Page 1:…  · Web viewThe project I am planning to do will consist of documentary style photos. I enjoy this style of photography as

Laura McRitchie

HN1 Graded Unit Proposal Guide

Unit Title: Graded Unit 1

Unit Code: DW91 34

Assessment: Summative

Contents: Introduction Research Aims and Objectives Equipment Materials & Support Technique Presentation Timescale & Diary

Laura McRitchie Graded Unit Proposal Guide

Page 2:…  · Web viewThe project I am planning to do will consist of documentary style photos. I enjoy this style of photography as


The project I am planning to do will consist of documentary style photos. I enjoy this style of photography as the photographs are of 'real' life/events and tells a story within the image. My project will document the village of Newtongrange on the outskirts of Edinburgh which until the mid 1980s was primarily a mining village.

The inspiration of my project comes from a photographic project called the Valleys, which documented the South Wales Valleys from 1984 - 1990. The project produced over 450 photographs, documenting the changes in the landscape and peoples lives throughout the miners strikes and closure of the mines. There was 10 main photographer's on the project from Roger Tiley, Mike Berry, John Davies and David Bailey.

I want to document Newtongrange as it is now. How is the village used? What businesses are in the village? I want to show the transformation from a mining village to what Newtongrange is today...a commuting village.

This type of project may take the form of a book or newspaper/article, especially an article focusing on the changes of the urban landscape. The audience may be historians, people interested in how a village has transformed.

The project will be achieved over 8 weeks where I will be spending time in Newtongrange, finding out about the businesses and how the village is used today. I will be speaking to villagers, business owners and visitors to the village. My project will be titled - Newtongrange: Life After the Lady. 

Laura McRitchie Graded Unit Proposal Guide

Page 3:…  · Web viewThe project I am planning to do will consist of documentary style photos. I enjoy this style of photography as


Photographer: David Bailey

I have chosen this image as part of my research because it is part of documentary photography series – The Valleys, which initially inspired my idea for my graded unit. This photo is taking outside showing the chimney and mine shaft. There is a poster very prominent with a message. The photo has been taking on a cloudy day and is in black and white with a lot of contrast. There is leading lines in the photograph the roof leading to the lamppost to the chimney. The lighting is of natural light with the sun behind the photographer. The chimney is on the line of thirds. As this photograph project was taking while the mining strikes were on, the message in the poster is very prominent with the mine in the background forecasting the mood of the village as people struggle financially and socially. This photo may have appeared in an exhibition showcasing the project or a newspaper article.

Laura McRitchie Graded Unit Proposal Guide

Page 4:…  · Web viewThe project I am planning to do will consist of documentary style photos. I enjoy this style of photography as

Photographer: Paul Reas

I have chosen this photo because nostalgia is the ‘in’ thing at the moment. TV shows are being remade, people are talking about the ‘good old times’ and I think nostalgia will play a huge role in my project when speaking to people. Everyone will speak about the community spirit, the idea that when the mine was open the village was better. This photo speaks volumes to me even though it is not a good photo, it’s out of focus, people are queuing up at the post office, the message is clear though, compositionally its not great either, there is nothing really happening in the photo, the people do not look happy but no doubt to those people the ‘good times’ would have seemed like a few generations before, as like today. It looks as if the photographer has taking the photo using flash as the post office sign is very blown out, however faces of the people are lit evenly. I think this has been a ‘snapshot, in the moment.

Laura McRitchie Graded Unit Proposal Guide

Page 5:…  · Web viewThe project I am planning to do will consist of documentary style photos. I enjoy this style of photography as

Photographer: Mirrorpix

I have chosen this photo because this could be Newtongrange in the 1980s. The houses are all looking a bit dishevelled and run down. By looking at the photograph you know it is a ‘working’ class area. The photo has been taking using natural light and there the road is a leading line. The photograph is not the best photograph however it does document the area and shows the derelict area well.

Laura McRitchie Graded Unit Proposal Guide

Page 6:…  · Web viewThe project I am planning to do will consist of documentary style photos. I enjoy this style of photography as

Photographer: Jeff Morgan

I have chosen this photo as part of my research because again it is another mining village however the houses a lived in, it is not derelict, again it is not the greatest photo however it documents the area and that after the mine has closed the village has continued to be inhabited, like Newtongrange. The photograph has leading lines, has been taking on a what looks like a sunny day even though you cannot see the sky. The greens of the hedges stand out which shows life. This photo is a documentary image showing the urban landscape.

Laura McRitchie Graded Unit Proposal Guide

Page 7:…  · Web viewThe project I am planning to do will consist of documentary style photos. I enjoy this style of photography as

Photographer: Dorothea Lange

This is an extremely famous photo taking of a migrant mother. The photo has even light all over her face and think external lighting may have been used. The mother’s face is of torment with two of her children cuddling up to her and also a baby in her arms. I have put this into my research because it is a great portrait showing a person going through hardship about how she is going to feed her family, no doubt how the families of Newtongrange felt when the mine closed.

Laura McRitchie Graded Unit Proposal Guide

Page 8:…  · Web viewThe project I am planning to do will consist of documentary style photos. I enjoy this style of photography as

Photographer: Unkown

This photo has been taking using natural light, however it is a bad photo, it is out of focus however it shows people proud of their heritage, exactly like how people of Newtongrange feel. The photo shows a monument of a winding wheel. It is taking landscape style on a wide angle lens to get the wheel in.

Laura McRitchie Graded Unit Proposal Guide

Page 9:…  · Web viewThe project I am planning to do will consist of documentary style photos. I enjoy this style of photography as

Photographer: Unknown

I have chosen this photo as part of my research as it shows a couple of ladies walking down the street. The ladies one is in the middle and the other is on the thirds also it has been taking using natural light. One of the ladies looks amused at the photographer the other one is turning her head slightly as if she does not want her photo taking. The reason I have chosen this is because in my project I am looking at having people walking in my photo however I am unsure whether I would want them facing the camera or tuned away from the camera like the lady to the left.

Laura McRitchie Graded Unit Proposal Guide

Page 10:…  · Web viewThe project I am planning to do will consist of documentary style photos. I enjoy this style of photography as


Photographer: Associated Newspapers

I have chosen this photograph as part of my research because this Is what Newtongrange could have been. Derelict abandoned when the Lady Victoria closed. This again is not the greatest photo however it shows the landscape and the derelict buildings and what happens when an industry closes down. The buildings are squint and it is not a good architectural photograph. It has been taking using natural light. This may be used in a newspaper.

Laura McRitchie Graded Unit Proposal Guide

Page 11:…  · Web viewThe project I am planning to do will consist of documentary style photos. I enjoy this style of photography as

Photographer: Tish Murtha

I have chosen this photograph as part of my research as it shows working class children playing in the street slightly out of focus and two children looking at each other inquisitively in the foreground in focus. It fits in well with my project research as it is outside and could show that even though the parents may be going through a hard time, families are trying by a good upbringing to their children. The photograph looks like it is taking in a working-class area however the children are all presented well and clean. The children also seem happy and are comfortable in front of the camera which means the photographer has spent some time getting to know the children or they already knew the photographer. This photograph may be shown in a gallery or in a newspaper article or a book about 1970s Britain.

Laura McRitchie Graded Unit Proposal Guide

Page 12:…  · Web viewThe project I am planning to do will consist of documentary style photos. I enjoy this style of photography as Unknown

I have chosen this photo of the mining brass band because it shows that not only did the mine in the area bring work to people, it brought a community, social activities to peoples lives. This photo again has been taking outside, with the bands conductor’s back to the photographer. The photo is again out of focus however it shows the band in their work uniform which could suggest that their work gave them time to practise in working hours which may have brought morale to the workers considering the conditions they worked in. The photo also shows the environment in the background.

Laura McRitchie Graded Unit Proposal Guide

Page 13:…  · Web viewThe project I am planning to do will consist of documentary style photos. I enjoy this style of photography as

Aims and Objectives

I have set myself this brief because I think it will be very interesting. The village is under the protection of a conservation order however there is talk of a new town centre being built which may change the look and feel of the village. I am passionate about it because I live there. I have seen photos of the village throughout the decades and it mainly looks the same however over the last ten years many prominent buildings of the village have been knocked down.

the swimming pool (still an empty space just now)

the legion (still an empty space), the top club - a pub which was popular with the locals (still an empty space)

the picture house - which has now been replaced by flats.

So the village is changing slowly but surely and I want to document it before the village loses its character.

I think my work would appear in a book about the village, a newspaper article showing the past and present of village and the audience would be people interested in history or just interested to see how the village has changed. I visualise my images being a range landscapes and portraits, hopefully showing how the villagers use the village. I am hoping to communicate the story of the village.

Laura McRitchie Graded Unit Proposal Guide

Page 14:…  · Web viewThe project I am planning to do will consist of documentary style photos. I enjoy this style of photography as

Image 1 - commuters using the train station in the morning. The borders line is a new addition to the village, it opened in 2015 by the Queen and has improved transport links from Newtongrange to Edinburgh. The village previously had a railway line however this was closed in the 1960s. The railway has been popular with the locals commuting to work, Edinburgh and even the borders.


Image 2 - will be a shot from the bottom of the village, looking up towards the zebra crossing, I will hopefully include a dog walker, or a couple or a group of people, this is to show the village from the bottom however the inclusion of people will hopefully show the village is not empty.

Laura McRitchie Graded Unit Proposal Guide

Page 15:…  · Web viewThe project I am planning to do will consist of documentary style photos. I enjoy this style of photography as

Image 3 - will be a shot of the Dean Tavern, the pub has been in the village for over one hundred years, The Dean Tavern is a gothenberg pub and still gives its profits back to the community. The Dean has helped fund mnay of the village facilities over the years from the swimming pool to the library and today the Dean gives its properties back to groups that are within the village. I am hoping to have a couple of people standing outside the pub again to not have the isolated feeling of the pub.

Image 4 - a photo from the top of the village showing the wheel. This will show the top of the village and a view of the architecture.

Laura McRitchie Graded Unit Proposal Guide

Page 16:…  · Web viewThe project I am planning to do will consist of documentary style photos. I enjoy this style of photography as

Image 5 - Street View showing the miners cottages. The majority of houses in the village are still miners cottages.

Image 6 - a portrait of a business owner in front of their business. Last year three new businesses opened up in the village, a restaurant/takeaway, a vape shop and a bakery.

Laura McRitchie Graded Unit Proposal Guide

Page 17:…  · Web viewThe project I am planning to do will consist of documentary style photos. I enjoy this style of photography as

Image 7 - A photograph of the park. The park is widely used by runners/dog walkers and children. I want to get a photo of the park being used.

Image 8 - interior of the Dean Tavern. The Dean is a popular local pub, Friday and Saturday nights are extremely busy and this would show the pubs interior and the locals using the pub.


Laura McRitchie Graded Unit Proposal Guide

Page 18:…  · Web viewThe project I am planning to do will consist of documentary style photos. I enjoy this style of photography as

Image 9 - an exterior shot of the Sun Inn. The Sun is a popular restaurant in the village, gaining widespread publicity and AA stars. The Sun was an old coaching Inn before being turned into a restaurant.

Image 10 - a photo of the mining museum. The mining museum is a popular tourist attraction. It is housed in the old lady Victoria mine which closed in the 1980s and the buildings were turned into a museum. The mine was where many of the villagers worked while it was operational.

Laura McRitchie Graded Unit Proposal Guide

Page 19:…  · Web viewThe project I am planning to do will consist of documentary style photos. I enjoy this style of photography as

This will hopefully tell the story of the village. I don't know if the interior shot of The Dean will work however if it does not I will shoot another exterior shot. I will see how this will look once I have all my photographs.

I will be strict with my image selection and I will be very critical of my work throughout the project. Also if my photos dont show continuity I will revisit my plan and may reshuffle my photographs.

Communication will okay an important roll in my project as I speak to the locals and business owners to see if they would be happy to be involved in my graded unit.

I will have a strict time schedule to complete my graded unit however I will have to allow some flexibility due to the weather. 

Equipment, Materials and Support

I will be using a variety of equipment for my graded unit

DSLR Camera – Canon 80D 64gb SD Card 24mm-70mm lens 15mm-85mm lens Tilt-Shift 24mm Lens Tripod x2 Canon Flash Gun x2 13” Macbook Pro 21” Imac, mouse & keyboard Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom Toshiba Portable Hardrive Microsoft Word A3 Printing Paper - college College printing store People (locals and business owners) A3 Workbook Wordpress Blog

This is a general list of all the equipment I will need for my graded unit project. If anything else is required I will be prepared to add this to my equipment list retrospectively.

Laura McRitchie Graded Unit Proposal Guide

Page 20:…  · Web viewThe project I am planning to do will consist of documentary style photos. I enjoy this style of photography as


Documentary photography is about capturing the here and now, it is mainly used during social change or even during war, capturing events significant to history or everyday life. My graded unit will focus on everyday life of Newtongrange.

I would like to incorporate motion blur into my GU, maybe as the passengers enter/exit the train, having the train still and the passengers appearing as they are moving.

https:// blurred-passengers-getting-

in-train-gm511365374-86617855 I am planning on printing my photos in colour however when it comes to editing my photographs, I may change my photographs to Black and White however I will make this decision with the advice of my lecturers and what suits the photographs. I will change my photographs to black and white in photoshop.


Laura McRitchie Graded Unit Proposal Guide

Page 21:…  · Web viewThe project I am planning to do will consist of documentary style photos. I enjoy this style of photography as

I may also use a tilt-shift lens while completing my graded unit project. I feel this may be necessary because of the architectural photographs I will be taking of the village buildings.

https:// Manual-Focus-Sony/dp/

B00IN2C4RO/ ref=asc_df_B00IN2C4RO/?tag=googshopuk-



I feel this project will be challenging because even though I will taking photographs of the village, incorporating locals and business owners into my project will be challenging and trying to get those people to look as natural as possible. I do find taking portraits challenging and also using the flash gun. I will be using my flash gun for these photographs. I will also find getting the continuity of colour balance throughout my images challenging as I will be shooting on different days and the weather is very undependable in Scotland. I will be using Photoshop techniques to address these issues and photoshop is not a strong point of mines.

The equipment I will use will be used to make creative images, my tripod I will use to create motion blur image of the train passengers, I will also use my tripod to hold my camera while shooting the interior shot of the Dean Tavern, I will also be using my flash gun to have an interior shot with Ambient Lighting and Flash Lighting. This image may be a composite image as I light different areas of the pub and put the image together in Photoshop. I will also be using my tripod while using my tilt/shift lens and again putting the image together in photoshop. Even though my series will be of documentary photography I do want to create very good photographs.

I will gain diversity and achieve continuity by taking different shots to document the village however I am hoping to take all my photos on days where the weather appears the same. Editing will play a huge role in project from making sure the continuity is consistent, putting composite images together and I will hopefully learn new photoshop techniques along the way. As my project is still in the early stages, I may use photoshop/lightroom much more than I have detailed here.

Laura McRitchie Graded Unit Proposal Guide

Page 22:…  · Web viewThe project I am planning to do will consist of documentary style photos. I enjoy this style of photography as


I am going to use the printing store at college. I have thought about using an external company however I am happy with the paper that is used in the store which I believe will work well with my graded unit project.

Cost of Test Prints - £15.00Cost of Prints - £30.00Cost of A3 printing sleeves - £14,00Cost of A3 Portfolio Box - £15.00

The total cost of for printing and presenting of my graded unit project will be £75.00, however I am happy to spend up to £100 for printing and on presentation items for my graded unit project.

Laura McRitchie Graded Unit Proposal Guide

Page 23:…  · Web viewThe project I am planning to do will consist of documentary style photos. I enjoy this style of photography as

Timeacale & Diary

◄ February March 2020 April ►

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun1


1000-1200 village voices group / photo recce of village

3 4 5 6 7 8


1000-1200 village voices/ photographing village


Sorting out images for GU/ Speak to lecturers


Blog Update / Workbook

12 13 14 15


1000-1200 village voices/ photographing village


Sorting out images for GU/speak to lecturers


Blog Update / Workbook

19 20 21 22


1000-1200 village voices/ photographing village


Sorting out images for GU/speak to lecturers

25 26

Order Presentation Box & Sleeves

27 28 29


Photo cull of GU


Editing Images of GU

Laura McRitchie Graded Unit Proposal Guide

Page 24:…  · Web viewThe project I am planning to do will consist of documentary style photos. I enjoy this style of photography as

◄ March April 2020 May ►

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun1 2

Editing Images of GU/ Blog Update / Workbook

3 4 5


Editing Images of GU


Editing Images of GU/ speak to lecturers

8 9

Blog Update / Workbook

10 11 12





15 16

Blog Update / Workbook

17 18 19



RESHOOT if required



RESHOOTIf required


Photo Cull/ EditingIf required


Blog Update / Workbook

24 25 26


Print Test


Collect Prints/Cut Prints

29 30

Blog Update / Workbook

Laura McRitchie Graded Unit Proposal Guide

Page 25:…  · Web viewThe project I am planning to do will consist of documentary style photos. I enjoy this style of photography as

◄ April May 2020 June ►

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun1 2 3


Send Final Prints


Collect Prints/Cut Prints

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21


22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Shooting days are flexible due to weather.

Laura McRitchie Graded Unit Proposal Guide

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