Page 1: Layers of the moon, by Karl


Page 2: Layers of the moon, by Karl


Regolith is the dry crusty rocky surface that covers the crust it is composed of lots of different elements. There are dark areas of the moon which are basaltic lavas. There is no atmosphere and there are impact craters. There are also many mountain ranges on the moon

(𝑥+𝑎 )𝑛=∑𝑘= 0



Page 3: Layers of the moon, by Karl

The Crust The thickness of the crust ranges from 60

to 100 km. There have been many additions to the surface of the crust. The most voluminous addition to the moon are formations called mare basalts. These mare basalts were formed 3.9 billion years ago. Most people think of the crust as the first layer, but actually it is the second. The rocks on the moon are similar to rocky surface on earth except they are richer in Titanium and Aluminum

(1+𝑥 )𝑛=1+𝑛𝑥1 !

+𝑛 (𝑛−1 ) 𝑥2

2 !+…

Page 4: Layers of the moon, by Karl

Rigid Mantle

The rigid mantle : This rocky layer is not hot enough to flow. This hard shell is about 620 miles (1,000 km) thick. This is the third part of the moon. The moon gets less compact as it goes farther towards the core because it also gets hotter and the flow of elements usually increases as temperature rises.

𝑓 (𝑥 )=𝑎0+∑𝑛=1

(𝑎𝑛cos𝑛𝜋 𝑥𝐿

+𝑏𝑛 sin𝑛𝜋 𝑥𝐿 )

Page 5: Layers of the moon, by Karl

Non Rigid Mantle

This Is The fourth layer of the moon since it is getting closer to the core, this is the part of the mantle that has been heated up and is non rigid. This is the last layer to go until we get to the first part of the core.


Page 6: Layers of the moon, by Karl


The final aspect of the inside of the moon is the core. We believe That the core is composed of iron and is non fluid. The core is not a big contributor to the moons mass; the core is only 225 miles in diameter.

Page 7: Layers of the moon, by Karl

Moons magnetic field

The magnetic field of the moon is not even close to the enormous magnetic field of earth. The moon’s magnetic field is actually only one tenth millionth of earth’s magnetic field. In fact, if you were to bring a compass on to the moon the magnetic field would be so weak it wouldn’t even work. Because there is no atmosphere on the moon, you wouldn’t need a compass for if you were skilled, you could find your way using the stars. sin𝛼± sin 𝛽=2sin


(𝛼± 𝛽 )cos 12

(𝛼∓𝛽 )

Page 8: Layers of the moon, by Karl

Moon phases𝑥=−𝑏±√𝑏2−4𝑎𝑐2𝑎

Page 9: Layers of the moon, by Karl


Page 10: Layers of the moon, by Karl

Planets and their moons Mercury- 0 moons Venus- 0 moons Earth- 1 moons Mars- 2 moons Jupiter-63 moons Saturn -62 moons Uranus- 27 moons Neptune- 13 moons Pluto-3 moons

Page 11: Layers of the moon, by Karl

Jupiter's Galilean Moons

Io is primarily composed of silicate rock surrounding a molten iron or iron sulfide core. Most of Io's surface is characterized by extensive plains coated with sulfur and sulfur dioxide frost.

Europa and are Io somewhat similar in bulk composition to the land planets primarily composed of silicate rock. Unlike Io, however, Europa has a thin outer layer of ice. Europa has a layered internal structure perhaps with a small metallic core.

Page 12: Layers of the moon, by Karl

Jupiter Galilean Moons

Ganymede Is fully distinguished, consisting of an iron sulfide–iron core, silicate mantle and an outer ice mantle.

This moon actually has a magnetic field. Callisto may have a small silicate core

and possibly a subsurface ocean of liquid water at depths greater than 100 km. The surface of Callisto is heavily cratered and extremely old.

Page 13: Layers of the moon, by Karl


Mercury Does not have any moons

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Venus’s moons

Venus does not have any moons

Page 15: Layers of the moon, by Karl

Mars's moons; Phobos and Deimos

Phobos- might contain a substantial reservoir of ice. Spectral observations indicate that the surface regolith layer lacks hydration, but ice below the regolith is not ruled out.

Deimos- is highly non-spherical with dimensions of 15 × 12.2 × 10.4 km. Deimos is composed of rock rich in carbonaceous material. The regolith is very pou.rous

Page 16: Layers of the moon, by Karl

Saturn’s moons; Titan, Lapetus, Phoebe and Mimas

Titan- Titan is so large it affects the orbit of other moons. This Is the second largest moon in the solar system. Its atmosphere is nitrogen rich, with traces of methane.

Lapetus- One side of Lapetus is white as snow as the other side, black as velvet.

Mimas- Mimas has a giant crater, this I s because long ago there was a great impact to the moon nearly blowing it apart.

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Saturn’s moons

Phoebe- This moon orbits in the opposite direction as the other moons. There have been other moons found to orbit this way.

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Neptune's moons; Naiad, Thalassa, Despina and galatea

Naiad- is brokenly shaped and probably has not been modified by any internal geological processes after its formation. It is likely that it is a rubble pile re-made from fragments of Neptune's original satellites, which were smashed up by agitations.

Thalassa- Like Naiad, Thalassa is strangely shaped and has been smashed.

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