
Leadership & Management

What is Leadership?


o Is the ability of an individual to influence the behaviors of others.

o It may be for personal goals or for the goals of other.

In order to lead, one must develop 3 important competencies

1. Ability to diagnose or understand the situation you want to influence.

2. Adaption in order to allow your behaviors & other resources to close the gap between the current situation & what you are hoping to achieve.

3. Communicate Effectively

Effective Nurse Leaders

Effective Nurse Leaders are those who engage others to work together effectively in pursuit of a shared goalExamples of shared goals

o Providing excellent client careo Designing a cost-saving procedure o Challenging the ethics of a new policy

Qualities of an Effective Leader


o Clients, colleagues & employers all expect nurses to be honest, law abiding & trustworthy


o Being a leader means taking some risks





o The ability to see a problem as an opportunity is part of the optimism that makes a person an effective leader

Perseverance Balance

o Effective leaders do not give up quickly instead they persist.

Ability to handle stress

o Coping with stress in a positive & healthy manner helps conserve energy

Self Awareness

Keys to Effective Leadership

Behaviors of an Effective Leader

Leadership requires ACTION!!! Important leadership behaviors include:

Setting Priorities

As a leader you will need to remember the three “Es” of Prioritization

Evaluate- Continuously evaluate what you need to do

Eliminate- task that someone else can do

Estimate- how long your top priorities will take you to complete

Thinking Critically

The essence of critical thinking is a willingness to ask questions and to be open to new ideas, new ways to do things.

Solving Problems

Effective leaders helps people to identify problems and to work through the problem-solving process to find a reasonable solution

Respecting the individual

Effective leaders recognizes differences of opinion between other people and helps people find the rewards in their work

Skillful Communication

This includes being able to listen to others, encourage exchange of information & provide feedback

Communicating a Vision for the Future

Effective leaders have a vision for the future.

Communicating this vision to a group & involving everyone in working toward that vision creates the inspiration that keeps everyone going despite difficulties.

Developing Oneself & Others

Leaders continue to learn and also encourage others to do the same

Leaders sometime function as teachers other times they encourage or guide others to seek more knowledge.


To be an effective nurse, you must be an effective leader.

Leadership develops daily and true leaders never stop learning & growing.

To attract leaders, people need to start leading & never stop learning to lead.


Management Theories

Classic Definition

According to Henry Fayol, management is the planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling the work of a group of employees.

Two major but opposing schools of thought in management:

Scientific management

Human relations–based approach.

Scientific Management Approach in Nursing

In this theory managers pay particular attention to the type of assessments and treatments done on the unit, the equipment needed to do this efficiently, and the strategies that would facilitate efficient accomplishment of these tasks.

Human Relations-Based Approach in Nursing

Theory X – People do not want to work very hard, the manager’s job is to make sure that they do. The manager accomplishes this through strict rules, constant supervision, and threat of punishment.

Theory Y – Work itself can be motivating and people will work hard if their managers provide a supportive environment emphasizing guidance, development, and reward.

Servant Leadership Management Approach – The manager is committed to improving the way each employee is treated at work. The employees come first and the manager is there for the employees.

Management Theories


People skills are essential to the effective manager.

Clinical expertise

Clinical expertise is essential. It is probably not necessary (or even possible) to know everything all other professionals on the team know, but it is important to be able to assess the effectiveness of their work in terms of patient outcomes.

Business sense

Nurse managers also need to be concerned with the “bottom line.” This is a complex task that requires knowledge of budgeting, staffing, and measurement of patient outcomes.

Qualities of an Effective Manager


Representing employees

Nurse managers often speak for staff members when relaying information to the administration.

Representing the organization

Nurse managers also speak for the administration when relaying information to staff members

Public relations monitoring

Nurse managers monitor for early signs of problems before they grow too big.

Nurse managers share information with their patients, staff members, and employers



Keep in mind that how they interact with staff members and administration affects the care provided to patients.

Conflict negotiation and resolution

Ensure that all parties involved feel their feelings have been addressed.

Employee development and coaching

Provide for the continued learning and upgrading emplpyee skills.

“Coach” employees by sharing experiences and expertise in order to promote growth and development.

Rewards and punishment

Managers are in a position to provide specific and general rewards as well as punishments.


Employee evaluation

Effective managers regularly tell their staff how well they are doing and where they need improvement.

Resource allocation

Hiring and firing employees.


Nurse managers must look ahead in order to prepare themselves and their units for future changes in budgets, organizational priorities, and patient populations.

Job analysis and redesign

In a survey of 3266 newly licensed nurses it was found that lack of support from the manager was the primary reason for leaving their position.

The number one reason, verbal abuse.

Interesting Fact:


Nurse managers have complex, responsible positions in health-care organizations.

Ineffective managers may do harm to their employees, their patients, and to the organization.

Effective managers can help their staff members grow and develop as health-care professionals while providing the highest quality care to their patients.

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