Page 1: Learn About SSL Security HTTPS Certificate from Platinum CA RapidSSLonline

Gain Users Trust and Simultaneously Increase Sales with SSL Security

Website owners who need to access personal information from their online users find that SSL

security is a necessary tool. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is software that encrypts messages and

maintains secure network connections between web browsers and web servers. Websites that

possess SSL Certificates, electronic documents that verify the identity of website owners and

their connection to their websites, keep any information exchanged secure. Whether customers

are making online purchases with their credit cards or simply entering passwords for access to

websites, they want to know that their private information is not shared with anyone. Web

businesses with SSL Certificates gain the trust of their users, in turn increasing their sales.

Secure SSL encrypts data exchanged over the internet so that only the verified server with the

key for decryption may access the information provided by the user. Private information such

as names, addresses, phone numbers, emails, bank account numbers, credit card information

and passwords are all kept safe. If a hacker were to intercept any of this information, it is

virtually impossible for him or her to make sense of it. The hacker would come across the

encrypted data, which is meaningless without the encryption codes possessed only by the

certified user. This promise of security is crucial for online users. Users are never going to

share private information if they fear it could get hacked and stolen.

Although SSL Certificates can cost up to $1,500 per year, their advantages certainly outweigh

the cost. Internet users who are assured of the security of their personal information do not

feel threatened by sharing it. Purchasing SSL Certificates helps companies gain the trust of their

customers and increases the likelihood of these customers returning. As a result, websites that

possess SSL Certificates are far more profitable than those that do not.

Let’s have quick review of two major aspects of SSL certificate features on web sites:

Trust & Confidence: Having an SSL certificate on a web site increases the secure web

browsing experience with online web users and ultimately it will be the sign of dedicated

business to create trust for customers or users security. Once website users feel confident

about their personal information security then it will be an increase of trust and confidence in

the security of the website.

Security: Keeping secure users personal or sensitive information such as PayPal

credential, bank wire details, credit card details, and many other such details will generate

secure online experiences for shopping and business. Securing eCommerce with SSL security is

the best way to increase online sales.

Page 2: Learn About SSL Security HTTPS Certificate from Platinum CA RapidSSLonline

For more information contact SSL certificate provider

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