  • 8/13/2019 Lecture 6 Zeta Potential


    The Electric Double Layer Development of a net charge at the

    particle surface affects the distribution of

    ions in the surrounding interfacial region,resulting in an increased concentration ofcounter ions (ions of opposite charge tothat of the particle) close to the surface

    An electrical double layer exists aroundeach particle.

    The liquid layer surrounding the particleexists as two parts; an inner region (Sternlayer) where the ions are strongly boundand an outer (diffuse) region where theyare less firmly associated

    Within this diffuse layer is a notionalboundary known as the slipping plane,

    within which the particle acts as a singleentity The potential at this boundary is known

    as the Zeta Potential

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture 6 Zeta Potential


  • 8/13/2019 Lecture 6 Zeta Potential


    Zeta potential is an abbreviation for electrokinetic potential incolloidal systems. In the colloidal chemistry literature, it is usuallydenoted using the Greek letter zeta, hence -potential. From atheoretical viewpoint, zeta potential is electric potential in theinterfacial double layer(DL) at the location of the slipping planeversusa point in the bulk fluid away from the interface.

    In other words, zeta potential is the potential difference between thedispersion medium and the stationary layer of fluid attached to thedispersed particle.

    Zeta potential should not be confused with electrode potential or

    electrochemical potential (because electrochemical reactions are generally

    not involved in the development of zeta potential).
  • 8/13/2019 Lecture 6 Zeta Potential


    Zeta Potential

    If all the particles have a large negative or positive zeta potentialthey will repel each other and there is dispersion stability

    If the particles have low zeta potential values then there is no force toprevent the particles coming together and there is dispersion instability

    A value of 25 mV (positive or negative) can be taken as the arbitraryvalue that separates low-charged surfaces from highly-charged


    Zeta Potential [mV] Stability behavior of the colloid: from 0 to 5, Rapid coagulation or flocculation

    from 10 to 30 Incipient instability from 30 to 40 Moderate stability from 40 to 60 Good stability more than 61 Excellent stability

    11/20/2013 PHT 312 4

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture 6 Zeta Potential


    The Influence of Zeta Potential

    Zeta Potential and pH

    The most important factor that affects zeta potential ispH

    A zeta potential value quoted without a definition of it's environment (pH,

    ionic strength, concentration of any additives) is a meaningless number

    Imagine a particle in suspension with a negative zeta potential If more alkali

    is added to this suspension then the particles tend to acquire more negative


    If acid is added to this suspension then a point will be reached where the

    charge will be neutralized

    Further addition of acid will cause a build up of positive charge

    In general, a zeta potential versus pH curve will be positive at low pH and

    lower or negative at high pH There may be a point where the curve passes through zero zeta potential

    This point is called the isoelectric point and is very important from a

    practical consideration

    It is normally the point where the colloidal system is least stable

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture 6 Zeta Potential


    In the above example it can be seen that if the dispersion pH is below 4 or above 8 there

    is sufficient charge to confer stability. However if the pH of the system is between 4 and

    8 the dispersion may be unstable. This is most likely to be the case at around pH 6 (the

    isoelectric point)

    11/20/2013 PHT 312 6

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture 6 Zeta Potential


    Methods for experimental determination of zetapotential

    Zeta potential is not measurable directly but it can becalculated using theoretical models and anexperimentally-determined electrophoretic mobilityor dynamic electrophoretic mobility.

    11/20/2013 PHT 312 7
  • 8/13/2019 Lecture 6 Zeta Potential


    Electrophoretic velocity is proportional toelectrophoretic mobility, which is the measurableparameter. There are several theories that linkelectrophoretic mobility with zeta potential. They arebriefly described in the article on electrophoresisandin details in many books on Colloid and Interface


    11/20/2013 PHT 312 8
  • 8/13/2019 Lecture 6 Zeta Potential


    Electrophoresis: The movement of a charged particle

    relative to the liquid it suspended in under theinfluence of an applied electric field

    This technique finds application in the measurementsof zeta potentials of model systems (like polystyrene

    latex dispersion) to test colloidal stability theory To asses the stability of coarse dispersion

    In identification of charge groups

    11/20/2013 PHT 312 9

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture 6 Zeta Potential


    The particles move with a characteristic velocity which

    is dependent on the strength of the electric field(measured by the instrument), the dielectric constantand the viscosity of the medium (known fromliterature) and the zeta potential

    The velocity of a particle in a unit electric field isreferred to as its electrophoretic mobility

    11/20/2013 PHT 312 10

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture 6 Zeta Potential


    Zeta Potential (Smoluchowskis Formula)

    11/20/2013 PHT 312 11

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture 6 Zeta Potential


    Protective colloid

    The addition of large amount of the hydrophile, to a

    hydrophobic colloid stabilize the system, the hydrophilepossibly being adsorbed as a monomolecular layer on thehydrophobic particles. This phenomenon is known as


    The added hydrophile is known asprotective colloid

    Gold number: Is the minimum wt in mg of the protectivecolloid required to prevent a colour change from red to violet in10 ml of gold sol on the addition of 1ml of a 10% NaCl


    11/20/2013 PHT 312 12

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