
Writing an Effective Thesis

Legislative affairs:effective outreach for NHDNational History Day in Pennsylvania

Copyright 2014 by the Army Heritage Center FoundationWe hold a dim candle over a dark abyss. Charles Beard

The future is certain, only the past is unpredictable. Soviet Historians JokeCopyright 2014 by the Army Heritage Center Foundationlegislative outreach What is it?The process of educating public officials about your programs and how their constituents benefit from your effortsCopyright 2014 by the Army Heritage Center FoundationBenefits of legislative outreachPublicitySupportParticipant SupportOutreach SupportFunding SupportCopyright 2014 by the Army Heritage Center Foundation

Benefits of legislative outreachTypes of support:Constituent OutreachDonor OutreachAdministrative OutreachLegislative ActionCopyright 2014 by the Army Heritage Center Foundation

Starting the processSet your goal.Prepare for a lengthy process.Share the good news.Time your approach.Gradually be direct.Make the rounds in person.Staffers are your best friends.Share the wealth.Copyright 2014 by the Army Heritage Center Foundation

Doing your homeworkThe Legislative Reference HandoutCopyright 2014 by the Army Heritage Center FoundationTricks of the tradeKnow when to leave.Make a request.Do what they ask you to do.Accept any and all offers.Give credit where credit is due.Steal from others.Eyes on the election.Do not forget the minority.Pick up the phone or lick a stamp.Copyright 2014 by the Army Heritage Center Foundation

Iron triangles A strategy for goodCopyright 2014 by the Army Heritage Center Foundation

Legislative CircleWho has jurisdiction?Administrative CircleTheir mandate, your missionConstituencyInterests, yours and theirsIron triangles Find your allies handoutCopyright 2014 by the Army Heritage Center Foundation

the first stepsMaking your 1st appointmentCoordinating appointmentsMeet with the BossWhat to bring with you:Info SheetOrganizational BriefingBusiness CardsConcrete RequestCopyright 2014 by the Army Heritage Center Foundation

Nuts and boltsEarmarks are difficult, unpopular, and rare.Everyone wants political cover.Stealth is good, secrecy is bad.Stay off the limb.Unencumbered fundsPolicy PapersNever say anything you cannot support.Copyright 2014 by the Army Heritage Center Foundation

Non-profit issuesNon profits are limited.Clear all outreach with your board legal counsel.Helpful resources:

Copyright 2014 by the Army Heritage Center FoundationContact infoJeffrey G. HawksEducation DirectorArmy Heritage Center Foundation950 Soldiers Drive P.O. Box 839Carlisle, PA [email protected] 717-258-1102Copyright 2014 by the Army Heritage Center Foundation

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