  • 8/14/2019 LEF 2010 Newsletter February


    LEO EUROPA FORUM 2010 Austria and HungaryInternational LEO Newsletter / February 2010

  • 8/14/2019 LEF 2010 Newsletter February


    LEPF 2010 is over lets look backward

    Time for a short resume ...

    Almost 60 highly motivated LEOs, a cool hotel and a lot of snow. It was a good combination to create a greatweekend in Austria & Hungary. Let us resume the weekend from 22nd to 24th January in Sopron:Friday was the welcoming day for around 60 LEOs from Switzerland, France, Denmark, Finland, Italy, The Ne-therlands, Germany, Turkey, Russia, Romania, and of course from Austria & Hungary. The big highlight of theevening was the celebrities party where two new Dancing Queens for LEF were born. Respect to you boys!Saturday was partly splitted in a grogram for DLs & ILOs on the one side and for the lucky rest on the otherside. The rst group had the pleasure to make meetings in hotel Fagus, followed by a Sopron sightseeing tour

    in an Oldtimer bus. The second group went on a sleighing trip to the Austrian Alps, eating some snow, freezingtoes and enjoying a typical Austrian lunch. Concerning food: The second part of the program included theUltimate Goulash workshop where the LEOs cooked their own dinner Hungarian style. Kiss the cooks, thefood was fabulous. After lunch we went out to the forests for torch hiking and a second dinner, mostly liquid,some of it with a high alcoholic percentage, thanks to the LIONS Club Sopron for the invitation. The eveningprogram how else could it be was the Aprs Ski LEO party, no Dancing Queens this time but a lot of reallycreative dresses.Sunday was departure day where all the LEOs who did not have to catch their ights quite early still could

    have a short stop in Vienna.

    Dear LEOs who joined this PreFORUM! Thanks for coming, it was a pleasure to welcome you in Sopron and wewill hopefully welcome you again in summer at the FORUM! Dear LEOs who did not join this PreFORUM! Enjoythe pictures of LEPF, get inspired and we hopefully see you soon too!

    Keep the LEO spirit alive until the Forum!Uniting People - Uniting Us!

    The Red and the Green guys!


  • 8/14/2019 LEF 2010 Newsletter February


    LEPF 2010 - Celebreties Party

    Glamorous as we LEOs are we also celebrated this way to meetagain. The temperate outside was to cold to party outside butwe guess the party location was ne anyway. Especially the





    Italian and Romanian beauties wait for beingdiscovered by the international glamour press

    The Swiss delegation prooved that mustachesare not only popular in Hungary

    As expected the Red & the Green guy - butthis time well dressed for being a celebrity

  • 8/14/2019 LEF 2010 Newsletter February


    LEPF 2010 - Saturdays program

    Sleighing in the Alps, the ultimate Goulash workshop, torch hiking and the oligate group picture in front ot theOldtimer bus. We had fun!

  • 8/14/2019 LEF 2010 Newsletter February


    LEPF 2010 - Aprs-Ski party

    The trip to the mountains was cold enough so the LEO party on Saturday had to be really hot. We have noidea what the photographer did with his lens but nevertheless the pictures give a good impression that thisLEPF was rocking!


























  • 8/14/2019 LEF 2010 Newsletter February


    LEPF 2010 is over lets look forward

    Even after or because of LEPF we as the Austrian and Hungarian LEF orga teams are waiting with passion for

    August 2010. But to keep you motivated for joining LEF we would like to give you some information concer-ning the Forum (you can also nd them in the ELIC).


    The city is a really lovely place with a historic city center, a famous university including a lot of students pubsand it is situated in a wine-growing region near the Lake Neusiedl. The city is big but not too big for a LEOEUROPA FORUM and after a few minutes of driving you are at the beaches of the lake or in the middle ofnowhere. Sopron is inuenced by Austrian and Hungarian history and culture, both languages are ofcial and

    since centuries it was a place which guaranteed one essential promise: Uniting People. So we will in August2010.

    Hotel Fagus

    From LEOs who have already participated on a few LEFs you can take it serious: This hotel rocks!!! Fagus is lo-cated in the middle of a forest, it has its own big park, a spa area and a highly competent and well talentedChef de Cuisine. We will have our own indoor and outdoor party area, most of the rooms have a separatebalcony and the prices are LEO-friendly too. So let this LEF paradise be ours!

    Program highlight: The Perfect Day

    The Social Activity day should remind us of what we are: LEOs. We are realizing the Perfect Day for Romanianchildren in need. We use this Forum activity to prepare Christmas presents for more than 6,000 children whichwill be given to the organisation of Frater Csaba Bjte before 24th December. The symbolic delivery will bemade by the the orga teams of LEF 2010 and LEF 2011 and will be the inofcial ending of this Europe-wide

    Social Activity. We ask you to bring a shoe box with presents for children to LEF including among other thingstoys, cloths, writing materials, sweets and sanitation products.

    LEF 2010 PreprogramThere Well this should be no problem. What we can offer you is to show you the capital of Hungary duringthe days before LEF starts. Besides the historical and architectural attractions the LEOs from Budapest will bepleased to show you their city during the day and during the nights.


    The normal LEF registration starts at 1st April and ends 15th June,the participation fee will be 550 EURO, after 15th June the fee will590 EURO. The deadline for registration is 16th July.Registration is possible under:

    So hurry up!







  • 8/14/2019 LEF 2010 Newsletter February


    LEF 2010 webshop

    For all the unlucky Disko Partizans, Working Class Heroes and PartyPrince(sse)s who did not get one of the 15 different LEF 2010 t-shirts yet: You

    can order your own shirt on our LEF website soon.

    LEF 2010 @ Facebook

    At the moment we already have more than 450 members on our Face-book community called:

    LEF2010- Austria-Hungary@Sopron

    So join the party and get brand new information in time!!!

    Impressions of LEPF 2010 , 22nd - 24th January in Sopron

    We are beautiful no matter what they say The Hungarian boys took some really great pictures from the trip to Moun-tain Semmering and from the parties. Enter ROOM 124 and check the gal-leries on our homepage!

    European LEO Information Desk - in other words the ultimative LEF 2010 ELIC

    Good to know in advance what will expect you at LEO EUROPA FORUM2010. From now on you can download the ELIC from the ofcial LEF2010

    homepage. If there should still be some questions just contact your countrycontact person!


    New on thewww.lef2010.orgsite

    Seize this unique opportunity - not to look cheap but to look sexy and aw-some - on, before and after LEPF!


  • 8/14/2019 LEF 2010 Newsletter February


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