Page 1: leonardo Da Vinci Academy Wednesday, September 19, 2018 · Wednesday, September 19, 2018 Governing Board Meeting Minutes Meeting was held on September 19th and started at 6:58 p.m

leonardo Da Vinci AcademyWednesday, September 19, 2018

Governing Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting was held on September 19th and started at 6:58 p.m. following the GeneralAssembly.

1. Principal Mrs. Nadiu Summarco welcomed all GB Members and Guests to theMeeting.

2 Additions and Adoption of the agenda: No additions were added and adoption ofthe agenda was motioned by Luigi Garofulo und seconded by Wliss EmiliaMartinex; all in favour.

4. Approval of the June 6th 2018 Meeting minutes: An Approval to adopt theminutes was motioned by tuigi Garofalo and seconded by Carole Lafond; all infavour.

A second motion to approve the online electronic votes that were completed on June21st by Tony Speranzu and seconded by Antonella D'Angelo; all in favour.

S.Business issues:

a) Code of Conduct of GB: A copy of the LDVA GB Internul Procedures and Code ofConduct wus issued to ull members and reviewed in detail by Mrs. Sammarco.A motion to adopt the code of conducts was mude by Diane Cutrone andseconded by Rosemarie Carlomusto; all in favour.

B) Assignment of roles: Chair, alternate chuir, secretury and treasurer.Cathy Tamburrino motioned herself via proxy for role of treasurer seconded byDina Paparelli; all in favour. Antonellu D'Angelo motioned herself for role ofsecretury, seconded by Carole Lafond; ull in favour. In the case of Antonella notable to attend a meeting Cuthy will be the back up secretary. Cathy Tumburrinonominated Luigi Garolfulo for role of Chairperson viu proxy and Tony Sperunxanominuted Domenic Gaetano for role of chairperson. Both tuigi and Domenicuccept the nomination.

Page 2: leonardo Da Vinci Academy Wednesday, September 19, 2018 · Wednesday, September 19, 2018 Governing Board Meeting Minutes Meeting was held on September 19th and started at 6:58 p.m

A motion was made by Rosemarie Carlomusto to have a secret ballot vote andseconded by Diana Cutrone; all in favour. Therefore, a secret ballot vote wastaken and luigi received 9 votes and Domenic 5.

Dominic was nominated by luigi Garofalo as ulternate chair and Seconded byFatimu IVIarandolu; all in favour.

c) Scheduling Meeting dates for the 2018-2019 school yeur.

All meetings are scheduled for 6:30 p.m.

October 22ndNovember21stJanuary 23rdFebruary 20thApril 24th,May 22ndJune 10th

d) Approval to offer PELO classes during lunch hour. Approval of Pelo motionedby Emilia Martinez and seconded by Dinu Paparelli; all in favour.

e) Open House: Different suggestions, ideas and concepts for IDVA Open House.Administration will work with the open house committee and continue to brainstorm ideas.

f) Approval to distribute Scholutic Reading club pumphlets: The approval ofdistributing Scholastic Reading Club was motioned by Dina Paparelli andseconded by Antonella D'Angelo; all in in fuvour.

g) Approvul of Home and School Association for the 2018-2019 School Year: Theupproval for Home and School was motioned by Tony Speranxa und seconded byDominic Gaetano; all in favour.

h) Approval of the LDVA Daycare Handbook: Diana Cutrone went over the BASEdaycare hand book with all members. A motion to accept the handbook with theaddition of the HOPHOP App on page 8 by Emilia Martinex, seconded by FatimuMarandola; all in favour.

Page 3: leonardo Da Vinci Academy Wednesday, September 19, 2018 · Wednesday, September 19, 2018 Governing Board Meeting Minutes Meeting was held on September 19th and started at 6:58 p.m

I) Approval of offering extracurricular activities: The afterschool extracurricularactivities are organized by the different companies und give back to the school. Amotion to approve the activities made by Dina Paparelli und seconded by ErnestoScarpato; all in fuvour.

6)a) Principal's Report:

In the case of an Emergency between meetings a motion to allow IDVA GB tovote online through email with u full detailed explunation of what is being votedon motioned by Domenic Gaetano and seconded by Dinu Paparelli; allin fuvour.

•LDVA has become a Force 4 school meaning students will have a minimum of 60minutes of exercise per day. Being a Force 4 school hus mude IDVA eligible toreceive a $20 000 grant. Administration, Mr. Gaudette, Ms. Diane Cutrone andthe phys. Ed consultant of the EMSB are looking into different ways to spendfunds for the benetit of all the students. School is looking towards applying forother grants.

• Rain or shine on Friday September 21st will be LDVA Annuul Welcoming Dayand Corn Roast.

-On September 28th will be the Terry Fox Run, in the past LDVA has raised lotsmoney and hope to continue to do so.

- September 28th is also attestation day. Please uvoid uppointments for childrenso they cun be present.

-The school hus new floors on the first floor as well as a new sign outside,motivationul quotes stickers can be seen ull over the school. Hopefully newflooring on 2nd und 3rd floors in the near future.

- LDVA cun be found on Fucebook, Instagram, twitter und the Remind upp. Therewill be a facelift on the School website coming soon.

-Maxi RDP has generously donuted snacks that have been distributed to euchclass in bins, no child should ever be hungry.

•Grade 6 students will be receiving visits from different High Schools.

-Free milk program started this week.

-Grade 4 Vaccinations will be on Nov 6, 2018. The school nurse will be sendingforms home soon, if parents have questions to contact the school nurse.

Page 4: leonardo Da Vinci Academy Wednesday, September 19, 2018 · Wednesday, September 19, 2018 Governing Board Meeting Minutes Meeting was held on September 19th and started at 6:58 p.m

-On October 10+11 will be picture day.

-LDVA has started a partnership with Youth Fusion ( UB soft) where grade 5students will design, develop and execute video games.

-Grude 6 will be participuting in a senior Robotics competition; into orbif.

Grade 4 students have also been signed up to participate in the junior level intoorbit competition.

-LDVA has been picked to participate in u pilot program for "my blue print" anonline portfolio for students und teachers to support and display children's work.Currently being piloted with MS Deangelis and MS Jessica as well as MSDomenica in grade 2 technology class.

-Fire drill took place last Friduy, 3min58 sec, little slow, students were onlyusing one side of stair case to exit the building. Another fire drill was held thisweek after school with daycare students and time was 2min 57 seconds.

-On October 9th there will un hour long workshop on nutrition and healthy meals

given by the school board dietician here at IDVA.

•Special thank you to IDVA Summer Camp for a $300.00 donation, thank you toHopHop APP for $131 donation.

-Open House will be held on Nov 15th, ordered banners and post cards. As

previously discussed different suggestions are welcome.

b) Vice Principul's Report:

-Working on new website to showcase what mukes LDVA special.

- On September 30th Alouette's will be having a football game and tickets are$16. 3$ of every ticket sold will come back to the school.

c) Commissioner's Report: Government has delayed the elections therefore Mr.Joe Ortonu will continue to be our commissioner for another 2 yeurs. Emsb iscelebrating 20 Years as a linguistic board. To celebrute the EMSB new mascot"EMS-BEE"will be visiting schools. The EMSB und ull schools under EMSb willreceive and update to be on the same plutform for their website. We should bereceiving updates soon regarding school bus zoning.

d) Teacher's Report: Request cut off time for GB to end by 9:00 motioned byRosemarie Carlomusto, seconded by Domenic Gaetano; all in favour.

Page 5: leonardo Da Vinci Academy Wednesday, September 19, 2018 · Wednesday, September 19, 2018 Governing Board Meeting Minutes Meeting was held on September 19th and started at 6:58 p.m

E)Regional Delegate's Report : no report

f) Duycare Report: 180 regular attending students, 36 sporudic.

Daycare fees will soon be payable online through the parent's financialinstitution.

October 1st is an in-house ped day, school will be used as a polling stationhowver area will be blocked off.

October 19th in house Halloween theme

November 19th Mega animation C.S.I Escape ( cost covered by daycare)

November 16th in House ped day, starting to muke Xmas decor for children'shospital.

Nov 29th, outside ped day, bullseye bowling and laser tag ( bus paid by daycare)

Nov 30th in house PJ day.

Approval for all the ubove mentioned PED days motioned by Dina Paparelli,seconded by Domenic Guetano; all in favour.

g) PRE-k Report: Pre-k started September 4th, amazing start, 7 children alreadyregistered for next school year.

h) Home and School Report: Thank you for once aguin voting in Home and School,258 boxes of chocolate requested by parents so far. All home and schoolvolunteers have been usked to sign a Home and School code of conduct, TCBYforms have been distributed to parents. Last year Home and School gave over$26 000 to LDVA for wish lists, requests, beautification and this is apart fromactivities home and school funded for the LDVA students.

Dina motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:38 PWl and was seconded by ErnestoSarpato; all in favour.

W/?^^? (Ms. N. Sammarco

J. -.

GB Chair: Mr. l. Garofalo

Page 6: leonardo Da Vinci Academy Wednesday, September 19, 2018 · Wednesday, September 19, 2018 Governing Board Meeting Minutes Meeting was held on September 19th and started at 6:58 p.m

Attendance for September 19 2018 ,Governing Board Meeting

Governing Board Membe^Ki Attendânce .;';:î?^^^;ggi^

Nadia Sammarco [email protected] Present

Ivan Spilak [email protected] Present

DominicGaetano [email protected] Present

Luigi Garofalo [email protected] Present

Antonella D'Angelo [email protected] Present

Ana-Maria Di Gaetano [email protected] absent

Ernesto Scarpato [email protected] Present

Dina Paparelli [email protected] Present

Tony Speranza [email protected] PresentCaterina Tamburrino [email protected] Absent

Carole Lafond [email protected] present

Diana Cutrone [email protected] presentAngela Tarantini [email protected] absent

Domenica Marchetta [email protected] absent

Rosemarie Carlomusto [email protected] presentEmilySabelli [email protected] presentRenata Nespeca [email protected] presentEmilia Martinez [email protected] Present

Anna-Maria Parente [email protected] absent

Fatima Marandola [email protected] Present

Filomena Barbieri [email protected] Present

Joe Ortona [email protected] present

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