Page 1: Learn how a marketing agency analyzes their client's Twitter communities

Blueclaw are an online marketing agency based in London and Leeds that offer development, SEO and Social Media as part of it's services.

They have been leaders in online marketing for nearly a decade and deliver campaigns that build online visibility and sales for a range of companies and organisations, including those in some of the toughest industries including gambling, travel and sport.


Blueclaw initially decided to use SocialBro as a way of tracking their clients’ community growth and gaining in-depth stats about the users who make up these communities, for example who they are and where they are from. This information would then be used to better understand theirs and their brands’ communities and make decisions on how best to engage with them.



We spoke to Sean Walsh, Head of Social Media at Blueclaw who’s role is devising Social Media strategies for international brands and managing the content and social teams.

Page 2: Learn how a marketing agency analyzes their client's Twitter communities

As Blueclaw is an agency spanning a wide variety of industries, all of their clients will have slightly diffe-rent needs when it comes to using Twitter. This is where SocialBro’s variety of tools, stats and insights come in useful.


Blueclaw aims to grow their clients’ Twitter commu-nities and track the progress. The various search and filter options enable Blueclaw to target different Twitter users for their different clients. For those clients who want to use Twitter as a way of increa-sing sales, Blueclaw can apply the filters to find the users who match their target market e.g. users in a specific location, or speaking a certain language or users with key words in their bios such as interests or industry. Some clients may have offices in two different areas in the world, in this case an advan-ced search can be used to target users in two locations e.g. by searching: “San Fransisco” + London. The stats they can view about their clients’ current communities, provide them with information about the users who currently choose to follow them on Twitter and therefore can give them ideas of users with similar characteristics to target for exam-ple they may find that one client has attracted fans in France that they were unaware of, giving them a new market to target. Once they have performed a search for users they can then follow them or add tags to these users to remember to come back to and target them in the future.



When aiming to grow a Twitter community it is useful to know who your influential followers are and be able to target new ones as these are essential in helping spread your reach. SocialBro uses Kred and the Peerindex Score to measure the social influence of Twitter users. Blueclaw can then use the “influen-tial followers” widget on the dashboard to see which users they should be interacting and building up a relationship with to help increase their reach. When it comes to gaining new influential followers, they can use the “Discover Twitter users” tool and filter according to influence (and any other filters they require e.g. industry) and then either follow them or add them to a private Twitter list to monitor their tweets and interactions to gain ideas on how to engage with them. This could include looking for links they share, hashtags they use or replying to questions they post.

Another way of identifying influencers who may have an interest in their clients, is to analyze their competitors’ communities and filter within their followers by influence. Again these users can be added to a list and monitored before engaging with them and following.


When it comes to making sure the tweets their clients send out are reaching the right people, Blueclaw creates custom Best Time to Tweet reports to see when certain segments of their followers are online and therefore their tweets will be most effective. For example they may choose to segment their clients’ followers by industry and

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country and send out tailored tweets at different times of the day depending on who they are aimed at. They can also create a BTTT report for their clients’ influen-tial followers who are most active on Twitter for when they post content that they wish to be retweeted and seen by users outside of their current communities.


After Blueclaw has used SocialBro to grow their clients’ Twitter communities, they can then use the reports to show clients the progress they have crea-ted. The Global stats panel shows the evolution of their Twitter communities as a whole but also in number of followers. They can then use the evolution in influential followers and the stats such as level of activity on Twitter to prove that the quality of their Twitter community is growing as well as the number. They can also prove to their clients that they have been targeting the right users e.g. if their client only has customers in England, their Twitter community should be made up of users in England who are therefore potential customers.

Since using SocialBro, Blueclaw has been hugely successful in producing Social Media Audits and helping their brands better understand their Twitter audience, improving their targeting and engagement. They have especially achieved great results in regards to engaging with influencers and have used the reports and stats to educate their clients around their Twitter presence.

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