
Lecture 11Perception

Lecture 11Perception

1. Hearing

2. Smell

3. Vision

4. Lateral line

5. Electroreception

6. Touch and Taste

1. Hearing

1. Hearing

1. Hearing

Swimbladders Pharyngeal jaws

Mating calls

2. Smell

2. Smell

Hammerhead shark

2. Smell

2. Smell


3. Vision

3. Vision

3. Vision

Foureye butterflyfish

3. Vision

French Angelfish Clarion Angelfish

3. Vision

3. Vision

3. Vision

3. Vision

4. Lateral line

4. Lateral line

4. Lateral line

Developing lateral line in Zebrafish

4. Lateral line

4. Electroreception

Elephant fish Electric eel

4. Electroreception

4. Electroreception

Electric organs

4. Electroreception

Torpedo rays

4. Electroreception

4. Electroreception

5. Touch and Taste

5. Touch and Taste

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