Download - Learn, Care, Thrive


Welcome from the Headteacher

What a fantastic first full week back we have had - not only have our

staff and children all worked extremely hard but FINALLY, after

weeks of waiting, the unsightly skip has been removed! To top it off,

we have had such beautiful weather

Pupils have voted for their class school councilors this week and I

have a pile of year 6 application letters to read through for Sports

Captain, House Captain and Early Years Helper. This all links so well

with our value of the month – RESPONSIBILITY.

The changes we have made to our Year 3 and 4 drop off and

collection times have successfully helped eradicate our corridor

congestion issue. Thank you all for your cooperation with this – it

really has helped!

We are just finalising our plans for our first Day 10:10 unit, ‘I am

enough’. This unit will focus on wellbeing and encourage our

children to view themselves positively and think about their

aspirations and ambitions.

Just a quick communication reminder: If you have a question or

concern, you should speak to your child’s class teacher in the first

instance. Depending on your question or concern, the class teacher

may suggest that you speak to our Family Support Worker or our

SENDCo. You should only contact me directly, if you have followed

the above communication channels first. This is to ensure that the

class teacher is always fully aware of anything concerning a child/ren

in their class.

I look forward to lots more learning fun next week,

Ms Manssen

Coming up…

Roald Dahl Day –

September 13th

Harvest Celebration – Ist


World Mental Health Day –

10th October

Attendance this week

Willow – 100%

Maple – 97.4%

Cherry blossom – 99%

Oak – 96%

Overall – 97.7%

Photos from this week:

Learn, Care, Thrive.

Would your child/ren

like to learn to play the


Guitar lessons are available

on a Friday. Please contact

the office for more details.

[email protected]


Reception – Ellyson Clark

For showing such a positive attitude towards starting school. Ellyson is so helpful around the classroom and

is a delight to have at Brigstock School.

Year 1 – Poppy Clarke

For making a fabulous start to Year 1. You have been ready to learn, reflective in your thinking and you

have kept on trying with new things. Well Done!

Year 2 – Oliver Phillips - For making a fabulous start to Year 2. Well done for working with enthusiasm and

focus. You have been resourceful, using things around you to help your learning and resilient because you

keep trying even when things are trucky. Great work.

Year 3 – Zachary Shrive

For being a resilient tortoise! Zachary has joined our school this week and has been fabulous at becoming part of

Cherry Blossom Class. Brilliant work, Zach!

Text here Year 4 – Lille-Mae Seaton

For being a ready bee! Lillie-Mae is always an enthusiastic learner and always wants to do her best. Fabulous work,


Year 5 – Jonah Ager: Well done for working so hard in your maths this week for your accurate answers

when ordering numbers. Your confidence has increased and it was lovely to see you volunteering more

answers during our lessons.

Year 6 – Thomas Edwards

Well done for settling into your new school so well and already making such a fantastic effort in everything you do! Great job.

Text here

Star of the week

It has been a real challenge for teachers to choose this week’s Stars because everyone has been

working so hard but these pupils have just managed to show that extra little sparkle.

Twitter – Follow us! @brigstockschool #learncarethrive

We are always thinking of ways in which we can improve our communication with all of our Brigstock

Latham’s CE Primary School families. At the moment we send out a newsletter each week and you will

also receive various parentmail communications.

In addition to our newsletter and parentamails, we are going to start to use Twitter as a school to

send out daily posts of learning activities from each class so that you can share your learning journey

with your child/ren.

If you do not have a Twitter account, we urge you to download the app and create an account so that

you can then follow us at @Brigstockschool. We would also like to use the #learncarethrive in all of

our posts so that our mission statement is recognised and celebrated by all.

All of our teaching staff have a professional Twitter account which they only use for school. This is in

line with our staff code of conduct and will help to keep work and home separate for our staff.

Parent Governor Vacancy – Come and join our Governing Body!

Our governing body has a vacancy for a parent governor. A separate parentmail will be sent out

regarding inviting parents to stand for election or to nominate another parent to do so.

Did you know?

No special qualifications are needed and the most important thing is to have a keen interest in the

school and be prepared to play an active part in the governing body’s work.

The governing body, with the headteacher, has overall responsibility for the running of the school.

Governing bodies have three core strategic functions:

Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction

Holding the headteacher to account for educational performance of the school and its pupils

Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent

Cleaning Vacancy – 10 hrs per week

We currently have a vacancy for a part-time cleaner to join our Brigstock Latham’s CE Primary School

family. The full advert can be found on the Teach Northamptonshire website and the closing date for

applications is Friday 17th September.

Please do get in touch with our school bursar if you are interested of would like some more

information [email protected]

Well done to everyone who has worked so hard in school this week- it has been good to see so many

credits and house points awarded.


Rockingham Deene Lyveden Fermyn





Well done to Rockingham & Fermyn – our winning houses this week!

Values Passport – Please complete with your child/ren each month

You may remember that during lockdown, we sent out a values passport for your child/ren to complete.

At the time, we explained that we had intended to use this booklet as a booklet that stayed with your

child for the whole academic year and we had intended to launch it this September.

Your child has been sent home with a new copy of our values passport today and we would love it if you

could support us by discussing the value of the month with your child and sending your child/ren back

into school with some evidence of how they have shown the value for the month.

All of our assemblies and Collective Worship links to our value of the month so by engaging with this with

your child/ren, you will be helping to reinforce the key values based messages that we are sharing in


Our value of the month this month is RESPONSIBILITY.

Our first week at school together has been lots of fun! We have done lots of exploring this week to

get to know our new classroom, our outdoor areas and the other places in school we might visit.

It has been wonderful to see the children show so much confidence when coming into school every

day. They are learning their new routines.. book bags in their colour box, where we sit for snack

time, lining up etc. All of our children in Willow class have been truly fantastic and we are looking

forward to another week with them – including lunchtime! Collection time from next week is


We have all painted our self-portraits this week…

Willow class

Thank you everyone who helped to make our ‘Wow’ day so enjoyable. It was lovely to see the children dressed up and in the summer time vibe. We carried out several activities on Monday including Aboriginal art painting, recording symbols, creating 3d beach scenes, designing homes for some familiar beachside creatures, studied a variety of shells and made some Australian animals and beach displays with our modelling dough. The weather certainly added to the event which reminded us to drink lots of water and keep cool! We discussed our own experiences of spending time at the beach and the variety of different activities we undertook whilst there. Some of us prefer sandy beaches to pebble beaches and others like looking at the boats in the marinas. Seagulls along the Norfolk coast are greater chip eaters than we are! We have started to sing the popular classic ‘Oh we do like to be beside the seaside, oh we do like to be beside the sea…’ and discussed some unfamiliar lyrics, such as a promenade, glee and brass bands

etc… it all made sense in the end 😊 . On Tuesday we began our story of ‘Sharing a Shell’ by Julia Donaldson and gained increased knowledge of identifying rhyming words and sequencing. We modelled writing sentences and drew pictures of the different crustaceans from the story. Each child took pride in their work and were able to contribute to different parts of the story retelling. Beach safety is important and together we were able to discuss how we keep ourselves safe and healthy with playing and swimming between the red and yellow flags, wearing a sun hat, applying sun cream, drinking water and staying close to our family and friends. Some of us can wear inflatable rings in the sea and in the swimming pool which help us to stay above the water. Our activities in Maths have taken on different forms with our Year One children using different objects to count, add and subtract to ten and beyond. In Year Two we have been learning about number values, bonds, patterns with repeated addition and counting in twos from different starting points. It has been tricky at times however with our ‘can do’ attitude we develop the patience to overcome and understand new concepts and skills. Through illustrating tales from four Dreamtime Stories we were able to retell the one we chose to our friends. We listened to the stories of Tiddlick, the Rainbow Serpent, Biladurang - The Platypus and Girawu - The Goanna and realised that these stories are all about water and animals found in Australia. We watched a video clip of an Aboriginal dance with music played on a didgeridoo, drums and rustic wooden claves. Speaking of which, in the weeks to come we will be studying features from beaches in Australia – namely Hervey Bay in Queensland and Port Philip Bay in Victoria, and in England - Blackpool beach and the Jurassic Coast line of Lyme Regis. Listen out for this one as there is so much to discover and in the most unusual of places! What a great term we are going to have, so please encourage your children to investigate and explore more of what they learn about in school. You can help them by counting in two’s, five’s or ten’s during a walk, sing your number bonds to twenty and play I–spy, share stories, practise the weekly spellings and of course read the reading books and other stories that interest you all.

Maple class

What a fantastic start our Year Threes and Fours have had!

We began our English with Roman Gods and Goddesses! The children investigated different

scenarios and had to decide which God or Goddess would correct the situation and how. We have

also been finding out about the myth of Romulus and Remus. The children are using grammar they

have been taught to practise it further.

In maths, Year Three have been counting up to 100 and up to 1000! Year Four have been recapping

counting in 1000s and explaining their thinking.

In science, the children have begun finding out about magnets. They know that magnets attract and

repel and that the Earth is a giant magnet!

In topic, we have carried on finding out about the story of Romulus and Remus and the founding of

Rome. We discussed the Roman ruling system: The Kings, the Republic and the Emperors, and the

children used atlases to find out which countries came under the Roman Empire!

In Spanish, the children began fabulously learning the Spanish alphabet and using this to solve word

problems! Phew – a very busy week!

Cherry blossom class

In maths we have been looking at place value and how this is vital to help support us in addition and

subtraction questions. We used bar modelling to help us visualise and understand the questions we

are completing.

In literacy we began to look at Macbeth, we

have explored the sequence of events and

the different vocabulary used in the text. It

was lovely to see the children using their

understanding of the plot to act out the

banquet scene in Macbeth.

We have looked at the historical timeline and identified

when the Shang Dynasty took place. Also thinking about

the location of China and the area this civilisation lived in.

The children have enjoyed PE this week and they worked with Mr Riley/ Mr Marshal who will be

teaching them every Monday and Thursday.

In Spanish this week the children have learnt the vocabulary to describe the weather. We have also

worked on how to tell your partner what the weather is like.

Oak class

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