
Learning Leadership Skills


Foundational Training for leading:








Why leadership skills?

LPT Issues


Academic Issues

KSA = Knowledge



“Foundational K.S.A.”


Why do Foundational (LPT)Training?

Foundational training:

includes key knowledge, skills & abilities people use:

when learning or engaging in issues in the world of


in their personal lives.

focuses on improving key processes in three areas:

Personal Leadership

Personal participation



Good Leadership, Participation & Teamwork


Gives higher satisfaction in the workplace.

Improves learning – Individual & Class

Helps resolve conflicts productively

Builds Trust

Increases promotability

Yields long term success


Base Elements for LPT skills review

Commit to Continuous Improvement:

Consistent process of improvement.

Take small steps forward all the time.


Mentally and Physically

Prepared – come with your “tools”

Positive Attitude

Willingness to improve


Self Practice

Goal => Visualize success jschmied©2015






All teams

go through four

key stages.

This is a normal process.

Always happens in new

teams or ones that

haven’t worked together

in awhile.

jschmied©2015Bruce Tuckerman,

Developmental Sequence in Small Groups.



Team members are:

• Start to work together.

• Leader plays big role to help team

move forward.

• Roles & responsibilities not clear.

• Some excited to get to work!

• Some anxious - don’t understood

the work or know the people

• Mostly positive & polite

Can last for awhile until:

• People get to know each other.


• Members on task to experience

stress (due to lack of support &

lack of relationship).


Pushing against norms created

when forming causes:

• Conflict between team members'

natural working styles.

• People to not understand how to

do work or feel overwhelmed

• Resistance to do tasks.

This is the stage where many teams fail.



Members start to:

• Resolve differences

• Appreciate other’s strengths

• Socialize together,

• Ask for help

• Provide constructive feedback

• Commit to team goals

Team begins to make steady progress to goals

Leader begins to get support


Hard work leads to the achievement

of the team's goal. (no internal friction)


• Team helps develop each other

• It feels easy to be part of the team

• Norms & processes support goals

• People join or leave team & do not

disrupt performance.





All teams

go through four

key stages.

High performing teams:

jschmied©2015Bruce Tuckerman,

Developmental Sequence in Small Groups.

• Go through stages faster

• Self monitor &

• Re-norm to perform their

very best.





Some teams storm a lot & rarely perform their very best.

Brainstorm why & how this happens.


Teams are composed of individuals.

Each has their own strengths & weaknesses.





The individual & the team work to maximize team

member strengths & overcome weaknesses.








Teams build on

individual strengths,

turning weaknesses

into strengths by

working together.


Prochaska and DiClemente’s Stages of Change Model

You often have to

give up part of

your “self” for you,

or your team to


A model showing the

stages people go

through when faced

with change.

Teaming &

Personal Change

It’s storming, but

inside of you!

It’s part of the

normal process of


Making Team or Personal

ChangeAs an individual, or as a team:

Make a clear decision to change

Have confidence in your ability to change.

Set clear, concrete goals that are - SMART

Expect relapses => anticipate recovery

Realistically self monitor

Build on your Successes! jschmied©2015

Successful Goal Setting






Time Activated – has deadlines


Making Team or Personal


If you didn’t make a change so far

there’s always hope!


Make time to change for the best.

Some barriers…. jschmied©2015

Goal setting & Barriers to

Success Three “de-motivators” that interfere with goal

setting & achieving goals.

Fear of Failure

Fear of the Unknown

(fear of change)

Fear of Success


Goal setting & Barriers to

Success Fear – an unreasoning,

unjustified emotion that

paralyzes efforts to change.

Courage - the mental or

moral strength to go forth, or

persevere, in the face of



Goal setting & Barriers to


In reality:

Failure is temporary

The unknown soon

becomes known!

Success is a good



Process oriented Goal

AchievementA simple, very powerful plan for Continuous Improvement




The Deming Cycle – the

keys:• 1. Goals & a Commitment to


• 2. An intense focus on the

process of continually improving

your knowledge, skills & abilities

• 3. Continuous improvement

means learning from mistakes

• Mistakes point to major areas

of for improvement

• 4. Constantly monitor your



Your grades are not you….

Grades are the final result of the process of learning.

This is a process you monitor constantly & continuously

strive to improve…. (Foundational & Academic KSA’s)


Example 1: Using learning data to improve your processes


Example 2 – Using results to improve processes

Data Table One - Redo statistics rate per period - Soil Quiz 3

Period Attempts Pass Fail Success RateDid not


2 19 9 10 47.4 3

3 17 12 5 70.6 3

4 12 8 4 66.7 3

5 10 7 3 70.0 2

6 14 10 4 71.4 7


3 3 0 100.0

Total 75 49 26 65.3 12.7%


The Paretto



Efforts focused on these key

areas yields:

• Better Results


Focus daily to identify “key

result” areas, then do each.

• Less Stress

20% of your efforts gives

80% of the results.

• More Satisfaction in Life


The Most Basic

Form of respect

1 + 3 - Forms of Respect

Respect of self!


For others

• Due all people for

being a person

1 + 3 - Forms of Respect



for Authority

• Due to persons in


• Due to persons in

leadership roles

1 + 3 - Forms of




For Honor

Due to persons


positive qualities

• Can only be earned


1 + 3 Forms of Respect

Cycle of Respect



Two sides:

Used to achieve success towards positive goals.

to manipulate, corrupt & destroy people & things.

Properly used, power gives you the ability to achieve goals.

Power provides strength to bring about change.

Skill in using power properly can be learned

… and strengthened over time.


Two types of power

















Access to information



Control of Resources

Personal Power

2. Competence • Knowledge • Experience

1. Strength• Character • Ethics• Focus on Improvement

. Personal Attraction – Charisma• Want to work with you• Being likeable



Comes from:

3. Confidence• Self Mastery• Ability to communicate• Develop influence


PowerComes from:

1. Role or Job• President


2. Control of Resources• Saudi Arabia => Oil

• Boeing => Aircraft

3. Access to Information• Nat’l Security Agency

• Banks

4. Network of people• Masonic Society

• Jesuits

5. Reputation• Superstars

• Heros


… and Grit



Will Power

The Force Multiplier


Use of Power - I




Controlling Actions

- Caught in the Tides

of Life.

- It doesn’t matter…

- I can’t get it…

- It’s too hard…

LCD = Lowest



In this example the individual or team allows

“outside” factors affect their own performance.


Situation moves

to lowest possible


Low Results High



Use of Power - II


Controlling Actions

- Taking Control of

own life.

- It matters…

- I can do it…

- One step at a time…

- I refuse to give up!

In this example the individual or

team takes control of the situation.


Situation goes

towards best



Low Results High





You Have No Limitations

– Recognize the Situation – Big Picture

– Adapt

– Improvise

– Overcome!





Leadership & YOU

The Elements


Base Elements for LPT skills

Commit to Continuous Improvement:

Consistent process of improvement.

Take small steps forward all the time.


Mentally and Physically

Prepared – come with your “tools”

Positive Attitude

Willingness to improve


Self Practice

Goal => Visualize success jschmied©2015

Elements of good leadership

1. Model good leadership jschmied©2015

Elements of good leadership

2. Inspire yourself

3. Take initiative

4. Support others


Elements of good leadership

5. Flexibility – able to

change on the fly.

6. Resiliency – bounce

back from failure

7. Learn not to fear

failure - Improvise, Adapt

and Overcome!


Elements of good leadership

8. Carefully plan to make good choices

Be careful what you

choose. You may get it!

Not making a decision

is making a decision.





Participation & You

The Elements


Active Participation Must Demonstrate Reliability

Have Good listening skills

Sharing in open discussions

Helps entire class see big picture

○ Know what every one is thinking.

○ Builds teamwork, makes for more effective improvement

Use of Words

Use words constructively & positively

Craft words to create pictures to cause “emotion” to take action


Willing to help more task forward in any way possible.


Passive Participation


Positive – Open – Willing & Able


“Present” & Prepared

Active listening

Focused on intent of lesson as well as content

Take notes about concepts & future questions

Avoid lapses

Focused on group togetherness

What’s the best way to do this well?

What’s possible?





Teamwork & You

The Elements




Developing & Storming

Trust Building - Relationship

Commitment to working with each other

Shared Vision

○ Joint Goals jschmied©2015


Teamwork Maintenance –

Personal & Joint Motivation

Focused on Goals

Positive Communications &


Creativity – art of the possible

Adaptability – especially in stress


Overcome barriers together

Recognition – Share credit jschmied©2015






• Getting on track when

things go wrong!


Key Skill Needed for high quality improvement in

Leadership, Participation & Teamwork

Conflict Resolution

We have to learn

ways to deal with

conflicts even when

we are young!Some work better than







Rock, Paper, Scissors!

Ways to Resolve Conflicts – K-6 school model






The key is to understand your mindset

As well

as others.

Conflict 101 – The Basics

A conflict is more than just a disagreement.

It is a situation in which one or both parties perceive

a threat (whether or not the threat is real).

Conflicts continue to fester when ignored. Because conflicts involve

perceived threats to our well-being and survival, they stay with us until we face

and resolve them.

We respond to conflicts based on our perceptions of the situation, not

necessarily to an objective review of the facts. Our perceptions are influenced

by our life experiences, culture, values, and beliefs.

Conflicts trigger strong emotions. If you aren’t comfortable with your

emotions or able to manage them in times of stress, you won’t be able to

resolve conflict successfully.

Conflicts are opportunities for growth. When you’re able to resolve conflict

in a relationship, it builds trust. You can feel secure knowing your relationship

can survive challenges and disagreements.

Healthy & unhealthy ways of managing & resolving conflict

Unhealthy responses to conflict: Healthy responses to conflict

An inability to recognize & respond to

the things that matter to the other


The capacity to recognize & respond

to the things that matter to the other


Explosive, angry, hurtful, & resentful


Calm, non-defensive & respectful


The withdrawal of love, resulting in

rejection, isolation, shaming, & fear of


A readiness to forgive & forget,

& to move past the conflict without

holding resentments or anger

An inability to compromise or see the

other person’s side

The ability to seek compromise &

avoid punishing

Fear and avoidance of conflict; an

expectation of bad outcomes

A belief that facing conflict head on

is the best thing for both sides

Conflict resolution, Stress, & Emotions

• Manage stress quickly while remaining alert and calm. By staying

calm, you can accurately read and interpret verbal and nonverbal


• Control your emotions and behavior. When you’re in control of your

emotions, you can communicate your needs without threatening,

frightening, or punishing others.

• Pay attention to the feelings being expressed as well as the spoken

words of others.

• Be aware of and respectful of differences. By avoiding disrespectful

words and actions, you can almost always resolve a problem faster.

The ability to successfully resolve

conflict depends on your ability to:

Core Conflict Resolution Skills

Quick stress relief: The first core conflict resolution skill

Being able to manage and relieve stress in the moment is the key to staying balanced, focused, and in control, no matter what challenges you face. If you don’t know how to stay centered and in control of yourself, you will become overwhelmed in conflict situations and unable to respond in healthy ways.

Emotional awareness: The second core conflict resolution skill

Emotional awareness is the key to understanding yourself and others. If you don’t know how you feel or why you feel that way, you won’t be able to communicate effectively or resolve disagreements.

Knowing your own feelings may sound simple, however, many people ignore or try to sedate strong emotions like anger, sadness, and fear.

Your ability to handle conflict, however, depends on being connected to these feelings. If you’re afraid of strong emotions or if you insist on finding solutions that are strictly rational, your ability to face and resolve differences will be impaired.

Core Conflict Resolution Skills

Nonverbal communication & conflict resolution

The most important information exchanged during conflicts and arguments is often communicated nonverbally. Nonverbal communication is conveyed by emotionally driven facial expressions, posture, gesture, pace, tone and intensity of voice.

Using humor in conflict resolution

Once stress & emotion are brought into balance your capacity for joy, pleasure & playfulness is unleashed. Joy is a deceptively powerful resource. Studies show that you can surmount adversity, as long as you continue to have moments of joy. Humor plays a similar role when facing conflict.

You can avoid many confrontations & resolve arguments and disagreements by communicating in a humorous way. Humor can help you say things that might otherwise be difficult to express without offending someone. However, it’s important that you laugh with the other person, not at them.

When humor & play are used to reduce tension & anger, reframe problems, & put the situation into perspective, the conflict can actually become an opportunity for greater connection & intimacy.

6 Tips for managing and resolving conflictManaging & resolving conflict requires the ability to Quickly reduce stress and bring your emotions into balance. You can ensure that the process is as positive as possible by sticking to the following guidelines:

1. Listen for what is felt as well as said. When we listen we connect more deeply to our own needs and emotions, and to

those of other people. Listening also strengthens us, informs us, and makes it easier for others to hear us when it's our turn to speak.

2. Make conflict resolution the priority rather than winning or "being right.“Maintaining & strengthening the relationship, rather than “winning” the argument, should always be your first priority. Be respectful of the other person and his or her viewpoint.

3. Focus on the present. If you’re holding on to grudges based on past resentments, your ability to see the reality of the current situation will be impaired. Rather than looking to the past & assigning blame, focus on what you can do in the here-and-now to solve the problem.

6 Tips for managing & resolving conflict

4. Pick your battles.Conflicts can be draining, so it’s important to consider whether the issue is really worthy of your time and energy. Maybe you don't want to surrender a parking space if you’ve been circling for 15 minutes, but if there are dozens of empty spots, arguing over a single space isn’t worth it.

5. Be willing to forgive. Resolving conflict is impossible if you’re unwilling or unable to forgive. Resolution lies in releasing the urge to punish, which can never compensate for our losses and only adds to our injury by further depleting and draining our lives.

6. Know when to let something go.If you can’t come to an agreement, agree to disagree. It takes two people to keep an argument going. If a conflict is going nowhere, you can choose to disengage and move on

Tips for managing and resolving conflict

Resolving Conflict Constructively and Respectfully Tips on how to manage and resolve conflict in a positive, respectful, and mutually-beneficial way. (Ohio State University Extension)

How to Resolve Conflict Advice on resolving differences and managing conflict between individuals, small groups, and organizations. (Roger Darlington)

Effective CommunicationArticle on the art of listening in conflict resolution. Includes tips on how to make your point effectively and negotiate conflict in principled, positive way. (University of Maryland)

Leading Others

Key: Match your leadership to follower readiness

1. Believe & have faith in yourself. You live as you believe. If you believe you can fly, you can fly. → Make a Difference!

2. Take action systematically. Some people watch things happen. Others make things happen. Dream big dreams, but don't sit on them – start moving! Every step up will open new horizons!→ Principle of Achievement

3. Approach impossible as possible. Believe everything can be changed and approach the impossible as possible. Some people believe nothing can be changed & approach possible as impossible. You achieve according what you believe→ Great Achiever: 8 Winning Habits

4. Keep stretching. Compete with yourself! Choose progressively more challenging tasks & keep → stretching yourself to unlock your true potential. Whatever goal you are striving to achieve, whether you are working on a challenging project, or trying to → solve a difficult problem, or fighting a powerful enemy, or correcting your own personal weaknesses, you are a winner if you manage to overcome all the obstacles and make your dream a reality.

5. Focus on solutions and → opportunities. The distance between a big → problem and a hugely creative solution can be great or very short – it all depends on your mindset. When a problem arises, don't talk about the problem for too long; focus on creative solutions and opportunities.

LPT for Learners

LPT for Learners

6. Develop a burning desire to achieve success. Problem solving starts with a burning desire to change something and an open mind.

7. Do your best. Make doing nothing but the best your habit and you will enjoy nothing but the best in your life.

8. Keep learning to keep succeeding. In today's rapidly changing World, the key to success is not what you know, but how fast you can → learn. If you keep learningfrom any sources, especially from feedback and failures, you can turn any experience into success. → The Wheel of Personal Success

9. Look forward, not backwards. You might have taken a step back yesterday – don't dwell on it. It's a lesson and a new reality.

10. Conquer your weaknesses. The Earth is the place to learn to conquer yourself, not others. External victories only bring temporary happiness. Conquering yourself brings lasting happiness. >>>

Have a big dream. Stretch your imagination. Don't watch news, create news. Pursue

your dreams wholeheartedly and you will learn to fly! >>>

Do what you love to do. You were born to pursue → your true passion and → make a

difference. You are unique, so be unique! Don't let the vanity cacophony mute your life


Love your audience, → love your customers, → strive to make their life happier and

their business → more successful. → Amaze them with new inspirations, breakthrough

opportunities and innovative routes to great success.

Don’t teach, inspire! Help people and businesses make discoveries, → create new

things, → innovate, and reinvent themselves.

Help others shine. → Giving is getting. If you want to grow as a→ leader, help other

people grow. The more you give, the more you get and the more you enjoy what you do.

to be winners and achieve more than they may ever have dreamed possible.

Ideas about building LPT skills -> for Leaders & Trainers

Stretch yourself and others. Everyone can achieve much more then they think they

can. No challenge no excitement. Stretch your goals, and your goals will stretch you.

Approach impossible as possible and you’ll be amazed by → your achievements.

Invent breakthrough approaches. Development of cutting edge solutions requires

breakthrough approaches. In innovation, doing things right is often wrong. Generate

wild ideas. Look for emerging breakthrough → opportunities. Your goal is to

systematically create radically new solutions to inspire radically new customer desires.

Experiment, observe, adapt. Innovation is 1% initial idea and 99% of entrepreneurial

implementation. Focus on your big dream and core competencies while keeping both

strategic and tactical flexibility.

Build synergies. Combine your diverse competencies, capabilities, resources and →

innovations with others to achieve synergy. Build synergistic partnerships. Experiment

a lot, be playful, inquisitive, flexible and versatile to find new synergistic connections.

Keep learning and inventing new things daily. If you stop → learning you stop

learning how create history you become history. If you stop stretching → your creative

muscles they will lose elasticity.

Ideas about building LPT skills -> for Leaders & Trainers

Differences between Leading &


Final Thoughts: Some techniques & tactics break down into simple lists of things that

leaders have used successfully. Retired General Colin Powell, former Chairman of the Joint

Chiefs of Staff, developed a collection of 'rules' he displayed prominently on his desk:

1. It ain't as bad as you think. It will look better in the morning.

2. Get mad, then get over it.

3. Avoid having your ego so close to your position that when your position falls, your ego

goes with it.

4. It can be done!

5. Be careful what you choose. You may get it.

6. Don't let adverse facts stand in the way of a good decision.

7. You can't make someone else's choices.

8. Check small things.

9. Share credit.

10. Remain calm. Be kind.

11. Have a vision. Be demanding.

12. Don't take counsel of your fears or naysaysers.

13. Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.©2015

French and Raven Goal, to be more influentual and successful

1. Expert Power. This is the most valuable power base. If you have some particular skill or expertise that others value, then you will have power over them if they need/want what you possess. This is the power that professionals have over us – doctors, lawyers, your company’s IT guy. We do what they say because we believe they possess some skill or competence

Learning how to use this power base is key. Competence is a powerful force for success. Establish your expertise – your expert power base – make it known, but don’t boast about it. Expertise and humility are a powerful combination.

2. Reward Power. This is the power to give positive things to others – money, praise, perks, and other things that others need or want. Money is powerful because it is so valued by others. With wealth comes reward power.

We often, however, overlook the power of social reinforcement – giving a compliment, saying ‘thank you,’ a smile and a nod – can be a very powerful form of influence. Get in the habit of noticing when those around you behave positively, and give them social reinforcement. You will find that they will increase their positive behavior, and this is an important form of personal power, as we like people who reward us and treat us nicely.

3. Legitimate Power. This is the power that comes with a position. A synonym is authority. All leaders carry some level of legitimate power, but it is what you do with that authority that makes you effective. Be consistent, and again, be humble about it, and you can use legitimacy more powerfully.

4. Referent Power. This power base comes from being liked, admired, and respected by others. It is the power of strong relationships. This is the power of charismatic leaders who attract and inspire loyal, admiring followers.

There are two facets of referent power that are important for developing this personal power base. The first is to be a positive role model – someone who others would want to emulate. The second is to be a supportive and other-oriented friend or colleague – be agood listener, be responsive, be nice.

5. Coercive Power. Coercive power is the power to punish and force others to action. This is a dangerous power base to wield. To use coercive power effectively, it is best to be subtle. Think of the iron fist in the velvet glove – make it clear that you have the capacity to punish or inflict harm, but use it only sparingly. Remember, power is a potential. You don’t actually have to use it to be effective, and coercive power should only be used when absolutely necessary.

We all possess different levels of these power bases. Learning how to use them effectively is the key.

Here’s the thing about personal power:

Some people leverage and use it to the max.

These people understand that their lives are their own.

They choose to take responsibility and do something about their lives.

These people are hard to hold down.


Some people give it away.

These people believe they are controlled by others.

They choose to be victimized by being helpless and doing nothing.

These people feel lifeless, they are hard to pull up.

What about you?

Who controls YOUR emotions?

Who dictates the terms of YOUR existence?

Who is responsible for your happiness?

The more you exercise your personal power, the stronger you become!

Six Enablers That Will Strengthen Personal Power

1. Know what you stand for.

If you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything. Your personal power will evaporate because you’re not grounded, you’re not anchored to anything. Knowing what

you stand for is about knowing what you value. Values are the emotional rules that guide your life, the fundamental basis for every decision you make. Values give your life

focus and meaning and power.


Take some time to identify what you VALUE most.

Then, evaluate how much of your life is built around and dictated by these values.

Starting RIGHT NOW decide what you are going to do to fill in the gaps.

2. Believe in what you are doing.

Many of us end up compromising our most deeply held values at work because that’s what we think we need to do in order to get ahead, whether “ahead” means more

money, power, pleasure, status or some other lure. When we end up doing things we don’t believe in it saps our personal power and we slowly become DEAD PEOPLE



Do you REALLY believe in what you are doing at work?

Are you working on things that will matter five years from now?

Starting RIGHT NOW decide how you are going to engage in work that matters.

3. Find your sweet spot.

When you find your sweet spot—the synergy between what you are good at, passionate about, and what needs to be done—you tap into the joy and enthusiasm that

increases your personal power. If you are stuck in a job because it’s easy or safe or pays well, but gives you no sense of purpose and passion, you are in the most difficult job

of all—a job that constantly drains your personal power.


Have you followed your strengths and passion to find your sweet spot? Or…

Are you engaged in work you don’t love because you’re chasing the money?

Does time at your job fly by or drag on?

Starting RIGHT NOW ask yourself:

What would I be doing if I were engaged in work that leveraged my greatest strengths, work that I love, work that I’m good at, and work that makes an extremely valuable


How would this kind of work make me feel? Would I have more energy and vitality?

What’s holding me back, what’s keeping me from doing this kind of work?

Given the number of working years I have left, what price will I pay, will my family or loved ones pay if I don’t live and work in my sweet spot?


Here are some questions designed to help you find your sweet spot:


About the author:

John Schmied has been a secondary science & environment teacher for 20 years and is involved in developing practical, yet innovative, hands on curriculum for teens. He has created, developed and manages a 6 acre Environmental Center at his school site. John is also a Chemical Hygiene Officer.

John’s presentations have been viewed worldwide & have been in the top 5% of Slideshare for multiple years.

During this time John served as the Strategic planner for the Friends of the Hidden River a 501(C)(3) non profit.

• Over the past 13 years Friends helped King County, WA design, fund, construct & develop the 14,800 sqftBrightwater Environmental Center in Woodinville WA.

• John is the Director & a principal developer of the Ground to Sound STEM Environmental Challenge course, a locally popular cutting edge environmental program that merges, Science, Tech, Art, Multimedia and other disciplines with Leadership studies at the Center

Prior to this period John served for 21 years as a Coast Guard Officer, primarily involved in ice, navigation, search and rescue operations. His specialties are Ship handling, Diving, Personnel, & Oceanographic Operations.

John can be contacted via Linked In.

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