Page 1: Lecture 3 - · Lecture 3 18.086. Info ... Figure 6.3: Stability regions IGI 5 1 for popular methods (stabi1ity.m on the cse site)

Lecture 318.086

Page 2: Lecture 3 - · Lecture 3 18.086. Info ... Figure 6.3: Stability regions IGI 5 1 for popular methods (stabi1ity.m on the cse site)

Info• PSet 1 will be posted this afternoon/evening (due in 2 weeks)

• Until Feb. 22: Decide for a computational project (50% grade) and submit proposal to me by email (content: see next slide)

• March 28: Submit short (max 1page) written mid-term project report

• Until Friday, May 6: Submit written final project report

• May 5, 10, 12: Presentation (in class): 12 minutes + 3 minutes questions/discussion

• Content of project: Free choice, as long as related to course contents/computational aspect(can also go beyond!). No recycling of existing/old projects!Implementation/testing/comparison of methods is ok

Page 3: Lecture 3 - · Lecture 3 18.086. Info ... Figure 6.3: Stability regions IGI 5 1 for popular methods (stabi1ity.m on the cse site)

Term project• When submitting your project proposal (Feb. 22), use this template:

• Project title

• Project background: Does it relate to your work in another field (e.g. your thesis)? If yes, briefly outline the questions and goals of your work in the other field.

• Questions and Goals: Briefly describe the questions you wish to investigate in your project. What are your expectations?

• Plan: Which language do you plan to program in? Do you intend to use special software? Does your project work relate to the work of other people at MIT?

Page 4: Lecture 3 - · Lecture 3 18.086. Info ... Figure 6.3: Stability regions IGI 5 1 for popular methods (stabi1ity.m on the cse site)

Plan for today• Runge-Kutta time integration

• Basic time integration algorithm

• 1-way wave equation

Page 5: Lecture 3 - · Lecture 3 18.086. Info ... Figure 6.3: Stability regions IGI 5 1 for popular methods (stabi1ity.m on the cse site)

FD schemes for ODEs• Equation: u’ = f(u) with u(0) given

• First order accuracy (p=1): Euler methods

• Second order (p=2): global error O(Δt2), local error O(Δt3):

Trapezoidal implicit

Adams-Bashford explicit

Backward differences explicit

Runge-Kutta 2 explicit

Un+1 � Un



2[f(Un+1, tn+1) + f(Un, tn)]

Un+1 � Un



2f(Un, tn)�


2f(Un�1, tn�1)

Un+1 � Un



2[f(Un, tn) + f(Un +�tf(Un, tn), tn+1)]

Lecture: Stability & Accuracy

6.2 Finite Difference Methods 467

3un+1 - 4 u n + un-1 Backward differences/BDF2 2At = f (Un+l, tn+l) . (19)

What about stability? The trapezoidal method (15) is stable even for stiff equa- tions, when a is very negative: l - $a At (left side) will be larger than 1 + l a At (right side). (19) is even more stable and accurate. The Adams method (17) will be stable if At is small enough, but there is always a limit on At for explicit systems.

Here is a quick way to find the stability limit -a& 5 C in (17) when a is real. The limit occurs when the growth factor is exactly G = -1. Set Un+l = - 1 and Un = 1 and Un-l = - 1 i n (17 ) . Solve for a when f (u , t ) = au:

-2 3 Stability limit in (17) - - - 1 - a + - a gives a n t = -1. So C = 1 . (20)

a t 2 2

We now have three second-order methods (15)-(17)-(19), all definitely useful. The reader might suggest including both Un-l and fn-1 to increase the accuracy to third order. Sadly, this method is violently unstable (Problem 5). We may extend (19) by older values of U in backward differences, or extend (17) by older f (U). But including both U and f (U) for extreme accuracy produces instability for all At.

Multistep Methods: Explicit and Implicit

By using p earlier values of U , the accuracy can be increased to order p. Backward Euler has p = 1, and BDF2 in (19) has p = 2. Each VU is U(t) - U(t - At):

1 1 Backward differences (V + Z ~ 2 + . . + -VP) Un+1 = At f (Un+1, tn+l) . (21) P

MATLAB's stiff code odel5s varies from p = 1 to p = 5 depending on the local error. The alternative is to use older values of f (U, t) instead of U. Explicit comes first:

Adams- Bashforth Un+1 - Un = At(b1 fn + . . . + bp fn-,+I) (22) The table shows the numbers b up to p = 4, starting with Euler for p = 1.

The fourth-order method is often a good choice, although astronomers go above p = 8.

order of accuracy p = l p = 2 p = 3 p = 4

b l b2 b3 b4

1 312 -112

23/12 -16112 5/12 55/24 -59124 37/24 -9124

limit on -aAt for stability

2 1

611 1 3/10

constant c in error DE

5/ 12 112

318 2511720

Page 6: Lecture 3 - · Lecture 3 18.086. Info ... Figure 6.3: Stability regions IGI 5 1 for popular methods (stabi1ity.m on the cse site)

FD schemes for ODEs• Runge-Kutta is actually a family of methods!

• The most famous is Runge-Kutta-4 (RK4), which has p=4:

RK4 explicit

(ode45 in matlab) with

k1 =1

2f(Un, tn)

k2 =1

2f(Un +�tk1, tn+1/2)

k3 =1

2f(Un +�tk2, tn+1/2)

k4 =1

2f(Un + 2�tk3, tn+1)

Un+1 � Un



3[k1 + 2k2 + 2k3 + k4]

Page 7: Lecture 3 - · Lecture 3 18.086. Info ... Figure 6.3: Stability regions IGI 5 1 for popular methods (stabi1ity.m on the cse site)

Stability diagrams• So far, we obtained stability conditions such as (RK2):

• It makes sense (see lecture) to consider complex z, and draw the stability region in the complex plane

|1 + z +1

2z2| 1

6.2 Finite Difference Methods 469


5ii Adams-Moulton

Backward Differences Runae-Kutta

Figure 6.3: Stability regions IGI 5 1 for popular methods (stabi1ity.m on the cse site). Explicit methods are stable for a At inside the curves; implicit methods outside.

Runge-Kutta Methods

If evaluations of f (u, t ) are not too expensive, Runge-Kutta methods are highly competitive (and self-starting). Runge-Kutta of orders 4 and 5 is the basis for ode45. These are compound one-step methods, using Euler's Un + At fn inside f :

Simplified Runge- Kutta un+l-un 1 At = -[fn + f (Un + Atfn , tn+~)] . 2 (25)

You see the compounding of f . For u ' = au the growth factor G captures (At)2:

Comparing with the exact growth ea At, this confirms second-order accuracy. Stability hits a limit at aAt = -2 where G = 1. Now let a At = r be complex:

Stability limit for RK2 1 [GI = Il+x+-x21 = 1 for z = a + i b 2

The stability limit is a closed curve in the complex plane through x = a At = -2. Figure 6.3 shows all the numbers x (eigenvalues in the matrix case) at which IGI 5 1.

6.2 Finite Difference Methods 469


5ii Adams-Moulton

Backward Differences Runae-Kutta

Figure 6.3: Stability regions IGI 5 1 for popular methods (stabi1ity.m on the cse site). Explicit methods are stable for a At inside the curves; implicit methods outside.

Runge-Kutta Methods

If evaluations of f (u, t ) are not too expensive, Runge-Kutta methods are highly competitive (and self-starting). Runge-Kutta of orders 4 and 5 is the basis for ode45. These are compound one-step methods, using Euler's Un + At fn inside f :

Simplified Runge- Kutta un+l-un 1 At = -[fn + f (Un + Atfn , tn+~)] . 2 (25)

You see the compounding of f . For u ' = au the growth factor G captures (At)2:

Comparing with the exact growth ea At, this confirms second-order accuracy. Stability hits a limit at aAt = -2 where G = 1. Now let a At = r be complex:

Stability limit for RK2 1 [GI = Il+x+-x21 = 1 for z = a + i b 2

The stability limit is a closed curve in the complex plane through x = a At = -2. Figure 6.3 shows all the numbers x (eigenvalues in the matrix case) at which IGI 5 1.

(z = a Δt for u’=au)

Page 8: Lecture 3 - · Lecture 3 18.086. Info ... Figure 6.3: Stability regions IGI 5 1 for popular methods (stabi1ity.m on the cse site)

Basic ODE time integration• Given: RHS f(u,t), initial conditions u(0)

• Solve u’(t) = f(u,t):

Nsteps=1000; %Perform 1000 integration steps dt = 0.1;u = zeros(Nsteps+1); % Preallocate space for solution u % Set initial conditions: u(1)=u0; t = 0;

% Forward Euler: for i=1:1000

u(i+1) = u(i) + dt*f(u(i),t); t=t+dt;

end% Plot solution u etc.

If you use integrator that requires U from past: Start doing a single Forward Euler step to get the first 2 values of U, then use your integrator of choice!

Page 9: Lecture 3 - · Lecture 3 18.086. Info ... Figure 6.3: Stability regions IGI 5 1 for popular methods (stabi1ity.m on the cse site)

1-way wave equation

• So far we only considered ODE’s: u’ = f(u,t) and we only considered methods for the time integration

• Now: PDEs! Simplest example: 1-way wave equation:

• We need to use “good” time integration and good approximation of spatial derivatives.


= cux

Page 10: Lecture 3 - · Lecture 3 18.086. Info ... Figure 6.3: Stability regions IGI 5 1 for popular methods (stabi1ity.m on the cse site)

1-way wave equation• Properties of :u


= cux

• Conservative equation (modes neither grow nor shrink)


• c is the speed by which the wave travels

• wave does not change its form

• Solution to initial condition : u(x, 0) = e


u(x, t) = e



Page 11: Lecture 3 - · Lecture 3 18.086. Info ... Figure 6.3: Stability regions IGI 5 1 for popular methods (stabi1ity.m on the cse site)

Spatial finite difference (FD) schemes• Common FD schemes for 1D ux:



Forward diff, O(Δx):

Backw. diff, O(Δx):i

Central diff, O(Δx2):

Lecture: accuracyBut this is only spatial accuracy! How does it affect overall accuracy?

Page 12: Lecture 3 - · Lecture 3 18.086. Info ... Figure 6.3: Stability regions IGI 5 1 for popular methods (stabi1ity.m on the cse site)

FD for the 1-way wave equation





• Now: How to do time and space discretization in optimal way?

U(x, t+�t)� U(x, t)


= c

U(x+�x, t)� U(x, t)


U(x, t+�t)� U(x, t)


= c

U(x+�x, t)� U(x��x, t)




2U(x+�x, t)� 2U(x, t) + U(x��x, t)



U(x, t+�t)� 12 (U(x+�x, t) + U(x��x, t))


= c

U(x+�x, t)� U(x��x, t)


• Multiplying by △t gives various terms on RHS with factor r = c



CFL condition for stability: r≤1 (lecture)

until here

say next time why r<1 is stability criterium

Page 13: Lecture 3 - · Lecture 3 18.086. Info ... Figure 6.3: Stability regions IGI 5 1 for popular methods (stabi1ity.m on the cse site)

Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy condition

• The CFL condition is necessary but not sufficient for stability! r = c




• Sufficient criteria for stability: Neumann stability analysis

• Idea: Remember, wave equation has solution in terms of exponentials: => We found |G|=1 analytically, but how does this look for discrete approximations? => Will tell us stability for each mode k separately

u(x, t) = G(k, t)eikx

Neumann stab. analysis for upwing and Lax-Friedrichs: Lecture

0 r 1• We find: Upwind:Lax-Friedrichs: �1 r 1

Page 14: Lecture 3 - · Lecture 3 18.086. Info ... Figure 6.3: Stability regions IGI 5 1 for popular methods (stabi1ity.m on the cse site)

Lecture 418.086

Page 15: Lecture 3 - · Lecture 3 18.086. Info ... Figure 6.3: Stability regions IGI 5 1 for popular methods (stabi1ity.m on the cse site)

Last time

• 1-way wave equation (also called advection equation)

• CFL criterium for stability

• von Neumann stability analysis

• solution in terms of single modes:

r = c





= cux

u(x, t) = G(k, t)eikx

• |G|=1 analytically• |G|<1 for stability of numerical scheme

Page 16: Lecture 3 - · Lecture 3 18.086. Info ... Figure 6.3: Stability regions IGI 5 1 for popular methods (stabi1ity.m on the cse site)

FD for 1-way wave eq: summary

Upwind differences



U(x, t+�t)� U(x, t)


= c

U(x+�x, t)� U(x, t)


U(x, t+�t)� U(x, t)


= c

U(x+�x, t)� U(x��x, t)




2U(x+�x, t)� 2U(x, t) + U(x��x, t)



U(x, t+�t)� 12 (U(x+�x, t) + U(x��x, t))


= c

U(x+�x, t)� U(x��x, t)




O(Δt) !

0 r 1

�1 r 1

�1 r 1

r = c




Page 17: Lecture 3 - · Lecture 3 18.086. Info ... Figure 6.3: Stability regions IGI 5 1 for popular methods (stabi1ity.m on the cse site)

Notation• We have seen different schemes for 1-way wave equation.

The schemes are often called stencils and depicted like this:

480 Chapter 6 Initial Value Problems

Lax-Friedrichs G matches the next term in the exact growth factor only if r2 = 1:

GLF = cos kAx + ir sin kAx = 1 + irkAx - AX)^ + . - - (22) 1 2 2 Gexact = e = 1 + irk Ax + 2i r (k AX)^ + - - -

In the exceptional cases r = 1 and r = -1, G agrees with Gexact. Staying exactly on the characteristic line, UJ,,+1 matches the true u ( j A x , t + At) . For r2 < 1, Lax- Friedrichs has an important advantage and disadvantage:

U,,,+1 is a positive combination of old values. But accuracy is only first-order.

4. Lax-Wendroff is stable for -1 < r 5 1. The LW difference equation combines U,,, and Uj-l,n and Uj+1,, to compute U,,n+l:

Lax- Wendroff 1 zk Ax 1 -zkAx G = (1 - r2) + -(r2 + r)e + -(r2 - r)e . 2 2 (23)

This is G = 1 - r2 + r2 cos kAx + ir sin kAx. At the dangerous frequency kAx = T ,

the growth factor is 1 - 2r2. That stays above -1 if r2 5 1. Problem 5 shows that IGI < 1 for every kAx. Lax-Wendroff is stable when-

ever the CFL condition r 2 < - 1 is satisfied. The wave can go either way (or both ways) since c can be negative. LW is the most accurate of these five methods.

upwind wrong way centered Lax-Friedrichs Lax-Wendroff stable unstable unstable stable stable i f r L 1 all At all At if Irl 5 1 if Irl 5 1

5. The centered methods of maximum accuracy are stable for -1 < r < 1. Lax-Wendroff uses three values at time level n for accuracy two. For every even p = 2q, there are p+ 1 coefficients a_,, . . . , a, so that the difference equation U,,n+l = C amU,+,,, has accuracy p. Matching G = C ameimkAx with the exact factor e - - eikrAx gives p + 1 equations C amm& rj for the a's.

Using all those values, the CFL condition allows the possibility of stability out to -q 5 c A t lAx 5 q. The actual requirement is -1 5 r 5 1.



U(x, t+�t)� U(x, t)


= c

U(x+�x, t)� U(x��x, t)




2U(x+�x, t)� 2U(x, t) + U(x��x, t)



U(x, t+�t)� 12 (U(x+�x, t) + U(x��x, t))


= c

U(x+�x, t)� U(x��x, t)


Page 18: Lecture 3 - · Lecture 3 18.086. Info ... Figure 6.3: Stability regions IGI 5 1 for popular methods (stabi1ity.m on the cse site)

Real-world accuracyUpwind:

R. J. LeVeque — AMath 585–6 Notes 183

0 1 2 3 4 5 6−0.5



1Upwind solution at time 4

0 1 2 3 4 5 6−0.5



1Lax−Wendroff solution at time 4

Figure 13.4: Numerical solution using upwind (diffusive) and Lax-Wendroff (dispersive) methods.

13.6.2 Lax-Wendroff

If the same procedure is followed for the Lax-Wendroff method, we find that all O(k) terms drop out ofthe modified equation, as is expected since this method is second order accurate on the advection equa-tion. The modified equation obtained by retaining the O(k2) term and then replacing time derivativesby spatial derivatives is

vt + avx +16ah2

!1 −




vxxx = 0. (13.37)

The Lax-Wendroff method produces a third order accurate solution to this equation. This equationhas a very different character from (13.35). The vxxx term leads to dispersive behavior rather thandiffusion. This is clearly seen in Figure 13.4, where the Un

j computed with Lax-Wendroff are comparedto the true solution of the advection equation. The magnitude of the error is smaller than with theupwind method for a given set of k and h, since it is a higher order method, but the dispersive termleads to an oscillating solution and also a shift in the location of the main peak, a phase error.

The group velocity for wave number ξ under Lax-Wendroff is

cg = a − 12ah2

!1 −




which is less than a for all wave numbers. (The concept of group velocity is explained in Section 13.7.)As a result the numerical result can be expected to develop a train of oscillations behind the peak, withthe high wave numbers lagging farthest behind the correct location.

If we retain one more term in the modified equation for Lax-Wendroff, we would find that the U nj

are fourth order accurate solutions to an equation of the form

vt + avx +16ah2

!1 −




vxxx = −ϵvxxxx, (13.38)


R. J. LeVeque — AMath 585–6 Notes 183

0 1 2 3 4 5 6−0.5



1Upwind solution at time 4

0 1 2 3 4 5 6−0.5



1Lax−Wendroff solution at time 4

Figure 13.4: Numerical solution using upwind (diffusive) and Lax-Wendroff (dispersive) methods.

13.6.2 Lax-Wendroff

If the same procedure is followed for the Lax-Wendroff method, we find that all O(k) terms drop out ofthe modified equation, as is expected since this method is second order accurate on the advection equa-tion. The modified equation obtained by retaining the O(k2) term and then replacing time derivativesby spatial derivatives is

vt + avx +16ah2

!1 −




vxxx = 0. (13.37)

The Lax-Wendroff method produces a third order accurate solution to this equation. This equationhas a very different character from (13.35). The vxxx term leads to dispersive behavior rather thandiffusion. This is clearly seen in Figure 13.4, where the Un

j computed with Lax-Wendroff are comparedto the true solution of the advection equation. The magnitude of the error is smaller than with theupwind method for a given set of k and h, since it is a higher order method, but the dispersive termleads to an oscillating solution and also a shift in the location of the main peak, a phase error.

The group velocity for wave number ξ under Lax-Wendroff is

cg = a − 12ah2

!1 −




which is less than a for all wave numbers. (The concept of group velocity is explained in Section 13.7.)As a result the numerical result can be expected to develop a train of oscillations behind the peak, withthe high wave numbers lagging farthest behind the correct location.

If we retain one more term in the modified equation for Lax-Wendroff, we would find that the U nj

are fourth order accurate solutions to an equation of the form

vt + avx +16ah2

!1 −




vxxx = −ϵvxxxx, (13.38)

Page 19: Lecture 3 - · Lecture 3 18.086. Info ... Figure 6.3: Stability regions IGI 5 1 for popular methods (stabi1ity.m on the cse site)

Real-world accuracy478 Chapter 6 Initial Value Problems

1 2 -

1 .

08. Upwind 06.




Figure 6.6: Three approximations to a sharp signal show smearing and oscillation.

For an ideal difference equation, we only want dissipation very close to the shock. This can avoid oscillation without losing accuracy. A lot of thought has gone into high resolution met hods (Section 6.6), to capture shock waves cleanly.

Stability of the Four Finite Difference Methods

Accuracy requires G to stay close to the true eicbAt. Stability requires G to stay inside the unit circle. If IGI > 1 at frequency k, the solution Gnezkx will blow up.

We now check IGI < 1, in the four methods. CFL was only a necessary condition ! 1. Forward differences in space and time: AU/At = cAU/Ax (upwind). Equation (11) was G = 1 - r + reikAx. If the Courant number is 0 < r 5 1, then 1 - r and r will be positive. The triangle inequality gives IGI < 1:

Stability for 0 5 r < 1 zk Ax - IGl 5 11-rI+Ire I = 1 - r + r = l . (17)

This sufficient condition 0 5 c At/ Ax < 1 agrees with the CFL necessary condition U ( x , nAt) depends on the initial values between x and x + nAx. That domain of dependence must include the point x + c n At. (Otherwise, changing the initial value at the point x + c n A t would change the true solution u but not the approximation U.) Then 0 < c nAt < nAx means that 0 5 r 5 1.

Figure 6.7 shows G in the stable case r = and the unstable case r = % (when At is too large). As k varies, and eAAX goes around a unit circle, the complex number G = 1 - r + reikAx goes in a circle of radius r. The center is 1 - r. Always G = 1 at zero frequency (constant solution, no growth).

2. Forward difference in time, centered difference in space. This combination is never stable ! The shorthand U,,, will stand for U(jAx, nAt):

step-like initial condition:

Can we understand this behavior?

Page 20: Lecture 3 - · Lecture 3 18.086. Info ... Figure 6.3: Stability regions IGI 5 1 for popular methods (stabi1ity.m on the cse site)

Modified equations

• see lecture notes

Page 21: Lecture 3 - · Lecture 3 18.086. Info ... Figure 6.3: Stability regions IGI 5 1 for popular methods (stabi1ity.m on the cse site)

Real-world accuracyUpwind:

R. J. LeVeque — AMath 585–6 Notes 183

0 1 2 3 4 5 6−0.5



1Upwind solution at time 4

0 1 2 3 4 5 6−0.5



1Lax−Wendroff solution at time 4

Figure 13.4: Numerical solution using upwind (diffusive) and Lax-Wendroff (dispersive) methods.

13.6.2 Lax-Wendroff

If the same procedure is followed for the Lax-Wendroff method, we find that all O(k) terms drop out ofthe modified equation, as is expected since this method is second order accurate on the advection equa-tion. The modified equation obtained by retaining the O(k2) term and then replacing time derivativesby spatial derivatives is

vt + avx +16ah2

!1 −




vxxx = 0. (13.37)

The Lax-Wendroff method produces a third order accurate solution to this equation. This equationhas a very different character from (13.35). The vxxx term leads to dispersive behavior rather thandiffusion. This is clearly seen in Figure 13.4, where the Un

j computed with Lax-Wendroff are comparedto the true solution of the advection equation. The magnitude of the error is smaller than with theupwind method for a given set of k and h, since it is a higher order method, but the dispersive termleads to an oscillating solution and also a shift in the location of the main peak, a phase error.

The group velocity for wave number ξ under Lax-Wendroff is

cg = a − 12ah2

!1 −




which is less than a for all wave numbers. (The concept of group velocity is explained in Section 13.7.)As a result the numerical result can be expected to develop a train of oscillations behind the peak, withthe high wave numbers lagging farthest behind the correct location.

If we retain one more term in the modified equation for Lax-Wendroff, we would find that the U nj

are fourth order accurate solutions to an equation of the form

vt + avx +16ah2

!1 −




vxxx = −ϵvxxxx, (13.38)

Smeared out due to diffusive term in modified equations!

Page 22: Lecture 3 - · Lecture 3 18.086. Info ... Figure 6.3: Stability regions IGI 5 1 for popular methods (stabi1ity.m on the cse site)

Real-world accuracyLax-Wendroff:

R. J. LeVeque — AMath 585–6 Notes 183

0 1 2 3 4 5 6−0.5



1Upwind solution at time 4

0 1 2 3 4 5 6−0.5



1Lax−Wendroff solution at time 4

Figure 13.4: Numerical solution using upwind (diffusive) and Lax-Wendroff (dispersive) methods.

13.6.2 Lax-Wendroff

If the same procedure is followed for the Lax-Wendroff method, we find that all O(k) terms drop out ofthe modified equation, as is expected since this method is second order accurate on the advection equa-tion. The modified equation obtained by retaining the O(k2) term and then replacing time derivativesby spatial derivatives is

vt + avx +16ah2

!1 −




vxxx = 0. (13.37)

The Lax-Wendroff method produces a third order accurate solution to this equation. This equationhas a very different character from (13.35). The vxxx term leads to dispersive behavior rather thandiffusion. This is clearly seen in Figure 13.4, where the Un

j computed with Lax-Wendroff are comparedto the true solution of the advection equation. The magnitude of the error is smaller than with theupwind method for a given set of k and h, since it is a higher order method, but the dispersive termleads to an oscillating solution and also a shift in the location of the main peak, a phase error.

The group velocity for wave number ξ under Lax-Wendroff is

cg = a − 12ah2

!1 −




which is less than a for all wave numbers. (The concept of group velocity is explained in Section 13.7.)As a result the numerical result can be expected to develop a train of oscillations behind the peak, withthe high wave numbers lagging farthest behind the correct location.

If we retain one more term in the modified equation for Lax-Wendroff, we would find that the U nj

are fourth order accurate solutions to an equation of the form

vt + avx +16ah2

!1 −




vxxx = −ϵvxxxx, (13.38)

Dispersion due to term vxxx in modified equations

High freq. modes travel slower (=> on the left of the envelope)

Page 23: Lecture 3 - · Lecture 3 18.086. Info ... Figure 6.3: Stability regions IGI 5 1 for popular methods (stabi1ity.m on the cse site)

Phase vs. group velocity• Remember from physics:

R. J. LeVeque — AMath 585–6 Notes 187

−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3−1





time = 0

−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3−1





time = 0.4

−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3−1





time = 0.8

−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3−1





time = 1.2

−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3−1





time = 1.6

Figure 13.6: The oscillatory wave packet satisfies the dispersive equation ut + aux + buxxx = 0. Alsoshown is a black dot, translating at the phase velocity cp(ξ0) and a Gaussian that is translating at thegroup velocity cg(ξ0).

phase velocity

group velocity

Page 24: Lecture 3 - · Lecture 3 18.086. Info ... Figure 6.3: Stability regions IGI 5 1 for popular methods (stabi1ity.m on the cse site)

Dispersion in LW schemeR. J. LeVeque — AMath 585–6 Notes 187

−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3−1





time = 0

−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3−1





time = 0.4

−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3−1





time = 0.8

−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3−1





time = 1.2

−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3−1





time = 1.6

Figure 13.6: The oscillatory wave packet satisfies the dispersive equation ut + aux + buxxx = 0. Alsoshown is a black dot, translating at the phase velocity cp(ξ0) and a Gaussian that is translating at thegroup velocity cg(ξ0).

R. J. LeVeque — AMath 585–6 Notes 187

−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3−1





time = 0

−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3−1





time = 0.4

−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3−1





time = 0.8

−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3−1





time = 1.2

−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3−1





time = 1.6

Figure 13.6: The oscillatory wave packet satisfies the dispersive equation ut + aux + buxxx = 0. Alsoshown is a black dot, translating at the phase velocity cp(ξ0) and a Gaussian that is translating at thegroup velocity cg(ξ0).

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