  • 8/19/2019 Legend of Zelda_ Child of the Sun - Author of Doom Rin


    Legend of Zelda: Child of the Sun

    by Author of Doom Rin

    What if Link had never come to the Kokiri, fostered instead by another race? Raisedas a child of the desert, Link comes to Hyrule to learn the ways of royalty. As the

    adventure unfolds, a troubling question arises. Can Link betray his own King? Oot

    AU LZ

    Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Drama - Link, Ganondorf - Chapters: 52 -

    Words: 226,595 - Reviews: 802 - Favs: 515 - Follows: 428 - Updated: 7/17/2012 -

    Published: 1/30/2007 - id: 3369421


  • 8/19/2019 Legend of Zelda_ Child of the Sun - Author of Doom Rin


    Table of Contents

    Table of Contents

    1. Origins

    2. Family

    3. Rabiyu

    4. Envoys

    5. Courting

    6. Of Nights

    7. Quagmires

    8. Learning

    9. Magic

    10. Follies

    11. Consequences

    12. Futures

    13. Catalyst

    14. Of Fools, Or, This is the End

    15. Grief

    16. An Interlude

    17. Hyrule

    18. Muddy Waters

    19. Sharps

    20. Castles

    21. Crowns

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    22. Peers

    23. Inquiries

    24. Celebrations

    25. Confrontations

    26. Legends

    27. Broken Things

    28. Long Winters

    29. Pivots

    30. Betrayal and Midwinter

    31. Departures

    32. New Acquaintances

    33. Brothers in Arms

    34. Lon

    35. Dissonant Melodies

    36. Grassbow

    37. Unexpected Hospitality

    38. Moving Forward

    39. Heights

    40. Madmen

    41. City of Stone

    42. In the Mountain Deep

    43. Crushed

    44. Fracture

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    45. Incitement

    46. Forty Days

    47. Formation

    48. Eddies

    49. Undertow

    50. Riptide

    51. A Life Owed

    52. Tales To Tell

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    As of 10.25.2010, I have updated this first chapter to better fit my expanded version

    of Hyrule.

    This has been a massive undertaking, not quite finished, but almost there. For those

     who are new to this story, welcome.

    Inspired by Ocarina of Time.

    The Legend of Zelda: Child of the Sun

    By Rin

    Chapter One: Of Origins

    What? Another story, my pale child? So greedy!

    Fine. I'll tell you of the Death of the Men.

    And you're going to sleep when I am done! None of your pouting! The story begins.

    Once we Gerudo ruled Lake Hylia, back when it was simply 'the gift of Din.' We were

    not always bandits and thieves, though the Hylians would deny this.

    Five hundred years ago, we were once a proud race of hunter-farmers, and we

     would die for our land, for the priceless treasure of the lake. And die we did, when a

    madman of a Hylian king decided it was his holy duty to retake the lake, the lake that

    had never been his to begin with.

    Our race simply does not produce males easily; it requires a large enough number of

    male Gerudo sires to birth enough sons. In those days, one of every ten Gerudos

     was male. The women of those days were not the warriors we are now, for peace was widespread then, and the men were all we needed to protect us.

    The attack came with neither warning nor mercy. The men, used to peace, all fell

    beneath Hylian blade and arrowhead.

    The Hylians set fire to our homes and crops, and we ran, saving as much of our lives

    as we could, taking harbor in the cliffs that had sheltered us from hail, storm, and


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    At the end of the massacre, the murderers, their hands still red with the blood of our

    husbands, gave us the wasted land near the plains, and the desert beyond. The

    soldiers, their deed done, could not even leave us to our grief. They returned, again

    and again, to rape our women and steal our heirlooms.

    Until at last, we took up our cooking knives and drove the elfin murderers who called

    themselves Hylians from our beds, led by a woman of grace, Nabooru, mynamesake. We rebuilt in the canyon, river thundering ceaselessly below.

    We carved our homes into the safety of the cliffs, and our arms grew strong. The sun

    shone bright and hard, and our skin became dark. The sand raged and our legs

    grew swift. The wind screamed, and our short, pointed ears rounded. We made walls

    of stone and mud, and our faces were weathered. Our crops failed again and again

    in the poor earth, and we learned to make the most of the smallest morsel.

    The Hylian men returned for our favors in time, and we were ready for them. The

    earth drank deeply of the cold blood of the scum, and our hearts grew proud,

     warriors for the first time we women could remember in our history.

    But it was too late for us to escape the sin of our rapists. Batu, who was but a child,

    grew heavy with a son, and it was he who became our next King…

    This is the world you will live in, for better or worse. Make no mistake, for you are

    mine now.

    …Silly child. You were asleep for half the tale, weren't you? Ugh. What an impossibly

    long day…

    Sleep well, my son. My Link.

    She'd found him not two days ago.

    The raid had gone well, at first. After constant raiding, the western villages of theRoyal Province of Lake Hylia had fortified themselves, leading the Gerudo raiders to

    travel further and further east in the Province. They did not raid dry and arid Drought

    Country – for the people who dwelled there lived on the same knife-thin edge of

    starvation that the Gerudo did.

    The band had collected their due, of coins, grain and oil. Things they needed to

    survive in their barren domain. On her way out of a terrified farmer's land, Nabooru

    took a red apple from his trees. It was tart and juicy, just as the others had said. As

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    she savored the fruit, shouts rang out across the lakeshore, accompanied by the

    clatter of armored soldiers.

    Too late she heard the call to retreat, to return to the dangerous, impossible,

    precarious path in the cliffs. Once on the path, the others were safe from the

    ungainly soldiers, and the archers.

    Running for the plains would leave her vulnerable to Hylian arrows. Vast expanses of

    treacherous swampland lay beyond Lake Hylia, too far to run to, too dangerous to

    hide in. Nabooru ran for the forest to the east, a vast and unconquered mass of

    trees, skirting the strip of land that rapidly narrowed between the lake and the hill

     which provided her cover from the Hylians.

    It was the only path open to her, her sisters were already being hunted like desert

    hares. How could she bring Hyrule's attention to the same path that had sustained

    their lakeshore raids for a decade at least?

    Without breaking stride, Nabooru gathered herself and leapt into the Fisher's Creek.

    She paddled across, abandoning her spoils but for the coins and one small sack of

    grain, her strong limbs moving easily across the current. She pulled herself out of the

     water, and took up the long, distance-eating gait her teachers had trained into her

    until it was second-nature to run that way. There – the edge of the forest. Nabooru

    gathered speed and ducked into the dark cover of the Lost Woods, avoiding low-

    hanging branches.

    No point in covering her tracks in the soft, moist woodland ground, she was used toparched earth, hard rock and soft, dry sand. Instead, she set a hard pace and

    covered her face with her veil; letting distance and the airborne poisonous spores

    make her sanctuary.

    Somewhere in the dark small masked figures laughed at her, chanting "Lost, Lost!

    New Stalchildren for the Woods!"

    She paid them no mind. Gerudo could navigate the vast desert with only their ken to

    help them find safe paths, only their instinct to find their way.

    No Gerudo would ever be truly lost, even in these Din-forsaken woods. It was

    another gift the Goddess Din had given to her daughters. Strange shuffling and

    clacking noises echoed after her as she ran.

    Finally, she sat on a fallen log and panted wearily, setting her scimitar across her

    knees as a precaution.

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    She took a careful drink out of her canteen, licking her lips for the last precious

    drops. Sitting back, Nabooru recalled a legend she'd heard as a girl, of the ageless

    children that lived deep within the Lost Woods.

    Children that never grew… never aged…

    She herself could never have daughters, as she'd found years before that she was


    It was an ache in her heart, a void that desperately needed to be filled. She'd done

    her best to fill it with other things, things like her duties, training and her small rock

    garden in her home's courtyard.

    And it was working, for the most part. Already she was becoming known for her skills

    as a top thief, and one of the best bloodless raiders.

    If not for the Hylian soldiers, not a drop of blood would have been spilt that night,only the scratch of brush and unforgiving cliff rock against dark Gerudo skin.

    Speaking of the soldiers, they should have finished their hunt by now… And left at

    sunrise, but… it was best to wait till the sunset, to be safe.

    Nabooru spent a restless night high in a tree, falling into a light doze, always waking

    at the slightest noise. Needless to say, she didn't sleep very much.

    She kept her veil tight over her face, for it was spelled to filter pure air from anything,

    be it sand, smoke, even poison gas. She ate a scarce meal of nuts and tubers at

    sunrise, and readied herself for the journey home.

    Off to the side a scrub creature chattered angrily, silenced by the howls of Wolfos,

    and the scream of a woman. Nabooru leapt to her feet, tucking her sheathed scimitar

    into her sash and sprinting off once more.

    She found the clearing the howls had come from, the Wolfos already gone. It wasempty. No. There was a dark spot of color against the far tree. She approached

    carefully, hoping this was the sister, be it Gerudo or Hylian, and not some new


    "Who are you, are you wounded?" She spoke aloud, putting a hand to the bundle of

    dark cloth. The woman – the Hylian woman – struggled upright, pale eyes wide and


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    "Stay away, Gerudo! Don't kill me!" She rasped in terror, spittle orange with the

    forest's toxic spores.

    "Sister, be calm." Nabooru said softly, eyes taking in the feverish glaze of the

     woman's eyes.

    The woman was poisoned, and fatally, judging by the way her pupils darted in and

    out of dilation.

    "You're going to kill me, you killed my husband and now you're going to kill me!" the

     woman sobbed, curling around her middle, protectively. "Don't kill my baby, please

    don't kill my baby!"

    The bundle she held moved a little, but remained quiet.

    "My sisters and I harm no woman, even Hylian ones, unless they give us reason to

    turn a blade against them." The Gerudo soothed, using the well-recited words of aGerudo raider. "There were no Hylians killed tonight, only soldiers." And maybe

    some of my Gerudo sisters, Nabooru thought.

    "I will take care of the child." She said, as the thought occurred to her. "I will not

    murder you, either. The forest has already done that. It's just a matter of time, now."

    She drew a well-used dagger, letting the woman see it. "I heard from my sisters that

    dying from the Woods' poison is a slow, cruel death. I can ease it for you, if you like."

    "Liar," the woman gasped, wheezing, "You-" but she did not finish, cut off by a child'scry.

    "HEY! BIG PERSON!" A troupe of green-clad children melted out of the forest to

    surround the two women, hollering.

    "Leave that other big person alone!" A red-headed boy yelled imperiously,

    brandishing a slingshot, "Or I, the Great Mido, am gonna hurt you!"

    "Yeah!" A small pigtailed girl squeaked, timidly carrying a sturdy stick before her,"We'll get you."

    "So, so, just go away!" Another boy, buck-toothed, agreed, waving two sticks of his


    "Please, just leave the big person and the little one alone," The last remark came

    from a wise-eyed girl with green hair. She held a long dagger like a sword, stepping

    before the other children.

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    "She is protected by the Great Deku Tree, and the small Kokiri is one of us!" The

    other children clamored in agreement, some boys hefting rocks threateningly.

    Nabooru snorted. "I didn't do anything to her. Go away." The redhead yelled and shot

    a stone at her. The Gerudo caught it and hurled it back, striking the boy hard across

    the temple.

    "Go play your games elsewhere, forest children!" She snarled, brandishing her

    dagger in threat.

    The Kokiri children watched her with wide eyes, then retreated into the shadows of

    the forest. Only the green haired girl remained, watching from a high branch with her

     wise, jade eyes.

    Confident that the girl would not stab her in the back, she turned back to the dying


    She leaned closer to the woman, who moaned weakly, flinching. "What is your


    "Myina…" The woman, really no more than a girl, choked.

    "And why did you run to these woods instead of remaining home?" Nabooru


    "My husband…" Myina smiled briefly, falling lax into a grimace, "We came here…recently. He said Gerudo burn…" she hacked on her own spittle for a long moment,

    and gasped the rest out "…houses to the ground. Kill everyone. I had to save my


    She looked upon the bundle with a mother's love, and turned pleading eyes upon the

    Gerudo raider. "Please… don't kill my son."

    "I already said I wouldn't, didn't I?" Nabooru snapped impatiently, taking the child

    from his mother's arms and setting him aside, tired of the girl's melodramatics, dyingor not.

    "Yes…" Myina mumbled, mouth orange with foam, tremors running through her

    body, limbs starting to twitch, heralding the beginning of the painful end.

    "Would you like me to make your death quick?"

    "Yes." Myina cried, and Nabooru held her limbs down as she convulsed, and slid a

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    merciful blade between her ribs. "Oh my beloved," the girl rasped, voice a faint

     whistle, "My Link…Dakor…"

    The red stain on her bosom grew, and her eyes stopped rolling. Nabooru watched

    quietly, and then closed the dead Myina's staring eyes.

    She picked up the boy, unwrapping the cloth, and found he was no infant, almost

    ready to walk. Bright blue eyes stared at her, and the child gave her a toothless

    smile, unaware of his mother's death. Sandy gold hair and long, pointed ears

    marked him as a Hylian. Nabooru sighed and hefted his weight closer to her


    "You were a fool." She addressed the dead girl, unfazed by the macabre sight. "Had

    you but listened to your neighbors, you wouldn't have run to this death trap. You

     were young, but still, a fool."

    She fished two brass coins out of her pouch, and bending carefully, put them on thegirl's eyes. "Thank you for the boy."

    As she turned to go, the Kokiri girl dropped from the canopy.

    "Please, let me have the child." The girl begged, green eyes pleading. "The Great

    Deku Tree already made him safe from the forest. He is Kokiri now, don't you see?"

    "I have no child." Nabooru said simply, so the little girl would understand, "I can

    never have a baby. I have a child now, and I'm not letting him go."

    "There is something special about him," The girl insisted, stamping her foot. "He

    belongs to the forest; the Great Deku Tree said it was his fate!"

    "Kids can't raise babies." Nabooru said with a meaningful look, "Especially  kids that

    never grow up. If it's his fate to come here, then he will. But not now."

    The girl bit her lip, worrying it. A glowing ball of light flew out of her pocket, and

     whispered in her ear.

    "Okay," the green-haired forest girls said hesitantly, "But take my ocarina." She took

    a green clay ocarina and held it far from her body, offering it to the Gerudo woman.

    Nabooru took it, juggling the child and placing it in her pack, pulling a trinket from it

    as she did.

    "Take this as my thanks." She tossed the necklace to the girl.

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    "Pretty…" The girl whispered reverently, fingering the green glass. "Thank you." She

    smiled a little, "The way back is that way." She pointed.

    "I'll take care of the child," Nabooru thanked, and turning, she left.

    She bound the boy to her bosom, and he began crying as soon as she began

    running. He sobbed the entire way back to open ground.

    It was actually a relief that he was crying, as it let her know there wasn't anything

     wrong with him physically. Still, it got vexing after a while. Nabooru offered him a sip

    of water laced with the tiniest bit of a sedative. He looked at his new mother with

    distrustful eyes, and screwed up his face at her, before sucking the water up


    "You'll come to like me, kiddo." Nabooru said with a rueful grin as he nodded off,

    "Just you wait."

    She whispered the words to a concealment spell – she'd always excelled in magic

    studies, it just came naturally. When it was complete, she examined her new


    Still the same height, with golden hair, blue eyes, and Hylian ears to match her new

    son. Her arms appeared far less muscular than before, and her skin had lost its

    harsh desert-sun tan. Then she noticed her clothing – far too Gerudo to pass as

    Hylian, what with the pantaloons and sari. She transformed the sturdy linen into amodest gown, of the style typical for a farmer's wife in this region.

    With the coins she'd collected, she bought her way to the western side of the

    Province, riding comfortably on the back of a farmer's cart. When the baby woke up,

    she entertained him with fairy tales and stories of the Gerudo Fortress, his new

    home. Nabooru kept her voice quiet – the rumble of the cart drowned out her words

    – there was no way for the driver to overhear her.

    With the Hylian guise, she traveled from town to town on the backs of wagons andcarts, spending nights at cheap inns and one time, in a kindly miller's house. To

    prevent too much curiosity, she pretended to be stupid, and kept her false home

    history long and boring.

    At last, after a week's travel, she was close enough to access the secret cliff paths

    that led to home.

    She was pleased to find no trace of Hylian boots on the narrow path, and took extra

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    care when she reached the most treacherous part, where gravel and sand made

    uncertain footing.

    Nabooru was tired, hungry, and covered in dust by the time the path widened and

    opened to the pass that led to Hyrule's plains. At last. The bridge would be near, and

    it would be manned by a Gerudo. From the bridge, she could get a ride back to the

    Fortress. She smiled, and made her way to the river gorge, feeling the mist on herface, the thunder of the massive waterfall a familiar and welcome sound.

    "Home," She breathed, feet moving of their own accord, and dropped the

    concealment charm.

    "Hey, Nabooru!" The guard hollered from her post at the bridge as the raider

    approached, "Where were you? We thought you were dead!"

    "I had to take the long way, Nooya!" Nabooru returned at her friend, grinning.

    "It must've been a very long path, I think." Remarked Nooya, "Did you go around the


    "No, I spent that first night in the Lost Woods. And then hitchhiked my way back to

    the paths." Nabooru gave a sigh of relief as she undid the bindings that held her son

    in place. Nooya's eyes widened at the sight of the child in Nabooru's arms.

    "You really are one of our best, Nabooru," She said in awe, "To steal a daughter from

    the forest…"

    "A son. The child's a boy." Nooya's eyes grew even wider.

    "A son!" She exclaimed gleefully, "Din knows we need more men! What's his name?"

    Nabooru thought back to Myina's dying words: My Link… Dakor…

    "Link." She said firmly, "His name is Link."

    1. At the end of every chapter I will post notes that further explain the world in which

    this story takes place. Some information simply wouldn't fit in well with my projected

    narrative, so instead it will be placed in my notes.

    2. So that's all for now. Just to clear everything up, the legend Nabooru told took

    place about four or five hundred years ago. So the son Batu had was not Ganondorf.

    3. Another thing to clear up, Myina's husband is named Link, not Dakor. Dakor is

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    Link's birth name, but since his mom was kind of out of it, it was an understandable

    mistake for Nabooru to make.

    4. I got kinda tired of all the noble deaths everyone gives Link's mom, and makes

    Link's dad a brave soldier who dies heroically or is still alive. So I gave Myina a

    commoner's name, and she died a foolish, easily prevented death. Link's dad is a

    hired hand on a farm. He's okay at it, and is rather gullible. They're very young, andfar too caught up in the romance and drama of their lives. I just want them to be

    regular people, not very important to the story except for this bit.

    5. I've always adored the Gerudo, so that's where this story comes from. As soon as

    I took a peek into the canyon, and heard their theme song, I was captured. As

    always, I am fiercely protective of canon, but I also adore messing with it in AUs.


    6. I plan to give each of the races a background history and culture, as well as their

    own mythos. I'm pretty big on background details, so if anyone wants to let me know

     what they think of my portrayals of the land and races of Hyrule, just give me a




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    Well! Here's the next chappie!

    I had a lot of fun making up the characters for the chapter. Some warnings: There's

    gonna be a LOT of female OCs in this. Seeing as I'm focusing on the Gerudos, it's

    hard not to. No woman is in any way a self-insert. Also, I will be dealing withhomosexuality throughout the story. Mostly lesbians, because it only makes sense in

    an entirely female race.

    And most importantly, please, PLEASE don't tell me Ganondorf is OOC in this. It's

    important that everyone in the story is, above all, a person.

    That aside, I want to thank everyone who reviewed: Ri2, BlazeStarre, xakattak, Viral

    Mutation, and Darkle. Your reviews really helped rev my engine in regards to writing

    the story.

    And again, thanks to Shay, my fabulous Beta, to whom I am greatly in dept to for

    taking the time to help me.

    Disclaimer: Merrily defying copyright lines since 2002. Everything that doesn't belong

    to Nintendo in this fic belongs to me. Seriously.

    The Legend of Zelda: Child of the Sun

    by Rin

    Chapter Two: Of Family

    Once there were two twin sisters. They grew strong in the ways of the desert

    magics, and became witches well-known for their strength and power.

    Years passed, and like all women, they began to long for a child to nurse. One night

    they went into one of the Hylian towns and, together, seduced a man. At the end of

    the night they slit his throat, and returned to the desert Colossus that was their


    Both sisters soon found themselves with child, and in nine months, the twins each

    gave birth to a son. As the sisters were hard to tell apart, so it was impossible to tell

    the two boys apart. Even their mothers could not tell which child was theirs, so alike

     were the boys.

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    Suddenly, the sons grew ill, and in the night, one son passed away. The two witches

    awoke to find only one babe still breathing.

    Never knowing which was theirs, they both mourned the death of the one child, and

    raised the other child together.

    So it was that our King, Ganondorf Dragmire, was born and raised by two mothers,

    the two witches.

    "No. Absolutely not." Was the first thing out of Ganondorf's mouth as he saw the

    Hylian child in Nabooru's arms.

    "Please, my Lord." Nabooru said, determined, "With all respect, we need more men."

    "Hylian men? I don't trust them." Link wiggled a little in her arms, and she shifted him

    higher. There had been no time to leave him at home with her sister, so Nabooru hadsimply taken him with her. Since he had woken from his drugged sleep that morning,

    he had been unnaturally quiet, a silence that had lasted all day.

    "Then why not a Hylian man raised as one of us, sir?"

    "I know what you want, Nabooru." The young Gerudo King rubbed tiredly at his

     weathered face, "But I cannot see any good coming of it in the future. This boy will

    do our people no good." Nabooru frowned, and forged on doggedly.

    "My Lord, I will raise him as my own, he will be loyal to our people, I swear it." TheKing shot her a dryly amused glance.

    "Determined as always, aren't you?" He mused, watching her. "I'll offer you a deal."

    Nabooru's pleading expression melted into wariness. The way he remained seated

    and made her stand left her uneasy.

    "And what is this deal?" She queried, "Sire." She tacked the honorific on at the end,

    careful. How could the man be so intimidating, all whilst seated at a desk which bore

    a veritable cornucopia of papers?

    "Be my consort." Ganondorf said simply, "Be my Queen, and you can keep the boy."

    "Why?" She asked incredulously, not believing what she had heard. Link drooled on

    her shoulder, oblivious to how important the moment was to his future, to history.

    "Are you really that blind? It should be obvious." The King sighed, "You've made a

    name for yourself. The people like and trust you. They will follow you into battle, and

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    even into uncertain peace. And most of all, the Gerudo spirit is with you, more than

    any other woman."

    He grimaced, then added rather frankly, "I will admit; it certainly doesn't help that

    around every corner, Tabiya is ready to jump my bones and maul me." Nabooru

    frowned, recalling seeing Tabiya, a proud and arrogant beauty, chase after the King

    for many a year like a cat after a mouse.

    "I don't know…"

    "I am not my mothers, and I will not become them." Ganondorf's eyes were intent

    upon her in the late afternoon sun, voice hard with sincerity. Nabooru looked at him,


    "If I may keep my son," She said slowly, "Then I give my consent."

    The tense lines in Ganondorf's face slackened a little, and just like that, theforeboding tension hanging in the air disappeared.

    "Thank you, Nabooru." He sighed, relaxing into the Spartan-like chair. "This will be

    the first good news in a long while." He rubbed wearily at his eyes, mumbling. "Every

    year the Hylian King sends more soldiers when we must steal from our own land,

    and now they're boycotting our glass trade."

    He came back to attention at the boy's soft coo, a chubby hand waved in the air.

    "You can keep your son, Nabooru." Ganondorf said, carefully. "Raise him well. I will

    be watching his growth carefully. Din knows," He smiled thinly, "If he grows into a

    true Gerudo, we may not need to wait a century for a new King."

    "Thank you, my Lord." Nabooru breathed in relief, and there was a strange kindness

    in the King's eyes as he replied,

    "Call me by my name, Nabooru. And you're welcome."

    "With your leave then." The woman bowed, and with her son, left the man's solitary


    "Goodbye, then." The young King said to the empty doorway, "I just hope I've not

    made a mistake, and welcomed a future traitor."

    He turned back to his work, and looking upon the mess of treaties and ledgers,

    cursed whatever cruel being had invented paperwork.

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    "I'm home, Sister!" Nabooru called, tapping the doorframe, and then sounding the

    visitor's bell. She easily balanced Link with one arm.

    "I'm in the workroom! Just let me finish!" Aya called from the side room, the largest

    room in the sisters' shared quarters. Link was sat down on a cushion seat on the

    floor with a soft squeal, and he busied himself with exploring said cushion. Nabooru

    stretched, relieved of her burden, and sat down beside her new son on anothercushion.

    "So, how did the King take it?" Aya asked curiously, appearing in the doorframe,

     wiping soot from her hands. She closely resembled her younger sister, dark of skin

    and slim of frame. The bindi  jewel upon her forehead gleamed red in the sun.

    "Well enough." Came the simply reply.

    "What's that mean?" Aya reclined upon a cushion, eyebrow arched.

    "The kid is going to stay, obviously."

    "You're hiding something, Nabs, I know you. Tell me!" Aya pouted, "If you can't even

    tell your own sister…" Nabooru frowned at her.

    "Lord Ganondorf offered me a deal, and I took it." Her forehead wrinkled as she

    spoke. "I'm to be his consort now." Aya beamed, as if she'd seen it coming.

    "Good for you, Sister! You'll do well, I know you will. It truly is an honor." Sheexamined her sister's face. "But you don't want it... Do you?" Aya queried softly,

    realization dawning.

    "It's not that I don't feel honored," Nabooru said slowly, watching Link stuff one of the

    cushion's large tassels into his mouth, "But I do not believe I am the right person

    either. I'm just not a leader. Stealing is my life, not ordering my sisters around."

    "Sister," Aya said carefully, "That  is precisely why the women want you to lead


    Nabooru stared at her.

    "…They do?"

    Aya threw her head back and laughed.

    "Oh my dearest Older Sister," she chuckled, "You've always been blind to our sisters'

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    opinions of you!"

    "That isn't very funny, Aya." Nabooru grumbled, cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

    Aya kept laughing, and was about to reply when the visitor's bell jingled,

    accompanied by a cheerful call of:

    "We're home!" Aya's face lit up, and sprung up from the floor to embrace the grinning

     woman in the door.

    "Dinah!" She snatched a quick kiss from the other woman, and bent to kiss the

    auburn-fluffed head of the babe in Dinah's arms.

    "Welcome back, Dinah!" Nabooru greeted her sister-in-law, "I trust work was good?"

    Dinah smiled, handing Aya her daughter, and headed for the water jug. Her sunny

    mood was apparent in her light step.

    "Productive, as usual, Sister." She took a long draught, then wiped her mouth. "We

    have some new pigment in, from the canyon upriver. It's the loveliest blue you'd ever


    "And how did Reya behave?" Aya piped in from the cushion, nursing Reya.

    "Oh, I had Kooru watch her for me. She already has a kid, almost three." Dinah

    grinned mischieviously, sitting down next to her lover, smelling strongly of smoke and

    molten glass. "Kooru said Reya screamed half the time, and then her daughteroined in!"

    "So the regular banshee behavior?" Aya asked, smile wide on her face.

    "Maybe we should start a choir." Nabooru remarked, smirking. Dinah chuckled.

    "Indeed. And this must be the rugrat everyone's heard about!" Dinah tousled Link's

    blonde hair affectionately. He stared at her with big eyes, then crawled over to

    Nabooru, the only person he knew was safe.

    Nabooru sighed apologetically, and lifted the baby onto her lap. The boy wiggled a

    little before settling. Aya watched her sister with a knowing expression.

    "Don't worry about it, Nabooru. It will take a time before he trusts us all."

    "I know."

    "I heard the other  big news, by the way." Dinah spoke, breaking the building tension

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    in the air. "Tabiya is going to have a fit."

    "That spoiled housecat can go hang, what good she is." Aya sneered. "She may

    have the favor of the Witches, but the desert will bloom before she'll be a proper


    "Yes," Dinah said, "I agree. Most of the women know by now. Koume and Kotake

    have been riding hard on the King to choose his consort, for a long time. And you

    know the influence they have on him." She sighed, and the women's eyes hardened

    at the thought of the Witches. "I'll have you know, Nabooru, that everyone thinks the

    King made the right choice. You don't need to fret. You have our support." Her dark

    eyes focused fervently on her sister-in-law.

    The evening clarion call sounded, echoing through the valley.

    "Time for dinner," Aya sighed, pulling Reya from her breast and fastening her shirt.

    "Will you join us tonight, Sister?"

    "Not tonight, I'm afraid. It's been a long day." Already the exhaustion was

    encroaching, making her temples ache.

    "Don't try to put it off, Nabooru." Aya frowned.

    "I'm not," Nabooru denied, shaking her head. "Well… maybe a little. But I really am

    tired!" She added quickly, at their knowing looks. "Aya, if I am to be Queen, I'd like toface everyone with some reserves left. It was a very hard raid."

    "Okay." Aya said, backing down. Relief flooded Nabooru's body, the tension in her

    aching temples easing at the thought of not facing everyone as Queen so soon.

    Everything was moving so fast, for Din's sake!

    "I'll watch the babes, leave Reya with me." She offered in gratitude, and Aya's eyes

    brightened, though she tried to suppress it. The baby was handed to her Aunt.

    "Thank you," She beamed, "We'll miss you at the meal, but I can't say we don't need

    a break from her."

    "Go on," Nabooru made a shooing motion, "Enjoy yourselves, you two."

    Dinah mouthed thank you at her, before hooking her arm around her lover, and

    tugged her to the door. A quick shuffle as they slipped their sandals on, and they

     were gone to the evening meal in the courtyard.

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    Sleepiness crashed down as soon as they left, and she yawned widely. She settled

    Reya into her cradle. Link blinked sleepily at her from the cushion, little trust in his

    eyes, but he remained silent, as he had all day.

    The little Hylian boy pushed a fist against his face , revealing toothless gums in a

    long yawn. Nabooru laughed, pulling out the sleeping mats.

    "I know exactly how you feel."

    A/N: So that's that!

    At first I had Link acting like a regular baby, but then I realized that all this abnormal,

    stressful stuff had just happened to him, and he shouldn't  be acting normal. So Link

    is super-quiet. I just can't imagine him as a scream-happy baby.

    I wanted to portray Ganondorf as a regular human being, for the most part. He won'tbe evil at first, but as power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely, and

    Ganondorf ends up with the Triforce of Power.

    Letting everyone know, at the end of each chapter I am going to post my background

    notes. I feel that it will only enrich the story if you read them. So here's the first set of


    1. Nabooru being Queen and Ganondorf's consort in no way means they are in love,

    and it's not really like a marriage either. As the only male, the King can't be 'faithful',and so being Queen really means she's the King's second-in-command. Ganondorf

    does not love Nabooru, but his choosing her implies that he trusts her, respects her,

    and has some amount of affection towards her, though not romantically.

    2. On Nabooru's tapping the doorframe and bell, that is a Gerudo tradition, done

     when one comes into a home. They touch the doorway on the way out to ask the

    Goddesses to let them return safely, and tap it on the way in to thank the Goddesses

    for keeping them safe. The bell is there to announce one's presence. In a race of

    theives, it's courteous to let others know you're there. So if I ever use the phrase"tapping door and bell", this is what I'm refering to.

    3. Nabooru lives with Aya, Dinah, Reya, and now Link in a family's quarters. For

    Gerudo, relationship ties are very important. Biological sisters are very close, often

    living together. Agemates (those who are at most 2 or 3 years different in age, those

    one grew up with) are very important too. Agemates usually remain close for the rest

    of their lives.

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    4. A Gerudo's home consists of small sleeping quarters, a common room, and

    perhaps a workshop. The sleeping quarters are often shared by mother and child,

    unless she has a lover. They sleep on the floor, on thick, comfortable mats. There is

    usually not too much furniture, and floor cushions are used like couches. Homes are

    more like apartments, stacked on each other in large units.

    5. The Gerudo all eat together in the main courtyard, each meal is cooked togetherin the communal ovens and food preparation areas. Breakfast is a solitary affair, but

    lunch and dinner are big events, where they come together as a community and

    thank the Goddesses for the food.

    6. Bathing is communal as well, located by the river, at the one point where there's a

    separate, more gentle waterfall. They soap up, then take a plunge into the Bathing

    Falls. No one is concerned much with nudity, as the community is entirely female.

    There's no point in changing that when they do have males, so Link and Ganondorf

    don't have any qualms about naked people. Unless they're really ugly. Even so, theGerudo impress the importance of having the private parts covered in the presence

    of outsiders.

    7. Nabooru's home has two sleeping quarters, one for Aya and Dinah, and one for

    Nabooru. Link and Reya sleep in the common room. The workshop is the largest

    room, and functions as Dinah and Aya's workplace, and Nabooru's armory.

    8. As for the method to my naming madness

    As a rule of thumb, Gerudos consider a name ending with a consonant masculine,particularly –rf and –f.

    –oo- is a common name component, and most female names end with –u, especially

    –ru and -tu. –ya is also popular. Any name ending with a vowel is considered


    9. The only marriages amongst the Gerudo are lesbian ones, the King and Queen is

    the only exception.

    Please let me know what you think! Frankly, it's a real ego-booster, and it certainly

    makes me feel better about writing this!



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    It's been a while, I know. I got stuck in a rut – not knowing how to slowly corrupt

    Ganondorf. Real Life interceded, and Doctor Who and Phantom of the Opera stole

    my soul. I've gotten it back, now, and have set a very strict rule for myself: no

    updating a chapter until the next chapter is already written. This fic will get done, I


    Thanks for everyone who reviewed in the meantime. Thanks also to Shay, who

    beta'd this last minute.

    One more note: Rabiyu is important. She's not a Mary Sue. But she is pivotal to this

    fic's plot.

    Disclaimer: Defying copyright lines since 2002. Everything that doesn't belong to

    Nintendo in this fic belongs to me. Seriously.

    The Legend of Zelda: Child of the Sun

    by Rin

    Chapter Three: Of Rabiyu

    Nabooru woke to a child's happy laugh and the sound of gravel shifting in the

    courtyard. She blinked a little, threw back the blanket and stretched her limbs,pleased to find that the wearied tension of last night had disappeared. Zombie-like,

    she changed into her day clothes, and rolled up the mat she'd slept on. Reya and

    Link were gone, Reya's cradle pushed out of the way. She was certain that Dinah or

    Aya had taken Reya to the nursery, but what about Link?

    She ran a damp cloth over her face and neck to freshen up, and stepped outside to

    the blinding desert sun, ready to find her son. Heading down the apartment stairs,

    she entered the courtyard that doubled as free space for the tenants that lived in the

    eight levels of the whitewashed adobe apartment complex. No one had objected toNabooru's proposal of a rock garden in the courtyard – if anything, they were quite

    pleased with the garden's simplistic beauty.

    "Good morning, Nabooru." She was greeted by a girl, simply dressed, red hair like a

    spray of molten copper. The girl wore a somber expression unusual for her twelve

    years of age. Rake in hand; she deftly changed the straight rows of fine gravel to a

    swirling wave pattern. Link was sucking on his thumb at the edge of the gravel pit,

     watching the girl with fascinated eyes. Relief washed over Nabooru.

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    "Thank you for watching him, Rabiyu." Rabiyu smiled slightly, ducking her head.

    Rabiyu's lineage was a bit of a controversy; her mother, Naotu, was a traitor and

     weakling who ran away from her Gerudo life to the arms of a Hylian man. Leaving

    behind her only daughter. However, she was Ganondorf's firstborn daughter, and so,

    his heir. A princess, in her own right. Rather than leave Rabiyu to the doting care of

    her maternal grandmother, the King had raised her on his own.

    "It wasn't a problem. He was crawling around on the second floor, so I brought him

    down here, and I always enjoy spending time in your garden." She set the rake


    "I thought you had a garden in your father's home."

    "Father is very bad with plants." The girl admitted, making Nabooru chuckle.

    "Then you are welcome any time."

    "Thank you." Rabiyu tentatively offered a finely patterned jug to Nabooru. "I brought

    you some water for your cactuses." Nabooru took the beautiful, but heavy jug from

    the princess, touched by the thoughtful gift. Carefully, she set the jug down onto the

    courtyard flagstones.

    "Thank you so much. With all the excitement lately, I had forgotten." The little smile

    on the girl's face grew.

    "It's to congratulate you. I think Father chose the right woman." Rabiyu gulped a little

    "And I… I was wondering if you could teach me magic? I'm old enough to be

    learning but Father won't approve anyone. He forbade me to learn from my

    grandmo–I mean, his mothers. I could help with your duties as Queen or look after

    your son or do chores or--"

    "Rabiyu." Nabooru cut the girl off. "You don't need to beg. I would be happy to help."

    "Oh." Rabiyu blushed. "Thank you." A loud trumpet sounded, then repeated severaltimes before tapering out of hearing with a squeal.

    "Ah – the Luncheon Horn. Eat with me today, Rabiyu, if you'd like. I have much I

     want to talk with you about."

    "Of course!" The girl nodded eagerly. "Thank you, Nabooru." Nabooru smiled and

    picked Link up.

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    "Now then. Let's get this rascal fed."

    "How… How dare you!" Tabiya seethed, standing enraged in Ganondorf's private

    quarters. He had left to eat lunch with the community, and upon his return, found he

     was no longer alone in his home.

    "Tabiya, why are you here?" He groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. She

    smiled, humorless, henna-reddened lips pressed thin. Her long hair – dyed black to

    suit her olivine skin better – bristled catlike with agitation.

    "I heard a little rumor last night. I didn't like what I heard."

    "And what did you hear?"

    "I heard you made a big offer to someone that you shouldn't have."


    "No games, Ganondorf, not this time."

    "No games?" He snorted sardonically, "I think not. When I'm involved with anything,

    it's called politics."

    "Then why did you choose her?!" She slammed a hand down on his desk, making a

    carefully blown glass quill holder fall to shattered pieces on the stone floor.

    "Choosing another woman over me – against both your mothers' approval!"

    "You broke my vase."

    "Nabooru is barren – she doesn't deserve to be Queen."

    "My daughter made that!" He growled, "You're allowed – and I am allowing you - to

    come in here and yell at me, shake your finger in my face and tell me I am a fool.

    What I will not allow is destruction of my personal properties as you decry my

    udgment on delicate political decisions."

    "I don't care!" Hysteria made her voice rise. "My mother ruled before you were born,

    and my grandmother, and great-grandmother ruled before them. By my blood I am

     worthy to be queen!"

    "They all passed the Queen's Ordeal."

    "I can pass as well as they!" Power crackled white at her fingertips "Bring them on,

    Gerudo King, let the tests begin. I am no weakling like your beloved Naotu, I was

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    apprenticed to the Two Witches of Twinrova, guardians of the Desert Colossus!"

    "I am more than aware of the titles you flaunt, and remain unimpressed. Nabooru is

    ust as capable as you are, yet she sees no need to inform all that she is one of my

    Agemates, and shared the same teacher. Barren or not, Nabooru has brought what

    no other Gerudo woman has– a son."

    "A Hylian child." She scoffed.

    "But a Gerudo at heart, if raised properly."

    "You can cross that bridge when you reach it." Tabiyu snapped. Ganondorf raised his


    "Didn't you realize," he said quietly, "that I spurn you because you curried favor with

    my mothers, and because I found fault not with you as a person, but as a leader? My

    mothers are renowned for their power, prowess in magic, and cruelty. They wantevery Hylian man dead, and then who would sire our daughters? The Zora? No. My

    mothers want a war that we don't have power, or resources for."

    "So that… is why I can't be Queen?" She asked thickly. For the first time, he noticed

    the red, puffy skin around her eyes. She was crying. "I'm not good enough because I

    sought out the best of magical instructors? Made two daughters with you? Devoted

    myself to you and taken no scum between my legs for the sake of reproduction?"

    Unflinching, he looked her in the eye.

    "I chose Nabooru because she would sacrifice her live to save another – when you

    have left others to die under your leadership. Your ambition is proud of its heritage,

    but you've blinded yourself to everything except becoming Queen."


    "Go home Tabiya. Tell your daughters that their Father says hello." Dismissing her,

    he turned his attention to picking up the shards of his daughter's vase withoutbloodying himself.

    She left quickly, without a sniffle. He heard her footsteps down the rich carpet of his

    hallway, and a new set approaching.

    Rabiyu bounced in, tapping door and bell, and all but knocked him over in her

    enthusiastic hug.

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    "I'm home, Daddy!" Her attention fell to the floor, "Your vase is broken!"

    "Yes, I did notice. Tabiya did it."

    "I saw her in the hall. She looked upset. Were you mean to her?"

    "Yes, but she started it." He stated, placing the last of the glass into the trash bin.

    "She doesn't know when no means no. I'm glad you're better than that."

    "What has you in such a cheery mood?" He motioned for her to follow him to the

    den, a room filled with rich Gerudo tapestries, thick rugs, and overstuffed pillows.

    "I talked with Nabooru today and ate lunch with her."

    "How are she and the boy doing settling back in?"

    "Better than they might. Her sister - Aya - is married to the glassblower who helped

    me make your vase – the one that got busted - and they already have a baby too."

    "Yes, her name is Reya. She's one of mine."

    "So when you've married Nabooru she'll be my half-sister and my cousin."


    "Do you think Nabooru will want to be my mother when you marry her?"

    "I don't know."

    "You think she'll pass the Queen's Ordeal?"

    "Of course I do. I wouldn't choose her if she couldn't already."

    "Do you think my mother could pass?" The unexpected question was like a dagger

    of ice. It burnt and froze at the King's chest.

    "…I don't know." Was all he could manage through the knot in his throat.

    "She never passed her Woman's Ordeal, so I don't think she could."

    "Have you ever wanted her to come and take you away with her?"

    "Yes, but I know you're a good father. She should have taken you too, and then

    Tabiya could be Queen." Ganondorf failed to smother his snort of laughter.

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    "I think Nabooru will make a fine Queen, and even if you don't get along perfectly,

    she's a good person. And you'll have to help raise Link to be a prince."

    "I look forward to it." Rabiyu said, eyes alit with eagerness. "A little… brother! What a

    novel thought!"

    "All in good time, as it should be." Ganondorf chuckled.

    Chapter Notes:

    Women's and King/Queen's Ordeal

    When a Gerudo girl gets her first period, it is time for her to take the Women's

    Ordeal. As the test takes place in the Desert Colossus – known to Gerudos as the

    "Great Sand Mother", all the way across the Desert Wasteland, they usually wait

    until they have three or more girls who need to take the test, before they are

    escorted across the Desert Wasteland to take their Ordeal. So sometimes it can take

    up to a year for a girl's Ordeal to be postponed.

    The "Great Sand Mother" is called such because it looks like a woman kneeling (the

    entrance to the regular Woman's Ordeal is between the folded legs so symbolically,

    they enter and leave the Sand Mother's womb, and are 'reborn' after their Ordeal)

    It is possible, if uncommon, for a woman to fail her Ordeal. There is no second

    chance to retake the Women's Ordeal. Because failing it proves a weakness ofcharacter, a girl who fails will be relegated to lesser occupations. One example of a

     woman who failed her ordeal is Rabiyu's mother, Naotu.

    As there is only one Gerudo male, Ganondorf had to take the King's Ordeal to be

    accepted as a legitimate king. The King's Ordeal is the harshest test to take, but all

    Kings are raised to be able to handle it. The King takes his test on his 15th birthday

    – when he passes, he ascends to the throne immediately. To date, all King have

    passed their test.

    The Queen's Ordeal is a little easier than the King's Test. If you fail your Queen's

    Ordeal, you die.

    Gerudo Dynasties

    King Queen (Queen chosen through marriage)

    Queen (chosen through bloodline King's daughter)

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    Queen (chosen through bloodline Queen's daughter)

    And so on until 100 years later;

    King (chosen through gender) Queen (chosen through marriage, often a daughter of

    the previous Queen)

    That is how Gerudo dynasties work.


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    Shorter chapter than usual. On the brighter side, I have all of Child of the Sun

    outlined, and more than half of its sequel mapped out. Updates should be coming


    Disclaimer: Defying copyright lines since 2002. Everything that doesn't belong toNintendo in this fic belongs to me. Seriously.

    The Legend of Zelda: Child of the Sun

    by Rin

    Chapter Four: Of Envoys

    Sun, wind, and the endless ocean of sand.

    " Are you ready to begin?" 

    "I am." 

    "This ordeal is different from the Women's Ordeal. That was all about testing your 

    ability as an individual, and a trial of courage and will. The Queen's Ordeal will be

    much like the King's Ordeal was for me. Here you will be tried as a leader, one ruling

    many. And make no mistake; here you will face death." 

    "No pressure intended, yeah?" 

    "Indeed. Good luck, Nabooru. You won't need it." 

    "Thank you for believing in me." 

    "Your own actions led you here. Climb the Sand Mother, and press a bloodied hand 

    to her heart. Your Ordeal will begin there." 

    "Thank you." 

    "I'll see you soon." 

    (Flash forward six years)

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    The women's chatter filled the steamy air of the bathing pool area. It was early, the

    sun hiding just below the horizon; turning the sky a pale violet. Floating above the

    noise was the distinct sound of the Bathing Falls. The water filling the pool area was

    taken from the massive waterfall in the canyon, piped to the Fortress, where it was

    filtered for dirt and debris, and boiled to make it safe to drink. From there, it was

    cooled for drinking and general use in the Fortress. But once a week, a portion of the

    piping hot water was sent to the Bathing Falls, where it ran over an artificial waterfalland into the bathing pools. Usually the hot water was scented like spice and sun, but

    today, the baths were perfumed with expensive oils of sandalwood and rose – the

    costlier bath stuffs used in lieu of the grand celebration that would happen today.

    With the onset of her moon cycle, Rabiyu had faced her Women's Ordeal, and

    passed with flying colors, if a little worse for the wear. That, combined with the

    Spring Equinox and this year being the twenty-fifth of Ganondorf's reign, meant there

     was more than enough cause for a big party. As a gesture of peace, the Hyrulian

    King had been invited to attend.

    He and the Hylian entourage were due to arrive at noon, so a pre-dawn bath was a

    practical way to ensure everyone was clean and ready for a day of partying.

    Conversations were turned to what the women would wear, of the games and food to

    be present at the festivities, and of the male company the Hylian knights and soldiers

     would provide for the three day celebration.

    Link tried very hard not to squirm as his mother finished chanting the spell that

    changed his natural golden hair to a rich russet hue, allowing him to blend in with theGerudo girls for a whole month, before having to be recast. His eyes remained their

    uncanny shade of indigo.

    "Okay Link, all done." Gleefully, he stood on the slick tile of the bath floors, tanned,

    soapy, and unashamedly naked, looking for an empty space in the water to jump


    "Link! Over here!" His cousin yelled, hair an auburn halo floating around her. He

    umped into the water and paddled over to her, leaving the suds in his wake. Link

    leant over Reya and took a long, purposeful sniff.

    "Guess the baths really do some good after all. You don't smell like horses at all!"

    Reya squeaked and promptly turned pink. She splashed him. He grimaced and spat

    out a mouthful of water.

    "There's nothing wrong with that!"

    "Reya," the boy said gravely, wrinkling his nose, "Horses are stinky and they go to

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    the bathroom while you ride them. You should spend less time with them."

    "But I love them!" She crossed her arms defensively. "You're just jealous because

    you can't hit a target at all when you're on Amber."

    "I'm getting there!" He protested, "It's not like you're that much better at archery,


    "Now, now, you two," Dinah admonished, wading over to the pair, "Try to get along,

    and let everyone else enjoy their soak."

    "Aw Mom!" the girl whined, "I didn't need your help!"

    "Make sure to get out before you get wrinkled, too. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to

    scrub your mother's back."

    " Auntie Dinah!" Link wailed, stuffing his fingers in his ears. Reya stuck her tongueout at her step-mother's retreating back.

    "And they're going to make kissy faces at each other too. Blegh!" They then stuck

    their tongues out at each other, and grinned.

    "Is something troubling you, Nabooru?"

    Eyes closed, mouth pursed to blow a stream of air into the green ceramicinstrument.

    "Yes, thank you, Dinah. Link has an imaginary friend. I know most children have one

    at his age – I did too."

    Fingers covering the holes that change the notes played.

    "But he seems to persist in believing that this imaginary friend is real, even after I

    talked to him."

    A voice tickling at the edges of his mind whenever he played.

    "Says her name is 'Sariya', and that he can speak with her when he plays his


    A voice as alive as green leaves, as fresh as a cold stream, as playful as a breeze.

    Hello, Link. Can you hear me?

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    Good! A little girl's giggle. What did you want to talk about?

    nything, Saria! Tell me more about the forest! I told you about the desert last time.

    lright, Link. Have I told you about the Skull Kids yet?

    "You said his ocarina came from the forest?"

    "Yes, a Kokiri girl gave it to me when I found Link."

    "Well, perhaps it is a magical ocarina."

    A voice that spoke to him, and always, a small hand guiding his music.

    "Blasted sun." Sir Flasmus grunted, dabbing at the sweat pouring off his pudgy face.

    "Not even noon yet and I'm cooking like a pig. How the Amazons take it I'll never


    "The Gerudos prefer light silks, Uncle. Our wool is too warm for a desert climate."

    The gangling youth riding beside the portly man said, as if reciting a line from a text.

    "I didn't ask you, Ferrick."

    "Sorry, Uncle." The young man closed his mouth, and looked away.

    Further up the line of horses was the Hyrulian envoy to the Gerudos, sun shining off

    his armor. The King himself could be found a week's journey away, tending court

    back at Hyrule Castle. He would have joined the Gerudo King for the Gerudo heir's

    coming of age, had it not been the Hylian princess's seventh birthday. As the

    appointed aide of the Gerudo envoy, Ferrick couldn't help but sigh in disapproval of

    the King's decision to remain. Were the Gerudo raids not escalating in frequency?

    Their pleas for aid not growing in desperation? It was an ambassador's nightmare,

    for the King to renege on a promise to visit a neighboring kingdom.

    The Gerudo had no husbands to care for them, but for their King. Shouldn't the

    Hylian men then be responsible for their welfare? Just the thought of the defenseless

     women the Gerudos had once been raised chivalrous notions within Ferrick.

    At the back of the line were a herd of finely bred horses lead by several guardsmen.

    With the horses came a wagon loaded with precious gifts for the Gerudo princess,

    ewels and gold, wood carvings, ornate but practical water jars, Hylian fruits and

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    delicacies time-sealed in their containers to remain fresh until the seal was removed.

    Ferrick had planned the gifts with the ambassadors, researched Gerudo tradition

    and their available resources to find the most meaningful offerings the envoys could

    offer. All this to send a clear message of respect and honor.

    And even now he could see the lustful thoughts swimming in the mounted soldiers'

    eyes, anticipating the passionate encounters sure to happen amongst a communityof man-hungry women, during a festival full of drink and revelry.

    Ferrick just hoped the men behaved themselves, and that nothing untoward might

    occur. And perhaps, for something… anything, really, to happen that might help heal

    the tattered bond between the Hylian and Gerudo people.

    And that's that for the fourth chapter. This fic will be at least 17 chapters long, maybe

    double that.

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    So. It's been a while. After a plot revamp and a complete mental breakdown, and

     well as getting a life again, I have returned a true writer who knows how to kill

     writer's block. This story has been restructured so I can incorporate this story into my

    own original fantasy series. So that means there are two moons in the sky, and loads

    of countries outside Hyrule. And reasons why Hyrule is isolated from the rest of the world, and how magic works, and why most Gerudo are always female, and so on.

    Yeah. So I can't make any promises about this story except that I'll finish it, I swear.

    Oh yes, and chapter six is written already.

    Disclaimer: Merrily defying copyright lines since 2002. Everything that doesn't belong

    to Nintendo in this fic belongs to me. Seriously.

    The Legend of Zelda: Child of the Sun

    by Rin

    Chapter Five: Of Courting

    "Those stupid Hylians! They're taking forever !" Reya complained to an unresponsive

    Link, who was playing his ocarina as he squatted against a corner of the building

    nearest the Fortress gates. Unruly russet hair escaped the confining turban which was wrapped around his head to hide the tell-tale length of his pointed ears.

    "Shh, Reya, I'm talking to Sariya." He grumbled, losing his fingering.

    "Sariya, Sariya, Sariya. All you talk about is Sariya! I thought I was your best friend."

    "You are, but Sariya isn't Gerudo like us. She lives in the Lost Woods!"



    "So what's it like --" Reya was interrupted by the watcher woman posted to

    announce the moment the Hylian caravan arrived.

    "They're here!" She shouted, cupping her hands over her mouth to magnify the

    sound. The gatekeeper shouted back her acknowledgement of the cry, and triggered

    the clockwork mechanism that would swing open the gate.

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    With a creak, the massive gate opened, swinging open to allow the Hylians entry.

    In they cantered, armor and sweat gleaming in the sun, shining off the dark flanks of

    their horses, the train of mounted soldiers followed by a caravan clanking heavy and

    full of what must surely be precious gifts. A herd of six horses followed closely

    behind the covered wagon, led by bridle and lead.

    "Look at them, baking in their armor!" Link nudged Reya.

    "Like a piece of fat on a griddle!" She agreed.

    "Where's the Hylian King?" Link wondered, half-blinded by the bright armor.

    "I don't see him anywhere." Reya said, face perplexed.

    "But why would he not come when he said he would?" Link frowned.

    "I don't know."

    "I guess you just can't trust those Hylians."

    "You're a Hylian, Link." Reya said. Link rolled his eyes at her.

    "Just barely."

    "What?" The pretty young advisor shrunk away from Ganondorf's thunderousexpression.

    "That's what the letter said, my lord." She whimpered.

    "And he thinks he can just forget us like this? I won't have it." He brought a clenched

    fist to his furrowed forehead, before slowly lowering it. "The Hylians are settled in the

    palace rooms?"

    "They are your highness."

    "And the festivities and dinner are prepared?"

    "Yes, my lord."

    "Good. We'll give them a welcome they won't quickly forget."

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    Evening came, and the soldiers at last had stripped off their armor for colorful, more

    physique-flattering party clothing.

    The gifts themselves would be delivered on the fifth day. Until then, the men were

    free to enjoy themselves. Rooms were provided in the palace, but most of the men

    had no intention of using those empty rooms.

    The night on the streets of the Fortress was thick with exotic Gerudo women in silks

    and veils, the very air thick with perfume, spice and the smell of cooking food. Here

    and there woman musicians strummed guitars, played flutes, and danced with

    tambourines for the Hylian men's money.

    They didn't often get men in their own city, so the Gerudo were taking advantage of

    the opportunity to have intimate relations far more safely than before. The women

     who were married hunted in packs of two, selecting a man and taking him to their

    collective bed. It was a tried and true method for married couples to conceive safely.

    Sometimes women seducing men in Hyrule alone simply… disappeared, and were

    never seen again. Ganondorf's ex-lover Naotu notwithstanding, most of Hyrule was

    not safe for a lone Gerudo, and what Hylian man would marry a Gerudo woman,

    anyway? A Gerudo wife would never be truly safe, let alone accepted. Far better to

    take a wife of one's own and have a life companion to have and hold. Men were for

    children, not for love.

    Women slipped into the Hylian's path as the men enjoyed the street party, turning

    their heads with soft-spoken words, eyes smoky with kohl, flirting behind elegant

    paper fans. They were bolder, more poised than the women of the King's court.

    It made Ferrick uncomfortable, and he flushed bright red as one woman, Voorya,

     whom he was questioning about some Gerudo customs, touched his arm as he

    spoke to her, and he began to stutter.

    She tsked.

    "Oh honey, you're shy, aren't you. My sisters all know the men are here to enjoy

    themselves amongst us. But you are not, no, not for that reason. I can see that. Whyare you here, then?" She asked softly.

    "I th-thought it would be a… a good opportunity to see a n-new culture." He

    stammered, and she smiled gently at him. "I was studying the Gerudo people, and I

    helped the Lord Ambassador choose the gifts for the Gerudo Princess."

    "Did you?" She purred, "I didn't know we had Hylian scholars learning about us. How

    very… interesting. In that case, I know a girl you might like to talk to. Come." She

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    grasped his arm firmly with a manicured hand and dragged him through the vividly

    colored crowd, then led him through empty side streets to a courtyard lit by

    moonslight. In the center of the tiled square was an oval pit of pure white gravel.

    A woman stood on the gravel, a rake in hand. She raised her head when she heard

    their footsteps approach.

    "Voorya? Who is that with you?" She inquired, tilting her head.

    "I've found a man for you, Rabiyu."

    "Voorya. I could've found a man for myself, really." Voorya shrugged.

    "He's shy, you're shy. I thought, why not? He's a scholar, too, not some brute off the


    "This isn't necess-" Ferrick began to protest, but Voorya shoved him into thecourtyard.

    "Go." She ordered, pointing at the young woman. "Woo her. Enjoy yourself. Or at

    least try."

    "A- okay." He gave in, and Voorya smiled at him.

    "Good. Now, I need to find a man of my own. Goodnight." Voorya strode away down

    the side-street, leaving the two young adults alone.

    The young woman laughed quietly, then inclined her head at Ferrick.

    "Well, I suppose I have a companion for tonight. Who are you?"

    "Um. Ferrick. Ferrick Rauros."

    "Ferrick. That's a good name. A strong name." She says softly, and he shakes his

    head, untidy brown hair fluffing in the breeze.

    "The Hylian nobility don't think so. My uncle says it's weak. My father wanted to

    name me Finnes, but my mother got her way before he returned from his travels."

    "That's where I must disagree. Ferrick is much stronger than Finnes."

    "Who are you?"

    "I'm Rabiyu."

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    "D-do you have a surname?" He wondered, and she smiled, stepping out of shadow

    and into the moonlight.

    Rabiyu was pretty, in a fierce sort of way. Her cheekbones were high, her nose

    straight but hooked, her strong chin stubborn. Where the other Gerudo women put

    their hair up in elaborate styles with silver and gold wire, Rabiyu's auburn hair was

    simply tied back into braids. Rather than wire of precious metal, a modest copper wire circlet held her hair back. Her bosom was still developing, but she looked…

    sleek. Her clothes were of finest silk, a flowing blouse and loose pantaloons – not

    heard of on a woman, if she wasn't Gerudo. Throughout her clothing was featured

    the symbolic pattern of the Gerudo – blue and red geometric lines embroidered on

    her cuffs, her sash, and waist. Rabiyu was young, he realized, no more than his own

    seventeen years, maybe a year younger. The traditional bindi  on her brow was milky,

    round, and faintly blue in the moonlight. Her eyes were amber like the Gerudo

    King's, and they were gentle as she looked at him.

    "A lesson for you then. The Gerudo do not have last names. We have only our

    names, and the name of our mother. I suppose you might call me Rabiyu Naotu's-


    "Well then, Rabiyu Naotu's-daughter, why are you away from the party? Why choose

    an empty courtyard over the festivities?" She sighed, and he realized that at some

    point he'd relaxed and stopped stuttering.

    "I've talked to many of the men, but none I have met yet have been intelligent

    enough for me."

    "You mean they've all wanted to take you straight to their beds." He said boldly,

    feeling his ears burn.

    "Yes. Exactly." She said wryly, and Ferrick found himself laughing.

    "Well don't worry. You're safe with me." He said self-depreciatingly. "I wouldn't know

     what to do with a woman if she leapt at me naked." Rabiyu threw her head back and


    "That's good. I wouldn't either." Behind his smile, Ferrick's mind was working fast.

    Who'd ever heard of a virgin Gerudo? He wasn't about to say that thought aloud,

    though. "Though it has happened to my father." Wait a moment, what? Father? Most

    Gerudo women were sired by Hylian men, and were raised solely by their mothers

    and female relatives. For Rabiyu to know her father…

    "You're the Princess, aren't you." Her bright smile dimmed a little.

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    "Yes. I am." Rabiyu said quietly.

    "The party is for you. Because you turned sixteen." She shook her head, sending

    coppery braids flying.

    "No. It's because I passed my Ordeal into adulthood." She corrected. "Most girls,

     when they reached adulthood, would disguise themselves and seduce Hylian men

    into their beds. But I'm the Princess, and heir. So it wouldn't be safe – well, I'm sure I

    be fine, really, but my father disagrees. Nevertheless, it's a tradition to lose one's

    virginity after a successful Ordeal, so we invited many men here so I could take my

    pick. It's also the spring equinox, and my father has ruled for twenty-five years now,

    but the celebration for me, really."

    "But you said you couldn't find any men who were intelligent enough for you." She

    broke eye contact and shifted smoothly, beginning to rake at the gravel. With short

    sweeps of the wooden rake, she changed the pattern from waves to a geometric

    design much like the traditional Gerudo pattern that appeared in her clothing. She

     was the Princess. Of course she was wearing that design. Stupid! Stupid, Ferrick

    you fool!

    "Well, most of them weren't smart enough. But you know; there was this one man…"


    "He didn't look like much, very skinny, but he talked to me like I'm a real person.

    Didn't look at me and see… what do they call us? Oh yes, 'wanton foreign whores.'"

    "But you're not!" Ferrick protested, and then stopped himself as realization followed

    hard on the heels of momentary outrage.

    "And I'm very glad you don't." Oh.

    "You're propositioning me." He said lamely. Rabiyu brushed a lock of hair from her

    face, looking up at him.

    "Am I doing a good job?" She wondered.

    "Er… We'll be staying for five days. I'd like to know you a little better before… that ."

    "That's fine." The Gerudo Princess agreed readily. "Voorya said you were a


    "I'd like to be, but my Uncle doesn't."

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    "Forget your uncle, then. I'm not interested in men who perceive intelligence as

     weakness. Would you like to see our library? We have scrolls dating back to Hyrule's

    occupation of Lake Hylia."

    "Could I?"

    "You could."

    "Then lead the way, fair princess." Ferrick said, waving a hand ineloquently.

    "Come with me, Ferrick Rauros." Rabiyu replied, and taking his hand, led him into

    the shadows.

    I love reviews.

    Chapter Seven will bring the focus back to Link. And then the story will really getgoing!



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    Of Nights

    Merry Christmas everybody!

    Chapter eight will focus on Link again, but he makes an appearance in every other

    character-centered chapter.

    Chapter seven is a megachapter. 5,000 words, people. It will come out when chapter

    eight is completed.

    Everything you don't recognize is mine. Seriously. With some major alterations, I will

    be publishing this.

    Chapter Six: Of Nights

    Ganondorf smiled the next morning when Rabiyu dragged a young man to the high

    table for breakfast. He was skinny and gangly, and very young, but she seemed

    completely enamored of the youthful sprout. Good. This was what he'd wanted to


    It was not exactly true that all Gerudo women tried to lose their virginity with a

    seduced Hylian man after coming of age. It was actually the King's duty to deflower

    any woman who'd come of age. It was a tedious duty – trying to be excruciatingly

    gentle and then despite his efforts, the experience was unpleasant for his partner

    anyway - but he fulfilled it to his best ability. Thankfully, this duty did not extend to

    any of his daughters, though, or any woman related to him by blood. If it hadn't been

    a law already, he would have made it a law himself. Incest was a disgusting thing,

    unnatural and vile. It was these women who were exceptions who had to seduce

    men after their Ordeal. For his daughter to find a man she liked, who would take her

    virginity gently and respectfully greatly pleased him. He'd always hoped she'd prefer

     woman over men, so he could see her happily married, but this was acceptable.

    For Gerudos, breakfast was usually a solitary affair, just a Gerudo and the rising sun,

    but not for Hylians of the High Court, who were used to making a production of every

    meal. So for five mornings, there would be breakfast served in the open-air banquet

    area where dinner and the noonday meal were held.

    The Hylian Ambassador harrumphed beside him, and the Gerudo King rolled his

    eyes before turning his attention back to his most important guest, who proceeded to

    expound on the financial matters of the Hyrule Kingdom. Talking about money when

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    the sun was barely up! How cold-blooded could a race become? Ganondorf listened with attentive ears and a wandering mind. It was a skill he'd cultivated for twenty-one

    years, since he was just a young boy of fifteen.

    Farther along the high table sat Nabooru, six-year old Link and his cousin Reya, as

     well as her parents… Aya and Dinah. Yes, that was them. Ganondorf prided himself

    on knowing all his subjects by name and face. They were a tightly knit-unit, but theyhad done their best to treat him warmly. Nevertheless, he never felt completely

     welcome, but then again, he was the King. He would never be one of the family.

    They had accepted Rabiyu with open arms, and really, that was all he could have

    ever asked for.

    After a long, tedious day spent mostly by discussing the consequences of the

    Haunted Wasteland becoming a province of Hyrule with the Hylian Ambassador, and

    officiating another day of celebrations, Ganondorf thought he was more than justifiedin calling for Nabooru's company.

    Now, hours later, he stretched out in bed – he had an actual mattress stuffed with

    straw and heather instead of a rolled out sleep mat. Nabooru lounged under the

    cotton sheets next to him, snuffling quietly in her sleep. The moonlight made her

    bronze skin look pale and washed out.

    Just down the hall came a soft moan, and a very male voice crying out. Ah yes.

    Rabiyu and her paramour. When Rabiyu had been born, her mother Naotu had

    originally taken care of her in her own run-down room. As the mother of his first-

    born, she'd been allowed a room in the palace, after she'd turned down Ganondorf's

    hopeful offer of living with him in his own quarters. She'd waited until her child was

     weaned before fleeing. When the woman deserted, there had been no female

    relatives to look after her, save a maternal grandmother whose mind was clearly

    fading into dementia, and the Gerudo King had taken his child in without complaint.

    It was hard to believe, as troubled as these times were for the Gerudo, but times

    back then had been even tighter. All of Hyrule had been going through a massive

    drought, and pickings had been slim indeed. No reason to pay extra for high quality

    Gerudo glass, silk, or ore when cheap alternatives were available from more

    trustworthy races. Most of the women had had to leave their jobs to forage for food

    and deepen the wells. Meals were shortened to one rationed meal a day, and duties

    curtailed to conserve energy and water. At one point they'd even trespassed into the

    Greater Hyrule Plains to hunt down Wolfos and Peahats for their meat, it had been

    so bad. The Gerudo race had balanced on a knife's edge of survival and starvation

    for two years because of that drought, and the famine that had followed. The skinny

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    limbs of the girl children and the gaunt faces of the women still featured in his

    nightmares, dreams where his women starved, the river and wells dried up, and the

    bodies accumulated in the dust of the streets, the fields on fire. Very few Gerudo had

    died from hunger and thirst, but the possibilities still haunted him to this day.

    There had been no one to spare to look after Rabiyu – he'd had to do it himself.

    Once she was old enough to sleep on her own, he'd made her a bedroom in a roomust down the hall from his own suite, so he could hear her in the night if she had a

    nightmare or needed him for some other reason.

    The proximity of their rooms had been useful then. Now, not so much.

    Ganondorf sighed and settled back into bed, hoping not to hear any more

    incriminating noises. Of course, silence did not come, not even after ten minutes of

     waiting. Damn that teenage stamina. He rolled off the thin, low mattress and pushed

    himself to his feet. As soon as he was up Nabooru rolled into the warm spot he'd left

     with a grunt. He lit a candle with a snap of his fingers and a flicker of magic. The

    Queen stirred, and rubbed at her face, trying to block out the light.

    "Mnnh- wha?" She murmured, blinking up at him sleepily and reaching out to tap his

    ankle. "Gan? Go ta sleeeep."

    He liked her best like this, all loose-limbed and mindlessly affectionate. No

    formalities, no thoughts of what he could do to her son if she displeased him.

    A muffled crash came from down the hall, followed by soft but unstifled laughter.Nabooru's brow furrowed.

    "I'm going to soundproof the room," he explained, moving to the far wall - which was

    concealed from sight by tall shelves. Ganondorf pulled a few magical components

    from a sealed box, and crumbled them together. Finally, he drew out a single dried

    flower from a bottle, sprinkled the crumbling components on the blossom, and spoke

    a few words over it, letting his power sink into it. It glowed softly for a moment, and

    then settled into a faint glimmer in the heart of the flower.

    He opened the ornately but tastefully carved door and stepped into the whitewashed

    terra-cotta tiled hallway. He pinned the flower above the doorframe with a needle.

    The soundproofing complete, Ganondorf closed the door behind him and paused.

    Good, not even the sound of the endless wind outside the window came through.

    He'd have sound sleeping tonight, but he would take the spell down once Rabiyu's

    young man left. It would not do to become complacent and block out important

    noises like a fire siren, an explosion from the Mage's building (which often caught

    fire), or even an assassin. There'd been a several attempts on his life before – the

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    last had been eight years ago – so he was probably due for one very soon now.

    Back in bed, Nabooru grunted, rolling back onto her side with a soft "Rrrgh." She

    covered her eyes with her forearm.

    "Ganondorf. Sleep. Now." She commanded, now in full control of her tongue, and the

    Gerudo King didn't bother to stop his grin.

    "As my lady commands." He smirked quietly, pinching the candle out and sliding

    between the sheets. He rolled onto his side and pulled Nabooru to him by means of

    a thickly muscled arm around her waist. She made a sleepy sort of grumble but

    settled in against him.

    Ganondorf closed his eyes and let sleep steal him away.

    On the third day, Rabiyu and Ferrick did almost everything together. Even when theprincess had to act in her ceremonial role as firstborn and heir, the young Hylian

    man stayed close by in the shadows.

    She showed him the empty glassworks that brought in most of the Gerudos' income.

    Ferrick was led on a tour of the public armory, the Gauntlet, and taken up to the roof

    of the tallest apartment complex in the Fortress so he could see the distant kneeling

    figure of the Desert Colossus.

    Rabiyu explained to Ferrick about different customs of the Gerudo, including theOrdeals. She even mentioned the rotation schedule the Gerudo were using during

    the five days of celebration.

    "It's so everyone can have most of their time off to have fun." She said, swinging her

    legs over the edge of the roof, "Someone has to cook and serve the food, play the

    music, watch the children, clean the streets and take out the night soil. But we're not

    ust going to force the lower classes to do it all, because they didn't pass their Ordeal

    or some other stupid reason. So everyone has one day to work, and they have the

    rest of the holiday off to enjoy. Except for Daddy of course. He has to be King theentire time." Ferrick considered this thoughtfully.

    "Hm. A rotating schedule. That's… fairer than Hylian customs, actually." He admitted,

    making his Gerudo lover smile at him, and grab his hand to show him more of the


    During the tour of the stables – the Gerudo claimed to breed the finest horses in

    Hyrule – Ferrick was knocked into a pile of dirty straw and manure by two

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    rambunctious girl-children.

    "Reya! Linkyu!" Rabiyu scolded the girls. The taller of the two wore a turban wrapped

    around her head and looked unusually boyish. "You both know you're not supposed

    to be in here without Kooru or a stable hand watching you! Who was minding you

    today?" They looked at their feet.

    "Halya," Linkyu, the turban-wearer mumbled. Rabiyu sighed, and pinched the bridge

    of her nose.

    "All right, let's find her then," She said firmly, grabbing the girls by their shoulders

    and frog-marching them out of the stables. Ferrick quickly brushed at his soiled

    clothing and followed.

    "I think I'll take a quick wash and change into something clean, Rabiyu. Can I meet

    up with you at dinner?" He proposed, wrinkling his nose at the stench on his clothes.

    She nodded distractedly.

    "Yes, that's fine. I'll see you at dinner, then, Ferrick?"

    "Of course. Till then." He agreed.

    "You're in for a surprise, tonight." She said, and flashed him a smile before leading

    the children away towards the apartment complexes, while he headed to the palace,

     which served as both the King's residence and as an administrative

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