year 2016 atmid, low and high latitude stations is presented inFigure 5. The daily average of TEC variation istaken into account to draw the graph. The graphshows that the TEC is maximum during the monthof March at low and high latitude and during themonth of April at mid-latitude. Whereas the min-imum value of TEC is observed during the monthof December at low and mid latitude and duringthe month of July at high latitude.The monthly TEC data of the three stations also

show a sinusoidal pattern that starts rising fromJanuary and its peaks are observed in March orApril, and then it starts falling gradually and ob-tains its minimum value in July or August. Furtherincreasing trend is started and the curves obtaintheir peaks in September or October. Again, thecurves lead to its minimal and obtain their bot-

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Figure 4. Diurnal variability of TEC during theyear 2016 for GUUG, URUM and NYAL stations.

tom value in the month of December. It is sig-nificant that both the crests occur during equinox(March and September) and trough occurs duringthe solstice (June and December). Equinox is theperiod when the plane of the Earth’s equator passesthrough the centre of the Sun’s disk or the Sun isdirectly over the equator, hence during this periodmore solar energy is received, which leads to greaterionization. It is also seen that the December sol-stice shows higher average TEC than that of Julysolstice, the causative factor of this phenomenonis the Sun–Earth distance between December andJune period.

Figure 5. Monthly variability of TEC during theyear 2016 for GUUG, URUM and NYAL stations.

Figure 6. Seasonal variability of TEC during theyear 2016 for GUUG, URUM and NYAL stations.

Seasonal Variability of TEC

The seasonal variations of TEC occur due to tiltin the rotation axis of the Earth and rotation of theEarth around the Sun. This tilt makes the Earthlean towards the Sun (summer) and lean away fromthe Sun (winter), in between these two seasonsequinox occurs. The relative position of the Sunmoves from one hemisphere to the other and cre-ates seasons. We have studied the seasonal variabil-ity of TEC at low, mid and high latitude stations,during equinox (March, April, September and Oc-tober), summer (May, June, July and August) andwinter seasons (January, February, November andDecember). The seasonal variation of ionosphericTEC for the year 2016 at the low, mid and highlatitude stations is shown in Figure 6 The figureshows that TEC is maximum during the equinoxseason followed by winter and summer seasons atthe high and low latitude and followed by summerand winter seasons at mid-latitude. In other words,it is observed that maximum seasonal TEC is ob-tained in the equinox months. It is also seen thatduring the equinox, the maximum value of TEC isobtained at low latitude followed by mid and highlatitude. The findings are also supported by thefacts that the rate of ionization in equinox is fasterthan that in winter and summer season which leadsto higher TEC at equinox months. Further, duringthis period, the Sun is directly above the equatorwhich leads to higher value of TEC during equinoxat low latitude region than at mid or high latitude.

Geomagnetic and solar Variability of TEC

Figure 7 shows the variation of VTEC for thedifferent stations and is correlated with F10.7 cm,𝐾𝑝 index 𝐷𝑠𝑑 index. From the graph it is clearthat VTEC at low, mid and high latitude inNorthern Hemisphere showed a similar annual pat-

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Figure 7. Comparison of variability of TEC withrespect to various geomagnetic indices the year2016.

tern though the magnitude of VTEC was maxi-mum at low latitude followed by mid-latitude andhigh-latitude. It is observed from the graph thatTEC shows better synchronization with 𝑅𝑧 andF10.7 cm than with 𝐷𝑠𝑑 and 𝐾𝑝 indices. Thepattern observed for the ionospheric TEC showeda semi-annual oscillation with maxima in springand autumn and minima at summer and win-ter at low, mid and high latitude. This semi-annual variation can be satisfactorily explained byRussell-McPherron effect, according to this effectthe 𝐡𝑧 component of geomagnet is enhanced inMarch (spring) and September (autumn) undersouthern interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) con-ditions, as a result, more variation in TEC is ob-tained during equinoctial months than during sol-stitial months. The figure shows that the similarsemi-annual pattern is also followed by F10.7 and𝑅𝑧 index during solar minima 2016.

Variability of TEC During IntenseGeomagnetic Storms

The presence of geomagnetic storm indicates so-lar wind-magnetospheric interaction. This inter-action originates global disturbances in the geo-magnetic field as well as in ionospheric TEC. So-lar wind is a high energy stream of charged par-ticles (viz. electron, proton, alpha particle etc.)which is ejected from the corona with the speed of300 to 500 km/s. We had studied the behaviourof ionospheric TEC during low solar activity pe-riod of 24th solar cycle i.e. from January 2016to December 2016 the geomagnetic storms. Dur-ing this period we found three moderate storms(βˆ’100 nT< peak 𝐷𝑠𝑑 < βˆ’50 nT). The geomag-netic storms chronologically occur on 1 January2016 with the daily averaged value of 𝐷𝑠𝑑 βˆ’61 nT,7 March 2016 with the daily averaged value of𝐷𝑠𝑑 βˆ’58 nT and 8 May 2016 with the daily av-eraged value of 𝐷𝑠𝑑 and βˆ’53 nT. We investi-gated the behaviour of ionospheric TEC at low,mid and high latitude stations viz. Mangilao,US (GUUG) at 13.44∘N, 144.80∘E, Urumqi, China(URUM) at 43.82∘N, 87.60∘E, and Ny-Alesund,Norway (NYAL) at 78.92∘N, 11.86∘E.The most intense geomagnetic storm of the year

2016 was observed on 1 January 2016. It is ob-served that the storms that occurred on 1 January,7 March and 8 May in the same year are having agradual decreasing intensity with (daily averaged)𝐷𝑠𝑑 value βˆ’61 nT, βˆ’58 nT and βˆ’53 nT respec-tively. A similar pattern was observed for F10.7 cmindex (gradually decreasing order 95.1, 92.8 and85.6 respectively). The stations located on low lat-itudes were affected by the storm more than thosestations located on mid and high latitudes.


The analysis leads to following conclusions

1. It is seen that the maximum diurnal andmonthly value of TEC is obtained at lowlatitude station Mangilao followed by mid-latitude station Urumqi and high latitude sta-tion Ny-Alesund;

2. It is observed that diurnal TEC shows sinu-soidal pattern;

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3. It is seen that seasonal variation of TEC ismaximum during the equinox followed by win-ter and summer seasons at high latitude sta-tion and low latitude station and followed bysummer and winter seasons at mid-latitudestation. In other words, it is observed thatmaximum seasonal TEC is obtained duringthe equinox;

4. It is seen that VTEC at low, mid and high lat-itude of the chosen stations shows similar an-nual pattern, though the magnitude of VTECis maximum at low latitude followed by mid-latitude and high latitude;

5. The seasonal pattern of ionospheric TECshows a semiannual oscillation with maximain spring and autumn and minima at summerand winter;

6. We also compared the annual changes of theTEC with respect to that of the solar proxiesviz. 𝐾𝑝 index, sunspot No, F10.7 index, 𝐷𝑠𝑑index. It is seen that the TEC shows a bettersynchronised variation with 𝑅𝑧 and F10.7 cm,than that of with 𝐷𝑠𝑑 and 𝐾𝑝 indices.

Acknowledgments. The authors are thankful to

various online data servers sites like http://omniweb.gsfc., and for providing data

of different stations. And Dr. Gopi Krishna Seemala,

for freely distributing the software to process raw TEC



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Corresponding author:Shweta Mukherjee, VIT Bhopal Univ., Bhopal-Indore

Highway-Kothri-466114, India. (shweta.mukherjee[at]

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